Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee Edoxaban NDA 206316 Statistical Considerations, ENGAGE AF Trial John Lawrence, PhD Senior Statistical Reviewer, FDA/CDER/OB/Division of Biometrics I Jim Hung, PhD Division Director, FDA/CDER/OB/Division of Biometrics I 1 1. Summary • Confirmed applicant’s analysis and agree with their results • All doses studied should be approved. - 60 mg for most people. - 30 mg for people who need a lower dose adjustment (e.g. eCrCL<50 mL/min) 2 2. 60 mg Dose appeared Effective in eCrCL>80 mL/min Subgroup • In the subgroup with eCrCL>80 mL/min, the estimated hazard ratio for the primary endpoint (60 mg edoxaban vs. warfarin) was 1.41 with a wide confidence interval. • Because the noninferiority margin was 1.38, this is similar to a superiority trial where the drug is superior overall, but in one subgroup the point estimate is slightly above 1. 3 3. Event Rate in Smaller Subgroups In the subgroup eCrCL>80 mL/min, warfarin performed very well. Number of events nearly the same in both arms in subgroup 80-106 4 4. 30 mg Dose was Effective • Low dose regimen (30 mg or 15 mg) was shown effective in the overall population (median eCrCL=70 mL/min) • A typical patient with eCrCL>80 (median eCrCL=100 mL/min) taking 60 mg should have higher exposure than a typical patient in the low dose arm. • All cause mortality, low dose (30/15) vs. warfarin: HR 0.87; 95% CI (0.79, 0.96); p-value = 0.006 • Primary endpoint, 30 mg no dose adj. vs. warfarin no dose adj.: HR 1.02 with 95% CI (0.82, 1.28) median eCrCL = 78 mL/min 5 5. Possible consequence of approving unstudied higher dose • Even if a higher dose is safe and more effective for people with eCrCL>80 mL/min, there may be dosing errors (people confusing eGFR for eCrCL, etc.) 6 Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee Edoxaban (Savaysa™) NDA 206316 October 30, 2014 Clinical Review Team Melanie Blank, MD Tzu-Yun McDowell, PhD Martin Rose, MD 1 How to Approach the Observed Decreased Efficacy of Edoxaban in Subjects with Normal Renal Function 2 ENGAGE AF Results • Trial met its non-inferiority success criteria for both edoxaban dose regimens on efficacy • Both dose regimens were superior on International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) major bleeding compared to warfarin • The low dose regimen was inferior on ischemic stroke • Main review issue: inferior efficacy relative to warfarin in the normal renal function subgroup for both dose regimens on ischemic stroke 3 Outline • Historical perspective on nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), and the impact of anticoagulants on stroke rates • Show how anticoagulant exposure determines the balance between thromboembolic events and bleeding • Discuss how we should be thinking about ischemic stroke separately from hemorrhagic stroke • Review approved non-vitamin K dependent oral anticoagulant (NOAC) trial results on ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke • Describe the deficiencies of the phase 2 dose-finding study which led to doses for ENGAGE that were on the low side • Describe interaction between efficacy results and renal function, with decreased efficacy in the normal renal function subgroup • Discuss possible regulatory responses 4 Warfarin and stroke in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) • The annual rate of stroke in NVAF without any treatment would be ~ 5%/year based on data from historical placebo-controlled trials • With NVAF affecting ~ 0.4% of the population, there would be ~63,000 strokes per year in the U.S. without treatment • Warfarin reduces stroke rate by 62% in NVAF; theoretically if every NVAF patient