From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 85: 2546-2552 Mutations of the p53 and ras genes in childhood t(1;19)-acute lymphoblastic leukemia M Kawamura, A Kikuchi, S Kobayashi, R Hanada, K Yamamoto, K Horibe, T Shikano, K Ueda, K Hayashi and T Sekiya Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. Mutations of the p53 and ras Genes in Childhood t( l ; 19)-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia By Machiko Kawamura, Akira Kikuchi, Shigetoshi Kobayashi, Ryoji Hanada, Keiko Yamamoto, Keizou Horibe, Takaaki Shikano, Kazuhiro Ueda, Kenshi Hayashi, Takao Sekiya, and Yasuhide Hayashi We have investigated the alterations of p53 and ras genes including H-, K-, and N-ras genes in 22 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases and five cell lines carrying t(1;19) by use of polymerase chain reaction (PCWsingle-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing. The mutations of the p53 gene were found in 2 of 20 t(l;lS)-ALL cases at diagnosis (IO?&),all of4 cases at relapse 1100%), and 4 of the 5 cell lines 180%). Four of the fivepatients who died hadmissense mutations at codons 49, 177. 179, and 248. In cases examined sequentially, one had the same point mutation at codon 179 at both diagnosis and relapse, and another had the same p53 gene mutation at codon 240 both in leukemic cells at relapse and in a cell line derived at that time. The other case had no mutation at codon 177 at relapse and diagnosis but had the mutation at cell lines derived from blast cells at diagnosis, suggesting that a small number of leukemic cells with the p53 gene mutation atdiagnosis might have escaped PCR-SSCP analysis. In cell lines, SCMC-L9 had three point mutations in the p53 gene at codons 175,248, and 358, whereas SCMC-L10 had frame shift atcodons 209-211. One casehad a rare polymorphism atcodon 11. We found only one mutation of the N-ras gene that was a 2-bp substitution of GGTiGly) t o GTC(Val) at codon 13 among 22 t(l;lS)-ALL cases and five cell lines. This case showed no mutation of the p53 gene and has had a good course. These results suggest that in t(1;lS)-ALL, mutations of the p53 and ras genes are infrequent at diagnosis and that p53 gene alterations may be associated with relapse phase or progression oft(1;lS)-ALL. 0 1995 b y The American Society of Hematology. C cancers.” Loss of the normal growth-inhibitoractivity o f p53protein in most of these tumors occurs as aresult of point mutationb of the other p53 allele. In myeloid malignancies, p53 gene mutations have been reported in myelodysplastic syndrome,“ blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia,” andacutemyelogenousleukemia (AML)’‘ at a lowfrequency. In lymphoidmalignancies,Burkitt’slymphonla,’5,’hR-cell lymphoma,” B-cell ALL.IX multiple myeloma,’” and T-cell-ALL cell line2“ had the p53 mutations at high frequency whereas early pre-BALL had low frequent mutations of the p53 gene.” However, there have been few reports of this gene aberration in t( 1; 19)-ALL with pre-R phenotype.” with varying freAltered rus genes havebeendetected quencies in a number of human malignancies.” N-rus mutations are found in between 25% and 40% cases of AML”.’‘ whereas they were found at lower frequency in ALL.’5 Here we analyze the rearrangement of the E2A gene and mutations of the p53 and rus genes to investigate the frequency andspectrum of thesemutations in aseries of t( I ; I9)-ALL. We find that mutations of the p53 and rus genes were infrequent and that p53 mutations were associated with relapse phase or progression of t( 1 : I WALL. HROMOSOMAL TRANSLOCATIONS are important events in the pathogenesis of leukemias and lymphomas. One of the most frequentlyreported cytogenetic is the changes in acutelymphoblasticleukemia(ALL) t(1; I Y ) ( q 2 3 ; ~ 1 3 ) ’observed ~~ in up to 6% of pediatric ALL and in approximately 25% of ALL with a pre-B cell phenotype’.’,’ which express cytoplasmic heavy chain Ig (cIg), but not surface Ig (slg). t(1; 19)-ALL caseshave been reported to have a poor clinical outcome’.