MCOA News October 2014 Please Circulate to Your Staff and Board Enclosed in this Mailing: • MCOA Fall Conference: Final Updated Bulletin Posted Online/ Checklist attached • Legislative Alert: Two Action Steps that you need to attend to NOW! • Job Opening For MCOA: Program Director for Technical Assistance, Training and Special Events • MCOA Announces Intergenerational Programming Training and Mentoring • News You Can Use, Upcoming Events, and Job Openings MCOA HOUSEKEEPING CHECKLIST Fourteen Things You Need to Know Before Your Arrive: 1. The MCOA Registration Desk which is located near the hotel lobby just outside Ballroom 1 and will be staffed: 1. Wednesday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 2. Thursday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 3. Friday8:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 2. The MCOA Resolution Desk is in the same area will be staffed to resolve any problems you may have with your MCOA registration. 3. Quick Orientation: The conference Schedule at a Glance is located on the inside front cover of your conference booklet and a map depicting the hotel’s layout is located on the inside back cover. 4. We need Room Monitors to hand out & collect evaluations-go the MCOA Showcase Booth located the Nauset Exhibit Hall to volunteer. Help! 5. Your meal tickets and a nametag will be issued on one perforated sheet again this year. A nametag holder is available at the registration desk. Please check that you have tickets to all the meals and events you ordered and be sure to bring the appropriate ticket to each meal/event. We request for security reasons that all participants, presenters and exhibitors wear a nametag. At the end of your stay please recycle your nametag holder back into the container at the registration desk. 6. Contact the hotel registration desk directly for any questions or concerns about your lodgings. 7. Please notify the MCOA Resolution Desk of any special needs requirements. 8. Please visit the display tables for our Sponsors, Exhibitors and Non Profit Vendors which are located in the Nauset Exhibit Hall. This space is open from 8am – 5pm on Wednesday and Thursday but will be closed on Friday. This year we are offering two “Get Away Weekends” Raffles: for the Sea Crest Resort on Wednesday and for the Sturbridge Host on Thursday. To be eligible complete the enclosed forms by getting signature from our exhibitors and return them to the Resolution Desk by 5pm on the designated form. There will be some different tables each day! 9. Wednesday’s Breakfast will be down in the Nauset Exhibit Hall as will all refreshment breaks on Wednesday and Thursday (10:15-10:45 & 3:30-4pm) Thursday and Friday Breakfasts, and all Buffet Luncheons will be served in the Oceanfront Dining Room. Tickets will be required for Thursday and Friday’s Breakfast and for all lunches. 10. Public Restrooms are located off the corridor leading to the Oceanfront Dining Room and off the corridor leading to Race Point, Highland And Chatham workshop rooms. 11. You are asked to fill out a Workshop Evaluation (white) form for each workshop you attend. A room monitor will distribute them. 12. This year we are turning again to Form Site to request overall feedback on our 13. Conference Evaluations. Expect to receive an email from MCOA Form Site within two weeks of the event. We hope you find this a valuable and enjoyable experience. Respondents are eligible for a random drawing for a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. 14. When you arrive to register you fill receive a printed copy of the Conference Bulletin (now posted for your review), a two pocket folder, a perforated sheet with your name badge and the tickets your ordered for meals and events. Check this sheet for accuracy. If there is a problem go to the adjacent “Resolution Desk” CEs, CEUs, Certificates of Attendance and Certified Education Credits for MCOA Certified Staff Are Available CE’s for Social Workers CEU’s for Nurses, and Certificate of Attendance (CA’s) for Activity Professionals and Continuing Education Credits (CECs) are available for MCOA Certified Staff. The cost is $20 for Nurses, and Social Workers and $10 for Activity Professionals. Even if you did not preregister for CEUs you can sign up at the registration Desk. The cost for CECs for MCOA Certified Staff is payable when you submit all your verification. For MCOA Certified Staff a CEC card and instructions are available at the Resolution Desk to track your attendance. The clock is ticking; Program Managers need 50 CEC’s and Directors need 75 five years after your certification date. All Workshops at the Conference are eligible for Continuing Education Credits for Certified Staff. We are still new at offering these licensure requirements, your feedback is welcomed and patience appreciated. We would like to hear from other professionals about how we can meet your needs. The Resolution Desk will have the necessary forms and instructions. Enjoy the conference! Help us save money and recycle your plastic nametag holder at the end of this event. Enclosed with the Folder you will receive at Registration will be : • MCOA Housekeeping Checklist (this document – on light green) • This year we are offering two “Get Away Weekends” Raffles: for the Sea Crest Resort (goldenrod) on Wednesday and for the Sturbridge Host (goldenrod) on Thursday. To be eligible complete the enclosed forms by getting signature from our exhibitors and return them to the Resolution Desk by 5pm of the given day on the designated form. • MCOA’s 2014-2015 Planning Calendar (turquoise): Updates will be provided in subsequent newsletters and are always available online at Please transfer these dates to your calendar to avoid potential conflicts. Registration for upcoming events will be posted online. In addition we have provided you with the current listing of EOEA’s upcoming Board Trainings and an Entertainers Showcase to be held in Connecticut. • MCOA Leadership (blue-gray) and Call for Participation FY 2015 (yellow): We will not be able to accomplish our goals as defined by the Membership without your help. Review the blue-gray document for our current Leaders and the openings that exist; and then Volunteer to join our leadership team as a Regional Representative or Committee, Workgroup or Task Force Chair. We also have openings with several groups as liaisons –Sign up now- go to: • Staff Certification (salmon): Though the current class is already underway for those who want to be considered in the future, should review the current requirements to start preparing for the process. Learn more at • NISC Accreditation (lavender): Details about the process to have your senior center accredited by NCOA/NISC and the current list of nationally recognized senior centers. Conference Highlights: At “Senior Centers 2014” we offer… Workshops: A major focus of this year’s event will be on transforming our senior centers into wellness centers with several sessions on evidence-based programming as well as a focus on the Healthy Communities initiative and the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Data Report. Overall there are 77 workshops to choose from including are also workshops on workforce development and civic engagement, outreach to underserved populations, legislative advocacy, property tax relief, ADA requirements, Elder Abuse, coping with tight budgets, elder drivers, fire prevention and other public safety programs. We feature workshops on Social Security, Medicare, and other public benefit programs as well as showcasing NCOA’s BenefitsCheckUp Program. Several sessions will focus on the mental health of older adults including hoarding and depression as well as a track on Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Scheduled workshops also include senior center