153.08 W LO V ID DA W 153.10 153.12 AY MUDJIMBA S H IN E M OT OR W A Y PACIFIC PARADISE TWIN WATERS -26.64 -26.64 SU N BLI BLI BR A D M A N AV ENUE DU O P TH R A VE NU E R CI AL R O AD M AI N D R MA O OC H O YD RO RE MAROOCHYDORE AD AE RO DRO ME RO AD M AU D ST R E E T -26.66 KULUIN R OA -26.66 C OM ME S U A LE XA O R ND AD SU G BUD AR ER R IM P A R ALEXANDRA HEADLAND O AV AR AD E AD E NUE L A AN -26.68 W BUDERIM KI N G ST R E E T MO OLO -26.68 W AY AR IN E M O TO R G SU N S H A OL BA ST R OA D MOOLOOLABA RE ET MINYAMA The map should be used as a guide only. Field surv eys are recommended to verify feature boundaries. Disclaim er Whilst every care is taken to ensure the acc uracy of this product, the Department of Environment and Res ource Management makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any partic ular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and c osts which you may incur as a result of the product being inacc urate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. This map is intended to be printed on an A4 page. 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 Kilometres Scale at A4: 1:40,000 1 Coastal Hazard Areas Map Erosion Prone Area 9544-434 BUDERIM 9544-431 MAROOCHYDORE Indicative Erosion Prone Area (including projected climate change impacts to 2100) * Erosion due to storm impact and long term trends of sediment loss and channel migration Erosion and permanent tidal inundation due to sea level rise * The erosion prone areas shown on this map are indicative of the erosion and inundation extent that may occur with climate change impacts up to 2100. 95 4 4 -4 3 2 MO OL OO L AH Notes Coastal hazard area maps should not be us ed for development assessment purposes until the Queensland Coastal Plan and Coastal Protection and Management Ac t 1995 amendments commence and the new erosion prone areas are formally declared. Only the statutory erosion prone area plans should be used in the assessment of development applications. Plans for each local government area are available from the Department of Environment and Resource Management website <www.derm.qld.gov.au>. 95 4 4 -4 3 1 MA R OO C H YD O R E MOUNTAIN CREEK 9544-423 BUDDINA CAIRNS TOWNSVILLE MACKAY LONGREACH ROCKHAMPTON BUNDABERG ROMA BRISBANE 153.08 W O ID L D AV 153.10 153.12 AY W MUDJIMBA PACIFIC PARADISE BLI BLI -26.64 -26.64 TWIN WATERS BR ADM AN A V E N UE DU R O P TH VE A NU RO MAROOCHYDORE AD DR OM E RO A D MA UD S T RE ET AE RO -26.66 AY MOTO RW SU NSHINE O AR RE -26.66 M O YD CH O BEA CH ROA D E KULUIN MAI N R OA D SU AL E O XA R ND AD SU G AR BU DE R RI O AD E AN AL -26.68 AD W MO AR MA V E N UE BUDERIM KING S T REET P A R ALEXANDRA HEADLAND -26.68 AY AR INE M O TO RW G SU N SH ST OOLABA R OA D OL MOOLOOLABA RE E T MINYAMA 2. The high hazard area may be subject to permanent inundation by sea level rise - refer to the Erosion Prone Area map. 3. The map should be used as a guide only. Field surveys are recommended to verify feature boundaries. Disclaimer Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Department of Environment and Resource Management makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which you may incur as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. This map is intended to be printed on an A4 page. 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 Kilometres Scale at A4: 1:40,000 1 9544-431 MAROOCHYDORE 9544-434 BUDERIM Storm Tide Inundation Area (including projected climate change impacts to 2100) 9544-432 MOOLOOLAH Notes 1. A default storm tide inundation level of 1.5 m HAT in South East Queensland regional planning area and 2.0 m HAT for the remainder of Queensland is used where storm tide inundation levels including climate change have not been determined locally. The default level uses a sea level rise factor of 0.8m to 2100. Coastal Hazard Areas Map Storm Tide Inundation Area 9544-431 MAROOCHYDO RE MOUNTAIN CREEK High hazard area (greater than 1.0 m water depth) Medium hazard area (less than 1.0 m water depth) 9544-423 BUDDINA CAIRNS TOWNSVILLE MACKAY LONGREACH ROCKHAMPTON BUNDABERG ROMA BRISBANE
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