[email protected] 601 Being on the council, he charms his way into * i rådet the leading circles all the way into the charmed circle. … `… Pushing himself forward, the young politician * førende kredse charms his way up the social ladder. * charmere sig vej * charmere sig vej ind i ngt. * bane sig vej frem Most politicians are well intentioned. * velmenende They are full of good intentions, and go into politics * fuld af gode hensigter with the best (of) intentions but they rarely work out. Even if their original intentions are good, they often run their head against a brick `wall. * inderkredsen * op ad den sociale rangstige * gå ind i politik * med de bedste … * blive til virkelighed * oprindelig … * støde / løbe panden mod en mur 10 Up against a brick wall, many well-intentioned politicians * oppe imod en umulig opgave * velmenende -`- find themselves compelled to keep their statements * føle sig nødsaget / tvunget til intentionally vague. * tilsigtet Back-bench rebellion (U) is a lurking danger. * svag bevidst * fra de bageste rækker * oprør * slumrende * = * lurende fare -`- Simmering back-bench revolt (U) is a lurking danger to all front-benchers. * … for * politiker på forreste række i parlamentet The back-benchers regard the front-benchers’ proposals as a ruthless betrayal of their election pledges. The back-benchers are in revolt over the front-benchers’ authoritarian, top-down management system. dem i første række * … på bageste … * skånselsløs * svigt * løfte ubarmhjertig * i oprør over ngt. * autoritær * topstyring -`- 20 Rebelling against the front-benchers’ managerial style * gøre oprør mod the back-benchers revolt against their proposals * = and their high-handed management style. -`The back-benchers meditate a back-bench rebellion. * topstyret * << egenmægtig * overveje / pønse på ngt. The party leader faces a revolt by back-benchers. * = Facing a rebellion against his authoritarian leadership, * oprør mod ngt. the leader faces a revolt against his top-down approach * ledelsesstil * = * oprør * autoritær * fra toppen og nedefter * tilgang -`- to decision-making. * beslutningstagning -`- Having mediated between members inside and outside * mægle mellem ng. the charmed circle, the young politician successfully * den eksklusive kreds / klike 30 mediates a settlement. * inderkredsen This achievement definitely highlights his talent. * sætte fokus på ngt. Having done a lot of effort to achieve / attain recognition, * opnå anerkendelse * formidle * forlig bilæggelse the young politician eventually gains / obtains / wins * få / vinde > wide recognition for his energy and enthusiasm. * bred / udbredt > * anerkendelse * beslutningstager * komme langt / vidt As a decision-maker, he should go `far / along. 602 The young politician is on track. * på rette spor Having wide appeal, he’s on track for fame and success. * & være vellidt * … mod Such talent is a `fast-track route to advancement. * hurtig vej til ngt. It’s a `fast track to promotion. * = ‘ With a talent like his, the sky’s the limit,’ it’s said, * ~ er mulighederne uendelige often by people who want to carry favour ( with him ). The young politician is brought / pushed / thrust into * indsmigre sig ( hos ng.) / fedte for ng. * bringe ng. i ngt. the limelight: coming into / being in the limelight, * rampelyset * komme / være i … blive / være kendt he is on the `fast track to fame and success. * hurtigt på vej til ngt 10 Confidence exudes from him. * stråle ud af ng. ig`zju~dz Exuding confidence, the well-meaning the politician * udstråle ngt. * velmenende -`- goes to `town. * gå til opgaven fuld af energi og enthusiasme og ofte bruge mange penge Suddenly having a lot of money in his pockets, * have mange penge mellem hænderne he goes to town on well-in`tentioned attempts to be helpful. * << As the plot unfolds the cinemagoer soon has, however, *i> * velment * handling * forsøg på at - * folde sig ud a premonition / presentiment that the young politician * forudanelse om at - is ( getting ) on a / the slippery slope. * ud (-e ) på et skråplan * få / have > … `… The cinemagoer has a premonition / presentiment of * fornemmelse / forudanelse af ngt. -`- rise and fall. * opgang og nedgang 20 Having a sneaky weakness for the bright `lights, * hemmelig especially the nightlife at fashionable clubs and parties, skjult * natteliv the politician is seldom reluctant to go out on the `town. * modvillig overfor at - storhed og fald Seldom unsympathetic to a night on the `town, * svaghed for ngt. * ~ storbylivet * gå en tur i byen * afvisende overfor ngt. and standing any good-looking lady a drink or a meal, * byde ng. på ngt. the politician turns into a man about `town. * levemand i bylivet Having a sneaking affection for fast cars and fast women, * hemmelig * lidenskab the `fast-track politician soon becomes addicted to passion * fremadstormende life in the` fast lane where many an evening develope * livet i overhalingdbanen into a drunken party / orgy. * drukfest / -orgie * hurtig … * letlevende … 30 Having sky-high confidence in himself, he more and more * skyhøj -`- seems to think that the world revolves around him. As it happens, he sadly developes a one-track `mind detrimental to his judgement. No more alive to effects beneficial for his own good – * hele verden drejer sig om ng. * som det nu kan ske * trist nok * ( blive ) ensporet * skadelig for ngt. * dømmekraft * opmærksom på > * virkning * fordelagtig for > * eget bedste effects beneficial to his reputation and career * … for ngt. in the long view – he is sorely tempted * på langt sigt by short-term advantages. * kortsigtet * blive> * alvorligt * fristet 603 This politician takes full advantage of his high status to * fremadstormende * benytte sig af udnytte at * luksuriøs stay at luxury hotels, and be carried around in luxurious cars * luksus `lûk$êri lûg`§uêriês with tinted windows. * tonet He’s often seen accompanied by a couple of heavies in dark suits, wearing dark glasses. * body-builder type * mørk * jakkesæt * solbriller … `… Men from the `heavy mob E/E brigade are prepared to give anybody a real going over. * hoben af tunge drenge * = * ~ omgang ( bank ) … `… They wear sunglasses even if the sun doesn’t shine * solbriller and there’s no bright light. * skinnende / strålende … 10 Trading on his abilities, he is a fast `worker. * udnytte ngt. * hvad angår * person, der er hurtig til at > opnå sine mål * hurtigt especially as to start a sexual relationship and get a quickie. * hvad angår * hurtigt knald As regards ladies, he can get what he wants very quickly As regards a scheme to get rich quick(ly), * = he never refuses a chance to make a fast / quick buck. The plot `thickens as the politician, well-intentioned * tjene hurtige penge * handlingen fortættes, bliver mere og mere indviklet mystikken breder sig so far, fails to resist temptation (U); he cannot resist * ikke formå at the temptation to exploit his talent as a fast `talker; * fristelsen til at . * modstå * fristelse * hurtigsnakker he talks quickly and easily but is often not honest or sincere. * tale hurtigt og ubesværet He feels a thirst for power and wealth. * føle trang til ngt. 20 Thirsting for succes, always waiting for an opportune * tørste efter ngt. moment / time to gain money, power or unfair advantages, * øjeblik / tidspunkt * få fat i / the idealist turns into a power-hungry opportunist. * idealist * belejligt * penge * fordel skaffe sig > * magtbegærlig * opportunist åpê`tju~nist Hungry / thirsty for success, power, and wealth, he * sulten / tørstig / begærlig efter ngt. eventually gives way to the temptation to pull a `fast one, * give efter / and take advantage of people who ask for it. falde for ngt. * udnytte ng. Succumbing to the temptation to pull a fast one on * << * << naive soldiers of fortume, the opportunist politician * lykkeridder yields to the temptation to take everybody for a ride. * <<<< In this part of the film the action is fast and `furious; * 30 changes. * Parasites, sponging on the politician, tempt him into `parêsaits dodgy business. * parasit making money by dodgy methods. * ~ lave fup / numre * byde sig til * bedrage / fuppe / tage ng. ved næsen * opportunistisk * tage fusen på bedrage / fuppe * hurtig og afsindig everything is happening very quickly with a lot of sudden The parasites tempt the money-grubbing politician into * fristelsen til at - * snylte / nasse på ng. * friste ng. til ngt. snylter * lusket * friste ng. > * pengebegærlig / -grisk * til at - * lusket Using every opportunity to gain money, the opportunistic * opportunistisk åpêtju~`nistik politician is sorely tempted to make money dishonestly. * alvorligt His behaviour is increasingly out of joint with his preaching. * ude af sammenhæng med ngt. * friste ng. til at - 604 Spongers who freeload unscrupulously * nasser put temptation in his way by offering him their expertise, * ~ udsætte ng. for fristelse * ekspertise their unreserved support, and back-up. * uforbeholden * opbakning * nasse * støtte It’s a tempting offer. * fristende It’s tempting to think of all the money. * … at - He can’t resist the temptation of easy profit. * modstå > An easy profit is soon an irresistable temptation to him. * ( uimodståelig ) fristelse for ng. As the dodgy freeloaders know all the dodges, * lusket the money-grubber is tempted to make big money. * fristelsen ved ngt. * nasser * friste ng. til at gøre ngt. to dodge / avoid / evade paying taxes. * krumspring * store / mange penge 10 The politician invests in dodgy businesses as a tax dodge. * dristig As a tax dodger, he gets involved in whatever dodgy * skrupelløst * skatteunddragelse * … unddrager * lusket * komme uden om / undgå at - It is to be regretted that some politicians are corruptible. * det må beklages / ærgre at - A politician ought to be incorruptible. * ubestikkelig As they say power corrupts, so the politician is regretably * korrumpere * bestikkelig åben for korruption uimodtagelig for korruption corrupted by power and ambition. Tempting `fate / `providence, the corrupted politician * … ng. * friste skæbnen * korrumperet turns into a corrupt politician who accepts / takes bribes. * korrupt and is easily swayed / influenced. * være let at få til at vakle / = påvirke * tage imod > * bestikkelse 20 Succumbing to the corrupting effects of wealth and power, * korrumperende he is swayed by all kinds of corrupt practices. * lade sig påvirke af ngt. He is married and divorced in quick / rapid succession. * skilt Having a conversation with his wife, it soon erupted into * bryde ud i ngt. a squabble and squabbles over everything. * skænderi They soon squabbled all the time. * skændes Usually squabbling with each other about their marriage, * … med ng. they squabbled over what to do about it. Petty squabbles erupted into bitter squabbles between * korrupt * handlemåde metode * i hurtig rækkefølge hurtigt efter hinanden * & mundhuggerier over ngt. * … om ngt. * = * ubetydelig skænderi the parents. * 30 As their marriage was soon distinctly dodgy, * dårligt fungerende the spouses / married couple were persuaded into going to * gå til ngt. marriage guidance counselling. * ægteskabsrådgivning * bitter … mellem ng. vaklende So they went to see a marriage guidance counsellor. * << His wife leaves the counselling after a brief meeting. * kort (-varig) In brief, the meeting was a disaster. * i korthed kort fortalt * ægteskabsrådgiver [email protected] 605 Referring to his grubby affairs, his wife wants to * beskidt * affære have a quick divorce. snusket * hurtig * skilsmisse Nothing could tempt her to live with him any longer. * friste ng. til at- Dodging the crucial questions, the politician simply * vige uden om / undvige ngt. * … dodged the issue. Counselling a divorce, the counsellor counseled him to accept a divorce. * spørgsmål * det sagen drejer sig om * råde tll ngt. * råde ng. til at - * ‘ I bet she can’t wait to get her grubby hands / paws / * ~ lange sine > mitts on my money,’ the unfaithful husband erupts. * næver 10 Divorced men easily become disconnected from ( sl. for vante ) * adskilt fra ng. their children. * He faces a long-running legal battle, a battle for * beskidte > * hænder / poter / * ud efter ngt. * langvarigt * retsligt slagsmål * kamp for ngt. -`- joint custody of his son. * fælles / delt forældremyndighed over ng. He only makes half-hearted attemts to be on track * halvhjertet * være på rette vej -`- ( for a normal life ). * til ngt. Just half-heartedly trying to get his life back on `track, he is bound to lose the battle. * få ngt. tilbage på sporet * tabe slaget Due to allegations of bribery and corruption, * bestikkelse * korruption the politician is increasingly being sidelined. * i stadig højere grad 20 So he starts to lead a fast life with the bohemian crowd. mere og mere * leve et udsvævende liv * kørt ud på et sidespor * boheme- * flok klike bêu`hi~miên A bohemian is a person who lives in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour. Leading a bohemian existence and lifestyle, the politician is tempted to smoke and take drugs. The bohemian politician smokes hash / pot / joints every * boheme * * leve … * boheme- * tilværelse * * boheme- * marihuannacigaret day and drinks booze whenever he sees his chance to * sprut have a quick drink; there always time for a quick one. * hurtig drink * = * joint * = A joint or spliff (E) is a cigarette containing cannabis: marihuanna, pot or hash – made from the hemp plant. * = * se sit snit til at - * = * = * hamp- * plante 30 Leading a double `life, he is soon heavily (E) into drugs. * leve et dobbeltliv * alvorligt involveret i brug af narko Living a life heavy (A) into drugs, he has to pull a fast one. * = * lave numre The politician is playing fast and `lose. * opføre sig letsindigt / respektløst Playing fast and loose with money, not only of his own, * omgås … med ngt. as well as playing fast and loose with the law, * = he is going off the `rails. * køre af sporet Eventually, a judge issues a summons against him. * stævning He receives a summons ( A& citation ) to appear in court * & indkaldelse om at - as soon as the police are able to serve the summons on him. * aflevere / overbringe / forkynde ngt. > * stævning * til / for ng. 606 The politician is summon(s)ed to appear in court, * tilkalde / indstævne ng. til at - summon(s)ed / cited for `drunk driving / E& drink-`driving. * … ng. for ngt. The judge cited many cases of drunken `driving (E). * citere / opremse ngt. Although he denies the charges and plead not guilty * afvise anklagen with an air of outraged dignity / pride, there is no way * krænket to beat / of beating // he can beat the rap (A). * slippe for straf / dom The police keep a rap sheet (A), a list of his criminal * nægte sig skyldig * værdighed * stolthed * måde * synderegister activities including fraud, speeding and drunk-driving raps (A). * synder Unsympathetic to(wards) everybody in his surroundings, * usympatisk / følelseskold overfor -`- 10 the politician is playing fast and loose even with * opføre sig uansvarligt overfor old friends and acquaintances. * gamle venner Unsympathetically pulling a `fast one, even on people * bekendt * på usympatisk vis * lave numre med who have supported him through thick and `thin, * gennem tykt og tyndt he is cutting off the branch he is sitting on. * save den gren over man selv sidder på No wonder his old friends cold-`shoulder him. * give ng. den kolde skulder Having given him the cold `shoulder, one by one, * give ng. den kolde skulder all his political friends leave him out in the `cold. Having disconnected from his feelings, his family * lade ng. ude i kulden * afbryde kontakten / forbindelsen med and friends, the politician, well-respected and promising * 20 at one time, is about to land in the ditch. * engang Associating with dodgy characters, he lands up in crime. * pleje omgang med / As newspapers link his name with shady deals omgås ng. * forbinde ngt. med and shady unsympathetic characters, a scandal is erupting. * = It’s a grubby affair and a grubby scandal. Upset at the grubbiness of the scandal, people are shocked at the grubby details of his doings. * usympatisk utiltalende * beskidt, lurvet tarvelig, snusket * hvor beskidt ngt. er * tørste efter at > Probably in order to get into / appear in the limelight * komme i rampelyset 30 some of the politician’s rejected lovers go to the press * afvist with accusations of sexual `harassment (A& ha`rassment). forsmået * sexchikane arrangements and dishonest people. * lyssky * aftale, forretning handel * skandale > bryde ud * være i offentlighedens søgelys * gå til pressen * forbinde ng. til * ‘ Stay away from him, he’s bad news,’ people warn. * dårligt bekendtskab His career is, to E/A for all intents and purposes, over. * i bund og grund Many regret his prostituting his talent. * prostituere ngt. Once cited for his talent, he unluckily prostituted himself * prise ng. for ngt. by running after easy satisfaction. * lusket * type * havne i ngt. * beskidt Some people thirst to be in the bublic `eye. The failed politician denies reports linking him to illegal * ende i ( mudder-) grøften * løbe efter / jage / jagte ngt. * … sig * letkøbt * tilfredsstillelse 607 As the last remnants / remains of common decency are * sidste rest fast disappearing, a bad and sad end seems fast appearing. * hurtigt forsvindende Having to scrounge for money and food, * nasse sig til ngt. the shabby and down-to-heel scrounger only just manage * lurver to scrounge some money off people in the streets, * nasse ngt. af ng. and scrounge some food from merciful shopkeepers. * = Being on the scrounge (E), he spends all his time scrounging (A around ) ( for booze and drugs ). Drug abuse often symbilizes a psychic(al) problem. * … blive synlig * forhutlet * nasser * leve på nas * nasse rundt omkring ( efter ngt. ) * * symbolisere / være ydtryk for ngt. * psykisk … 10 A psychological problem is often symbolized by abuse. * psykologisk … Much crime is directly and closely related to drug abuse, and much drug abuse is strongly related to crime. * forbundet med ngt. * stærkt … This relatedness is (a) catch-22; it’s a catch-22 situation. * forbundethed A drug addict can’t get a job because he is a criminal, * and he is a criminal drug addict because he can’t get a job. * The failed politician struggles with drug-related problems and suffers from drug-related illnesses. Harmful adverse side effects in addicts from a mixture of * uløseligt dilemma * -relateret * = * skadelig * uønsket * bivirkning hos ng. unprescribed drugs appear with increasing frequency. * ikke lægeordineret * hyppighed 20 Addicts often behave as being mentally deficient. * som om ng. er ngt. * tilbagestående He suffers from memory loss related to drug abuse. * hukommelsestab He is haunted by disconnected images and thoughts. * usammenhængende * forbundet med > * misbrug -` - Marked by unrelated images, thoughts, and ideas, * mærket af ngt. *= -`- he feels disconnected from the world around him. Mental as well as physical deleterious effects * afskåret fra ngt. * ødelæggende -`- connected with drug abuse seem to extinguish every hope * i forbindelse med ngt. of a way out of the morass / quagmire. * morads mê`ras * slukke tilintetgøre * hængedynd `kwag- / `kwågmaiê Drink and drugs ruined / wrecked his marriage and career * ødeløgge ngt. His marriage and career wrecked on drink and drugs. * lide skibbrud / kuldsejle på grund af ngt. 30 They were the rock on which his future was wrecked. * være det, der fik ngt. til at > Eventually he realizes that his life is in ruins. * ligge i ruiner Stuck in a morass / quagmire of abuse, lies and deceit, * sidde fast i ngt. he sees no other way out than to overdose ( on heroin ); * kuldsejle ngt. * morads / hængedynd af ngt. * ikke se nogen anden udvej * overdosere ( med ngt.) êuvê`dêus than to take an `overdose and lapse into unconsciousness. * tage en overdosis * glide ind i ngt. * bevidstløshed Absorbed in preparations to commit suicide, he forgets all about putting `out his cigarette. * begå selvmord * slukke ngt. So the lighted cigarette sets a paper alight. * tændt Before he realizes the fire, a curtain catches alight. * bryde i brand * sætte ngt. i brand 608 Scared to death by the thought of burning to death, * he manages to summon (up) / collect his last strenght. * opbyde / samle > * styrke kræfter * slukke ( ilden ) Exerting all his strenght, he succeeds in putting the fire out. * = Having seen his whole life passing in review, he changes his mind on the spot about committing suicide. Having seen the light, a new and different kind of human being is born. * se hele sit liv passere revy * på stedet * se lyset * født He gives himself up to the police. * melde sig til ( politiet ) Having turned himself in to the police, he confesses to * = * tilstå ngt. kên`fesiz 10 all his crimes. * He denies possession of drug with intent to supply. * med den hensigt at - He gets off with a lenient sentence. * slippe med ngt. * mild * straf `li~niênt Althought the prison is a most deficient social service, he fights his way out of the curse of drug addiction. He manages to recover from his abuse and get through his term of imprisonment on top of the situation. He retires to a place off the beaten `track / path * mangelfuld * kæmpe sig vej ud af * komme sig * forbandelse * blive helbreds for * fængselsperiode / -ophold * ude af rampelyset and give himself pause for thought. * give ng. en tænkepause 20 Having laid all his bad habits behind him, * lægge ngt. bag sig he gets back on the `rails. * komme tilbage på rette spor the outdoors. * med styr på … * fjernt fra alfavej to stay out of the limelight, Living in relative comfort, he takes pleasure in * misbrug * relativ * finde behag i / nyde ngt. * udendørslivet væk fra byen Simply dressed, enjoying the great outdoors, he rides his bike along the cart track. He intends to make a fresh start with the intention of * det storslåede udendørsliv * hjulsporsvej * have i sinde at - * begynde på > * i den hensigt at en frisk taking up again / resuming the fight for the things * genoptage ngt. he used to fight for. * He definitely intends resuming (E) fighting. * have i sinde at - 30 When the camera tracks in and finally tracks out, * køre ind the cameramen move the camera towards the scene * hen imod ngt. and finally away from the scene. * The film is an amalgam of lives from high and low, * … ud væk fra ngt. * blanding af ngt. * skæbne * allevegne ë`malgêm based on real-life events / incidents. The film has a third-person omniscient narrator * fra det virkelige liv * begivenhed hændelse * alvidende * særlig … episode * fortæller åm`nisient / -$ênt nê`reitê who tells part of the story. The film gives a depiction / portrait of the ex-politician’s stormy / tempestuous / tumultuous life. * * beskrivelse af ngt. * stormfuld *= * tumultarisk 609 The film does anything but depicts / portraits på~`treiz the excesses (pl.) with a light touch. * gøre alt andet end at - * skildre ngt. det er synd at sige at * udskejelserne * ~ forsigtigt The film’s heavy use of symbolic elements is remarkable. * bastant brug af ngt. Each element has a symbolic meaning, symbolic of to> * symbolsk * symbolsk * betydning * symbolsk for ngt. -`- day’s amalgam / patchwork of different cultures and lifestyles. * sammenblanding af ngt. Some films are heawyweights and heavy going while others are lightweights and easy-going. * i den tunge genre * ~ kludetæppe af ngt. ( lappearbejde ) * krævende at komme igennem * i den lette genre * afslappet -`- Superficially / on the `surface, the film was rather light, but beneath the ( burlesque ) surface it was a film * overfladisk set / på overfladen * under > * lettilgængelig / -fordøjelig overfladen ( * parodisk ) bê~`lesk 10 with a strong universal message about human nature * almengyldig * budskab -`- in general and modern western lifestyle in particular. The film is not an accurate / a correct portrayal of people but a ludicrous parody and grotesque caricature. `lu~dikrês grêu`tesk `karikêt$uê So as a burlesque it has an artistic composition which, * i al almindelighed * især i særdeleshed * portrættering af ng. * nøjagtig / korrekt * latterlig * parodi skør * parodi for the sake of laughter, `vulgarizes lofty material * for ngts. skyld and treats ordinary materiel with mock dignity. * påtaget, fingeret The film depicts people having two options all the time. immiteret, falsk * skildre ng. It portrays and delineates a motley crew of characters * skildre ngt. * & sælsom mærkværdig * almindeliggøre / forfladige ngt. * karikatur * ophøjet * værdighed * have x valgmulighed * … udførligt di`linieits who are given the option to do the right thing * … ng. muligheden for at 20 ( do what seems morally right to the viewer ) * as well as the option of ( doing ) the wrong thing. * << Even if the characters are making a lot of bad choices * det rigtige * det forkerte * træffe … valg no character in the film is portrayed / depicted / pictured / * skildre ngt. som delineated as just good or bad. * The Arts Council gives grants to artistic film productions. * kunstråd People who are intellectual lightweights often consider * intellektuel a heavyweight film to be a load of nonsense: * sværvægter a load of crap, bull (<shit), garbage and rubbish. * … pladder * kunstnerisk * letvægter * en gang sludder/ vrøvl 30 ‘ The film is likely to be a sleeper,’ he claims, * ( tyre>) lort * bras bræk møg makværk * ~ læg mærke til det her hør her * ng. som får succes hen ad vejen ‘ It’ll turn out to be a great success – just you wait – * vise sig ( overraskende ) at - ‘ Get a load of this ! ‘ one of them requests. it'll prove (to be) a huge success and get bums on seats (E).’ * … * = * bare vent * få et stort publikum ( rumper på sæderne ) It will set the world alight / on fire and put bums on seats. * vække opsigt gøre sin indflydelse vældigt gældende The politician is portrayed by an actor unknown `so far. * portrættere ng. He will have his names in lights (pl.). * være / blive berømt His fans have fastened a nickname on him. * fæstne ngt. på ng. The director’s next film is eagerly awaited. * være set ( ivrig ) frem til It’s properly (well) worth waiting for. * værd at vente på * hidtil BACK IN THE STREET [email protected] 610 Many of the cinemagoers hurry `out to light `up. As soon as they are out in the well-lit street, * skynde sig ud for at * tænde en smøg * godt oplyst they light `up a cigarette. * tænde Having walked through some darkened streets, * gå / spadsere gennem ngt. * hvor mørket er faldet på the lads enter the red-`light district. * ~ luderkvarter One of the lads stop to have a quick look at a porn shop. * tage et hurtigt kig på ngt. * pornobutik / - forretning The pornography shop sells a motley collection of * pornografi på~`någrêfi * sælge / * broget samling forhandle ngt. * … artikel varetype pornographic magazines and movies and various sex items. * porno ( -grafisk) på~nê`grafik Feeling a sence of moral outage at / over pornography, * forargelse / vrede over ngt. 10 many people are morally outraged by the increasing * forarget / oprørt / exposure of both soft and hard porn (por`nography). * exponering, fremvisning krænket af ngt He gives the various daring objects a quick glance. udstilling * ofre ngt. The `sex shops sell various kinds of sex toys intended to * … titillate people and improve sex life. * blød / hård porno * dristigt voveligt * … blik * -legetøj * ophidse / pirre ng. sexuelt An inflatable dummy is wearing a pairs of sexy briefs. * -liv * oppustelig * attap, dukke * underbukser mannequin The porno magazines show `titillating pictures of all kinds * pornomagasin / -hæfte * ophidsende pirrende of sexual activity, sexual behaviour, and sexual desires. * sexuel aktivitet * … opførsel * … ønske in`fleitêbêl The porno mags present highly-sexed men and women who, seemingly, have an exceptional strong sexual drive. * pornomagasin / -hæfte * sexlysten * sexual drift 20 There are magazines for both straights ( ~ heterosexuals) * ~ ikke homoseksuel * heteroseksuel -`- who have sex with members of the opposite sex as well as * have / dyrke sex med ng. for homosexuals, gays or fairies and lesbians, who are men * homoseksuel and women, attracted to people of the same sex. Besides showing men and women having coitus * af det modsatte køn * bøsse * = * lesbisk * af det samme køn * … samleje in various positions, some magazines show a collection of * more or less odd, weird and bizarre sex games. * mærkelig, mærkværdig * = * bizar, etc. * sexleg besynderlig, outreret In the hard-`core magazines, a motley crowd of sexed-up * broget skare porn models, usually naturally gifted, excel at sex games. Excelling themselves (E), excelling in sexual ability, * sexuelt ophidset / udgejlet * pornomodel * fysisk veludrustet * excellere / brillere i ngt. * udmærke sig i * … formåen 30 the models, often oddly, bizarrly and weirdly dressed, * mærkeligt etc. <<<< excel at / in performing all kinds of outrageous sex acts. * excellere / brillere i at Excelling as lascivious and lustful sex maniacs, * udmærke sig som * uhyrlig * liderlig * lysten * …akt * -galning lê`siviês the models excel in sexual capacity, page after page. * excellere / * … ydeevne * side efter side brillere i … op og … ned It’s pages and pages of fancy-titillating bogus / mock lust.