17 ej j Ny Må rum v ej Gr æs te dv j rø dv e Hille Kagerupv ej Between Hundested and Kikhavn j Knud Rasmussens vej 9 ej 12 Bygmarken 30 14 jen DCU-Camping Rågeleje ve Hostrupsvej 2 rø dFr ederiks ste Heather Hill værksga16 de I West of Rågeleje msvej Odderda Helene Grave 18 Sankt Helene Vej 49 Frede riks væ rks rø sve krog e Ty v Slotspavillionen 27/04/2015 08:40:37 le sal j erve j S rr He Sø ve j 10 Møll erisv ej 8 øvej Hille rød ve Danhostel Tisvildeleje Knud Rasmussen’s House e Lille Kregme Strandgade 30 6 Spodsbjerg Fredningen upvej Tulstr Søndergade 57 Danhostel Frederiksværk Gilleleje Tourist Information Søren Kierkegaard Stone st e 15 Gilleleje Stationsvej 10 17 Gilbjergstien, Gilbjerg Hoved j e Hill megård Vejby Strand Camping 13 Rågelejevej 37 vvej 11 Skansen elsko Dysssebakken rdhøjvej Hundsted Battery Spodsbjerg Lighthouse dv e Rørm osev e Ly ng en 9 ræ Gilleleje Harbour ng s v Gadeva Lisehøjvej Tulstrup Knud Rasmussen’s House Gad j gsve Havtyren Nature Playground ev ej Kil n va 7 jed Lykkesholm Hundested Battery Torpmaglevejen 58 ej nn Dø Løgelandsvej Helsingevej rød ve Skæ Ne de Gadevang j tve r po Gad e 5 Ny Må rum v s ve Vib je n o seve Åm osev ej Ellem Søkrogve j ej dv j Kregme Rosenholm Camping ej Alsønderup ng s v Gadeva Lindebjergvej 13 Lynæs Camping 4 Almevej sin gev ej R j Rågelejev e æk ke b rovej Helsing evej rø n pv eje B aunev j ve Lisehøjvej 10 Kagerup ej de Au yv gb 2 Kagerup 105 Annisse n Ly 2 105 40 le Liseleje Tourist Information 40 ej e ng Sve rki lst ru 33 33 lsi He g le v e je n j Gr ib sk ov v 32 ev ng T 9 j ej ørv ntesk ole v ej 9 47 Annisse Nord se ghu 47 j gsve Sølagervejen or gv ej ve j j j n e bo vej e rik sb Tin lsi He Nø d re de Pla n va de rik s v ær kve j lde ve j rø d Center Auderød Militær Huseb Mårum vej Gad e Fre Helsinge ør lsing sev ghu ej rumvej d Sk æ rgade He P Bokildegaards Camping Saltrup å Ny M ve je dve Ki k sværk ve j Græs Mårumvej te Ves Ø e gad ste r vej 3 ve j lde Tin Frederi Lil Havnegade, Hundested j ve j 32 rødvej vej ød ler 105 E sb ej ø n de rupvej Hillerød Karls gave ve 40 Halsnæs Tourist Information Græsted Græsted u jve hø F 33 1 Græsted Mårumvej sevej Ra mlø j p Pår u ej L ke Bir Frederik svær kve j ve pv tru Valbyvej ærkvej p Pår u Tuls ej eve j j ve gø Frederiksværk 40 pv ej au ej 105 bj ev 33 ll vej A ggebo evæ Pr æs te ve Frederiksværk 40 Mø Valbyv ej Ørby ro vej Ågerup 6 32 el Mø nge v vej 32 vej strup Smid Ud ss Vejby Bredn ing 9 vej ted s e nd Hu Hil Nordkyststien_1t50k_f_EN.indd 2 ru pv jen Lynæs H ågend nd ade derg Sø n 4 Am ts veje n jbyv ej Ve B rede j ve m orp vej 5a 105 Hundested 40 2 105 47 Stra r F jo Evetofte Østerbjerg j nd Kild Vinderød Enghave vn en Melby Dyssekilde Torupvejen Melby erupvej Toll 33 9 Søborg ela 33 Asserbo M Blistrup Vejby Tisvildev e j Holløse vej Ny Møll evan g svej ej yv b l e ej ade 33 ej tsv 32 eg Nørr 2 9A m i 40 sm Lille K a rl ve nde ele jev ej Ha 33 11 47 1 32 j Ramløse ko v Sp 10 Rågeve Tibirkeb Nyvej Lis V inde rød S od 7 ej rgv bje vej ofte Evet 9 2 ltvej ergv ej vej n tie rgs9 e j sb Liseleje ebjerg Kikhavn 8 105 sv Frederik 32 105 erg ve j B Haldvejen Nødeb oveje n 47 9 Melby Overdrev Fyrs ti en T i nk 9 erup j Øste 47 Ky eSt r a n d vej r Allé v k Pa r 40 Udsholt sh o 3 e ev nt i l K en tvej ega tt a K 40 105 Lind Hald B akk eb j n 15 47 eje 105 33 40 e ling l Hy 32 j N 12 18 Tisvilde 9 47 e Tangv Hyllingebjerg 47 en vej Tisvildeleje Troldeskoven upve33 j ej 32 Hyllingebjerg