Gov’t rules out VFA scrapping Only guidelines being reviewed - De Lima Militants demand scrapping of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) in a rally infront of the Department of Foreign Affairs in Pasay City. MANILA -- The Aquino administration slammed the door Friday on the abrogation of the country’s Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States despite calls for its cancellation in the wake of the killing of transgender Jennifer Laude, allegedly at the hands of a US Marine. Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said ongoing talks between the Philippines and the United States were intended to come up with clear guidelines on some of the more contentious issues surrounding the treaty which was ratified in 1999, but were not aimed at amending or scrapping the VFA. ´7KDW·VQRWEHLQJFRQVLGHUHGµ De Lima said, reacting to calls for amendment or abrogation of the VFA. ´:KDW·V EHLQJ GLVFXVVHG DUH just the implementing guidelines,” she said, adding that these would be consistent with the provisions of the agreement. De Lima said the guidelines ZRXOG MXVW ´FRUUHFW GHÀFLHQFLHV gaps or loopholes in the agreement which lead to the differing or varying interpretations.” De Lima declined to comment when asked how the government would address calls for an abrogation of the treaty. ´, GRQ·W WKLQN , DP LQ DQ\ position to make any declaration with respect to that. That kind of decision should be addressed at the highest level,” De Lima said. De Lima reiterated that the (Please turn to Page 7) (FonoPLVt VeeV gOoEaO 8S reFeVVLon ne[t year WASHINGTON -- Four years after the end of the Great Recession, it looks as if the U.S. HFRQRP\PLJKWÀQDOO\EHSRLVHG for breakout growth. Monthly job growth in 2014 is, on average, faster than at any SRLQW VLQFH WKH ÀQDQFLDO FULVLV Overall economic growth appears to picking up too, with real GDP growing by more than 4% in the second quarter of this year, and many economists predicting higher overall growth compared to last year. But news outside the U.S. isn’t so bright. European economies are still battling depression-era levels of unemployment and the WKUHDWRIGHÁDWLRQ$QGHPHUJLQJ economies, like China, are having trouble maintaining the kind of growth they have become accustomed to in recent years. The most recent readings out of China Artist’s rendering of the Iloilo Convention Center. Inset Senate President Franklin Drilon. (Please turn to Page 10) PLnay aGPLraO taNeV KeOP oI 8S naYaO FoPPanG GUAM – One of the few females holding a high-ranking position in the United States Navy is a Filipino. %RUQ LQ +DZDLL WR )LOLSLQR parents, US Navy Rear Admiral Bette Bolivar was raised in a traditional Filipino family. ´$QJWDWD\NRD\WDJD%LFRODW ang nanay ko ay taga Pangasinan (My father is from Bicol and my mother hails from Pangasinan),” %ROLYDUWROG7KH67$5LQÁXHQW Filipino. (Please turn to Page 10) $TXLno 1o VeFonG terP MANILA - President Aquino ended speculations on a possible term extension, telling a group of businessmen that having six more \HDUVLQRIÀFHZDVQRW´WKHULJKW solution” to sustain the country’s growth. Instead the solution, Aquino said, is choosing the next leader wisely. ´:LWK UHJDUG WR KRZ GR ZH sustain this after 2016, then perhaps I will vote for the right Rear Admiral Bette Bolivar (Please turn to Page 6) 5aSV ¿OeG YV 'rLOon tZo otKerV oYer ,OoLOo SroMeFt MANILA —Graft and plunder FKDUJHVZHUHÀOHGDJDLQVW6HQDWH President Franklin Drilon, Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez, 3XEOLF :RUNV 6HFUHWDU\ 5RJHOLR Singson and other Department RI 3XEOLF :RUNV DQG +LJKZD\V RIÀFLDOV EHIRUH WKH 2PEXGVPDQ :HGQHVGD\LQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKH allegedly overpriced construction of the Iloilo Convention Center. Manuel Mejorada, a former provincial administrator of ,ORLORÀOHGWKHFKDUJHVLQFOXGLQJ malversation of public funds, violation of procurement law, anti-graft and corrupt practices act and dishonesty and grave misconduct against Drilon and RWKHURIÀFLDOV The charges stemmed from the allegedly overpriced Iloilo Convention Center, a purported P700-million pet project of Drilon EHLQJ FDUULHG RXW E\ +LOPDUF·V Construction Corp., the contractor of the allegedly overpriced Makati parking building. Mejorada said Drilon was (Please turn to Page 9) ABS-CBN wins $10-M award in Oregon court Story on Page 7 3 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 4 VIEWS & COMMENTARY PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Modern-day heroes and slaves GUEST EDITORIAL The strangest stranger EMPATHY is a word that this administration does not seem to understand. It calls the Filipino people its bosses, but acts as though it could not care less about its bosses’ plight. 1RERG\SHUVRQLÀHVWKLVVSHFWDFXODULQDELOLW\WRSXWKLPVHOILQ other people’s shoes than President Aquino himself. For instance, when a local businessman lamented the looting that took place in the days shortly after typhoon Yolanda ravaged the central Philippines and asked what the national government intended to do about it, Mr. Aquino shot back: “But you’re still alive, aren’t you?” Another example would be this administration’s dismal record in preventing the extra-judicial killing of journalists and solving the murders that have already taken place. On more than one occasion, Mr. Aquino emphasized that many of the media workers were killed because of reasons other than their ethical exercise of the profession. He uttered these words as though some journalists deserved to die more than others did. Challenged to take the perilous and daunting ride on the Metro Rail Transit to experience what ordinary commuters go through every day, Mr. Aquino sent his mouthpieces instead and hinted he had better things to do. The President’s most recent display of insensitivity was in connection with the killing of transgender woman Jennifer Laude, VDLGWRKDYHGLHGYLROHQWO\LQWKHKDQGVRID860DULQHRIÀFHU The issue is highly emotional given the hateful nature of the crime, complicated by the nuances of the Visiting Forces Agreement, a pact between two nations where one wields more power than the other. Laude has already been buried in his hometown Olongapo City, but on the days prior to the interment, Mr. Aquino has been conspicuously silent and detached and in fact refused to attend the wake if only to show solidarity to the family in condemning the violence. “I don’t usually go to wakes of people I don’t know,” the President said, saying it made him feel strange. We are willing to bet however that in his relatively long, albeit unremarkable, career as a politician, he has attended the wakes of numerous strangers. The reasoning would make sense to an ordinary citizen, but not to a leader—especially one who has styled himself as the best thing that ever happened to Filipinos. His spokespersons have tried to clean up after the very candid statement, of course, but no amount of damage control could hide what we already know: this president not only refuses to connect with the people; he is simply incapable of doing so. – Manila 6WDQGDUG7RGD\ THESUREOHPRIWUDIÀFNLQJRI )LOLSLQRVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVFDPH WRWKHIRUHDJDLQODVWZHHNZKHQ 25 teachers who were victimized by unscrupulous recruiters went to the Philippine Embassy in :DVKLQJWRQ '& WR DJDLQ DLU WKHLUJULHYDQFHDQGVHHNWKHKHOS of Ambassador Jose Cuisia Jr. for a resolution of their case. The ambassador assured them WKDW WKH 3KLOLSSLQH JRYHUQPHQW ZRXOGFRQWLQXHWRVHHNMXVWLFHIRU them. At the same time, Cuisia HQFRXUDJHG VRPH PRUH WHDFKHUV LQ WKH 86 ZKR ZHUH YLFWLPVRILOOHJDOUHFUXLWHUVWRVWHS out of the shadows so the embassy FRXOG DVVLVW WKHP LQ VHHNLQJ LPPLJUDWLRQUHOLHI The relief that Cuisia was UHIHUULQJWRZDVWKH79LVDZKLFK LV JUDQWHG WR YLFWLPV RI KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ LQ WKH 86 6RPH RI WKH)LOLSLQRWHDFKHUVEURXJKW LQWRWKH86ZLWKDIDOVHSURPLVH RI WHDFKLQJ MREV KDYH EHHQ DEOH WROHJDOL]HWKHLUVWD\DVYLFWLPVRI KXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJ Cuisia said the Philippine JRYHUQPHQWLVFRQWLQXLQJWRORRN IRUWKHUHFUXLWHU,VLGUR5RGULJXH] ZKRKDVEHHQPLVVLQJVLQFHEHLQJ released from detention despite FKDUJHV RI LOOHJDO UHFUXLWPHQW DOLHQ VPXJJOLQJ YLVD IUDXG DQG KXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJERWKLQWKH86 and in the Philippines. )URPWR5RGULJXH] ZDVDOOHJHGWRKDYHUHFUXLWHGDV many as 1,000 teachers whom he DOOHJHGO\ZDVDEOHWRFRQYLQFHWR pay from $10,000 to $15,000 each IRU QRQH[LVWLQJ MREV LQ YDULRXV SXEOLFVFKRROVDFURVVWKH86 The case of the teachers UHFUXLWHGE\5ORGULJXH]ZDVMXVW one of many such incidents of RIÀFHLQ/RV$QJHOHV&DOLIRUQLD DQG LWV )LOLSLQR RZQHU /RXUGHV ´/XOXµ1DYDUURZHUHRUGHUHGRQ $SULO LQ %DWRQ 5RXJH /RXLVLDQD WR SD\ DQ HVWLPDWHG PLOOLRQ LQ LOOHJDOO\FKDUJHG placement fees, a well as a $500 ÀQH DQG LQ DWWRUQH\ IHHV IRUDOOHJHGO\FKHDWLQJ)LOLSLQR teachers of thousands of dollars in UHFUXLWLQJIHHVDQGKROGLQJWKHP LQ YLUWXDO VHUYLWXGH IRU NHHSLQJ their visas. (DFK WHDFKHU ZDV FKDUJHG DERXW E\ 1DYDUUR LQ SODFHPHQW IHHV WR REWDLQ D MRE DQG ZDV WKHQ UHTXLUHG WR VLJQ D FRQWUDFW REOLJDWLQJ WKHP WR SD\ 10-percent of their second-year salaries to the company. Teachers who could not afford to pay the fees up front were directed to loan FRPSDQLHVE\1DYDUURDQGZHUH FKDUJHGH[RUELWDQWLQWHUHVWUDWHV $ )ORULGD FRXSOH SOHDGHG JXLOW\RQ6HSWHPEHUWR FRQVSLULQJ WR KROG )LOLSLQR HPSOR\HHV DJDLQVW WKHLU ZLOO ZRUNLQJ LQ FRXQWU\ FOXEV DQG hotels. 7KH 86 -XVWLFH 'HSDUWPHQW VDLG 6RSKLD 0DQXHO DQG $OIRQVR%DOGRQDGR-UZHUH RZQHUV RI D ODERU FRQWUDFWLQJ (Please turn to Page 6) Has Binay gone desperado? WHATEVER9LFH3UHVLGHQW - H M R P D U ´ - R M R µ % L Q D \ · V H[SHFWDWLRQV ZHUH KLV PHHWLQJ ZLWK3UHVLGHQW%HQLJQR´31R\µ $TXLQR ,,, GLGQ·W VHHP WR KDYH VDWLVÀHG WKHP $FFRUGLQJ WR D news report, Binay waited for two DQG KDOI KRXUV IRU 31R\ WR VHH KLPDQGWKHPHHWLQJODVWHGRQO\ PLQXWHV,QHVVHQFH%LQD\ZDV shown the door. $OWKRXJK 0DODFDxDQJ ZDV quiet about what transpired at WKH PHHWLQJ WKH PHGLD ZDV ULIH with speculation. But Inquirer UHSRUWHU5DPRQ7XOIR·VFODLPWKDW D ´OLWWOH ELUGLHµ WROG KLP GHWDLOV RI WKH PHHWLQJ LQGLFDWHV WKDW WKLQJVZHUHQ·WJRLQJZHOOEHWZHHQ 31R\DQG%LQD\ 6XSSRVHGO\ %LQD\ PDGH WZR UHTXHVWV +H DVNHG 31R\ WR VWRS WKH 6HQDWH %OXH 5LEERQ Philippine Tribune 18012 Pioneer Blvd. #E, Artesia, CA 90701 7HO)D[ e-mail: [email protected] AILEEN GALON -- General Manager VAL G. ABELGAS BOBBY CRISOSTOMO MEH GUEVARRA DAISY MAE ORTIZ CERES VILLANUEVA RODERICK DE LA PENA BUSINESS AID NETWORK KXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJRI)LOLSLQRVLQ WKH86,QDORQHWKHUHZHUH VHYHUDOUHFRUGHGFDVHVLQFOXGLQJ WKHIROORZLQJ $)LOLSLQRFRXSOHLGHQWLÀHG DV0D[LPLQR´0D[µ0RUDOHV and his wife, Melinda Morales, ZHUH DUUHVWHG E\ WKH )%, in April 2010 in Paso Robles DIWHU DQ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ IRXQG WKDW WKH FRXSOH VPXJJOHG )LOLSLQR QDWLRQDOVDQGIRUFHGWKHPWRZRUN DV FDUHJLYHUV LQ WKHLU QXUVLQJ homes for little or no pay. The IHGHUDO FRPSODLQW DOOHJHG WKDW the victims were recruited by the FRXSOHZLWKSURPLVHVRIZRUNLQ WKH 86 DQG WKHQ VPXJJOHG LQWR WKH86RQWUDQVLWYLVDV Once the victims arrived in WKH86WKH\ZHUHIRUFHGWRZRUN entire days for as many as seven GD\VDZHHNZLWKOLWWOHSD\7KH FRXSOH FRQÀVFDWHG WKH YLFWLPV· passports and threatened to harm their families and/or deport them LIWKH\OHIWSULRUWRSD\LQJRIIWKHLU GHEW$FFRUGLQJ WR WKH DIÀGDYLW WKH FDUHJLYHUV ZRUNHG KRXU VKLIWV ZLWK QR UHJXODU GD\V RII and slept in closets, hallways, and JDUDJHVZLWKQRKHDW $3KLOLSSLQHEDVHGUHFUXLWLQJ FRPSDQ\ 8QLYHUVDO 3ODFHPHQW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO83,ZLWKVDWHOOLWH Editor Chief Photographer Art Director Marketing Director Account Executive Account Executive IT Specialist The Philippine Tribune is published by the PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE INC. Views and opinions H[SUHVVHGKHUHLQE\ZULWHUVDQGFROXPQLVWVGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKRVHRIWKHSXEOLVKHU PDQDJHPHQWDQGVWDIIRI3KLOLSSLQH7ULEXQH VXEFRPPLWWHHIURPLQYHVWLJDWLQJ WKHRYHUSULFLQJRIWKH0DNDWL&LW\ +DOO%XLOGLQJ31R\·VUHVSRQVH ZDVEOXQW´-RMR,FDQQRWVWRSWKH LQYHVWLJDWLRQEHFDXVHWKH6HQDWH is independent. Besides, I have so many problems -- the possible spread of the deadly Ebola virus EURXJKW E\ UHWXUQLQJ RYHUVHDV ZRUNHUVWKH6XELFPXUGHUFDVH the evacuation of residents near WKH 0D\RQ 9ROFDQR Pati ba naman ’yan, poproblemahin ko pa 'R , KDYH WR VROYH \RXU SUREOHP"µ %LQD\ VKRXOG KDYH VWRSSHGULJKWWKHUHDQGOHIW But Binay pressed on. He WKHQDVNHG31R\WRJRHDV\RQ GMA (former President Gloria 0DFDSDJDO$UUR\R31R\ZDVQ·W SOHDVHGZLWK%LQD\WDNLQJXSWKH FXGJHOV IRU *0$ ,I %LQD\·V PHHWLQJZLWK31R\ZDVLQWHQGHG to appease him, he achieved the RSSRVLWH 7XOIR·V ´OLWWOH ELUGLHµ told him that after Binay left, 31R\ WROG KLV VWDII ´,I WKHUH DUHPRUHFDVHVWREHÀOHGDJDLQVW *0$OHW·VÀOHWKHPµ Scapegoat %LQD\ VKRXOG KDYH NQRZQ better that if there were one SHUVRQ WKDW 31R\ ZRXOG EODPH IRU DOO WKH EDG WKLQJV KDSSHQLQJ in his administration, it was *ORULD*ORULDLV31R\·VXOWLPDWH VFDSHJRDWVRZK\NLOOWKHJRDW" )RUDVORQJDV31R\LVLQSRZHU *ORULD GRHVQ·W KDYH D VSLW RI a chance to be released from GHWHQWLRQ$QG31R\ZRXOGGR HYHU\WKLQJWRNHHS*ORULDDOLYH %LQD\ VKRXOG DOVR NQRZ WKDW 31R\ GRHVQ·W KDYH SRZHU RYHU WKH 6HQDWH ZKLFK LV ILHUFHO\ protective of its autonomy from WKH ([HFXWLYH %UDQFK ,I %LQD\ GLGQ·WNQRZWKDWWKHQKHVKRXOGQ·W EHUXQQLQJIRUSUHVLGHQW2UFRXOG LWEHWKDWKLVDWWHPSWWRDVNIDYRUV IURP31R\ZDVEHFDXVHKHFRXOG EHKHDGLQJIRUDSROLWLFDOIUHHIDOO" Indeed, he has nobody to EODPHEXWKLPVHOIIRUEXLOGLQJD SHUVRQDOÀQDQFLDOHPSLUHGXULQJ the two decades that he and members of his family – wife, VRQ DQG WZR GDXJKWHUV ² ZHUH LQSRZHULQ0DNDWLDUJXDEO\WKH richest city in the country that is KRPHWRÀQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVDQG ODUJHFRUSRUDWLRQV$QGZLWKDOO the revenues earned by the city, the mayorship is by all means WKHEHVWSOXPMRELQWKHFRXQWU\ with little or no interference from other political entities (Please turn to Page 8) 5 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 The fruit of the Spirit Watch out! Your words are Àammable! WATCH OUT!<RXU:RUGV $UH)ODPPDEOH Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that WKH´WRQJXHKDVWKHSRZHURIOLIH DQGGHDWKµ (YHU\ ZRUG WKDW FRPHV RXW of our mouth can either heal or NLOO*HQWOHFDULQJDQGVLQFHUHO\ ORYLQJZRUGVFDQOLIWXSWKHVSLULW RIDGRZQWURGGHQSHUVRQWRVRDU OLNHDQHDJOH%LWWHUVDUFDVWLFDQG EOLVWHULQJ FRPPHQWV FDQ EUHDN WKHVSLULWDQGEULQJWKHSHUVRQLQWR WKHGHSWKVRIPHODQFKROLD :H VSHDN DQ DYHUDJH RI ZRUGV SHU PLQXWH LQ WKH (QJOLVKODQJXDJH,ZRQGHUKRZ PDQ\ RI WKRVH ZRUGV VSHDN OLIH DQG EULQJ KHDOLQJ WR ZRXQGHG UHODWLRQVKLSV"+RZPDQ\RQWKH RWKHUKDQGEUHDNSHRSOH·VKHDUWV DQGGHVWUR\UHODWLRQVKLSV",IZH RQWKHDYHUDJHVSHDNZRUGV SHUPLQXWHWKDWPHDQVZHVSHDN ZRUGVSHUVHFRQG 7KHUH LV HQRXJK WLPH IRU XV WR FKRRVH HYHU\ ZRUG WKDW ZH VSHDN ´/LNH DSSOHV RI JROG LQ VHWWLQJVRIVLOYHULVDZRUGVSRNHQ LQ ULJKW FLUFXPVWDQFHVµ 3URY 1$6 ,WLVVDGWRVD\KRZHYHUWKDW WKHZURQJZRUGVDUHRIWHQVSRNHQ DWWKHZURQJWLPHV)ULHQGVKLSV PDUULDJH UHODWLRQVKLSV IDPLO\ solidarity, and businesses are EURNHQ E\ KDUVK ZRUGV DQG criticisms. (YHU\ ZRUG WKDW FRPHV RXW RI RXU PRXWK LV OLNH DQ DUURZ WKDWZHVKRRWLQWRWKHDLU:HGR QRWNQRZZKHUHDQGKRZLWZLOO ODQG 7KHUH LV QR ZD\ ZH FDQ take it back. :KHQHYHU ZH KXUW VRPHRQH ZLWKXQNLQGZRUGVZHJLYHWKHP D JOLPSVH RI ZKDW·V JRLQJ RQ LQ our hearts. They may not mean DQ\WKLQJ WR XV EXW LW GRHV PHDQ a lot because the Lord Jesus, +LPVHOI VDLG WKDW ´$ JRRG PDQ RXWRIWKHJRRGWUHDVXUHRIKLVKHDUW EULQJVIRUWKJRRGDQGDQHYLOPDQ out of the evil treasure of his heart EULQJV IRUWK HYLO )RU RXW RI WKH abundance of the heart his mouth VSHDNVµ/XNH1.