‘ or poor prognostic features.5 The E2A gene, which encodes proteins that bind to enhancer of the kE2, hasbeen isolated,’ mapped to 1 9 ~ 1 3 , and shown to be rearranged in t( 1 ; IY)-ALL.XSimilarly, the breakpoint in chromosome lq23 interrupts a homeobox gene known as PBXI.”“’Consequently, the production of a chimeric E2A-PBX1 protein may contribute to the development of t( 1 ; 19)-ALL.”.“’ It has recently been shown that the p53 gene is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 1 7 ~ 1 3Alterations . of the p53geneare involved in varioustypes of human From the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty ojMedicine, Universiry of Tokyo, Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo; the OncogeneDivision, National Cancer Center Research Institute; the Depurtment c!f Hematologv/Oncology.SaitamaChildren’sMediculCenter; the Department of Pediatrics, University of Hokkaido School c$ Medicine; the Department ($Pediatrics, University of Nagoya School of Medicine; and the Department of Pediutrics. Universiq of Hirmhima School of Medicine, Hiroshimu, Japan. Submitted Augusi I , 1994: accepted December 19, 1994. Supported in parr b y a Grant-in-Aid f?)r Gtncer Research fronl the Ministty os Health and Wdjure vf Japan, and a Grunt-in-Aid jiJr Science of Culture (04454568,04454276) P o m the Ministry of Education of Japun. Address reprint requests to Yasuhide Hayashi, MD, Departmentof’ Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-I , Hongo. Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113, Japan. The publication costs of this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must thereforebeherebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with I8 U.S.C. secrion 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 6 l995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4Y7//95/8509-0036$3.00/0 2546 MATERIALS ANDMETHODS Patient .sample,\. From April 1983 t o May 1994. we identified 22 ALL cases with the t ( l ; 19) at diverse institutes in Japan. The diagnohis of ALL was based on examination of Wright-stained smears of bone Inarrow (BM) aspirates classified according to the French-American-British morphologic criteria and negative myel<)peroxidase and a-naphthyl butyrate esterase staining.BM cells from 22 t( 1 ; IY)-ALL cases ~ncluding I8 cases at diagnosis, 2 cases at relapse, and 2 cases at both diagnosls and relapse were used i n this study(TableI). In cases 3 and 19, we analyzedperipheral blood (PB) and BM samples at remission, respectively, and in cabe I O we analyzed fibroblasts cultured from BM. ‘These included 7 boys and 15 girls whose ages ranged from 2 to 14 years. These cases were mainly treated on the TCCSG A1.L protocol.”’ Cell lines. Five cell lines (KMO-90.27 SCMC-L9,’X SCMCLIO.’”.’‘ SCMC-L,I 1.” THP-X”’) with the t( I ; 19) were examined. KM090 and SCMC-LI I derived from case 21 at diagnosis and from Blood, Vol 85,No 9 (May l ) , 1995: pp 2546-2552 From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 2541 p53 GENE MUTATIONS IN t(l;lg)-ALL Table 1. Clinical Data on 22 ALL Cases With the t(1;lSI Translocation Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Age (vrs) Sex 4 4 11 8 10 4 4 11 3 6 2 4 F a F 2 12 14 8 11 4 13 13 8 F F M M M F F F F F F M F M F M F F F M WBC 1106/L) 44.9 28.7 6.4 33.5 131.1 8.1 25.8 105.9 1.7 107.1 102.5 42.5 112.6 2.2 10.6 9.7 13.5 23.6 23.9 8.3 20.1 28.3 Survival E2A Re + - + + + + + ND + ND + + + ND + + ND ND + ND + + (mod C-U CD10 + + + + +- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ND + ND ND + + ND + ND + ND ND ND + ND ND ND ND ND + ND 75+ 73+ 62 + 60 + 59 + 55+ 54+ 48 + 43 + 43 41 + 39 + 36+ 36+ 28+ 28+ IO+ 6+ 40 18 10 10 + Abbreviations: WBC, white blood cell count; ND, not done; Re, rearrangement. case 10 at relapse, respectively. They were cultured in RPM1 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Cytogenetic studies. The chromosomes of cell lines and BM or peripheral samples were analyzed by the regular tripsin-Giemsa- or Q-banding method as described previo~sly.