Document 397410

Flint—Mrs. R. C. Durant, mother W O M E N ! W A R N I N G !
of W. C. Durant, t h e automobile manDON'T B E F O O L E D
ufacturer, died here recently at t h e
a g e of 91 years. S h e v a s a daughter
D y e s Are
of the late Henry H. Crapo, former Beware I Not All Package
Covernor of Michigan.
Ecorse—While walking along the
tracks watching a group of boys enB e n e f i t e d b y First Bottle of
Escanaba—Francis L. Baldwin, 60 gaged in a snowball fight, John O'Dell,
years old. editor and publisher of t h e 40 years old, 4427 Third street, Ecorse,
ia E. Pinkham's V e g e F can aba Journal n re, died sudden- w a s instantly killed when struck by a
table C o m p o u n d
ly last week, while walking t o h i s passenger train on t h e Michigan Cen
A l w a y s ask for "Diamond D y e s " and
tral tracks here.
if you don't s e e t h e name "Diamond
Lansing—Planting of 25,000 trees In
Ionia—The Stevens* Thorn . i n Ma- Dyes" o n the package—refuse it—hand
Lancaster, Pa. — " A f t e r I w a s m a r ried I b e c a m e terribly run-down and central Michigan, next Arbor day i s son chapter of the Daughters of the it back I
Each 16-cent package of "Diamond
•was weak and ner- planned by t h e Lansing Hoo H o o c l u b American Revolution celebrated i t s
[voua. My sister-in- a lumbermen's oranization. through fiftieth
with Dyes" contains directions so simple any
jlaw told m e t o t r y co-operation with school children and Mrs. Victor L. Seydel, of Grand Rap- woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses,
iLydia E. Pinkham'a
waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos,
the M. A. C. forestry department.
ids, grand regent, a s t h e guest of coats, draperies, coverings—everything
V e g e t a b l e Compound. My husband
new, even If she has never dyed before.
Ludington—Ludington's n e w $100,- honor and speaker.
I g o t m e a bottle a t 000 Masonic temple h a s been formally
Azalia—Harold B. Noble, a teacher Choose any color at drug store. Refuse
I once, and i t did m e
substitutes i
I so much good t h a t I opened. T h e temple i s a h a n d s o m e in t h e public schools at South Kockk e p t on t a k i n g it. I three story structure of Bedford s t o n e wood, who was killed by a N e w York
began t o feel well and pressed brick and is furnished with Central passenger train at Monroe,
Now'* the Time
ana strong again and t h e most modern of lodge equipment. w h i l e attempting to cross the tracks
•Tour wife says s h e c a n read you
waa able t o do m j
in an automobile, was buried from h i s like a book."
housework u p t o the
Detroit—The 26th anniversary of t h e home here last week.
"I must turn over a n e w leaf."
t i m e m y b a b y w a s born—a nice f a t little s i n k i n g of t h e Maine in Cuban waters,
L x n Mountain—The proposal of the
girl in t h e b e s t o f health. I surely a m which precipitated t h e war with Spain,
recommending the Vegetable Compound
village of Kingsfrrd. adjoining the
t o m y friends when they have troubles w a s celebrated by memorial s e r v i c e s Ford plant here, to build a combined DEMAND
dcpartment^roflike m i n e , and I am perfectly willing for
y o u to u s e t h e s e facts a s a t e s t i m o n i a l . " Michigan, Veterans of Foreign Wars, grade, junior and senior high school Asp7r?n~~MairVed With "Bayer Cross"
. t a cost of $2.25,000. h a s m e t with an
H a s Been Proved Safe by Millions.
—Mrs. F R A N K H. GHIMM, 6 3 3 Locust here last week.
offer from i-^enry Ford to donate nine
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Warning 1 Unless you s e e t h e name
Detroit—A Civil War veteran, 78 acres of h i s land for t h e school site.
W o m e n should heed such s y m p t o m s yeara old, obtained
on package or e n tablets y o u
Orand Rapids—The annual meeting
a s pains, backache, nervousness, a papers
getting t h e genuine Bayer
of t h e Michigan League
of Home
run-down condition and irregularity,
safe by millions and
Dailies w^s held here recently. Three
a s t h e y indicate some form o f f e m a l e
J o h n T h o m a s Scarrow, Wayne, Mich., s p e a k e r s from Chicago addressed .the prescribed by physicians for 2Z years.