* = * fantasi * pirrende * humbug / * lystenhed forstilt The magazines on display which show a picture of people * i udstilling udstillet having (sexual) intercourse (U) have a label stuck on * mærkat * sat fast på the picture to cover the sex organs. * kønsorgan 611 Some pornography magazines of the more serious kind * have a sex problem page. * -side ( ~ - brevkasse ) A sexologist, a person educated in sexology, * sexolog * sexologi -`- gives sex instruction and sex guidance – advice of ways to * seksual- / ( sexual-) undervisning titillate the mind and body, and improve your sex(ual) life. * pirre An answer to a questions about male or female sexuality * -vejledning * sexliv / seksual- ( sexual-) liv kildre kønsliv * mandlig / kvindelig seksualitet ( sexualitet ) depends on a correspondent’s sexual drive and orientation. * indsender * seksuel ( sexuel ) * drift * orientering Some hetero- or homosexual people have more * …-seksuel (-sexuel ) specific sexual urges, needs, inclinations, or propensities. * trang 10 Paedophilia (A: pedo>) is considered a serious crime. * pædofili * behov * tilbøjelighed * = pi~dê`filiê Most paedophiles have been sexually molested `pi~dêfailz * pædofil * seksuelt * forulempe / begå overgreb mod ng. mê`lestid and abused as children. Some people are transvestites, others wish for a * misbruge / udnytte ng. * transvestit tranz`vestaits sex change and some want a sex-change operation. Soliciting in the street, a troop of prostitudes cheer him with sexually explicit, daring shouts. * kønsskifte * trække tilbyde sig * sexuelt ik`splisit A broad-bosomed `streetwalker (o-f) wears a brief skirt and a pair of trainers (E). He returns an opportune remark. * barmfager * - operation * flok * prostitueret * åbenlys * vovet utilsløret * gadeluder * kort / -svær * sportssko * opmuntre / tilskynde ng. * tilråb * skørt nederdel * til lejligheden / situationen passende 20 In America, a whore, tart or hooker may be called * prostitueret a hustler, and be wearing a pair of sneakers. * sportssko luder He sneaks a look at a prostitute’s ample / full bosom. * svulmende He must admit that sex appeal exudes from her, * sexuel and admit that he finds her sexually attractive. Taking a sneaky glance at her backside and buttocks. he must confess that he feels a strong sense of titillation. * barm * opfordring * stråle ud af ng. * sexuelt tiltrækkende * kaste et stjålent blik * numse rumpe * indrømme / tilstå at - * balde * pirring kildren Walking up and down the street, she really exudes sex ap> * udstråle ngt. peal the way she moves her bottom / behind / bum E/A butt. * bagdel / = / = / = Arousing / exciting frisky men by their titillating attitudes, 30 some prostitudes really put temptation in men’s way. Having taken a sneaky peek / peep at the pro’s arse E/A ass, he quickens his pace to catch `up. * ophidse ng. * lysten * pirrende * ~ lede ng. i fristelse * stjålent blik * = * røv * sætte farten op He quickens his step to catch up with the others. * ~ øge tempoet (E&: catch the others up) * Sexual abstinence is practiced for various reasons. * sexuel afholdenhed * nå op * indhente ng. 612 People who prostitude themselves run a high risk. Prostitutes should demand the use of condom to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (STD). * løbe en … risiko * prostituere ( sig ) * kondom * sexuelt overført sygdom di`zi~ziz Prostitudes run a high risk of being a victim of a sex assault / attack and other sex crimes. Always in fear of sex offenders, the prostitutes work in constant fear of soliciting a violent sex maniac. sê`lisiting * løbe en … risiko for at * sexoverfald * sexual forbrydelse * i frygt for / * sexualforbryder bange for ngt. * … at - * antaste ng. * sexgalning `meiniak A maniac may not look dodgy. * tvivlsom farlig Emotional and sexual arousal is the cause of much crime. * følelsesmæssig / sexuel ophidselse 10 A customer may claim to have got a bum deal. * ~ få for lidt for pengene ( få et elendigt forretningsudbytte ) Maintaining to have been given a raw / rough deal, some customers lose their `temper. * give … * miste besindelsen A pimp or ponce (E) is a man who pimps: * alfons, ruffer * drive alfonseri / rufferi luderkarl who makes money by controlling prostitudes. In England, a ponce is an offensive word for man * * kvindagtig / skabagtig mand who dresses or behaves in a way that is typical of women * or who people think is a homo. * homo In some countries procuring is illegal / unlawful. * alfonseri 20 As it’s agaist the law to procure prostitudes, rufferi * illegalt / ulovligt / forbudt ar * … at it’s illegal to procure customers prostitudes. * skaffe ng. ngt. It’s illegal to procure. So it’s illegal to procure prostitudes for customers. * … ngt. til ng. Procurers and procuresses are usually prosecuted * alfons for various criminal / illegal / unlawful activities. In some countries prostitution is such a crime * ulovligt * drive … * skaffe ngt. * rufferske ruffer * kriminel forbudt etc. * forbrydelse that prostitudes will be arrested for soliciting, * søge kunder and customers prosecuted for buying sex. * * illegal etc. * ulovlig etc. at trække Squalor and poverty lie behind the district’s glittering * snavs * ~ skjule sig bag > * glitrende elendighed * facade facade. fê’sa~d 30 Dens of whores, gambling dens, drug dens and other * horebule dens of gangsters lie hidden in basements and backyards. * gangsterbule The whole neigbourhood is a den of iniquity / vice. * spillebule * ligge > * lastens hule i`nikwêti Crime often symbolizes a wider social problem. * være et tegn på / udtryk for ngt. Many criminals have been initiated into all kinds of abuse * blive indviet i ( misbrug ) at an early age. * Growing discontent is symbolized by social unrest. * <<< Opportune and important law reforms are needed * passende til situationen `åpêtju~ne to help people living in squalor. * i skidt og elendighed * narkobule / -hule * skjult 613 Suddenly, straying into a poor neighbourhood. * strejfe / forvilde sig ind i ngt. they land in a slum area. * havne i ngt. They have landed in a slum district. * slumkvarter * være havnet i ngt. * = Walking up / down the poorly lit street, they notice people * … op / ned ad sleeping `rough (E,adv.) on the street. Some poor, homeless people live `rough in the slums. * ringe oplyst * … udendørs under barske forhold * = * på … * slumkvartererne They live under appalling conditions (pl.) in urban slums, * … forfærdelige and sleep outdoors in uncomfortable conditions (pl.). * udendørs * betingelser, forhold * by- … omstændigheder * i / under * ubehagelig * & omgivelser -`- With no home or job the tramps, hobos and bums (A) 10 tramp the streets asking people for food or money. * vagabond * = * = bums * gennemtrave Dressed in grubby clothes, presenting their grubby hands, * beskidt they spend their days grubbing for a few pennies. Paying no attention to their grubbiness, they lead a laborious and grovelling life full of dodgy situations. la`bå~riês * = snavset * ( leve et slidsomt liv ) for at skaffe ngt. * & uden at ænse * beskidt / snavset tilstand * arbejdskrævende * krybende udmygende They grub (around / about) in waste for anything valuable. anstrengende, slidsomt * rode rundt i ngt. Most of the homeless exude no belief in themselves. * udstråle ngt. as they grovel to people and grovel for money. `gråvêl Lack of confidence exudes from them * farefuld * … for at få ngt. * krybe for / ydmyge sig overfor ng. * udstråle fra as they grovel to people for money / to get money. * << 20 Some street people are nothing but no-good bums (A) * hjemløse who just bum a`round / a`bout all day. * vandre omkring uden at lave noget nyttigt Poncing around / about (E), they spend all their energy bumming (E) money and cigarettes off people. `Outcast people are in a vulnerable position. * bums * = * bumme / tigge ngt fra ng. * sårbar … * udstødt They often live on a diet deficient in vitamins and minerals. * kost Suffering from mineral and vitamin deficiency in their diet, * fattig på (vitamin) * mangel i ngt. they often become vitamin deficient and deficient in minerals. * i (…) underskud * … med ngt. A draft (A) dodger, wanted by the police for draft dodging, * værnepligt * unddrager * eftersøgt * -unddragelse fears to be caught in a clampdown / crackdown on * indgreb mod / 30 fare dodgers in trains and busses. * billetbetaling stramning overfor ng. * unddrager / -pris The police look for people who (a)rouse their suspicion(s). * vække ngs. mistanke(r) Authority figures often (a)rouse the anger of an outcast. * authoritetsfigur * fremkalde When (a)roused, social outcasts often get very aggressive. * ophidset A homeless shelter, a night shelter for the homeless is temporarily closed due to repeated incidents of violence. * ~ hjemløse herberg * vrede * udstødt * socialt … * natherberg * gentagne A notice gives information on a shelter for battered women. * herberg ( for > ) * ~ voldsramt ( banket ) 614 Most homeless people can’t afford to rent a room. Even if a bum grovels, very few landlords or landladies * hjemløs * leje ngt. * krybe ydmyge sig want to rent (out) a room to a slovenly person. * leje ngt. til ng. * ( meget ) usoigneret `slûvenly Even if a bum grovels before a landlord or landlady, * krybe for ydmyge sig overfor he or she won’t let (out) a room to an untidy person. Having nowhere to sleep but the streets, the homeless tramp up and down the streets in search for a place to sleep. Some alleyways are unlit. * leje ngt. ( ud ) til ng. * ( lettere ) usoigneret * & være hjemløs * traske * gyde, smøge stræde A unlit alley is a popular place for the homeless to sleep in. * = * uoplyst -`- 10 Towards the evening many homeless people land `up in * hjemløs the poor neighbourhood, and land up at their usual places. * sove i ngt. * = * sluttelig ende i ngt. * = Some of them try to light a fire using crumpled newsprint. * sammenkrøllet A drunken bum grovels around to find a place to sleep. * kravle omkring He exudes / perspires stinking sweat * udsondre ngt. Stinking perspiration exudes / perspires from his body. * sved * avispapir * pible ud ad / udsondres fra ngt. Others are already fast asleep wrapped in grubby blankets. * beskidt snavset A place occupied by the homeless is often characterized by a disgusting mess and a foul, revolting smell. * * afskyelig * rod, roderi * fæl * modbydelig svineri Filthy with litter and piles of dog shit or, to be polite, * rod, roderi * hundelort henkastet affald 20 dog dirt / mess, the place gives off pungent, obnoxious, * … hm-hm ( skidt ) * udsende * skrap * afskyelig frastødende offensive and unpleasant strong smell / odours (A: odor). * modbydelig * ubehagelig * odeur lugt, stank Flies like to land / light on all kinds of droppings. * lande på ngt. * ekskrementer frastødende * beskidt At dawn, the homeless are eventually (a)roused from sleep * vække ng. af søvn by frisky flies, fresh from a good nights sleep. * livlig There are deep deficiences in the social law. * mangel i ngt. As the lads hurry down the badly lit street, a stray dog * skynde sig nedad suddenly fastens onto / on (to) them. * knurre They almost have a heart attack at the growls. * få … 30 To think of the dog fastening its teeth in the leg of one * hægte tænderne i of them makes them shudder. * få ng. til at gyse having an anxiety attack or a panic attack. Luckily, the dog disappears as suddenly as it popped up * sociallov * omstrejfende / herreløs … * hægte sig på ng. Growling at them, it almost gives them a heart attack. Their hearts begin to pound as if they were * morgenfrisk * … hjerteslag * knurren * hjerte * banke hamre * panikanfald * få et angstanfald * dukke op and latched `on ( to / onto them ). * hægte sig på ng. Strays are usually full of fleas. * omstrejfende dyr Some stray dogs and stray cats are killed by rat poison. * omstrejfende > * loppe * hund * = * kat * rottegift [email protected] 615 The residents of the community are (a)roused by * oprøre the physical and moral decay of their neighbourhood. * forfald vække til handling di`kei The growing decay (a)rouses their anger and resentment. * vække ng’s … Importunate beggars and prostitudes as well as frisky / * anmassende im`på~t$unit horny customers (a)rouse anger and resentment, * = distrust, mistrust and hostility within decent residents. * hos The women of the streets, street pushers, and beggars importune passersby. impê`tju~ne * liderlig påtrængende * vække * gadens frie fugle * narkohandlere * antaste / plage ng. * forbipasserende -`- Prostitudes, going on the street(s), importune passersby * trække på gaden * plage ng. > 10 to buy sex by rousing invitations while beggars, * om at - * opildnende for their part, importune people for money. * plage / tigge ng. om ngt. Some prostitudes and beggars growl at a refusal. * snerre ad ngt. ‘ Don’t be so stingy, you stingy arse,’ they may growl. * nærig Many signs are put up reading,’ No soliciting allowed in * ~ al handel og betleri forbudt * snerre this building’ or ‘ No soliciting allowed on company `premises. * virksomhedsområde The decay has roused the local residents to action. * ophidse / vække ng. til ngt. It roused them to react aginst the state of things. * … ng. til at A local action group solicited the local residents for * aktionsgruppe their opinions. * tingenes tilstand * anmode / bede ng. om ngt. * 20 Having roused herself to react against the state of affairs, * tage sig sammen til at a local resident roused herself to action at a council meeting. * … til ngt. She was given a rousing reception by the audience. * opildnende After her having held a rousing speech in the local council * = a rousing cheer went up to her from the audience. Having drafted / (eE) draughted a plan of urban renewal * tingenes tilstand * = * modtagelse * strømme op til ng. fra ng. * skitsere ( plan ) * byfornyelse `dra~ftid and worked on a rough draft, a commitee has come up with * rå / råt a first draft. * første … The draft proposal has been discussed by the council. * skitseret Having been put into the correct words by a draftsman or * koncipist * skitse / udkast 30 drafter, the final draft of the suggested law has been * endelig udkast approved and passed by the council. * * komme frem med > The local council solicits support and money. * anmode / ansøge / bede om ngt. They solicit for support and money. * = Soliciting both government and private organizations, * anmode etc. ng. they solicit support and money from various organizations. Soliciting a wide range of organizations to support them, * anmode / ansøge om ngt. fra ng. * … ng. om at they solicit governmental and private organizations for * anmode / ansøge ng. om ngt. funds and support. * 616 Draughtsmen E/A draftsmen draw all the parts of * dygtig / teknisk tegner `draftsmên of a new building or machine that is being planned. * Having to pass by several vacant lots (eA) lying idle, * ubenyttet * ejendom and vacant properties remaining unused in darkness, * ligge > * ubenyttet hen ( bygning og grund ) * … grundstykke * = some of them, so far, just being used for flea markets, * loppemarked the lads don’t slow down until they reach a well lit street. * sætte farten ned `veikênt Having got out of the dodgy situation, * godt oplyst * farlig one of the lads stop to light a cigarette. * tænde As he has lost his disposable lighter he asks his friends, * engangslighter 10 ‘ Have you got a light (E) – do you have a light (E,A) ’ * har de / du ild holding the unlit cigarette in his mouth. * utændt A lighter may have a wick and a flint, * væge and burn by light-fluid lighter fuel. * lightersten * letflydende A gas lighter might work electronically. * = As another `throwaway lighter has run out of gas, they * engangslighter enter a drinking joint to get a light and a beer. * beværtning Although some of the lads grew up in the country * elektronisk * få ild * in the bosom of their family, they’ve always had a taste for * i … trygge favn the bright `lights. * byens lys 20 They still have close and distant relatives / relations * nær / fjern as well as bosom `friends / pals / A& buddies living there. * hjerteven * slægtning nær ven Many people, growing up either in the country or the city, * are weaned on a (diet of ) stereotyped picture(s) of * være opfostret med ngt. country life and city life respectively. * henholdsvis When one of them, however, senses a suspicious smell, another one realizes that he has stepped on / in a dog turd. * * træde i / på > tê~d As the sole of his shoe is smeared with dog shit, the lads wait for him to clean the sole. * stereotyp kliche- / forhåndspræget * smøre / smurt ind i * * lort AT A PUB 617 ‘ What’s your poison,’ the waiter asks. * hva’ er dit sprut They sell beer in bottles and on tap; on draught E/A draft. * på fad ( fra hane / træk ) dra~ft ] draft You can get (a) light, pale, brown and dark ale. * lyst Having got (a glass of) draught / draft beer and a box of * fadøl * bleg * brun * mørkt * ale øl matches, one of the lads strikes / lights a match. Having struck / lit a match, he put the lighted match to the cigarettes, and the matchbox in his pocket. * æske ( med ) ngt. * stryge / tænde en … * tændstik * tænde ild * tændstikæske They all take a deep draught / draft of their beer. * tage > * ( ~ ordentlig ) slurk af ngt. Relatively speaking, pub prices are still pretty cheap here. * relativt * ~ betragtet 10 They are not stingy with the measures of alcohol. * nærig med ngt. * ( skænke- ) mål * alkohol- `stin`d§i A motorist going to drive home should only have a few light beers. * * let * øl alkoholsvag People observing drink-`driving should alert the police. * gøre politiet opmærksom ê`lê~t alarmere … They also serve a good pub grub there. * en gang mad foder A picture on the wall shows the landlord and the landlady. * vært Bartenders have all kinds of information on `tap. * ~ på lager / parat Some of the guests are non-smokers, and some are * ikke ryger light smokers, but many of the guest are heavy smokers. * småryger Worrying about anything but the serious effects of * -inde * storryger * alt andet end 20 heavy smoking, the inveterate / intrepid smokers * storrygning smoke heavily, nothing daunted. * … meget * forhærdet uforbedrelig * = * uforfærdet ufortrødent Although their breathing rebels, many smokers keep on * gøre oprør -`- smoking intrepidly and fearlessly ignoring the fact that * uforhærdet they are obvious candidates for all kinds of diseases ufortrødent * være > and smoking will send many of them into an early grave. * sende ng. tidligt i graven A fan in the ceiling revolves slowly and smoke still hangs heavy in the air. * fane roterende vifte * hænge tungt A guest holds the door open to get rid of the smoke. * Immediately, there’s a draught / draft in the room. * træk (-vind ) * frygtløst * oplagt * kandidat til / offer for ngt. * dreje rundt * i luften dra~ft Playing a game of draughts E/A checkers, a couple 30 of customers complain about sitting in a draught / draft. While they alternately move the draughts / checkers * dam * … i træk * på skift on the draughtboard / checkerboard, they complain loudly * dambræt about the cool draught of air blowing in from the door. * kølig If a room is draughty / drafty, putting up * udsat for træk `draught excluder(s) / weather strip(s) may help preventing * tætningsliste draughts / drafts coming through doors and windows. * * dambrik * trækvind 618 Smoking is closely linked to cancer. * tæt knyttet til ngt. There is ample evidence for a strong causal link between * omfattende * tegn på / * årsags- * forbindelse vidnesbyrd om > betinget mellem ngt. smoking and a wide range of disabilities. * skavanker Many forms of illness can be triggered by smoking. * fremprovokeret / udløst af ngt. Scientist have established a connection; they have * påvise en forbindelse discovered and proved a connection between smoking * … mellem ngt. and cancer and other `life-threatening diseases. * livstruende Many disabilities are tobacco-related and many illnesses * tobaksrelateret are closely, directly, and strongly related to smoking. * relateret til ngt. 10 Cigarette packets E/A packs have a printed warning * alerting people to the relation between smoking * gøre ng. opmærksom på ngt. and a wide range of dangers. * Smoking causes irreparable harm / damage to your health. * uoprettelilg Cancer is the curse of smoking. * ngs. forbandelse The National Health Service has issued a tract on * sundhedsvæsen the dangers of drink and smoking with the intention of * weaning people off / from smoking and too much drink (N). * afvende ng. fra ngt. The tract gives advice on how to wean yourself off / from * pjece om ngt. * formanende skrift * vænne sig af med ngt. brochure, pjece alcohol and nicotine. * 20 Fighting a long battle with lung cancer, most smokers * kæmpe en … kamp mod will be fighting a loosing battle. * … håbløs kamp Battling with lung cancer, most smokers lose the battle. * kæmpe mod ngt. Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for many diseases * risiko faktor but relatively small compared with / to smoking. One of the lads stands / buys / pays a round ( of drinks ); he stands drinks all round – he can afford it – he’s loaded. * relativt / forholdsvis … * tabe kampen * ( sammenligne ) med ngt. * gi’ / købe / betale > * en omgang ( drinks ) * = * fuld af penge ‘ Get a load of that lady ! ‘ one of the lads observes. * læg mærke til ng. An attractive lady takes / steals / hogs the limelight. * tage / stjæle al opmærksomheden Just then // at that moment / instant as a guest passes * i samme øjeblik som * bemærke 30 the attractive lady, he dares (to) pat her cheekily * driste sig til / turde ( tør ) at on her backside / behind / bottom. * på ngt. * klappe * bagdel numse, rumpe Normally, men don’t dare pat a lady on her bum (E). * = ‘ Keep your grubby hands / paws / mitts to yourself,’ * holde sine beskidte grabber for dig selv the girl reprove, putting him in his place / * sætte ng. på plads telling him where to get off. * = He pleads ( in (his) excuse ) that he ment no harm – he didn’t do it out of malice. People sometimes behave foolishly but with good intent. * anføre til / som sin undskyldning * i ond mening * i en god mening * frimodigt * ikke have nogen ond hensigt 619 One by one the guests go to the toilet /A& bathroom. ‘Are you waiting to use the toilet * gå på toilettet * bruge … * vente på at - or waiting to use the phone ?’ another guest asks * = before he joins the queue E/eA line for the toilet * tilslutte sig / as some people apparently hog both the toilet and the phone. stille sig op i > * optage ngt. i for lang tid The toilet is lit by a single central bare / naked light . * bar / nøgen A grubby / dirty towel needs to be changed. * beskidt In the need of draught excluder(s) / weather strip(s), * tætningsudstyr * kø til ngt. snavset the toilet is a quite draughty / drafty room. * hvor det trækker 10 A girl sneaks a cigarette; she sneaks a cigarette from * snuppe ngt. a guest while he is in the toilet. * på toilettet An open packet / pack of cigarettes is a temptation to smokers, stingy or, more politely, careful with money. You tempt weak-willed people by leaving valuables * … fra ng. * fristelse for ng. * nærig * påholdende med ngt. * friste ng. * svage sjæle -`- clearly visible. A woman who has many sexual partners is easily * * disapprovingly called a tramp while a man of the same kind * luder is approvingly called a stud like a stud horse. * ~ tyr ( stutteri (avls-) hingst ) Some news is regularly shown on a TV set in the pub. 20 The landlady put / turns / switches the news on. * * It’s the late evening news broadcast. * nyhedsudsendelse It’s a news and current affairs programme. * nyheds- og aktualitets ( løbende ) program A few guests watch the news curiously. * se ngt. The national broadcasting corporation has got * nuværende the news headlines coming up at every hour. A newsreader (eE) or newscaster (eA) reads the news in the news programme / newscast (eA) on TV or radio. Here is the latest news from home and abroad. * -overskrift * -oplæser * nyheds udsendelse * ind- og udland The programme alternates between the latest home news * skifte mellem ngt. and home affairs, and the latest foreign news * nysgerrigt * indlandsaffærer * indlandsnyheder * udlands- / -historie / -sag 30 and foreign affairs. There is television news of politics, and news about notable / remarkable events and individuals. * … * politiske nyheder om ngt. * bemærkelsesværdig / = There is a fierce rating battle between rival TV station. * vurdering, bedømmelse It may be a battle for survival. klassificering * overlevelseskamp Some radio and telelvision broadcasting companies * broadcast (a)round the clock. They send out / broadcast some programmes live. * nyheder om ngt. * ( seertals ) kamp > mellem ng. * sende * hele døgnet * … ngt. * ~ direkte [email protected] 620 TV is a vital link with the outside world. * vital, livsvigtig * forbindelsesled > * verden udenfor afgørende med ngt. The planets orbit around the sun. * kredse rundt om / omkring ngt. The earth takes a year to orbit the sun. * kredse om ngt. Two spacecrafts will link `up in orbit around the earth. * rumfartøj * koble sig sammen The space shuttle will link `up with the space station. * rumfærge * koble sig til * kredsløb * rumstation Some satellites are stationary and some are put into orbit. * sætte ngt. i kredsløb The orbiting satellites orbit in predetermined orbits. * kredsende * kredse * forudbestemt * kredsløb pri~di`tê~mind Spy satellites go into orbit to collect information * spionsatellit which come / fall / is within the big / great powers’ orbits. * komme / falde / 10 At the tracking station they track all ships, aircrafts, være indenfor * sporingsstation and satelites by radar ( radio direction and range ). * radar * gå i kredsløb * stormagt Radio signals are formed by radio waves which are * electromagnetic waves possessing a long wavelength * ( ranging from 10 -3 to 10 4 m ) and a low frequency * strække sig fra ngt. til ngt. ( from 10 5 to 10 11 Hz ( hertz = cycles per second)). * cyklus Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light ( 300,000 km / sec.). * bevæge sig med … hastighed * The speed of sound is 300 m / sec. * Included in the radiowave part of the spectrum are * spektrum 20 microwaves, used for both communications and cooking; * mikrobølger `maikrêrweiiv ultra high- and very high-frequency waves, used for television * and FM ( frequency modulation ) radiocommunication; * and short, medium, and long waves used for AM * ( amplitude modulation ) radio communications. * * * * * * * * 30 * interesseområde * spore ngt. * frekvens 621 TV programmes about other people’s adventures give * enjoyment to armchair adventurers and armchair travellers. * lænestols- * eventyrer, vovehals lykkeridder * se fjernsyn / TV It’s comfortable to sit (oneself) `down and watch television. * sætte sig It’s rather comfortable to be sitting down in front of a TV * sidde ( ned ) and see / watch ( a programme (on TV) of ) somebody * se ng. / ngt. tramping along a muddy track through a dense forest. * traske / trave afsted On TV it’s possible to discover the traces of a wild beast, and follow its track(s) until it appears in `close-up. A violent demonstration is on the news. 10 News on the latest developements is shown. * på tv * sti * spor af > * spor * i nærbillede * i nyhederne * nyheder om A news item is about a blast for the police in the papers. * nyhedsindslag The police leadership receives a blast of criticism. * udbrud / storm af ngt. The minister of the interior ( the Home Secretary E/A * indenrigsminister the Secretary of the Interior) has seen it on the news. The chief of the police is in the news. * ( farligt / usædvanligt ) dyr * udbrud / storm mod ng. * = * se ngt. i nyhederne * med i nyhedsudsendelsen Papers blast the police for (using) heavy-handed methods. * kritisere ng. for ( at gøre ) ngt. Some circles counterblast. * tage til genmægle The trigger for the demonstrtion was an escape of * udløsende mekanisme for ngt. radioactive material from a nuclear power plant / station. * radioaktiv * udslip af ngt. * atom- / kernekraftværk -`- 20 A leak of radioactivity triggered the alarm. At a major leak, thousands of people will be poisoned by radioactive radiation. * læk * radioaktivitet * forgiftet af ngt. * stråling Exposure to harmful radiation is closely linked to cancer. * udsættelse for ngt. People near a nuclear power plant / station fear to * suffer the consequences of an accident. They broadcast the fact that they fear to suffer from everything from light to heavy exposure to radiation. According to the dose of radiation absorbed in the body, * udløse ( alarm ) * skadelig * forbundet med * lide under konsekvenserne af ngt. * gøre vidt og bredt opmærksom på at udbasunere at * alt lige fra let til kraftig * dosis radiation poisoning causes bodily harm, * strålingsforgiftning 30 in bad cases troublesome external and internal injuries, * plagsom in worse cases disablement and, in worst cases, death. * i værre Atomic energy and atomic power are a political battlefield * atom energi / kraft * lide under * udsættelse for ngt. * absorberet / optaget i ngt. * legemlig overlast legemsbeskadigelse * skade * invalidering invaliditet * værst * stridsspørgsmål / battleground, and the parliament is in a battleground state * slagmark- / krigsskueplads lignende tilstand the government has a showdown with the opposition * have > over nuclear energy and nuclear power. * om ngt. Some parties, opposing nuclear power, work to make * endeligt opgør med ng. ( lægge kortene på bordet ) * the government ditch / scrap all plans to enlarge * forkaste / kassere > the exploitation of nuclear power. * * plan om at - * udvide ngt. 622 Environmentalist organizations have sued the nuclear * miljø- ( forkæmper ) organisation power company for having been careless of safety. * skødesløs / uforsigtig med ( sikkerheden ) The company maintained that the leak has been discovered * in time and early enough to be limited to far below * i tide the maximum allowable concentration of toxic emissions, * højeste tilladte koncentration far below the permit limit or limit value of radiation. * grænseværdi Judgement was given against the environmentalists and allowed the power plant to continue production. The responce to the court’s verdict was one of outrage. * tids nok til at - * * = * oprørt / vred / forarget over and outraged at the way the case had been tried / heard. * = makes them express outrage over outdated laws. * udledning * miljøforkæmper 10 The locals were outraged by the judgement Environmentalist’s outrage at the ruling * giftig * forargelse / vrede over > * = * kendelse * forældet The case generated public / popular outrage(U). * skabe offentlig forargelse / vrede No one seems prepared to take responsibility for * the poisoning outrage(s) ( committed by the management ). * forgiftning It’s an outrageous scandal. * uhyrlighed skændselsgerning * oprørende, uhyrlig skammelig, skandaløs, skændig Every year, vast areas and thousands of people are * overtaken by poisoning. * ramt af ngt. 20 People are outrageously affected by poisoning * på oprørende vis caused by careless and irresponsible disposal of * uforsigtig, lemfældig * lov * begået af ng. * ramt / påvirket af ngt. * uforsvarlig skødesløs toxic / poisonous chemicals and other substances, * by emission(s) of toxic fumes and gasses, * udsendelse / uddunstning and by the spraying of crops with highly toxic herbicides * sprøjtning af ngt. and pesticides ( & insecticides ). * insekt- ... Locals are outraged by the carelessness exhibited by * lokale folk * forarget / * ligegyldighed * udvist / rasende over > stillet til skue af ng. * = the government, and the irresponsibility as demonstrated by * som profit-oriented (E& -orientated ) private companies. * profitorienteret It’s an outrageous behaviour – it’s a public outrage. * (røg-) gas dunster * ukrudtsbekæmpelsesmiddel * oprørende etc. * offentlig skandale 30 It is outrageous (that) the underprivileged should pay * forargeligt, oprørende, uhyrligt the price for the cost of a runaway capitalism. * løbsk ( kapitalisme ) skammeligt, skandaløst, skændigt In many people’s opinion, it outrages all sense of justice and outrages all decency. Bias(s)ed ruling and legislation is an outrage against * krænke ngt. * = * partisk the most vulnerable sections of the world’s population * sårbar which ought to cause public outrage (U). * vække forargelse udsat skabe vrede Offenders should be forced to make reparation to a community for any suffering they have caused. * yde > * * godtgørelse / erstatning til ng. 623 Demonstrating against the disconnection between * manglen på forbindelse mellem ngt. the local people and the concerns of the covernment, * lokale the demonstrators charge that the government * folk & lokalbefolkningen * bebrejde at - trample ( on / over ) the locals. * trampe på ng. Accusing the government of trampling on local people’s * lokalbefolkningen * … ngt. views and feelings, they accuse it of trampling over * = the county, district, and borough councils. * amts- Battling for pollution-free energy, the environmentalists * distrikts- / kommune- * vedvarende 10 based on renewable energy and renewable `resources. * vedvarende … A&: ri`såsis the power of the wind and the waves to generate electricity. Revolutionary research into renewable energy is making * til at of energy. * The demonstrators shout their battle cries. * kampråb Some young demonstrators wear outrageous clothes, * uhyrlig 20 They had ditched (A) school and classes. The demonstration was announced to be peaceful although in the event it turned out violent. * … resurse ressource * skabe * vedvarende energy * tøjle / udnytte ngt. Many young demonstrators had skipped (E) school. * vedholdende * tøjle, udnytte ngt. > successful attempts to harness the sun’s rays as a source and have their hair arranged or cut in outrageous hairstyles. * by- * forureningsfri fight a continuous and persistant battle for a society Revolutionary technology makes it possible to harness * ngs. bekymringer * = * pjække fra … * = * * når det kom til stykket Many see demonstrations as a ` fast-track procedure for * en hurtig vej til ngt. prê`si~d§ê political changes. Some see violent demonstrations as a fast track to rapid changes. * * hurtig vej til ngt. * hurtig The government must ditch all nuclear power programmes. * kassere ngt. It quickly became clear that some violent demonstrators * det bliver … klart had been on and gone on the `warpath. * være på krigsstien 30 A minority of activists had armed themselves with * bevæbne sig med > all kinds of missiles. * kasteskyts The troublemakers suddenly attacked the police. The opening attack happened so fast the police didn’t even notice from which direction it started. As it happened the demonstration turned into a battle between demonstrators and police forces. * ballademager * åbningsangreb * * som det kom til at forløbe * kamp mellem ng. It all happened pretty quickly. * ske ret / temmelig hurtigt There were no warnings of impending danger. * forestående / truende … * angribe * ske så hurtigt at 624 The police had drafted extra staff in. * trække / beordre ng. ind indkalde ng. Shocked by the ferocity of the attack, the police realized * voldsomhed fairly quickly that this wasn’t going to be easy even if extra * ret / temmelig hurtigt staff was / were drafted in to deal with the demonstration. * trække / beordre ng. ind indkalde The chief of police had drafted lots of police into the area. * trække / beordre ng. ind i ngt. A police force, issued with riot gear, turned out * udstyret med ngt. in armour-clad vehicles. The pictures show heavy-handed police methods in use * kampudstyr * armeret * hårdhændet * i brug to curb the demonstration. * begrænse / kontrollere ngt. 10 Behaving