First United Methodist Church P. O. Box 457 Jefferson, TX 75657 903-665-3268

First United Methodist Church
P. O. Box 457
Jefferson, TX 75657
November, 2014
Volume 26, Issue 11
Jim Reiter, Pastor
Paula Youngblood, Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Peeler, Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Advent Plans Emerging
The highest administrative unit of a local Methodist congregation is the Charge Conference. It is comprised of members of the
Administrative Board and is presided over by the District Superintendent or some other ordained Elder of the Church he or she designates. By mandate of The Book of Discipline (our Denominational
by-laws), the Charge Conference must meet at least once a year to
review that year’s ministry and establish fundamental administrative guidelines for each congregation’s coming year in ministry.
Given some special conditions this year, it’s worth modifying a
few distinctions in the conduct of Charge Conferences:
 When business between churches in an area are “standard”
(meaning there is nothing “out-of-the-ordinary”), a District
Superintendent may—for the sake of time stewardship, unity,
and synergy —combine Charge Conferences into clusters (in
which two or more congregations come together to be about
Charge Conference business). (Last year’s “Cluster Conferences”, for example, allowed North District churches to come
together to have a most personal engagement with Dr. Peter
Steinke as he addressed issues of congregational health and
vitality in an ever-changing world. By combining resources in a
cluster setting, east Texas Methodists were able to sit at the
feet of a nationally renown pastor, cultural observer, and
church consultant.)
 While voting at a “Charge” Conference is reserved for members
of the Administrative Board, the proceedings are open to all.
However, from time to time, a congregation may see the business at hand to be of such importance that it deems it necessary to convene the Charge Conference as a “Church Conference” (in which the “voice” and vote are open to all full members of the congregation in attendance).
As already suggested, this year provides an example of both
these options for the Smithland and Jefferson congregations:
 Members of both churches are invited to a “cluster Conference” of those churches which comprise the Marshall
(Continued on page 3)
Plans are already underway for this year’s Advent Season!
Sunday morning worship will highlight
the theme, “Come Home for the Holidays” — sounding God’s promise to meet
the deep, inner yearnings for a enduring
home… and the scriptural basis for our
finding that “home” in Christ—in faith, in
humility, with joy, through Grace!
New this year—and certainly worth highlighting in this November issue of The Spire
is a special “Hanging of the Greens” Program
during the Sunday School hour on the First
Sunday of Advent, November 30. Special
activities will include:
9:30 — Breakfast (for all) in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 — Program (for all ages) on “Memories and
Meanings of the Chrismon Tree” (with
special hands-on activities for children)
More information coming — via Sunday morning announcements, Facebook posts, and all Church emails!
Stewardship Campaign Update
Thanks to the faithful
response of so many of our
members, we are happy to report that we are well on our way
to underwriting a “balanced,”
operating budget for 2015—a
budget that represents significant growth in the support of
members, a budget that represents a significant growth in our
support of God’s ministries in
and through First United Methodist Church, Jefferson! As the
chart on page 3 suggests, there is the need to do some trimming of
the “dream” budget first proposed by the Finance Committee in
September. Still, the are grounds for real celebration—as project(Continued on page 3)
“Making God’s Love Real in Marion County!”
From the Pastor’s Desk...
Editor’s Note:
A standard Charge Conference report each year is the “Report of the Pastor.” In addition to it’s “audit” of the
Church rolls, it requires that “Pastor... give a report on the state of the church and an account of [his/her] pastoral ministry as it relates to (¶ 340 [of the Discipline]): providing support, guidance, and training to the lay membership in the
church; ministering within the congregation and to the world; and administering the temporal affairs of the congregation. Include as a part of the report a statement outlining the pastor's program of continuing education and spiritual
growth for the past year and plans for the year to come (¶ 350.1)
Rev. Bill Taylor, District Superintendent of the North District of the Texas Annual Conference; and
Members of the Smithland and First, Jefferson United Methodist Congregations
From: Dr. James H. "Jim" Reiter
Date: October 12, 2014
Re: Pastor's Report to the Annual Charge Conferences of Jefferson and Smithland UMCs
[A Prefacing Note:
A separate report is on file—reflecting 2014 Continuing
Education and Spiritual Formation activities I have been a
part of this year, including:
 bi-monthly participation in a "Courage to Lead" program
(through Parker Palmer's "Center for Courage and Renewal"),
 participation in a Conference "REFRESH Retreat" (for clergy celebrating service anniversaries in the Conference),
 involvement in a year-round clergy peer accountability
group, and
 ongoing coaching-mentoring work with Rev. Gerry Desobe
in Houston).]