were on warfarin ~39,000 strokes/year would be prevented (leaving ~ 24,000 strokes/year) • The trade-off for this reduction is an increase in intracranial bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke – Hemorrhagic stroke used to account for 2% of stroke. For warfarin treated patients, hemorrhagic stroke is now 1/3 of all strokes 5 Ischemic vs. hemorrhagic stroke rate; trade-off by treatment Ischemic Stroke %/year Hemorrhagic Stroke %/year Placebo ~5 ~0.1 Warfarin ~1.0 0.4 - 0.5 ~4 ~0.2 0.8 – 1.0 0.1 – 0.3 Aspirin Approved NOACs 6 Odds ratio of ischemic stroke/intracranial bleeding by INR in patients treated with warfarin Intracranial Bleed ○ Ischemic Stroke From the ACC/AHA/ESC practice guidelines International Normalized Ratio 7 Exposure-response relationships for dabigatran ----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------110 BID ------------------+-------------------------------------------------150 BID 8 Hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke should be examined separately • Hemorrhagic strokes and ischemic strokes (for the most part) have different pathophysiologies and different dose response curves, and for these reasons should be examined separately • Combining hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes into one composite endpoint obscures different effects on the individual components and can lead to misleading results, another reason to examine them separately E30/15mg vs. Warfarin Stroke/SEE HR (95% CI) Hem. Stroke HR (95% CI) Isch. Stroke HR (95% CI) 1.07 (0.86, 1.34) 0.23 (0.13, 0.38) 1.54 (1.25, 1.90) 9 Exposure-response curve for edoxaban Probability of Ischemic stroke/SEE per year (%) Edoxaban low dose regimen exposure range (95%CI) First ischemic stroke/SEE: event rate for edoxaban low dose: 1.49 %/yr First ischemic stroke/SEE: event rate for edoxaban high dose: 0.93%/yr (mITT, on treatment) ● ● 10 NOACs and performance on ischemic stroke Drug NOAC arm event rate in %/yr Warfarin arm event rate in %/yr HR relative to warfarin Dabigatran 150 mg BID 0.90 1.10 0.76 (0.59, 0.98) Dabigatran 110 mg BID 1.30 1.10 1.13 (0.89,1.42) 11 NOACs and performance on ischemic stroke Drug NOAC arm event rate in %/yr Warfarin arm event rate in %/yr HR relative to warfarin Dabigatran 150 mg BID 0.90 1.10 0.76 (0.59, 0.98) Dabigatran 110 mg BID 1.30 1.10 1.13 (0.89, 1.42) Apixaban 5 mg BID 0.83 0.82 1.02 (0.81, 1.29) 12 NOACs and performance on ischemic stroke Drug NOAC arm event rate in %/yr Warfarin arm event rates in %/yr HR relative to warfarin Dabigatran 150 mg BID 0.90 1.10 0.76 (0.59, 0.98) Dabigatran 110 mg BID 1.30 1.10 1.13 (0.89,1.42) Apixaban 5 mg BID 0.83 0.82 1.02 (0.81,1.29) Rivaroxaban 20 mg QD 1.3 1.4 0.94 (0.75, 1.17) 13 NOACs and performance on ischemic stroke Drug Drug Dabigatran 150 mg Dabigatran 150 mg BID BID Dabigatran 110 mg Dabigatran 110 mg BID BID Apixaban 5 mg Rivaroxaban 20 mg BID QD Rivaroxaban 20 mg Apixaban QD 5 mg BID Edoxaban 60 mg mg QD Edoxaban 60/30 QD Edoxaban 30 mg mg Edoxaban 30/15 QD Events NOAC arm ExD in event rate (%/yr) %/yr Events Warfarin armHR relative to HR relative to Warfarin event rate in warfarin warfarin (% /yr)%/yr 0.90 12 (0.1) 45 (0.4) 1.10 0.76 (0.59,0.98) 0.26 (0.14,0.49) 1.30 14 (0.1) 45 (0.4) 1.10 1.13 (0.89,1.42) 0.31 (0.17,0.56) 0.83 29 (0.26) 0.82 1.02 (0.81,1.29) 50 (0.44) 0.59 (0.37, 0.93) 1.30 40 (0.24) 78 (0.47)1.40 0.51 (0.35,0.94 0.75)(0.75, 1.17) 40 (0.26) 0.87 76 (0.49) 0.53 (0.36, 0.78) 0.93 0.94 (0.75, 1.19) 18 (0.11) 1.43 76 (0.49) 0.23 (0.14, 0.39) 0.93 1.54 (1.25, 1.9) 14 NOACs and performance on hemorrhagic stroke Drug NOAC arm event rate in %/yr Warfarin arm event rate in %/yr Dabigatran 150 mg