www.sakshieducation.com 8086 6 ARCH HITEC CTUR RE M M.S.NAN NDA R RESEARCH H ASSITAN NT INDEX X Introducttion to 8086 8 1. II. 8085 5 vs 8086 ed uc at io n. I. co m IIIIT- HYDER RABAD 8 8086 Arcchitecturre Functiional dia agram 1. 2 2. Execu ution Unitt Bus Interface I U Unit III. Pin P descrription off 8086 Chapter1 hi Pin diagram d off 8086 Comm mon functtion signals Minimum and Maximum m mode sig gnals In ntroducttion to 8086 8 ks 1. 2 2. 3 3. w w w .s a T The 8086 is i a 16-bitt micropro ocessor, devveloped byy Intel Com mpany. Th he first Inteel 4-bit 4004 microp processor w was introdu uced in 197 71. The miccroprocesso or released d after 40 004 was 8-bit micrroprocessorr 8008 in n 1972. 8085 8 8 bit b microprrocessor is next n genera ation of 8008 and theen 8085 is ffollowed byy 8086 16b bit processo or which is more advan nced than the t previous versions. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com 8085 vs 8086: The main differences between 8085 and 8086 are given below: 8086 processor 8 bit processor 16bit processor 2. 3. 16 bit address lines The clock speed of is 3MHz 4. 5. 6. 7. Has 5 flags Duty cycle:50% 6500 transistors Accumulator based architecture 8. Has one mode of operation 20-bit address lines vary between 5, 8 and 10 MHz for three different microprocessor Has 9 flags Duty cycle:33% 29000 transistors general purpose registers based architecture Has two modes of operation: Maximum and minimum Can add more than one processor to the existing processor. Cant interface one more processor Chapter 2 co m 8085 processor 1. ed uc at io n. S.no 8086 Architecture Functional diagram w w w .s a ks hi 8086 microprocessor has two units; Execution Unit (EU) and Bus Interface Unit (BIU). They are dependent and get worked by each other. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Execution Unit (EU) Execution unit receives program instruction codes and data from the Bus Interface Unit (BIU), executes them and stores the results in the general registers. It can also store the data in a memory location or send them to an I/O device by passing the data back to the BIU. This unit, EU has no connection with the system Buses. It receives and outputs all its data through BIU. co m ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) This unit performs various arithmetic and logical operations, based on the instruction to be executed. The ALU can perform arithmetical operations, such as add (+), subtract (-), increment, decrement, convert byte/word and compare etc and logical operations, such as AND, OR, exclusive OR, shift/rotate and test etc. ed uc at io n. Registers A register is like a memory location to store the data or instructions. These registers are denoted by the name rather than numbers. It has 4 data registers (AX, BX, CX, DX), two pointer registers (Stack Pointer (SP), Base Pointer (BP)), two index registers (Source Index (SI), Destination Index (DI)), one temporary register and one status register FLAGS. hi AX (Accumulator), BX (Base), CX (Count) and DX (Data) registers has 2 separate 8-bit registers to access the high and low bytes of data. The high byte of AX is called AH and the low byte is AL. Similarly, the high and low bytes of BX, CX, and DX are BH & BL, CH & CL, and DH & DL respectively. ks All the Data, Pointer, Index and Status registers are 16 bit registers. The Temporary register holds the operands for the ALU and the individual bits of the FLAG registers reflect the result of a computation. .s a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) w w w As the Execution Unit (EU) has no connection with the system Busses, this job is done by BIU. BIU and EU are connected with an internal bus. BIU connects EU with the memory or I/O circuits. It is responsible for transmitting data, addresses and control signal on the busses. Registers BIU has 4 segment registers: Code Segment (CS), Data Segment (DS), Stack Segment (SS), and Extra Segment (ES). All these 4 segment registers holds the addresses of instructions and data in memory. These values are used by the processor to access memory locations. It also contains one pointer register: the Instruction Pointer (IP). IP contains the address of the next instruction to be executed by the EU. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Instru uction Qu ueue co m W When the EU E executess instructio ons, the BIIU gets up to 6 bytess of the nex xt instructiion and sttores them in the instruction queue q and this proceess is calleed instruc ction pre-ffetch. Thiss is processs speeds up p the processsor perforrmance. Alsso when th he EU need ds to be co onnected w with memo ory or perip pherals, BIIU suspend ds instructiion pre-fetcch and perfforms the needed operrations. Piin Desc cription n of 808 86 Chaptter 3 w w w .s a ks hi ed uc at io n. Pin diagram of o 8086: ure: Pin Diagram D o 8086 of Figu The 808 86 operatees in singlee processorr or multip processor cconfiguration mode tto achieve high perforrmance. Th hese pins seerve a partiicular functtion in Min nimum Mod de (single processor mode and d other fu unction in Maximum m Mode configuratio on (multiprrocessor mode). m Thee following g pin fun nction desccriptions are a for th he microprrocessor 8086 in eitherr minimum m or maximu um mode. Signa al Grou ups The 808 86 signals can be categ gorized in th hree groupss. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com hi ed uc at io n. co m 1. Signals havee Common functions f in n Minimum m as well as Maximum m Mode. 2. Signals having special functions f fo or Minimum m Mode f fo or Maximum m Mode. 3. Signals having special functions ks Figu ure: Signa al groups of o 8086 Common fu unction n signa als w w w .s a AD15 – AD0 (I/O O): Addres ss Data Bu us T These lines are the tim me multipleexed memo ory/IO Add dresses durring the firsst clock cyycle T1 and DATA durring T2, T3 3 and T4 cllock cycles.. These linees are activve and flo oat to tri-state durring interrrupt ackno owledge aand local bus "Holld acknowlledge". A19/S6 6, A18/S5, A17/S4, A16/S3 A (0)): Address s/Status D During T1 state s these lines are the four most m signifiicant addreess lines fo or memoryy operations. During I/O I operatio ons these liines are low w. During memory m an nd I/O operrations, sta atus informa ation is ava ailable on th hese lines in n T2, T3, an nd T4 statess. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com S6: When S6 is Low, it indicates that 8086 is in control of the bus. During a "Hold acknowledge" clock period, the 8086 tri-states the S6 pin and thus allows another bus master to take control of the status bus. S5: S4 & S3: Lines are decoded as follows: co m The status of the flag is indicated through this bus. The status of the interrupt enable flag bit is updated at the beginning of each cycle. A16/S3 Function 0 0 Extra segment access 0 1 1 0 1 1 ed uc at io n. A17/S4 Stack segment access Code segment access Data segment access hi After the first clock cycle of an instruction execution, the A17/S4 and A16/S3 pins specifies which segment register generates the segment portion of the 8086 address. By decoding these lines and using the decoder outputs, the chip selects for memory chips up to 4 Megabytes (one Megabyte per segment) of memory to be accessed. .s a ks This feature also provides a degree of protection by preventing write operations to one segment from erroneously overlapping into another segment and destroying information in that segment. BHE /S7 (0): Bus High Enable/Status 0: BHE 1: S7 w • • w w During the T1 state, the BHE should be used to enable data onto the most significant half of the data bus (D15 - D8). 8-bit oriented devices tied to the upper half of the bus would normally use BHE to control chip select functions. BHE is Low during T1 state of read, write and interrupt acknowledge cycles when a byte is to be transferred on the high portion of the bus. The S7 status information is available during T2, T3 and T4 states. The signal is active Low and floats to 3-state during "hold" state. This pin is Low during T1 state for the first interrupt acknowledge cycle. RD (0): READ The Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a memory or I/O read cycle. This signal is active low during T2 and T3 and Tw states of any read cycle. This signal floats to tri-state in "hold acknowledge cycle". www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com TEST (1): • TEST pin is Low: Execution continues. • TEST pin is High: Processor waits in an "idle" state. TEST pin is examined by the "WAIT" instruction. This input is synchronized internally during each clock cycle on the leading edge of CLK. ed uc at io n. co m INTR (1): Interrupt Request This signal is active HIGH. It is a level triggered input which is sampled during the last clock cycle of each instruction to determine if the processor should enter into an interrupt acknowledges operation. A subroutine is vectored to an interrupt vector look up table located in system memory. It can be internally masked by software, by resetting the interrupt enable bit INTR which is internally synchronized. NMI (1): Non-Maskable Interrupt An edge triggered input, causes a type-2 interrupt. A subroutine is vectored to via the interrupt vector look up table located in system memory. NMI is not maskable internally by software. A transition from a LOW to HIGH on this pin initiates the interrupt at the end of the current instruction. This input is internally synchronized. Reset (1) Reset causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity. Then it : • • hi Initializes registers DS, SS, ES, IP and flags to all zeros. Initializes CS to FFFF H. ks Upon removal of the RESET signal from the RESET pin, the 8086 will fetch its next instruction from the 20 bit