"And Are We Yet Alive?," the old hymn asks. It's a fundamental and traditional song surrounding many Methodist Conference
gatherings immemorial—raising questions of our vitality, both
physically and spiritually.
On behalf of the United Methodists of the Smithland and First,
Jefferson congregations of the North District of the Texas Annual
Conference, it is my real joy and honor to respond to this question with a hearty "Yes!" and "Amen!"
 Note the growth of membership [since last year's November
Charge Conference reports]: 8 new members in Jefferson
(including 6 confirmands [coming by Profession of Faith in
May]) and 5 in Smithland (including one Senior High youth
coming by profession of his faith in Christ just a few weeks ago).
 Note the “fiscal maturity" of each congregation: both congregations paying 100% of their apportionments by mid-year (the
Jefferson Church doing so in April [the earliest in recent
memory], the Smithland Church gifting each of the four FUMC,
Jefferson Seniors with $1,000 college scholarships, the Jefferson Church working for and living within a 2014 "balanced"
budget (which has them witnessing a year-to-date surplus of
$25,000 in the bank—another high point in recent and not-sorecent memory),...
 Note the sense of outreach in each congregation: both Churches
doing their part to support the ecumenical "Blessings of Grace
Food Pantry" (housed at the Jefferson Church), the Smithland
Church going the second (and third) mile to take care of a community family in the wake of a tragic car accident,...
 Note the involvement of both churches in ecumenical
Page 2
efforts (with other area churches) through support of the Marion County Ministerial Alliance and the "Blessings of Grace Food
 Note ongoing efforts in nurture-study: Sunday School for all
ages (most Sundays in Smithland), Sunday School and Tuesday
Bible Study in Jefferson.
All of this is not to suggest that there aren't struggles. That, in
fact, is part of the verdict that both congregations are very alive
— as they, each in their own way, continue about conversations
of their next chapters in ministry — seeking to discern and define
how they might more actively engage the needs of their neighbors and neighborhoods. Jefferson has been actively about such
work through its "Acts 2:17" work — employing material from
consultant Will Mancini (cf., Church Unique) to discern the overlap between community needs, church resources (tangible and
intangible), and the passion-esprit of church leaders. Further,
there’s been the hard work of discerning what they might practically and reasonably do in that defined "area of convergence."
(A plan [to be presented to this year's Church Conference for approval] to engage the entire community/county in a "Discovery
Symposium" next year represents first efforts to address the
needs of the socio-economic impoverished of the area. Insights
and partnerships arising from this symposium will provide the
basis for a fuller definition of additional ministry plans in the coming year.) In less structured, but still obvious ways, the Smithland
congregation has been about deliberate attempts to address the
question(s) of what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ and
to serve the larger community of which they are a part.
Altogether, then, there's a real sense of "Jesus being alive"
and "Jesus informing (and challenging) our lives" in both congregations!
As important, there are the ways that the lives of these congregations have fueled my own life and living — both as a Pastor
and as a disciple. It is perhaps the affirmation in ministry of which
I am most proud of after all these years: the regular visitors to the
Smithland Church who said something to the effect that "he
treats us with dignity and respect... and doesn't look down on
us!" It is, in fact, a mutual feeling. For, I, too, even amidst my
“Making God’s Love Real in Marion County!”