BID 0.10 0.40 0.26 (0.14, 0.49) Dabigatran 110 mg BID 0.10 0.40 0.31 (0.17, 0.56) Rivaroxaban 20 mg QD 0.26 0.44 0.59 (0.37, 0.93) Apixaban 5 mg BID 0.24 0.47 0.51 (0.35, 0.75) Edoxaban 60/30 mg QD 0.26 0.49 0.53 (0.36, 0.78) Edoxaban 30/15 mg QD 0.11 0.49 0.23 (0.14, 0.39) HR relative to warfarin 15 PRT-018 phase 2 design Screening Randomization Edoxaban 30 mg QD Edoxaban 30 mg BID Edoxaban 60 mg QD Follow-up Assessment Edoxaban 60 mg BID Warfarin QD <30 days Day 1 3-month randomized treatment phase 30 days after last dose 16 PRT-018 results: Doses selected to match warfarin bleeding rates 30 mg qd (N=235) 60 mg qd (N=234) 30 mg bid (N=244) 60 mg bid (N=180) Warfarin (N=250) All bleeding n(%) 13 (5.5) 17 (7.3) 31 (12.7) 33 (18.3) 20 (8.0) Diff. vs. warfarin -2.5% -0.7% 4.7% 10.3%* 7 (3.0) 9 (3.8) 19 (7.8) 19 (10.6) -0.2% 0.6% 4.6% 7.4%* 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 3 (1.2) 2 (1.1) Major or CR* nonmajor bleeding n(%) Diff. vs. warfarin STROKE/SEE 8 (3.2) 4 (1.6) * Nominal p=0.002 *CR= clinically relevant 17 Warfarin arm: control of INR was suboptimal Number (%) of Subjects in the Warfarin Group INR RANGE <2.0 ≥2.0 to ≤ 3.0 (target) > 3.0 Baseline (N=243) Day 28 (N=229) 226 (93.0) 106 (46.3) 16 (6.6) 98 (42.8) 1 (0.4) 25 (10.9) Day 42 (N=228) 93 (40.8) Day 85 (N=215) 87 (40.5) 115 (50.4) 108 (50.2) 20 (8.8) 20 (9.3) 18 Dose finding study resulted in doses that were too low • PRT-018 was a small study, sized for bleeding • Main deficiency: – The warfarin arm was under-dosed which led to lower bleeding rate • Comparisons of bleeding rates in the edoxaban arms to a poorly controlled warfarin arm were erroneous • In conclusion, the edoxaban doses were selected on the basis of a poorly conducted study and nearly guaranteed that doses would be too low 19 ENGAGE AF Major Review Issues 20 Stroke/SEE by renal function subgroups (mITT/on treatment period) 30-50 mL/min* Moderate renal impairment 0.88 E60/30 DA 1.19 E30/15 DA >50-<80 mL/min Mild renal impairment 0.51 E60/30 DA 0.82 E30/15 DA ≥80 mL/min Normal renal function E60/30 DA 1.41 1.61 E30/15 DA 0.5 1.5 0.75 1 Hazard Ratio (95% CI) 2 Edoxaban n/N (% pt-yr) Warfarin n/N (% pt-yr) 43/1287 (1.73) 49/1297 (1.98) 58/1274 (2.33) 49/1297 (1.98) 69/2985 (1.04) 135/3030 (2.01) 115/3034 (1.66) 135/3030 (2.01) 66/2612 (1.07) 47/2595 (0.76) 76/2611 (1.22) 47/2595 (0.76) *Dose Adjusted 21 Ischemic stroke/SEE by renal function subgroups (mITT/on treatment period) 30-50 mL/min* Moderate renal impairment 1.04 E60/30 DA 1.87 E30/15DA >50-<80 mL/min Mild renal impairment 1.10 ≥80 mL/min Normal renal function 32/1287 (1.28) 31/1297 (1.25) 58/1274 (2.33) 31/1297 (1.25) 54/2985 (0.82) 90/3030 (1.34) 104/3034 (1.51) 90/3030 (1.34) 55/2612 (0.89) 35/2595 (0.57) 69/2611 (1.11) 35/2595 (0.57) 1.58 E60/30 DA 1.97 E30/15DA 0.5 Warfarin n/N (% pt-yr) 0.60 E60/30 DA E30/15DA Edoxaban n/N (% pt-yr) 1.5 1 Hazard Ratio (95% CI) 2 2.5 3 *Dose Adjusted 22 Effect of CrCl on risk of ischemic stroke/SEE Probability of Ischemic Stroke/SEE within 1 year (%) (Edoxaban 60 mg vs. Warfarin) Edoxaban 60 mg CrCl level Model predicted HR (95% CI) 50 ml/min 0.55 (0.36-0.86) 65 ml/min 0.71 (0.52-0.99) 80 ml/min 0.92 (0.70-1.22) 95 ml/min 1.19 (0.84-1.67) 110 ml/min 1.53 (0.96-2.44) 125 ml/min 1.98 (1.07-3.67) Warfarin CrCL (ml/min) Cox model controlled for age, hx of stroke, CHADS2 score, CRCL, CRCL*treatment among patients without dose adjustment in mITT set 23 Ischemic stroke (%/yr) Ischemic stroke by CrCL decile in ENGAGE 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Edoxaban 30 mg Edoxaban 60 mg Warfarin CrCL >50 - <80 ≥80 HR (mITT) 0.62 1.58 CRCL Decile (mL/min) 24 ISTH Major bleeding by renal