-9 2QH RI P\ IDYRULWH VRQJV LQ P\\RXQJHU\HDUVZDVDVRQJE\ WKH%HH*HHVHQWLWOHG´:RUGVµ,W LVOLNHDSRHPWKDWUHDGVLQVRPH SDUWV´7DONLQHYHUODVWLQJZRUGV DQGGHGLFDWHWKHPDOOWRPH$QG ,ZLOOJLYH\RXDOOP\OLIHLW·VRQO\ ZRUGVDQGZRUGVDUHDOO,KDYHWR WDNH\RXUKHDUWDZD\µ :KDWZRUGVGR\RXWKLQNFDQ PHOWDKHDUWGLVVLSDWHDQJHUDQG EULQJKRSHWRDKXUWLQJSHUVRQ" /HW XV ZDWFK RXU ZRUGV DQG KROG RXU WRQJXH DQG OHW XV SUD\ WKDWHYHU\ZRUGWKDWFRPHVRXWRI RXU PRXWK ZLOO EH SOHDVDQW OLNH D´KRQH\FRPEVZHHWWRWKHVRXO DQGKHDOLQJWRWKHERQHVµ3URY 1,9 :H LQYLWH \RX WR MRLQ XV LQ RXU 6XQGD\ PRUQLQJ ZRUVKLS VHUYLFH DW :H DUH 6LOYHU /DNH )RXUVTXDUH &KXUFK DOVR NQRZQ DV 2SHQ 'RRU &KULVWLDQ )HOORZVKLS :H DUH ORFDWHG RQ WKH VHFRQG ÁRRURIWKHKLVWRULF0D\IDLU+RWHO :HVW 6HYHQWK 6WUHHW /RV $QJHOHV&DOLIRUQLD VISIT US AT call (562) 865-5620 IN Galatians 5, Paul describes WKH FRQÁLFW EHWZHHQ WKH Spirit and the ÁHVK He contrasts this to ZDONLQJ LQ WKH 6SLULW versus OLYLQJLQWKHÁHVKPaul lists by name the ´ZRUNVRIWKHÁHVKµ in Galatians 5:18-21 (read it). They are VH[XDO like adultery, fornication; they are VSLULWXDO OLNH,GRODWU\ZLWFKFUDIWDQGWKH\ are VRFLDO OLNH KDWUHG ZUDWK strife, envy and such like. Paul VDLG´7KRVHZKRGRVXFKWKLQJV ZLOOQRWLQKHULW*RG·VNLQJGRPµ (5:21). <RX VHH WKH WUXWK LV ZH DOO KDYH HYLO GHVLUHV DQG ZH FDQ·W LJQRUH WKHP$QG LQ RUGHU IRU XV WR IROORZ WKH +RO\ 6SLULW·V JXLGDQFHZHPXVWGHDOZLWKWKHP decisively. 1RZ KDYLQJ SRLQWHG RXW WKH ´ZRUNVRIWKHÁHVKµ3DXOSURFHHGV WRFRQWUDVWWKHPZLWKWKH´IUXLWRI WKH6SLULWµ:HFDQQRWKDYH´MR\µ ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ ´SHDFHµ :H FDQQRW KDYH ´SDWLHQFHµ ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ´WHPSHUDQFHµ / H W · V F R Q V L G H U H D F K characteristic of the “fruit of WKH 6SLULWµ DV OLVWHG LQ *DODWLDQV EHJLQQLQJ ZLWK RXU UHODWLRQVKLS WR RXUVHOYHV. First is… /29(:HRQO\KDYHWKLV RQH ZRUG ´ORYHµ LQ WKH (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH WR H[SUHVV VHYHUDO different kinds of love. But in the *UHHN ODQJXDJH WKUHH RI WKHVH *UHHN ZRUGV IRU ´ORYHµ ZHUH (URV, 3KLOHR, and $JSH (URVVSRNHRIÁHVKO\VHQVXDO love. 3KLOHR is a brotherly love. ,W LV D IULHQGVKLS NLQG RI ORYH +RZHYHUWKHORYHWKDWLVSDUWRI WKH´IUXLWRIWKH6SLULWµLV$JDSH 7KLV LV WKH VWURQJHVW ZRUG IRU ´ORYHµLQWKH%LEOH,WH[SUHVVHV DQHZTXDOLW\RIORYHDQGDWWLWXGH WRZDUGRWKHUV $JDSH ZDV D ORYH WKDW ORYHG the unlovely and the unlovable. But even more, $JDSH ZDV ZLOOLQJWRPDNHDVDFULÀFHIRULWV enemies. $JDSH is the Calvary NLQGRIORYH,W·VVDFULÀFLDOORYH 7KH IUXLW RI WKH 6SLULW EHJLQV ZLWKORYH because all the other are UHDOO\ DQ RXWJURZWK RI ORYH ,Q 1Corinthians 13:4-8 it says ORYH ALL FOR JESUS GRHVQ·WHQY\ORYHLVSDWLHQWORYH LVNLQGORYHLVQRWDUURJDQWORYH LVQRWUXGHORYHUHMRLFHVLQWUXWK ORYHEHDUVDOOWKLQJVDQGEHOLHYHV DOOWKLQJV $JDSH ORYH LV LPSRVVLEOH ZLWKRXW WKH LQGZHOOLQJ RI WKH +RO\6SLULWIRULWLVQRWDORYHWKDW comes naturally. $OPRVW DQ\RQH ZRXOG JLYH their life for their family, but only WKHORYHWKH+RO\6SLULWJHQHUDWHV LQ XV ZRXOG FDXVH XV WR EH VHOI VDFULÀFLQJ IRU WKRVH ZKR PLJKW even be our enemies. No unsaved SHUVRQ FDQ H[SUHVV$JDSH ORYH No unsaved person can express Agape love. $IWHUORYH comes… -2< Joy is not necessarily WKHVDPHDVKDSSLQHVV7KH*UHHN ZRUGWUDQVODWHGMR\VLPSO\PHDQV ´GHOLJKWµ,WV PHDQV ´WR UHMRLFHµ RU´EHJODGµ ,W UHIHUV WR D MR\ EDVHG RQ VSLULWXDO IDFWRUV 7KHUH LV D YDVW GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ MR\ DQG KDSSLQHVV +DSSLQHVV LV WKH UHVXOW RI ZKDW KDSSHQV ,I ZKDW KDSSHQV LV JRRG WKHQ \RX·UH KDSS\ %XW MR\ LV GLIIHUHQW ,W VSULQJV IURP GHHSLQVLGHXV,WLVQRWWULJJHUHG E\ JRRG IRUWXQH EXW LW·V WKH UHVXOWRIDSHUPDQHQWGD\E\GD\ UHODWLRQVKLSZLWK&KULVW-HVXV $QGZKDWLVWKHVRXUFHRIWKLV MR\"7KH/RUG-HVXV&KULVWLVWKH VRXUFH/XNH$QGZKDW PXVWZHGRLIRXUMR\ is to be full DQG VXVWDLQLQJ" :H DUH WR ORYH each other as the Lord Jesus Christ FRPPDQGHG,IZHDOOGRWKDWZH DOOKDYHMR\-RKQ $QG KRZ GRHV MR\ EHFRPH D UHDOLW\ LQ WKH OLIH RI &KULVWLDQV" *RGÀOOPHZLWKMR\WKURXJKWKH SRZHURIWKH+RO\6SLULW5RPDQV 7KHWKLUGSDUWRIWKH´IUXLW RIWKH6SLULWµLV« 3($&( 7KHUH DUH WZR NLQGV RI VSLULWXDO SHDFH 7KHUH LV WKH ´3HDFH ZLWK *RGµ ZKLFK FRPHVWKURXJKWKHEORRGRI&KULVW ZKHQZHDUHVDYHG $QG WKHUH LV DOVR WKH ´3HDFH RI*RGµZKLFKLVDWUDQTXLOLW\RI PLQG EDVHG RQ RXU UHODWLRQVKLS to God. /LNHMR\SHDFHKDVQRWKLQJWR GR ZLWK FLUFXPVWDQFHV ,W LV DQ LQZDUGFDOPWKDWQRPDWWHUZKDW KDSSHQV ZH KDYH FRQÀGHQFH LQ God. :H FDQ NHHS WKLV SHDFH E\ NHHSLQJ RXU PLQG RQ *RG :H FDQNHHSRXUWKRXJKWVDQGWUXVWLQ *RGDQGKDYHSHDFH,VDLDK :HFDQNHHSSHDFHE\SUD\HUDQG WKDQNVJLYLQJ3KLOLSSLDQV 7UXHSHDFHLVQRWIRXQGLQSRVLWLYH WKLQNLQJ,WFRPHVIURPNQRZLQJ that God is in control. /21*68))(5,1*,IZH DUHHDVLO\XSVHWZKHQVRPHWKLQJ JRHV ZURQJ WKHQ ZH DUH QRW ORQJVXIIHULQJ /RQJVXIIHULQJ LV D ORYLQJ tolerance of others, no matter KRZWKH\WUHDWXV /RQJVXIIHULQJ RU SDWLHQFH SURGXFHV SHUVHYHUDQFH ,W KHOSV XV OHDUQ WR HQGXUH DQG \RX ZLOO EHVWURQJLQFKDUDFWHUDQGUHDG\ IRUDQ\WKLQJ5RPDQV-DPHV 1:2-4). ,I ZH DOORZ +LP WKH +RO\ 6SLULW ZLOO XVH WKH IUXVWUDWLRQV and tribulations of life to (Please turn to Page 9) 6 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Modern-day heroes... (From Page 4) President Aquino gestures during the open forum of the 13th CEO Forum and 118th General Membership Meeting of the Semiconductor and Electronic Industries in the Philippines (SEIPI) held at the Rigodon Ballroom of the Manila Peninsula Hotel in Makati. Also in photo are, from left, TESDA Secretary Joel Villanueva and SEIPI President Danilo Lachica. Aquino: No second term (From Page 1) FDQGLGDWH$QG LI , FDQ DVN \RX also to discern properly as to who is extolling populist sentiments with no substance as opposed to those who not only say the right things but whom you can trust to GHOLYHUWKHVDPHµ$TXLQRWROGWKH Semiconductor and Electronics ,QGXVWULHV LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV ,QF 6(,3, GXULQJ LWV WK &(2 )RUXP DQG WK JHQHUDO membership meeting in Makati. He did not identify any preferred successor. ´$WWKHHQGRIWKHGD\DJDLQ, have to reemphasize, this is really a collective effort. Even if there DUHVRPHTXDUWHUVVD\LQJ,VKRXOG WU\ DQG JR IRU D VHFRQG WHUP , don’t think that’s a right solution. We all have a time card in this world and we have to prepare for the eventuality of being called to meet our Maker. So there has to be that continuation of people of like mind who will deliver on the SURPLVHVWKDWDUHUHDODQGQRWMXVW self-serving or nice, pleasant to KHDUµ$TXLQRVDLG 'XULQJ WKH WK 3KLOLSSLQH Business Conference and Expo in Manila last Friday, Aquino also hinted before local investors that he did not have any more plans to extend his term as he reverted back to saying that he ZDVLQWKH´ODVWWZRPLQXWHVµRI his administration. Aquino was asked about how the Philippines could maintain or increase its competitiveness after ASEAN integration and how sustainable growth would be DIWHU Aquino reiterated his administration had been investing much on education and skills training to equip the people, especially the young, for employment. He said he would never be VDWLVÀHG DQG KDG EHHQ SXVKLQJ KLVRIÀFLDOVWRDFKLHYHPRUHWKDQ their targets. ´,WKLQNZHZLOOUHGHÀQHFHUWDLQ SDUDPHWHUVWKHSHUFHQWIURP FXUUHQWVWDQGDUGVZLOOMXVWEHWKH QH[WSHUFHQWµ$TXLQRVDLG “We believe the greatest single resource of the country is the people, hence all of the LQYHVWPHQWVQRWMXVWLQHGXFDWLRQ but also in other social concerns OLNHKHDOWKµKHVDLG $TXLQR VDLG SHUFHQW RI the population had already been enrolled in Philippine Health ,QVXUDQFH&RUS ´:H KDYH H[SDQGHG QRW MXVW the… coverage in terms of people but also coverage in terms of diseases, so that a catastrophic illness will not bring you back EHORZWKHSRYHUW\OLQHµKHVDLG service based in the Florida city of Boca Raton. Manuel and Baldonado promised the workers high wages and two to three years of steady work in the US, then had the workers pay substantial recruitment fees, including their airfare, which put them in debt to their US-based employers. Once the workers were in the US, the defendants compelled the victims’ labor and services through threats to have the workers arrested and deported, knowing the workers faced serious economic harm and possible incarceration for non-payment of debts in the Philippines. When the workers arrived at Manuel and Baldonado’s Florida UHVLGHQFHWKHFRXSOHFRQÀVFDWHG their passports and “housed them in overcrowded, substandard conditions without adequate food or drinking water; put them to work at area country clubs and hotels for little or no pay; required them to remain in the defendants’ service, unpaid, when there was LQVXIÀFLHQWZRUNµ 7KH)%,LQYHVWLJDWHGLQ D FRPSODLQW ÀOHG E\ 5XÀQR GH *X]PDQ -U ZKR VDLG KH DQG other Filipinos were recruited as seasonal worker for a big $PHULFDQ FRPSDQ\ 7KH\ SDLG WKHLU UHFUXLWHU IRU D MRE contract that guaranteed a salary RIDQKRXU 7KH ZRUNHUV DUULYHG LQ WKH US in July. But instead of going to Virginia, where they signed contracts to become waiters, they were driven to Mississippi, where they were told to sign another FRQWUDFW EXW QRW IRU WKH MREV RU salaries for which they signed up. 7KH\ZHUHKLUHGDVKRXVHNHHSHUV LQVWHDG RI ZDLWHUV IRU SHU URRPLQVWHDGRISHUKRXU 7KHLU QHZ FRQWUDFW ZLWK 5R\DO Hospitality Services required WKHP WR FOHDQ XS WR URRPV D day, which, De Guzman said, ZDVFORVHWRLPSRVVLEOHWRÀQLVK De Guzman said the recruiters confiscated their passports and threatened to have them deported LIWKH\UHVLVWHGWKHQHZMREV ,DPDJKDVWDWWKHFRXUDJHRI these illegal recruiters to challenge the US’ tough laws against human VPXJJOLQJ DQG WUDIÀFNLQJ , DP amazed that despite strict rules and regulations imposed by the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security, these recruiters have been able to forge documents and smuggle these workers into the country. $QG,WKRXJKWLWFRXOGKDSSHQ only to workers being recruited for Middle East and Southeast Asia, where tens of thousands of Filipinos have to suffer physical, emotional and sexual abuse from employers because of cruel deception by illegal recruiters, and where tens of thousands more are stranded because there was no work waiting for them and they have no money to go back home. What is even more revolting is that the recruiters in the Philippines are never prosecuted despite the rampant crimes that they commit. 7KH 86 6WDWH 'HSDUWPHQW 7UDIÀFNLQJLQ3HUVRQ7,3 UHSRUW VDLG RI WKH KXPDQ trafficking cases reported by law enforcement agencies to the Philippine Department of Justice, RQO\HLJKWLQGLYLGXDOVLQÀYHVH[ trafficking cases were actually convicted, and that includes two persons who remain at large. $ P D M R U K L Q G U D Q F H W K H report said, was “widespread FRUUXSWLRQµ DQG ´DQ LQHIILFLHQW MXGLFLDO V\VWHPµ WKDW VHYHUHO\ limit prevention and prosecution of cases. 7KH $TXLQR DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ must show its resolve to eradicate WKHSUREOHPRIKXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJ DQG LOOHJDO UHFUXLWPHQW 7KH country owes so much to overseas Filipino workers, whose nearly ELOOLRQDQQXDOUHPLWWDQFHKDV been buoying up the Philippine economy for decades. Overseas Filipino workers have been hailed as “modernGD\ KHURHVµ 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WHQV of thousands of them have also EHFRPH´PRGHUQGD\VODYHVµ ([email protected]) 7 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Gov’t rules out... (From Page 1) move to review the VFA came months ahead of the Laude case. In fact, she said it was initiated to address issues emanating from the2005 rape case of Suzette Nicolas alias Nicole in Subic involving four US Marines led by Lance Corporal Daniel Smith. Among the contentious issues cited by De Lima were “custody, Poor Filipinos live in squalor condition along a Manila estero MXULVGLFWLRQDQGRIÀFLDOGXW\µ US Ambassador Philip Golderg said Washington was willing to review contentious provisions of M A N I L A – A t o t a l o f poverty was 50 percent while self- still has a lot of work to do to the treaty. “We’ve been engaged in talks 12.1 million Filipino families rated food poverty was 37 percent. reduce poverty, following the over time with the Department considered themselves poor in Last month’s self-rated poverty SWS survey. of Foreign Affairs with the September, while 9.3 million and food poverty rates (52 percent “The consistent and focused families said they were food-poor, and 39 percent, respectively) were poverty alleviation measures that Department of National Defense according to a Social Weather above the 2013 average. the government has undertaken about clarifying various aspects of Stations (SWS) report. The survey used face-to-face shows a positive effect on the 9)$WRWKHSDUWLHV·VDWLVIDFWLRQµ T h e n a t i o n w i d e s u r v e y, interviews with 1,200 respondents UHGXFWLRQRISRYHUW\µSUHVLGHQWLDO Goldberg said. “Any additional suggestions conducted from Sept. 26 to and had a margin of error of plus- spokesman Edwin Lacierda told are up to the Philippines’ side, 29, found 55 percent of the or-minus 3 percentage points. reporters. respondents saying they were On self-rated poverty, SWS “But, of course, we would if they want to make additional poor, the same as in the previous asked 1,200 household heads to always prefer to do better than suggestions. But they have to be mutually agreed. It’s a mutual quarter. plot their family on a card with ZKDWZHKDYHGRQHQRZµ The survey also found 43 LQGLFDWRUVVWDWLQJ´QRWSRRUµ´RQ In a separate statement, agreement between two countries. percent saying they were food- WKHOLQHµDQG´SRRUµ Communications Secretary It has to suit both our interests and poor in September, slightly more For self-rated food poverty, Herminio Coloma Jr. noted that REMHFWLYHVµWKHHQYR\DGGHG B u t G o l d b e rg s a i d a n y than the 41 percent recorded in respondents were told to plot the poverty incidence dropped by June. Results of the survey were their family on a card indicating WKUHHSRLQWVIURPWKHÀUVWTXDUWHU adjustments should not be done ÀUVWSXEOLVKHGLQ%XVLQHVV:RUOG ZKHWKHUWKH\ZHUH´QRWSRRUµ´RQ of 2012 to the same period the in the midst of the controversy The latest self-rated poverty WKHOLQHµRU´SRRUµRQWKHEDVLVRI following year, based on the over the Laude killing. “While we’re always open and self-rated food poverty levels their food situation over the past Family Income and Expenditure were higher than those in the same three months. Survey (FIES) of the Philippine to talking to our friends and allies about these issues, this period last year. M a l a c a ñ a n g o n M o n d a y Statistics Authority. shouldn’t be done in the middle of In September 2013, self-rated acknowledged that the government something that we have to handle WKURXJK UXOH RI ODZµ *ROGEHUJ said. “We can continue talking about MANILA –It’s the paradox VWRPDFKVµVKHVDLGLQDSULYLOHJH WKHVHVXIÀFLHQWIXQGLQJ of our times: A great number of speech. T h e n e o p h y t e s e n a t o r it but it’s not part of this process. Filipinos, including 15 million “We should let the issue of encouraged civic action to help It’s part of the process between children, remain hungry or hunger gnaw at bureaucracy’s end hunger, including small deeds the countries to clarify what these malnourished while the Philippine WKLFN ZDOOV RU WKH RIÀFLDOGRP·V that, taken together, could go a things mean. If the Philippines wants to bring additional things economy continues to soar, Sen. thick hides the way an ulcer long way. Grace Poe lamented on Monday, ODFHUDWHVWKHJXWµVKHVDLG For instance, politicians could to the table as [Justice Secretary as she called for concrete action Poe called for an increase in donate the tarpaulins they use as Leila de Lima] suggested, that’s to address this scourge. the budget next year for children’s ´JUHHWLQJFDUGVµWRIDUPHUVZKR WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV ULJKWµ *ROGEHUJ Poe said the government and feeding programs, which could could use these as drying mats for said. “The Philippines is free to raise every Filipino should do their part be done by doing away with their crops. issues that they want, but that to help end hunger. ´IULYRORXVµEXGJHWDU\LWHPV “We shouldn’t allow the She also called for sincere applause of rating agencies efforts to invest in and improve drown