design, NISC Accreditation, MCOA Certification, as well as on employee management and team leadership. Plenaries: Three Plenaries are scheduled that are the most remarkable we have ever offered. After lunch on Wednesday the session will feature Secretaries and Commissioners from around New England whose portfolios includes elder services. We want to hear of their successes over this last term and reflect on the challenges that we all still face. Thursday morning the Acting Commissioner of Social Security Carolyn W. Colvin will address the gathering on the solvency of this valuable program and new initiatives that are planned. And after lunch of Thursday Liz Walker will inspire and leave you feeling refreshed and energized. MCOA Showcase: Visit MCOA Informational Tables in the Nauset Exhibit Hall on Wednesday and Thursday- Leave your business card for a ‘special raffle’. At these tables attendees will have the opportunity to view MCOA’s newly redesigned website, learn about BenefitsCheckUp and download the MA Healthy Aging Collaborative Community Report. In addition we will be distributing information on several new initiatives including opportunities for COAs to receive funding to participate in the Aging Mastery, Benefits Counseling, and Intergenerational Programs as well as the Mass in Motion’s “Healthy Communities thru Design Project”. We will also be distributing our new calendar that will include opportunities for staff and board members including dates for our regional Protective Service and Government Regulations Training Days as well information about a newly funded grant received by Boston University to train COA outreach workers about the mental health needs of older adults and the available resources. In addition preliminary information will be available on a recently received grant to develop multicultural core competency trainings with specific modules on identified underserved populations. And finally at MCOA’s Informational Tables we can answer your questions about MCOA Certification, NISC Accreditation, the Keep Moving Program and the status of Jobs Search Services Program (JSSP). Come visit us and learn what your trade Association is doing for you. Visit MCOA’s Showcase in the Nauset Exhibit Hall. On a final note: to help implement all of these new projects and carry forth MCOA’s goals and objectives MCOA seeks to employ an experienced COA Director as our “Program Director for Technical Assistance, Training and Special Events”. Funding for this new position has been secured from January 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2017 with the continued employment “likely”. Details available at MCOA Showcase Desk. Resumes due by 10/31/15. Evening Events: Our motif this year is "Together Again, An MCOA Family Reunion." Two evening events are planned. On Wednesday, MCOA will host a casual Networking Reception, "Meet the Family", and - weather permitting - we will gather outside on a beachfront patio enjoying the scenic beauty of Old Silver Beach. In keeping with our MCOA Family Reunion motif, you are encouraged to dress casually and wear a favorite family vacation sweatshirt, t-shirt or hat. On Thursday, MCOA invites you to our Annual Membership Dinner Theater. "Family Enjoy a "Whodunnit" MCOA style! Cape Cod Field Trip: Visit 3 Senior Centers on Thursday Morning: Step on board with us as we depart at 9am to visit three Senior Centers. Each facility is unique and you will be provided with a fact sheet for each stop. Our first stop will be at the Mashpee Senior Center. Built in 2004 by John Catlin and Associates, the Mashpee Senior Center is approximately 10,000 square feet. This amazing building affords the staff the opportunity to run many social, wellness, educational and recreational activities that keep the Seniors connected to one another and help them remain independent in their home setting. We now head to the Barnstable Senior Center. Built in 1999 by Hingham-based architects Keenan and Kenny, the nearly 20,000 square feet Barnstable Senior Center is a bright and contemporary Senior Center that is made even more beautiful by the wonderful people who participate in their programs and activities. Lastly, well visit the Bourne Senior Center. Built in 2003 by Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects, Inc, the Bourne Senior Center boasts 27,000 square feet. The dedicated staff and clients who attend programs make this a very special COA with lots of shared laughter and good times. We will then return to the Sea Crest Beach Hotel in time for a quick lunch and Reverend Liz Walker’s Plenary entitled “The Next Chapter.”- You can't live with them, but you can't live without them. Or can you?" Memorial Walks: On Thursday we will hold the Jan Marble Memorial Walk, and on Friday the Roz Clark Memorial Walk, to honor Jan’s efforts for the Keep Moving Program and Roz’s contributions to East Longmeadow COA, the Massachusetts Senior Games and to MCOA. These annual events will begin at 7am and participants are asked to gather at the Hotel Registration Desk Desk. Emmett Schmarsow/EOEA will lead the walks. LOHSC: On Wednesday’s Luncheon, the Local Officials Human Service Council (LOHSC) will be gathering in Red’s Private Dining Room to network and discuss this year’s schedule. Exhibitors/Vendors: We will have over 45 vendor tables on Wednesday and 35 on Thursday set up in the Nauset Exhibit Hall. A Get-Away Weekend Raffle is available to those who collect enough signatures from these exhibitors. Online for our Members In the spirit of ‘going green’ and reducing our carbon footprint and saving money, the following documents are not included in this year’s packet but can be found online for you to down load: • • • • New Feature: If MCOA Members want a current copy of the MCOA Member Address List they should email Lynn Wolf at [email protected] Beginning in late October you will be able to log on to and go to the Members Only tab on the left- find Current MCOA Address List and type in a password that members will receive from MCOA. The FY15 Licensing Agreement with the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation. This agreement allows your center to show videos and DVDs; without it you are subject to prosecution and fines. MCOA was able to negotiate a reduced fee in exchange that we would help promote compliance. Go to If you are already a licensed holder of MPLC you will be billed directly from them. If you have questions stop by their booth at this conference. MCOA’s Bylaws, the current version was last revised at the November 16, 2012 Membership Meeting, have been posted online at Go to the left hand tabs and scroll down. 2014 Fall Conference Evaluation Form: We plan to conduct this survey by use of Survey Monkey. All participants will receive an email link to complete your review of our efforts. We strongly encourage your participation…We just want to get better! A Cooperative Venture Thank You’s: The content of this three day conference “Senior Centers 2014: Where Do We Grow from Here” is truly outstanding. We are grateful to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs and Secretary Ann Hartstein, the MA Department of Public Health and Commissioner Cheryl Bartlett, and the MA Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation and Undersecretary Barbara Anthony for their ongoing support and sponsorship of this event. We should also recognize our other New England Partners who join us again this year: members from the Connecticut Association of Senior Center Personnel (CASCP), the New Hampshire Association of Senior Centers (NHASC), and the Rhode Island Senior Center Directors Association (RISCDA) have been involved with the development of this event. Attendees should also note the generosity of our sponsors who help offset the cost of this conference. This