~’ DNA and Southern blot analysis. High-molecular-weight DNA of all samples was prepared by proteinase K-phenol-chloroform extraction. DNA was digested with EcoRI, Xba I, BgflI, Hind111 or BamHI restriction endonuclease, electrophoresed through a 0.8% agarose gel, and transferred to nylon membrane.” DNA probes and hybridization. pE47p’ was used inthe Southern hybridization?’ The insert was isolated from the vector sequence with Hind111 and EcoRI, and was used as a template to prepare a labeled probe with Klenow fragment ofDNA polymerase I and [a-”PIdCTP, after priming with random hexanucleotides. Highly stringent condition wasused for hybridization and washing. The filters were exposed to Kodak XAR film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) in the presence of intensifying screens. All experiments included control DNA. Immunophenotyping. Cell surface antigens were detected by a of standard indirect immunofluorescence assay3’.’’ withtheuse monoclonal antibodies to lymphoid-associated antigens, including CDlO(JS), CD20(B1), and CD19(B4) as well as myeloid antigens including CD13(MY7) and CD33(MY9). Cells were analyzed for fluorescence microscopy of flow cytometry (Coulter EPICSC, Hialeah, FL). Results were considered positive if 25% or more of the cells expressed a particular antigen. Leukemic cells were also tested for sIg and cIg, which were considered to be positive if greater than 10% of blast cells had fluorescence. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Fragments A,B, C, D, E, F, G , H, and I containing the sequences of the p53 gene important for the function of the wild-type protein were analyzed by PCR (Fig 1). Names and sequences of primers for amplification of the fragments have been described p r e v i o ~ s l y . Mutations ~ ~ , ~ ~ in codon 12, 13, or 61 of one of the three ras genes, H-, K-, and Nras, convert these genes into active oncogenes. Therefore, amplified fragments from regions carrying exon 1 or 2 of the K-ras gene (K1 or K2), the Ha-ras 1 gene (H1 or H2) and the N-ras gene (N1 or N2) were analyzed by PCR. The sequences of primers used for PCR were the same as reported p r e v i o ~ s l y DNA . ~ ~ samples (50 ng) in the mixture ( 5 pL) with appropriate unlabeled primers and [a3’P] dCTP (20 pCi per tube, 3,000 Cilmmol; Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK) as one of the nucleotide substrates were subjected to 30 cycles of the reaction. Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. After addition of 45 pL of formamide denaturing dye mixture (95% formamide:20 mmoVL EDTA:0.05% xylene cyanol:O.O5% bromophenol blue) PCR mixture was heated at 80°C for 3 minutes, and then 1 pL ofthe diluted mixture was applied to one lane of 5% polyacrylamide gel containing 45 mmoVL TRIS-borate (pH 8.3) and 4 mmoVL EDTA.”,35The gel contained 10% glycerol when it was specified. Electrophoresis was performed at 40 W for 1 to 3 hours with cooling by fan. The gel was dried on filter paper and exposed to x-ray film. Direct sequencing of PCR-amplifiedfragments. Direct sequencing was performed aspreviouslydescribed3‘with some modificat i o n ~A. ~small ~ piece of the gel corresponding to the abnormal band detected by SSCP analysis was cut out, immersed in 20 pL of water, heated at 80°C for 15 minutes, and centrifuged. DNA in extract (1 pL) was subjected to 30 cycles of PCR, and the products were purified with Centricon 30 or Microcon 100 (Amicon, Beverly, MA). The DNA fragments thus obtained were sequenced by dideoxy chain termination methodusing5’-’’P-labeled primers and Taq DNA polymerase (dsDNA Cycle Sequencing System; GIBCO