In 1983 a 8,5 ton stone fell out of Hyllebjerg Klint after a landslide. This stone turned out to be one of the finest petroglyphs in Denmark. The stone is decorated with 3000 year old ships and cup marks. The stone is now on display in the public library in Frederiksværk. Another ‘invisible’ attraction at Hyllingebjerg is a newly established underwater reef, which protects the coast and restores good living conditions for fish. Nødebohuse stv Ky d Kikhavn Kikhavn is the oldest fishing village on Halsnæs. It already had its present size in 1582 with houses on both sides of the main street. The fishing was drift-netting for porpoises and herring. Kikhavn has its own unique charm and you can still feel the unity that comes from the days when the inhabitants cultivated the 300 acres agriculture together. 2 km Vejby Strand an Str Heather Hill The cycle route goes through Heather Hills. The area got its name after a summerhouse, which was owned by an English business man. Park the bikes at the kiosk and take a walk in the area’s rolling hills. Inhale the smell of heather and see the characteristic species of wild flowers of the area. Knud Rasmussen’s House Knud Rasmussen’s house is where the polar explorer lived and wrote his books from his expeditions. Today the house is a charming museum and lies with a dramatic view of the Kattegat. On a clear day you can see all the way to the island Hesselø. e jev Ky stv Hågend r Steen 13 19,6 km / 1% gravel 32 sen højs-Å Ko 14 16 d elun Hundested Battery North of Hundested you find Hundested Battery. The battery was built during the war with England in 1807 – 14. Together with Skansehage Battery on the opposite shore it guarded the entrance to the Isefjord. During the war with Eng-land many such batteries and entrenchments were constructed for the purpose of defending the Danish coast. el åg 9 get e løs Hol Tisvilde - Gilleleje tra j Connections • Railway to Hillerød • Cycle Route 32 to Hillerød 10.5 km / 28% gravel j ve nd æn rnv R Tisvildeleje Tisvildeleje is currently the most fashionable seaside resort in North Zealand. This is where celebrities often mingle in summer and meet up at one of the many cafes and restaurants. Tisvildeleje has a seaside hotel, camping facilities and even a cinema. At the popular beach you can see the classical beach huts in charming colours. Connections: • Ferry to Rørvig • Railway to Hillerød via Frederiksværk • Cycle Route 2, Hanstholm - Copenhagen • Fjordstien route 40 to Frederiksværk continues around Roskilde fjord and Isefiord 1 km 1 : 50 000 e j ele g å ra St He Hundested is a vibrant port with ferry service, a fishing fleet and a lively marina. On the quay there are restaurants, cafes, Hundested’s own microbrewery, and a number of workshops. The first settlement in Hundested was a maritime pilots home from the 1830’s, but with the establishment of the breakwater in 1862 the city grew. In 1916 the railway connection was built and at the same time a ferry connection was established to Rørvig. j ve nd Troldeskoven In central Tisvilde Hegn is the Forest of Trolls (Troldeskoven). It may easily spark one’s imagination when riding between the gnarled pine trees that are up to 200 years old. The gnarled trees are a result of wind, poor soil and pest infestations. If you are lucky you may see deer or trolls in the woods. Hundested 0 km Rågeleje olt S U dsh ej St r a n d vej st e Græ n je Melby Overdrev: Zealand’s biggest moor Melby