year the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, AARP Massachusetts, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, myseniorcenter, Alzheimer’s Association of MA and NH. and Tufts Health Plan Medicare Preferred have all returned. In addition, there will be many other exhibitors and non-profit vendors in attendance. MCOA encourages everyone to linger and make connections in Nauset Exhibit Hall — each day there will be different vendors onsite. More Thank You’s: I also personally want to single out Emmett Schmarsow and Carole Malone from EOEA for their tireless efforts on behalf of COAs throughout our Commonwealth; and Ruth Grabel and Ben Wood from DPH who have also contributed to make this event a success. In addition I want to thank members of the Workshop Committee who reviewed over 140 proposals: Co-Chairs Donna Popkin and Terri Marciello, with Emmett Schmarsow, Carole Malone, Ruth Grabel, Terri McDonough, Jared Krok, Linda Kiernan, Joanne Sheehan, Jeanne Teehan, Ashley Stuart, Lauren Gray, Becky Moriarty, and Kathy Bowler. I am also appreciative of Judy Ramirez who assisted with the Nursing CE; the members of the Local Arrangements Committee co-chaired by Joanne Moore, Angela Sinnott, and Carol Boudrieau; our Room Monitor Coordinator Annmary Connor; our Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Ann Foley and our conference chair Kathy Bowler for holding all this together. In addition I wish to recognize the extraordinary efforts and flexibility of our staff: Brenda Griffin, Lynn Wolf, Paul Kingston, Mary Kay Browne and Becky Moriarty. Their hard work, flexibility and dedication is appreciated. Inviting over 600 of your closest friends for three-day event can be a roller coaster. As you pass any of these individuals at this event, give them a hug and say thanks for a job well done. MCOA hopes you enjoy this extraordinary event. There will be a time to learn, to find resources and to make connections; but let us not forget that as a trade association we should not only be about advocacy and training but we should also be about support and friendship. Reach out to your peers to vent and to listen. Enjoy this three-day conference: take in some workshops, relax with a walk around the lake, and connect with an old friend. MCOA Legislative Update: Please continue to Say Thank You “We will be depending on the legislature to support our five-year campaign to increase the Formula Grant to $12/elder by 2020. Thank them now for restoring the Service Incentive Grant, so we can count on them next time.” David P. Stevens, MCOA House Members that Need to Be Thanked- Don’t forget your own Representative! Mailing Address- Statehouse, Boston MA 02133 Senate Members that Need to Be Thanked: Don’t forget your own Senator! Your local Senator's contact information is at Title Chair, Senate Ways and Means Name Brewer, Stephen Room Phone Number Email 212 617-722-1540 [email protected] Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs Donnelly, Kenneth 413D 617-722-1432 [email protected] Vice Chair Senate Ways and Means Flanagan, Jennifer 208 617-722-1230 [email protected] Ranking Member Senate Way and Means Chair, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs President, Massachusetts Senate Humason, Donald 213A 617-722-1415 [email protected] Jehlen, Patricia 513 617-722-1578 [email protected] Murray, Therese 332 617-722-1500 [email protected] Majority Leader, Massachusetts Senate Minority Leader, Massachusetts Senate Rosenberg, Stanley 333 Tarr, Bruce 308 617-722-1532 [email protected] 617-722-1600 [email protected] MCOA: Ideas for a Thank you Campaign At various times throughout the year, it is critically important to publicly thank your legislators and the Governor for their support of Line Item #9110-9002- Local Aide to Councils on Aging. Suggestions: • • • • • • • • Conduct a thank you letter writing campaign party at your senior center; Invite your legislators to your summer picnic or ice cream socials and publicly thank them; Add a feature article in your summer/fall newsletter thanking all involved and stating how the formula grant is spent in your town; Send a letter to the editor of your local paper thanking and detailing how the grant will be spent; During the public comment period of your Select board meeting, stand up and speak out- publicly thanking all involved; If you operate a cable show, ask your legislators to be a guest and talk about the difficult budget year and then publicly thank them for their efforts; Produce a ‘big check’ with your Formula Grant amount on it and stage a photo op for the local newspaper with your legislators. Put the picture in your monthly newsletter FACEBOOK and other forms of social media are the newest and easiest way to say thanks- Post a thank you on your website and one on theirs! If you have a town chat room, make sure you mention your gratitude on it; have your board send a thank you note sign MCOA Legislative Update: Plan Your Legislative Event by January 16, 2015 The membership of MCOA has voted to pursue a five-year campaign to raise the COA FORMULA Grant from $8/elder/YEAR to $12/elder/YEAR: “$12 BY 2020”. Over the next 6 weeks MCOA will be supplying you with tools you can use including an Open Letter to the Legislature and specific talking points. In the meantime we want you to start planning your Legislative Event. This can be as simple as a one on one meeting to a full scale Regional Legislative Breakfast, but these events need to occur after election day (Noveneber 4th) but before Martin Luther King Holiday. The reason we ask you to move up these events is because the system that the House and Senate now use to develop the Ways ands Means budgets starts much earlier. By the first week in February the Chairs are already convening direct talks with the rank and file legislators to ascertain the ‘priorities’ for that coming year (FY16). We need you to start planning this event so you are ready to schedule/ implement your plan within the suggested time frame. Every one needs to participate because we will need a large bipartisan coalition to make this happen. Below are two documents that have proved useful when planning an event. Please review. If you have any questions feel free to contact David P. Stevens, MCOA Legislative Chair Vicki Lowe/Foxboro COA, and/or you Regional Rep (find your Reg Rep contact info at ) THANK YOU for your attention to this matter. MCOA Legislative Event Planning Guide Step by step Developed by Diane Cunningham, Former President MCOA-Updated by Ruth Anne Dobek, Past Legislative Chair 1. Each town and region decides whether to have one large event, multiple events, or a local one-on-one event. Regional Reps are to ensure that every legislature within their defined region is invited to attend “an event”. If a one-on-one event is planned – see #14 below. 2. If a regional event is planned, the Regional Rep in conjunction with local COAs schedules a meeting for planning purposes. 3. All regional COAs play a role in the planning process at the meeting. 4. A mutually agreed-upon date for the workshop is established. Consideration must be given to the legislators' schedule. Mondays and Fridays are the best because Legislators are usually in the district. Tuesday through Thursday, they tend to be on Beacon Hill. One of the COAs should contact their legislator prior to this meeting to determine what dates and/or days are best. 5. An agenda for the workshop must be established at this time. Be sure to include MCOA's budget request (refer to MCOA's fact sheet), information on the impact of formula grant funding within your community (refer to "formula grant impact workshop"), any other additional information and/or programs which you feel illustrate the role of COAs in your community, and any other issues on whose behalf you choose to advocate. Presentations from the agenda should be brief. The entire workshop, including questions and answers, should not exceed one hour. 6. Determine who will present each topic at the workshop and which COA will take the lead in coordinating this effort. Consider using board members as presenters. Case scenarios also add a "human" element to the factual information. Handouts are always helpful, and don't confuse the facts... Or figures!! Select an MC for the event. 