outrageously violent, demonstrators * umanerligt apparently provoked members of the police force into * provokere ng. til ( at gøre ) ngt. ( committing ) a number of outrages against the regulations. * ( begå ) The police apparently beat peaceful demonstrators and thrashed demonstraters unscrupulously. Pushed by the police, some peaceful demonstrators are landed `headlong. Landing on the ground with the head first involves great risk besides it bruises the face. Besides the fact that your face will bruise, there’s a risk of 20 smashed teeth and, in worst case, fracture of the skull. In a mad dash / rush for escape, some demonstrators were in mortal danger – their lives were in danger. Trampled underfoot in the rush to escape, * voldshandling * imod regulativerne reglementet * slå ng. * tæske ng. * skrubelløst * * bringe til at lande * hovedkulds på hovedet * ~ på hovedet * lande på ( jorden ) * påføre ngt. overfladiske kvæstelser / blåt / blodunderløbent mærke * få … * kraniebrud * i> * vanvittig * stormløb mod ngt. * i livsfare * trampe underfode / til jorden i hastværket med at - the demonstrators were in danger of being trampled to death. * trampe ng. ihjel The police grabbed many demonstrants by their arm to arrest them. * gribe ng. i armen * A police officer twisted a demonstrator’s arm behind him. * vride ngs. arm om på ryggen The demonstator’s arm is out of joint; it had been pushed * af led or wrenched out of joint by the police. * vride … 30 Both his shoulder joint and elbow joint hurt. * skulder Police brutality took all the fight out of the majority of * skubbe ngt. > * albue led * tage al kampgejsten fra ng. demonstrators while it provoked the rest to escalate the fight. * provokere ng. til at The hard `core (E) still had a lot of fight left in them. * hård kerne As they attacked the police with stones and bottles, * angribe ng. med ngt. the area turned into a `veritable battefield / <ground. * have en masse kampgejst tilbage * veritabel / sand A shower of missiles landed on the police’s shields. * byge Being hit by a missile or getting a thrashing, bruised * få prygl the body of many policemen and demonstrators. * eskalere / optrappe ngt. * * lande * give ngt. overfladiske kvæstelser / blodunderløbent / blåt mærke [email protected] 625 Backs, arms and legs of a lot of demonstators * bruised after the runaway demonstration. * få / udvikle overfladiske kvæstelser blodunderløbent / blåt mærke Some demonstrators were hit by batons / truncheons, and some were pressed against the mesh fence. The escalation of violence landed both demonstrators and police officers with enjuries. Serious enjuries landed both police officers and demonstrators in hospital. Many demonstrators landed `up with cuts and bruises. * politistav * tråd- * hegn * optrapning * forårsage / betyde at ng. ender > * < med * får ng. til at havne * på … * ende med ngt. * flænge 10 Peaceful demonstrators covered in bruises * dækket / were shown on TV in `close-up pictures. ~ kroppen fuld af > * nærbillede Even if they suffered severe bruising, and lying on * trykket were broken, and no one had suffered internal bruising. * indre kvæstelser Charging that the police used excessive force against * bebrejde at - them, every peaceful demonstrator felt badly bruised by * føle sig > the heavy use of violence by both parties. * The whole affair causes / creates quite a stir. * skabe > The police methods are heavily criticized in the media, * kraftigt 20 both in the press and the broadcasting media. * ( blodunderløbent / blåt ) mærke ( efter slag / stød ) * være udsat for ngt. the ground, some had suffered bruised ribs, no bones * blå mærke * overfladisk kvæstelse * ribben * bruge > * overdreven * magt * såret, stødt krænket * røre / opstandelse medierne * pressen * æterbårne … They are rapped / slammed in headlines on the front pages * kritisere ngt. both by the tabloid papers and the heavyweight papers. * tabloidavis * seriøs avis A broadsheet (E) or quality paper (A) works to satisfy * seriøs avis * tilfredsstille / mætte > the readers’ hunger for the truth while the tabloids profit from * sult / behov / trang / higen efter ngt. satisfying people’s hunger for sensations, scandal (U) * tilfredsstille / mætte >. and curiosity about notables, dignitaries and celebreties. * nysgerrighed * notabilitet * vigtig person * kendt … * = * skandale overfor ngt. The editorial staff discuss the issue at editorial meetings often until they can see no virtue in discussing it further. The police are elaborately slammed in editorials * redaktionel * redaktions- * intet fornuftigt / nyttigt formål med at * kritisere ng. > * leder 30 ( E&: leader / leading `article ) and columns for * (=) their indiscriminate use of violence seen by many * uansvarlig, vilkårlig as a violation of the right to demonstrate * brud på / krænkelse af ngt. under the constitution. * ifølge grundloven * klumme * < for ngt hensynsløs Giving the police extensive powers is seen by many as an outrageous infringement of constitutional rights, and an encroachment on the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. * retten til at - * udvidede beføjelser * oprørende etc. * brud på / * grundlovssikret skandaløs overtrædelse af ngt. rettighed * indgreb i, overgreb på * rettigheder og friheder krænkelse af * & grundlovssikret 626 It is feared ( that ) rampant ( use of ) video surveillance * det frygtes at - * udbredt uhæmmet `rampënt is an intrusion (up)on / into people’s private lives. Regarded as (an) invasion of privacy, infringing (up)on the right to privacy, it infringes civil / personal liberties. Some celebrities find their celebrity / fame intruding into / ( up)on their private lives. * indtrængen i > * privatliv * krænkelse af > * privatlivets fred / personlig rettighed * trænge sig > * berømthed * ind på ngt. * læserbrev Some letters to the editor are published * = ( * redaktør ) * angreb på ngt. The letters savagely attack police brutality while others * angribe ngt. voldsomt The hard-core demonstrators’ intent is clearly not to 10 placate their critics. Anonymous letters containing vicious personal attacks ê`nånimês on named public figures are not published. The relationship between the police and the local community has been damaged. Some victims of police violence as well as unjustly arrested demonstrators go to or want to see their brief (E). A brief on behalf of the sufferers is given to a lawyer to argue in the court. The victims of police violence are represented by counsel. 20 The court hears `prosecuting and defence counsel. It alternately hears counsel for prosecution and counsel for defence. Massive opposition to nuclear power, * … indædt * hensigt * tydeligvis * formilde / berolige ng. * anonym * ondskabsfuld unavngiven * navngiven * offentlig kendt * * sagfører * sag * på vegne af ng. * skadelidt * * retsadvokat (-ter ) * anklagesiden * forsvarssiden * = * = * massiv are a powerful weapon in the opposition’s armoury & føre ngt. ud i livet * slagkraftigt våben that may paralyse important parts of the society, * lamme ngt. and cause total paralysis of some parts. * forårsage > 30 * skikkelse person * * gennemføre ngt i praksis * * personangreb * forhold mellem ng. put into practice by demonstrations and drastic action, * * offentliggøre bringe, trykke * læserbrevkasse Some letters are an attack on police brutality. bitterly attack the troublemakers. * krænke > * ret til > * privatliv * krænke > * borgerlig * friheds- The papers receive a lot of readers’ letters. in the correspondence column. * overvågning * drastisk * handling * arsenal * lammelse af ngt. 627 The next ( news ) item is about the depletion of * global opvarmning the ozone layer as the layer seems to be severely depleted. * alvorligt Some climate experts state that widespread cases of outrageous heat and rains are caused by global warming. * * voldsom * regnskyl Vast areas are stricken with fatal climate changes. * ramt af ngt. Climate changes in many areas have already led to * crop failure(s), and famine as a result / in consequence. * udtyndning mindskning * udtyndet formindsket * misvækst * hungersnød * som følge `famin Failure of (the) crops and (the) resulting famine (C,U) * = * deraf følgende mean that millions of people are going hungry. * leve uden mad nok 10 Failure of this year’s harvest means that millions will * fejlslagning af > suffer from hunger, and many will starve to death. * lide af sult * ( dette års ) høst * sulte ihjel sulte ( af mangel på mad ) * tilfredsstille / mætte > Having no way of satisfying their hunger * sult and, due to drought, no way to quench / slake their thirst, * tørke many refugees are dying of thirst and hunger. * være dødeligt sulten / -tørstig Feeling faint with hunger and thirst, * slukke > * tørst * være ved at besvime af sult / tørst many die of / from thirst and hunger every day. Thousands of `hunger-stricken enervated refugees, * dø af tørst / sult * hungerramt * udhungret / -marvet `enêveitid their eyes having a wild and hungry look in them, * udsultet blik seek refugee in refugee camps. * 20 Starving babies, dying of / from starvation in the arms * sultende of their grief-stricken mothers is an everyday occurrence. * ramt af sorg * dø af ngt. ‘ That’s outrageous ! ’ a horror-stricken / -struck TV viewer * forargeligt * sult * hverdagsforekomst / -kost * forskrækket oprørende, uhyrligt protests seeing the stricken faces of the wasted refugees. * medtaget ( medtagne ) To make matters worse, a cyclone is reported to have * for at gøre ondt værre * udhungret / -marvet * cyklon `saiklêun caused extensive damage. * omfattende A cyclone is a large-scale wind-and-pressure system characterized by low pressure in its center and by circular * skade (-r ) ødelæggelse (-r ) udbredt * i stor skala * wind motion, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, * bevægelse clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. * sydlig … 30 These violent revolving tropical storms are accompanied * roterende by lighting and torrential rain. * styrtregn A hurricane is a tropical cyclone, especially in * orkan the W Atlantic; in the N Pacific it’s called a typhoon. * tyfon A tornado is a localized, violent windstorm, a whirlwind * = or a squall characterized by a long, funnel-shaped cloud * nordlig halvkugle * lokaltforekommende * kastevind * hvirvelvind * tragtformet pludseligt uvejr evt. m. regn / sne extending towards the ground and made visible * by condensation and debris. * fortætning `de(i)bri~ E/A dê`bri~ Disasters in TV are regarded as an everyday occurrence. ê`kûrêns * hverdagsforekomst / -kost * nedbrydningsmateriale stumper og stykker 628 Lots of trees have been blown / brought down, * blæst / væltet (omkuld) roofs blown off, and houses razed to the ground. * blæst af Houses and whole villages have been buried beneath landslips, landslides and landfalls. * jævnet med jorden ( raseret til grunden ) * * jordskred ( mindre ) Bad weather has hampered the rescue operations. * besværliggøre The fact that many roads in the disaster-affected areas * katastroferamt * … ( større ) * = vanskeliggøre have become a quagmire has impeded rescue missions. It has delayed the rescue; the rescue of people in danger, * sump * besværliggøre vanskeliggøre * redning and made it difficult for rescuers to come to the rescue; * redningsmand 10 to come to the rescue of people in the disaster areas. / -folk * … ngs. … Rescue workers and emergency aid have been landed * redningsfolk * rednings- and rescue them from further calamity / more calamities. * … ng. fra ngt. resulted in outragerously increasing food prices. * komme til undsætning * katastrofeområde by rescue helicopters to resque people in distress, Into the bargain, lack of food has furthermore * redningsmission * helikopter * landsætte bringe til stedet * redde ng. * i nød nødstedt * ulykke katastrofe * * voldsomt katastrofalt People protest against the outrageous (rise in) prices. * uhyrlig Some countries’ trade balance is in surplus. * handelsbalance There’s a trade surplus of billions. * handelsoverskud voldsom * vise overskud være positiv Some countries’ trade balance has been in deficit for years. * ( vise ) underskud, ( være ) negativ 20 There has been a trade deficit / shortfall of billions. So while some countries have a widening trade surplus other countries have a widening trade defecit. So some countries’ balance of payments is in surplus while other countries balance of payments is in deficit As there has been a shortfall of millions of ton(s) in food * handelsunderskud * voksende * = * … underskud * betalingsbalance * underskud * katastrofalt food shortage / shortage of food in some countries. * mangel (på) * have ( … ) overskud 30 Some countries have a big surplus in agricultural * stort overskud production – a surplus of millions of tonne(s) / metric ton(s) * … på ngt. while other countries have a big deficit in food supply * … underskud i ngt. – a deficit of a disastrous size. * … på ngt. the the hungry people to cover the shortfall in food supply. Aiming at the needy, charity is aimed at helping them. * ton (-s) / metrisk ton (-s) 1000 kg / kilos / kilogram(me)s * overskydende * sultende Now targeting the hungry in the stricken areas, the orga> * rette sigtet mod ng. nizations aim to alleviate / at easing (their) suffering(s). * E : a long ton = 2 240 pounds A : a short ton = 2 000 … * have ( … ) underskud other countries have considerable agricultural surplusses. Surplus grain and other foods need to be distributed to * ( vise ) overskud * ( vise ) underskud production in some coutries, there is a calamitous While some countries have disastrous food deficits, * … overskud * sigte på at - * dække * sultende * underskud * berørt, ramt hjemsøgt * afhjæpe ngt. * rette sigtet > * de nødlidende * være rettet mod at mod ng. 629 The newsreader progresses to a current dispute about * gå videre til ngt. preferential treatment or positive discrimination. The present dispute over means of integration * strid / uenighed om ngt. * positiv særbehandling * << * middel / redskab til ngt. * integration relates to racial prejudice(s) (U,C) in relation to * forholde sig til / * ( racefordomme ) * i forhold til ngt. measures to improve race relations. * foranstaltninger til at - angå ngt. The dispute in progress concerns measures to be taken to improve relations between different races. Unfortunately there have been sporadic racial attacks on racefordomsfuldhed * igangværende * racerelationer * ~ midler, der skal tages i brug * relationer mellem ng. * racistisk foreigners. * 10 Racial attacks are poisoning relations between races. * forgifte ngt. * angreb / overfald på ng. * forholdene mellem ng. Television violence poisons the minds of some people. * = Racial hatred is a poison that destroys people’s minds. * racehad Racists on either side try to poison their adherent’s minds * forgifte ngs. indstilling > against other races. Inopportune racist remarks serve only to bruise people’s feelings, and poison the atmosphere still further. * gift der - * overfor ng. * upassende for situationen * følelser * fornærme / såre > * forgifte … * endnu mere The poison of racial hatred destroys peaceful coexistence. * den forgiftende virkning af ngt. In some countries knife attacks, bomb attacks * knivoverfald and arson attacks on differently thinking people are * brandstiftelse 20 common / everyday / frequent / regular occurrences. * almindeligt forekommende hændelse * bombeangreb ildspåsættelse hverdagskost Even if measures have been taken to alleviate the problem, * lette ngt. the situation becomes a political and military quagmire. * hængedynd A political arm of a rebel movement or terrorist organization * … gren work by political means. * On a lighter note / vein they end the news item with a story * i den letter genre about an old song having the offensive name dark(e)y * = or darkie for a negro replaced with Afro-American. * = The offensive name refers to blacks or black people, * sorte a black man or black woman originally black slaves * sort … 30 caught among natives in Darkest Africa. * det mørke Afrika The name Negro (<es) is often considered offensive while * sorte personer * … * … * neger nigger, as associated to racial segregation, is very offensive. * nigger * raceadskillelse It’s disputable whether political correctness is an example * politisk korrekthed of overprotection in the war against racism. In some cultures, even if there’s no racial discrimination, the darkness of the skin matters socially . * overbeskyttelse * kamp mod > * racisme * racediscrimination * mørkhed * betyde noget socialt [email protected] 630 ‘ Now the rest of the news in brief, ‘ the newsreader * kort announces. * Two railway carriages (E) disconnected. * jernbanepassagervogn * adskilles, skilles ( fra ) rive sig / bryde løs -`- Having disconnected from the rest of train, one carriage ran off the `rails // jumped the rails E/A tracks / de`railed. A defective linkage caused (a) derailment. * … fra * løbe af sporet * hoppe af sporet * sammenkoblingssysten * løbe af sporet * afsporing -`- A defective linkage between two coaches (E) caused * kobling mellem * passagervogn the disconnection that derailed the train. * adskillelse -`The vehicle that pulls a train is called a railway engine (E), * tog a locomotive (eA) or a railroad engine (A). * afspore ngt. * ( jernbane- ) lokomotiv togstamme * lokomotiv lêukê`mêutiv 10 Besides carriages or coaches, a passenger train may * passager- / persontog have sleeping cars, a dining / E& restaurant car and a van. * sovevogn A goods train (E) is a train of (goods) wag(g)ons, trucks * spisevogn * godstog * række togstamme * lukket vogn til bagage / post * åben godsvogn or box wag(g)ons, perhaps pulled by a goods engine. * lukket … * godslokomotiv In America a railway is a rail-line with lighter-weight * jernbane * jernbanelinie equipment and roadbed than a main-line railroad. * banefundament / -leje ballast The locomotive or railroad engine pulls a train of * togstamme loukê`moutiv ( rail> ) cars. A passenger train has passenger cars, perhaps sleeping cars and a dining car. * ( jernbane-) vogn * -vogn * sovevogn 20 A freight train is a train of freight cars, perhaps boxcars * godstog and perhaps pulled by a freight engine (A). * godslokomotiv * spisevogn * godsvogn * lukket … SPORT(S) (E: U,C) / (A: pl.) SPORTS * sport idræt 631 The major sporting events are shown on TV. Sporty (E) people, people interested in sport(s), liking * sportsbegivenhed * sportsinteresseret god til sport sport(s) or good at sport(s) (A), usually watch sport(s) on TV. * They watch their favourite sports and sporting events. * sportsgren Many people’s main sporting interest is football. * sports- Others complain that there’s too much sport (E) on TV. * beklage / brokke sig over at - They grumble that there are too many sports broadcasts. * = They complain, grumble, gripe, grouch, grouse, * … sig > * sportsbegivenhed `bellyache, beef, moan, and whinge about it. * over ngt. 10 Playing sports, a lot of people are take part in a sport, * dyrke … * deltage / være med i > * sport (-sgren ) perhaps joining a sports club and a sports team. * -klub * -hold Some prefer to go in for / engage in a dangerous sport. * dyrke * sportsgren Today’s sporting facilities, sports grounds * -facilitet and sports equipment provide a wide range of * -udstyr sporting activities within indoor and outdoor sports, * -aktivitet field sports, water sports, winter sports and other sports. * bane- Sports centres (E) where people can go to do sport (E) * -plads * indendørs* vand- * = at school when children compete in sports events, * sports-/ idrætsdisciplin 20 help to stimulate (an) interest in sporting activity /<ies. * -udøvelse / -aktiviteter * idrætsfolk / -mænd / -kvinder sportsmen (eE) and sportswomen prefer a team sport to an individual sport. * individuel / enkeltmands* sportsåndsindstillet or sportswoman, who is fair and generous in his or her * -kvinde treatmen of other people, especially in a game or sport, * e.g. someone who sportingly agrees to play the point again. * i bedste sportsånd Some people prefer sports taking place in the countryside * 30 Some people are strongly opposed to blood sports, * ~ jagt sports which involve killing animals. * and a sporting goods store (A) sells sporting goods. * -folk * = * -personer * hold- * sportsperson * -mand * spille pointet om * friluftssport like hunting and fishing. A sports ( goods ) shop (E) sells sports goods, * dyrke … * idrætsdag sports* = A sporting (eE) athlete is a sportsperson, a sportsman * vinter- * sports- / idrætscenter or play sports (eA), and sports days (E) or field days (A) Some athletes, sportspeople (eE) or sportspersons, * udesdørs * sportsforretning * = * -udstyr * = They also sell sportswear and sporty clothes. * sportsbeklædning * sportsagtig You play football, go riding E/A go horseback riding * spille ( gå til ) ngt. * gå til / ( dyrke ) ngt. go boxing / dancing, go to / do aerobics / judo etc. * = 632 Some sports are really spectator sports. Armchair fans seldom go and watch a match where it really happens. Some programmes are broadcasted and shown live while others are prerecorded and shown on `replay. * tilskuer sport * ~ sofatilhænger * tage ind / hen / ud og se * * = * optaget på forhånd * på … ( genvisning ) * genvise ngt. -`- A part ot a live programme may be replayed perhaps to see something in slow motion on replay. Some sporting events ending in a draw are replayed * direkte * = * genvisning * ende uafgjort * spille ngt. om in order to decide the match in a replay. * omkamp 10 In the sports news, the sports reporter tells about * … nyheder the sporting events. * sportsbegivenhed In the sportscast (A) a sportscaster tells about sports. * sportsudsendelse A sports item is about the national boxing championship and the new boxing champions. Dark `horse (E) lightweight Will Smith won lightweight, and became lightweight champion. * -reporter * -reporter * -indslag * boksemester * = hidtil ukendt * letvægter * letvægt succesfuld deltager * … mester The loser is still waiting for a championship. * vente på ngt. Speaking fast, the reporter announced the heavyweight * tale hurtigt sværvægts- championship as the last event of the boxing meeting. * mesterdkab * disciplin / kamp 20 In heavyweight, last year’s champ, a real bruiser, * sværvægt * mester * person, der går hårdt til den profits from his opponent’s relative lack of experience, * relative mangel and retains his national crown. * genvinde ngt. He didn’t pull his punches and connected (eA) well (with his opponent) in the last round. * boksestævne * mesterskab * holde sig tilbage * ramme * omgang His opponent did’nt have a sporting chance ( of winning ). * en ærlig chance ( for at gøre ngt.) Having felt a surge of pain, his opponent barely realized * væld how his legs had rebelled him. * nægte at lystre ng. -`- The bruiser had pulled his punches and sportingly * holde sig tilbage * sportsmandsagtigt spared his opponent a dangerous `knockout (KO) . * spare ng. for ngt. * knockout 30 So he had won on technical knockout (TKO), * tekninsk knockout the termination of a bout by the referee when it is * afbrydelse / afslutning af ngt. the judgement of the attending physician, a boxer’s * læge seconds, or the referee that a boxer cannot continue fighting * sekundant without suffering / sustaining severe or disabling injury. * lide / pådrage sig / udsætte sig for > It was sporting of the champ to spare his opponent. * sportsligt af ng. He is praised for a sportsmanlike attitude / behaviour – * sportsmandsagtig for fair play and good sportsmanship. Most people condemn unsporting behaviour. * = * usportslig * dyst kamp * skade kvæstelse * sportsmandsånd 633 Landing up with bruises on his face, a black eye, * ende med > * ~ blå mærker * i ansigtet * ~ blåt øje an injured eyebrow, and his face smeared with blood, * smurt ind i ngt. the loser looked like he had been in the `wars. * ( ilde tilredt ) som om ng. havde været i krig Having had a too high opinion of himself , he felt bruised by the defeat and suffered a bruised ego. In the event that an accident happens, a physician is always present at a boxing meeting. In the event of an accident, he is able to perform * føle sig > * såret, stødt krænket * jeg * = * i tilfælde af at * * i tilfælde af ngt. life-saving treatment. * livreddende 10 Thinking he’s got a sporting chance ( of winning it ), * the champ is determined to go on and win the world crown * mesterskabstitel en fair chance ( for at gøre ngt.) CRICKET and BASEBALL If a fast thrower – a bowler or pitcher – does well with * hurtig * kaster * kricket- * baseball- * gøre ngt. godt a throw, the batter may swing at the ball but not connect (eA). * slåer * ramme He may not connect with the ball. * … ngt. If the ground, field or pitch is fast, * underlag * ( fodbold ) bane it allows a player or the ball to run fast (adv.). * baseballkast * hurtig / kricketbanestykke * hurtigt BIKING and RACING A mountain bike is designed for riding on rough ground 20 and on steep mountain tracks. Various tracks or racetracks with special surfaces * udforme ngt. til ngt. * sti * bane are designed for races between people, motorcycles, cars * and, in America, horses. * * løbsbane In horseracing, racehorses race on a racecourse / <track. * hestevæddeløb * væddeløbshest * væddeløbsbane In a horse race, the jockey uses a short whip to whip / lash the racehorse to make it gallop faster. In a trotting race, on a trotting course / track * ~ galopløb * jockey * piske ng. * ~ galophest * trav- * ~løb the sulky driver uses a long whip with a lash at the end * sulky * ~kusk to make the trotter / trotter horse trot faster. * travhest 30 A dirt track is designed for motorcycle racing * slaggebane or dirt-track race, a race between racing motorcyclists. * = A checkered / E& chequered flag is covered with black * galopere * trav- * pisk * bane * ( piske- ) snert * trave * motorcykelracerkører * ternet and white squares used at car / motor racing * bilracerkørsel and waved at the beginning and end of a car / motor race. * bil- / motorløb A race track and a racing car /A& race car may have * pisk * racerbane a checkered / chequered history as well as a racing driver * broget or racer may have a checkered / chequered career. * racerkører * racerbil * racerkører * = 634 An athletics meeting E/A a track meet comprises * atletik stævne a number of track events and field events. * løbe- * kast- og springdisciplin / -konkurrence In Britain an athlete goes in for / engage in athletics. * ~ dyrke atletik In America they go in for / engage in track and `field. * = The standard track events include the 100 metres etc. * løbedisciplin * 100 meter løb and races over 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5 000, and 10 000 m; / -konkurrence * løb over ngt. the hurdles: the 110 m and 400 m hurdles; * hækkeløb the relay: the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 m relay races; * stafetløb the 3000 m steeple chase; the marathon ( 42.195 km ); * forhindringsløb 10 and the walk; the 20 km walking race. * kapgang * kilometer ( se >> ) One kilometre E/eA kilometer equals 1000 metres / meters. * kilometer `kilêmi~tê / ki`låmitê Running the 100 metres, athletes run a 100 metres, and running the relay, they run in relays and hand over a baton. * løbe 100 meterløb * stafetløb * på skift * stafet `batån E/A ba`tå~n Running the hurdles, they run and jump a 110 or 400 m, as they have to jump ( over ) a number of hurdles. * hækkeløb * hoppe ngt. * springe over ngt. * ~ hæk The steeple chase is run over a course having obstacles. * forhindringsløb* bane The field events are the long jump, the triple jump, * forhindring * kast- & springdisciplin the high jump, the pole vault, the shot put, the discus, * længde* tre/ -konkurrence * stangspring * kuglestød * discos- * hammerkast the hammer, and the javelin. * spydkast The athletes do the long, the high and the triple jump, * ~ springe ( længde-, højde-, trespring ) throw the discus, the hammer or the javelin, * kaste > 20 or put the shot. * støde > Some athletes compete in triathlon, modern pentathlon, or pentathlon ( for women ) or decathlon ( for men ). The running races E/A track events take place on the running track. * discos * hammerkast * spyd * kugle * trekamp * femkamp * tikamp * konkurrenceløb * løbebane An athlete who runs track may joins a track team, and be a famous track star. * løbe > * atletikløb * hold * atletikstjerne To run the 800 metres one has to run two laps of the track. * omgang An athlete is often overtaken on the final lap. * atletik- * overhale ng. * bane * på sidste omgang -`- When winners do a lap of honour E/A a victory lap, 30 they go around the track again to celebrate winning. Today’s synthetic surfaces create fast fields and tracks. * gå / løbe / køre æresrunde * * syntetisk A street race may end with a number of laps of a city centre * omgang af ngt. circuit. Many sporting events take place, many meetings are held, and many games are played under floodlights. * … sejrsrunde * rundtur * * i projektørlys * overflade underlag DOPING [email protected] 635 When not in action, an athlete may wear a jogging suit / * jogging sæt / dragt træningstøj a shell suit / a tracksuit EEE/A sweats of which the jacket * = is called a sweatshirt (EA) while the trousers E/A pants * træningstrøje are called tracksuit bottoms E/A sweatpants. * - bukser The sports news proceeds to an item about the illegal use of drugs in sport(s). Two athletes who finished in a joint first place fell / came under suspicion for doping. The athletes had to submit themselves to a doping test. * * * delt … plads * komme under mistanke om ngt. * underkaste sig ngt. 10 One of the winners failed the dope test while * dumpe til … the other one passed it and was in the clear. * bestå * doping- * være renset Something is out of joint in professional sport(s). * noget er af lave indenfor ngt. Newspapers have linked named athletes with doping * kæde ng. > and shady doctors. A paper has come into possession of documents * navngiven * komme i besiddelse af ngt. * vedrørende a doctor and some successful athletes. * * forbindelse mellem ng. * fabrikeret manufactured by an unscrupulous journalist. * = 20 Some doctors have a armoury of shady drugs available. * arsenal af ngt. The paper asks a number of related questions. * sagen vedrørende In possession of these documents, * i besiddelse af ngt. the paper relates some facts of the case to the public. The police have no comments referring to / in relation to * sammen med ngt. * lyssky relating to / concerning a shady connection between The doctor claim the news story to be fabricated / * test * berette ngt. * i relation / forhold til / vedrørende ngt. / concerning the matter. They have so far failed to establish a connection; * = * etablere en forbindelse they have failed to discover, establish, and prove * opdage > a connection between certain doctors and doping. * forbindelse mellem ng. og ngt. The evidence was there in a doctors file, but no one 30 made the connection. * etablere > * vidnesbyrd * dokumentmappe arkiv, kartotek * skabe forbindelsen There is evidence to associate certain facts and people. * bevismateriale til at - It becomes evident to connect certain events and people. * tydeligt / indlysende at - It’s evident that there’s a close relation between doping * = and some extraordinary performances. The relationship between extraordinary performances and doping has become evident. * bevise > * = * sammenhæng mellem ngt. og ngt. * * forbindelse ngt. og ngt. * * forbinde ngt. og ng. 636 It’s evident to connect extraordinary performances * forbinde ngt. > and certain athlets with doping. * med ngt. It’s evident to connect certain athlets with certain doctors. * … ng. med ng. It becomes / is evident that there is a connection; there is * forbindelse a connection between extraordiary performances and doping. * … mellem ngt. og ngt. Some extraordinary performances have a connection with * have en forbindelse med ngt. doping. Some people are surprised to hear these facts * * and named people mentioned together as they have never * 10 connected them before. * forbinde ng. They never connected them in their minds. * … i tankerne Some doctors have jobs connected with sports. * i tilknytning til ngt. Certain doctors have a connection to the case. * have forbindelse til ngt. Certain athletes have a connection with the shady doctors. * … med ng. There are a number of links between the theories. * forbindelse mellem The athletes deny reports linking them to