physical address FFFF0H. w .s a Ready (1) This is active HIGH signal. Ready is the acknowledgement from the addressed memory or I/O device that it will complete the data transfer. w w CLK (1): Clock The Clock provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. The minimum frequency of 2 MHz is required. The maximum clock frequencies of the 8086-4, 8086 and 8086-2 are 4MHz, 5MHz and 8MHz respectively. MN/MX (1): Maximum / Minimum This pin indicates that operation mode of the processor. In minimum mode, the 8086 itself generates all bus control signals. In maximum mode the three status signals are to be decoded to generate all the bus control signals. • • MN/ MX = 1: Minimum Mode MN/ MX = 0: Maximum Mode www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Minimum mode signals M/IO (0): Status line This pin describes the access of a memory or an I/O. • • M/IO = 0: I/O access M/IO = 1: Memory access co m M / IO become valid in the T4 state preceding a bus cycle and remain valid until the final T4 of the cycle. ed uc at io n. WR (0): Write It is active LOW. This indicates that the processors is performing either a write memory or write I/O cycle, depending on the state of the M /IO signal. WR is active for T2, T3 and Tw of any write cycle. INTA (0): Interrupt Acknowledge • It is used as a read strobe for interrupt acknowledge cycles. • It is active LOW during T2, T3, and T4 of each interrupt acknowledge cycle. ALE (0): Address Latch Enable • ALE is provided by the processor to latch the address into the 8282/8283 address latch. • ALE will be in active high pulse during T1 of any bus cycle. • ALE signal is never floated. ks hi DT/ R (0): DATA Transmit/Receive • DT/R is used to control the direction of data flow through the transceiver. • This signal floats to tri-state off during local bus "hold acknowledge". w w w .s a DEN (0): Data Enable • DEN is active LOW during each memory and IO access. • It will be low beginning with T2 until the middle of T4, while for a write cycle and active from the beginning of T2 until the middle of T4. • It floats to tri-state off during local bus "hold acknowledge". HOLD & HLDA (I/O): Hold and Hold Acknowledge Hold indicates that another master is requesting a local bus "HOLD". To be acknowledged, HOLD must be active HIGH. The processor receiving the "HOLD” request will issue HLDA (HIGH) as an acknowledgement in the middle of the T1clock cycle. Simultaneous with the issue of HLDA, the processor will float the local bus and control lines. After "HOLD" is detected as being Low, the processor will lower the HLDA and when the processor needs to run another cycle, it will again drive the local bus and control lines. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Maximum mode signals co m S2, S1, S0 (0): Status Pins • These pins are active during T4, T1 and T2 states and is returned to passive state (1,1,1) during T3 or Tw (when ready is inactive). • These are used by the 8288 bus controller to generate all memory and I/O operation access control signals. • Any change by S2, S1, and S0 during T4 is used to indicate the beginning of a bus cycle. S1 S0 Characteristics 0 0 0 Interrupt acknowledge 0 0 1 Read I/O port 0 1 0 Write I/O port 0 1 1 Halt 1 0 0 Code access 1 0 1 Read memory 1 1 0 Write memory 1 1 1 Passive State hi ed uc at io n. S2 .s a ks QS0, QS1 (0): Queue – Status Queue Status is valid during the clock cycle after which the queue operation is performed. QS0, QS1 provide status to allow external tracking of the internal 8086 instruction queue. Since instructions are executed from the 8086 internal queue, the queue status is presented each CPU clock cycle and is not related to the bus cycle activity. This mechanism allows w w w 1. A processor to detect execution of an ESCAPE instruction which directs the co- processor to perform a specific task 2. An in-circuit Emulator to trap execution of a specific memory location. QS1 QS2 Characteristics 0 0 No operation 0 1 First byte of opcode from queue 1 0 Empty the queue 1 1 Subsequent byte from queue www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com LOCK (0) • LOCK is active Low signal. It indicates to another system bus master, not to gain control of the system bus. • The LOCK signal is activated by the "LOCK" prefix instruction and remains active until the completion of the instruction. • This signal floats to tri-state OFF during 'hold acknowledge'. w w w .s a ks hi ed uc at io n. co m RQ/GT0 and RQ/GT1 (I/O): Request/Grant • These pins are used by other processors in a multi-processor organization. • Local bus masters of other processors force the processor to release the local bus at the end of the processors current bus cycle. • Each pin is bi-directional and has an internal pull up resistors. Hence they may be left un-connected. www.sakshieducation.com
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