Ovedrev has been in use as a military shooting range for the last 100 years and has thus avoided being developed with cottages. The 145 hectares have now been taken over by the Environmental Protection Agency and is Zealand’s largest contiguous moorland. Here you can find plants and animals that are rare in the rest of the country. Have a nice trip! Hundested - Liseleje 9,5 km / 84% gravel dv T i nk erup je n dve Liseleje - Tisvildeleje n Smidstrup Str a 47 vej gårds Havre The North coast route is a sign-posted cycle route that leads you along the north coast of Zealand from small cosy coastal and seaside towns through unique natural areas. From the saddle you have the opportunity to experience places that you normally would not drop by. The north coast of Zealand, also known as the Danish Riviera, has a large variety of restaurants, hotels and sights that attract tourists from all over the world. It is possible to shorten the trip by taking the railway. If you are up for a long bike ride you can follow one of the other connecting bike routes. Gilleleje Smidstrup ve up er nd Bo Regional route 47: 64 kilometers of bicycle and walking route Rågeleje Around the year 1900 Rågeleje Inn was built and summer tourists came to the old fishing village. At the small beach promenade, there are dining options and in windy conditions you can often see windsurfers. The route runs along the beach road which nearly goes down into the shallows. Between Smidstrup and Rågeleje you pass through one of the many cottage areas typical for the coast. st e Græ Liseleje Liseleje was established as a fishing village in 1784 to supply the workers of the gunpowder plant in Frederiksværk with fish. Commercial fishing ended in 1950 and Liseleje is now a seaside village with cafes, restaurants and shopping. Close to the beach there is a big playground (Havtyren) made solely from natural materials. Hel The North Coast Cycle Route j ve ød ler j j pv e Drag str u Rusland Tegners Museum 27 led ve j Nord re Strand vej Hornbæk Mid tli Sa N niev ej 24 unt eve j O dins 25 al vej i l d e k e v e h l e av j El Saunte Å rum Es Gø rlu Klo Søvejen gen b ergvej Ag ne t Havnepladsen 33 Gilleleje - Hillerød 9 2 47 Hanstholm - Copenhagen 47 Elsinore - Copenhagen 9 Tidsvilde - Hillerød 32 40 Tidsvilde - Hillerød 32 9 33 32 40 33 105 Meadow Field 33Trees Heath Øresund Aquarium Strandpromenaden 5 ej Dageløkkev Karmelitterhuset, Sct. Anna Gade 36 105 Højstrup - Snekkersten 107 Alsgårde - Espergærde Water 40 105 k St r a ndv ej Railway Path Minor Road Tertiary Road Secondary Highway Primary Highway / Motorway North Coast Route: Alternative bæ mle Hu lmvej Hørsho 30 Elsinore - Hundested North Coast Route: Walking Humlebæk Other selected Cycle Routes Kronborg Castle Heavy traffic without bicycle lane Skibsklarerergården Strandgade 1 Sletten 31 Museum of Elsinore Cultural Harbour Kronborg Kronborg Castle, Culture Yard, 28 Maritime Museum 47 North Coast Route: Bicycle Culture Yard 29 r re tra nd v Hørsho vej VisitNorthSealand Elsinore Lønholt rgvej ebæk S tran dve j ho 26 VisitNorthSealand Hornbæk 27 Vestre Stejlebakke 2A 32 105 Ny S lmvej n n Ridestie Odderda m dv eje n le rø dv eje erv ej sp msvej Odderda svej Planetvej 4ltve n megård DCU-Camping Hornbæk j lsvej Dig e 24 ej pv j rve Nordre Strandvej 24 25 Stormlugen 20 40 ru a Je Danhostel pvej 33 ej Kro ge Fredens bo Elsinore Helsingør Elsinore Espergærde n b æ kvej Højs 23 Strandalleen 2 Skibstrup