out the grumbling of empty agricultural programs by giving 12-M Filipinos say they are poor 15-M Filipino kids are hungry -- Poe doesn’t mean on the other side that it is immediately agreed to. There DUH WZR VLGHV WR DQ DJUHHPHQWµ he added. Goldberg said the transfer of the suspect, PFC Joseph Scott Pemberton, to Camp Aguinaldo ZDVDOUHDG\DQ´XQVXDOVWHSµIRU the US in consideration to the people’s sentiments, which was in contrast to Smith, who was detained inside the US embassy when he was on trial for rape in 2005. The US envoy agreed that different parts of the VFA need to be clarified and Manila and Washington are already doing that, but that is not enough reason to rescind a good agreement. “I can’t imagine abrogating VFA, but I don’t want to get into DSROLWLFDOGHEDWHKHUHµ*ROGEHUJ said. At a budget hearing in the Senate, Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario reaffirmed De Lima’s statement that the ongoing talks would not lead to any amendments to the VFA. The review is procedural and had noting to do with the death of Laude, Del Rosario said. While the treaty is being reviewed, it is not being renegotiated, Del Rosario said in response to a question from Senator Loren Legarda on the possibility of revising provisions on jurisdiction and custody of American personnel accused of crimes. Legarda pointed out that the provision on custody and jurisdiction of the country’s VFA with Australia, ratified in July 2012, was more sensitive of Philippine laws. But Del Rosario said that while the US currently has custody of Pemberton, the Philippines can formally seek custody once FULPLQDOFKDUJHVDUHÀOHGDJDLQVW him. 8 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Binay slams Aquino administration anew MANILA,QDEDUHO\YHLOHG attack on the administration of President Benigno Aquino III, embattled Vice President Jejomar Binay on Saturday night enumerated the chief complaints of the public that, according to him, his detractors must deal with. “There is a power crisis, the rising prices of oil and other commodities, the rampant crimes plaguing the country, the hellish traffic jams, unsafe MRT and /57 WKH UHFXUUHQW ÁRRGLQJ DQG the wrath of nature that we must all prepare for,” Binay said in a speech at the 32nd anniversary celebration of the Lions’ Club 'LVWULFW ' DW WKH 0DQLOD Hotel. “But instead of giving all their time and thoughts to achieve solutions to these problems, they chose to advance their own interests by destroying my name and those of my loved ones,” he said, referring to administration allies in the Senate who have mounted an inquiry into alleged corruption in Makati during his term as the city’s mayor. He said those members of the Senate had been blinded by their ambition and were now using a blue ribbon subcommittee to “unjustly persecute” him and his family. “Their recent activities and actuations are no longer in aid of legislation but in aid of political persecution. Indeed, they have made the Senate inquiry a platform to unjustly persecute my SHUVRQDQGRIÀFHP\IDPLO\DQG in fact anyone who has had even the remotest association with me,” Binay said. Then, without directly referring to President Aquino, Binay pointed to many pressing problems of the country. House approves P2.6-T nat’l budget MANILA – Despite the minority’s efforts to block its passage, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly DSSURYHGRQWKLUGDQGÀQDOUHDGLQJ the P2.606 trillion national budget for 2015. But not without the minority EORFSXWWLQJXSDÀJKW The group claimed that the President’s certification of the budget bill as urgent does not mean it has to be passed, especially with its errata portions. At least 198 representatives moved to approved the budget, while 18 voted no and none abstained. Meanwhile, there were no abstentions. Among those who voted no are members of the Makabayan bloc, Abakada Rep. Jonathan Dela Cruz, Buhay Rep. Lito Atienza, and United Nationalist Alliance interim president, Navotas Rep. Toby Tiangco. The minority had traditionally opposed the budget in the plenary. The bloc in a press conference claimed the 2015 budget is the President’s campaign kitty as it comes on the heels of the 2016 presidential elections. Majority leader Neptali Gonzales II moved for the plenary to approve the bill on Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 “We thought they had been solved in the 1990s. But they are here like ghosts haunting us now,” Binay said. Asked later if his statement was directed at the administration of President Aquino, Binay said: “It was not against the President. I was just saying a factual information.” The Senate blue ribbon subcommittee is investigating allegations of corruption against Binay, including the alleged RYHUSULFLQJ RI WKH 3ELOOLRQ Makati City Hall Building II, which was constructed when he was the city’s mayor. Has Binay... (From Page 4) including the country’s Executive and Legislative branches of government. And for as along as you keep your nose clean, nobody is going to bother you. But the moment you’re involved in some kind of anomaly or scandal, then everybody would gang up on you. And that’s precisely what happened to Jojo Binay. Public opinion With all the allegations of corruption against Binay that spans more than a quarter of a century since the time of the late President Cory Aquino who DSSRLQWHG KLP DV WKH RIÀFHULQ charge (OIC) of Makati City, third reading, but Act Teachers Binay had left no stone unturned in Rep. Antonio Tinio objected to the motion, saying under the covering his tracks. He allegedly House rules a budget bill must be used dummies for the properties FHUWLÀHG DV XUJHQW LI LW FRQWDLQV KHDFTXLUHGZKLOHLQRIÀFH:LWK funds for calamities. no solid evidence of corruption, %XW3UHVLGLQJ2IÀFHU'HSXW\ Speaker Carlos Padilla said as Binay is presumed innocent by in the previous congresses, a law. But Binay is facing charges EXGJHWELOOQHHGRQO\EHFHUWLÀHG of corruption not in a court of law as urgent by the President even but in the court of public opinion. without calamity funds. When the Senate opened an “All we ask is time to review the submission by the Department investigation into the allegations of Budget and Management of corruption against Binay and (DBM). Is that unfair?!” Atienza his family, he refused to appear said. before the Senate Blue Ribbon subcommittee, saying that it was a “kangaroo court.” He said that he’d rather go directly to the people to explain his side. But the latest survey of Social Weather Station (SWS) shows that 79% of the respondents want him to face the Senate and address the allegations, which begs the question: Why is Binay scared of appearing before the Senate Blue Ribbon subcommittee? While there may be several reasons why Binay is not appearing before the Blue Ribbon subcommittee hearing, one reason might be that by not appearing before the panel he is not going to say something that would haunt him in the 2016 presidential campaign. By not saying anything now, he could tell the people then that he’s a victim of political persecution. He’d just have to keep repeating his innocence. And since he didn’t appear before a Senate hearing, his opponents wouldn’t have any ammunition to disprove his arguments. As Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, once said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Yes, if Binay keeps on denying the corruption charges, the people will eventually believe him… and vote for him. But that’s based on the supposition that his opponents don’t have anything to tie him to corruption. And what if they have an “April surprise” that would rattle skeletons in the closet two weeks before the May 9, 2016 election? If Binay indeed has secrets about allegations of “unexplained wealth,” then he knows that the probability of his rivals knowing about them is pretty high. He ought to know that in politics, secrets are revealed at a time when it will hurt the most, which makes one wonder: Has Binay gone desperado? ([email protected]) TO ADVERTISE, PLEASE CALL (562) 865-5620 9 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Binay-Trillanes debate on amid qualms MANILA -- The highlyanticipated debate between Vice President Jejomar Binay and Senator Antonio Trillanes IV will happen in two weeks, but this early, both sides have aired misgivings on what the exercise would accomplish. Binay had challenged Trillanes to a face-off on Wednesday, apparently irked by the manner by which Trillanes and fellow Blue Ribbon subcommittee members Peter Allan Cayetano and Koko Pimentel had been investigating the Vice President’s and his family’s alleged corrupt practices during his term as Makati Mayor and allegations of ill-gotten wealth. Binay had described the investigation as “farcical” and an “inquisition.” Trillanes took on Binay’s dare and agreed to the debate and allow himself to be stripped of parliamentary immunity. The debate will be hosted by media group Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas. Binay’s spokesman, Cavite Gov. Jonvic Remulla, said the Vice President has requested that the deans of the College of Law of the University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, and San Beda be invited as moderators. Remulla, however, said Binay may have more to lose than gain in the upcoming debate. “I admit, the Vice President has more to lose because he will be stooping down to the level of Senator Trillanes. But the debate will push through,” Remulla said. “The accused has the right to face his accuser in a neutral and sterile and scholarly atmosphere,” he added. R e m u l l a s a i d Tr i l l a n e s has abused his parliamentary immunity in cutting off witnesses from explaining and in making “rude and unsubstantiated” is to be our perfect example of comments during the course of PHHNQHVV 7KH ÀQDO SDUW RI WKH the Senate hearing. “In a debate where he fruit of the Spirit is… 9: TEMPERANCE. It refers ( Tr i l l a n e s ) i s s t r i p p e d o f to self-control. Perhaps the best parliamentary immunity, one can illustration of self-control is explain or elucidate fully without seen in Jesus in the Garden of fear of being on the receiving Gethsemane. He said, “Not my end of rude comments,” Remulla added. will, but thy will be done.” Another Binay spokesman, The list of the fruit of the Spirit ends with “against such, there is United Nationalist Alliance interim president Navotas Rep. no law” (Galatians 5:23). The Law could not produce such fruit in us. Tobias Tiangco said that while Only the Holy Spirit can. Amen! the debate will push through, he If you want to learn more, feels that it will be a pointless you’re cordially invited to join exercise because Trillanes is a us in one of our meetings. Be known “liar.” “How can you debate with a support partner of All for Jesus Ministries as well. In the someone who is a liar? That meantime pray this prayer: debate will go nowhere. But I “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. DP FRQÀGHQW WKH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW My sin deserves judgment but will be able to prove to the public I need mercy. I open my heart during the debate that he is in the now to you. I turn from my sin. right,” Tiangco said. I take my place at your feet. My blessed Redeemer, I give you my heart. Come into me and be my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ name, amen.” Come and visit us soon. WORSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY SCHEDULE: Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday @ 7:00 p.m. Email us at all4jesus@ or call us any time at 562-896-0107 and let us know you’re coming. Our meeting place: 10356 Monterey Street, %HOOÁRZHU&$ 90706. The fruit of the Spirit (From Page 5) produce “longsuffering.” After longsuffering comes… 5: GENTLENESS. To be gentle is to be fair. Gentleness avoids causing pain whenever possible. It tries to put people at ease when things are not going well for them. The next fruit of the Spirit after gentleness is… 6: GOODNESS. Goodness is love in action. Not only it seeks the welfare of others, but it also does something to see the welfare is realized. Being good is more than being righteous. And how did God show His goodness to us? “God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 8:28). He sent His Son to die for sinners. He did not just love. So, longsuffering, gentleness, and goodness are revealed in our relationship to others. Now look at... 7: FAITH. Faith is the “fruit of the Spirit” emphasizing our relationship to God. This faith, cause us to be true and faithful to our God. Jesus said, “He who is faithful over a few things, I will put him in charge of many things” (Matthew 25:21). After faith comes… 8: MEEKNESS. Meekness is not weakness. But it is strength under control. Meekness means we have the mind of Christ. Jesus Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and Vice President Jejomar Binay In accepting Binay’s challenge, Trillanes even suggested that the debate be held at the alleged property of the Vice President in Batangas. Binay has refused to attend the Senate sub-committee hearing, since he claimed that he had already been prejudged by the senators. “Why would I go there? That’s beyond in aid of legislation. This is really a demolition,” Binay said. “And they’re saying, this investigation is to show that the Vice President is not qualified to be a president. So there’s politics there. That’s hypocrisy,” he added. But while Binay’s camp aired their misgivings on the outcome of the debate, Trillanes said he was ready to take all the risks to “ferret out the truth.” “If it’s the only way to know the truth on all these allegations, I’m willing to take chances. I’m willing to face all the consequences of what he will do, “ said Trillanes said during the sidelines of an ocular inspection by the committee on the vast Batangas agricultural land allegedly owned by the Vice President, as claimed by former Makati Vice Mayor Ernesto Mercado. Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Raps... (From Page 1) behind the allegedly overpriced convention center. “Siya po ang namuno nito. Siya ang nag conceive nito at siya po ang lumakad para sa project,” he said in an interview over Radyo Inquirer 990AM. (He led this project. He conceived this, and he arranged this project.) He said he has documents to prove that the supposed public bidding was rigged. “Mayroon akong matibay na dokumento kung paano nilitson o nilutong Macau ang bidding ng Iloilo Convention ni Drilon,” he said. (I have strong evidence as to how Drilon rigged the bidding for the Iloilo Convention Center.) He claimed that Drilon set aside P200 million from his Priority Development Assistance Fund (Pdaf), P200 million from the Department of Tourism and P100 million from Malacañang’s Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), parts of which were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. An additional of P200 million, he said, was also funded by DAP. Mejorada said the cost of the construction ballooned from P192 million to P488 million. The project was supposed to be concluded by March 2015. Aside from Drilon, Jimenez and Singson, Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority board director Mark Lapid, Public Work Undersecretaries Jaime Pacanan and Romeo Momo, DPWH Regional Director Edilberto Tayao, DPWH Iloilo E n g r. M a r i l y n C e l i z , W. V Coscolluela and Associates and Hillmarcs Construction Corp. also face charges. 10 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Pinay admiral... (From Page 1) Bolivar came from humble beginnings, the second of four children of Teddy Sereno Bolivar and Virginia Dolor Bolivar. Her father joined the US Navy as a steward and retired as a chief SHWW\RIÀFHUDIWHU\HDUVLQWKH service. The first woman to assume the position of Commander Joint Region Marianas, Bolivar also holds the distinction of being the ÀUVWIHPDOHFRPPDQGHURI1DY\ Region Northwest. 