BRL, Gaithersburg, MD). Primers for sequencing were the same as those used for PCR. Statistical analysis. Cases were classified into two groups on the basis of the presence or absence of the p53 gene mutations that their leukemias carried. Significance ofthe different groups with and without p53 gene mutations was examined by x’ test. The survival curves of each group of cases were estimated by the KaplanMeier method, and significant differences were determined by the generalized Wilcoxon test.” RESULTS Cytogenetic studies. All cases had t(1;19)(q23;p13) or der( 19)t(i; 19) with or without additional chromosome abnormalities. An absence or obvious structural abnormalities of chromosome 17p were not found in any cases. Exon1 2 Codon 1-25 3 4 33125 5 6 187-P4 7 B I19 262-306 10 332-367 366393 28-32 507-331 225-261 12(1-186 Fig 1. Regions of the p53 gene subjected to PCR-SSCP analysis. The nine fragments (A through I) carrying the region of the p53 gene corresponding to exons 2 to 11 are shown. The coding regions of the exons era indicated by solidboxes with aminoacidpositions, whereas noncoding regionsare indicated by open boxes. The numbers in parentheses indicate base pairs. From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 2548 KAWAMURA ET AL Table 2. p53 Gene Mutations in ALL Cases and Cell LinesWith t11;19) Translocation At the Time of Sampling Fresh leukemic cells Case 10 Case 19 Case 20 Exon Codon 5 4 240 248 179 179 No mutation 177 49 R D D R Case 21 D R R D* Case 22 Case 3 Cell lines SCMC-L9 2 5 7 10 6 7 5 SCMC-L10 SCMC-L11* KMO-SO§ Nucleotide Substitution Substitution Acid Amino 11 175 248 358 209-211 240 177 AGT to TGT CGG t o CAG CAT t o CCT CAT to CCT Ser to Cys Arg to Gln His to Pro His to Pro CCC to CTC GAT to CAT GAG to CAG Pro t o Leu Asp to His Glu to Gln CGC t o TGC CGG t o CAG GAG to AAG Deletionhnsertiont AGT t o TGT CCC to CTC Arg to Cys Arg to Gln Glu to Lys Frame shift Ser to Cys Pro to Leu Abbreviations: D, at diagnosis; R, at relapse. This mutation was also found inPB of cases in complete remission, suggesting polymorphism. t AAACAC change t o CCCACACGCA, this line was established from the same patient who had been reported previously.m Derived from case 10. § Derived from case 21 at diagnosis. * Renrrrrngement of E2A gene. Eight of 16 cases. I O of 14 cases, and 9 of I2 cases had rearrangements of E2A gene with BamHI, BgIII, or X h I digestion, respectively. Totally E2A gene rearrangements were found in all but 1 of 16 cases tested (Table l ) . E2A gene rearrangements were also found in all five t( 1 ; 19)-canying cell lines. Immunophenotying. Leukemia cells from all the cases expressed CDlO antigen, and eight of them tested had c-p (Table 1 ). All the five cell lines had CDlO antigen and expression of c-p. None of the 22 fresh leukemias and 5 cell lines had any myeloid antigens and T-cell antigens. PCR-SSCP analwis of p53 gene. Fragments A through I corresponding to the all coding regions of the p53 gene (Fig I ) were amplified from DNA isolated from tumor samples andanalyzedby SSCP method.Abnormalmobility shifts were detected in fragment C from case 22, fragment D from cases 20 and 2 I , and fragment F from case 19. In the cell lines, mobility shifts were observed in fragment E from SCMC-LIO, fragment D from KMO-90, fragments D, F. and H from SCMC-L9, and fragment F from SCMC-LI 1. Loss of the other p53 allele wasnot found bythe SSCP analysis. Ident$cation of the p53 gene mutations. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed the aberrations of the p53 gene detected by PCR-SSCP analysis in 2 cases at diagnosis. 