dishonest doctors * forbinde ng. til ng. and illegal performance-enhancing drugs to enhance / * præstationsfremmennde improve performance. * In professonal sports, pay is linked to performance. * kædet sammen med ngt. 20 The public is temporarily kept in the `dark about * ~ holde i uvidenhed om ngtt the police’s investigation into doping. * undersøgelse af ngt. The police are waiting for some blood test results. * vente på ngt. They are waiting on (eA) the results of the blood tests * = before they decide what to do. They will just have to wait and see how things develop – there’s nothing they can do at the moment. * forbedre ngt. * * måtte bare vente og se, hvxx * The figures which the papers have come up with up to now * indtil videre have just been a shot in the `dark. They have really just been a stab in the `dark. 30 Sports reporters are mostly in the dark. * et skud i blinde / tågen * = * ~ i uvidenhed Just getting an interview is half the `battle. * være halvdelen af kampen The next hurdle / obstacle is to ferret / nose / sniff () out * hurdel, forhindring information holding clues to some convincing evidence. * ledespor / -tråd til ngt. * opsnuse ngt. 637 Some crimes, connected to doping, seem connected * forbundet med / med forbindelse til ngt. while others apparently are unconnected. * uden forbindelse * forbundet -`- New evidence has recently come to `light. * komme frem i lyset Police suspect there may be links between * forbindelse mellem ngt og ngt. extraordinary performances and doping, * and links between successful athletes and shady docters. * forbindelse mellem ng. og ng. They look for missing links. * manglende / uopdaget forbindelse Back in the `dark ages of technology it was impossible to * ~ barndom trace much doping and find any trace of illegal drugs. * spore ngt. 10 A sports doctor is a dark `horse. * hidtil ukendt person, der overraskende * spor af ngt. kvalificerer sig i offentligheden He has kept the report dark (E) untill now. * holde ngt. hemmeligt Nobody knew he’d prepared a medical report on doping. * udarbejde ngt. He has drawn up a report on athletes heavily into doping, * = * indtil nu * ~ dybt afhængig af ngt. and sports doctors heavily involved in doping offences * dybt > by providing the athletes with performance-improving drugs * præstationsfremmende to illegally improve their performance. * Thrownig new light on some old facts his research sheds new light on these facts. The report casts (new) light on doping. * involveret / indblandet i ngt. * kaste ( nyt ) lys over ngt. * kaste nyt lys på ngt. * = 20 The report puts many athletes and doctors in a bad `light. * stille ng. i et dårligt lys As the government has declared war on doping, scientists are busy researching ( the doping problem ). Undertaking medical research into doping, * erklære krig mod ngt. * udforske ( ngt. ) * påtage sig > researchers do / conduct research on all aspects of doping . * forsker Researching in / on doping, researching what can be * forskning i ngt. * foretage / udføre … af ng&t. * forske i ngt. * forske hvxx - done, the scientists research into ways of discovering doping. * = Although the Medical Research Council tries * det lægevidenskablig forskningsråd to keep abreast of the latest development(s), it seems * holde sig på højde med ngt. difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in doping, * holde sig på omgangshøjde med 30 and win the war on / against doping. * vinde krigen mod ngt. People expect arrests in connection with doping. * i forbindelse med ngt. In that event, both athletes and doctors will be excluded * i det / så tilfælde from their profession. Doping is often a leap in the dark, a risk that the athlete takes without knowing exactly what the result will be. Years ago, there were no hard and `fast rules about * * et spring ud i mørket * * streng / ufravigelig > doping, and still antidoping measures aere seen by many * as an attack on the athletes’ personal freedom. * ~ indgreb i ngt. * regel 638 Suspicion of doping lies heavy on many athlets. A disreputable doctor claims that his resignation * hvlle tungt på / bekymre ng. * berygtet lyssky has no connection with the recent scandal. Reporters keep asking him the same question but they are getting nowhere fast; they are going nowhere fast. * ( ikke ) have nogen forbindelse med ngt. * * ikke komme nogen vegne The doctor lulls their suspicions by a plausible story. * listigt dæmpe / få ngt. til at forsvinde He lulls them into believing that his resignation is totally * lulle ng. til at - unconnected with recent events. * uden forbindelse med ngt. Even if the police searched his clinique 10 they found no trace of evidence. * * ikke finde spor af ngt. He is suspected of having carefully covered his `tracks by getting rid of any kind of incriminating evidence. * skjule sporene * belastende -`- The police put a trace on his calls. * sporingssystem Although they traced his calls they had no evidence. * Many serious adverse (side) effects are linked to doping. * uønsket Some athletes have / suffer a heart attack skadelig * hjerteanfald / -slag caused by heart failure. ( # organic heart disease ) The pathologist found traces of dope in their blood. * bivirkning * … / -stop * forbinde ngt. med * hjertefejl * patolog pê`#ålêd§ist One athlete died after suffering a severe astma attack. 20 The post-mortem revealed traces of dope in his blod. Using drugs, some rash, reckless and `foolhardy athletes are ready to chance their `arm (E). * komme ud for > * anfald * obduktion * dumdristig * ~ tage chancen People don’t wait for them to realize how stupid they have been as they don’t expect them to admit their mistake. A skier lost his first place as his legs rebelled him, * vente på at ng. gør ngt. * forvente at ng. gør ngt. * ~ nægte at lystre -`- and a ski became disconnected from the boot just before * gå løs fra ngt. he was about to breast the tape. * bryde målsnoren It seemed he had lost consciousness just before he was * miste > going to cross the finishing E/A finish line. * ~ passere > 30 He went into a coma allegedly in connection with * gå i koma doping. * * bevidstheden * mållinie * angiveligt * ( i ) forbindelse med ngt. 639 He had a broken arm; he broke his arm. * få en brækket arm At first the doctors thought he’d escape with a broken arm * brække sin arm / armen * slippe med ngt. but although doctors battled to save his life, * kæmpe for at - he never recovered / regained consciousness. * genvinde, ~ komme til > He was put on a life-support machine in intensive care. * bevidsthed * lægge ng. i > * respirator * i intensiv behandling …-sê`på~t The traces on the EEG (electroencephalograph / <gram) * aftegning graf, kurve and the ECG (electrocardiograph / <gram) machines show * the brain activity and the heartbeat and heart rhythm. * hjerteslag Having been in a coma for weeks, he was declared * -rytme * være i koma 10 `brain dead where after the family, after some deliberation * hjernedød – careful and mature consideration – agreed to disconnect * grundig his life-support system. * grundig overvejelse * moden * overvejelse * afbryde ngt. * ~ respirator Therapists were called in to counsel the bereaved. * rådgive ng. In this / that connection the National Skiing Association * i denne forbindelse in `earnest became aware of a perennial doping problem. Each sports organization should spend their war chest on * de efterladte * for alvor * længerevarende * ~ kampagne- stepping up the war against doping not least the war on * optrappe kampem mod ngt. crime kingpins ang backers. * topbagmand The criminal mastermind behind doping can be difficult * kiste ~ pulje, midler * = * økonomisk bagmand * hjernen bag ngt. 20 to reveal as they take care to act as the wirepuller, * person, der trækker i trådene the person who does everthing to control and influence * the events without outsiders realizing it. * udenforstående bagmand People expect a real sports hero to be clean, * rene, stoffri ikke dopede and battle his way to the top in fair competition. * kæmpe sig vej til ngt. Narrated by a journalist, the news programme finishes (off) * indtale ngt. / ends with a brief summary. * slutte ( af ) med ngt. * = The narrator speaks the words of a programme but doesn’t appear in it. kort opsummering * fortæller * indtale ngt. * The forecast is for light and heavy showers, * let 30 squally winds and squally showers later on. * kraftig * byge * uvejrsagtig A TV commercial praises a deodorant, an agent for * & lugtfjerner di~`êu~dêrênt destroying odours often combined with an antiperspirant, `êudê * lugt, stank * & svedhæmmer -`- a preparation for stopping ( you ) sweating or preventing you * præparat til at - ( from ) perspiring or at least for retarding perspiration. * svede Armpit / E& underarm deodorant (U) is a substances for * armhule inhibiting or masking armpit odo(u)r / E& `underarm odour, * armhulelugt often combined with antiperspirant (U) to prevent or stop * & svedhæmmer underarm E/EA armpit /A& pit sweat (<ing) / perspiration. * armsved (-ning ) * hæmme ngt. * svedafsondring * & lugtfjerner * = [email protected] GOING TO A NIGHT CLUB 640 It’s getting late – we’d better make tracks.’ one of * finde vejen ( hjem ) the lads says suggestingly. * opfordrende Some of the lads want to go to a night club. * ‘ Wait a minute ! that’s not what we agreed,’ one of them * vent lige lidt hør lige her protests before he lets himself be persuaded. * lade sig overtale They ask a guest about night clubs. * Wait a moment, just let me think,’ he says * lige et øjeblik before coming up with his first idea. * Wait a minute, I’ve got a better idea,’ he goes on * vent lidt hør her 10 having another place in mind. * The name is – wait for it – …er …, sorry, I can’t remember, * vent lige Wait a second, I’ll get my coat and come with you,’ he says suggestingly. * øh * hør her * ‘ Do you mind if I join you ? ’ he asks. * slutte sig til ng. They invite him to join up and join them. * slutte sig til * følges med ng. ‘ Wait until you’ve seen it – wait till you’ve seen the place,’ * vent til he says expectantly. * forventningsfuldt Joining up with them, he’s happy to join them in going * slutte sig til ng. to the disco. * 20 He looks forward to join them to go to the disco * slutte sig til ng. for at - and join them for a couple of drinks. * … for ngt. * følges med ng. for at - In the meantime, one of the lads has offered a lady a drink. * ‘ Fancy (E) a drink ? ’ he simply asked her. * kunne tænke sig / lide ( at få ) She has welcomed his offer with open `arms. * med åbne arme She sports a flower in her hair. * bære ngt. ( til skue ) She laughs friskily and he joins `in. * friskt og erotiskt opstemt The drinking and the music have make them feel sexy. * … sexuelt opstemt Even if her dress is quite decent / demure, * ærbar, dydig * ~ gøre ligesådan ( grine med ) di`mjuê he thinks she looks incredibly sexy. * sexet 30 He wants her and wishes her to return his feelings. * begære ng. * ønske ng. at - * gengælde ( følelse ) When he dares ask,‘ Do you fancy (E) coming to the club with us ? ‘ he gets a positive answer. * kunne tænke sig / lide at * 641 As he realizes she’ s not in a relationship right now, * i et forhold he fancies (that) he’s having a relationship with her. * forestille sig * … et sexuelt forhold til He wants her to form a relation with him. * ønske at ng. gør ngt. He wants her forming a relationship with him. * = As she seems positive about a relationship, he hopes to * positivt stemt overfor ngt. to connect with her; so he has hopes to connect (eA). * indlede / etablere > * blive venner med ng. He’d give his right arm for a relationship. * give sin højre arm for ngt. He’d give his right arm to have a relatioship. * … at gøre ngt. He’s had a series of unhappy and miserable relationships * forhold 10 His last affair didn’t develop into a lasting relationship. Although he had hoped for an abiding relatioship, * forhold til ng. * blive venner * varigt … * = his girlfriend had ditched him without explanation. * droppe ng. One day, all of a sudden, in the middle of a squabble, she had ditched him right in the middle of the street. * midt i ngt. * småskænderi * droppe ng. * midt på gaden Having landed an attractive lady, he loses all track of time. * kapre ng. The other lads stare at them without joining in * miste al tidsfornemmelse * tage del i ngt. the conversation. * There’s a jalous light in the lads’ eyes as they notice * ~ blik i ngs. øjne the couple kissing; they kiss each other hungrily. * sultent 20 Hurry up, we’re waiting to go,’ the lads urge him, * vente på at komme afsted it's time we started making tracks. * ~ komme afsted begærligt ‘ Can I finish this first ?’ he asks. * ‘ OK, but be quick about it, ‘ the others insist, * gøre det hurtigt ‘ Be quick, we’re late already.’ * tilskynde ng. * sent på den Nevertheless, he plays for time, deliberately being obtuse. * trække tiden ud êb`t(j)u~se Occupied in a flirtation, he tries to draw the time out. * = Drinking slowly, he draws out the time. * = Eventually, his obtuseness begins to annoy the others. * sløv opfattelsesevne So when the lads’ patience has come to an end, * være opbrugt / slut 30 and they impatiently agree, ‘ We can’t wait about like this – * vente, uden at have noget at lave … ê`baut we can’t wait around like this any longer – we’d better * = be going,’ the lad and the girl decide to join them later. * slutte sig til / mødes med ng. They’ll join `up later; they’ll join up with them later on. * = * sløv i opfattelsen 642 There is a taxi waiting. * vente There's a taxi waiting outside – it’s waiting for them. * vente It’s waiting to collect them. * … på at - A queue / line of people is waiting for the bus. * vente på ngt. During the day, there is ten minutes wait, * ventetid or a quarter of an hour wait for the bus. At this hour of the night there’s half an hour wait before the next bus. Some people will have a long wait. * … på ngt. * = * * få / have … ventetid 10 ‘ Are you sure this is the quickest way,’ one of the lads * hurtigste vej asks the driver. * The cab lands them at the corner near the entrance. * … på * indgang The discoteque is in an old building, resently rescued from * redde ngt. fra ngt. demolition. * nedrivning The facade is floodlit in the evenings. * projektørlysbadet `flûdlit The floodlighting shows off the beauty of the building. * …-belysning The disco is a night club having an admission charge. * adgangsbetaling They charges an admission fee. * = Admission: £ 5 * = 20 So the lads have to pay an entrance fee. * betale entre They pay an entry fee of £ 5. * adgangsbetaling Gaining admission / admittance / entrance / entry to * få adgang til the disco at E/A on weekends may not be an easy matter. Some people who join the queue only to be refused admission / admittance / entrance / entry to the disco * en let sag * stille sig i køen * blive nægtet adgang get unruly / out of hand when the doorkeeper stands pat (eA) * ustyrlig and they face a stubborn refusal. Getting a membership card, you have to write your name * vedholdende > * stå fast * afslag * in capitals / upper case } { in capital / upper-case `letters * store bogstaver ( not in lower case } { in smal / lower-case letters), indicate * små … 30 your sex and date of birth, and sign the card below. * The doorkeeper may frisk people for drugs and weapons. * kropsvisitere ng. for ngt. He gives troublemakers their marching orders. * give ng. march ordre Some people try to sneak a hip flask into the disco. * smugle ngt. ind Refused admission, a disappointed person asks * nægtet adgang a fellow sufferer,’ So you didn’t get in either ? Join the club.’ * lidelsesfælle A doorkeeper must cope with bruising confrontations as * fremhæve ngt. * anstrengende fornærmende, sårende people often get cross when they get their marching orders. * blive sur * lommelærke * velkommen i klubben * konfrontation * få marchordre 643 Customers may complain if the staff is unhelpful. * de ansatte Some people complain if the staff are (E&) rude. * The club has ten staff (E:pl.); of this 5 part-time * ansatte members of staff (E). personalet * heraf * deltids * personalemedlemmer The club has a staff (A:sg.) of ten; of this 5 part-time staff members (A). * personale * personalemedlemmer The manager does the hiring and firing of (A:the) staff; he gives dishonest staff (members) their `marching orders. If you join the club, the membership includes free 10 admission / admittance / entrance / entry. It costs £ 20 to join. * ansættelse og fyring * ansatte personalet * marchordre * blive medlem af * adgang * To join some clubs, you only gain admission / admittance * få adgant til medlemsskab / entrance / entry on recommendation of a member. Some people find it fancier to go to a `clip joint; a fancy nightclub that charges fancy, sky-high prices: * … * på anbefaling af ng. * smart * luksusnatklub ekstravagant * = * = * skyhøj -`- unfairly high prices for drinks. The lighting around the dance floor and on the stage is fantastic. * * belysning * The disco has a small revolving stage, lit by footlights * drejescene * rampelys 20 and a lighting rig with bright floodlights and spot(light)s. * lyssætningsrig * kraftigt lysende * projektør * spot( light ) A lighting engeneer operates the lights to achieve * lyssætningsoperatør * betjene special lighting effects during the light show. Sometimes the disc jockey stands in the spotlight. * & pladevender The DJ has broken the arm of a record player. * arm In order to connect the amplifier, the CD player, * forbinde ngt. and the speakers, he first connects the amplifier with * … ngt. med ngt. the CD player, then connects the speakers to the amplifier. * … ngt. til ngt. He loads a new CD ( compact disk ) into the player. * putte ngt. ind i ngt. There’s a great instrumental track on the CD. * ~ nummer på … 30 ‘ Some people like heavy metal but do they have to styre * -show * lyseffekt * i spotlyset * CD afspiller * = … `… inflict that noise nuisance on me,’ he thinks. People alter their voices in relationship to background noise. Getting hearing-impaired is a serious issue for many people so spotlighting long-term effects of loud sound, * pånøde ng. ngt. * støj- * plage * i forhold til ngt. * * hørehæmmet / -skadet * sag / problem for ng. * ~ fokusere på ngt. * virkning af ngt. a report turns the spotlight on pernicious effects on the ear. * ~ rette fokus på ngt. * snigende og * virkning på ngt. ødelæggende The issue will come under spotlight in the health service and noise abatement and control will be in the spotlight. * ~ komme i fokus * støj- * dæmpning * kontrol & bekæmpelse * ~ i fokus 644 At a time, only a performer’s white-painted head * is lit by a spot on the darkened stage. * belyst The rest of the performer is black and invisible in darkness * mørke so it seems like a bodyless head moving around on its own * on the dark stage. * mørke Extra warmth from a lot of guests puts an extra load on * lægge en … belastning på ng. wå~m# the air-condition system. * All the stage lights put an additional load on the machine. * = Quite loaded the lads leave the place late at night . * beruset fuld 10 They have a long tramp home. * spotlampe * travetur * mørklagt AT HOME [email protected] 645 To rescue him from an embarrassing situation, * redde ng. fra ngt. Steve lets one of the lads sleep at his home. * sove / overnatte hos sig * pinlig ‘ How are the sleeping arrangements (pl.) here ?’ he asks. * sovearrangement He has to bed down in a storeroom and sleep on an old couch / settee / sofa. * gå til sengs * opbevaringsrum * sove på ngt. * sofa Nevertheless, he’s soon far away in dreamland. * langt borte As everybody is soon in the land of nod, only the snores * ~ i drømmeland of the sleepers break the silence of the room. * i drømmeland * snorken * sovende Sleeping `over at a friend’s house, the children participate 10 in a `sleepover at E/A on the weekend. * overnatte * fest, hvor børnene overnatter They spend the night with a friend of theirs having a slumber party (A&). * i weekenden * overnatte hos ng. * << All day, the frisky kids have been running around, jumping * kåd and playing like young animals frisking ( around ) in their pen. * løbe etc.kådt omkring * indhegning Some teenagers sleep late at weekends as if suffering from * sove længe sleeping sickness. * sovesyge Having a sleepover is bruising experience / meeting. * anstrengende The parents are landed with all the tidying up. * hænge på ngt. All the beds have been slept in and all the couches, settees * sovet i ngt. * … på 20 and sofas have been slept on. Keeping the house tidy is an uphill battle when the house is full of squalling, frisky kids. * op ad bakke * råbende og støjende The next day the lads are hung-`over. * have tømmermænd Simply suffering from alcohol poisoning, * alkohol forgiftning everybody has a terrible `hangover – join the club. * … frygtelige … * kåd legesyg * velkommen i klubben Waking up with a raging thirst and a pounding headache, * frygtelig tørst * dundrende * slukke sin … * drik they quench their thirst with a long drink of cold water. He knows he ought to eat but his stomach rebels. * gøre oprør - `- To crown it all, Steve has a tooth ache. * for at gøre det hele værre 30 So he ferreta about / around for some painkillers, * fare rundt efter ngt. to profits from a fast painkilling drug which removes * nyde godt af or reduces ( allays / alleviates / assuages ) pain. * ( dulme / mildne > ) ê`leiz ê`li~vieits * smertestillede middel * hurtigtvirkende * smertestiller * smerte ê`sweid§iz As the painkiller only soothe and ease the pain, * dulme / mildne … Steve decides to fetch his bike in town and go to the dentist. * gå til > to get / receive { dental treatment / care. * få tandlægebehandling The painful whine of the dentist’s drill, as he drill down a tooth makes some people have (a) fear of dentists. * hvinen * få > * = * tandlægen * tandlægebor * bore ned i ngt. * tandlægeskræk 646 The dentist recommends him to have the tooth * been given a root treatment and then crowned. * ( tand ) rodbehandlet He makes him an offer to put a crown on the tooth. * krone på ( tanden ) Except for acute cases, the average wait for a dentist’s / * akut * sat en krone på * ventetid * tandlæge ê`kju~t dental appointment is two weeks. * tand ( læge )- He makes an appointment to see the dentist again. * lave en … om at - He books E/A schedules an appointment. * tidsbestemme en … If you have an appointment, you’re supposed to keep it. * have en … Except that it’s morally wrong, except for the inconveni> * bortset fra at - * aftale * ( over-) holde … * bortset fra ngt. 10 ence you have caused, and apart from a bad conscience, * … ngt. you may have to pay a considerable compensation * betragtelig if you miss your appointment. * bryde / svigte … klækkelig Some dentists’ assistants have very / most probably * been victims of mercury poisoning as they have regularly * kviksølv been mixing `quicksilver (o-f) with other metals * = to make amalgam used to fill holes in teeth. * amalgam * forgiftning * fylde / plombere … ê`malgêm A filled tooth has a filling. * ~ plomberet A dental nurse and a dental hygienist assists the dentist * tandlægeassistent and clean people’s teeth. * 20 Steve spends the next couple of days taking extra care of * his family. * * fyldning plombering * tandplejer He has some work to do but it can wait. * kan vente It can wait until / till one of the next days. * … til So he’ll leave the work till then. * lade ngt. ligge til There’s loads of time – there’s plenty of time. * masser af This semester, he only has a light teaching load. * lille mængde Last semester Steve had a heavy workload. * voldsom arbejdsbyrde / mængde He was loaded down with work. * ~ overlæsset / -bebyrdet He really felt weighed down with work. * = * let * arbejdsmængde 30 He had been overburdened with work, as he had to teach * = a lot of lessons (E) which bore little or no relationship. * lektioner ( fag ) * bære præg af lidt / intet ( indholds-) timer He taught a lot of classes (A) that were not connected. * << Having grubbed / rooted through his files to find some * rode / søge gennem ngt. teaching material(s), he realizes it / they had gone astray. * gå tabt / bortkomme Overloaded with work, he had suffered a bad attack of flu. * overbelastet af ( arbejde ) If you get the flu, you suffer from influenza, an infectious disease caused by the flu virus * få … * influenza vaiêrês E/A vairês which primarily affects the air passages. slægtsskab * luftvejene * influenza * lide af … 647 In mathematics ( maths (E) ), arithmetic is the science * matematik of using numbers, algebra uses letters to represent numbers, * algebra * aritmetik regning `ald§ibrê and geometry is the science of lines, surfaces and volume. d§i`åmêtri * geometri * volumen rumfang ` vålju~m There are the number nought (eE) or zero (eA), nå~t * nul `ziêrêu E/A `zi~rou the even, odd, positive and negative nonzero numbers * lige * ulige * positive * negative * ikke nul nån`ziêrêu ( whole numbers and fractions), straight lines and curves, * helt tal acute, obtuse, and right angles, triangles, quadangles, * spids ê`kju~t êb`tju~s * brøk * stump * ret linie * ret * kurve * trekant * firkant `traiangêlz rectangles, squares, pentagons, circles, cubes and balls. Besides math (A), he taught geology and geography: * retangel * kvadrat * femkant * kubus * kugle terning * 10 Plate tectonics is a theory, developed mainly in the 1960s, * pladetektonik tek`tåniks that the earth’s crust is divided into rigid plates (oceanic, * continental or a combination of both) which move about * the earth’s surface at rates of 1-15 cm per annum. * The edges of the plates are called plate margins. * pladerand At constructive plate margins new oceanic crust is created * konstruktiv where two plates move apart and magma rises to fill the gap; * this occurs at midocean ridges. * højdekam / -ryg At destructive plate margins, where two plates collide, * destruktiv -`- one dips beneath the other, producing deep-sea trenches * grav ( -sænkning ) 20 and the associated volcanic island arcs. * bue Where the other plate rises, mountain chains are f ormed. * All major structural features of the earth’s surface * as well as seismic and volcanic activity can be ascribed to * tilskrives ngt. plate movements. * Earthquakes are generated by plate tectonic movements; * kollidere støde sammen * jordskælv as two plates move past each other they can become jammed * presset and deformed, and a series of shock waves occur when they * spring free usually along faults in the crust. * forkastning The point at which an earthquake originates is the seismic 30 centre or hypocentre; the point on the earth’s surface * jordskælvs* = * hypocenter `haipêusentê directly above this is the epicentre. The inland areas of Greenland and the vast landmass * epicenter * landmasse of Antarctic and the South Pole are covered by an ice cap, * iskalot / -kappe the inland ice, all the year round. * indlandsis Only the coastal areas are more or less vegetated and inhabited by animals or people. During the arctic winter, the vast waters (pl.) around the North Pole are covered with an ice cap. * kystområde * * vandmasser * iskappe * hele året rundt * bevokset 648 He taught microbiology. * A virus is a core of nucleic acid ( DNA or RNA: (deoxy>) * virusenhed * kerne nju`kli~ik ribonucleic acid) enclosed in a protein shell. * indesluttet i ngt. A variety of virus species attack different body organs. * As they are acellular they are only able to function * acellulær * nuklein- / kernesyre * protein * = * = * skal ei`seljêlê and reproduce if they can invade a living cell to use * the living cell’s system to replicate (themselves). * kopiere sig selv `replikeit In the process they may disrupt or alter the host’s cell’s * forstyrre ngt. -`- own DNA ( adenin and thymin, cytosin and guanin). * 10 The healthy human body reacts by producing * an antiviral protein which prevents the infection spreading * antivironal - `vairêl to adjecent cells. * Many virusesses mutate continuously so that the host’s * mutere mju~`teit E/A `mju~ forandre sig body has little chance of developping permanent resistance. One-celled organisms ( protozoa / sg: protozoan ) * * encellet comprices thousands of species of bacteria * and other single-celled microscopic organisms. * = The bacteria are found wherever life is possible. * Generally 0.0001 – 0.005 mm long, they may be * spherical ( coccus ), rodlike ( bacillus ), or spiral-shaped * kugleformet 20 ( spirillum ) and often occur in chains or clusters of cells. * spirillum The so-called true bacteria have a rigid cell wall, * protozo (-er ) * coccus * stavformet * bacillus * which may be surrounded by a slimy capsule, and they often * slimet * kapsel `kapsju~l have long whiplike flagella (pl.) for locomotion * flagel ( sg. flagellum) flê`d§elê and short hairlike pili used in a form of sexual reproduction. * hår ( sg. pilus ) `paiilai A few bacteria are autotrophic i. e. they can grow on simple * autotrofe åtê`tråfik inorganic `substrates / substrata using carbon dioxide gas sûb`steitê * ( nærings-) grundlag from the atmosphere to manufacture their own nutrients, * næringsstof but the majority are heterotrophic, requiring a source of * heterotrof 30 organic carbon and a variety of other nutrients for growth. * A single bacterium reproduces by dividing into two new * bakterie cells; some species can do so every 15 minutes leading to * rapid population growth. * Some form resistant spores, which can survive for several years in / under `adverse conditions. kuldioxid dai`åksaid * spore * i ugunstige omgivelser / under … omstændigheder 649 The most important role for bacteria is in * decomposing dead plant and animal tissue (U) * nedbryde ngt. * væv di~kêm`pêusing and releasing their constituents to the soil. * frigøre ngt. > * bestanddel * til ngt. kên`stit$juênts Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil or sea convert * omdanne ngt. > atmospheric nitrogen gas to nitrites and nitrates, * til ngt. which can then be used by plants. * Bacteria inhabit the digestive system of animals and play * forbøjelsessystem an important part in digestion, especially in ruminants / * drøvtygger 10 ruminant animals that chew the cud. * drøvtyggende However, certain ( pathogenic) species may infect body * drøv * inficere / smitte ngt. tissue(s) (U/pl.) and cause disease while others, * væv such as salmonella, can cause food poisoning. * Milk sours; some bacteria sour milk in a method of * tygge > * blive sur * syrne sauêz fermentation (anaerobic respiration) producing lactic acid. * gæring * * KINGDOM FUNGI fûnd§ai / fûngai Fungi / fungusses are either unicellular or multicellular. * svamperiget * svampe * encellet * fler- ju~ni`seljulê The body of a multicellular fungus consists of a network * svamp of branching threadlike structures, called hyphae (sg: hypha), * hyfe 20 forming a mycelium. * = mai`si~liêm Sexual reproduction results in the formation of spores, * which may be produced in a spcialized structure called * a fruiting body, built up of threads of hyphae. * frugtlegeme Some fungi are saprotrophs (o-f :saprophytes), feeding on dead organic matter by means of digestive enzymes. * rådnæringsoptager ( * rådplante ) * `ensaimz Others are parasites of plants or animals. * Yeasts is a single-celled fungus. * gær ji~st When placed in a sugar solution, the cells multiply and ferment sugars to form ethanol and carbondioxide. * opløsning * forgære ngt. fê`ment 30 The solution ferments until all sugar is consumed, or the * gære alcohol concentration get so high it kills the yeast. * gær Fungi are: * Mould E/A mold (U), among these penicillin. penê`silin Mushrooms (edible), toadstools (poisonous), puffball, tinder fungus. Rusts and mildew parasitize plants. * mug * = ( giftig ) * støvbold * rust Athlete’s foot, thrush, and ringworm are fungal diseases * fodsvamp that affects animals and humans. * = skimmelsvamp * paddehat ( spiselig ) * * fyrsvamp * meldug * trøske * ringorm * snylter på * svampe- [email protected] 650 Plants and animals are multicellular organisms. Depending on stage of development, clusters of cells have developed into specialized organs, including sexual organs. Plant / vegetable kingdom. * * * * planteriget Plants are autotrophs: in cells containing the green pigment * autotrof `åtêtråfs ( organisme, der ernærer sig af uorganisk materiale ) chlorophyll they carries out photosynthesis, a process * klorofyl in which they make carbohydrates from water * kulhydrat -`- sukkerstof and carbondioxide. * Plant cells