6KHLVDOVRWKHÀUVWZRPDQWR hold a number of other important positions. She is the US Defense Representative for Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau, and Commander of Naval Forces Marianas. As US Defense Representative for the Marianas Region, Bolivar reports to Admiral Samuel Locklear, Commander of US 3DFLÀF &RPPDQG DQG$GPLUDO William French, Commander of Naval Installation Command. She also plays an important role in the Joint Interagency Task Force as Commander of Task Force West. Bolivar’s area of responsibility includes the US territory of Guam, which is the closest US naval base to Philippines. Her command plays a pivotal role in shaping US policy in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in the face of President’s Obama’s “pivot” to WKH$VLD3DFLÀF As a young child, Bolivar would tag along when her father went to work on military bases. She had fun wearing her daddy’s Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Navy hat, but in those days she had no idea that someday she would wear the same hat with the same great pride. Her early exposure to the military community played a huge part in her career choice, but she thought of joining the service as payback for giving her father the opportunity to become a member of the US Navy. “My father didn’t serve as a warrior like me. Back in those days, Filipinos, African Americans and Chamorros could only enter the service as a steward or cook. I feel like I have to give back to the Navy because they gave my father a chance,” she said. Although her father inspired her, Bolivar said the decision to join the Navy was her own and was not something imposed by her parents. Her older sister has a career outside of the military in Hawaii while her two younger brothers both served in the Navy. One is now a veteran and the other a UHWLUHG VHQLRU FKLHI SHWW\ RIÀFHU residing in Annapolis. She said her father used to call her the “tomboy” of the family because her parents wanted a boy as a second child. At that time, ultrasound was not available to determine a child’s gender but their doctor kept telling her father that their next baby would be a boy because the heartbeat was so strong. She confessed she knew early on that she would be in the military like her father, but this early vision was almost sidetracked by the thought of studying law at the University of Hawaii. Economist sees... (From Page 1) Sen. Grace Poe Poe says no presidential run in 2016 MANILA –People should not read too much into her use of her father’s altanghap campaign line in her privilege speech on hunger, Sen. Grace Poe said on Tuesday, as she continued to be skittish when the topic of 2016 was brought up. Poe insisted that she had no intention to run in the country’s next presidential election. “No plans at all,” she told reporters on Tuesday. She said her use of altanghap, shorthand for almusal, tanghalian, hapunan (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should not be an issue. In her privilege speech on Monday on the growing number of hungry Filipinos, Poe said that as her late father Fernando Poe Jr. had noted, altanghap remained the problem of ordinary citizens. A political analyst made much of the term, saying it was possible that Poe was positioning herself for 2016. The late Poe used the term (Please turn to Page 11) have the world’s second-largest economy growing at roughly 7.5% per year, down from the 10% growth it averaged for two decades before its economy began to slow in 2012. And this pattern holds for other emerging economies like Brazil and Russia. Optimists hope that an accelerating U.S. economy will have what it takes to drag the rest of the world out of the doldrums, as it has done during so many past recoveries. But David Levy, economist and chairman of the Jerome Levy Forecasting Center, argues that the problems of the rest of the world will end up taking the U.S. down, rather than the other way around. Levy is calling for a 65% chance that there will be a global recession by the end of 2015, based on the simple fact that emerging markets have continued to invest in an export infrastructure to sell goods to the West that it no longer has the wherewithal to buy. Levy is an intellectual descendant of the economist Hyman Minsky, a heterodox thinker who spent many years working at the Jerome Levy Economic Institute and whose theories were largely ignored by economists up until the latest ÀQDQFLDO FULVLV 2QFH WKH FULVLV struck, however, Minsky’s ideas seemed to make a lot more sense. He argued that capitalist economies slowly and naturally become unstable over time, as banks and private businesses take on more and more debt, until the system finally snaps under the weight of these obligations. After surveying the wreckage caused by an over-leveraged banking system, which had gorged itself on debt backed by overvalued real estate, the economics world has begun to pay much closer to attention to Minsky and his views RQÀQDQFLDOLQVWDELOLW\ Indeed, Minsky and his ideas have captured the attention of ELJQDPHÀJXUHVOLNHKHGJHIXQG titan Ray Dalio and economist and Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf, who began his latest book with a quote from Minsky arguing that economists ought to formulate theories in which depressions are a naturally occurring state for capitalist economies. These thinkers have been drawn to the Minksian notion that, over the long run, capitalist economies will inevitably suffer from the kind of trouble we’ve been in recently because capitalist systems encourage the growth of debt. We hear a lot of people warning about the dangers of GHEWVSHFLÀFDOO\WKHJRYHUQPHQW variety. But for Minksy and his followers, it’s private sector debt that is the problem. Minsky argued that FRQYHQWLRQDO YLHZV RI ÀQDQFLDO crisis were too narrowly focused RQWKHVSHFLÀFLVVXHRIEDQNUXQV In Minsky’s vision, excessive leverage—too much reliance on borrowed money—creates a risk of crisis whoever the borrower. Banks, which in effect borrow money short-term from their depositors but invest in assets that can’t easily be converted to cash, may be especially vulnerable. But business and household debt also expose the economy to the possibility of a self-reinforcing downward spiral. 11 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE HOMELAND NEWS BRIEFS P500-M for LP war chest? Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Poe... (From Page 10) altanghap when he ran for president in 2004. He said the MANILA -- More than 200 pages of “errata” that the Department main problem of Filipinos was of Budget and Management is inserting into the 2015 spending plan almusal, tanghalian, hapunan. “Don’t make an issue of without congressional scrutiny will constitute a P500 billion blank check for President Benigno Aquino III and the ruling Liberal Party altanghap. I just used it because that can be used in the 2016 national elections, opposition lawmakers it sounded good and it is hard to forget,” Senator Poe said. charged Monday. She said that she used the line The bulk of the amount or some P423 billion has been allocated to the Department of the Interior and Local Governments, headed by in 2013 when she ran for senator DQGWKDWVKHZDVMXVWIXOÀOOLQJKHU the presumptive Liberal Party standard bearer in 2016, Manuel Roxas promise, which was why she was II, said House Senior Deputy Minority Leader and Bayan Muna Rep. pushing to address the problem. Neri Colmenares. The lunch program for children is Colmenares said the funds, on top of the department’s regular P33 close to her heart, she said. billion allocation, has been earmarked for “Assistance to LGUs.” ´$V,VDLGÀJKWLQJFRUUXSWLRQ 6RPH SDJHV RI HUUDWD ZHUH ÀUVW VXEPLWWHG RQ 6HSW EXW is crucial, infrastructure is vital, withdrawn the same day, hours before the P2.606 trillion national Bangsamoro is necessary, but let’s not forget the most important, budget for 2015 was approved on second reading. The Budget Department withdrew the errata after ACT Teachers capital, our people, especially the Rep. Antonio Tinio protested that the changes represented “midnight children,” she said. In Lucena City, Vice President insertions” that the plenary had neither scrutinized nor debated. Jejomar Binay shrugged off the On Oct. 3, while Congress was on a three-week break, Budget opinion of a political analyst that Secretary Florencio Abad resubmitted the errata to Davao City Rep. Poe was presenting herself as an Isidro Ungab, chairman of the House committee on appropriations and alternative presidential candidate concurrent head of the small appropriations panel, which continued to in 2016. Binay maintained that all hold meetings and scrutinized the amendments. TXDOLÀHG)LOLSLQRVFRXOGVHHNWKH presidency. Revilla questions garnish move “The people will be the judge,” MANILA -- Detained Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. brushed the Vice President told the Inquirer off on Tuesday as “premature” a bid by government lawyers to garnish in an interview after gracing the his multi-million-peso assets through a writ of preliminary attachment. affair of Quezon senior citizens Revilla said the motion of the Ombudsman asking the Sandiganbayan in Lucena on Tuesday. to issue a writ of preliminary attachment against his assets is a diversion to the dismal performance of an Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) witness last week. A writ of preliminary attachment functions like a freeze order that would prevent an accused from disposing of or hiding his wealth, which the state seeks to recover for allegedly being ill-gotten. ,QDPRWLRQÀOHGEHIRUHWKHDQWLJUDIWFRXUW·V)LUVW'LYLVLRQ\HVWHUGD\ prosecutors said a notice of garnishment covering cash and properties totaling P224.5 million would preserve the assets while the accused is on trial. The assets include multiple bank accounts, real properties, shares of stocks as well as vehicles. Revilla had maintained that he can defend all the transactions in his bank account as examined by the AMLC, but questioned the motion seeking to have his assets attached as the court has yet to rule on his petition for bail. “I have not been proven guilty by the Sandiganbayan and yet the lawyers of the Ombudsman are now moving heaven and earth to garnish my assets,” Revilla said in a statement issued from his detention cell at the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters at Camp Crame, Quezon City. ABS-CBN wins $10-M against Internet pirate PORTLAND, Oregon – Filipino broadcasting mainstay ABS-CBN received a judgment from the US Federal District Court in Oregon against Jeffrey Ashby for damages of $10 million resulting from his infringing the copyrights and well-known trademarks of ABSCBN by rebroadcasting ABSCBN’s popular TV shows and movies on his pirate websites. Among the many pirate sites that Ashby owned were, and “I wish to warn anyone who may be copying and/or publishing content owned by ABS-CBN without their permission, to stop immediately. Continuing without authorization can and will lead to very serious consequences,” Jeffrey Ashby said in a statement after the $10 million judgment. “Jeff Ashby is the first of many pirates that we are pursuing,” said Elisha Lawrence, associate vice president of Global Anti-Piracy for ABS-CBN International, “We have begun a relentless campaign to enforce against all pirate websites due to the numerous reports that these sites contain dangerous malware which cause substantial harm LQFOXGLQJLGHQWLI\WKHIWRIÀQDQFLDO information and phishing attacks.” ABS-CBN has recently partnered with Crime Stoppers USA. Call 1-800-222TIPS (8477) or text TIPLA plus your tip to 274637 if you have any information on a pirate website, and you could be eligible for a reward if your information leads to the conviction of the pirates involved. ABS-CBN is represented in Oregon by Matt Levin of Markowitz Herbold PC, in New York by Tony Onorato of Steptoe & Johnson and in )ORULGDE\6WHSKHQ*DIÀJDQ ADVERTISE. CALL (562) 865-5620 12 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE ENTERTAINMENT Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Anabelle Rama attacks Ruffa on Twitter for choosing ‘poor’ beau SHOWBIZ matriarch Annabelle Rama threw shade on her daughter, actress and television host Ruffa Gutierrez, over Twitter Sunday evening for FKRRVLQJ DQ DOOHJHG ÀQDQFLDOO\ unstable boyfriend. In a series of tweets posted on KHURIÀFLDO7ZLWWHUDFFRXQW5DPD told Gutierrez that it is never too late to break ties with her partner. Gutierrez is said to be in a relationship with French-Arab businessman Jordan Mouyal. However, Gutierrez repeatedly denied that Mouyal is her new boyfriend. 1.) Akala mo sa pag walk-out mo sa birthday dinner ko last night nasira ang gabi ko? Hindi!!! Tuloy pa rin ang saya… — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 2.) Hindi ako nakikialam sa buhay mo. As a mother I have all the rights to give advice sa naliligaw na landas kong anak… — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 3.) Since day1 yan lagi nating pinag-aawayan, love life mo, mahirap bang humanap ng guy na stable? May degree, businessman, Anabelle Rama and daughter Ruffa Gutierrez naghahanapbuhay? — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 4.) Hindi ka naman namin pinalaki ng Daddy mo at pinagaral sa best schools para lang pumatol sa mga P.G. — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 5.) Wake up!!! It’s not too late yet. Sayang ang beauty mo at pagiging matalino mo. Waste of time yang mga P.G na yan. — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 6.) Palagi mong sinasabi kung bakit ako pumatol sa Daddy mong gwapo. You always compare me to you… — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 7.) Daddy is Handsome, Hardworking and 10 years older than me at marunong mag hanapbuhay… — Annabelle Rama (@ annabellerama2) October 26, 2014 8.) Gustong-gusto mo siyang manood every Sunday sa #ittakesgutztobeagutierrez (Please turn to Page 14) Angelica Panganiban Wedding bells for Angelica, John Lloyd? ANGELICA Panganiban will be celebrating her birthday next week but will this special day become even more so with a marriage proposal from boyfriend of two years, John Lloyd Cruz? She is, after all, turning 28 — also her ideal marrying age, something she’s been candid about in interviews. In fact, Angelica had once said she is more than ready to say yes if and when Lloydie pops the question. These days, however, even she seems more flexible about her future plans. Speaking on “The Buzz” over the weekend, she said, “Puwede namang 29, puwede ring 30. Madali pong magbago isip ko.” Angelica added in jest, “’Wag kang magalala Lloydy, ’wag kang ma-pressure, ’wag kang makinig sa kanila. Chismis lang ‘to!” The couple plans to celebrate Angelica’s birthday in the US, where she hopes to be reunited anew with her American biological father, Mark Charlson. Angelica said, “First time kong makakasama family ko. Pupunta kami ng States, makakasama din niya (John Lloyd) pati ’yung daddy ko, (na) first time kong makakasama sa birthday ko. So sobra (akong) excited… Bagong experience, medyo malaking bagay po talaga ’yun sa akin.” Angelica couldn’t ask for anything more on her birthday, saying, “Happing-happy na ako.” Angelica may not hesitate discussing marriage but her attitude towards work is a little different. Admittedly picky with projects, her last mainstream project was the Metro Manila Film Festival entry “One More Try” in 2012. On TV, she only appears on the week-night show “Banana Nite” and its weekend counterpart “Banana Split.” She explained, “Ayokong sayangin ’yung pera ng mga tao. Ayokong sayangin ’yung panahon nila, oras nila.” Although she says her home network has always given her a lot of options, noting, “Hindi naman nila ako pinababayaan,” she opts to give her fans more quality work. “Gusto ko kapag pinapanood nila ako, kapag nagbibigay sila ng oras sa akin, sulit ’yun, ’yung (sasabihin nila) ‘Ay, sulit ’yung pera ko kasi natuwa kami kay Angelica ngayon.” Some 22 years in the business has taught Angelica that a bit of mystery goes a long way. “Siguro isa rin ‘yun sa mga sikreto para mas nangigigil sayo ’yung mga tao ’di ba? Pero ’pag nandyan ako, pasabog, paandar.” 