Camping eje gev 22 Elsinore Camping Lang str u n Ko j rve ie lsv Ku e S Nordkyststien_1t50k_f_EN.indd 3 rvej vej j Munkerup Strandvej 78 e elv Sk ng s v Gadeva villionen B ej tsv ec br o 21 em irk j gsve ekro v y Munkeruphus T le sal ej Museum vLighthouse se Fyrvejen 25 A Al Top Camp Dronningmølle Strand Hammermøllen 32 31 Connections: • Regional Trains to Copenhagen and Malmø, Sweden • Local Trains to Hillerød and Gilleleje • Ferry to Helsingborg, Sweden 47 • Cycle Route 9 to Copenhagen • Cycle Route 105 between Højstrup and Snekkersten 9 • Cycle Route 107 between Alsgårde and Espergærde 105 40 ge Humleb ækv e j eje gev n o K 26 tra Hovvej L Hillerødvejen 19 Strandkrogen 2B 20 tholm Lys rø l Hi jen j gsve n va e Hill one K Hillerødvejen Gad e arbour po e ild Gadevang Sørup ej rtv Fredensborg tevej dik Ki ve nge Ko p lde ne Be ev ng lsi He ej 9 Nø Hornbæk Plantation The plantation was established in 1793 to combat sand drifting resulting from animal grazing. The part of the plantation located north of Strandvejen (Beach Road) is elevated seabed where Scots pine and Austrian pine are the dominant species in the forest. In the plantation south of Strandvejen, beech and oak are the most common. Urban 40 j Nødebo j tve or Ho r a ng erø dve j 47 S 105 Nødebo 30 33 Kon gev eje vej æk Kvistgård n nb Hor ve j debo Endr u p ve Nø ve j debo ingørsve j Hels 28 Snekkersten 107 32 31 n j eve 9 29 bæ nd ve je n j Da nstru pv e Kro Nø Kagerup lle Gu Smak kev ej 14 km / 40% gravel Helsingborg 23 He k Esrum vej vej Rønneb ær Alle 47 105 el vej rre vej n Ko j 40 mm ose e Søv v ge n eje 32 33 Ga Hornbæk - Helsingør Elsinore (Helsingør) “I place my hope on the Sea” was the motto of King Eric of Pomerania (1382 – 1459), referencing the introduction of the Sound dues in 1427. By introducing the toll and founding of the Carmelite Monastery in 1430, he laid the groundwork for the current Elsinore. The sea has brought Elsinore wealth ever since by trade, shipbuilding and ferry services. Today Kronborg Castle is still the main attraction surrounded by the former ship yard that now houses the Culture Yard and the Maritime Museum of Denmark. At the Øresund Aquarium you can discover the amazing flora and fauna of Øresund. 22 rm Gurre G urre vej um E sr j jeve Esrum Sø 9 jve j Tikøb ste j øve ers j 47 shø Højstrup Kron b org Lade gå r d svej S k in d r Ha re ele jeve G ill ele G ill Mårum j ve nd m j k vej ej tra ol h rs Esrumv 47 9 9 32 32 33 33 Esrum 40 ve j 40 105 105 Hornbæk Large yachts and open sports cars testify that Hornbæk is still one of the most popular beach towns in Denmark. Here is one of the best beaches in North Zealand and a rich variety of restaurants. Hornbæk like other coastal cities grew from fishing, which throughout the 1800’s attracted a number of artists who looked to nature and the locals for inspiration. After the artists came the summer visitors and Hornbæk became a seaside resort of the Copenhagen bourgeoisie. In Hornbæk Church you can see an altarpiece by C. W. Eckersberg. Hellebæk Hellebæk is probably the oldest industrial city in Denmark. It has produced cannons, guns and textile. Today there is no industrial production left, but the former workers’ housing and the old hammer mill testify to its historical heritage. The Hammer mill café is located on the route, and you can sit by the millpond and enjoy some refreshments while the water wheel rotates. S re rd e Hornbæ Langesø 2 km No ag