(From the Pastor, continued from page 2)
ongoing "growing edges," have felt (from both congregations) a
real acceptance and appreciation — in ministry, in life and living —
that I have found most healing and invigorating!**
In these climates of mutual appreciation and Grace, we are —
in and through Christ — very much alive... and Jesus is very much
alive — in and through us! We are celebrating life and giving life
— even as we are about the important questions of what we
might do to grow in internal vitality and external relevance to the
larger communities which surround us.
I am sincerely grateful for the honors of getting to be their
Pastor and of being in ministry with them!
(Stewardship Campaign, continued from page 1)
ed income (including the “estimates of giving” from members)
is up by $16,000 (or 12%) over last year. Further, by the time
we add the surplus of nearly $25,000 accrued above and beyond expenses this year, there’s good reason to believe we can
faithfully meet all commitments in the coming year—
proceeding with dreams in ministry otherwise!
You’re encouraged to pray for the Finance Committee and
the Administrative Board as they work towards that final, balanced budget for 2015—and as they continue to be faithful
stewards of all that God has entrusted to us as a Faith Family!
Summary: Proposed 2015 Income & Expense
Projected 2015 Income (as of 10-30-14)
**While not an overwhelming feature of this year's work, it is nonetheless worth noting that, with permission of the Pastor-Parish Relations
Committee of both congregations, I served for several months
through this Fall as an adjunct professor at Wiley College—teaching
one Tuesday-Thursday course, "An [Introductory] Survey of Philosophy and Religion." It has been among this year's "growing edges"—
helping me to answer [in the negative, I might add] whether I wanted
to pursue a fuller career in higher education. Among other things, it
has been just one more way the Jefferson-Smithland congregations
have supported and affirmed me in my growth and development!
31 “Estimate-of-Giving” cards
turned (as of 10-30)
Other “assumed” 2015 giving/income
Projected 2015 “Income”
Proposed, “Dream” 2015 Budget*
(to either raise in income… or cut from budget)
= $171,000
= $16,000
(Charge Conference, continued from page 1)
“Quadrant” of the North District: Sunday, November 2
from 3 to 5 PM at First United Methodist Church in Marshall (300 E Houston). In addition to submitting standard
reports (nominations, budget-salaries, etc) to the District,
participants will have an opportunity to engage in conversations focused on Church vitality and the relevance of the
Church to the needs of our local communities.
 Special business in Jefferson (e.g., recommendations of the
“Acts 2:17 Facilitating Team” and an Endowment Fund)
demands a special Charge Conference here in the Church
Sanctuary on Thursday, November 13th. Because we seek
as broad an ownership of these proposals as possible,
church leaders have decided to convene this year’s meeting
as a “Church Conference. Other items on the evening’s
agenda include:
 An opening time of worship (with Rev. Bill Taylor, North
District Superintendent, bringing a meditation),
 A Composite Report on the “[Overall] State of the
Church” (from Board Chair, Bob Thomas),
 A Nomination Report (from the Committee on Lay Leadership, Dr. Reiter, chair),
 An affirmation of our Lay Speakers, and
 A Report from Pastor Reiter
For more information, you are encouraged to visit with
Pastor Jim... or any of the lay leaders defined in this article!
* The “proposed” 2015 budget (prepared by the
Finance Committee in September) represented a
23% (or $32,000) increase over our 2014 budget
of $139,000. “Dreams” and necessities behind
this increase included:
 $12,000 to address building maintenance
 $3,000 for a Summer Youth Director
 $7,000 towards increases in property insurance and utilities
 $2,400 for anticipated Nursery Staff
 $3,700 towards a 5% pay increase for all staff
members (the first in years)
Between issues of “The Spire”…
Stay in touch with regular news and updates
from First United Methodist, Jefferson:
 Join the “First United Methodist Church of
Jefferson, Texas” Facebook Page.
 Check for regular updates to the FUMC
Web Site (at
 Call the church office and make sure we have you email
address—so that you do not miss any of the periodic
“e-notices” we send out!
Page 3
“Making God’s Love Real in Marion County!”
With Our Prayers...
With Our Presence
For Those Who Mourn and Grieve...