have cellulose walls and plants are immobile. * uden evne til at bevæge sig omkring i`mêubail 10 The study of plants is called botany. * botanik An annual ( plant ) lives for one year, a biennial ( plant ) * etårig ( plante ) * toårig ( plante ) bai `eniêl lives for two years, producing flowers in the second year, * and a perennial lives for more than two years * flerårig ( plante ) Some plants are poisonous to man, e.g. (a) poison `ivy and (a) poison `oak. * giftig for ng. * efeu / vedbend ~ giftsumak * gift (-ig ) * … eg / egetræ * ANIMAL KINGDOM * dyreriget The study of animals is called zoology. * zoologi zu~`ålêg§i Animals are heterotrophs; they obtain all their energy * 20 from organic substances produced by other organisms. * They change food into energy by chemical processes * called metabolism, such as protein, carbohydrate, * stofskifte fat and oil metabolism, mostly taking place in the liver. * A vitamin is an organic substance essential in small * = `vitêmin/ `vai - quantities to normal metabolism. Microelements / trace elements or are elements found in * * mikronæringsstof / sporelement ( mineral ) `maikrêuelêmênts plants and animals in minute quantities and believed to be * a critical factor in physiological processes. * Most animals are capable of moving around at least part of * their life cycle. * 30 Higher invertebrates like crayfish and insects have * invertebrate -`- an outer skeleton with joints between its moveable parts. It serves as a protective armour and motor apparatus together with the muscles fastening on it. Fireflies, glowflies or lightning bugs (A) are nocturnal * beskyttelsespanser * bevæge- * apparat * fæstne på ngt. * ildfluer beetles having light-producing organs at the rear of * bille their abdomen. * bagkrop `abdêmen / ab`dêumen * krebsdyr hvirvelløst dyr * led * = * = * bageste del bagende / -side 651 Terrestrial plants and animals, also called land plants * landlevende * landplante -`- and land animals, are land-based (attr.) plants and animals. * landdyr * landbaseret Most aquatic plants or aquatic animals are either saltwater * vandor freshwater plants or animals. * saltvands * ferskvands Seaweed (U) refers to plants growing in the sea usually marine algae. (sg: alga). * havplanter, tang * marin / hav- * alge mê`ri~n `ald§i / -gi Sea urchin, starfish, brittle stars, sea cucumber, and sea lily belong to the phylum echinodermata. `lili `railêm * søpindsvin * søstjerne * slangestjerne * søpølse * sølilje * pighuder ikinê`dûrmê tê Marine animals live in the sea while amphibious animals * amfibisk am`fibiês 10 can live both on land and in water. Frogs, toads and newts are all amphibians. * * frø * tudse * salamander n(j)u~ts Some fish can live both in salt water and fresh water. * saltvand Animals living in different continents or isolated habitats * belong to more or less related species, which have evolved * udvikle sig separatedly since the separation of the continents or habitats. * The llama in S. America is related to the camel in Asia. * ferskvand * lama * beslægtet med * emu * struds `la~mê The emu in Australia is related to the ostrich in Africa. `i~mju~ These birds have a small brain in relation to their body. * i forhold til ngt. Whales like dolphins and porpoises are closely related, * delfin * marsvin * nært * beslægtet `på~pêsiz 20 but distantly related to terrestrial mammals * fjernt … Whales and fish are unrelated. * ikke beslægtet Dolphins produce a high frequency sound while other * højfrekvent whales communicate at low frequencies. Desert plants and animals are adapted to ( cope with ) extreme heat and drought. * lyd * lav frekvens * tilpasset til ( at- ) ngt. ( * klare / tåle ngt. ) * tørke draut Some animals are predators and some are prey (U). * rovdyr Some preditors paralyse the prey with a poisonous / * lamme ng. med ngt. `venomous bite. * bytte (-dyr ) * giftig * = Some animals exude / perspire poisonous fluid * udskille / afsondre ngt. ig`z(j)u~d 30 as a protection against preditors. * Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests. * naturlig fjende All animals – dead or alive – are a link in the food chain. * led i fødekæden Babies of many animals are, to a various degree, * reliant (up)on their parents’ care. * afhængig af They rely on them for food and care. * være … Some animals have particularly acute senses: * skarp ê`kju~t an acute sense of touch, taste, smell, hearing or sight. * * skadedyr 652 Indo-European languages are related languages. * beslægtet Many languages are unrelated. * ikke … Finnish is the principal language of Finland, * finsk an Uralic language related closely to Estonian * uralsk and remotely to Hungarian. * ungarnsk * hoved* beslægtet med ‘ Which’, ‘who’ and ‘that’ are relative pronouns, which join * henførende stedord a relative clause to the rest of the sentence. A copula is something that links together or connects. `kåpjulê In grammar it’s a verb such as ‘be’, ‘become’, and ‘seem’ 10 also called a linking verb or an equational verb. * kopula * ( hel-) sætning * binde sammen * = * grammatik * kopula * forbinde ngt. til ngt. It connects a subject with a noun or adjective called * … med … * omsagnsled * prædikatsnavneord / -tillægsord prædikatnomen So a copula ( verb ) is a verb that acts as a connecting link * forbindelsesled between the subject and the subjective complement. * estisk * binde ngt. ( til ngt.) * henførende sætning It links a subject to a noun or adjective that deacribes it. a `predicate complement ( predicate `noun / `adjective ). * = * mellem ngt. * omsagnsled til grundled Ob`jective complement = predicate objective: * omsagnsled til genstandsled They called him Jack. It made him sick. * They thought him a nice chap. He painted his house white. * fyr objektsprædikat A conjunction or connective is a word which connects two * bindeord 20 parts of a sentence like and, or because, however etc. * ‘ Because ‘ is a causal connective. * årsagsbindeord Taking / doing / sitting an / their exam(ination), a class * gå til / tage eksamen of students offer a number of subjects. Offering literature, the class offers ‘ Alice in Wonderland ‘, written by C. S. Lewis. * gå op i / opgive ngt. * klasse hold * fag * opgive / skulle op i ngt. * Heavy reliance on one teaching method is not without risk. * afhængighed af ngt. tillid til Some learning methods encourage a great reliance upon * tilskynde til fremelske the teacher. * Some study programmes concentrates more on group work * gruppearbejde 30 and places less reliance on lectures. Studying closely, engaged in laborious research, * ~ basere sig ( mindre ) på ngt. * slidsom -`- the students grub for months and years to complete * knokle their courses and finish their study. * Students are streamed (eE) / tracked (A) for various classes according to their ability. Student counselling service is provided by experieced student counsellors. How can young people be tempted into engeneering ? * spore ind på ngt. * * studievejledning * studievejleder * friste til ngt. * = 653 Some people hope to grow old and die in harness. * dø i sit virke arbejde lige til man dør Regretably, a well-liked `colleague resigned last year. * beklageligvis He resiged, much to the regret of his students. * til stor beklagelse for ng. It was with great regret that the colleges accepted * det er med stor … at desværre his resignation. It is to be regretted that / It is regretable that the college has lost a competent and well-liked teacher. * * det må beklages / er bekklageligt at * His resignation is highly regretable. * beklagelig The college put a notice in the college newsletter, saying, * nyhedsbrev 10 ’ We regret to inform you that NN has decided to resign.’ All colleagues were invited to a farewell party. * beklage at måtte gøre ngt. * Unfortunately, Steve was ill and had to send his apologies. * … undskyldning melde afbud Sending his regrets by mail, he wrote, ‘ I regret that I’m unable to accept your kind invitation. ‘ Giving his regrets by phone, he told his colleague that he was sorry that he couldn’t come. * udtrykke sin beklagelse / melde afbud * beklage at * ~ melde afbud * udtrykke sin beklagelse * være ked af det over at … / måtte melde afbud An anglepoise lamp (E) lights up his writing desk / table. * arkitektlampe It’s a working lamp supported by a jointed arm. * leddelt He sits comfortably in a revolving chair. * drejestol * mindre / større skrivebord * arm 20 These days, we rely heavily on computers to organize * sætte sin lid til our work. * Much work is organized in reliance on computers. * afhængig af `Access to the internet is fast becoming a necessity. * hurtigt ved at blive People who put their things up for sale on the internet * sætte ngt. til salg i tillid til in are hoping for a quick sale. * på … * hurtigt salg Material from the internet can be copied without breaching / * bryde ( rettighed ) infringing the copyright. * If a person or an organization owns or holds the copyright * eje > on a piece of writing, music etc, they are the only people who * på ngt. 30 have the legal right to use it in public without permission. * * indehave > Copyrights can be sold, and copyrights expire at a time. * udløbe Some social networking websites like Facebook are * netværkning perennial successes. Once his computer couldn’t handle the load and crashed. That was a very regretable error / mistake. Using graphic software you can revolve / turn the image on the screen. * copyright > * netsted * = * længerevarende * belastning * bryde ned * fortrydelig * grafisk * * = * dreje 654 USB (universal serial bus) is a way of connecting (up) / * tilkoble / -slutte linking (up) various equipment such as a mouse, printer, * = removable hard `disk etc. to a computer using wires so that * harddisk all the devices can work together. * A computer can be connected (up) / linked (up) with * forbinde ngt. med ngt. a mouse and printer, and a USB movable harddisk can be * connected (up) / linked (up) to the computer. * forbinde ngt. til ngt. He has to load new software as he wants to connect / * installere ngt. link a USB movable harddisk to his computer. * … ngt. til ngt. 10 Installing new hardware or new software you must follow * the computer manufacturer’s instructions. * brugsanvisning Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers. * fejlbehæftet He switches on his computer and the screen lights up. defekt * lyse op The lighted screen is ready for clicking on ikons * tændt and typing (in) passwords and orders. When he has connected / linked the computer with * forbinde > * producenten * indtaste * forbinde ngt. med ngt. the movable harddisk, he can press the ‘return’ key or click on * an icon to load the programme. The programme takes a while to load so he waits for it to 20 load. When the computer and the movable harddisk are linked / connected, he can save his files on the movable harddisk. He clicks at an ikon to connect / link to the internet. * * installere ( sig ) * vente på at ngt. gør ngt. * = * forbundet * = * gemme * få forbindelse til > * fil mappe * internet The internet allows people from all over the world to link up * koble sig på for chat sessions. The internet is a relatively recent phenomenon, relatively easy to use. As you can get and download all kinds of information * sludremøde * forholdsvis nyt * … let * downloade / overføre ngt. it is able to satisfy people’s hunger / thirst for information. * tilfredsstille > 30 The computer was a revolutionary new technology. * revolutionerende The PC (personal computer) together with the internet was a revolutionary `breakthrough. Computer technology has revolutionized most fields of activity. * hunger / tørst efter ( informtion ) * * << * revolutionere ngt. * arbejdsområde * gennembrud [email protected] 655 One day Steve takes their sick dog to the veterinarian. * dyrlæge vetêri`neêriên Have you talked to the vet (E) about it ?’ his wife asks. * = ‘ Just quickly,’ he answers. * ~ kun for en kort bemærkning His wife has to wait in (E) for a repairer (eE). * vente derhjemme The firm said that they’d call back as quickly as possible * så hurtigt / snart som muligt and send a repairman as soon as possible. As she starts loading the dishwasher, * reparatør * reparatør * = * fylde ngt. she loads all the washing-up E/A dishes into the dishwasher. * fylde ngt. ind i ngt. * opvask - ` ... Having done two loads of laundry / washing (U), * 10 and emptied the washing machine, * portion she puts half a load in the washer for the next washing. * = Having done the laundry / washing, she hangs / puts some washing out ( to dry ). * vasketøj * ordne > * ( tøj- ) vask * … ngt. ud * = She listens to the radio while she hangs the washing `up. * … ngt. op Hanging the wet laundry on a clothesline, * hænge ngt. på ngt. * ( rent ) vasketøj she uses clothes pegs to fasten the clothes to the line. * tøjklemme In the US, they use clothespins and a washing line. * = The laundry hangs up to dry throughout the night. -`While she lauders her clothes, the radio programme is * hænge til tørre 20 interrupted to bring a `news bulletin / E& ( news>) flash, -`- * tørresnor * = * … igennem * vaske, tørre og evt. stryge * kort nyhedsmeddelelse `buletin a short item of important news of / about terror (<ism). The government in the country mentioned has imposed a news `blackout on the investigation. The TV repairman makes sure of disconnecting * indslag om ngt. * nyhed om ngt. * terror ( -isme ) * lægge > ( pålægge ngt. ngt ) * nyhedsmørklægning * på ngt. * afbryde ( tilslutningen til ) ngt. -`- the broken-down TV. * der er gået i stykker He makes sure ( that ) the TV is disconnected from the mains before taking it apart for repair. Steve’s wife wonders how fast he can have the job done. or whether the TV is beyond repair. * afbrudt fra ngt. * hovedstrømmen * hinsides > * reparation ( ~ umuligt at reparere ) * if there’s a disconnection or a loose connection. * afbrudt forbindelse The repairer is quick about his work. * hurtig til ngt. He quickly realizes where to find the fault. * hurtigt opdage As he only had to make / carry out / do minor repairs * lave / udføre > * ekstra hurtigt -`- ‘ Have you finished already ? – that was quick – I thought you’d be another hour,’ she says surprisedly. * reparation * hurtigt 30 Electrical appliances won’t work or won’t work properly the TV is repaired in double-quick (E) time. * skille ngt. ad * … * … være en time mere om det * løs … * ( små- ) reparationer 656 Steve waits ( for ) a while in the waiting room. Out of pity the vet recommends a killing instead of an operation. * … en stund * af medelidenhed * aflivning * Feeling sorry for his dog, Steve’s immediate impulse is to sleeps on it and let the vet know tomorrow. As the vet, however, tells Steve that the old dog * umiddelbar * tilskyndelse * sove på det * would still be on its last legs after an operation, * ~ leve på sine sidste kræfter Steve decides on a destruction here and now. * aflivning In order to put down / destroy the old dog 10 the vet puts the sick dog to sleep. Absentminded, feeling very sad about the loss of his dog, * aflive et dyr * ~ bedøve og aflive ( dyr ) med indsprøjtning * Steve almost forgets that he has to buys some groceries * købmandsvare on his way home. * Loaded with old memories, he absentmindedly starts loading the groceries into the boot E/A trunk. * åndsfraværende * læsse ngt. ind i ngt. Many fruits and vegetables easily bruise. * blive stødt Suddenly waking up, he takes care to handle the fruit * ~ blive opmærksom and the vegetables with care in order not to bruise them. Fruits and vegetables with bruises don’t sell well. * bagagerum * håndtere ngt. > * med forsigtighed * stødmærke * støde ngt. * kunne sælges lade sig sælge 20 Lorries and trucks wait at the loading bay E/A dock * aflæsningsområde at the side of the supermarket /A& grocery store * supermarked to deliver their load. * varemodtagelse He and his wife have a joint account. * fælles konto Both parties must sign the form if the account is to be * in joint names. * i begges navne Some information has to be printed, written in printing, and some has to be written in block capitals / letters. Their signatures are in joined-up (E) writing ; * skrive med > * trykskrift * blokbogstaver * sammenhængende -`- writing in which the letters connect / are joined to each other. * hænge sammen med / være forbundet til ngt. 30 They are jointly responsible for an overdraft. The bank statements help them keep track of where their money is going. He comes back loaded `down with bags of groceries, e.g. * i fællesskab * følge med i ngt. * * ~ tungt læsset med ngt. cleaning fluids and powders ( soap or washing powder ), * rengørings- * væske * pulver * sæbe- / vaske- * = ( sweet EA/A bell ) peppers, black and white peppercorns * peberfrugt for making ground pepper, curry powder, baking powder * stødt peber table salt and coarse salt, mustard in powder form etc. * bord- * salt * groft * salt * sennep * i > * pulver- * form * peberkorn * ~ stødt karry * bage- * pulver 657 A grandma has suffered from hip aches for some time * hofte- * smerter eiks She has a dodgy / bum hip that aches periodically. * dårligt fungerende Unable to quicken her pace / step to catch up with * øge tempoet the others, she often had to call, ‘ Wait for me / A& Wait up,’ Having seen a specialist, she’s put on a waiting list to have a new hip joint. * hofte * vent på ng. * ~ være hos ng. * sætte på > * hofte- The hospital has a heavy caseload so there’s an eight– week waiting list to have a hip replacement operation. * smerte * vente- * liste * led * have en voldsom sagsbelastning * otte/ ~ mange patienter til behandling * ugers * hofteudskiftningsoperation operation for ny hofte In order to lose weight before an operation, some 10 overweight patients have to join the battle of the bulge. * * overvægtig * ~ gå i krig mod udbulingen -`- As some obese patients are so fat their clothes won’t * overfede êu`bi~s fasten (up) / do up / button (up), a doctor moans, * lukkes / = / knappes til ‘ The country is fast becoming a nation of fatties.’ * hurtigt ved at blive ngt. * stønne jamre, klage * tyksak Obesity increase the risk of many deadly diseases. * overfedme The various wards and departments in the hospital * behandlingsafdeling * personale- * på > * hospilal are determined to establish a better working relationship. The doctors are set / intent on establishing a better * dødelig * fast besluttet / * arbejdsfællesskab indstillet på at * indstillet / fast besluttet på at - doctor-patient relationship, and set / intent on a better * læge- patient forhold working relationship with the nurses. * samarbejde med ng. 20 The same intent prevails among the nurses as regards * herske / dominere / their relationship with the nurse’s aides / auxiliary nurses * sygehjælper * … ngt. være udbredt blandt ng. å~g`ziliêri ( nursing aides / auxiliaries ) and the hospital porters. The operation will be done under general an(a)esthetic. anês`#etik * = * portør * under fuld bedøvelsesmiddel ~ under fuld bedøvelse Having a general anaesthetic, she must go on a fast. * få et generelt … So she fasts in order to have an empty digestive tract. ~ fuld bedøvelse * faste Taking care not to break the fast, she looks forward to * bryde fasten * gå i gang med en faste * fordøjelseskanal * narkose- / * slutte … komme ud af > bedøvelsesmiddel Using (an) anaesthetic, giving her a general anaesthetic, * bruge bedøvelsesmiddel * give ng. et fuldt … come round from / out of the anaesthetic and end the fast. * vågne op / 30 the anaesthetists trained in an(a)esthesia * anæstesilæge / -sygeplejerske ê`ni~s#êtist * bedøvelsesbrug anês`#i~sia puts her to sleep before the operation. * ~ lægge ng. i fuld bedøvelse Being an(a)esthetized, being under (an) anaesthetic, ê`ni~s#êtaizd E/ A: ê`nes - she is in anaesthesia / narcosis and unable to feel anything. Some patiens have a `catheter up their urinary tract. * bedøve ng. * kateter `juêrinêri The surgeon cuts through skin and connective tissue. * bindevæv If a patient complains about not being able to fall asleep, * falde i søvn he will have a sleeping pill / tablet. Glad to see her (back) in the land of the living the doctors say she’ll have a quick recovery. * under bedøvelse (-smiddel ) ~ lægge ng. i narkose * bedøvelse / narkose * sovepille * vågen / rask * … blive rask * urinrøret AN OUTING TO THE HARBOUR * havn 658 The city and its adjoining / adjecent harbour * tilstødende is a major port situated along the river at its estuary, * havneby `êst$uêri the wide part of the river where it joins the sea; * bred flodmunding ( med tidevand ) where the river flows / goes into the sea. * flyde / løbe ud i ngt. The river connects the port with the sea. * forbinde > Some bridges span the river and other bridges span * spænde over > arms of the river, of the coves, the inlets, and the sea. * arm, gren Boats and ships enter and leave harbour all the time. * komme i ( havn ) All kinds of boats and ships come into and leave port. * = * havn havneby * flod * bugt, vig * bugt, vig * forlade > * havn (-en ) * kaj * & bolværk 10 Having come alongside the quays and wharves / wharfs, * lægge til langs / ved > they moor alongside the quays and wharves / wharfs * med ngt. * fortøjre langs ngt. muê While in port some boats and ships are moored to the quay * i havn while others are / lie / rides at anchor. Piers, jetties /A& docks are built out into the river where * fortøjre til ngt. * ligge for anker * anløbsbro mole boats are tied and where people can get on and off boats. A ferry is due to arrive / land at noon, and sail / leave again at two o’clock. Ferries are due every second hour so a lot of passengers * * forventes at * afsejle * forventelig is / are due to embark and disembark every second hour. * forventes at - 20 Disembarkation takes place from either side, so people * landgang disembark from either the port side or the starboard side. * gå fra borde fra > At a landing ( stage E& ) you can rent / E& hire boats. * bådebro A sign says ’Boats for rent / E& hire ’. * til leje Some people live in houseboats. * husbåd A seagull often sits on the sign. * måge Lots of bird droppings (pl.) has landed under the post. * lande … People can go swimming from a bathing jetty. * badebro Insecure swimmers should use armbands (E). * svømmevinger A bridge links / connects the banks of the river. * forbinde > 30 A causeway joins an island to the mainland. A number of `tributaries join the river and each tributary * være i land * mængde / gruppe / hold af ng. * gå ombord * gå fra borde * bagbord * styrbord * leje ngt. * bred * dæmningsvej * forbinde ngt. til ngt. * biflod * forbinde ngt. og ngt. is joined by a vast number of tributary brooks and springs. * være forbundet med ngt. * utal * side- * bæk * kilde Some wetland is a wonderland of nature. * eventyrland It’s a natural wonderland, a fairyland for naturalists * = and other nature-lovers. A flock of birds land / light gracefully on the water. * = * naturforsker * naturelsker * lande > * på vandet THE HARBOUR IN THE OLD DAYS 659 An armada of heavily and lightly laden vessels * armada * tungt * let * lastet a~`ma~dê are seen all over the river and harbour. * All kinds of ships and boats call at the port to be unloaded * ankomme til * losse -`- and loaded (up) with new goods. Fully laden cargo ships, laden with all kinds of goods from all over the world come to unload and load at the port. Having unloaded their cargoes, the ships load (up) with * laste med * fuldt lastet * losse * transportere Lighters are flat-bottomed, unpowered, large, open boats -`10 used for / in lightening and loading cargo ships. * lægter lighter goods for shorter distances. A barge is a capacious, low boat with a flat bottom * laste * losse ngt. all kinds of goods to be carried somewhere else. Besides used in unloading and loading, the lighters * fragtskib * ladet / lastet * i havnen / havnebyen * last * laste ( med ) ngt. * et eller andet sted hen til et eller andet sted * umotoriseret lægtepram * losse ngt. * laste ngt. * losse * laste * pramfragte ngt. * over … afstande * pram * rummelig kê`pei$ês used for carrying goods along / on rivers and canals. Usually intended to be towed or pushed, barges carry * langs / på … * kanal ( gravet ) * trække ngt. med tov têud goods for longer distances up and down rivers and canals. Lighters and barges are manned and `navigated by lightermen and bargemen / bargees. Bargepoles are used to guide barges and lighters. * op og ned ad ( flod ) * bemande ngt. * sejle / styre ngt. * lægtermand * & pramskipper pramdrager * bådstage 20 Walking up and down gangplanks and gangways, * landgangsplanke laded with their loads of goods, a gang of dockworkers * belæsset med > * byrde af ( varer ) * havnearbejder unload and lighten a heavily loaded cargo ship. * losse ngt. Loaded down with heavy loads, other dockers (E) / * laste The captain goes to sea armed with a telescope * stå til søs bi- / bai`nåkulêz * 30 * tungtlastet * havnearbejder * handelsskib * trampbåd / -skib Having finished loading (up), the ships put out to sea. or binoculars (pl.) and other nautical instruments. * laste ngt. * tynget af ngt. (A) longshoremen load the trading vessels, merchantmen, * = tramps or tramp steamers. * -bro * ( dobbelt-) kikkert * koffardiskib * trampdampskib * stå til havs * ( sø-) kikkert * søfarts- [email protected] 660 To make a living, a lighterman must be a fast worker * hurtig who can work fast, and make fast work. * arbejde In order to fasten a boat both by a head fast and a stern fast, a lighterman takes fast hold of a rope. Having taken a fast hold ot the mooring rope, * arbejder * hurtigt * fastgøre * ~ gøre arbejdet hurtigt * forstavns- * agter- / bagstavn- * = * fortøjningsreb * tage fast greb om ngt. * … et … * fortøjningsreb `muêring he throws the other end of the fast ashore. * fortøjningsreb A lighterman ashore lays a fast hold on the mooring line. * tage et fast greb Standing fast, and holding fast to the line, * stå fast * … line / reb / trosse * holde fast he pulls the lighter right up to the wharf. * helt hen til > 10 He fastens the rope to a bollard, dug fast in(to) * fastgøre ngt. * pullert * grave ngt. > * fast * ned i > the ground: Fast bind, fast find. * det, der er gjort fast, finder man sikkert igen * bolværk til ngt. He has a read heart tatooed on his left arm. solidt * tatovere ngt. på ngt. tê-/ ta`tu~d A tatoo of a heart is a symbol of love for somebody. * tatovering af ngt. The dove is a symbol of peace. * due People who want a tatooist or tatoo artist to tatoo a picture * tatovør tê`tu~ist -`- * symbol på ngt. * tatoverings kunstner * tatovere ngt. … or writing on their skin can go to a tatoo parlour. When the lighterman fastens his eyes upon a girl his gaze fastens on her various physical charms. Her dress fastens (up) / buttons (up) at the back. * tatovør- * salon * fæstne > * blik * ~ sit blik på ngt. * fæstne sig på * lukkes * ynde * på ryggen / bagsiden 20 Wishing he were / was a fast worker, * hurtig til at indynde sig he fastens (up)on the idea of a relationship. * hæfte sig ved ngt. He has to hold fast to a mooring post. * holde fast i ngt. Some women won’t touch neither a lighterman * ikke røre ng. / > nor life at sea with a `bargepole. * legemlig * fortøjningdpæl * - - - ngt. med > * bådstage ~ ikke røre ngt. med en ildtang They won’t touch him with a `ten-foot pole (A). * = When it starts to rain fast the lightreman cools down, * regne * heftigt ~ sile ned laden with doubts about his future. After a hard day at work, after a hard day’s work, * fuld / tynger af ngt. * hård dag på arbejde he gets into his rowing boat E/A rowboat, * robåd 30 fastens on the oars and rows home. * tage fat i / gribe > There’s a mooring near his home. * fortøjningsplads Moorings (pl.) - ropes, chains, anchors etc. – are used to * fortøjningsgrej fasten a ship to the land or the bottom of the sea. A hawser is a thick rope or steel cable used on a ship. * hård dags arbejde * åre * anker * * trosse `hå~zê A barge once broke free of / slipped her moorings, and slid out into the sea. * bryde fri af / slippe > * glide ud > * fortøjningerne * i havet 661 Ships must take care (that) their course is plotted * passe på / to avoid difficult waters and take care to navigate sørge for at * vanskeligt farvand at a safe distance from the coast. * i sikker afstand fra ngt. Once a heavenly laden ship took a list when it hit a treacherous submerged reef. * kurs * udstikke < * let lastet * få slagside * undersøisk * rev skær * dønning -`- The sea wasn’t rough, but there was a heavy swell (sg). * tung The lights were out so having a heavy list to starboard, * lanterne the ship floated about in the calm sea without lights. Little by little the calm changed into light airs (1), 10 got up into slight (2), gentle (3), moderate (4), fresh (5) and strong (6) breeze which turned into moderate (7), fresh (8), strong (9) and whole (10) gale. Drifting helplessly around on the sea in cloudy weather * slukket ( på skib & tog ) * rolig ( hav ) * vindstille * svag luftning ( vindstyrke 1 ) * tiltage til > * svag brise * let … * jævn … * frisk … / vind ( …2 ) * stiv kuling * hård kuling ( vindstyrke 6 ) * stormende kuling * storm * stærk storm * and low visibility the seamen prey for the wind to fall light, * løje af and not end up in storm (11) or hurricane (12). * orkanagtig storm It may be fatal to lie in the track of a storm, * orkan * i ngs. retning / spor as a storm with high / strong winds and heavy sea(s) * uvejr may drift the ship landwards and totally wreck it against * mod land the rocks of the coast. * 20 Pieces of wreckage, washed ashore along the coasts, * stumper af ngt. bear witness to the many ships rent to pieces by storms. * bære vidnesbyrd om ngt. As the wind agitated the sea, the rough sea unfortunately grounded the ship on some submerged rocks. * ~ have stærk * styrbord slagside til > * uden lys * stærke vindstød * stærk søgang * slå til vrag * vraggods * skylle ngt. i land * splitte ngt. i stumper * sætte ( væske ) i bevægelse * hav ( ~ gøre havet uroligt ) * sætte ngt. på grund Touching the ground, the ship took the ground. * skrabe på grund * løbe på grund When the ship grounded it was stuck fast on the rocks. * grundstøde * sætte ngt. fast When the ship ran / went aground, it was fast aground, * løbe / gå på grund The seamen were `shipwrecked. * ~ lide skibbrud Winds and waves swept across the sea. * feje henover ngt. While winds swept the sea, and waves swept against * feje over ngt. 30 the ship, the seamen hoisted a rescue distress signal. * ( sidde ) fast * på grund * skylle mod ngt. * ( rednings- ) nødsignal di`stres They sent up distress flares and distress rockets * nød- * blus *= * raket but apparently they weren’t spotted by other ships or from land. * Hoping to be able to ride ( out ) / weather the storm, the sailors were hoping for the wind to drop / lull. While the moon occationally glinted on the water * ~ ride stormen af * løje af * ( lyskilde ) * glimte på ( reflekterende flade ) and the rough sea glinted in the moonlight, * ( reflekterende flade ) they could do nothing but hope for a lull ( in the storm ). * afløjning, ophold kortvarig vindstille * glimte i ( lys ) 662 The ship, however, eventually sprang a leak * få en / springe læk and water was suddenly rising fast in the hull. * stige hurtigt Sweeping / washing over the deck, the waves threatened * skrog * skylle over ngt. to capsize the ship anytime and wash the sailors `overboard. * kæntre ngt. * dæk * når som helst * skylle ng. over bord kap`saize E/A `kap - The stricken ship threatened to capsize at any time. * uheldsramt * kæntre In fear of capsizing, the seamen got into a lifeboat as fast / * kæntring quick(ly) as they could, narrowly escaping shipwreck (U). It all happened pretty quick(ly) and so fast that they * når som helst * redningsbåd * så hurtigt * … som - * forlis * det skete alt sammen * temmelig / * så hurtigt at ret hurtigt had no time to save any of their belongings / possessions. * ikke hav etid tilat - 10 Unluckily, one of the sailors had his hand stuck fast. * få ngt. holdt fast / i klemme He tried to pull his hand free, but it was held fast. * ~ sidde fast Laden with terror, dread and grief, the sailors witnessed * tynget af ngt. how the ship capsized in no time, pulling the helpless sailor * kæntre down with it into the deep. * dybet * være vidne til ( hvxx ) * på ingen tid havets dyb The survivors of the shipwreck feared to drift towards * forlis * drive ( be swept / washed towards ) the rough coast * barsk where the cliffs join the sea. * mødes / støde sammen med ngt. They had to row seawards to keep clear of the coast * mod havet where cliffs and sea join. * mødes 20 After hours in the darkness the seamen saw a gleam / * svagt skær af > glimmer of light on the far shore which enabled them * = to make landfall and spot a safe shore. * få landkending While the waves swept the little boat towards land, * lys * gøre / sætte ng. i stand til at - * skylle ngt. mod the sailors had to navigate the lifeboat through the waves * styre ngt. gennem ngt. breaking on a sandbar ( a bar of sand ) as well as * brydes på ngt. the breakers on the shore. * brydende bølge * sandrevle * revle af ngt. pl: brænding Having been swept through the surf and successfully * skylle gennem ngt. navigated the last breaker with its surf, * ~ styre sig igennem the sailors finally made safe landfall. * ~ nå sikkert i land The survivers needed help fast. 30 The shipwreck sank without (a) trace. Having sunk to the bottom of the sea /eA ocean, * brodsø * bølgeskum * hurtigt / i en fart * skibsvrag * uden at efterlade sig spor sporløst * synke til bunds på havet / til havets bund countless ( ship>) wrecks and drowned sailors have found * utallige their final / last resting place on the bottom of the sea. * sidste hvilested Many a seaman who found a watery grave rest in peace * brænding * ( skibs- ) vrag * ~ lide druknedøden on the bottom of the ocean (eA) buried in a silent grave * på bunden af havet occationally lit (up) / illuminated by the gleam of moonlight / * oplyse ngt the moonlight gleaming on the water. * skinne blegt på ngt. * druknet * på bunden af havet / havets bund * hvile i fred ~ ligge begravet / havets bund * blegt skær af ngt. 663 A most famous shipwreck is the wreck of Titanic. Being shipwrecked and gone down with the Titanic * skibbrud 1513 passengers and crew members were drowned * ~ drukne in the loss of Titanic on its maiden voyage in 1912. * i ( ngts. ) forlis A light or lighthouse is a tower or other fixed structure * Titanics forlis forlis * lide skibbrud * gå ned med ngt. * jomfrurejse * fyr, -tårn * fast that displays a light or flashing lights for the guidance of * vise ngt. * lys * blinkende * = * vejledning af ng. mariners. * glimtende Different lights have different light effect søfarende * = * lyseffekt or lighting effect and different light distribution, * = * lysudstråling / -spredning 10 so they give different light signals. * lyssignal From the seaward side of the top of the lighthouse * ~ der vender ud mod havet there’s a far-reaching view of the seascape, and from * langtrækkende the landward side there are spectacular views of * ~ der vender ind mod land the lie E/A the lay of the `land. * ~ hvordan landet udfolder sig Before the electrification, electric power * elektricifisering and electric working, the light source was * eldrift paraffin E/eA kerosene (& <sine ) lamps. * petroleumslampe `parêfin * udsyn til ngt. * elkraft * lyskilde `kerêsi~n In either case the lighting fitting is a number * lysarmatur of mirrors forming a concave mirror. * spejl * hulspejl kån- / kên`keiv 20 A lighthouse keeper is in charge of the lighthouse * fyrpasser and looks after the light every day. * In the very old days they lit a beacon on a number * fyr, bavn of beacons, so an open fire would light the ships * bavnehøj safely along the shore. * vager Light buoys and lightships warn and guide other ships. * åben ild * lysbøje * lyse ng. vej * fyrskib båiz E/A bu~iz Working and `maintenance of the lighthouses, * drift at ngt. the buoys and the lightships are under superintendence of * vedligeholdelse af ngt. * under overopsyn af ng. -`ten- the lighthouse authority / service which superintends * fyrvæsen * holde opsyn med ngt. -`tendz all their property and takes care that it is properly maintained. * vedligeholde ngt. -`- 30 Waters where two seas join may be dangerous to navigate.