function subgroups 30-50 mL/min* Moderate renal impairment 0.75 E60/30 DA 0.38 E30/15DA >50-<80 mL/min Mild renal impairment Edoxaban n/N (% pt-yr) Warfarin n/N (% pt-yr) 96/1287 (3.81) 128/1297 (5.09) 50/1274 (1.95) 128/1297 (5.09) 206/2985 (3.10) 235/3030 (3.45) 134/3034 (1.90) 235/3030 (3.45) 108/2612 (1.73) 154/2595 (2.48) 69/2611 (1.08) 154/2595 (2.48) 0.90 E60/30 DA 0.55 E30/15DA ≥80 mL/min Normal renal function E60/30 DA 0.70 0.44 E30/15DA 0.3 0.5 0.7 Hazard Ratio (95% CI) 1 *Dose Adjusted 25 Effect of creatinine clearance on pre-dose (trough) edoxaban plasma concentration (day 29) Edoxaban Ctrough (ng/mL) 60 50 E60/30 48.6 E30/15 43.1 High dose group/ dose adjusted to 30 mg 40 30 20 Subjects with no dose adjustment 29.1 28.2 24.8 21.3 14.6 10 0 30-50 1/1/1900 >50-<80 1/2/1900 ≥ 80 1/3/1900 CrCl (ml/min) 26 Warfarin TTR (INR 2-3) was similar among renal function subgroups in ENGAGE AF CrCl (mL/min) % TTR (average) %Time above TR (average) %Time below TR (average) 30 – 50 65.0 12.3 22.7 >50 - <80 65.3 12.1 22.6 ≥80 64.7 12.1 23.1 27 Warfarin Stroke/SEE event rates in the normal renal function subgroup in pivotal NOAC trials Warfarin stroke/SEE rate (%/yr) Trial RE-LY; dabi vs. warfarin (ITT, overall study period) ROCKET AF; riva vs. warfarin (per-protocol, on-treatment) ARISTOTLE; apix vs. warfarin (ITT, overall study period) ENGAGE AF; edox vs. warfarin (mITT, on-treatment) ENGAGE AF; edox vs. warfarin (ITT, overall study period) Decrease in event rate from B to A Normal Renal Function A Mild renal impairment B 1.03 1.87 45% 1.42 2.41 41% 1.12 1.69 34% 0.76 2.01 62% 0.98 2.19 55% 28 Strokes/SEE rates and outcomes in NOAC trials by renal function subgroup Drug, Trial Dabigatran 150 mg; RE-LY (ITT, overall study period) Rivaroxaban; ROCKET AF (per-protocol, On-treatment) Apixaban; ARISTOTLE (ITT, overall study period) Edoxaban 60/30; ENGAGE AF (mITT, On-treatment) CrCL in mL/min First stroke/SEE Rates (%/yr) HR rel. to Warfarin NOAC Warfarin >50 - <80 1.21 1.87 0.65 ≥80 0.73 1.03 0.71 >50 - <80 1.75 2.41 0.73 ≥80 1.27 1.42 0.89 >50 - <80 1.24 1.69 0.73 ≥80 0.99 1.12 0.88 >50 - <80 1.04 2.01 0.51 ≥80 1.07 0.76 1.41 29 First ischemic stroke rates and outcomes in NOAC trials by renal function subgroup Drug, Trial Dabigatran 150; RE-LY (ITT, overall study period) Rivaroxaban; ROCKET AF (per-protocol, on-treatment) Apixaban; ARISTOTLE (per-protocol, on-treatment) Edoxaban 60/30; ENGAGE AF (mITT, on-treatment) Edoxaban 60/30; ENGAGE AF (ITT, overall study period) CrCL in mL/min First stroke/SEE Rates (%/yr) Hazard Ratio NOAC Warfarin NOAC vs. Warfarin >50 - <80 0.94 1.22 0.77 ≥80 0.61 0.72 0.84 >50 - <80 1.39 1.70 0.82 ≥80 0.94 0.87 1.07 >50 - <80 0.77 0.89 0.87 ≥80 0.69 0.51 1.35 >50 - <80 0.77 1.23 0.62 ≥80 >50 - <80 ≥80 0.84 1.21 1.02 0.53 1.49 0.73 1.58 0.81 1.40 30 Summary 1. The dose chosen for ENGAGE AF was too low because it was based on a dose-finding trial in which the warfarin arm was under-dosed 2. There are several reasons to believe that the poorer performance in the normal renal subgroup is not a chance finding: A. Increased ischemic stroke in the normal renal function subgroup B. Decreased major bleeding in the normal renal function subgroup C. Consistent finding of decreased efficacy in normal renal function in both high and low dose edoxaban regimens D. Exposures were lower (low trough edoxaban levels) in the normal renal function subgroup 31 Summary (cont.) 3. The warfarin arm performance in ENGAGE AF was in line with other trials 4. Hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke should be analyzed and considered separately. 