4 cases at relapse, and 4 cell lines (Table 2). In freshleukemias. missense mutations of CGG to CAG at codon 248 in exon 7 and CAT to CCT at codon 179 in exon 5 were identified in cases 19and 20, respectively. Cases IO. 20.21.and22 atrelapseshowedmissense mutations of CAT to CCT at codon 179 in exon 5 (Fig 2), CCC to CTC at codon 177 in exon 5 (Fig 3 ) , and GAT to CAT at codon 49 in exon 4. respectively (Table 2).A sample of case 3 at diagnosis showed a substitution of GAG to CAG at codon I I in exon 2; however, PBof the case in complete remission showed the same abnormal sequence, suggesting that this basesubstitution is polymorphism. Samples from remissionBM of case 19 and from fibroblasts of case I O showed no aberrations of the p53 gene. In the cell lines, SCMC-LIO showed a 6-bp deletion/lO- 0 normal 3' D R N 179 His = \ It T C G A T C G A 3' pro f if 5' - 20 R -n 5' Fig 2. (A) SSCP analysis of the p53 gene. Lanes D and R show leukemic cells of case 20 at diagnosis and at relapse, respectively. Lane N shows normal lymphocyte (negative control). (B) Direct sequencing reactions of the p53 gene mutations. 20-R (case 20 at relapse) shows a point mutation at codon179 resulting inchange a from CAT(His1 t o CCTfPro). From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. p53 GENE MUTATIONS IN t(l;lS)-ALL 0 Fig 3. (AI SSCP analysis of the p53 gene. Lanes D, R, and C show 21 at diagnosis leukemic cells and at from relapse, case and established cell lines (KMO901, respectively. Lane N shows normal lymphocytes. (B1 Direct sequencing reactions of the p53 gene mutations. 21-R (case 21 at relapse) showed a point mutation at codon 177 resulting in a change from CCC(Pro1 to CTC(Leu1. 2549 -- normal 5' DCRN Table 3. p53 and ras Gene Atterations and Clinical Outcome No. of Cases Alive without disease Alive with 1" disease Dead Total 5 17 1 4 22 p53 Gene Alterations ras Gene Alterations 0 1 0 4 0 BM relapse after BM transplantation followed by renal tumor. fi, 5' T 3' The E2A gene rearrangements were found in 15 of 16 cases with t( I ; I9)-ALL tested, and in all five cell lines with Clinical Outcome ~~~ I DISCUSSION TCGATCGA f i ! 177 177 bp insertion at codon 209-21 I in exon 6; KMO-90 derived from case 21 at diagnosis showed the same missense mutation of CCC to CTC at codon 177 in exon 5 as leukemic cells at relapse, and SCMC-L9 showed the multiple missense mutations of CGC to TGC at codon 175, CGG to CAG at codon 248, andGAG to AAGat codon 358 (Table 2). SCMC-L1 I , which derived from case IO at relapse, showed the same mutation at codon 240 as leukemic cells at relapse. Correlation between the p53 mutations and clinical outcome. Among 20 cases tested at diagnosis, both of the cases with p53 mutations have died while only 1 of 18 cases lacking p53 mutations has died ( P < .02 by x2 test) (Table 3). The Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival times showed a significant difference between the two groups ( P < .005). All 4 patients who died had p53 aberrations in the course of disease. Among 5 patients with p53 aberrations in the course of disease, 4 patients died and 1 relapsed after BM transplantation, whereas 17 patients without p53 aberrations have been alive for 6 to 75 months without any evidence of recurrence ( P < .W5 by x* test). Two of 20 cases (cases 2 and 17) had central nervous involvement at diagnosis and had no p53 mutations. Ras genemutations. PCR-SSCP analysis of ras gene showed abnormal mobility shift of fragment NI in case 2. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this case revealed a 2-bp substitution of GGT(Gly) to GTC(Va1) at codon 13 ofNras gene. The presence of the wild type of codon 13 suggested that mutations occurred in a smaller portion of leukemic cells. - 21 R nn Leu 3' t( l ; 19). This frequency is compatible with that of the previous reports8 Case 2 with hyperdiploid chromosome abnormalityhadno rearrangements ofE2A gene andhasbeen alive for 6 years. Similar cases have been reported thus far." In lymphoid malignancies frequent mutations of p53 gene have beenreported in Burkitt's celllinesIsandfresh tumors," as well as T-cell lines.'" However, there have been few reports of p53 gene aberrations in non-T,non-B lymphoid malignancies, especially in t( 1: I9)-ALL with preB phenotype. In this study, alterations of the p53 gene were found in 2 of 20 t( I ;I9)-ALL cases at diagnosis (10%). 