 For Delta Daughrity in the loss of her mother, Eva
For Members of Our Church Family...
Milton Bass
Lottie Call
Norman & Ruby Callison
Hazel Chastain
Doug Eastham
Frances Ford Montgomery
Paul Harrell
Sarah Jones
Bill McCay
For Our Extended Family…
James Benson Jr.
Janice Blackburn
Lisa Boone
Danny Cate
Tiffany Evers
Friends at Cypress Place
Friends at Magnolia Manor
Friends at Pine Hill
Mike Hampton
Bob Hester
Alden Ho
Laura & Lori Kindel
Richard LaBell
Judith Lensch
Mildred Loomis
Alvin McDougal
Roberta McDougal
Michael McNeely
Koral Morris
Iva McLeary
Betty McNeely
Mary Alice Oatman
Morris Pentecost
Jeff Powell
Robert Swanson
Charlotte Teske
Marcey Wells
Jack Williams
Beth Patterson
Jewel Perry
Martha Ramsay
Shirlie Rankin
Polly Reed
Seth Ryan
Cindy Smith
Jean Smith
Virginia Smith
Jack Simmons
Mike Starr
Frank Stone
Joe Swanson
Tom Wagner
Charles Walker
Robert Walker
DeWayne White
Joanne Zehnder
Note: It is a joy and honor to join you in prayer (and praise!) for those
you love. Because we want our prayer list to be up-to-date,
requests will be maintained on our prayer lists for three
weeks—unless an update/request has been received otherwise!
Praising God for Those Born in November...
Nov. 8 Zack Powell
Nov. 16 Pat Taylor
Nov. 17 Sue Swanson
Nov. 18 Tammy Martin
Linda Cotton
Nov. 19 Ned Fratangelo
Morgan Wallace
Nov. 20 Paula Phy
Nov. 28 Amy Phillips
Alyssa Van Wey
Page 4
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
Sunday School
With Our Gifts...
October, 2014
Needed for Budget
(per month)
$10, 703.70
Received for Budget
With Our Service...
November’s “Sunday Morning Servants”
Nov.. 2 Leah Cooper
Nov. 9 Barbara Hampton
Nov. 16 Paula Youngblood
Nov. 23 Kathy Reiter
Nov. 30 2014 Confirmands
Nov. 2 Jackson Furlow & Caden Rutz
Nov. 9 Garrett Huntington & Zack Baldwin
Nov. 16 Jackson Furlow & Caden Rutz
Nov. 23 Garrett Huntington & Zack Baldwin
Nov. 30 Jackson Furlow & Zack Baldwin
Nov. 2 Roy & Vicki Richie
Nov. 9 Terrie Neuville & Vickie Smith
Nov. 16 Cotton Hampton & Tracey Powell
Nov. 23 Skip & Kathy Torrans
Nov. 30 2014 Confirmands
Nov. 2 Leah Cooper
Nov. 9 Kay Brookshire
Nov. 16 Lisa Barnes
Nov. 23 Terrie Neuville
Nov. 30 Joyce Rutz
[Nursery Workers are asked to be here by 10:30 AM]
Nov,. 2 Mary A. Oatman, Tina McNeely, Jean Maranto
Nov.. 9 Imogene Bass, Barbara Hampton, Jean Maranto
Nov. 16 Tina McNeely, Kathy Torrans, Jean Maranto
Nov. 23 Skip Torrans, Imogene Bass, Jean Maranto
Nov. 30 Barbara Hampton, Jean MarantoOct.
Regular Sunday
Morning Schedule
Regular Sunday
Morning Schedule
Regular Sunday
Morning Schedule
9:30 — Breakfast @
10:00 — “Hanging of the
Greens” activity
for all ages
Regular Sunday
Morning Schedule
Church “Thanksgiving”
Luncheon @ Noon
Community Thanksgiving
Service @ 6 PM
Regular Sunday
Morning Schedule
Cypress Place @ 2 PM
Marshall Quadrant
“Cluster Meeting”
at FUMC, Marshall
(3 to 5 PM)
Exercise Class 8:30 AM
Bible Study @
Noon & 6 PM
(Fellowship Hall)
Al-Anon Meeting 6 PM
No Bible Study Today!