7. Don't forget the task of writing letters of invitation to the workshop for the legislators. Each COA should follow up by phone with their legislator to get a verbal commitment of attendance. Remember, legislators are preferable for the workshop, but aides are acceptable. 8. Light refreshments are always a nice touch. Potluck works fine. Just beverages are also politically correct!! 9. Organize your workshop site in a manner that is conducive to presentations and discussions. The workshop location should be in an area that is quiet and free of disruptions. Avoid a busy area in your senior center. Select a centrally located site. Decide if a P.A. system is needed. 10. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the workshop to ensure that everything is in order. Be sure to introduce all legislators and COAs prior to starting on the agenda. 11. Wow them with your presentations!!! 12. Regional Reps should follow up with MCOA once the workshop has concluded. If further information is requested, be sure to follow through with it. Always phone your legislator to see if they have received the additional information. 13. Thank them in writing for attending and reiterate the message. 14. Recently many COAs have found it more effective to conduct a one-on-one meeting with their Senator and another with their Representative. We have found legislators to be more candid in a smaller setting, and each Council can speak directly as to why the Formula Grant (and the Incentive Grant) is important to that community. This is an opportunity to fully acquaint them with your operations, and you can combine MCOA handouts along with your own into a prepared packet (2 pocket folder, etc). These individual meetings are easier to schedule and can be conducted on-site or in Boston at the Statehouse. In attendance the COA could include staff, board member and even a consumer to explain the importance of state funding assistance. Ask for 15-30 minutes; if on site, give them a tour of the Senior Center and introduce them to participants. Also note, some legislators hold monthly office hours at Senior Centers and this might be something you suggest to your legislator as a way to keep lines of communication open year round. 15. All ‘events’ need to be conducted by ML King Holiday. Ask your legislators to mention to the Ways and Means Chair during their annual budget priority meeting to make COA funding a priority — specifically use the word ‘priority’. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Excepted From: MCOA Legislative Alert FY14-01A Legislative Ask This is not rocket science: SIMPLY 1. Dated: February 15, 2013 Call their office and ask he the Representative or Senator would have time (30-60 minutes) next week to stop by the Senior Center to discuss the FY14 Budget, your COA programs and services, and the needs of the constituents you serve. 2. Prior to the meeting assemble a promotional packet showcasing your center (brochure of services, a recent newsletter, annual report, town budget, etc) ALSO download our Open Letter to the 188th General Court of Massachusetts FY14 Funding Request for Line Item #9110-9002 posted at 3. Prior to the meeting rehearse your ask: "We provide these services to this # of residents; we get requests to provide additional services but have no funding (unmet need); and with additional funding we could meet that need." 4. When the Representative/ Senator arrives take them on a tour of the Center (even if they have been there before) introduce them to participants (this step is a good reason to schedule visit during a 'busy' time) 5. In the meeting also invite a staff person, a board member, and/or a participant to join you if you feel they can represent your agency and the 'ask'. This is a good time to find who is connected with that legislator (I babysat her as a kid, I taught him math in 7th grade, I campaign for her, etc) 6. Thank them for their previous support- though only 91 Representatives and 24 Senators signed our floor amendments last year (see FY13 Honor Roll posted at ) that restored the Formula Grant back to $7/YEAR- ultimately the budget passed unanimously so everybody should be thanked. Let them know what you are doing with the restored money- "How does it help you get the job done?" 7. Again thank them but say that it not enough: "We are still down $925,000 in Service Incentive Grant funding due to this recession which was also part of Line Item #9110-9002 and we are asking for that to be fully restored as well. Also the Formula Grant was set at $7/YEAR way back in FY09- it is time to increase it by ONE DOLLAR/YEAR to $8/elder/YEAR to meet the increased demand we are seeing at our centers and to address the unmet need." Notes: a. an additional $1.3million is needed for Formula Grant; and b. the Service Incentive Grant has funded all of our regionalization efforts and it has funded new programs and innovative services. 8. Stress that to accomplish both of these requests Line Item #9110-9002 should be set at $11.5million for FY14. 9. Listen understandably when they say there is not allot of money. But remind them it is about priorities and you "hope they make COAs a priority when they meet with leadership" Ask them can we count on their support throughout the whole process and will they keep you informed. 10. Be respectful and thank them for listening to your request. FOLLOW-UP with a thank you note reiterating your ask. 11. If your share that Representative or Senator with another town call that COA Director and report what you heard and advise them of any talking points that seemed to work and those that did not work. 12. Report to MCOA ([email protected]) and your Regional Representatives the outcome- go to scroll down to the fourth box and look for MCOA Leadership: Districts and Regions for contact info and definition of your 'region' (based on ASAP territories) and your 'district' (west, central, metro, south shore, north shore) If everybody does their part (30 minute meeting with a specific ask for COAs to be a priority) we can accomplish this goal but EVERYBODY has to do their part. Thank you for your time and effort with this coordinated campaign. MCOA: JOB OPENING Qualified Candidates sought for a grant funded position thru June 30, 2017. Submit Resume by October 31, 2014 to: David P. Stevens MCOA 116 Pleasant Street, Room 306 Easthampton, MA 01027 Job Descriptions for FY2015 Incentive Grant Title: Program Director for Technical Assistance, Training and Special Events Supervisor of: None Summary: The Program Director is expected to spend a significant portion of their time in the field providing technical assistance to the 349 municipalities that have established a COA. The will also be charge with delivering and expanding the range of training opportunities offered by MCOA and EOEA as well as revise and update several of our existing training manuals. Supervised by: Hours/Week: Hours/Week: Specific Duties: MCOA Executive Director Salaried position -40 hours per week Full time Salary Position Under the supervision of the MCOA Executive Director, this position will: 1. Coordinate with each of our six Work Groups to set a statewide training date(s) to meet the needs of said group: Outreach, Wellness, Programming, New Directors, Volunteer Coordinators, and COA Board; 2. Review, update, and