4 of 4 t( 1 ; 19)-ALLcases at relapse ( 100%).and 4 of 5 t( 1;19)ALL cell lines (80%). The frequency of p53 gene mutation was lower at diagnosis than that at relapse and than that of cell lines. These findings suggest that t( I ; I9)-ALL cases with p53 gene aberrations maybe associated withrelapse phase or progression of disease as observed in B-cell lymphomas3' and multiple myeloma^,'^ and support the notionthatthe p53 gene ismore frequently mutated in cell lines than in primary turn or^.^^.^".^' The occurrence of p53 gene mutations in human cancer is presumably the consequence of several mutagenic factors that may act specially in a particular type of tumor. A notable finding of p53 mutations in human cancer is the fact that transitions at CpG dinucleotides occur in about one third of tumors (mainly colon carcinoma); in lung and liver carcinomas, G to T transversions are predominantly found." CpG dinucleotides represent a target of spontaneously arising mutations in mammalian cells because of S-methylcytosine residues. Itis important to note that 3 of 8 mutations in this study occurred at CpG dinucleotides in the form of C to T transition (codon 248 in case 19, codons 175 and248 in SCMC-L9), as was seen in B-ALL," Burkitt's lymphoma,"." T-ALL? T-cell lines,'" and early pre-B ALL." Whether or not this mutation in lymphoid malignancies was induced throughexposure to exogenous carcinogens remains to be investigated in the future. The mutation at codon 248 (CGG to CAG) seen in case 19 has been reported thus far in a case with pre-B phenotype."3 In respect of codon 248, transversion (CGG to CCG, arginine to proline) has been reported in an infant with preB ALL at relapse.MCodon 248of p53 gene is a CpG dinucle- From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 2550 otide site and a hot spot for transitional mutations in other cancers, both sporadic and hereditary. In Li-Fraumeni syndrome, germ linetransition commonly found at a codon 248 (CGG to TGG, arginine to t r i p t ~ p h a n ) is~ ~different .~ from that seen in ALL. Therefore, the mutations at codon 248 in ALL may be associated with the leukemogenesis of ALL. Polymorphism at codon 11 found in case 3 has been reported p r e v i o ~ s l y . ~ ~ GtoA CAT T transversion at codon 49 (case22)has beenreported in a case with CML in the accelerated phase.48However, the same basesubstitution has been reported in DNA from noncancerous tissue of patients with sarcoma4' and a patientwith hepatocellular carcinoma.33 It was proposed that this polymorphism is a germinal mutation causing proneness to cancer because the amino acid of codon49 is relatively well conservedamong species;an allelewitha histidine at codon 49 is very rareinnormal individuals, and the patient with this mutation had a family history of ovarian and breast cancers. The segregations of this allele in this family remain to be analyzed. Germ line configulation of p53 gene was found in normal cells from 3 of S cases with p53 mutations. Moreover, all the S cases did not have any family history ofcancer. Thesefindings suggest that p53 gene mutations found in t( 1; I9)-ALL cases are not associated with germ linemutations suchasLi-Fraumeni syndrome. Leukemiccellsfromcase21 atrelapse and celllines derived from the same case at diagnosis showed the same aberrationsof p53 gene, whereas the leukemic cells from the same case at diagnosis had no mutations. This suggested that a smallnumber of leukemic cellswith p53 genemutation at diagnosis might have escaped from PCR-SSCP analysis. Indeed, both the SSCP and direct sequencing techniquefail to detect mutations that are present in less than 10% of the cell pop~lation.''