5. We should start considering exposure targeting to maximize the benefit-risk profile of NOACs 32 Regulatory options • Approval for high-dose edoxaban with applicant’s proposed dosing instructions; not an option in the opinion of the clinical reviewers • Don’t approve during this review cycle and hope that the applicant does a trial in which they titrate dose to optimal exposure, which might usher in a new era of more refined NOAC management • Approve with labeling that would limit use to patients with mild and moderate renal impairment • Exposure match the normal renal function to exposures observed in the mild renal impairment subgroup, which had the best results for edoxaban 33 Back-ups 34 Ischemic stroke by CrCL decile in RE-LY 2.4 2.2 Ischemic stroke (%/yr) 2 1.8 Dabigatran 110 mg Dabigatran 150 mg Warfarin CrCL HR 1.4 >50 - <80 0.77 1.2 ≥80 0.84 1.6 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CRCL Decile (mL/min) ITT, overall study period 35 Ischemic stroke by CrCL decile in ARISTOTLE 2 Apixaban Warfarin 1.8 Ischemic stroke (%/yr) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 CrCL HR >50 - <80 0.87 ≥80 1.35 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 CRCL Decile (mL/min) 36 Edoxaban Dosing Considerations Based on Renal Function Justin C. Earp, PhD Office Clinical Pharmacology, Division of Pharmacometrics October 30, 2014 1 Outline • Subgroup Finding & Motivation • Exposure - Response Relationships – Stroke Events – Bleeding Events • Exposure - Response by Renal Function Category • Exposure Matching for Dose Recommendation 2 Patients with Normal Renal Function and 60 mg Edoxaban had a Higher Risk for Stroke/SEE Relative to Warfarin Renal Function Category Hazard Ratio (95% CI) Hazard Ratio (95% CI) Stroke/SEE Major Bleeds Edoxaban Better Applicant: CSR U-301, Tables,, Edoxaban 60 mg Warfarin Better 3 Renal Clearance is the Major Edoxaban Elimination Pathway • Patients with moderate renal impairment received a 50% dose reduction in the Phase 3 ENGAGE AF study Normal Mild • AUC increased 32%, 74%, and 72% for mild, moderate, and severe impairment High Dose Arm Moderate • 60% of systemic edoxaban cleared by the kidneys 50% Dose Reduction Edoxaban Ctrough (ng/mL) Applicant: CSR U-120, Table 11.2, Edoxaban 60 mg 4 Patients with Lower Exposures in the High Dose Edoxaban Appeared to do Better on Major Bleeds and Worse on Stroke/SEE Relative to Warfarin Mild Moderate Hazard Ratio Major Bleeds Normal Mild Mild Normal Moderate Stroke/SEE Normal Edoxaban PK Moderate 50% Dose Reduction Ctrough (ng/mL) Applicant: CSR U-301, Tables,, Edoxaban 60 mg Hazard Ratio 5 Dose Response Is Evident For Stroke & Major Bleeding Events mITT population, on-treatment events Applicant: CSR U-301, Tables,, Edoxaban 60 mg 6 Exposure - Response Efficacy & Safety Analyses Exposure - response relationships are shown for: – Stroke/SEE, Ischemic stroke – Major bleeds, Life-threatening/fatal bleeds Significant Predictors for Stroke/SEE & Ischemic Stroke: Significant Predictors for Major & LTB/Fatal Bleeding Events: – Edoxaban log(Ctrough) – Edoxaban Ctrough or log(Ctrough) – Age – Age – Prior Stroke / TIA – Concomitant Aspirin Use – Weight – CHADS2 – CHADS2 Data: Only Edoxaban Patients, On-treatment Strokes/Bleeds, mITT population 7 Edoxaban Exhibits Concentration Dependent Relationships for Stroke/SEE & Major Bleeds Analysis shown for “typical” patient population: Age: 72 years old, Renal Function: (70.4 mL/min), 28.3% with prior stroke, 29.2% with baseline aspirin use. Note: y-axis scales on the right are 4-fold higher than the scale on the left 8 Edoxaban Exhibits Concentration Dependent Relationships for Ischemic Stroke & Life-Threatening/Fatal Bleeds Analysis shown for “typical” patient population: Age: 