or create training manuals for each of these work groups; 3. Coordinate MCOA’s Membership Meetings; 4. Assist with MCOA’s Fall and Spring Conferences; 5. Establish Regional Government Days (Trainings from state officials on Procurement, Ethics, OCFP, Records Retention, and/or CORI); 6. Establish Regional Protective Service Trainings with EOEA; 7. Oversee MCOA’s Multicultural Diversity Training; 8. Promote the value in NISC Accreditation and MCOA Certification; 9. Assist MCOA’s Fiscal Team with invoicing, tracking and auditing of agencies activities; 10. Focus on Marketing MCOA’s mission, training events, and other objectives to our members and the public at large; 11. Oversee the needs of MCOA’s Regional Affiliates; and 12. Coordinate other trainings events as they arise. P:2 Job Opening for Program Director for Technical Assistance, Training and Special Events Requirements: Compensation: Time Frame: B.A. with a significant employment history i n the M assa chuse tt s’ Council on Aging network i s required. Individuals that have built or renovated a senior center, passed MCOA Certification and/or been awarded NISC Accreditation are preferred. Candidate should have a strong background in event planning, marketing, fiscal management and have a through knowledge of Massachusetts elder care continuum. Must be highly motivate d an d orga nized. Computer literacy and travel required. Salary Range $60,000- $75,000 with a generous benefit package Grant Funded Position –ends June 30, 2017 10 MCOA Announces Intergenerational Programming Training and Mentoring MCOA and Bridges Together are partnering together this year to coordinate and increase intergenerational efforts across Massachusetts so that older adults may have greater social inclusiveness within their community life. Bridges Together Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose founder and executive director, Andrea Fonte Weaver, has been dedicated to promoting intergenerational relationships for over two decades. Get involved this year! • • • • • • • • Stop by the MCOA exhibit booth at the Conference and meet Andrea. Sign up for the Bridges Together newsletter to stay abreast of all the opportunities this year. Bridges Together Attend IG Lunch, Learn & Network meetings across the state to exchange Founder and information with peers about what is going on in the IG field and how you might Executive Director replicate it. During the fall and winter, share your IG efforts with the Bridges Together team so Andrea Weaver that we may document them in a new IG Resource Center. During the Spring of 2015, attend a one-day boot camp to receive professional development training about what intergenerational programs are, why we need them, and how to create them. Plan to create your own intergenerational opportunities next year! Following this service year, MCOA has arranged to provide funding for more communities to implement IG programs and also for 15 Center leaders to participate in an IG Leadership Academy to receive professional development on implementing their ideas for local IG programming. Find out more about Bridges Together and collaborating with Andrea by speaking with your colleagues in Bedford, Belmont, Burlington, Dalton, Framingham, Hopkinton, Maynard, Natick, Sherborn, Stow and Sudbury. Check out the organization's website at Contact Andrea at [email protected] or at 978-400-6813. 11 News You Can Use Acting SSA Commissioner to Address MCOA Fall Conference New Thursday Morning Plenary Scheduled 8:00am to 8:45am If you’re registered for one of these workshops, please note… Friday 1-4 Fundraising Best Practices to Increase Donations at All Levels from Multiple Sources Are you planning to attend "Fundraising Best Practices to Increase Donations at All Levels from Multiple Sources" on Friday morning October 10th? (This is an intensive workshop from marketing and fundraising consultant Barrie Atkin. Designed for beginners and experienced fundraisers, participants will learn more than 50 tips, tricks and best practices, and receive copies of fundraising scripts and sample materials. Plus learn how to overcome fear of asking for money!) Barrie wants to make sure her workshop meets YOUR Senior Center's needs. Do you have specific questions or topics that you want to be sure are included? Are you most interested in best practices in Appeal Letters? Donor newsletters? Soliciting Bequests? Grant-writing? How to attract more donors? Setting up a fundraising calendar? How to ask for money? How to involve your board or friends committee? Other ideas? Send your requests to [email protected] or call her at 781788-6600. W4-5 Aquatic Exercise for Healthy Aging Please note if you have signed up for this workshop that there will not be a pool demonstration as we were not able to reserve the pool. We apologize for any inconvenience. New Workshops Scheduled W1-9 Seven Simple Exercises to Increase your Strength Today We all know how easy it is to get all the information on anything you need; just click on TV, radio, read a newspaper or “surf the web”. We can find enough information on the importance of exercise for anyone over 50 to fill a landfill. The most difficult decisions to make are what are the best exercises for members and any particular physical issues they may have. If they could find exercises that are safe, easy to understand and do not take a lot of time; they might just do them. The first step is to find exercises that are comfortable. The 12 second step is to make them safe and easy and the third step is to be able to do them in a short period of time. Most people do not want like to spend too much time exercising. Our program, 7 Simple Exercises to Increase Your Strength Today takes the first step, Strength and gives Council members an easy and fun beginning. If they start with strength they might feel differently and then they could possibly add more components, such as; flexibility, cardiovascular exercise and balance. Who knows they might even get stronger. Steve Satin, Founder and President, Satin Wellness, Inc. W4-9 What’s Left to Eat? Every day we are bombarded with information about what we should and shouldn’t be eating, much of it contradictory to what we were told a few years ago (or even a few weeks ago). Many people are at the point where they just want to give up and start eating hot dogs and Twinkies. Bill Bradley, Registered Dietitian and Mediterranean cookbook author will guide you from the land of food confusion into the delicious Mediterranean diet and lifestyle that has been shown to be the healthiest diet in the world. Bill Bradley, R.D. T4-9 Bridging the Gap to Affordable Healthcare for Seniors High out-of-pocket healthcare costs prevent far too many seniors from accessing needed care and /or affording other basic needs. Join us to learn more about what you can do to become involved in an exciting campaign to “bridge the gap to affordable healthcare.” Massachusetts Senior Action Council NCOA Program of Excellence Take a few minutes and highlight a special program at the your center organized in the last year by completing the documentation on NCOA's Website. Applications are due by October 24th Thanks! NCOA Program of Excellence Get recognized for your outstanding programs Every day, senior centers across the country offer an exciting array of programs for older adults. The annual NISC Programs of Excellence Awards honor and promote these outstanding efforts. NISC members are invited to submit senior center programming ideas that are innovative, creative, and easily replicated. Enter by Oct. 24 13 Leaders Needed CDSMP Master Trainer Needed Ethos sponsored training will be held at the Boston Public Library, Grove Hall Branch. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, October 7, 8, 14, & 15 10:00 - 6:00 pm 41 Geneva Avenue, Boston, MA 02121 A stipend is available for the co-leader Please contact Sonja Dahlberg at Ethos (617)477-6699 or [email protected] Diabetes Leader Needed Mondays, October 20th to November 24th 10:00 -12:30 pm 250 Sumner Street East Boston Please contact: [email protected] or 857 246 8815 The co-leader should be at the location one hour before to help set up the room and stay 15 min. after to clean up. October Depression Awareness October is Depression Awareness Month and Thursday, October 9th is National Depression Screening Day sponsored by the Boston-based nonprofit, Screening for Mental Health. In observance of these public health campaigns, hundreds of community based organizations, colleges and military installations worldwide will be offering anonymous self-assessments for mood and anxiety disorders at in-person events and online. Members of the public can find a local event or take a screening online at What consumers can do if they have a pre-paid funeral concern or complaint Millions of Americans have contracted with funeral homes to arrange their funerals and have prepaid some or all of the expenses, according to the Federal Trade Commission. State laws govern this prepayment for funeral-related expenses. 14 If local consumers have concerns or complaints about a pre-paid funeral, the Office of Northwestern District Attorney David E. Sullivan urges them to call the Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure at 617-7276917. In Massachusetts, if you wish to pre-pay for your funeral, the funeral director must provide you with the following: • • • • standardized contract approved by the Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing, written pricing list of the goods and services they offer before showing you the caskets, itemized costs associated with the funeral and burial and explanation of what will happen if they go out of business or if their funeral home is sold For more information about Massachusetts pre-paid funeral arrangements, please visit: Division of Professional Licensure - information on Pre-Need Funeral contracts and arrangements The Federal Trade Commission urges consumers to carefully consider the following questions before entering into a pre-paid funeral agreement: ● What are you are paying for? Are you buying only merchandise, like a casket and vault, or are you purchasing funeral services as well? ● What happens to the money you paid? States have different requirements for handling funds paid in advance for funeral services. ● What happens to the interest income on money you pay? ● Are you protected if the firm you dealt with goes out of business? ● Can you cancel the contract and get a full refund if you change your mind about the items you bought or the arrangements you made? ● What happens if you move or die while away from home? Be sure to tell your family about the plans you made; let them know where the documents are filed. If your family isn't aware that you made plans, your wishes may not be carried out. And if family members don't know that you prepaid the funeral costs, they could end up paying for the arrangements too. DA Sullivan's office recommends consumers inform themselves before entering into a pre-paid funeral contract by reading the following publications: Federal Trade Commission Shopping for Funeral Services booklet Consumers Guide to Planning a Funeral sheet Educational Workshop Alzheimer's Disease & Creative Engagement This workshop is designed to reach program staff, caregivers and family members through a screening of the visionary film, I Remember Better When I Paint, with a follow up discussion exploring core concepts for creative engagement. The film, narrated by 98 year old Olivia deHavilland, is the first international 15 documentary which looks at the efficacy of the arts for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The ideas inherent in this documentary touch at the heart of what many seniors need- connection and creative outlets for communication and self expression- in face of the isolation and loss that often accompanies aging, disability, or living in an institutional or home setting with limited creative supports. The facilitated discussion after the workshop opens the door to inspiring new and energizing ideas and possibilities for those involved in providing daily programs to seniors. To learn more and view a short video clip, visit The workshop is being offered by Peggy Cahill, Massachusetts Program Coordinator for ARTZ (Artists for Alzheimer's) for three years and now an independent community educator developing museum art and culture programs for underserved seniors at Cape Ann Museum, Wenham Museum and MFA Boston. If you are interested in bringing this initiative to your community, please contact Peggy at 781-424-3807 or by email: [email protected]. ***Participants Wanted for Research Study*** Dr. Laura Hsu, Assistant Professor of Education at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA, is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on manual dexterity (in conjunction with Harvard). • • • • • Eligibility: Must be 70 years or older and be right hand dominant. Time Commitment: About 2 hours per week for 4 weeks. A portion of the study will be completed from home. Tasks: Completing questionnaires, cognitive tests, physiological measures (blood pressure, pinch and hand grip strength, and vision), and either writing or reading from magazines you will get to keep. Compensation: Participants will receive $20 cash, a free magazine, and an optional cognitive performance report upon completion of the study. Location: Researcher can visit your home or the study can be done at the local library, Merrimack College, or Harvard University. Interested? Please contact Dr. Hsu at (617) 773-7198 , or [email protected]. Leaders Needed Diabetes Self-Management Program September 18 - October 23 from 9:30 - 12:00 Attleboro Council on Aging 25 S Main St Attleboro Please contact Madeline at [email protected] Chronic Disease Self-Management October 20 - November 24 from 12:30 - 3:00 Methuen Housing 24 Mystic St, Methuen 16 Please contact Kathryn at [email protected] Matter of Balance October 2 - November 20 from 12:30 - 2:30 Cameron Senior Center 20 Pleasant St, Westford Please contact Kathryn at [email protected] Upcoming Leader Training Tomando Leader Training October 23, 24, 30, & 31 from 9:00 - 4:30 Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley 280 Merrimack St, Lawrence Please contact Kathryn at [email protected] Property Tax (Senior Tax) Work-off Program: Eligibility, Income, etc. questions July 2014 Q: I am trying to confirm that gross Income from all sources is the figure used to determine income eligibility for the tax work off program. Even though people do not have to pay taxes on their Social Security income, that gross figure should still be counted with any other gross income to determine their eligibility, not the adjusted gross income that appears on their 1040 form. Please confirm or correct my understanding of this right figure to use. A: There is no income requirement for eligibility in the work-off program unless the town establishes one. Re reporting of the abatement as income to the IRS - it is the amount of the abatement that is considered reportable - plus whatever the person normally reports as income to the IRS. See the attached guidelines from the MA DOR. January 2014 Q. I am looking for some information about 1099 versus W2 for Senior Workers in the Tax Work-Off Program. [Our town] wants this to be done in accordance with IRS rules so we can open this program up for more participation. A. Towns sometimes handle this differently although all should be in compliance with the IRS. 17 Below are links to the IGR (DOR's guidelines release) and also a clear explanation that