S a y "Bayer" when you b o y Aspirin.
Lydia E . Pinkham's V e g e t a b l e Com- who served with Co. C in the 30th convention, John Alexander, on "Mer- Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adr.
chandising," R. B. Harbison, in "The
pound is a dependable medicine for all Michigan Infantry.
I t h e s e troubles. For sale b y druggists
Outlook," and B. A.
F l i n t — T h e r e will be little danger N e w s
His Idea of It
of an ice shortage in Michigan cities Adams on "Composition."
next summer. Ice cuts on l a k e s in
is resignation?
East Lansing—At the annual meetcentral and northern Michigan e x c e e d ing of t h e Michigan A s s elation of
Smart Boy—Resignation Is when
that of any previous year by several Nurserymen, held a1; the State Agri- you want something you can't- have,
according to state- cultural college. East Lansing. B. J. and then pretent you never wanted it.
m e n t s issued h jre.
Manahan, of Detroit, w a s elected asOther
W h i t e h a l l — T h e first summer resort- sociation president.
er h a s arrived at White Lake, near are: Vice president, William IlgenAND BOWELS—10c A BOX
here. H e is William Jarvis, Chicago fritz, -Monroe, secretary-treasurer, C.
their fee
attorney, w h o came for a vacation at
Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick
his summer home. Mr. Jarvis made
Lansing—The state
administrative Headache.Tndlgestion. Drug stores. A d r
the trip from Whitehall to h i s s u m m e r board referred to a committee claims
home by bob-sleigh.
from counties for back counties on
noxious animals and birds amounting
to be desired in an
ot about $99,000.
T h e claims date
ssMs)<eraM4lajk=4MNitBs; ' s t a t e ex- hack as far a s 1919, and there Is no
penditures have been given to t h e appropriation for their payment. The
n don't know. What?"
public by O. B. Fuller, auditor-general board probably will make a definite
"Absence of body."—American Boy.
the state administrative board h a s ruling regarding them.
CURES COLDS - L A GRIPPE ordered t h e publication of a financial
Attica—Attica's town hall and the
s t a t e m e n t once a month In the daily
grain ele* ator were destroyed recentpapers.
ly by a $14...GO fire. T h e damage to
That ^tfexico canho attain the elevator w a s $12,000, of which
I Standard c o l d r e m e d y world over. D e m a n d ]
normality until t h e United S t a t e s in- v4,000 w a s covered by insuranct. T h e
I box bearing M r . Hill's portrait a n d signature |
tervenes and establishes a
protec- damage to the town hall w a s $2,000,
X < A.U Druggists
w a s t h e opinion e x p r e s s e d some of which will be reduced by
here by. t h e R e v . Joseph Munoc, a insurance., Attica, with a 400 popuSpanish priest, w h c h a s lived in Mex- lation, h a s no fire apparatus.
it's Different
ico for t h e past t e n years and w h o
Grand Rapids—James P. Carmody,
May—1 don't understand m e n .
is in Flint conducting a mission for
Grand Rapids township resiF a y — W h a t ' s t h e matter n o w ?
Mexican Catholics.
dent, whose work with t h e Michigan
May—My husband ran a tank durSt. Joseph—Mrs. Mary L. Ewald, for Agricultural college in development
ing t h e w a r and n o w he can't e v e n
years a resident of this city, died of dairy products made h i m promirun a vacuum cleaner for me.
at her^ h o m e , last week. S h e w a s 80 nent in agricultural circles, died here
In order t o reach a man's intelli- y e a r s old and the daughter of R e v . recently.
In his work with the colgence, y o u may sometimes have t o W. E. and Williamena Grimm, w h o lege he aided materially in obtaining
cdheh it for a long time beforehand.
with a little band of fisherfolk, crossed information and in the fixing of standLake Michigan in a sailboat from Mil- ards.
w a u k e e and established the first BapGrand Rapids—Frank Vansteenberg,
tist church here in 1860.