13 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Antoinette Taus as Betty Rizzo in “Grease” Antoinette Taus stages theater comeback in ‘Grease’ SHE’S known for doing mostly teenybopper roles in the ’90s shows “Ang TV,” “Oki Doki Doc,” “Anna Karenina” and “T.G.I.S.” to name a few. After living abroad for years in hiatus, 34-year-old Antoinette Taus is back in the limelight as character Betty Rizzo in 9 Works Theatrical’s restaging of the award-winning musical, “Grease.” Although not new to the stage having appeared in the adaptations of “Les Misérables” and “The Wiz,” Antoinette admits being both nervous and excited taking on her new role. “I know it’s a role that has to be portrayed properly and I feel like it’s a kind of role that if you pull it off, ‘Yehey!’ But if you don’t, oh my god, it’s gonna be very bad,” said she. Though far from being a “bad girl,” Antoinette said she can relate to Rizzo in that they’re both “hopeless romantics.” “Rizzo still actually believes ENTERTAINMENT in love pero sobrang jaded siya dahil sobrang dami niya nang pinagdaanan at an early age,” Antoinette explained. “Ako naman, I may not have gone through those kind of things but ang dami ko na ring experiences.” Based on Warren Casey and -LP-DFREV·PXVLFDOÀOPRI the same title, “Grease” is about the lives of some students from ÀFWLRQDO5\GHO+LJKDPRQJWKHP Rizzo as with young sweethearts Sandy Dumbrowski and Danny Zuko, who will have the chance to revive their interrupted summer romance having enrolled in the same school. Asked what part of her life she would want to have a “rerun,” she said, “Love deserves a rerun. Never give up on love. If something makes you happy, don’t give up on it.” Unless misconstrued, she added, “I just mean that ang love, kahit ano pang pinagdaaan mo, love (itself) always deserves another chance.” Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 15 ENTERTAINMENT PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff Anne Curtis denies engagement to Erwan ANNE Curtis vehemently denied reports that she is already engaged to her longtime boyfriend, food blogger and restaurateur Erwan Heussaff. This comes after a popular wedding blog reported that Curtis and Heussaff are set to tie the knot soon. In an interview with “The Buzz” on Sunday, Curtis said she ÀUVW KHDUG RI WKH UXPRU WKURXJK her sister after she watched a UAAP basketball game early this month. “That was pretty crazy because that day, I remember I was going WRWKHÀQDOVRIWKH8$$30DODER ‘yung signal sa loob tapos all of a sudden, when I came out, sabi NR¶:KDW·VKDSSHQLQJ"·0\VLVWHU Jasmine called me, ‘Ate, are you engaged?’ I was like, ‘Sorry, what are you talking about?’ She’s like, ‘I just heard it on the radio. Are you engaged? How come I don’t know?’ Sabi ko because it’s not true,” she shared. Curtis said she also got text messages from her friends congratulating her. But what’s funny, Curtis said, was when Heussaff himself sent her a screen capture of the blog post, which reported that they supposedly got engaged. “Si Erwan screen captured it and sent it to me and said ‘Congratulations love.’ Because we had no idea what was happening,” she said laughing. The “Blood Ransom” actress, meanwhile, said those behind wedding blog already got in touch with Heussaff to apologize. “They got in touch with Erwan naman and explained that it was a mistake of an intern who misread DQDUWLFOH)RUPHLW·VÀQH,W·VMXVW funny, maybe because everyone is getting engaged. It’s this season,” she said. Enjoy a day at the Park. Join Us! Grand Opening November 8th November 8th marks the Grand Opening of an upscale, master planned community with acres of parks and modern amenities. Enjoy Model Home Tours, Music, Complimentary Treats* from 85˚ and other Gourmet Food Trucks, for a picnic lunch in the park. Choose from 7 New Home Communities, 18 Model Homes and Healthy, Heartwarming Amenities Priced from the $400,000s Enjoy tours of The Parkhouse and Models and receive your food truck tickets. 60 PARK PLA CE A VE. EUCLID AVE. Hosted Food Trucks! S. ARCHIBALD AVE. 10 15 MERRILL AVE. LIMONITE AVE. Limited availability. Come early for best selection. N 91 888.750.8881 © 2014. LEWIS COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS. STRATHAM COMMUNITIES. All rights reserved. Features, floor plans and pricing subject to change without notice. Models do not reflect racial preference. See sales representative for details. *Per person while supplies last. CA BRE #01252241 Map Not To Scale 16 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE TRAVEL Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Seated from L-R , Cesca, Pat, Aileen; standing from L-R, Jane and Mrs. Makino Destination: Cambodia By Jane Stark GETTING together with friends is something I always enjoy. It gives us precious opportunity to bond and strengthen our friendship. That’s why going on a trip with a group of friends is always a blast. I have a small group of friends who share my enthusiasm for traveling. It has become customary for us to meet once a year. We pick a destination and we travel together to have nothing but fun, adventures, camaraderie and memorable moments together. Last September, my friends Hong and his wife Cesca from Amsterdam, Pattanee from Bangkok, Aileen from Manila, and Yoshino and her husband from Japan, and I embarked on our annual trip. Our chosen destination was Cambodia. The four days-three nights tour specially prepared for us took us from Cambodia’s capital of Phnom Penh to Takeo, Kampot, Bokor and the islands of Sihanouk Ville. Phnom Penh is the largest city of Cambodia. Located on the banks of Tonle Sap and Mekong River, Phnom Penh has been the national capital since the French colonization of Cambodia. Today it has grown to become the nation’s center of economic and industrial activities, as well as the center of security, politics, cultural heritage and diplomacy of Cambodia. Once known as the “Pearl of Asia,” Phnom Penh was considered one of the most beautiful French-built cities in Indochina in the 1020s. Today, the city, which is noted for its beautiful and historical architecture and VWUXFWXUHVLVDVLJQLÀFDQWJOREDO and domestic tourist destinations for Cambodia. 2Q WKH ÀUVW GD\ RI RXU WRXU we left Phnom Penh to continue south following the picturesque drive to Kampot at the southern coast of Cambodia. The coast edges the border with Vietnam. With their have tree-lined, wide roads fringing the oceans, large statues, luxury villas and casino overlooking the Gulf of Thailand, the coastal towns of Kep, Sihanoukville and Kampot reminds one of the French Riviera towns along the Mediterranean coast. We traveled through a delightful scenery of rice paddies, sugar palm trees, traditional wooden houses, and karst limetone outcrops on the way to the cave of Phnom Chhnork. The ancient cave temple of Phnom Chhnork gave an interesting glimpse of the older, animistic strains that make up Khmer religious sensibility. There are three layers to the site: the natural ‘wonder’ of the extraordinary stalactite formations, the 7 th century Shiva temple within the cave, and the more recent Buddhist transformation and ritual. To reach the cave, we walked through (Please turn to Page 20) 17 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE HOME & HEALTH Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 How much caffeine is safe? CAFFEINE is a tried and tested stimulant that can perk up one’s day. We derive caffeine mostly from coffee, but it is also present in differing amounts in tea, chocolate, and soda; and in relatively large quantities, in energy drinks. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee varies depending on how strong it is made. A rounded teaspoon of instant coffee typically yields 57 mg of caffeine. Leelin B&C introduces its spectacularly delectable Gourmet In contrast, an eight-ounce (QVDLPDGDV ZLWK VL[ GLIIHUHQW JOD]H ÀDYRUV DQG ORWV RI \XPP\ brewed coffee contains roughly WRSSLQJVWRFKRRVHIURP$YDLODEOHDWDOO/HHOLQORFDWLRQVLQ/RV 95 milligrams, a single ounce of Angeles County. espresso gives 65 milligrams, and one cup of decaf has about 10 mg of caffeine. Energy drinks, on the other hand, contain an assortment of substances in MOVE over, doughnut! Step ubiquitous doughnut and cupcake differing quantities, but most have aside, cupcake! in the months ahead, “ explained sugar and stimulants (principally There’s a new dessert snack Leelin Enterprises president caffeine) in common. Depending on the brand, the caffeine that that’s about to drive people crazy Mendrei Leelin. in America and it’s none other Menard Leelin, president energy drinks contain is equal than our very own ensaimada! of Goodness Corporation of to that present in one to three Leelin Bakery and Café is California (GCOC) which is the teaspoons of instant coffee. Caffeine is a central nervous pleased to announce the launch manufacturing arm of Leelin of “Ensaimadness”, a new (QWHUSULVHV DGGHG ´7KH FODVVLF s y s t e m s t i m u l a n t t h a t c a n campaign that proudly promotes ensaimada variants will still be improve mental and cognitive the Filipino brioche bun as available at all our stores but performances as well as increase Gourmet Ensaimadas, all dressed we are most excited to offer this subjective alertness. Coffee also up and covered in extraordinarily innovative take on a traditional has some possible long-term delectable glaze flavors with Filipino favorite. Our goal is to generous sprinkles of the most make our Gourmet Ensaimadas colorful and yummiest toppings. a v a i l a b l e t o m a i n s t r e a m The soft and creamy Gourmet customers and young Filipino Ensaimadas come slathered Americans so that they can also with your choice of six different come to appreciate and love all XQLTXHJOD]HÁDYRUV8EHOLFLRXV these wonderful products that we Naughty Berry, Honeydewdis, Filipinos enjoy all the time.” Choco OMG, Mocha Loca and For more information, log on Creamy Dreamy. With a wide to range of colorful toppings such and follow on Facebook, Twitter, as mini marshmallows, almond Instagram, Foursquare and YouTube. The Leelin Bakery and Café praline, oreo bits, fruit loops, Gourmet Ensaimadas are available chocolate shavings, cashew DWWKHIROORZLQJORFDWLRQV SUDOLQH XEH FUXPEV VXQÁRZHU Cerritos 11489 South Street m&ms, rainbow sprinkles, and Cerritos, CA 90703 choco drip, you can absolutely Tel. no. (562) 924-5990 go crazy creating your very own Eagle Rock “Ensaimadness”! 2700 Colorado Blvd. Ste.110 8VXDOO\HQMR\HGDVDVQDFNRU (inside Eagle Rock Plaza) Los Angeles, CA 90041 dessert, the traditional Filipino Tel. no. (323) 543-2676 ensaimada is made from flour, Panorama City water, sugar and eggs, then patted 8340 Van Nuys Boulevard with butter and sugar or topped Panorama City, CA 91402 Tel. No. (818) 891-5253 with grated cheese. During the North Hills holidays, it takes center stage 16130 Nordhoff St. when served as part of the holiday North Hills, CA 91343 meal. Tel. no. (818) 895-9100 West Covina “With our Ensaimadness 2429 So. Azusa Avenue campaign, Leelin Bakery and West Covina, CA 91792 Café aims to totally transform the Tel. no. (626) 964-1811 traditional ensaimada or brioche Los Angeles bun into the new and innovative 207 So. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004 Gourmet Ensaimada that is poised Tel. no, (213) 382-2351 to overtake the popularity of the Leelin Bakery and Cafe launches ‘Ensaimadness’ health benefits, although it is not known whether these are due to the caffeine or the other substances that coffee contain. For one, it is a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells of the body from getting damaged by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms or groups of atoms that are by-products of the normal metabolic activities of cells. If present in excess, they injure cells and contribute to such disorders as cancer, heart disease, and many conditions associated with aging. Thus, coffee can help protect against cancer and certain chronic diseases; and, scientific studies bear this out. Many researches have shown that coffee consumption is associated with substantially lower risk of clinical type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, and prostate and liver cancers. C a f f e i n e , h o w e v e r, h a s unwelcome effects. If taken in amounts that is equivalent to that present in one to two cups of coffee, caffeine’s acute effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure, although (Please turn to Page 18) 18 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE U.S. & WORLD NEWS Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Second Ebola nurse is cured WASHINGTON² $ 7H[DV nurse who was the second US healthcare worker infected with Ebola while caring for a Liberian patient left the hospital on Tuesday after being declared cured of the virus. “I’m so grateful to be well and ÀUVWDQGIRUHPRVW,ZDQWWRWKDQN God,” Amber Vinson, 29, said at a press conference at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. Wearing a gray suit and pink blouse, Vinson appeared healthy and smiled often, occasionally wiping away tears as the medical team at Emory University Healthcare surrounded her and her doctor spoke about her care. She also thanked her family DQG WKH PHGLFDO WHDPV LQ 7H[DV and Georgia, and asked for people to continue to work to eradicate the Ebola outbreak abroad. “While this is a day for celebration and gratitude, I ask that we not lose focus on the thousands of families that continue to labor under the burden of this disease in West Africa.” Her colleague Nina Pham, 26, who also worked in the LQWHQVLYHFDUHXQLWRI7H[DV+HDOWK Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, was treated for Ebola at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and was released on Friday. Both became infected while caring for a Liberian man, Thomas Eric Duncan, who was diagnosed ZLWK(ERODLQ7H[DVDIWHUÁ\LQJWR the United States from his native Liberia, the country hardest hit by West Africa’s Ebola epidemic. He died on October 8. Ebola has killed more than 4,900 people and infected more than 10,000 since the beginning of the year, according to the World Health Organization. 