Westford has shared online at (see property tax relief) or click here Also see... MA DOR Guideline Release: at The amount by which a person's property tax liability is reduced in exchange for the volunteer services shall not be considered income, wages or employment for purposes of taxation as provided in chapter 62, for the purposes of withholding taxes as provided in chapter 62B, for the purposes of workers' compensation as provided in chapter 152 or any other applicable provisions of the General Laws. While providing such volunteer services, that person shall be considered a public employee for the purposes of chapter 258 and those services shall be deemed employment for the purposes of unemployment insurance as provided in chapter 151A. Excerpt from Westford's Veteran's Property Tax program: Under IRS regulations, any individual participating in the Veterans Work Program which provides a reduction in property tax in return for services must have federal and Medicare taxes withheld. The Town of Westford is a municipal employer, we do not deduct Social Security but are required to withhold OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act), a retirement withholding of 7.5% of all earnings. A Veterans Tax Work program participant may request a refund of all of the monies contributed to your account once you cease to be employed by the town. When you completed your hours and receive your tax write off you may resign from the program. COA upon receiving written notice of resignation will then forward the same to HR and they will trigger a termination of your OBRA active status. The (ex) employee then must submit the OBRA request for distribution directly to Great West Retirement Services for their OBRA refund. CDSMP Leaders Needed Chronic Disease Self-Management Leaders Needed Mondays, October 20 - November 24 from 12:30 - 3:00 Methuen Housing 22 Mystic St, Methuen Please email: [email protected] Matter of Balance Coaches Needed Thursdays, October 2 - November 20 from 12:30 - 2:30 Cameron Senior Center 20 Pleasant Street, Westford Please email: [email protected] Chronic Pain Master Trainer Needed Tuesday October 21 & Wednesday October 22, 2014 from 8:30 - 4:30 Old Colony Elder Services 144 Main Street, Brockton Please email: [email protected] 18 HLCE Leaders Needed Matter of Balance Coach Needed Cameron Senior Center in Westford 20 Pleasant St, Westford October 2 - November 20 from 12:30 - 2:30 Please contact Kathryn if you are able to lead this workshop [email protected] or 978-946-1211 Chronic Disease Self-Management Leader Needed Methuen Housing 24 Mystic Street, Methuen October 20 - November 24 from 12:30 - 3:00 Please contact Kathryn if you are able to lead this workshop [email protected] or 978-946-1211 Chronic Disease Self-Management Leader Needed Northern Essex Community College 360 Merrimack Street, Building 9, Entry K, 3rd Floor, Lawrence October 3- November 6 from 9:30 - 12:00 Please contact Kathryn if you are able to lead this workshop [email protected] or 978-946-1211 Diabetes Self-Management MetroWest YMCA 280 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham Wednesdays October 1 - November 5 from 9:30 - 12:00 A $250 stipend will be provided Please contact Kathryn if you are able to lead this workshop [email protected] or 508-573-7295 Registration is now open for the 2014 CMS National Training Program Workshops What we are presenting this year: • Both high-level and detailed information about key aspects of the Medicare program • A half-day basic track for those who are new to Medicare or who want a refresher • A "Current Topics" session to raise awareness of program changes • An update on the new Health Insurance Marketplace • Casework exercises • Medicare training modules and workbooks • Networking opportunities with CMS staff and other partners who share your commitment Registration: Online and fax registration is available at: As always, there will be no charge to you for the training. Registration requests will be considered on a first come, first served basis until each workshop reaches capacity. You will be notified via email within 72 business hours of your submission regarding your registration status. 19 Upcoming Events Events listed in Chronological Order REGISTRATION STILL OPEN October 8-10, 2014 MCOA Annual Fall Conference Sea Crest Resort and Conference Center, Falmouth, MA Register Now Registration Instructions and Checklist Print Registration Form Please use online or print registration. You do not need to do both. Conference Bulletin Conference At A Glance Plenary Sessions Cape Code COA Tour Hotel Booking Sea Crest Revised Reservation Policy Sponsor, Exhibitor and Vendor Information Packet Hoarding Disorder - Unique Learning Opportunity The speakers for our next Community Group are members of our Peer Support Team. This is a unique opportunity to develop a better understanding of the complexities of living with hoarding disorder and learn from those with lived experience what works and what doesn't work in regards to support, approaches, and treatment. A question and answer period will follow along with the opportunity to meet with other Peer Support Team members. Please feel free to post and forward this information. You are welcome to bring others with you, an RSVP is very helpful but not required. When: Friday, October 10, 2014, 10:30am-12:00pm Where: North Shore Elder Services 300 Rosewood Drive Suite 200 Danvers, MA 01923 See flyer for additional information. 20 Massachusetts Gerontology Association TIME TO REGISTER Fall Policy Forum AT GROUND LEVEL: Massachusetts Cities and Towns Respond to Changing Demographics Friday, October 24, 2014 9:30 (REGISTRATION) - 1:00pm (LUNCH INCLUDED) deWitt Auditorium, Lasell College, Newton MA ON-LINE REGISTRATION Hosted by the RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, Lasell College Designing the Future of Senior Living Mass-ALFA Conference & Tradeshow Thursday, October 30, 8:00 am - 3:45 pm DCU Center, 50 Foster St., Worcester, MA Designing the Future of Senior Living session details are now posted on our website . Here is a sampling of what you can expect: • • • • Find out more about the impact of healthcare reform. Discover strategies to decrease staff turnover. Obtain tools to enhance emotional intelligence, and learn why that is essential to building relationships with residents. Gain a better understanding of the intricacies of advance directives. Over the past few years your feedback has indicated that it has been been difficult to hear the keynotes. To alleviate some of the noise and improve sound Mass-ALFA has acquired the South Hall in addition to the North Hall in order to provide everyone a more enhanced conference experience. Register to attend today! Healthy Living Center of Excellence Save the Date..... 5th Annual Sharpening Your Skills Conference April 30, 2015 Boston-Natick Hampton Inn Details to follow Member Inquiries Need a Pool Table? We have a slate pool table and we would like to donate it to another senior center. You would be responsible for the cost of moving the table. For more information call 774-454-8242. 