~ These results of case 21 are compatible with a report thata clonal expansionassociated with mutated p53 was observed in clinical sequential studies of brain tumors in which a low percentage of the cells with p53 gene mutation were observed at diagn~sis.~" Alternatively, mutations of the p53 gene in t(1; I9)-ALL would have possibly occurredin the later stage ofthetumorigenesis stepand might havebeeninvolvedinthetumor progression. The other possible explanation is that the cells with the mutated p53 gene may have dominated over the other cells lacking mutated p53 gene in the process of cell culture. Cases 19 and 20 with p53 gene mutation at diagnosis did not obtain complete remission with intensive chemotherapy. These results may show that leukemic cells with p53 gene mutations even in the early stage are very resistant to chemotherapy, as are leukemic cells withthesemutations at relapse.*' At the time of diagnosis both of the two patients with p53 aberrations died whereas 1 of the 18 without the aberrations died;this isstatisticallysignificant (P < .02). Among S patients with p53 gene mutations in the course of disease,4died and 1 relapsed; 17 survivors lacking p53 aberrations were freefromdisease (P < ,005)(Table 3). These results may suggest that the presence of the p53 gene mutationsisassociated with a poorclinicaloutcomein t(1;19)-ALL.In this regard, p53-dependentapoptotic response has recently been shown to modulate the cytotoxity KAWAMURA ETAL of anticancer agents.51Mutations of p53 gene couldpossibly induce drug resistance by interfering with normal apoptotic pathways in leukemic cells.52 As rus gene mutations,the N-rus gene wasmutated in only 1 of 22 t(1; I9)-ALL cases and in 0 of 5 cell lines in this study, suggesting that rus gene mutation is infrequent in lymphoidmalignancy, as indicated by previous reports."'s7 Case 2 with N-ras mutation, who has been alive for 73 months since diagnosis, neither had p53 genemutation nor E2A gene rearrangement, and had hyperdiploid chromosome abnormality. Therefore, the N-rusmutation in addition to hyperdiploidy may be involved in the leukemogenesis of this case. Presence of an N-rus mutationin children with ALL has been reported to be associated with leukemic prog r e ~ s i o n ~and ~ . ~ 'possibly be anindependentpredictor of worse clinical outcome.'“^" Our result is incompatible with thesereports.Interestingly, rusgene mutationswereless frequent than p53 gene mutations in relapsed cases and in cell lines in this study, suggesting that rus gene mutations may not be involved in the development and progression of t( I ;19)-ALL. The 2-bpsubstitution of GGT to GTC at codon 13 identified in case 3 has not been reported so far in ALL. We conclude that in t( 1 ; 19)-ALL mutations of the p53 and rus genes are infrequent at diagnosis and that p53 mutations may be associated with relapse phase or progression of t( 1; 19)-ALL. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Drs Masahiro Sako, Osaka Children Health Center; Satoshi Tashiro and Kazuko Hamamoto, Hiroshima University School of Medicine; Manabu Sotomatsu, Gunma University School of Medicine; and Kouichi Ishimoto, Juntendo University School of Medicine, for providing the samples and clinical data. We also thank Drs Sinpei Nakazawa, Yamanashi Medical Colledge, and Junichiro Fujimoto, National Children's Research Center, for phenotyping of some samples; andDr David Baltimore, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, for his generous gift of the pE47p probe. REFERENCES I . Carrol AJ, Crist WM,ParmleyRT, Roper M, Cooper MD, Finely WH: Pre-B cell leukemia associated with chromosome translocation 1;19. Blood 63:721, 1984 2. Williams DL, Look AT, Melvin SL, Roberson PK, Dah1 G, Flake T, Stass S: New chromosomal translocations correlate with specific immunophenotypes of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cell 36:101, 1984 3. 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