'RPHVWLFÁLJKW Vinson’s story sparked alarm across the United States after the Centers for Disease Control DQG 3UHYHQWLRQ VDLG VKH ÁHZ RQ D GRPHVWLF DLUSODQH IURP 7H[DV to Ohio and back, and reported a low-grade fever before boarding WKHÁLJKWKRPH The CDC cleared her for travel at the time — about a day before she was diagnosed with Ebola — but said later she should not have been traveling on a commercial President Obama welcomes nurse Ebola survivor Nina Pham at airliner. Vinson’s family hired a high the White House. SURÀOH:DVKLQJWRQODZ\HU%LOO\ Martin, after issuing a statement earlier this month saying they were “troubled by some of the negative public comments and media WASHINGTON – President Obama stressed the importance coverage that mischaracterize Barack Obama on Tuesday of supporting health workers on Amber and her actions.” hailed progress against the Ebola the front line in Africa, and said outbreak in West Africa but the US government was capable said Washington would remain of monitoring and responding to “vigilant,” saying science, not any potential isolated cases of fear, should guide the response Ebola. to the virus. Seeking to reassure public Citing his phone conversation fears, Obama noted that, of seven with members of a US team Americans treated for Ebola in the dispatched to help combat Ebola, United States, “all have survived.” Obama said “the good news is that The one patient who has died it’s starting to have an impact.” of Ebola in a US hospital was a “They’re starting to see some Liberian, Thomas Eric Duncan. progress in Liberia, and the Another patient, American infrastructure is beginning to get doctor Craig Spencer, is still being built out,” he said. treated for the virus, at Bellevue The American team was sent by Hospital in New York. the US Agency for International Obama was asked about an Development to try to help stem apparent contradiction in his the spread of the virus, which has administration’s policies on killed more than 4,900 people, Ebola after the Pentagon said mainly in Guinea, Liberia and top commanders had urged a 21Sierra Leone, since the beginning GD\TXDUDQWLQHIRUDOO86WURRSV returning from West Africa. of the year. Civilian health workers sent Obama said the disease “can be contained” and vowed: “It will be by the US government to the region were not being subjected defeated.” But “we’re going to have to WRWKHVDPHTXDUDQWLQHPHDVXUHV stay vigilant here at home until we as American troops, as health RIÀFLDOVKDYHFRQFOXGHGWKDWVXFK stop the epidemic at its source.” The United States would VWHSV DUH QRW QHHGHG RU MXVWLÀHG continue to play a leading role in by the science on how the virus the international effort against the spreads. But Obama said “the military outbreak, Obama said. In addition to the USAID is in a different situation,” because workers, the United States has troops were not in West Africa sent some 600 troops to Liberia voluntarily but were ordered and 100 to Senegal to help in the there. “It’s part of their mission that’s ÀJKWDJDLQVW(ERODDQGRIÀFLDOV have said the number of soldiers been assigned to them by their commanders and ultimately by could climb to nearly 4,000. “America in the end is not me, the commander in chief. So ZH GRQ·W H[SHFW WR KDYH VLPLODU GHÀQHG E\ IHDU 7KDW·V QRW ZKR rules for our military as we do for we are. America is defined by our civilians,” Obama said. possibility. And when we see a Defense Secretary Chuck problem, and we see a challenge, Hagel has yet to make a final WKHQZHÀ[LWµ2EDPDVDLG decision after receiving the The country does not react TXDUDQWLQHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQIURP “based on our fears” but on the the chiefs of all the armed forces, RIÀFLDOVVDLG basis of “facts,” he said. Obama urges vigilance in ¿ght against Ebola How much caffeine... (From Page 17) these are transient and do not cause permanent damage to the cardiovascular system. However, H[FHVVLYH LQWDNH FDQ OHDG WR FDIIHLQH LQWR[LFDWLRQ ZKRVH symptoms include headache, UHVWOHVVQHVVDQ[LHW\H[FLWHPHQW ÁXVKHGIDFHGLXUHVLVLHIUHTXHQW urination), palpitation, insomnia, indigestion, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and s p e e c h , a n d o c c a s i o n a l l y, disturbances in heart rhythm, which, as evidently is the case in your friend’s son, can be fatal. The long-term effects of habitual caffeine intake meanwhile include increased stress level, stained teeth, heartburn, hyperacidity, insomnia, increased blood cholesterol levels, and increased risk of osteoporosis or brittle bone disease. How much caffeine is safe? While some people may be able to handle more caffeine than others, most people will develop mild to moderate symptoms after intake of 250 to 500 mg of the substance. In any case, the US Food and 'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 86)'$ says that people should never take more than 600mg of caffeine in any given day. All told, available data indicate that the good in caffeine outweighs the bad. But as with all good things, moderation is the key. One to four cups a day of coffee is ok, but more than that may no longer be. 19 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE US & WORLD NEWS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Claro R. Perez Home loan and home retention programs CRP wants you to know BACK to Work Program FHA/HUD Loan Program: This loan program allows home buyers who have a previous discharged bankruptcy, short sale and foreclosure that is one year old to buy a home. This program requires the following: D3URRIRIÀQDQFLDOKDUGVKLS like curtailment of income before economic events happen like foreclosure, bankruptcy and short sale, best evidences is the tax return to show the real drop of income before the economic event happen. Other evidences are illness, divorce, and loss of job prior to filling the mentioned financial remedy requires evidence. c. One (1) month paystubs ( must be in the job for 24 months.) d. Two (2) Bank Statements e. Copy of Driver License and SSS Card. f. Consumer must be permanent residence or US Citizen. g. First time or previously a homeowner are acceptable. h. This FHA Back to Work Loan Program is applicable for condo that are FHA approved. i. Middle credit score must be 620 and up. j. Debt Income Ratio must be 43% below. k. Requires 3.5% down and 1.5% closing cost (6 mo. Property tax, 6 months Home Insurance, Escrow Fee, Title Insurance, & Appraisal Fee. l. No broker origination, Processing, credit report, and other fee pertaining to broker. m. Mandatory requirement is +XG&RXQVHOLQJ&HUWLÀFDWHIURP accredited counseling agency. Important factors on this Back To Work Program is before the economic financial incident happen with extenuating circumstances like curtailment of income that will show on tax UHWXUQ WKDW FDXVHG WKH ÀQDQFLDO economic incident. FHA .5% Down Program: Home loan for low income borrower with income limit not to exceed $78,000.00 per year. Same guidelines with FHA Back To Work Loan Program. Stated Income Verified Asset Loan Program: This loan program is for home buyer that are in business for two years and up. Below are the guideliness of this program: 1. Requires letter from CPA that indicate applicant is in business for over three years. 2. Requires credit score of 720 and up. 3. For a loan under $ 417,000.00 needs 20% down and reserve of 6 month mortgage payment plus the 20% down. 4. For a loan from $ 417,500.00 and up to $1.2million requires 30% down and $100,000. reserve plus the 30% down. 5. Does not require tax return and paystubs. 6. Business license and evidence that applicant is a business owner: S corporation or sole ownership. For consumer with credit score below 600 CRP has an in house program to enhance/repair your credit to be acceptable. For homeowners with existing hardship CRP has traditional solutions for this crisis situation includes Forbearance, Debt 1HJRWLDWLRQV/RDQ0RGLÀFDWLRQ Deed in Lieu, or Bankruptcy. We h a v e f o u n d t h a t w h e n homeowners seek these solutions, it usually leads to failure or UHMHFWLRQGXHWRQRQTXDOLÀFDWLRQ )LQDQFLDOHYDOXDWLRQDQGÀQDQFLDO counseling is a must to determine what kind of solutions are available. DIFFERENT HOME RETENTION OPTIONS AVAILABLE Short Sale: Also known as short pay-off, this is when lenders accept a discounted payoff on an existing mortgage to be sold based on the present market value. This allows the homeowners to sell the (Please turn to Page 20) Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 PH more tempting for China in sea showdown, says The Atlantic WA S H I N G T O N – T h e Philippines and Vietnam are China’s main frontline opponents in the South China Sea dispute, the US monthly magazine The Atlantic reported. In its November issue, the magazine said China might view the Philippines as a more attractive target “to bully and humiliate as an object lesson to other neighbors that resistance is futile and decisive help from the United States unlikely to come.” It reported China was intensifying efforts to remake its maritime borders to gain exclusive access to potentially rich oil and gas reserves, secure its supply lines and create a much larger buffer against what it regards as US naval intrusions. A new Cold War – in which a rising China gradually seeks to push the US military out of the :HVWHUQ 3DFLÀF ² LV LQHYLWDEOH said the lead article by Howard W. French entitled “China’s Dangerous Game.” ´$Q\ VXFK FRQÁLFW ZRXOG RI course be dangerous whenever it happened, because the United States is likely to resist these efforts strenuously,” the article said. Many Western analysts view China’s approach in the South China Sea as a sort of calibrated incrementalism, whereby a Chinese presence and de facto Chinese rights in disputed areas are built up gradually, in a series of provocations that are individually small enough to make forceful resistance politically difficult, but that collectively establish precedents and, over time, norms. The Chinese name for this approach is the cabbage strategy. An area is slowly surrounded E\ LQGLYLGXDO ¶OHDYHV· ² ÀVKLQJ boat here, a coast guard vessel there – until it’s wrapped in lawyers, like a cabbage. “Salami slicing” is another metaphor for the approach. One might think that a defense treaty the Philippines has with the US would prove to be a deterrence to Beijing but if the goal is to cut the US down to size in what China regards as its own backyard then Chinese leaders might view the Philippines as a more attractive target than Vietnam, The Atlantic said. This thought was captured vividly in comments in June by Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu, a professor at China’s National Defense University who warned America’s allies in Asia that the United States had become a paper tiger, the article said. Zhu likened Washington’s response to the Ukraine crisis to “erectile dysfunction.” NASA supply rocket explodes at liftoff C A P E C A N AV E R A L , Florida—An unmanned commercial supply ship bound for the International Space Station exploded moments after liftoff Tuesday evening, with debris IDOOLQJLQÁDPHVRYHUWKHODXQFK site. No injuries were reported following the first catastrophic launch in NASA’s commercial VSDFHÁLJKWHIIRUW Orbital Sciences Corp.’s Antares rocket blew up over the launch complex at Wallops Island, Virginia, just six seconds after liftoff. The company said everyone at the launch site had been accounted for, and the damage appeared to be limited to the facilities. Flames could be seen shooting into the sky as the sun set. “Maintain your consoles,” Orbital Sciences’ Mission Control informed the roomful of engineers and technicians. All data were This image taken from video provided by NASA TV shows Orbital Sciences Corp.’s unmanned rocket blowing up over the launch complex at Wallops Island, Virginia, just six seconds after liftoff. being collected for use in the ensuing investigation. The Cygnus cargo ship was loaded with 5,000 pounds (2,268 kilograms) of experiments and equipment for the six people living on the space station. It was the fourth Cygnus bound for the RUELWLQJODEWKHÀUVWÁHZMXVWRYHU a year ago. NASA spokesman Rob Navias said there was nothing urgently needed by the space station crew RQWKDWÁLJKW,QIDFWWKH5XVVLDQ Space Agency was proceeding with its own supply run. 20 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE US & WORLD NEWS Home loan and home... (From Page 19) property to avoid foreclosure on their credit. Contrary to popular belief, lenders do not want to own a property and they simply want to recapture a respectable amount on their original investment. There are no upfront cost from the borrower, and the homeowner can even stay on the property during the short sale process at no cost. Short sale is an option if the homeowner has no means to continue paying the mortgage obligation due to insufficient income. 6KRUW5HÀQDQFH+$53)+$ 6WUHDPOLQH: If your property market Value is less than the H[LVWLQJORDQVKRUWUHÀQDQFHLVDQ option, you can lower your loan amount and mortgage payment. 2WKHUEHQHÀWVDUH\RXZLOOKDYH an affordable mortgage payment and one mortgage payment that includes your property tax, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance, principal, and interest. Besides, \RXDUHORFNHGWRD\HDUÀ[HG and lower interest rate loan. This option requires a two year HPSOR\PHQW VXIÀFLHQW LQFRPH and a credit that have no existing open collections, tax liens, and MXGJPHQW ,PSRUWDQW EHQHÀW LV to contribute a huge factor to balance your debt income ratio. FHA Streamline Loan Program accepts homeowners with late mortgage payment. HARP Home $IIRUGDEOH 5HÀQDQFH 3URJUDP this will end by December 31, 2015.(Loan owned Fannae Mae & Freddie Mac /RDQ 0RGLILFDWLRQ: This option is to negotiate with your existing lender in lowering your monthly payment because of a current adjustable loan. Criteria and guidelines are: you are behind in your mortgage payment because of mortgage increase in payment due to a current adjustable loan program that caused your inability to make your payment on time. To be able to avail of this program, you have WRVXSSRUWQHZPRGLÀHGSD\PHQW by providing an income that will give you the ability to make payment on time. Its just common VHQVH,QVXIÀFLHQWLQFRPHLVWKH important factor for this program. 6HFRQG0RUWJDJH6HWWOHPHQW 3URJUDP: This option is applicable only if your second lien became unsecured debt due to reduction property value and WKH ÀUVW PRUWJDJH LV KLJKHU WKDQ the property value. It can be negotiated to pay off the existing second mortgage from 80%-90% reduction. In the event that the abovementioned options don’t work for you because of reduction of income, insolvency or hardships, your may seek advise from a %DQNUXSWF\ /DZ\HU and discharge all your debt and start fresh. Previously declined on your Loan Modification and Home Loan Application due to income or credit score? CRP can help. CRP assisted thousands of clients with Bad Credit, /RDQ0RGLÀFDWLRQDQG+RPH /RDQ3XUFKDVHDQG5HÀQDQFH )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO &ODUR 5 3HUH] 7ROO IUHH QXPEHU RU CEO & President, /RDQ0RGLÀFDWLRQ6SHFLDOLVW &HUWLÀHG 'HEW 6HWWOHPHQW&UHGLW (QKDQFHPHQW $GYRFDWH &53 %XVLQHVV 0RUWJDJH 6ROXWLRQ ,QF ) R U + R P H / R D Q V D Q G %XVLQHVV&RPPHUFLDO/RDQV &DOO)H$3HUH] '5( %URNHU 3URYLGHQFH 5HDOW\ DQG0RUWJDJH,QF )RU 3XUFKDVH /LVWLQJ +RPH/RDQ&DOO&DUOR$3HUH] /LFHQVHG '5( %URNHU 10/6 'LYLVLRQ&DSLWDO,QF :HDUHRSHQ0RQGD\WR)ULGD\ DPWRSP 6DWXUGD\ DQG 6XQGD\ E\ DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\ :H DUH ORFDWHG DW : %DGLOOR6W&RYLQD&$ Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Syrian Kurd troops in formation prior to deployment to Kobane )RUHLJQ.XUGVWURRSWR.REDQHWRÀJKW,6 0856,73,1$5 7XUNH\ -- A small group of Syrian rebels entered the embattled border town of Kobani from Turkey on Wednesday on a mission to help .XUGLVKÀJKWHUVEDWWOLQJ,VODPLF State extremists in Syria, activists DQG.XUGLVKRIÀFLDOVVDLG The group of around 50 armed men is from the Free Syrian Army, and it’s separate from Iraqi .XUGLVKSHVKPHUJDÀJKWHUVZKR were also en route Wednesday to Kobani, along the Syrian-Turkish border. Idriss Nassan, a Kurdish RIÀFLDOIURP.REDQLVDLGWKH)6$ group crossed to Kobani through the Mursitpinar border crossing in Turkey. Nassan, who spoke in Mursitpinar, said they travelled in cars but did not have more details. The FSA is an umbrella group RI PDLQVWUHDP UHEHOV ÀJKWLQJ WR topple Syrian President Bashar Assad. The political leadership of the Western-backed FSA is based LQ 7XUNH\ ZKHUH ÀJKWHUV RIWHQ VHHNUHVSLWHIURPWKHÀJKWLQJ The 150 Iraqi peshmerga troops arrived in Turkey from Iraq early on Wednesday and were expected to cross into Syria later in the day. Their deployment came after Ankara agreed to allow the peshmerga troops to cross into Syria via Turkey. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told the BBC that sending the peshmerga and the Free Syrian Army was “the only way to help Kobani, since other countries don’t want to use ground troops.” A Kurdish journalist in Kobani and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also confirmed that a group of about 50 FSA fighters entered Kobani Wednesday. After a rousing send-off from thousands of cheering, flag-waving supporters in the Iraqi Kurdish capital of Irbil, the peshmerga forces landed early Wednesday at the Sanliurfa airport in southeastern Turkey. They left the airport in buses escorted by Turkish security forces and were expected to travel to Kobani also through Mursitpinar crossing. The Islamic State group launched its offensive on Kobani and nearby Syrian villages in mid-September, killing more than 800 people, according to activists. The Sunni extremists captured dozens of Kurdish villages around Kobani and control parts of the town. More than 200,000 people KDYH ÁHG DFURVV WKH ERUGHU LQWR Turkey. The U.S. is leading a coalition that has carried out dozens of airstrikes targeting the militants in and around Kobani. The deployment of the 150 peshmerga fighters, who were authorized by the Iraqi Kurdish government to go to Kobani, underscores the sensitive political tensions in the region. Destination: Cambodia (From Page 16) lush paddyfields, in a typical Cambodian landscape of irrigation channels and causeways. We then explored the caves of Phnom Sla’ang, where after scrambling through it we magically appeared on top of a hill – out into the sunlight. Before us lay the most spectacular views of Cambodia – the traditional countrysides stretching off into the Gulf of Thailand and its many islands. To complete our countryside tour for the day, we visited a local pepper plantation where we saw how pepper grows, learned the difference between green, red, black and white pepper, and tried some of the pepper dishes in the local restaurant that uses genuine Kampot pepper. We then drove up to Bokor Mountain for our overnight stay at Thansur Bokor Hotel. On our second day we visited Bokor National Park. Located at the southern tip of the Elephant Mountains near the CambodiaVietnam border, Bokor National Park is one of Cambodia’s largest protected natural areas. The 1,581 sq. km national park is famed for its refreshingly cool climate, lush primary rainforest, and the Bokor hill station, once a famous altitude resort during the French Protectorate and Prince Sihanouk’s regime in the 1960s. The hill station was abandoned WZLFHLQLWVKLVWRU\²ÀUVWGXULQJ World War II and later during the Khmer Rouge period. The area still bears the remains of the gutted casino and walking though the ghostly ambience of the crumbing hotel and other buildings makes the experience a little spooky. Threatened animals still live in the park, including leopard, Indian elephant, Asiatic black bear, Malayan sun bear, pileated gibbon pig-tailed macaque, slow loris and pangolin. Unfortunately, sightings of these animals are quite rare nowadays. We then traveled along the southern coast towards Sihanouk Ville, where we spent the night. Sihanouk Ville has long been a place of relaxation for Cambodians. Sihanouk Ville is a port city, a tourist destination and a steadily growing urban center located on Cambodia’s peninsula. Day three was to be the highlight of our 4-days/3-nights tour of Cambodia with island WRXUVÀOOLQJXSRXUGD\·VLWLQHUDU\ 2XUÀUVWVWRSZDV.RK7KDVD small deserted island which lies close to the mainland. The waters around the island is shallow and crystal clear. The place is perfect for snorkeling and swimming. After exhausting ourselves from swimming it was time to cool down. Cool icy drinks were served and then lunch served buffet style which we enjoyed tremendously. We then motored to the nearby islands of Koh Rong and Koh Rong Samloem. Koh Rong island is predominantly hilly and is almost completely forested. Koh Rong Samloem island is famed for its diverse amrine life and offers many diving spots. After an exhausting day, we motored back to Sihanouk Ville where we spent the night at the Sokha Angkor Hotel. Waking up the following morning, we realized our tour of Cambodia was almost over. After breakfast, we bid farewell to Sihanouk Ville and drove back to Phnom Penh. The days had gone by so swiftly. After having bonded for four days, it was time for us to go our separate ways – but keeping a promise to meet a year later for another fun and memorable trip together. If you want to visit and explore Cambodia or any other destination of your choice, Travel International Group has special WRXUSDFNDJHVWDLORUHGÀWIRU\RXU individual needs. Call us at (310) 327-5143, we will be more than happy to assist you. For further information, visit our website at 21 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE COMMUNITY Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 BAYANIHAN SPIRIT AWARDEES. The Historic Filipinotown Neigborhood Council presented the Bayanihan Spirit Awards on Oct. 17 to 21 members of the Filipino community. The awardees were: For lifetime achievement: Dr. Luis Calingo, president of Woodbury College, for higher education; Carson Mayor Protem Elito Santarina, government service; Atlas Shippers president Joel P. Longares, immigrant services; Carmen Kleiner, entrepeneurship; Van Dichoso, accountancy; James Von Trapp, engineering; Giovanni del Rosario, culinary arts; Dr. Felix Lapuz, veterinary medicine; and Joe Cobilla, photo journalism; For leadership excellence: Leo Maranan, KRPHKHDOWKVHUYLFHV9DO9LOODUEXVLQHVV5KHD5DFKHOOH(VSLQRHQWUHSUHQHXUVKLS1RQLH%HODUPLQRSK\VLFDO¿WQHVV,VLGULF3DQJDQLEDQYLGHRSURGXFWLRQ(OHQD/DSLG Salonga, food manufacturing; Tony Cabrera, broadcast journalism; Cecile and Mighty, entertainment; and Gelly Aganon, concert promotion For youth achievement: Sara Mislang, Bea del Rosario and Angelique Cobilla. Fil-Ams plan global Filipino school, credit union OAKLAND, California – An ambitious plan is afoot to connect Filipinos around the globe with one another, through an online and bricks-and-mortar school and a global credit union through a movement called One Filipino. This was bared October 13 at the 2nd Annual Filipino American History Month Town Hall meeting lhosted by California 18th District Assembly Representative Rob Bonta. A brainchild of Gawad Kalinga USA Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Tony Olaes, the One Filipino grand plan has the vision of connectivity not just among all Filipino Americans, but also of Filipinos across the globe. It would involve, among others, the establishment of a school (both regular and online) and a credit union that would have for its members Filipinos around the globe. will be online starting early next year. The actual school scheduled to start next quarter will be spearheaded by a group responsible for about 72 Filipino classes being taught in junior high, high school and college levels in San Diego, California. It will teach history and language as the foundation and courses on business, political HPSRZHUPHQW ÀQDQFLDO OLWHUDF\ and food as well. “Since it is going to be an online portal, people not only get to learn in the United States but in the entire diaspora and even in the Philippines as well,” explained Olaes. “So it going to be so huge it can be a game changer for who we are globally once we get the foundation of who we are,” Olaes said. “Thus, we are bridging that gap between the Fil-Am and the Filipino. We are getting the best of the Filipino to meet up with the best of the Fil-Ams here and we are saying look we are all one Filipino.” “Being born and raised here in the US, you only know what you know. And when you go back to the Philippines you think you are separate from them. But when I went to visit the Philippines, I was inspired by how friendly, how nice and generous everyone from the squatter community was. Seeing how they lived but still happy to live that way and how warm they treated me made me ask, ‘What makes them different from me?’ What I came up with through my inquiry is that we are all connected,” Olaes explained. For Bonta, the vision created by Olaes of the school, the credit union, and the web portal was most welcome. “He is an amazing visionary and strategist,” Bonta said of Olaes. “He recognized that great work is being done by Filipino American leaders in different initiatives that are making progress but are not connected together. And we have a larger vision of connectivity among all Filipino Americans and Filipinos across the globe as well. That was what one Filipino movement was all about. And we have a lot of Filipinos now supporting it and helping it move forward and it is very exciting,” Bonta exclaimed. Bonta also expressed elation that the Olaes plan is very apt to this year’s Town Hall theme of “Awakening the Sleeping Giant,” referring to the Filipino American community that has yet to reach its full potential. Bonta acknowledged that Filipinos must do away with the many barriers and walls that cause too much divisiveness that keep Filipinos Americans from speaking with one voice on issues. For his part, Consul-General Henry Bensurto revealed that LW ZDV WKH ÀUVW WLPH KH VDZ DQG listened to the Olaes plan. 22 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE BUSINESS & FINANCE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 6HQDWHWRSDVVÀVKHULHVODZ DQGDYHUWEDQRQ3+SURGXFWV This greenhouse facility employs new techniques to develop new irrigated breeding populations. Technicians (from left) Joseph Beredo, Rhulyx Mendoza, and Herman Hermosada grow the ULFHSODQWVLQVPDOOWUD\VWRTXLFNHQÀRZHULQJDQGPDWXULW\ IRRI promotes new and heirloom rice varieties BANGKOK — A senior scientist and rice breeder for over 20 years of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los, Banos, Laguna, batted on Monday for Filipino farmers’ use of science in farming. Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, deputy head of IRRI’s Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division, made the pitch here at the 2014 International Rice Congress, still only the fourth time it is being conducted. The road toward global food security is not without challenges. The population will balloon to 9 billion in 2050. The signs of climate change have never been so UHDO³IUHTXHQW ÁRRGV GURXJKWV and storm surges. Storm surges make farmland in coastal areas too salty for most crops to grow. Also, pathogens and pests evolve. Therefore, a rice variety may lose its resistance to new strains of pathogens or insects. “With so many challenges that we are facing now, we can’t just continue with what we are doing,” said Eero Nissilä, head of the IRRI Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division at the International Rice Research Institute. “There need to be changes in the way we do breeding at IRRI.” IRRI plant breeder Bert Collard agrees. “A revolution in rice breeding is what we need now,” Dr. Collard said. “Not much has changed for the last 50 years. The methods used today in Asia are generally the same as the ones used in the 1960s-1970s. More importantly, the rate of yield increase or genetic gain for irrigated varieties is less than 1% per year.” MANILA -- The Senate will rush the passage of the bill strengthening the country’s PDULQHDQGÀVKHULHVODZVEHIRUH the year-end in a bid to prevent being blacklisted by the European Union (EU) which can bring dire economic consequences. Senate President Franklin Drilon said the Senate would pass its version of the bill, Senate Bill 2414, which amends the Fisheries Code of the Philippines, today on WKLUGDQGÀQDOUHDGLQJ The bill specifically seeks amendments to the Fisheries Code WRKHOSDGYDQFHWKHFRXQWU\·VÀJKW against illegal, unreported and XQUHJXODWHG,88ÀVKLQJ “Failure to act on the yellow tag and the observations made by the EU on its 2012 audit report on the Philippines may result in the blacklisting of all Philippine PDULQH DQG ÀVKHULHV SURGXFWV LQ the European Union market,” Drilon said in a statement. “We must pass our amendments to the Fisheries Code before the (8SXWVXVXQGHU¶UHGÁDJ·ZKLFK would categorize us as a noncooperating country by failing to discharge our commitment to eliminate IUU fishing,” Drilon cautioned. The Senate leader said a ban ZRXOGDIIHFWWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\ and the country’s economic growth noting that a study by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) shows that the ORFDO ÀVKLQJ LQGXVWU\ UHSUHVHQWV 2.1 percent of the nation’s entire gross domestic product (GDP). Drilon said the bill also aims to ensure the Philippines’ compliance with international conventions and standards in ÀVKLQJ The Senate chief noted that presently, the country’s laws, rules and regulations lack sufficient disincentives and sanctions against IUU fishing and is among the major issues raised by the European Union through its Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG-MARE) on its 2012 audit report on the Philippines. 7KH ELOO SURSRVHV LQWHQVLÀHG punitive actions against serious violations on Philippine aquatic resources that would ensure “sanctions are dissuasive and have deterrent effect.” Senators have increased the penalty against violators under the proposed law. Violators would SD\ D KHIW\ ÀQH RI 3 PLOOLRQ to P10 million, or twice the value of the catch, whichever is higher, if found committing large-scale FRPPHUFLDO,88ÀVKLQJ For medium-scale and smallVFDOHFRPPHUFLDO,88ÀVKLQJWKH ÀQHV ZLOO UDQJH IURP 3 to P2-million and P50,000 to P200,000, respectively. The existing Philippine Fisheries Code only imposes ÀQHV UDQJLQJ IURP 3 WR P500,000. PH should focus on key reforms -- IMF MANILA - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the country should keep its focus on key structural reforms and continuity even after a new administration takes office in 2016 to sustain the gains it has achieved in the past years. IMF Resident Representative to the Philippines Shanaka Jayanath Peiris said the strong economic growth the country has been seeing in the last two years was an offshoot of the various reforms instituted by the current and past administrations. To further grow the economy, Peiris said the country should “focus on continuity, focus on what kind of structural reforms can drive investments.” This should be done in order to take advantage of its young population through fostering an environment conducive to attract more investments to create more jobs, he said. “The Philippines has the youngest population in Asia and that alone is a huge opportunity… But demographic dividend without creating jobs won’t mean high growth and won’t mean better income,” Peiris said. Peiris said the decline of the credit to GDP (gross domestic product) to below 40 percent in the first quarter, the relatively ORZLQÁDWLRQZKLFKDYHUDJHG percent as of September, and the strong six-percent growth in the first half gives the country the cushion to take on more measures to accelerate economic growth. 