21 Job Openings Norwood--Outreach Coordinator General Summary:* The purpose of this position is to perform social service and administrative work in maintaining contact with the Town’s senior citizens to assess their needs, provide a wide variety of information, and make referrals as necessary. Works as a member of the COA team and reports to the Director of the Council on Aging. Full Details Yarmouth--Licensed Social Worker- Outreach Services Sealed written proposals will be received at the Yarmouth Town Administrator's Office, Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 until 3:00p.m. on October 10, 2014for the following: Licensed Social Worker- Outreach Services Full specifications may be obtained via email to: [email protected] or at the Yarmouth Senior Center. The Town of Yarmouth reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informality and to make the award as may be determined in the best interest of the Town. More details Westport--Council on Aging Director The Town of Westport is seeking applications for the position of Director for the Council on Aging. This position provides leadership, staff supervision and responsibility for daily operations to a busy Council on Aging including a Social Day program in a rural Massachusetts town. Experience in a multi-disciplinary environment, grant writing, contracts, budget preparation and oversight, excellent oral and written communications and excellent organizational skills required. Ability to set priorities, meet deadlines and be flexible in a fast paced environment also necessary. Minimum BA/BS in human services, social work or gerontology, plus three years managing programs and supervising employees in an organization focused on older adults. Salary negotiable. Send resume and letter of interest by email to: [email protected]. Deadline is Thursday, October 30, 2014. AA/EOE 22 Abington--Outreach Coordinator The Town of Abington seeks applicants for the position of Outreach Coordinator. This is a part-time 19.5 hours per week position with no benefits. Job Description: Able to provide professional and direct social services work to the community's elder citizens; informs senior citizens of the health, welfare assistance, and support programs available; coordinate efforts with other social and public safety agencies; develop programs to serve the elderly through volunteers or other agencies; handle crisis intervention for the elderly as needed. Be able to maintain strict confidentiality in all dealings; have good interpersonal and communication skills; have strong computer skills and ability to multi-task. Visit homebound elder clients in their homes as necessary; Ability to meet deadlines and be flexible in a fast-paced environment; Maintain client records, prepare monthly reports. Minimum qualifications preferred are Associate's degree in social work, psychology, gerontology or similar background, with two years' experience working with the elderly and SHINE Certified. CORI and driver's license required. Send cover letter along with resume to: Suzanne Djusberg, Director Abington Council on Aging 441 Summer St Abington, MA 02351 [email protected] Clinton--Executive Director The Clinton Council on Aging (C.O.A.) requests interested individuals to apply for the position of Executive Director of the Clinton Senior Center. The C.O.A. is searching for a dedicated and dynamic person with the capacity to successfully initiate, implement manage and coordinate the operations, personnel, programs, and activities of the Clinton Senior Center. The nature of the position may require some evening or weekend commitments. Responsibilities include designing, implementing and supervising both long and short term programs, grant writing, inter-agency cooperation, and budgetary process in conjunction with the goals and objectives of the C.O.A. Successful candidates must have strong communication skills and a sincere commitment to the senior population of the community. Qualified applicants must have a masters degree in Human Services, from an accredited college with experience in the same or a related field, preferably in a supervisory capacity, or a combination of education and applicable experience. The Executive Director Position is salaried (to be negotiated with the C.O.A. and full time with a Town benefit package. Closing date is October 10th. To be considered, successful applicants must submit a letter of interest, a resume and three current letters of reference to: Bill Grady, Chairperson, Clinton Council on Aging 200 High Street, Clinton, MA 01510 Please no emails or telephone calls. 23 Rehoboth--Director - 6 month probationary 36 Hours per week Qualifications: • • • • Bachelor's degree in Social Services, Gerontology preferred or equivalent related field A minimum of three years experience providing services to senior citizens. Knowledge of elderly service programs & delivery systems, state and federal grant programs Duties include supervising of staff and volunteers, development and maintenance of COA municipal budget, management of all COA and Senior Center social service programs. Applications may be picked up at COA, 55 State Road, Rehoboth or submit your qualified resume to [email protected] by September16th 2014 Dracut--Executive Director Town of Dracut is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Executive Director of the Council on Aging. This position is responsible for working with the Council on Aging Board and staff to develop and implement agency policies and programs: supervise day-to-day activities of the Senior Center: provide grants development and management and complete other administrative and functions as necessary. Provide staff support to the Friends of the Dracut Elderly, Inc. and coordinates major fundraising drive(s). Qualifications: College/Professional degree in public administration, gerontology, community organization or other related field. A minimum of three years administrative experience in a Senior Center environment. Demonstrated experience in volunteer administration. Demonstrated experience researching and preparing proposals for funding, obtaining and managing grants from various sources. Demonstrated experience dealing with meeting the needs of the elderly through community programing. Demonstrated administrative skills including providing effective supervision. Ability to represent the Council on Aging effectively and to advocate for elders in a variety of situations requiring knowledge, negotiation skills, diplomacy and tact. Salary: $59,612.37 - $71,180.29 Apply by Sept.19, 2014 for more information please contact [email protected] 24 Plainville - Van Driver-Per Diem Plainville Council on Aging is seeking a per-diem van driver for staff member's sick and vacation days. Van carries (9) people. Training will be provided, special licensing not needed. Contact: [email protected] Chelsea--Health and Elders Affairs Advocate Salary $40,529.89 - $52,699.53 DUTIES: The Health and Elders Affairs Advocacy Coordinator (HEAAC) provides guidance, support and resources to elderly individuals and their families. The HEAAC conducts a professional assessment of the needs and desires of the elderly client and creates a services plan. The HEAAC helps locate local community resources to meet the plan and often assists in arranging the services. The HEAAC monitors and provides on going assessments and support to the family and elderly client attending the Chelsea Seniors Center, making adjustments as necessary. Provide a comprehensive assessment of the needs and desires of the elderly client. Assessment will include medical, social, and environmental factors. Prepare a comprehensive services plan for the elderly client and family members. Plan includes action steps and the resources in the community needed to carry out the recommendations in the plan. Assist the client and/or family members with determining eligibility for assistance and resources. Maintains effective communication among family members, resources and services, and client. Act as a liaison to families and long distance caregivers. Possess knowledge of community resources related to medical issues, housing issues, financial, and social issues for dealing with the client's care. Makes referrals to other professionals. Monitor plan of care and make adjustments as needed. Provide crisis intervention. Implements seniors volunteer work programs. Other duties as assigned. Full Details 25
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