64 years old, for 37 y e a r s a member
% # A j g S j a S a B A is a Combined
L a n s i n g — T h e bovine anti tuberculo- of the fire department here in which
D l V l l l V l D V Treatment, both s i s war that the state began in 1921 i h e rose to the rank of captain, died
local and internal, and has been success- will be carried to nine n e w c o u n t i e s recently of apoplexy. H e won wide
ful in t h e treatment o f Catarrh for over
with t h e children
during t h e remainder of 1924, and will acquaintanceship
forty years. Sold by all druggists.
h o u s e an apb
inF . J. C H E N E Y &. CCX* T o l e d o , O h i o
spections <n five counties where t h e parently Inexhaustible supply of hoops
cattle already have been tested o a c e , and kites which h e distributed to the
a s well a s in Oogebic County, where youngsters.
." 4
stall-to-stall Inspection h a s been made
Hartford—The n e w *Methodlst Epistwice,
copal church, in this village w a s reM e n o m i n e e — T h e Menominee Sugar cently dedicated with special services
Co. last w e e k s e n t checkB aggregat- In charge of Bishop "Theodore
— wfll be relieved by If ADAMS ZODAO
ing $175,000 to farmers w h o raised
people ha»« ralied on into wonderful n i m i l j
sugar b e e t s for t h e plant last year. Willlts, of Nlles, district superintendfor eoaoha colds, hnsrsenoee and othar
bronchial aiimenta. Safatorchildren. Plea*
This w a s in addition to the $6.50 a ent, and Rev. Clark Wheeler, pastor
of the First
ton paid at the time t h e b e e t s were church, of St. Joseph, taking part In
• - M A U L . * R U C K E L . N . Y„ M F K S .
delivered. T h e total paid t h e farmers the ceremonies.
w a s $9.28 a ton. T h e Menominee
Battle Creek—Although y e g g s blew
plant cut about 600,000 tons of b e e t s
three safes In the heart of t h e village
last year.
of Bellevue, 14 miles north of here,
Creek — Whether
B a t t l e recently, the sleep rf t h e residents
Creek will adopt uniform eastern time was undisturbed and t h e robberies
the year around will be decided by were not discovered until next mornthe voter* here at the spring elec- ing. So much nitroglycerine was used
tion, according to a decision reached In blowing the safes in t h e Ford gaby t h e city commission. T h e decision rage and the Be.levue co-operative
' COUL&H o n -'
followed the reading of a petition t . e v a t o r that sheriff's officers had difsigned by 200 persons requesting t h e ficulty in finding pieces of t h e safes.
c o m m i s s i o n t o adopt the eastern time
Ann Arbor—Professor Edward R.
schedule here.
Turner, of t h e history department of
Fremont—A move satisfactory en- the University of Michigan, h a s acforcement of the spraying law w a s cepted a call to tPach at Yale unisought at the horti cultural
school versity next year, it ^ a s lea,ned here.
held here recently by t h e County Professor Turner, /*hc h a s been condepartment
) > t N O K W O M E N C A N KAMI I V M A K B Farm Bureau and t h e Michigan Agri- nected with the history
mr.nay a t h o m e d i s t r i b u t i n g o u r T a b l e t s cultural
There Is said t o here since 1911. Is considered an auA p e r l e n S f o r S t o m a c h . LJver a n d B o w e l s .
been considerable dissatisfac- thority In t h e field of English and
S a m p l e s a n d I n f o r m a t i o n free. 'Write B . J. have
S M I T H CO.. 114 W. Oray A v e . , T a m p a , F l * . tion among apple growers In regard
European history an4 h a s written nuto the lack of attention to d i s e a s e s merous articles and textbooks on the
In m a n y orchards, resulting in t h e subject.
spreading of t h e ills.
Lawton—drape g r o w e r s of Van
Ionia—It c o s t Leonard P. Gemuend, Bursa county are l o o k i n f for waif' to
Was Your
this city, the sum of 1,060,000,000,- a heavy crop In 1924 to offset the
G r a n d m o t h e r ' s R e m e d y of
000 marks to furnish Information to comparatively light crop of the 1928
For every stomach
season. Growers s a y they can expect
and Intestinal UL I t h e Interior department through the but one heavy crop in t w o years, the
T h i s good old-fash- bureau of pensions concerning \he date alternating season being light in proloned
home | of h i s birth. Oemuend recently filed duction. The s u b z e r o weather experemedy herb
for constipation, stomach Ills a claim for a pension based on the fact rienced in January has not damaged
and other derange- that h e had attained the a g e of 68 the prospects In any w a y , they s a y ,
ments of t h e sys- y e a r s and had served in Company 1, and except for heavy frosts late In
tem so prevalent these days Is In even Thirty-fourth Michigan infantry, dur- the spring, or early In t h e fail, there
greater f a v o r a s a family medietas ing t h e Spanish-American war. He Is little to be feared from cold.