23 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 Business groups buck proposal to re-bid Cavite-Laguna Expressway How to avoid closing costs when getting a home mortgage ARE closing costs keeping you IURPUHÀQDQFLQJDPRUWJDJH"2U is it keeping you from purchasing DKRXVH",V\RXUORDQDJHQWWU\LQJ to line up their own pockets again ZLWK\RXUKDUGHDUQHGPRQH\",I so, a no-closing-cost mortgage may be for you. With this type of mortgage, you won’t need to pay thousands of dollars in upfront fees. We have been doing this types of loans for purchases and UHÀQDQFLQJIRU\HDUVOHW·VJHW\RX on board. How do we do it, and is LW ZRUWK LW IRU \RX" /HQGHUV and investors have gotten so competitive nowadays that the spread between rates and rebates ( YSP- Yield Spread Premium) have been so minimal and so much favorable for a no cost loan WREHPRUHEHQHÀFLDOWRDEX\HURU DKRPHRZQHUUHÀQDQFLQJ Find the best mortgage rates Always initially ask for the actual rates, then ask for total lender fees. Once provided, ask for options to do a no points and fee loan, they will present the rate (with) closing costs and if you don’t want to pay, you’ll take a slightly higher rate to do a no closing cost loan. For example, you may be RIIHUHGDPRUWJDJHDWDUDWHRI percent and pay closing costs. Or, you can take a no-closing-costs mortgage at a higher 4.00 percent rate. Bank pays lenders a YSP (Yield Spread Premium) to offer clients a higher rate to avoid paying fees. The tricky part here is sometimes, the lenders will pocket your fees charged and the lenders premium rebates, therefore making money on your behalf twice over. Understanding how to read a GFE ( Good Faith Estimate) is a job or a TIL ( Truth In lending). So, you have to make sure you will be able to shop around for the best rates and lowest to no fee loan you can get. When it pays off Closing costs include services such as the loan origination, appraisal and title search fees and title insurance premiums. These costs vary from state to state, but on average the costs have been rising. Usually the origination fee and third-party fees on a $200,000 mortgage cost an average of 7KDW·VDORWEXWLWZDVD $301 decline from a year before. No-closing-cost mortgages are attractive to borrowers who don’t have the cash to pay fees upfront. Waiving the closing costs may be the ticket to getting a mortgage for DQHZKRPHRUDUHÀQDQFH It makes more sense to UHÀQDQFHZLWKRXWDQ\FRVWDWDOO because it takes years to recoup WKH FRVW SDLG LQWR D UHÀQDQFLQJ What if the rates drop again and \RX·UH DEOH WR UHÀQDQFH DIWHU D short while, the cost initially paid would have been wasted. People KDYH EHHQ UHÀQDQFLQJ RYHU WKH same loan without any cost to UHGXFHHYHQE\RQO\LW·VD “No Brainer” especially if your loan balance is larger. If you don’t plan to stay in your KRPH IRU PRUH WKDQ ÀYH \HDUV a no-closing-cost mortgage also makes sense. With a traditional mortgage, it could take more than ÀYH \HDUV WR UHFRXS WKH FORVLQJ costs. The slightly higher mortgage rate associated with a no-closingcost mortgage is still likely less expensive over five years than what you would pay upfront in closing costs. You have to look at the breakeven if you want to pay for a lower rate. When it doesn’t pay If your loan amount is smaller and the rate differential is much higher, then you have to think twice about a no closing cost loan. Do you plan to stay in your KRPHPRUHWKDQÀYH\HDUV",IVR a no-closing-cost loan likely will end up costing you more than a loan with closing costs. That’s true whether you’re taking out a mortgage for a new purchase or UHÀQDQFLQJDQH[LVWLQJORDQ Typically, you’ll break even on your closing costs in a few years. Going with a no-closing-cost loan saddles you with a higher interest rate over the rest of the home loan. That could end up costing you a lot more than the upfront fees if you keep the mortgage for a long time. Take the hypothetical example RI WZR FKRLFHV IRU D ORDQ 2QH KDV D UDWH RI MANILA - Business chambers oppose a rebidding of the Cavite-Laguna Expressway (CALAX), saying this would have a negative impact on the country’s effort in improving its standing in the investor community. In a joint statement issued yesterday, the Makati Business Club (MBC) and various chambers of commerce, said the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) conducted a fair bidding for the project, in full compliance with the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) law. “The proposed rebidding of the Cavite-Laguna Expressway (CALAX) would be an inopportune and ill-advised decision that would surely have a negative impact in our improving standing in the investor community,” said the chambers. “As such, we believe there is no legal basis for rebidding the project. We share the concern of our colleagues in the private sector that a disregard of the present rules through a rebid will adversely impact investor FRQÀGHQFH LQ WKH 333 3XEOLF Private-Partnership) Program and in our bidding procedures, which the DPWH and the PPP Center have been painstakingly reforming for the better, and consequently promoting here and SHUFHQW ZLWK LQ FORVLQJ FRVWVWKHRWKHUKDVDUDWHRI percent, with no closing costs. Going with the higher-rate, noclosing-cost option runs $43.24 D PRQWK PRUH RU PRUH over 30 years. In this scenario, it takes six years and nine months to break even and recoup the closing costs via the lower monthly house payments. But if you have a lot of equity and intended to stay there long term and almost are sure rates will no longer go down, then pay some cost and keep your loan forever. Call Ken to get your best rate option and advise. Call st 1 ,QQRYDWLYH )LQDQFH DW RU ZULWH WR .HQ DW [email protected]. abroad,” the statement added. The chambers urged the government to remain consistent with the provisions of the BOT law. “Not just in this particular case, but for the other projects in the pipeline,” said the MBC. “Consistency and predictability in policy and adherence to rules, among other factors, form the EHGURFN RI LQYHVWRU FRQÀGHQFH in any economy,” the groups said. The statement was issued by the MBC along with the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham); Australian-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Philippines (ANZCham); Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (CanCham); Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP); European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP); Japanese Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (JCCIPI); Management Association of the Philippines (MAP). Under the BOT law, a rebid of a project would only be done if there is a pronouncement of failure of bidding. President Aquino recently said KHIDYRUVDUHELGGLQJRIWKH3 billion CALAX project “to get the best deal for the people.” PAL expands reach in US MANILA -- Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) plans to expand operations to other areas of the United States, where there is a huge Filipino immigrant population. 7KHFDUULHULVVHWWRÁ\GDLO\WR Honolulu starting December this year, Maria Socorro Gonzaga, PAL vice president for external affairs, said last week during a business forum organized by the Center for Philippine Futuristics Studies & Management Inc. PAL currently mounts four ÁLJKWV D ZHHN WR +RQROXOX DQG daily flights are set to begin on Dec. 11, information on the company’s website showed. The move comes ahead of flights to New York, where the carrier will be returning to after economic and feasibility constraints prompted PAL to scrap ÁLJKWVLQMXVWDIWHURQH\HDU of operations. PAL long wanted to increase ÁLJKWV WR WKH 86 EXW KDG EHHQ prevented from doing so since That changed when the US Federal Aviation Administration earlier this year restored the Philippines’ Category 1 status, reflecting safety reforms undertaken in recent years. The upgrade also allowed PAL to replace its older Boeing SODQHVZLWKQHZHUDQGPRUH HIILFLHQW %RHLQJ DLUFUDIW helping bring down costs. PA L’s n e w l y a p p o i n t e d president Jaime Bautista said in a previous interview that the carrier would focus more of its longhaul resources on the US market against Europe, where he said it ZDVGLIÀFXOWWREHFRPHSURÀWDEOH PAL previously announced WKDWLWZRXOGUHVWDUWÁLJKWVWR1HZ York, via Vancouver, Canada, in 0DUFKQH[W\HDU 24 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE SPORTS Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 3DFTXLDR¶FURVVLQJÀQJHUV· IRU0D\ZHDWKHUQH[W\HDU HONG KONG – Filipino boxing star Manny Pacquiao said KHKRSHGWRÀQDOO\VWHSLQWKHULQJ with arch-rival Floyd Mayweather next year as he denied he was taking his upcoming opponent Chris Algieri lightly. Pacquiao, mobbed by his supporters during a promotional trip to Hong Kong, said “I’m FURVVLQJP\ÀQJHUVµWKDWWKHKRWO\ Manny Pacquiao and Chris Algieri anticipated Mayweather fight could happen in 2015. “Hopefully that fight will KDSSHQ E\ QH[W \HDUµ KH WROG AFP in an interview. ´,·PFURVVLQJP\ÀQJHUVWKDW MANILA – Manny Pacquiao bigger man even though we’re and Chris Algieri will hold ÀJKWLQJLQWHFKQLFDOO\KLVZHLJKW WKDW ÀJKW ZLOO KDSSHQ EXW ULJKW their November 23 fight at a FODVVµ WKH XQGHIHDWHG$PHULFDQ now my mind is already set to focus on my next fight with catchweight of 144 pounds – at the explained. insistence of the Filipino’s camp. ´,QIDFW,ZDQWHGWKHÀJKWWR Algieri. I think the time to talk Algieri made the revelation EH DW , ZDQWHG WR ÀJKW IRU in an interview with Fight a true welterweight title. The Hype’s Ben Thompson, saying catchweight was on their side 100 FILIPINO-American rookie he originally wanted to face SHUFHQWµKHDGGHG Pacquiao at welterweight (147 Though currently the WBO Jordan Clarkson made his NBA pounds) where the Filipino has light welterweight champion, the debut for the Los Angeles Lakers been seeing action for a long New York-based Algieri enjoys on Tuesday at Staples Center. Clarkson, the 46th pick in the while. a huge height advantage over “Absolutely! Absolutely! [on Pacquiao. He stands at 5-foot-10, 2014 NBA Draft, came off the whether he prefers welterweight]. three and a half inches taller than bench and scored eight points and And even being around him on the fighting congressman, the had four rebounds and two assists in 20 minutes. the press tour, I think that was WBO welterweight titlist. The 6-foot-5 guard Clarkson painfully evident that I am the made quite an impression in the Algieri: Pacquiao camp insisted on catch weight DERXWWKDWLVVXHLVDIWHUWKHÀJKWµ The eyes of the boxing world have long been on a showdown between the unbeaten American and eight-division world champion Pacquiao (56-5-2), two of the greatest boxers of their generation. The two regularly exchange WDXQWVZLWK´0RQH\µ0D\ZHDWKHU recently posting pictures of Pacquiao’s losses, and the Filipino last month telling his rival to stop ´EODEELQJµDQGÀJKWKLP Pacquiao, 35, said he had a ´FRXSOH RI \HDUVµ OHIW EHIRUH retiring — seemingly ample time to secure the money-spinning ÀJKWLIWKHWZRVLGHV·SURPRWHUV can settle their differences. “I’m not thinking yet about retirement. I will continue my boxing career, the journey will continue in my boxing career and ZH·OOVHHZKDWKDSSHQVµKHVDLG But he said his immediate focus was on his November 23 World Boxing Organization welterweight title defence in Macau against former kickboxer Algieri. Pacquiao previously dismissed the American as only an ´RND\µ ÀJKWHUDQGWKLVPRQWKKHWRRND break from training to make his professional basketball debut in the Philippines’ domestic league. But he denied underestimating Algieri (20-0) and said he had been training to face a taller fighter. Algieri is about nine centimetres (3.5 inches) taller than the 1.69-metre (5ft 7in) Pacquiao. Lakers’ Fil-Am rookie makes NBA debut NBA Summer League where he led the Lakers in scoring and was later signed by the team last August. The 22-year-old Clarkson went RIIURPWKHÀHOGDQGVFRUHG most of his points at the free throw line. +RZHYHU&ODUNVRQ·VÀUVW1%$ regular season game was a loss with the Lakers falling to the Houston Rockets, 90-108. Mikaela Arroyo Arroyo grandkid shines in golf MANILA - Mikaela Arroyo powered Assumption San Lorenzo to a sweep of the overall individual and team titles in the Developmental Division of the 2014 ICTSI-JGFP Interschool golf championships conducted by The Junior Golfers League at various courses. The 161-point effort of the granddaughter of former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in the best three rounds out of six format played the past three months at the Ayala South Links, Ayala Greenfield, Club Intramuros and Philippine Navy courses won her the overall individual championship, beating Jamina Uttoh of the Notre Dame of *UHDWHU0DQLODE\ÀYHDQG7ULVKD Lazatin of San Beda Alabang by 10. Mikaela’s consistent play in the competition backed mainly by the International Container Terminal Services, Inc. and sanctioned by the Junior Golfers Foundation of the Philippines also helped steer Assumption San Lorenzo, which included sister Monique Arroyo, Iya Fianza and Daniella Antonio to the overall team diadem. They aggregated 305. The boys team title went to Ateneo made up of Rafael Gusi, Karl dela Torre, Kirk dela Torre and Sean Ibuyan with their combined 201 points. Siblings Javi and Trisha Lazatin won the mixed team event for San Beda Alabang. Joining Mikaela Arroyo, who also topped the girls Grade 4-7 bracket with her rounds of 55, 53 and 53, in the roster of individual winners were Ken Shibata of Japanese School Manila in boys Grade 4-7, Princess Pascua of El Rio Pasig in the girls Grade 1-3, Javi Lazatin the boys Grade 1-3, Josh Jorge of Gabby Christian Academy in the boys Grade 8-12, Marjorie Espanola of Foundation Youth in girls Grade 8-12 and Rocco Pineda of The Bridge School in the Kindergarten Division. 25 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 26 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 FACC-SLAA INDUCTION ‘BLOOD RANSOM’ Tectonic Films announced the reOHDVHRILWV¿OP³%ORRG5DQVRP´ VWDUULQJ $OH[DQGHU 'UH\PRQ DQG$QQH&XUWLV¿UVWDQGVHFRQG IURP OHIW VHDWHG GXULQJ D press conference in Los Angeles. 7KH¿OPZLOOEHVKRZQLQVHOHFW US thaters beginning Oct. 31. Also in photo are Consul General DQG0UV/HR+HUUHUD/LPVHFRQGDQGWKLUGIURPOHIWVWDQGLQJDQGSURGXFHU$QD&R3XQR 3KRWR E\ %REE\ &ULVRVWRPR &KLHI3KRWRJUDSKHU The officers of the FilipinoAmerican Chamber of Commerce-SouthBay Los Angeles (FACC-SLAA) are sworn into RI¿FHE\&RQVXO0DUORZH0LUDQGDDWWKH/RQJ%HDFK0DUriott on October 25. From left: +HQULFN 0DFDOLQWDO%RDUG 0HPEHU )H .RRQV%RDUG 0HPEHU$ULHO$\DD\7UHDVXUHU&\QWKLD7DQ9LFH3UHVLGHQW -HUU\4/HH3UHVLGHQW(YHO\Q $QGDPR%RDUG0HPEHU/RL +HUUHUD%RDUG 0HPEHU 3D] 9HODVTXH]5HFRUGLQJ 6HFUHWDU\)UHGHULFN$ODLQ'RFGRFLO &RUUHVSRQGLQJ6HFUHWDU\0DUOHQH5REELQV%RDUG0HPEHU 3KRWRE\9LFV0DJVD\VD\ US court: NY 7-11 owners exploited Pinoys, others SAN FRANCISCO — Five 7-Eleven franchise owners pleaded guilty to knowingly hiring undocumented aliens, many of them Filipinos, stealing their earnings and forcing them to live in miserable conditions in various houses in Suffolk County, Long Island, according to court papers. The defendants skimmed a total of $2.6 million that was owed to the workers, according to a New York Post report on September 22. The exploited mostly Pakistani and Filipino workers served wealthy customers at locations including Sag Harbor and Greenport while living in squalor, prosecutors said. They routinely worked up to 100 hours a week behind the counter and were paid just $350 to $500 in cash — about a quarter of what they had earned, the NY Post reported. “Using the 7-Eleven brand, the defendants dispensed wire fraud and identity theft, along with Big Gulps and candy bars,” said US Attorney Loretta Lynch in a statement. “In our backyards, the defendants not only systematically employed illegal aliens, but concealed their employment by using the names of children and even the dead.” Farrukh Baig, leader of the scheme, faces up to 20 years in prison. The NY Post described him as a “Pakistani bigshot who counts former Prime Minister Pervez Musharraf as a pal.” Prosecutors said Farrukh Baig lived in fancy Head of Harbor on Long Island and freely spent the profits from their fourteen 7-Eleven locations on cars and other luxuries. Baig and his henchmen stole the identities of American citizens —including kids, the deceased and a US Coast Guard cadet — and assigned them to their staffers. Several of those who pleaded guilty are members of the Baig family. 27 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014 28 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2014
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