* mødes Light waves move with a speed of 300, 000 km / sec. * lysbølge By measuring the position of the sun, the stars or the moon * relative to the earth, it’s possible to determine a position * i forhold til ngt. at sea. * A `sextant is an astronomical instrument for measuring angular distances esp. the altitudes of sun, moon, angjulê * sekstant * vinkel- `altitju~dz and stars at sea in dertermining latitude and longitude. * breddegrad * længdegrad TODAY 664 The Newburg skyline has changed a lot throughout * horisontaftegning * ( i-) gennem -`- the years as the outline of chimney stacks E/A smokestacks * omrids / kontur af ngt. and high buildings as skyscrapers rises on the horizon. Parts of modern Newburg are build on landfills, areas where landfill has been buried. * ydre ( høj ) / høj skorsten * skyskraber * i horisonten * opfyldning (-er ) med affald * nedgravningsaffald Today incineration is prefered to landfill. * forbrænding Tall cranes load an unload huge container ships. * kran * opfyldning m. affald * laste > * losse > They drill for oil offshore from offshore oil rigs / platforms. * bore efter ngt. * ud for kysten * = An oil refinery is situated on an island in the estuary. * containerskib * rig boreplatform * raffinaderi ri`fainêri 10 The refinery refines crude oil. Tankers unload their oil loads through pipelines which join the harbour and the oil and petrol / gasoline depots. The deck officer takes care that the deckhands join the right pipes ( together ) properly. Many truckloads of oil leave the island every day. * raffinere > * råolie * losse > * last ladning * benzin- * forbinde ngt. * dæksofficer After an accident of oil spill (U), wind and waves had * forbinde ngt. * lastvognslæs * landskab * skamplet for ngt. * olie- * spild / udslip dissipated some of the spill, while a lot of oil spills * sprede / opløse ngt. 20 which had not dissipated had to be clear up. * spredes / opløses * rydde ngt. op Oil pollution, spread by strong currents, eddies and whirlpools, clouded the water in many parts of the river. The water clouded (up) so you could no longer see the river bed. Pollution is bad `news for the environment. * ( strøm-) hvirvel Leaks of waste products from farming and industry * forplumre / blive uklar * flod- * ~ bund * & til skade for * østers- * fuglerede (-r ) * leje * 30 Large sections of the river have been poisoned by * = discharge of toxic waste. * udledning * forgifte > * giftig * vandløb * affald spild * a receptacle for all kinds of solid and liquid waste, * beholder waste water, discharge water and untreated sewage. * spildevand modtagelses- / opbevaringssted * = * urenset Much life depends on the life on the `sea()bed / sea floor. * på havbunden Projects to stop pollution is in the pipeline. * ~ være på trapperne Pollution in relation to an accident has killed almost all life * on the ocean bed / floor (eA/eA). * banke * tagrørs- threaten continually to pollute and poison the watercourses. * forurene > For years the sea(s) / ocean has been used as * strømhvirvel * forplumre ngt. / gøre ngt. uklar Fish stock and oyster beds in the estuary and birds’ nests * bestand in reed beds along the river banks are endangered. * depot * dæksmatros Many people consider the refinery a blot on the landscape, * skamplet på > and the industrial harbour the armpit of the city and the river. * rørledning * havbund * kloakvand [email protected] 665 As much business developes and moves to other areas, * many urban areas have fallen into decay in recent years. * ~ gå i > * forfald di`kei Hideous derelict buildings, sites and land, * hæslig * forladt urban and industrial wasteland remain as blots on og forfalden * ubenyttet område the landscape. * Some land is private land and some is public land. * privat land / jord Landscape `architects and landscape gardeners, * landskabsarkitekt * bygning * område * skamplet på ngt. * offentlig … * anlægsgartner havearkitekt * havearkitektur skilled in landscape `architecture and landscape gardening, * -arkitktur work to landscape decaying areas. * etablere landskabelig herlighed i 10 Some land is laid out as common land (E). * offentligt tilgængelight område The land prices are rising; due to a shortage in housing land, the price of land is rising. A rise in prices is good `news for sellers and bad `news for buyers. Armed with all their fishing tackle (U) people look for good fishing grounds hoping to land a big fish. * land * forfaldende * grund- / jordpris * beboelsesgrunde * godt nyt * sælger * dårligt nyt * køber * fiske* fiske- * udstyr, grej * plads * lande > * ( stor ) fisk Having caught a big fish, the angler uses a landing net to * fange > * fisk * fisker ( med stang ) * fangst- * net bring the fish out of the water on to the land. He wraps the fish in newspaper. 20 In some areas of the river the water is still cloudy. * op af vandet * pakke ngt. ind * op på land * avispapir * grumset uklar A channel or fairway allows the larger ships to navigate the river and the waters where the river and sea join. When seagoing / oceangoing vessels * sejlrende * mødes * oceangående come alongside the quay, and moor alongside the quay, * lægge til kaj adventuous landlubbers and armchair adventurers * landkrappe regularly show up to drink in the exotic atmosphere * ~ indsnuse ngt. of foreign lands (poet.). * fremmede lande * * 30 * fortøjre * lænestolseventyrer * eksotisk fremmedartet 666 A hulk, permanently made fast and under restoration, * oplagt skib was once a fast `consort, famous for its fastness. * hurtig War craft, warships and war wessels are seen in the background. * ~ fastgøre / * under * restaurering fortøje ngt. * følgeskib * -hed * krigsskib * = * = * One of them is a man-of-war, a sailing ship with guns, used in the past in naval warfare and naval battles. Another one is a heavily armed battleship from the First World War (1914 – 18) * krigsskib * sejlskib * søkrig * søslag * slagskib * første verdenskrig World War I, the Great War or the War of Nations * = 10 was between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. * de alliered ( magter ) The year 1915 saw a series of inconclusive battles * aksemagterne * ~ i … så man with huge loss (U) of life and subsequently engaged in * tab af menneskeliv trench warfare, both parties suffered heavy losses. * skyttegravskrig * lide svære tab At Ypres the Germans used poison gas for the first time. * giftgas Life in the trenches is described as a hell uoon earth. * livet i skyttegravene At the Battle of Somme the BEF ( British Empire Forces) * Britiske Emperie Styrker used tanks for the first time * helvede på jorden * tank kampvogn A tank is an armour-plated self-propelled combat vehicle, * armeret armed with a cannon (usually turret-mounted) * kanon 20 and a machine gun and moving on caterpillar tracks * larvefødder * selvdreven * kampvogn * anbragt som tårn på toppen `katêpilê ( wheels moving inside a metal belt ). The caterpillar tread provides the tank with a lot of traction even on slippery ground. The German armaments launched their lightning attacks * * … slidbane / kontaktflade * trækkraft * glat vejgreb * væbnede styrker * lynangreb by infantry, armour and military and lightning raids by aircraft. * panserstyrker Fortifications, warships, tanks, and aircrafts are equipped with armaments. * angreb togt * * armering, bevæbning udrustning Provided with armour, armour-`plated warships, tanks, * armering * armeringspladebeklædt aircrafts, fortifications etc, are covered with armour plating, * -pladebeklædning 30 armour plates of specially hardned steel. * -plade There is a heavily armoured battlecruiser from the Second World War. ( World War ll 1939 - 45) * svært armeret * anden verdenskrig Many ships have sunk mysteriously without a trace. * synke Distress signals, SOS, Mayday calls and Mayday signal * SOS are usually received by other ships. The Battle of Britain is the series of aerial combats * slagkrydser * på mystisk vis * mayday kald * ~ sporløst * … signal * * Slaget om England that took place between British and German aircraft in 1940 * and that included the severe bombardment of British cities. * * luftslag 667 Even if people ran for shelter and sought the shelter of * løbe for at komme i ly * søge beskyttelse i ngt. the air-raid / bomb shelters, thousands of civilians were killed. * ( luftangrebs- / bombe ) beskyttelsesrum If not blown sky-high, lots of buildings burst into flame(s). * sprænge ngt. i luften / -`- Battling the flames, bravely battling against the flames, * bryde ud i flammer stumper og stykker * bekæmpe ngt. * kæmpe mod ngt. firefighters / firemen, night and day battled to extinguish / * brandmand quench the flames raging through the buildings in flames. * = > * flammerne * rasere gennem ngt. * i flammer * kæmpe for at - Going on bombing raids, the planes took off with a full load.* starte They took off with a full load of fuel and armament 10 On their way to the bombing target, the full laden planes * slukke > * med fuld last fuldt lastet * armering, bevæbning udrustning lette * … af / med * bombemål preferred to fly in cloud in order to be hidden from enemy fire. * i skydække Nearing the target, the bomb-laden bombers needed * -fyldt * bombefly clear sky or high cloud in order to nosedive down to * styrtdykke ( fly ) good visibility down below the cloud cover. * … sigtbarhed In low cloud and bad visibility, many bombers missed hitting the target so many bombs missed the right target. Direct hits, near misses, missed bombings * skydække * lavt skydække * dårlig sigtbarhed * fejle med at > * ramme målet ( ~ ramme ved siden af ) * fuldtræffer * tæt forbier * = * fejfbombning and resulting conflagrations caused lots af civilian casualties. * storbrand Many planes, fighters and bombers, were damaged in * 20 air battles or by anti-aircraft artillery and many airmen * luftslag died in plane crashes. * flyhavari * flybesætningsmedlem Returning home, the pilots hoped to make a safe landfall. * foretage en sikker landing A pilots sometimes had to make a forced `landing. * nød-( tvungen ) landing If a pilot discovered that the undercarriage had been * understel lande sikkert damaged, he sent out a distress call / signal. Realizing the landing gear was out of order, the pilot had to make an emergency `landing. Forced to make a crash (-) landing, * * landingsudstyr * nødlanding * foretage > * havarilanding he made preparations to land the plane roughly. * ublidt 30 Having prepared to crash-`land, the pilot was prepared * havarilande to crash-land the plane on the runway, on an airstrip * … ( flyet ) or landing strip or perhaps on a bare field. * … landingsbane In case of a plane in distress, rescue teams along * start- / landingsbane * provisorisk … * i en nødsituation the runway were ready to come to the airmen’s rescue, * komme ng. til undsætning and extinguish a possible fire caused by a crash `landing. * havarilanding If an aircraft ditches as the pilot tries to ditch his plane, he tries to land it in a controlled crash into water. * nødlande på vand * nødlande sit fly på vand * kontrolleret nødlanding Having searched for survivors and dead bodies, emergency * teams start clearing the debris (U) from the plane crash. `de(i)bri~ E/A dê`bri~ * rydde ngt. op * vragdele 668 In World War II, tank battles played a major role. Both Germany and the Allied forces had sent armoured divisions to North Africa. The armies launched attacks by infantry and armour – tanks and armoured cars. The infantrymen are transported in armoured personal carriers. * tank- / panserslag * panser* * panserstyrker * panservogn * pansret * mandskabsvogn The Allied forces planned an assault on German occupation * forces on the continent by sea, land, and air. * ad søvejen 10 D-day is the day of the invasion of western Europe * ( D = day: dagen for dagen ) by Allied forces on June 6, 1944 when an armada of * landing craft (pl.) escorded by battleships * landgangsbåd / -fartøj set off from England to land soldiers and equipment * landsætte on the beaches of Normandie. * A landing craft moves soldiers and vehicles directly onto the shore. Even if time and place of the invasion took the Germans * over land * fra luften * landgangfartøj * * by surprise, the first landings of soldiers and equipment * landsætning were met with strong resistance. * 20 Heavy fire and shelling cost heavy casualties, * beskydning * granatbeskydning * koste svære tab and landmines cost very many allied soldiers their lives. * landmine The succesful invasion was a landmark in World War ll. * milepæl, ~ skelsættende begivenhed The major threat to Allied naval supremacy in western * overherredømme på havet / til søs waters was posed by the German U-boats. These reached their height of effectiveness early in 1943 * påføre ng. ngt. * højdepunkt but by the summer, partly owing to the introduction of Allied * escort carriers to protect the convoy freighters, 37 U-boats * eskort- had been sunk and the battle of the Atlantic was over. * sænke ng. Sailing in convoy, the small aircraft carriers, destroyers 30 and freighters convoyed much needed supply to Britain. An armada of US naval vessels defeated the Japanese navy in the Pacific. Returning home by sea or air, the surviving soldiers were relieved finally to make landfall at their native lands. Landing in their homeland most sailors and airmen would * hangarskib * i konvoj * fly- * fragtskib * kæmpeflåde * konvoj- * hangarskib * fragtskib * destroyer * transportere ngt. i konvoj * krigsskibe * * * få landkending * lande / komme i land face the difficulties of putting the horrors of war behind them. * lægge ngt. bag sig * fædreland * hjemland 669 After World War I, the Allied Powers imposed * påtvinge > reparations (pl.) upon defeated Germany. * erstatning Germany had to pay war indemnity. * krigs- Being a heavy burden on all classes of the German * * ~ fra ng. * skadeerstatning post-war community, the heavy burden of paying reparations * efterkrigs- * erstatning -`… on top of other burdens of post-`war time, unfortunately led to * economic recession, sky-high and sky-rocketing inflation, * & tilbagegang * skyhøj * himmelflugtende -`- unimployment and political instability. There was deep recession in the country, 10 and many families were rent / torn asunder by the war. Having endured the hardship of the war years, feeling deprived of hope of brighter prospects * * alvorlig / voldsom … / økonomisk tilbagegang * splitte ( folk ) ad * krigs- * år * lysere * fremtidsudsigter `pråspekts and a brigter future, many Germans lost their faith in * democracy which prepared / paved the way for the rise of * berede > Hitler and the Nazi Party. * Although the economy was in deep recession, * vejen for ngt. * være i alvorlig / voldsom tilbagegang Hitler seemed to be able to pull the country out of recession. * trække ( landet ) ud af … / tilbagegangen German electoral shocks shook the European political * valgchok * ryste > landscape. * & billede 20 In 1930 the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei * won a landslide ( election ) victory. * jordskreds(valg)sejr The Nazi Party won by a landslide. * overvældende flertal In order to avoid the same mistake after World War II * the U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall proposed * a plan, the European Recovery Program, for aiding * the war-torn European nations with its `war-torn cities * krigshærget ( kun att. ) in economic recovery. * The Marshall Plan was implemented in 1948. * gennemføre ngt. Countries from both sides of the war, belonging to * 30 the Western Block, received Marshall Aid. The division of Europe into a Wester and Eastern block split Germany asunder, rent many families asunder, * Vestblokken * … hjælp * * splitte ngt. > * i stykker, itu * rive / bryde ngt. … fra hinanden and tore Europe asunder for half a century. After a war many survivors become pensive / ruminative. * rive / flå ngt. … * tankefuld / = ( & drøvtyggende ) Becoming thoughtful and spending much time ruminating, * = they ruminate on / over the war and about its reasons. * … på / over ngt * gruble, spekulere ( & tygge drøv ) [email protected] 670 As part of a trade war, a country may erect a trade * handelskrig barrier in order to protect it’s home market, or a country may * barriere dump a product on foreign markets / in foreign countries. * dumpe ngt. på et marked / i et land To avoid the consequences of internecine trade wars, * rejse / oprette ngt. * gensidig ødelæggende * handels- * handelskrig - `ni~sain the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) * europæisk kul- og stålunion was created in 1952 by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxenbourg, * the Netherlands, and Western Germany. * By the Treaty of Rome these six states i 1957 created * romtraktaten the European Economic Community (EEC). * den europæiske økonomiske union ( de seks ) The European Community (EC) or Common Market * EU 10 was created in 1967 when ECSC and EEC merged with * the European Atomic Energy Community (EUATOM) * den europæiske atom energi fællesskab In 1972 the original six members were joined by * Denmark, Ireland, and the UK, and later by other countries. * During the cold war the threat of a third world war included the threat of (a) nuclear war. * fællesmarkedet * den kolde krig * atomkrig The armed forces were provided with nuclear armament. * atombevæbning Intercontinental missiles, both land- and submarine-based, * kernevåben were then armed with nuclear warheads. The idea behind the terror balance is internicine warfare; * armere ngt. med ngt. * gensidig ødelæggende 20 an attack on one of the super powers would immediately * lead to an all-destroying counter-attack. * The nuclear armaments of the total nuclear armoury * atomsprængkraft of the nuclear powers are able to destroy the whole world * several times. * Probably overburdened with military expenditures, * sprænghoved * krigsførelse * … arsenal * the Sovjet Union agreed to conduct disarmament negotiations * nedrustning dis`a~mëmênt with the United States of America. The US and USSR agree on nuclear arms control to stop * * våbenkontrol the nuclear arms race / armaments race. * våbenkapløb 30 The governments of the superpowers * have a huge war chest at their disposal. * have > * militærbudget * til sin rådighed 671 The super powers also competed in a space race. The Russians were the first to send a satelite and a man * rumkapløb * in orbit while the Americans were the first to land a person * kredsløb on the moon. * The worlds most powerful rocket, Saturn V, was build to launch the Apollo spacecraft. * raket * opsende ngt. The rocket was launched from Cape Kennedy * opsende ngt. fra ngt. and took off in 1969. * starte / tage afsted ( Cape Canaveral except 1963 – 73 ) * 10 The spacecraft carried three astronauts. * astronaut When the spacecraft was in orbit around the Moon, two astronauts descended to the surface in a lunar module. * rumfartøj / -skib * * månemodul `luñê `mådju~l After a successful soft landing, Niel Armstrong was the first to set foot on the Moon. World-wide TV broadcasted the take off, * blød … * sætte foden på ngt. * start opsendelse and the Apollo moon landing was watched by millions * of viewers all over the world. * During the cold war, the superpowers fought many a war * by proxy in the third world. * pr. stedfortræder 20 Armed to the teeth, and holding sway over some * bevæbnet til tænderne territories, local warlords and rebel armies, supported by * krigsherre either superpower tried to come into power. * komme til magten, ~ overtage regeringsmagten At the same time as either of the superpowers * have magten over ngt. * oprørshær * openly supported political arms of friendly oppositional groups, * gren af ( gruppe ) they secretly supported the armed wings of the same groups. * = Rebel wars and guer(r)illa war(<fare) of many reasons are * oprørs- * krig still going on in many parts of the world. Some rebel groups are quick to exploit those who fall under their sway. * guerilla- * krig (-s-førelse ) * * * ~ komme under ngs. magt / indflydelse 30 Rebel groups sometimes find money by armed robberies. * væbnet røveri Armed with small arms – handguns and pistols – and sawn-off shotguns and rifles, they rob banks. Independent organizations appeal to the rebels and the guerillas to lay down their arms. The UN may impose / enforce an arms embargo on a regime or lift its embargo against a country. * bevæbnet med ngt * håndvåben * oversavet * haglgevær * appellere til ng. ( > om at gøre ngt. ) * guerilla ( soldat ) * indføre * ~ nedlægge våbnene * våbenembargo * hæve ( sin / deres ) embargo mod ng. 672 Sale of arms to all kinds of buyers with money to spend * våbensalg flourishes / thrives as ever. * ~ købedygtig * blomstre * som altid / nogensinde `flûri$iz Shady arms dealers sell all kinds of weapons to anybody who are able to buy. * våbenhandler * købedygtig As long as armed conflicts are common, sales of arms * væbnet * konflikt * ~ salgsmængden will continue to be high, and the armaments industry * våben- / rustningsindustri and the arms trade will still be in clover. * være ( økonomisk ) velstillet ( i kløver ) have kronede dage Armed peace is a peace supported or maintained by arms. * væbnet fred A phoney `war (E) is still going on between North * krig uden kampe and South Korea, officially at war but not actually fighting. * 10 Although it’s said that all is fair in love and `war, * alt er tilladt i krig og kærlighed civilized countries have agreed to observe / respect * the Geneva Convention establishing the rules for * the protection of civilians, the human treatment of * prisoners of war and wounded troops. * ~ krigsfange Violation of the Geneva Convention is a war crime and a person who commits a war crime is a war criminal. Chemical, biological, and germ warfare are considered * krigsforbrydelse * begå en … * kemisk d§ê~m war crimes. * 20 * * * * * * * * * 30 * * biologisk * krigsforbryder * mikrobe bakterie, virus * krigsførelse COING ON (A) HOLIDAY 673 Today the pilots and people in the control tower * kontrol- communicate by radio. * From the control tower, the air `traffic controllers follow * tårn * ~ flyveleder the take-off and landing procedures when the planes * start take off and land. * * landing A radio beacon is a radiostation that sends a characteristic * radiofyr signal so as to enable ships or airplanes to take the bearing * for således at - and determine their bearings by means of a radio compass. * position A radar beacon uses short-wavelength and short-pulse 10 ( high-frequency ) radio waves. Radar is a device for detecting an object and determining its presence and location in space or underground. The direction of the object is ascertained by transmitting * radarfyr * tage kompasudsvinget * radiokompas * kortbølge * = højfrekvent * * * * bestemme ngt. * videresende ngt. skaffe sig viden / vished om ngt. a beam of short-wavelength, high-frequency radio waves, * and picking up the reflected beam. * reflekteret tilbagekastet Distance is determined by timing the journey of * måle tid på ngt. the radio waves ( travelling at the speed of light ) * to the object and back again. * Radar equipment includes a radar transmitter, 20 a radar receiver and a radar screen / a radarscope. Ships and planes are guided safely to port and airport by radar, and much space and sea is `monitored by radar. * radarsender * -modtager * ved hjælp af radar * letmetal With a plane you can make a fast trip to any place. * hurtig rejsetur A skycap’s (A) job is to carry people’s bags at the airport. * lufthavnsportør Passengers who join (E) a plane are kindly requested, * tage med et fly Before the pilot is going to land the plane, a stewardess * -skærm * guide / lede ngt. til ( et sted ) Planes are often made of light metal or light-alloy metal. ‘ Fasten your seatbelts, please,’ before the plane takes off. * rejse * overvåge ngt. * ( med ) radar * lukke / spænde > * stewardesse announces,’ We shall be landing shortly – please fasten * om kort tid 30 your seatbelts.’ * Some flights connect with other flight to other destinations. * ~ have forbindelse med ngt. Sometimes there are connection flights. * ~ forbindelsesrute If a plane is late, you may miss the connection to your * forbindelse til > next destination. * destination, bestemmelsessted * ~ letmetallegering * sikkerhedsbælte 674 Sunday is a holiday (C) in Christian countries. * helligdag Some privileged people make holiday (U,E) at pleasure. * holde fri They take a holiday / their holiday(s) / the holiday(s) * tage ferie * efter behag / forgodtbefindende * = * = when they feel like it; when they feel like (having) a holiday. * have lyst til ngt. Permanent employment includes paid holidays. * ferie(-r) A package ( deal ) may include holiday allowance * pakkeløsning or a number of days’ paid holiday a year. According to a package, employees working on a holiday, * helligdag * national … 10 are entitled to ( receive ) holiday pay. * helligdagsbetaling Some people have a holiday job. * feriejob When the parliament is in `recess, * parlamentet > When it will soon be the holidays, many people are ready to go on (a) holiday / go on their holidays. * feriepenge overenskomst * betalt ferie a religious or national holiday, a bank E/A public holiday, it has risen for recess and gone in recess. * have lyst til ( at holde ) ferie * bank lukkedag / officiel fridag * holde pause / ferie * tage … * = * ferie * tage på … Many people are on holiday at the religious festivals; they * være på / holde ferie are on their holidays at the feast of Christmas, Easter etc. Some people go on a family holiday, a walking holiday a camping holiday or maybe a skiing holiday. * = * … ferie * skiferie 20 Some people go on a foreign holiday; a holiday abroad. * udlandsferie Some people who go to foreign countries on holiday travel abroad on their holidays. So some people go abroad for their holiday(s) while others go home for the holiday(s). After a holiday / the holiday(s) / their holiday(s), having * ferie i udlandet * på ferie * rejse udenlands * ~ i sin ferie * tage til udlandet * -=- * tage hjem * ~ i ferien * ferie returned from (a) holiday / the holiday(s) / their holiday(s), * = some people enjoy coming back from * holiday / the holiday(s) / their holiday(s). * = When people go on holiday for the school holidays, * fest ( -dag ) højtid * fest ( -dag ) højtid * tage på ferie / -rejse * i skoleferien 30 they go on a holiday for the Christmas holidays, * = the Easter holidays, the Whitsun holidays * påske- the summer holidays or summer vacation * sommerferie * universitets… the autumn holidays or autumn vacation. * efterårs- * universitets… ( The autumn vacation and midterm vacation in the US. ) * efterårsferie A holiday may fall on an inappropriate / inconvenient / inopportune time, and arriving at an … moment, * pinse- * midtterminsferie * falde på > * = in`åpêtju~n E/A inå~pêr`tu~n people may pay an … visit. * i juleferien * … besøg * ubelejligt * tid * tidspunkt [email protected] 675 Some people like to holiday on their own * feriere and some enjoy holidaying with family or friends. * = Some people go on a seaside holiday * tage på ferie ved havet and spend their holiday(s) at a seaside resort. * = * tilholdssted A woman will be away on her summer holiday(s). * være borte i sin … ferie Having been away on (summer) holiday, she is asked, * være borte på … ferie ‘ Where have you been for your holiday(s) ? ’ * i ferien The couple met while on holiday in Wales. * mens man er på ferie Parts of Wales are covered with moorland(s) (U / pl.) (eE), * hede (-områder ) 10 high areas covered with rough grass and heather. * lyng `hedê They went for a walk on the moor(s) (eE, usual. pl.). * hede Walking across the heath they had the luck to see * = hi~# a hawk ( a Montagu’s harrier ) fastening on its pray. Having taken all her pictures, she unloads the camera, fetches a new film and reloads the camera. He hands in the exposed but undeveloped film * høg ( * angriber ) hedehøg * ~ tage filmen ud * få fat i * ~ sætte ny film i ( kamera ) * indlevere > * exponeret ~ belyst * handler -`- to the photographic dealer for developing / development. As their love affair showed up to be more than a holiday romance, the adventurous couple decide to * gribe holde fast i * til > * foto- * ufremkaldt * film * ( til ) fremkaldelse * * ferie- * romance * eventyrlysten rêu`mans / `rêu- 20 have / take (a) vacation (eA). * tage (på) ferie The adventuresome (A&) couple are going on (a) vacation * eventyrlysten together next year . * tage på ferie * They are entitled to four-weeks’ paid vacation annually. * betalt The adventurers prefer to vacation in the wilds. * eventyrer So they plan to travel to a remote part of a country * fjerntliggende egn * ferie * feriere for their vacation to visit a tribe of the indigenous population. * i ens ferie ‘ For God’s sake, be careful ! ’ their parents admonish at the day of departure when the whole tribe turns up. They all concur that you can’t be too careful. * uberørte områder * indfødt / oprindelig … ( urbefolkning ) * stamme * for guds / himmelens skyld * slæng * være enig i at - * ikke være for forsigtig kên`kê~ 30 As everybody concurs with this view, * - - - i ngt. they all concur ( with each other ) in this view. * - - - ( med ng. ) i / om ngt Some tribes use to practice `headhunting. * hovedjægeri Going on a headhunt to headhunt, the headhunters * hovedjagt hunted down and decapitated a victim, and known as * jagte hoved * ~ jagte sig frem til > * hovedjæger * ~ fjerne hovedet fra > * ng. -`- head shrinkers, they preserved the head as a trophy. In modern societies headhunting is the practice of active searching for new employees esp. for highly skilled ones. * hoved- * skrumper * headhunting * * bevare / konservere ngt. * trofæ A head shrinker is slang for a psychiatrist. * ~ hjernevrider 676 The visitors arrive at a period of fast. * fasteperiode As the gods expect a defe`rential treatment, the tribe fasts * respektfuld * faste > ærbødig for a definite period of time to show `deference to their gods. * i > It’s a sacrilege to break the fast at the wrong moment, * hellig- not to do one’s sacred duties and to violate a sacred right. * hellig On the holy day after the sacred fast, the tribe prepares brøde * hellig ( * stykke tid * vise respekt / ærbødighed overfor ng. * bryde > * fasten * på det forkerte tidspunkt ~ i utide * pligt * bryde * fredhellig * ret ukrænkelig rettighed dag ) * hellig * faste to sacrifice for their gods’ sake and for the sake of their joy. * ofre The tribesmen and tribeswomen make preparations * for ngt. skyld blote * mandlig stammemedlem to sacrifice an animal out of deference to their gods * ofre ngt. 10 and hold a sacrificial feast in deference to their wishes. * offer- They have caught / captured a wild boar in a trap placed under a fruit-laden tree. * for ngs. skyld * kvindelig … * i respekt / ærbødighed for ng. * ( fest-) måltid * fange > * - - - overfor ngt. * vild- * svin * i en fælde * ~ tynget af ( frugt ) So as to carry the animal, they fasten it to a bar. * for at - At the holy day, the tribespeople deck themselves ( out ) * stammefolk * pynte / udsmykke sig > * i / med ngt. * pynt, (pyntegenstande ) in / with a variety of ornament(s). Every detail in the ornamentation has a sacred * fastgøre ngt. til > * stang * udsmykning significance so it’s certainly not art for art’s sake. * hellig * betydning * kunst for kunstens skyld -`- The sacrificial place is decorated with ornamentation. * offer- * plads The place of sacrifice is decked (out) in / with holly, * plads `håli 20 and sacred ornaments. The ornately carved altar, sacred to the gods, is richly, exquisitely and lavishly ornamented with carvings. Decked (out) with ornamented headbands, * hellig * dekorere / * udsmykning pynte ngt. med ngt. pynt ofrings- * pyntet / * kristtorn udsmykket med ngt. * pyntegenstande * kunstfærdigt * overdådigt * udskåret * = * = and decked (out) with sacrificial tools. * offer- / ofrings- Some ornate objects are for practical use and some are only for ornament for feasting your eyes on. Ornamented with feathers, pearls and body paintings, * ofring the priest kills the sacrificial boar as a sacrifice. * dræbe > concurs `deferentially,’ For goodness’ sake, let us * ~ fryde sig ved synet af ngt. * udsmykket med ngt. 30 At the sacrifice, with a fast hold of the sacrificial knife, While they feast (up)on roast boar, everybody in the tribe * hoved- / pandebånd * udsmykning * redskaber * til pynt * hellig ( ild ) a symbolic part of the sacrifice to the gods. * udsmykket * kunstfærdigt udsmykket the priests make a sacred fire on the sacrificial altar. For the sake of their fortune, the tribespeople offer ( up ) * rigt * udsmykket med > * udskæring * udsmykke ngt. med the sacrificial priests are decked (out) in sacred ornaments * indviet til ng. * offer- ( alter ) * fast * greb om > * offer- ( kniv ) * offer- ( svin ) * som et offer * af hensyn til ngt. * del af > * ofre > * offergave * til ng. * festspise ngt. * samstemme * respektfuldt * for godheds skyld ærbødigt ( ~ guds ) be blessed with vigour, luxuriance, lushness, and fertility, * velsignet * livskraft * ( plante- ) * = * frugtbarhed med > frodighed and for mercy’s sake and for pity’s sake, allow us to benefit * ~ for guds skyld * = * drage nytte by treating mother nature with great `deference ! ’ ( barnhjertighed ) ( medlienhed, medynk ) * behandle ng. med ( stor ) ærbødighed * af at - 677 The elder ones do each other favours for old times’ sake. * for gammel venskabs skyld In times of ill fortune, the elder ones make sacrifices; * ~ bringe ofre they make sacrifices for the sake of the younger men * - - - for ngs. skyld and for the women of childbearing age. * i den fødedygtige alder The elder ones make sacrifices to contribute to the welfare of the tribe. * bringe ofre for at - * bidrage til ngt. * Without asking the concurrence of the tribe, they are ready to make sacrifices so that the tribe can survive. They are prepared to make the final / supreme sacrifice, * enighed blandt * bringe ofre * bringe > * det højeste > 10 and give their life as a penance for sins as they believe * offer no crisis is caused by an unfortunate concurrence of events. * et ( uheldigt ) samspil ( af ngt. ) At the day of departure, the chief / headman of the tribe. * give > * sit liv * som en bod for > * synd * høvding asks, ‘ Is the sacrifice of one’s free life to modern civilisation * det at ofre ngt. for ngt. worthwhile / worth while? ‘ * værd at bruge tid på, noget værd Both worlds concur that life leaves its trace on anyone. * være enig i / om at - The landscape changes concurrently as the adventurors * samtidig som - follow the river on their way back to the so-called civilisation. The earth’s surface is constantly eroded by the steady * afsætte sine spor på ng. * * erodere / nedbryde ngt. action of wind and weather, currents and rough sea. * vejr og vind 20 Plate tectonics and volcanic activity concurrent with * kontinentalpladebevægelser * ( vand-) strøm * oprørt hav * samtidig med erosion of the earth’s surface steadily change its morphology. * erosion * morfologi form og struktur Concurrent circumstances sometimes concur to make up * samtidige * være sammen om at * skabe / sammenfaldne opbygge ngt. a concurrence of events with a lot dramatic consequences. * sammenfald / samspil af ngt. må~`fålê§i Ice expands, as the only solid, with falling temperature / increasing frost between 0 and – 4 * C. When water freezes to ice in cracks and tiny crevices in rock faces, it exerts great force, able to burst rock. * udvide sig * fast stof * faldende … * tiltagende … * spalte * bittesmå * overflade * udøve * revne * sprænge ig`ze~ts Washed away by rain, springs, brooks, streams and rivers, * skylle ngt. bort the debris (U), carried along by the flowing water, * nedbrydningsmateriale 30 erodes the earth’s solid surface. * erodere / nedbryde ngt. So rock and soil are constantly eroding. * erodere, nedbrydes As physical powers steadily erode away rock and soil, * borterodere ngt. mountains, cliffs, rocks, and soil gradually erode away. Erosion eats away and wears away rock and soil so mountains, cliffs, rocks and soil wear away over time. Eroding the bottom and the banks of the water courses, * strømmende * erodere bort * bortgnave ngt. * slides bort * = * nedbryde / -slide ngt. * med tiden the currents eat () away beds of clay, sand, chalk and rock. * bortgnave ngt. 678 As the currents slow down on their way to a lake * or the sea, they deposit layers of sediments on the bottom * aflejre ngt. according to coarseness perhaps forming a delta. * grovhed Depending on the flow of the current, the depositions / * bund, leje * delta * aflejring deposits consist of sediments of a certain grain / particle size. * = Typical sediments are in order of increasing coarseness, * korn / partikelstørrelse * grovhed clay, mud, silt, sand, gravel, pebbles, cobbles, * mudder and boulders. ( mud is a mixture of clay and silt ) * blok, kampesten Plate tectonics, volcanic activity, wind and weather, * aflejring the physical structure of the Earth’s surface. * The current forms channels in the river bed. * dyb rende Water courses may change their course due to erosion * erosion -`- * grus * rullesten ral * håndsten * 10 erosion, deposition (U) of sediments, constantly change and upheavel(s) and subsidence(s) of land. * silt * flod- * hævning * seng * sænkning sêb`saidênsis / `sûbsi- On their way to the sea, big rivers, some long since dried `up, have formed vast plains and deep valleys. At the end of its journey, the debris ends up in the sea * * tørre ud * where it settles on the `sea bed or ocean bed forming banks * aflejre sig * havbund * banke on the sea floor E/A `seafloor ( the floor of the sea / ocean ), * bund … `… 20 and perhaps a delta at the mouth of the river. * delta At the fishing grounds and fishing banks, the fishing boats catch the ground fish. Constant worry erodes the nerves of fishermen’s wives as many a fisherman have found a watery grave. * fiskeplads * bundfisk * slide på nerverne * ~ lide druknedøden Sailors are said to have a girl in every port. * No matter to which extend this may be true, incipient * spirende suspicion easily erodes the confidence of a sailor’s wife. * -banke * nedbryde tilliden Erosion of a spouse’s confidence often leads to divorce. * nedbrydning During the financial crisis payments eroded with alarming * smuldre, tabe i værdi udhules 30 speed; they were eroded by a galloping / runaway * udhule ngt. inflation. * Job losses were in the pipeline. * i vente Many had to sell their valuables at a sacrifice. * sælge ngt. med tab During the military regime, the citizens’ personal freedom * gradually eroded away. Their personal freedom was eroded away by a totalitarian, * smuldre bort * totalt udhule ngt. * galloperende / løbsk oppressive and brutal regime. * 679 When people fast, they either abstain from all food, * faste or eat only sparingly of certain kinds of food, * either as a religious observance or for reasons of health. * They may observe a fast-day, a period of fasting or a season of fasting. * afholde sig fra ngt. sparsomt * fastedag * fasteperiode * fastesæson Lent is the Christian period of fasting and penance preceeding Easter. * fastetiden før påske * faste * bod, bodsøvelse / -gang * Beginning on Ash Wednesday, the Lenten fast covers * aske onsdag * førpåske fasten 40 days, in emulation of Christ’s 40 days in the `wilderness. * efterligning * ørkenvandring 10 In the Middle Ages the fast was more or less observed, * højtidelig- / helligholde especially with the prohibition against / on eating meat, but * forbud mod at - since the Reformation the rules have been generally relaxed * reglerne in both Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches. * Before Ash Wednesday comes Shrovetide ie. Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday and Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday was long observed as a season * slække på / lempe < * fastelavn * fastelavns søndag etc * højtid -sdag of merrymaking. * have det sjovt Christians who fasted in the middle ages had to eat Lenten fare and abstain from eating meat. * * faste- * kost * afholde sig fra at - 20 As fish wasn’t considered meat, Scandinavian fish markets * had their heyday in the middle ages. * storhedstid Church authority may impose a penitential discipline. * bodsmæssig Feeling penitence for their sin, a penitent sinner may go * anger over ngt. to a Lenten sermon to express their penitence. Doing / performing penance ( for their sin ), they express their regret and remorse for their wrongdoing. * tugtøvelse * angrende * fasteprædiken * gøre > * anger * bodsøvelse * for ngt. * anger, sorg * anger over ngt. fortrydelse Still, holding beliefs not accepted by the Catholic Church, and thus guilty of heresy, some heretics form secret sects. * * kætteri * kætter * danne > * sekt `herêtiks At times, many heretics are initiated into these sects. * blive indviet i ( sekt ) i `ni$ieitid 30 At their initiation, at a initiation ceremony / rite / ritual, * indvielse the initiates are initiated into a number of secret rituals * indviet ( person ) * blive indviet i ( ritual ) * på initiativ af ng. * initiativtager til ngt. * indvielses- * ceremony i `ni$iêts created on the initiative of the initiator of the sect. The sect members holding heretical beliefs * kættersk hê`retikl use their secret initials to initial their ceremonial belongings. i `ni$lz * initialer * sætte initialer på ngt. [email protected] THE INQUISITION 680 The crowned heads together with the aristocracy * kronet hoved have been at the head of the secular affairs for years. * i spidsen for ngt. Unfortunately, bribery and corruption has always intruded into secular as well as ecclesiastic(al) institutions. * verdslig * * gejstlig -`as - kirkelig So some people, even weak in the head, get / have a head `start by corruption. * svag begavet * få / have et forspring It gives them a head start on / over other candidates. * give ng. > This way, incompetent leaders, make headway in career * komme frem * et forspring frem for ng. gøre fremskridt by being promoted over the heads of the others. * foran ng. 10 Corruption often heads () off efforts to replace * forhindre ngt. incompetent leaders. * Although it’s proclaimed that heads will roll for corruption, * hoveder vil rulle for ngt. it seems to raise its ( ugly ) head everywhere * ~ stikke sit ( grimme ) hoved frem and flourish / thrive all the same. * blomstre / trives Although some institutions have a too large headcount, corruption makes it difficult to cut (down on) headcount. Various churches are at the head ot the ecclesiastic(al) or clerical affairs. * antal medarbejdere * = * kirkeretning * gejstlig kirkelig * gejstlig præste- The Pope in the Holy See in Rome is (the) head of 20 the Roman `Catholic Church and of Catholicism in all ka#lik * pave * pavestolen * romersk katolske kirke * overhoved * katolisisme ka`#ålêsizm its catholicity. * al- / mangesidighed - `lisiti Many `Catholics are more catholic than the church * katolik They have more catholic tastes and interests * = and are more catholic in their sympathies. * = The Roman Carholic Church is headquatered in Rome. * have hovedkvarter It has it’s headquaters (pl.) / head `office in the Vatican. * = So the headquaters of the Roman Catholic Church is / are * = in the Vatican in the middle of Rome. ( The Vatican State was established in 1929. * Vatikan Staten * Skt. Peters Kirken which is the Pope’s chief residence. ) * under leadership of the Pope. When a Pope has died, the cardinals chose the new Pope to carry out / perform the headship of the Church. * Vatikanet * 30 It includes St. Peter’s Church and the Vatican Palace Headquaters in the Vatican rule(s) the Church * alsidig, frisindet fordomsfri * hovedkvarteret * * * lederskabet * vatikan paladset 681 In the days of the Inquisition, the Roman Catholic * inkvisition Church wanted to put all control of heresy in papal hands. * lægge ngt. > If baptized Roman Catholics willfully and persistently * kætteri * trosartikel / -sætning of committing heresy and condemned them as heretics. * begå kætteri * kætter * magtfaktor to be reckoned with, the Inquisition was established * som skal tages alvorligt to deal with / face / tackle / meet heresy head-on. * tage sig af ngt. There has been a head-on confrontation between * i ng’s hænder * døbt rejected any article of faith, the Church would accuse them As heresy was a religious as well a political force * pavelig * takle ngt. * gående lige til sagen * direkte 10 the Catholic Church and various heretical sects * kættersk and from the 16th century with the Protestants. * * sekt A cardinal is appointed by the Pope to head the Inquisition. * lede / stå i spidsen for ngt. As the head of the Inquisition and head of department it’s the head inquisitor’s job to head () up the Inquisition. * chef, leder * hoved- any heretic must be put to trial in order to control * & udspørger undersøger * = * = retslig undersøgelse * kætter any heretic(al) provocation of public disorder * kættersk and arrest anybody provoking an uprising. * ophidse til / fremkalde > The Inquisition or the Holy Office ordains that The Inquisition is a power and the inquisitor a person * stå i spidsen for / lede ngt. * bestemme forordne * ret, -ssag rettergang * fremkaldelse af / ophidselse til ngt. * opstand, oprør * magt 20 to be reckoned with, so any heretic will have * ( ngt. / ng, ) der skal tages alvorligt / i betragtning the inquisitor and the Inquisition to reckon with. * at tage alvorligt / i betragtning The headquarters support(s) the local inquisitors. * hovedkvarter The inquisitors have to inform head office. * hovedkontor The main office often allow(s) / give(s) them their head. * give ng. frie tøjler A local inquisition is headed by a local inquisitor * være ledet af ng. / frit spil who holds office in a local inquisitorial office. * have sit embede * inkvisitionskontor (-bygning ) - `tå~riêl At school he was reckoned (to be) the wise head of the class always having his head in a book. The teacher did a headcount to check that none of 30 the pupils were truanting / playing truant. * være regnet / anset for ( at være ) * ~ være begravet i en bog * foretage > * persontælling * In physical education, in gymnastics they do exercises / * legemsøvelser gymnastics such as standing on their head ( skolefag ) * gymnastik and standing on their hands. * … hænder A headstand is easier to do than a handstand. * det at stå på hovedet Having a good `head on his shoulders, apparently * have et godt hoved * gymnastik ( i sal ) være kvik i pæren ( being / standing ) head and shoulders above the rest, * kloge hoved * overgå i evner og begavelse * lave øvelser * stå på hovedet * håndstand he was one year chosen to be headboy (E) * drenge elevrepresentant for skolen together with a headgirl to represent the school. * pige- 682 Having had a sense of vocation already in his youth, * ~ føle et kald the inquisitor had felt a call(ing) to serve God, * ~ føle et kald til at - and be a pillar of the Roman Catholic Churth. * fast støtte af ngt. He was said to have an old head on young shoulders. * ~ være gammelklog Having felt / had a vocation to the priesthood, * … til præstegerningen he had applied to a seminary. Having a head for books, he had been admitted to the seminary ( theological college E/A seminary ). * ~ søge om optagelse på ngt. * præsteskole ( glds: skole) * blive optaget på > * ~ være boglig * præstesaminarium `seminêri Already familiar with / ( well ) versed in Latin 10 gave him a head start ( on / over the other candidates ). … `… ‘ He’ll be famous one day, I reckon,’ a teacher said. * fortrolig med / velbevandret i ngt. * give ng. et forspring ( frem for ng.) * regne med forestille sig ‘ What do you reckon ? ‘ he asked a colleague. * = The teachers had `drummed the articles of faith into * ( tromme), ~ banke ngt. ind > the heads of the saminarians. Eventually, the students could rattle () off / reel () off the articles, standing on their heads. The seminarians had it drummed into their heads that * i hovedet på ng. * præsteseminarieelever * lire ngt. af * uden besvær * få / have banket ind i hovedet at - the Church cannot tolerate any departure / deviation from * afvigelse fra ngt. the Catholic articles of faith and as the world is out of joint, * ~ af lave 20 there is an urgent need to address the question of heresy. * rette opmærksomheden mod / ê`dres When the newly qualified inquisitor first started his job, he felt he had to prove himself ( to his superiors ). The inquisitor proved ( himself ) determined. -`As he proved ( himself ) determined to succeed, he proves ( himself ) ( to be ) a very determined inquisitor. Within the Church, the Inquisition and the inquisitor are reckoned ( to be ) successful / a success so far. give sig i kast med / tage fat på > * ny- * ~ bevise sit værd ( overfor ng. ) * vise sig at være + adj. * beslutsom, målbevidst * -=- * fast besluttet på at - * vise sig ( at være ) + subst. * regnes / anses for ( at være ) + adj. / subst. * bevise ngt. He certainly doesn’t have to prove himself to others – * ~ vise sit værd overfor ng. his record speaks for itself. * omdømme, bedrifter 30 The Church, however, doesn’t reckon to defeat heresy * regne med at - in the foreseeable future. * indenfor en overskuelig fremtid raising its ugly head everywhere. His suspicions must have run rife as he sees popular belief rife with superstition and heresy everywhere. * beslutsom / målbevidst ( person ) * Now, the inquisitor doesn’t have anything to prove. Rumours are rife that the inquisitor sees heresy * spørgsmål om / problem med ngt. * ~ uddannet * ~ et udbredt rygte siger at * stikke sit grimme hoved frem * ~ udvikle sig ukontrolleret * folke- * tro * fuld af ngt. In his head, heresy is rife in popular belief, * i ngs. hoved / forestillingsverden and he sees offences under this heading occuring all over. * under denne kategori 683 The inquisitor considers himself the foremost authority * den fremmeste / ledende ( autoritet ) on the question of heresy. * Even if he had his head screwed on ( straight / right ), * være udbredt * være fornuftig reading must have turned his head, as the inquisitor * gøre svimmel sees rampant and widespread heresy everywhere. * vildtvoksende sætte én fluer i hovedet Already as a young man, he had harboured suspicion, and suspected anyone of a belief different from his own. Having / bearing / holding / harbouring / nursing a grudge against people of a belief disagreeing with his own, * vidt udbredt * nære mistanke * mistænke ng. ( & nære mistanke mod ng. ) * have en > / bære > * modvilje / nag mod ng. & have et horn i siden på ng. he nursed an ambition of becoming / to become an inquisitor. * nære en ambition om at 10 He must have had his head turned with too much * være forskruet af ngt. religious reading as he sees heresy run rife everywhere. * ~ udbrede sig righoldigt og ukontrolleret In his imagination, a rampantly growing number of people come under the heading of heretics. So the Inquisition persecutes a growing number of people * i ngs. forestillingsverden * i kategorien af ngt. * forfølge ng. > for their alleged heretical beliefs. * for ngt. ‘ He needs ( to have ) his `head examined,’ some more * burde have / få hovedet undersøgt moderate colleagues say, shaking their head. * ryste på … ‘ Tell the inquisitor the truth if you want to, but on your ( own ) head be it,’ one of them warns. 20 * vildt voksende * * det bliver på eget ansvar * påstået 684 The accusation is arranged under a few heads. * anklage The inquisitor finds the head of the first chapter. * overskrift The chapter is headed, ‘ Accusation of heading a heretical * ~ have som overskrift revolt.’ * overskrift The heading reads,’ Accusation of a calculated attempt * = Having got it into his head that he has seen the accused * overskrift hovedafsnit * stå i spidsen for / lede ngt. * The inquisitor reads the first chapter heading. to `instigate (a) heretical revolt. * under > * velovervejet * forsøg * anstifte / iværksætte / opfordre til ngt. * ~ sætte sig i hovedet / få den ( fikse ) ide at - before, the inquisitor got it into his head to prove that * & beslutte sig til at - 10 the heretical assault was done at his instigation. * & på ngs. opfordring Having taken it into his head that the riot was launched * ~ sætte sig i hovedet at - at the instigation of the accused, the inquisitor intends to * på foranledning / prove the accused ( to be ) guilty of assault. * skyldig i ngt. tilskyndelse / opfordring af ng. Suspecting the accused of attempted revolt, the inquisitor * mistænke ng. for ngt. has taken it into his head to prove him ( to be ) the head of * sætte sig i hovedet at - the assaulters and guilty of having instigated the assault * anstifte / iværksætte / ophidse til ngt. as part of a heretical revolt. * As the inquisitor suspects the accused of having been * mistænke ng. for at - at the head of the riot and having headed the rioters, * stå i spidsen for / 20 he intends to prove him ( to be ) the instigator of a revolt. være leder af ngt. * bevise at ng. er ngt. He wants to give definite proof of the accused’s guilt. i spidsen for * stå i spidsen for / lede ng. * anstiftrer * give (afgørende) bevis for ngt. A procession of the clergy had marched through the streets; * gejstligheden clerical dignitaries and ecclesiastic(al) notables at the head, * gejstlig and, at the tail `end or rear, a throng of practising laypeople, * bagenden a motley crew of laypersons, laymen and laywomen. Before the start of the march, members of the procession had bowed their heads in prayer. The inquisitor together with other notable clergymen * broget skare * kirkelig * = * lægperson * i spidsen * skare * lægfolk * -mand * -kvinde * * bøje hovedet i ( bøn ) * gejstlig ( person ) præst and ecclesiastics had headed the march. * = 30 Crowds had thronged the streets. * fylde / trænges i ngt. Thronging into town, thronging throught the streets, people had thronged to see the procession. * flokkes / myldre + adv. * flokkes / trænges / stimle sammen for at - The town had been thronged with people from all `over. * ~ være fyldt til randen med ngt. It had been thronging with people from everywhere. * være … ( from (everywhere) far and near / near and far ?? ) Marching at the head of the procession, * * i spidsen for ngt. * fra * overalt wearing his characteristic headdress, the inquisitor had been * hovedbeklædning hit on the head by missiles and had lost his headgear (U). * ramt i hovedet / -pynt * kasteskyts * hovedbeklædning / -pynt [email protected] 685 ‘ Heads up ! ’ people in the crowd had cried. The inquisitor’s bald head had glistned in the blazing sun * pas på * skaldet hoved as he, in spite of an excruciating pain, had turned his head * ulidelig to spot the instigators of the assault. * anstifter * skinne glinse * brændende * dreje hovedet ophavsmand The assailants had been wearing headscarves to cover their faces. * overfaldsmand * hovedtørklæde * The assault had seemed to be headed by a person, * anført af ng. also wearing a headscarf but a ( good ) head taller than * hovedtørklæde the rest of the crowd and therefore especially noticed * 10 by the inquisitor. * Having headed the procession off, * et ( godt ) hoved højere * afskære ng. vejen lede ng. i en anden retning the assaulters made good their `headlong escape. The police, wearing headpieces, * gennemføre > * hovedkulds * flugt * hovedbeklædning hjelm were too late to head off / intercept the fleeing assailants. Throwing off his headcloth, the real head of the assaulters had got away headlong. * afskære ng. vejen * hovedtørklæde * leder hovedmand * = * over hals og hoved The police had run around like headless chickens. * løbe omkring som forvildede ( hovedløse ) høns They had pleaded as (an) extenuation that they don’t * fremføre at - have eyes in the back of their `heads. * have øjne i nakken 20 They hadn’t reckoned on ( having ) a riot. * regne med ( at ) ngt. The had calculated on a peaceful march and hadn’t calculated on violence flaring (up). They had doubted that the heretics dared (to) raise hell, * formildning formildnende omstændighed * regne med ngt. * … at ng. / ngt. gør ngt. * blusse op * lave en helvedes ballade but they had reckoned without their stubborn determination. * ikke regnet med ngt. * vedholdende * beslutsomhed They had reckoned without their `host as they had not reckoned with the excitement of the crowd. They didn’t reckon with getting caught up in the swarm or being stuck in the throng. In order to make the heresy headless, the Inquisition had 30 offered headmoney for the betrayal of the heretics. * gøre regning uden vært * ikke regne med ngt. * … at - * fanget * sidde fast i ngt. * trængsel * gøre ngt. uden leder * udlove > * dusør £ 50 had been placed on the leader’s head. * sætte en pris på ngs. hoved The assault had embarrassed the church and the clergy. * bringe ng. i knibe / forlegenhed The inquisitor had felt the situation excruciatingly painful -`and embarrassing – acutely embarrassed at the situation, * mylder * ulidelig * pinlig very / deeply / highly embarrassed about his reactions, * flov / forlegen / pinlig til mode / pinligt berørt ved ngt. * meget / særdeles … over ngt. he had really looked embarrassed. * se … ud -`- * yderst He groans at the memory, suffering all over again the acute / excruciating embarrassment of those moments. * lide > * ulidelig * = * flovhed forlegenhed pinefuld 686 Years later, a suspect is arrested, questioned * udspørge ng. and interrogated. * forhøre ng. in`terêgeitid The prisoner feels the first twitch of anxiety as the police ask ( him ) his name, and ask ( him ) a lot of questions. Having a question on his identity, the police very first question him on his age, date and place of birth. Having questions about the recent and the distant past, the police then question him closely about his past. The suspect answers their questions readily / willingly. * trækning af ngt. * spørge ( ng. ) om ngt. * stille ( ng. ) spørgsmål * have et spørgsmål gående på ngt. * allerførst * spørge ng. om ngt. * have spørgsmål om * nær * fjern * udspørge ng. indgående om ngt. * svare på * fortid * = * spørgsmål * beredvilligt besvare Accused by the Inquisition, the suspect is about to be * put through an inquisitorial examination. * trække ng. gennem > 10 During the inquisitorial procedure, the inquisitor has ~ underkaste ng. > * = the right to interrogate and, in the end, he has the right * forhøre ng. to judge the accused ( guilty or not guilty ). * dømme ng. ( ngt. ) Having the right both to interrogate the suspect and judge the case, he acts as both interrogator and judge. Going to submit the accused to an interrogation, * inkvisitorisk * udspørgen forhør * procedure fremgangsmåde * forhøre ng. * dømme > * ( i ) sagen * udspørger * underkaste ng. ngt. the inquisitor intends to put the man in question through * trække ng. > a gruelling examination / interrogation. * skrap, anstrengende * forhør * det drejer sig om * … gennem * udspørgen, forhør udmattende, opslidende Many suspects confess after some time * under interrogation. * under > 20 The accused holds his head `high as he has never even * ~ holde ryggen rank thought of committing assault. * tænke på at - He holds up his `head as he has never harmed / hurt / touched a hair on anybody’s head. * << * krumme et hår på ngs. hoved He never thought to come in conflict with the law. * forvente at Nevertheless, his name is at the head of the page * øverst på and his name is heading the list of the accused (pl.). * << * ( komme ) i konflikt med * være øverst / først på With his head erect, the accused shakes his head, prepared to deny / rebut / refute the false accusation. * med løftet hoved * ryste på … / oprejst pande * afvise / benægte / gendrive / modbevise ngt. What proof(s) have you that I’m guilty ? he inquires. * bevis (-er ) 30 The accusation seems refutable so it’s is met with * gendrivelig (a) firm rebuttal / refutation. modbevislig * skarp With his head high, the accused shakes his head at * << the accusation, ready to deny / refute / deny any suggestion * afvise / benægte ngt. or rumour that he has ever participated in a riot or a revolt. * rygte om at - * mødt med > * afvisning, modbevis / = * << over / ad * antydning > Ready to refute any argument suggesting rebelliousness, * afvise / gendrive > * argument * oprørskhed he rebuts any argument that he is in any way a rioter or rebel. * = 687 Questioning what the accused has alleged, * sætte spørgsmålstegn ved / the inquisitor now questions who the accused is in fact. * = betvivle hvxx Having got it into his head that the accused must be * sætte sig i hovedet / få den fikse ide at - much older than he says, the inquisitor questions his identity. * sætte spørgsmålstegn ved / betvivle ngt. As the inquisitor questions whether the person in question * … hvorvidt is the one he gives himself out to be, * give sig ud for ( at være ) he will try to prove that the accused is an imposter. * bevise at - So he tries to prove the accused ( to be ) somebody else, * bevise at ng. er ngt. and prove him to have committed a number of crimes. * … at ng. gør ngt. 10 He tries to