er ga d 47 ve stv e j sev ghu ej em H e l lebækv ej Esbønderup Ø ej ss j 40 Bo vej G illeleje Esbønderup Saltrup Bø 105 Esrum 1 km 1 : 50 000 Hellebæk 32 S k in dersøve j 33 e ø n de rupvej Hellebæk 107 e ø E sb eriksværks Fred ve j Tin 32j ev vej G illeleje Mårumvej Husebyv ej pv H olmen Græsted Saltrup str u Skib 0 km Ålsgårde 9 ev nd S rg bo Sø Græsted Mårum 47 Rusland, Tegners Museum In the middle of the protected heath landscape Rusland lies the monumental Tegner Museum. The museum houses the collection of Rudolf Tegner. On the moors around the museum a series of his bronze statues are exhibited creating a sublime unification of nature and culture. Connections: • Railway to Hillerød and Elsinore høj j Drag str up ve ndv ej ej oft ev ej eb yF æl Munkeruphus Munkeruphus is a protected country house in a magnificent park, right by the sea. Throughout the year there are changing art exhibitions and in the cafe you can buy food and refreshments. Hornbæk Plantage Stra rn Søborg T n Ka rg j ve ej Nor dre Ho dv erø ing bo Sø p Pår u Ny Må rum v ki l Villin gebæk S tran dve j V ill Byga de n 19 Dronningmølle en vej Søborg Firhøj Hil vej ølle ej svej j Krigs age r en vej ød ler Hil M Firhøj t eve j v Å lekis dve e dam 105 Munkerup S d tran Bregnerø Stub b 105 j un 20 Nakkehoved In Nakkehoved there are two lighthouses. One of them is still in operation and marks the entrance to the Sound together with the lighthouse on Kullen in Sweden. Originally the two lighthouses on Nakkehoved were used to distinguish Zealand from the single Lighthouse placed on Kullen. Today, the western lighthouse is a lighthouse museum. The former Lighthouse inspector Kristian Faber (1775- 1845) lies buried in an old Bronze age burial mound. ve M rup ke 40 j 11,5 km / 5% gravel ev e n 40 33 Nakkehoved and ve Gilleleje - Hornbæk Gilleleje Gilleleje is on top of North Zealand and is a lively tourist and fishing village. Gilleleje offers ample opportunities to taste a vast variety of seafood as well as experience an authentic harbour. The wide array of specialty shops and eateries make it possible to find something for everyone. See the fishing vessels arrive with the catch of the day, pull your bike through the pedestrian zone or take a stroll between the historical houses. ster Klo mos je dve 33 Nakkeho ved Str n je eho32 ved Str a nd j v Parkve 21 Hor ne 9Nakk byvej ti en Øster All é Esrum Channel Esrum channel was among others excavated by Swedish prisoners of war. The canal was used to transport timber from Gribskov Forest via Esrumsø to Dronningemølle where it was shipped to Copenhagen. In winter you can see the wagons of Circus Benneweis in storage. Connections • Railway to Hillerød and Elsinore • Cycle Route 33 to Hillerød Gefionsve j Fyrs 9 32 de rupvej d n eje ve up er nd Bo st e Græ n je ve up er nd Bo Øste 47 rup Sj Ky stv e t r a n d vej r Allé v k r Gilleleje 47 15 de vej ti en Rø d Fyrs Gilbjerg Hoved The cycle route follows Tinkerup Strandvej where it is possible to take a detour to Gilbjerg Hoved which is a unique natural area at the northernmost point of Zealand. Here one can see a memorial stone commemorating philosopher Søren Kirkegaard (1813 -1855). Hammermøllen 32 Bøssemagergade 21 Map Data: © OpenStreetMap.org contributors: Open Database License. Map design and layout: © Holm : Hammershøj Cartography Text and photos: © WrisbergConsult 27/04/2015 08:40:52
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