72 years old, Renal Function: (70.4 mL/min), 28.3% with prior stroke, 29.2% with baseline aspirin use. 9 Projected Ischemic Stroke and Life-Threatening Bleeding Rates Agree with Observed Data 10 Projected Ischemic Stroke and Life-Threatening Bleeding Rates Agree with Observed Data 11 This Benefit - Risk Relationship Is not Novel Dabigatran: RE-LY Trial • Warfarin also has a similar relationship based on INR 12 EXPOSURE RESPONSE BY RENAL IMPAIRMENT CATEGORY 13 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for “typical” patient with normal renal function: 64 years old, CrCL of 100 mL/min, 24.8% with prior stroke, 29.2% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 95.3 kg 14 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for “typical” patient with normal renal function: 64 years old, CrCL of 100 mL/min, 24.8% with prior stroke, 29.2% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 95.3 kg 15 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for “typical” patient with normal renal function: 64 years old, CrCL of 100 mL/min, 24.8% with prior stroke, 29.2% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 95.3 kg 16 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for a “typical” patient with either normal or mild renal function. Mild Renal Function: 74years old, CrCL of 64.2 mL/min, 30.4% with prior stroke, 29.1% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 78 kg 17 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for a “typical” patient with either normal or mild renal function. Mild Renal Function: 74years old, CrCL of 64.2 mL/min, 30.4% with prior stroke, 29.1% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 78 kg 18 The Probability of an Ischemic Stroke Increases with Decreasing Renal Function Analysis shown for a “typical” patient with either normal or mild renal function. Mild Renal Function: 74years old, CrCL of 64.2 mL/min, 30.4% with prior stroke, 29.1% with baseline aspirin use, body weight of 78 kg 19 Similar Observations with Regards to Exposure - LFT/Fatal Bleed Relationship warfarin – mild impairment warfarin – normal Analysis shown for “typical” patient with normal and mild renal function 20 DOSES THAT MATCH EDOXABAN EXPOSURES IN PATIENTS WITH MILD RENAL IMPAIRMENT 21 Edoxaban Ctrough (ng/mL) Exposure Matching Requires a Dose that is Higher than 75 mg Mild Normal 22 Projected Lower Stroke/SEE Rate with Higher Doses Approaching the Rate of Warfarin: Normal Renal Function Proposed dose adjustment is aimed at moving the hazard ratio estimate towards non-inferiority Analysis shown based on observed demographics and event rates for patients with normal renal function from ENGAGE AF 23 Fewer Ischemic Strokes with Less Increase in Life-Threatening/Fatal Bleeds at Higher Doses: Normal Renal Function Analysis shown based on observed demographics and event rates for patients with normal renal function from ENGAGE AF 24 Excess of Events in Edoxaban Arm Compared to Warfarin for Normal Renal Function Patients: # Events / 10,000 Patients / Year Edoxaban Dose Ischemic Stroke LT / Fatal Bleed 30 mg 60 -35 60 mg 22 14 8 -23 -17 -14 75 mg 90 mg Positive numbers indicate that edoxaban has more events than warfarin 25 Summary • Edoxaban exposure is a critical determinant for both efficacy and safety • Analyses suggest that further increases in efficacy are attainable in patient subgroups with lower exposures • Exposure matching is one viable approach for dosing in patients with normal renal function – Decrease ischemic stroke rate and move the relative risk towards non-inferiority – Life-threatening/fatal bleeding risk is projected to remain less than that of warfarin 26 Back-ups 27 ‘Typical’ Patient Definitions Descriptor Overall Population Normal Renal Function Mild Renal Function Moderate Renal Function Edoxaban Ctrough: High Dose (ng/mL) 30 27 36 26 Age (yr) 72 64 74 79 Weight (kg) 82 96 78 68 Prior Stroke History (%) 28 25 31 30 CHADS2 Score 22 15 24 30 Concomitant Aspirin Use (%) 29 29 29 28 28 Pharmacodynamics Edoxaban Apixaban Rivaroxaban Potency Free fXa (nM) Prothrombinase (nM) 0.561 2.98 (noncomp. /mixed) 0.08 1.7 (noncompetitive) 0.4 2.1 (competitive) Anticoagulant assay None Rotachrom® heparin HepTest® Concentration dependent ↑ in anti-fXa activity, PT, aPTT Concentration dependent ↑ in antifXa activity, mPT Concentration dependent ↑ in anti-fXa activity, PT (not recommended for monitoring) Response Trough EDX concentration is a Predictor of Bleeds ● 30 mg QD ● 60 mg QD ● 30 mg BID ● 60 mg BID ------ Warfarin N=230-250/arm 30 Source: Study PRT018 datasets PKPD2, SUPPAB, DM 30 Edoxaban conc. (ng/mL) BID vs. QD – Trough concentration critical 50 60 mg QD 30 mg BID 5 0 20 Projected time-course for 30 mg BID using superposition 40 Time (h) 60 80 31 Edoxaban NDA 206316 Charge to the Committee Martin Rose, MD, JD Cross-Discipline Team Leader Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products October 30, 2014 1 ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 • A large and well-conducted non-inferiority trial with a well-treated warfarin control arm • Included high and low exposure edoxaban arms and a large population PK subset • Overall analysis of ENGAGE AF was favorable for the edoxaban high exposure regimen for both efficacy and safety • If not for the substantial heterogeneity in the renal function subgroup outcomes data and related exposure data, there probably would not have been an AC meeting 2 Opinions Expressed Today • Applicant: Approve with dosing based on the high exposure regimen used in ENGAGE AF. • Statistical reviewer: Approve with dosing based on the high exposure regimen used in ENGAGE AF, and a 15 mg tablet should be available for those with severe renal impairment. • Clinical reviewer: Approve for use in patients with renal impairment only with a dose of 60 mg once daily for those with mild renal impairment. The applicant should establish the benefits and risks of a higher dose for those with normal renal function in a postmarketing clinical trial. 3 Opinions Expressed Today • Pharmacometrics reviewer: Approve with a 60 mg once daily dose for those with mild renal impairment and a higher once daily dose based on exposure matching for those with normal renal function. This dose would be higher than any once daily dose used in Phase 2 or Phase 3 studies. 4 Opinions Expressed Today • All recommendations favoring approval contemplate use of a dose less than 60 mg daily in patients with moderate renal impairment • No FDA speaker has argued for non-approval – But it is a plausible option because 4 other drugs are approved for the proposed indication, provided that one believes that • Edoxaban 60 mg once daily is not an acceptable dose in patients with normal renal function, • Recommending a dose greater than 60 mg is not acceptable without more clinical data and • Approval only for patients with mild or moderate renal impairment is not acceptable 5 Questions The questions before you today include one voting question and several discussion questions. They are focused on – • The renal function subgroup findings • The various proposals made by the Sponsor and the FDA speakers relating to dosing of edoxaban and the appropriate indicated populations and • Whether to approve edoxaban for its proposed indication THANK YOU 6
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