prove who the accused really are, * bevise hvxx - prove why he is guilty, prove what crimes he has committed, * = and prove where, when and how they were committed. The accused, for his part, hopes (that) new evidence will prove his true identity and prove him (to be) innocent. Intent (up)on proving his innocence, he tries try to prove his innocence to the Inquisition. All the witnesses confirm the identity and date of birth stated by the accused which proves the inquisitor wrong. Even if the inquisitor has a ( good ) head for facts, 20 he must have a poor head for figures. Even though the facts are calculable, he has difficulties * = * * bevise ngt. at ng. er + adj. * bevise ngt. * … ngt. overfor ng. * vidne * ( be-) vise at ng. ( er + adj.) * fejltagende ( tage fejl ) * være god til at huske * være dårlig til tal / regning * beregnelig doing a sum in his head; he can’t work the calculation out. * regne ud i hovedet * … stykket … He can’t work it out in his head. * regne det ud Making a mistake in reckoning, he miscalculates. * regne / regning * regne forkert Making a wrong calculation, he makes a miscalculation. * lave en udregning * … regnefejl fejlvurdering foretage en vurdering Calculating the age of the accused, he makes him too old. * udregne ngt As he mistakenly reckons his age at more than he is, * udregne ngt. til ngt. he recons him to be old enough at the time of the assault. * … ngt. til at - 30 As he calculates / reckons that the accused must be * udregne at - more than 25, he calculates / reckons that the accused * regne med / could be old enough to be the one behind the assault. * stå bag gå ud fra at - The assessors lay their `heads together. * meddommer They put their heads together to assess m. særlig fagkundskab * = whether the man in question is a mistaken identity. By their reckoning, the accused would have been too young by the time ( that ) the riot took place. * hvorvidt * stikke hovederne sammen * ng., der er tale om om vedkommende * ud fra ngs. beregning * på det tidspunkt ( da ) * vurdere * ~ en forveksling This assumption begs the question that he could have * rejse spørgsmålet om - been the assailant in question. * ~ pågældende 688 By tacit agreement, the assessors try to curb * ved stiltiende overenskomst the inquisitor’s delusions. * Having put their `heads together, the assessors demand an acquittal on the count of assault. There may be evidence, but no proof that the accused is guilty on that count. * stikke hovederne sammen * frifindelse på > * ( anklage ) punkt om ngt. * tegn på / vidnesbyrd om at - * bevis på at - * The accused cocks his head. * dreje / vende hovedet His head cocked to one side, he nods his head * hovedet vendt til den ene side * nikke med hovedet in agreement, relying on the assesors tacit support. * stiltiende 10 The inquisitor hangs his head for a short while. * ~ hænge med hovedet He cannot get it into his head. * få det ind i sit hoved He scratches his bald head thoughtfully. * kradse / klø ngt. The unlikeliness of the accused being the assailant now * forstå det * skaldet begs the question of how to prove the accused guilty * rejse spørgsmålet om hvxx - on other counts ( of indictment eA ). * på > As the inquisitor takes it into his head that the accused * = * bevise ng. skyldig > * ( anklage-) punkt * få den ide at - must somehow be guilty of heretical beliefs, * kættersk he takes it into his head to provide tangible evidence of * << * ( frem-) skaffe * håndgribelig * vidnesbyrd om / and tangible proof of heresy. * bevis på / 20 The inquisitive inquisitor has a (good) head for * spørgelysten making leading `questions out of his own head. nysgerrig, emsig * ledende spørgsmål he asks him a lot of difficult questions about orthodoxy. * stille ng. > Putting a lot of calculated questions to the accused, * stille ng. > tegn på ngt. vidnesbyrd om ngt. * have gode evne for at - * ud af eget hoved som man selv finder på Calculating ( that ) the accused is infected with heresies, * regne med at * inficeret af / * kætterier besmittet med > he poses a lot of provocative and inquisitorial questions. * fremsætte > * udfordrende * inkvisitorisk * spørgsmål ophidsende anklagende Bombarding him with searching and probing questions, * bombardere ng. med * uddybende * = * spørgsmål om ngt. * rettroenhed he asks him tricky questions, cakculated to make him * velberegnet * spørgsmål udspekuleret * stille ng. > * vildledende * = * beregnet på / til at - say too much / let his tongue run away with him. * sige for meget / tale over sig The inquisitor asks open questions, questions 30 that don’t need ’Yes’ or ’No’ as an answer. Everytime the accused tries to avoid, evade or sidestep * stille > * * undvige > an awkward question about his whereabouts and doings, * ubehagelig, ubekvem the inquisitor rephrases the question. * gentage ngt. The inquisitor’s calculating questioning is calculated to make the accused give himself away * åbent spørgsmål * beregnende * udspørgen * røbe sig * spørgsmål om ngt. * være beregnet på at - and let the cat out of the bag. * ~ røbe noget hemmeligt 689 The inquisitor also asks rhetorical questions; * stille retorisk spørgsmål questions which are asked only to make a statement * or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer. * ’ Should we tacitly let heresy be spread by the spawn of Satan,’ the inquisitor asks rhetorically. The inquisitor calculatedly tries to trip () `up the accused by artful questioning. * stiltiende * yngel * retorisk * udspekuleret * udspekuleret * ~ spænde ben for ng. få ng. til at sbuble / begå en fejl * udspørgen Calculating on contradictions, the inquisitor calculates on * regne med / the accused getting entangled in contradictions. * selvmodsigelse satse på ngt. * vikle sig ind i ( selvmodsigerser ) 10 Reckoning on contradictions, he calculatingly * regne med ngt. reckons on entangling the accused in contradictions. * … at - He reckons ( that ) the accused will entangle himself in contradictions, and speak his `mind heretically. * beregnende * regne med - * vikle sig ind i ngt. * sige sin uforbeholdne mening Laying a trap, the inquisitor tries to entrap the accused. * lægge en fælde He tries to entrap him into making a mistake. * lokke ng. til at gøre ngt. Artfully setting traps, he tries to make the accused * sætte > walk / fall into the trap of tripping up. * ~ holde hovedet koldt He needs to keep a clear / cool / calm `head, * = It’s difficult to calculate what ulterior motive and hidden a`genda lie behind his questions. It’s impossible to calculate whether the inquisitor wants the truth or has taken a dislike to the accused. The accused cannot calculate why the inquisitor seems to dislike him. Maybe the inquisitor needs a scapegoat / `fall guy (eA), so as he wants to scapegoat the accused. He may want to make him a scapegoat for heresy. * fange ng. i en fælde * fældæ * regne ud hvad * skjult dagsorden * underliggende * motiv ~ bagtanke * ligge bagved ngt. * regne ud om * få modvilje mod ng. * regne ud hvorfor * ikke kunne lide ng. * syndebuk * ~ gøre ng. til syndebuk * - - - - for ngt. * udregne hvor / hvornår - may be a catch in the questioning. * fælde i ( udspørgningen ) * regne ud hvordan / and extricate himself ( from the entanglements ) . hvorledes at * vikle sig ud It’s difficult to avoid the trap of getting entangled * undgå fælden med at - in contradictory / conflicting answers. * ( snuble ) ~ lave en fejl * tabe hovedet 30 The accused tries to calculates where and when there It’s difficult to calculate how to avoid the traps * på kættersk vis * gå / falde > * i en fælde ( ved at - ) So the accused needs to keep his `head. 20 and take care not to lose his `head. * … at ng. * selvmodsigende ( svar ) * undgå > * fælde * af forviklingerne [email protected] 690 Having a good headpiece, * have et godt hoved the accused keeps his head under provocation. * holde hovedet koldt He uses his head to work out clever answers. * bruge hovedet til at - Having a long head, the accused makes little / some { * ~ være dreven / forudseende head (<way ) in / with (a) counterproof. Eventually, having a good head on his shoulders, he makes much head / headway against the accusation. The Inquisitor, however, now tries to turn / stand * under provokation * gøre lidt / nogen > * fremskridt med ngt. * modbevis * være et kvikt hoved * fremskridt imod ( anklagen ) * vende ngt. > the accused’s main defence argument on its head. * på hovedet 10 The inquisitor can do that on his head. * så let som ingenting / at klø sig i nakken The assessors, however, dislike his procedure. * ikke bryde sig om / kunne lide ngt, They dislike, in fact, being (a) withess to * … at - the inquisitor’s scheme against the accused. Whether a hidden agenda they dislike witnessing his tacit scheme to make a scapegoat of the accused. They want tangible grounds for suspicion, tangible evidence and tangible proof of guilt. The question arises as to whether the inquisitor is * være vidne til ngt. * plan mod ng. * skjult * dagsorden * være vidne til ngt. * uudsagt * plan med at - * klar, tydelig * = * spørgsmålet > following correct / proper / normal procedure (U); * følge ( … ) procedure 20 whether he follows acceptable court / legal procedures. * = The assessors feel they need to prove a point. * bevise en pointe In their opinion you should be innocent until proved guilty. * bevist skyldig * melder sig / opstår To prove their point they put their heads together as they * stikke hovederne sammen want to knock the inquisitor’s scheme on the head * ~ sætte en stopper for / torpedere ( plan ) They want to put the mad scheme out of his head. * få ngt. ud af ngs. hoved He had better get / put it out of his head. * ~ nok hellere lade den fugl flyve As the inquisitor has to put that scheme out of his head, * få ngt. ud af hovedet, ~ glemme ngt he clutches his head ready to do anything that * tage sig til hovedet comes / pops into his head. * ~ falder ng. ind 30 The inquisitor now gets / takes it into his head that * få ind i hovedet / / den ide at - the accused is guilty of blasphemy. * blasfemi He gets / takes it into his head to prove that the accused is a blasphemer guilty of making `blasphemous statements. * << at * gudsbespotter blas`fi~mê Once again, the accused has come under fire. * gøre alt hvad der - * ~ må stå for skud * blasfemisk gudsbespotende [email protected] 691 Making / pulling a long face, the accused wonders * blive lang i ansigtet what goes on in that head of the inquisitor. * hvad, der foregår i ngs. hoved / skuffet, ked af det He just can’t get his head round (E) what’s going on * få ind i sit hoved when the inquisitor calls him a notorious blasphemer, * allegedly known to blaspheme in public. * angiveligt * tale gudsbespottende blas`fi~m The accused raises (an) objection(s) ( to the allegation ); * komme med en indsigelse gøre indvendinger he objects to / protests against this nonsensical allegation. * = * meningsløs nån`sensikêl The inquisitor `evidences his venemous accusations * sandsynliggøre ngt. with telltale but unconfirmed reports and rumours. * sigende 10 ‘ You are said to swear – it’s said that you speak about afslørende * ng. siges at - * forlydende * det siges at - God and holy things in an offensive way – you’re a blasphemer * by / from all accounts,’ the inquisitor interrupts. According to himself / By his own account, the accused * efter sigende * efter eget udsagn ifølge ng. has just been telling innocent childish jokes. The thought that anyone would pin him on that never entered his head. * * hænge ng. op på ngt. * falde en ind He wishes he’d used his head before cracking a joke in the company of religious fanatics. * bruge hovedet * Even if the accused endeavours to apologize, and tries to * bestræbe sig på at - * undskylde gøre afbigt 20 appeace, pacify, mollify, and placate the inquisitor, * formilde ng. any endeavour on the accused’s part to allay and mitigate * bestræbelse > * fra ngs. side * på at - * milde ngt. * = ê`lei the inquisitor’s suspicion and anger is in vain. / vedkommende * The Inquisitor doesn’t relent. * give efter, formildnes Talking over the accused’s head, the inquisitor keeps * tale hen over hovedet på talking his head off making venomous attacks. He keeps talking without respite. * tale fanden et øre af * giftig > * angreb * uden afbrydelse `respait / -it His involved and tortuous speech is too complicated to carry in one’s head. It goes over the accused’s head; His head is turning. * indviklet * snørklet * have ngt. i hovedet * det går over ngs. forstand * det kører rundt for ng. 30 The explanations go right over his head. * gå hen over hovedet på ng. As the accused can’t make head (n)or tail of anything, * ~ kan ikke hverken finde hoved eller hale i ngt. he cannot make head against the accusations. * holde stand mod ngt. ~ kan ikke forstå / finde ud af / hitte rede i ngt. The accused has nervous twitches in his eyes. * have > His eyelids twitch nervously. * lave trækninger The assessors as well can’t make heads (n)or tails of * kan ikke finde hverken hoved eller hale i etc. * trækning i ngt. * øje the inquisitor’s tangled (up) speech and accusations. It is over their head, too. * indviklet, rodet, speget * det er over ngs. forstand 692 The accused is unable to make head / headway against * gøre fremskridt imod ngt. a deluge of accusations. As he can’t keep head / headway against a tidal wave of accusations, he tears his hair in despair. * syndflod af ngt. * << * = ( tidevandsbølge ) * rive sig i håret teêz The accused’s hair tangles (up) easily. * filtre sig sammen As he tangles his hair up, it ends up in a mass of tangles. * sammenfiltre / ugle ngt. The success goes to the inquisitor’s head. * stige til hovedet As success turns his head, the inquisitor orders * ugles * sammenfiltring gøre ør / indbildsk = the accused to stand up and raise his head. * rejse hovedet 10 Standing up, the accused seems, however, to provoke * & ophidse ng. the inquisitor just by being a ( good ) head taller than him, * med et hoved and having a good / fine / thick head of tangled (up) hair. * have godt med > rette ryggen It provokes the inquisitor to lose his head * filtret hår på hovedet * provokere ng. til at - * tabe hovedet / besindelsen and provokes him into such excitability * & ægge / ophidse ngt. til ngt. that he flares up at the slightest thing. * fare op Provoked into losing his head, the inquisitor flares up on any occation. Going off his head, the excitable inquisitor flings out * pirrelighed letbevægelighed * ved > * den mindste / ubetydeligste ting * provokeret til at - * tabe hovedet miste besindelsen * ved enhver anledning * ~ gå helt fra koncepterne * uligevægtig * udslynge > blive skør letpåvirkelig ridicule / stultification(s). * latterliggørelse 20 The temperamental inquisitor is off his head. * temperamentsfuld Screaming and laughing his head off, the inquisitor goes out of his head. * fare op uligevægtig * skrige * le * være helt fra koncepterne & ikke rigtig klog * ~ himmelhøjt / vildt * gå helt fra koncepterne blive skør The unstable inquisitor is out of his head. * uligevægtig Even if he gets / keeps his head down, it’s impossible for * ~ holde lav profil the accused not to be under fire. By now subjecting the accused to stultification, * være helt fra … & ikke rigtig klog * ~ stå for skud * latterliggørelse påstand om / bevis for sindsforvirring and trying to stultify the accused, the inquisitor tries to * få ng. til at virke dum stultify his efforts to make any head / headway. * gøre utroværdig / virkningsløs erklære utilregnelig Making no head / headway in / with his counterproof, * gøre fremskridt ødelægge virkningen af * … fremskridt med ngt. 30 unable to keep head / headway against the accusations, * … fremskridt imod / modstand mod ngt. the accused is rendered unable to make any head / * gøre / ( efter-) lade ng. + adj. headway towards (an) acquittal. * … henimod Being so stubborn, proceeding with his long-drawn-out oral prosecution, the inquisitor, in fact, stultifies himself. Knowing him to be as stubborn as a mule, * stædig * mundtlig * … fremskridt > * langtrukken * retsforfølging * ( så ) stædig som et muldyr * gøre sig selv latterlig the assessors yawn their heads off. * gabe kæberne af led His excruciatingly stubborn, boring, dull and stultifying prosecution against the accused stultifies their minds. 693 The accused keeps pleading innocent and not guilty. As he stubbornly makes / enters a plea of ‘ not guilty ‘, * ulideligt * ved- * kedelig * = * åndsfornærmende holdende sløvende * retsforfølgning imod ng. * fornærme / * sind sløve ngt. * påberåbe sig ngt. * komme med en bøn om ngt. the inquisitor eventually interrupts his prosecution, and calls * strafferetsforfølgning a consideration of judgement E/A&E the judgement . * votering om > The inquisitor together with the assessors retire to an adjecent / adjoining / a communicating room. * dom dommerkendelse * * nærliggende * tilstødende * tilstødende ( med dør ) tilstødende The inquisitor takes the head of the table. * ~ sætte sig for bordenden Sitting at the head of the table, the inquisitor pleads that * fremføre at - the accused is judged guilty and given a harsh sentence. * 10 The meeting discuss the judgment. * ~ mødedeltagerne In mitigation, one of the assessors intervenes, * ~ i formildnende øjemed * bryde ind -`- ‘ Without really being up to no good, young people often say * have ondt i sinde the first thing that comes / pops into their head – and you * falde ng. ind cannot expect an old head on young shoulders.’ * gammelt hoved på unge skuldre According to the assessor, there are extenuating / mitigating { circumstances / factors. * ifølge ng. (-s udsagn ) * formildnende * omstændigheder You have to see both sides of a / the question. * se en sag / sagen fra begge sider Three assessors enter / make / offer a plea in mitigation. * komme med en bøn They triy to talk / knock some sense into the inquisitor * tale / banke > 20 but it’s banging your head against a brick `wall. Trying to reason with the inquisitor is ( like ) bashing your head against a brick wall. * i formildende øjemed * ( noget ) fornuft ind i ng. ~ tale ng. til fornuft * ~ løbe panden mod en mur * være som at løbe > * panden mod en mur By / in virtue of his headship, the inquisitor has two votes while the assessors have a vote a head. Having only a vote per head, * i kraft af ngt. * lederstilling * per person * = the assessors discuss the schism. * meningsdeling Matters come to a head because of the split. * tingene går op i en spids Matters come to a head between the assessors. ~ der opstår en krise * - - - mellem ng. They become entangled in a conflict. * blive viklet ind i ( krise ) 30 They get into a tangle with each other. * komme i skænderi / klammeri / karambolage med ng. They tangle with each other over the ruling ( on the case ). * skændes / slås med The tension between them is almost tangible. * splittelse * håndgribelig, til at føle på `tand§ibêl The discussion brings matters to a head. * ~ fremkalde en krise The situation comes to a head. * situationen tilspider sig * afgørelse * i sagen kendelse 694 Tempers flare and things are coming to a head. * temperamenterne slår gnister The affair has come to a head when the inquisitor * komme til et afgørende punkt at the head of the table eventually rushes headlong into * ved bordenden the discussion with a twitch of his head. * ryk af hovedet * der er ved at > opstå en krise * kaste sig hovedkulds ind i ngt. ‘ Keep your head shut,’ he flares,’ Use your head ! * ~ hold mund / bøtte The inquisitor’s nostrils flare ( with anger ). * spile sig ud ( af raseri ) His eyes flare as he obsessively suspects the accused * øjnene * rase * brug hovedet * lyne * som en besat -`- of having some tacit knowledge. The impatient inquisitor tosses his head * uudsagt * ~ lave et pludseligt løfte med hovedet slå med nakken 10 and makes / takes an arbitrary decision. * selvrådig Anger flares his nostrils. * få ngt. til at spile sig ud The inquisitor is at variance with the assessors * i uoverstemmelse med ngt as his conclusions are totally at variance with theirs. With a toss of his head, the headstrong inquisitor dismisses the question of mitigation of the punishment. Heading the table, thinking up a cunning stratagem, * - - - med ngt. * ( med et ) kast med hovedet * affærdige ngt. * spørgsmål / * stædig, stivnakket egensindig, selvrådig * mildning af ( straf ) sag om ngt. * udtænke ngt. * sidde for bordenden * listig plan the wilful /eA willful inquisitor brings the argument to a head. * bringe … til et afgørende / kritisk punkt Having adopted his smart ploy to bang / knock the asses> * anvende > * listig plan om at - sors’ heads together, he brings matters to a head. * til at være enige 20 After all, none of the assessors (=sg.) dares to * når alt kommer til alt challenge, oppose, or contradict the inquisitor. * udfordre > * ~ tvinge ng. > * bringe sagen til / fremtvinge en afgørelse * turde at - i sidste ende * modsætte sig > * modsige ng. kåntrê`dikt At the end of the day none of them (pl.) dare to question * << his judgement, and headstrong / wilful decision. * sætte spørgsmålstegn ved betvivle * stivnakket, stædig egensindig, selvrådig * dom dømmekraft When all is said and done, none of them dare ( = modal ) challenge, oppose, or contradict the inquisitors judgement. So the assessors are somehow compelled / forced to find the accused guilty on all counts (of the indictment eA). They find themselves compelled / forced to judge the accused guilty. 30 * * udfordre ( ngs. dømmekraft ) * være tvunget til at * ng. skyldig i * ( anklage-) punkt * befinde sig > * dømme ng. + adj. * finde > * anklage ( skrift ) * tvunget til at - [email protected] 695 Even after a long inquisition, * skarpt / truende forhør the accused persistantly refuses to confess. * afslå at - Harbouring / nursing a grudge against the accused, * gå til bekendelse tilstå * bære nag til / nære en modvilje mod ng. the inquisitor has / bears / holds a grudge against anyone * have en modvilje mod / bære nag til ng. suspected of heresy or any kind of blasphemy . * So bearing the accused a grudge, the inquisitor has his `knife in the accused. Having / nursing a grievance against the inquisitor, * bære nag til ng. * have et horn i siden på ng. * have / være optaget en klage over ng. the accused, as obstinate as the inquisitor, * stædig 10 still refuses to confess to any crime. * tilstå ngt. He obstinately refuses to confess ( that ) he has ever harmed the inquisitor or committed any crime. As the accused refuses to confess to the alleged crimes, * stædigt * tilstå at * * gå til bekendelse om / tilstå ngt. and refuses to confess to having committed any crimes, * … at - the inquisitor puts / sticks the `knife in. * ~ være ude på at gøre skade / være nådeløs He puts / sticks the `knife into the accused as he wants to send him to torture. In order to get a confession by all means, the inquisitor * … skade ng. / nådesløs overfor ng. * sende ng. til tortur * få en tilståelse wants to put / subject him to torture. * underkaste ng. tortur 20 Putting / sticking the `knife into the obstinate accused, * ~ ude på at skade ng. / nådeløs overfor ng. the inquisitor lets fall some sarcastic and vicious remarks. * lade > Putting / sticking the `knife in, he remarks on the fact that desperate diseases need desperate remedies. Turning / twisting the `knife in the wound, * falde * ~ ude på at skade / nådeløs * der skal skarp lud til skurvede hoveder * dreje kniven rundt i såret the inquisitor makes / passes a remark to the effect that * komme med > * bemærkning he wants the accused to feel more unhappy. * Turning / twisting the `knife, the inquisitor remarks that truth is rewarded in the final reckoning. So having passed sentence, the inquisitor questionably * dreje kniven rundt * sandhed * belønnes * afsige dom ( i kriminalsag ) * gå hen over hovedet på / the convict to torture. handle udenom ng. * til ngt. the inquisitor’s questionable decision done over their head. Unable to mollify the inquisitor and mitigate the punish> * i den mening at - * bemærke at - 30 goes over the assessors’ head and condemns The assessors gape / gawp / gawk / goggle at * bemærkning * i sidste ende ( opgørelse ) * på tvivlsomt grundlag * dømme ng. > * måbe over ngt. * tvivlsom * formildne ng. * hen over hovedet på / uden hensyntagen til ng. * mildne ngt. ment, the assessors accept his judgement by tacit approval. * stiltiende 696 The convict is up to his ears in trouble. * til op over begge ører i ngt. The convict is heading for disaster when the guards drag him `out by the head and ears. Member of the audience tries to trip the accused (E& up), knock him on the head and hit him in his face. * på vej mod ( katastrofe ) * trække ng. ud * slå ng. i hovedet * udtryk i ansigtet His nostrils flare with fright as the inquisitor’s warning * være opspilet In the torture chamber, the torches flare up 10 and begin to flare. * ved hovedet og ører * spænde ben for ng. The convict has a frightened look on his face. is still ringing in his `ears / head. * godkendelse * - - - i ansigtet * genlyde / runge i hovedet på ng. * torturkammer * fakkel ( lomme-, stavlygte ) * flamme / blusse op * blafre In the flare of the torchlight, the torturers put the convict on the rack. Using terrible instruments of torture, the torturers torture the convict into making a confession. They stick him with the head of an arrow or with the head of a spear to make him confess. * blafren * torturkarl * lægge ng. på pinebænken * tortur* torturere ngt til at * spids * = He twitches his face in pain. * fortrække > As their faces twitch with pain, many victims confess * fortrække sig af ngt. under torture. * under tortur 20 Many victims confess to alleged crimes under torture. * bekende / tilstå ngt. Unable to endure the excruciating pain * fakkellys * pil * spyd * tilstå * ansigtet * tilstå * = * ulidelig ik`skru~$ieiting many victims admit (to) made-up sins. * indrømme ngt. They confess / admit to being guilty of made-up crimes. * bekende / tilstå / indrømme ngt. Some victims die after days of excruciating torture. * ulidelig A heretic must abjure his heresies. * afsværge / opgive ngt. * opdigtet êb`d§uê If a person denies to renounce his heretical beliefs * afsværge / fornægte ngt. ri`nauns and denies to make a confession of faith, * komme med > he will suffer the tortures of the damned (pl.). * pinsel There was no `respite from the excruciation, * afbrydelse / pause fra ngt. * trosbekendelse * de fordømte * pineri 30 and no respite from the excruciating pain, as the torturers * = continue to excruciate the victim without respite. * pine ng. ik`skru~$ieit The torturers eventually persuade the convict to make a confession: to make a full confession. So he confesses that he has behaved sinfully. * uden ophold uophørligt * * komme med en tilståelse * tilstå / bekende at - * - - - fuld … As he confesses to assault and blasphemy, * tilstå ngt. he confesses to having participated in rioting / a riot, * … at - and confesses to being guilty of heresy. * = 697 Confession (U) (made) under torture, * bekendelse it's likely to be at variance with the truth. tilståelse * i uoverensstemmelse med ngt. The victim of torture knows perfectly well / full well / * under tortur * vide > * alt for godt only too well it would only make matters worse * kun - - - if he withdraws his confession. * tilbagetrække > His confession brings, however, just a brief `respite as he will receive / be given the death sentence ( for heresy ). It brings just a temporary respite from the horrors * ~ medføre > * ~ gøre ondt værre * tilståelse ~ trække sin tilståelse tilbage * kort pause / pusterum * få dødsdom ( for ngt. ) * midlertidig * afbrydelse fra ngt. as the poor creature is condemned to death for heresy. * dømt til ngt. ( dødsdømt ) 10 Sentenced to death, he’s on the rack. * = Suffering the tortures of the damned, he spends his wait / waiting time excruciated / tortured by the thought * = * for ngt. * lide de værste kvaler * lide de fordømtes kvaler * forpint af ngt. of the head(s)man waiting to make him shorter by the head. * skarpretter Too many have lost their head. * miste hovedet In a few days, when the head of the axe has severed * hoved * gøre ng. et hoved kortere henrette ng. ved halshugning ~ blive halshugget * skille the head from the body, the corpse of the executed heretic * < hovedet fra will be displayed in public as a deterrent ( to others ). * afskrækkende eksempel * lig * henrettet di`terênt People come to shiver and shudder with frigh at the sight of the cut-off head next to the decapitated, headless body. * ryste / gyse > * skælve / gyse > * afhugget * hovedafhugget ~ hovedløs 20 If an accused refuses to give in to the inquisitor’s demand, * give efter / bøje sig for ngt. * af skræk * hovedløs di`kapiteitid and make a full confession, he is put to trial by ordeal, * sætte ng. på prøve ordeal by fire, water etc. the result being regarded as * ildprøve a divine or preternatural judgement. * overnaturlig * ved prøvelse * vandprøve -`- Capital punishment, public execution and corporal punishment are believed to have a deterrent effect. The deterrence of harsher punishment is, however, * dødsstraf * offentlig henrettelse * afstraffelse * afskrækkelse * strengere questioned as there’s little evidence that harsher punishments * deter ( people ) any better that more lenient ones. * afskrække ( ng. ) 30 A criminal who is found guilty of a capital crime, * forbrydelse, der medfører dødsstraf is executed either for murder, high treason, heresy * henrette ng. for ngt. or other crime reckoned among capital offences * << involving punishment by death. * dødsstraf It’s the public executioner’s job to execute / kill criminals. * legemlig * bøddel, skarpretter * afstrafning As person can be send to their death in many ways, capital punishment is executed in several ways. * sende ng. i døden * udføre ngt. `eksikju~tid 698 A person condemned / sentenced to death by hanging * dømme til døden will be executed by hanging. If a condemned person is sent to his death by hanging, * henrette ved ngt. * sende ng. i døden the hangman puts a rope with a noose arount his neck * bøddel v. hængning and hang him from a high place such as a tree or a gallows. * hænge ng. fra ngt. So if a crime deserves of the gallows, and the criminal deserves the gallows, he is sent to the gallows. * ved hængning * = * løkke ( der kan ændres ) * galge * ngt. fortjene ngt. * ng. … ngt. * sende ng. til galgen A person condemned to death by decapitation / beheading, * ved halshugning will be send to decapitation / beheading / beheadal * sende ng. til … 10 and executed by decapitation / beheading. * henrette ng. ved … Before the decapitation (C), the condemned person lay his head on the block. The head(s)man or beheader uses a sharp-edged sword or axe to decapitate / behead the condemned person. Lifting his sword or his axe, he will exercise all his strenght to cut () off the head in one cut. In the past, public execution often took place on a scaffold a raised / an elevated platform. Doomed to die on the scaffold, the condemned person 20 had to mount the scaffold. During the French Revolution (1789 – 99), a french doctor / * halshugning * lægge hovedet på blokken * skarpretter * ~ skarpsleben ( -ægget ) * hugge hovedet af ng. * * * skafot * * skæbnedømt til at - * dø > * på skafottet * bestige … * physician ( A / o-f E) Joseph Ignace Guillotin, invented * the guillotine, a practical device for beheading persons * guillo`tine `gilêti~n by means of a heavy blade that is dropped between * two posts that serve as guides. * Sent to the guillotine, thousands were guillotined. * sende ng. til … If a person is sentenced to death by shooting, * he may be executed by a shot in the back of the neck. A condemned person may be shot by (a) firing squad. 30 A firing squad (sg.) is a group of soldiers. * skud i > * guillotinere ng. * bagsiden af halsen, ~ nakken & nakkeskud * ~ henrettelsespeloton * The squad aim (pl.) at the heart and shoot at the same time. * A person sentenced to death by electrocution is sent to the electric chair. If a person gets the electric chair, he or she * dømt til døden * sende ng. i … * få ( dommen ) … * ved aflivning med strøm ~ i den elektriske stol faces death by the electric chair. When the authorities e`lectrocute a condemned person, * stå overfor døden * aflive ng. med strøm the person is executed / killed by passing a powerfull * electric current through their body. * * ~ i den elektriske stol
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