declared he w a s born March 8, 1854.
t h a n in j o u r grandmother's day*
Detroit—Although Michigan Is not
Lansing—A n e w bureau of t h e among t h e leading producers of lime
State Department of Health w h o s e In t h e United States, Its gain In proDR. STAFFORD'S
relationship to m e n s e n t e n c e d
to duction is so rapid that It Is passing
State penal Institutions will be much Its nearer rivals and by continuing
the s a m e a s t h e relationship of t h e its pace will soon catch Its leaders
psychopathic clinic and probation de- The geological survey figures for 1923,
partment of Recorder's Court to pris- Just pi bllshed, sho-v that th<* state's
oners convicted In Detroit. Is In t h e 1923 production o f - l i m e w a s 80.800
process of formation. It wfll be t h e tons, which was a gal.< of 27,165 tons
function rrf this bureau to d e t e r m i n e for t h e year or at t h e r a t s of 51 per
whether prisoners shall be B ent t o t h e cent Increase. No other state aphardened criminal class at Marquette proached this percentage of gsln," lato the State Prison at Jackson, or t o
the reformatory and proposed school I dlan \ with 12 per cent, being th*
at Ionia.
next In order
W h y You
May Need
T h e r e a t e three main groups o f p r o s p e c t i v e buyers o f
C h e v r o l e t automobiles and commercial cars.
First, are all w h o k n o w from comparisons o r through the
experiences of friends that Chevrolet provides the utmost
dollar value i n m o d e r n , economical t r a n s p o r t a t i o n o f
p e o p l e o r merchandise.
Second, the large group o f people with modest Incomes
w h o have t h e f a l s e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t s o good a car as
C h e v r o l e t is beyond their m e a n s .
T h e y d o not realize that d u e t o engineering excellence a n d
full m o d e r n equipment, Chevrolet operating and maintenance costs average so l o w that during the life of the car, i t
delivers modern, comfortable, fast transportation at t h e
lowest cost per mile, including the purchase price.
Third, the smaller but very important group o f c a r o w n r r t
o f a m p l e means, o n l y a small percentage o f w h o m as y e t
realize that Chevrolet as an extra car virtually costs t h e m
n o t h i n g , d u e t o t h e reduction i n t h e i r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n
expenses effected by it.
W e respectfully suggest consideration, investigation a n d
comparison of Chevrolet w i t h any other car at any price.
Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit,
of Qeneral
Prices f. o, b. Flint,
Super tor
Utility C o u p e .
4-Passcoacr C o u p e 7 2 5
Superior Sedan . . .
Superior Commercial Chassis
Superior Light Delivery .
Utility Expresa Truck Chassis
"Don't know, darling. Didn't dance
with him."—Judge.
thought a fool than to speak and
move all doubts.—Midwest Review,
Hail's Catarrh
i • .i •
-the Qld~fashioned
J)on't lat thus
Children thrive on i t —
Give i t t o them every day
Garfield T e a
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
W O o r t h r e e t i m e s a d a y ia n o t t o o often t o
serve t h i s d e l i c i o u s h e a l t h d r i n k .
F o r g r o w i n g c h i l d r e n e s p e c i a l l y , there i s n o t h i n g
better t h a n g o o d c o c o a .
I t i s s t r e n g t h e n i n g a n d i n v i g o r a t i n g — a fine
h e a l t h builder.
Farm H o u s e C o c o a costa m u c h less than a n y o t h e r
h i g h grade A m e r i c a n P r o c e s s c o c o a o n t h e marketIt w i l l p a y y o u t o s t o c k several p o u n d s at t h e
l o w price of 1 8 cents.
To Retail
It "'>' n l r i m f n do not reach 70U, write lor ©Uf B^CClsl P^^BOSftlOTr OS
Farm House (American Process) Cocoa, Monarch (Dutch Process)
Cocoa and the world famous Monarch CoSee. Writs tods* i» <<»e
I you.