Al-Anon Meeting 6 PM
Al-Anon Meeting 6 PM
Bible Study @
Noon & 6 PM
(Fellowship Hall)
Al-Anon Meeting 6 PM
Prayer Shawl
Ministry @ 10:30 AM
Bible Study @
Noon & 6 PM
(Fellowship Hall)
Annual Church
Conference @ 6 PM
(in the Sanctuary)
Flower Bed
Workday @ 9 AM
No Exercise Class Today!
Exercise Class @ 8:30 AM
Exercise Class @ 8:30 AM
Bulldog Football
White Oak
There 7:30 PM
Exercise Class @ 8:30 AM
9:00AM: Worship @ Smithland UMC
9:45AM: Sunday School for Adults & Children @ First UMC
11:00AM: Worship @ First UMC
in Jefferson
Blessings of Grace
10 AM—12 Noon
Ministerial Alliance
Fall Festival (Lion’s Park)
1:00 to 3:00 PM
Seeker’s Class: Join as we continue a study of Ezekiel
—using Adult Bible Study material from Cokesbury.
Friendship Class: It’s a great time to join us as we’ve just
begun a study of the book of James—using “THINK
LifeChange” curriculum from NavPress.
Church Office Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving
No Exercise Class Today!
Worship at Magnolia
Manor @ 3:00 PM
Choir Practice @ 6 PM
Worship at Magnolia
Manor @ 3:00 PM
Blessings of Grace
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Choir Practice @ 6 PM
Ministry Council @ 6:30 PM
19Exercise Class 8:30 AM 20
Choir Practice @ 6 PM
Worship at Magnolia
Manor @ 3:00 PM
Exercise Class 8:30 AM
Worship at Magnolia
Manor @ 3:00 PM
Blessings of Grace
5:00—6:30 PM
Choir Practice @ 6 PM
Admin Board Mtg @ 6 P
5Exercise Class @ 8:30 AM 6
“Regular Sunday Morning Schedule” includes:
Trustee Mtg. @ 6:30 PM
Finance Mtg. @ 5:30 PM
Blessings of Grace
Board Meeting @ 5:15 PM
Finance Committee
Budget Mtg @ 5:30 PM
Staff-Parish Relations
Committee Mtg (3 to 5 PM)
November, 2014
“Making God’s Love Real in Marion County!”
Women’s Study
Kathy Reiter will lead a
study from Sue Monk
Kidd’s When the Heart
Waits beginning November 3rd. Monk Kidd writes
of a “soulmaking” season
in her life. Her hope for
having shared about this
part of her faith journey is
that readers would be
encouraged in moving deeper into their own relationship with
God. Participants will be expected to read (and consider
through the week) a chapter weekly.
Meetings will be Mondays @ 1:30 (beginning November 3) in
the Seeker’s classroom. Contact Kathy Reiter to express your
interest and assure a copy of the book ($10 suggested donation)
will be available.
[email protected]  903-665-2679
(sponsored by the Marion
County Ministerial Alliance)
Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 16 @ 6:00 PM
More details coming!
Sunday, November 16
Noon (after worship) in the Fellowship Hall
Church will provide the meat…
Bring the “side dishes” and an appetite!
(and “Trunk or Treat”)
[Sponsored by The Marion County Ministerial Alliance]
nd Ga
Fun a
Saturday, November 1
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Lion’s Club Park
Cak e W a
Bounce Hou
Canned goods [for “Blessings of Grace” Food Pantry]
is your admission!
Thursday, November 20
6:30 in the Fellowship Hall
(Riverport is on the menu...
everybody bring a dessert!)
Bring a friend!
It’s a great way to introduce others
to the warmth of our fellowship!
First United Methodist Church
P. O. Box 457
Jefferson, TX 75657
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Page 6
Sunday, November 2