Joint Regional Assemblies Annual Conference Maximising EU Funding Opportunities 2014-2020 Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford Friday, 28th November, 2014 Maximising EU Funding Opportunities 2014-2020 This year marks the start of new rounds of EU funding programmes, which will run until 2020. These programmes include Regional and Territorial Cooperation Programmes under shared management with EU Member States and other European funding programmes directly managed by the EU institutions. The European Structural and Investment Funds are the EU's principle investment tool for delivering the Europe 2020 goals: creating growth and jobs, tackling climate change and energy dependence, and reducing poverty and social exclusion. Europe’s regions and cities have a vital role to play as the motors of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, by promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and Border, Midland & Western Region the knowledge economy, employability and accessibility, whilst also addressing the challenges of equality, social inclusion and sustainable development. At the heart of Europe’s Cohesion Policy is the principle of partnership with regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society organisations. Ireland’s Regional Assemblies are co-hosting this conference to provide delegates with up to date information on EU funding opportunities and the means of accessing EU funds. The Regional Assemblies will continue to act as Managing Authorities for the ERDF co-funded Regional Programmes 2014-2020 which will provide investment in excess of €800m over the next 7 years, as part of Ireland’s Partnership Agreement with the EU. These programmes will support the building of research and innovation capacity, next generation broadband, SME competitiveness, energy efficiency and sustainable urban development. The Regional Assemblies also host the National Contact Points for several transnational INTERREG Programmes and for the Ireland-Wales Cross-border Programme. Southern & Eastern Region The conference will be of particular interest to regional and local bodies, development agencies, higher education institutions and community organisations. The conference brings together key European, National and Regional speakers who will present the details of the funding opportunities available. The speaker panel includes those who have been involved in framing the new programmes along with those who manage and benefit from the programmes at regional and local levels. Admission is free: Booking is essential Conference Programme 9:00 Registration First Session Chaired by Mr. Stephen Blair, Director, Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly 9:30 Welcome Address – Cllr. Gerry Horkan, Cathaoirleach, S&E Regional Assembly 9:45 Keynote Speaker: Mr. Brendan Howlin, TD, Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform on Ireland’s Partnership Agreement for European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 10:15 European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Ms. Lena AnderssonPench, Director DG Regional and Urban Policy 10: 40 European Regional Funds 2007-13 - What have we achieved? Mr. Gerry Finn, Director, Border, Midland and Western Regional Assembly 11:05 Q&A 11:15 Coffee Break Second Session Chaired by Mr. Gerry Finn, Director, Border Midland & Western Regional Assembly 11:45 Regional Operational Programmes 2014-2020 Mr. Stephen Blair, Director, Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly 12:10 Inter-Regional and Cross-Border (INTERREG) Funding Opportunities 2014-2020 Atlantic Area and Northern Periphery and Arctic Programmes, Mr. Michael O’Brien, BMW Regional Assembly North West Europe Programme, Mr. David Kelly, S&E Regional Assembly Ireland-Wales Programme, Ms. Siobhán Rudden, S&E Regional Assembly 12:50 Opportunities from Other EU Funding Programmes, Mr. Robert Collins, Irish Regions Office, Brussels 1:15 Q&A 1:30 Closing Address Cllr. Seamus O’Domhnaill, Cathaoirleach, BMW Regional Assembly 1:30 Lunch Speakers Cllr Gerry Horkan, Cathaoirleach, Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly Cllr Horkan is a newly elected member to the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly. As a member of the Fianna Fáil party, Cllr Horkan represents Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown (DLR) County Council on the Assembly. Cllr Horkan was a member of Dublin Regional Authority since October 2003 where he served as Cathaoirleach for the 2006 to 2007 term. Since being first elected to the DLR County Council in October 2003 he has served as Chairperson of the Water & Waste Strategic Policy Committee and was also a member of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee. He was a member of the DLR Audit Committee and the HSE Health Forum and is currently a Board Member of the Pavilion Theatre, a delegate to the Association of Irish Local Government and Chairperson of CBC Monkstown Board of Management. He is also Chairperson of the Fianna Fáil National Councillors Forum. Cllr Horkan holds a B.Comm and Masters in Accounting from UCD and is a Chartered Accountant. Mr Brendan Howlin, TD, Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform Brendan Howlin is an Irish Labour Party politician. The Minister’s political career has spanned over 30 years to date and he has represented the people of Wexford as a Teachta Dála (T.D.) since 1987. During his career he has served respectively as Leas-Cheann Comhairle, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Health. In 2011, he was appointed Ireland’s first Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, with the eponymous Department being established formally by statute in July of the same year. The Minister is charged with controlling public expenditure and ensuring the necessary reforms in how the public service works. Ms Lena Andersson-Pench, Director DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Brussels Lena is since August 2014 Director for Territorial Co-operation, Macro-regions and North -West Europe in DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission. She is an economist, was previously the Audit Director in the same DG and has been working on Cohesion Policy matters since 2000. She has a background in economic, budgetary and audit field and has held different management positions in the European Commission services during the last fifteen years. In 1995 she joined the cabinet of the first Swedish Commissioner, Mrs Gradin after having served as Financial Counsellor at the Swedish delegation in Brussels during EU membership negotiations. Speakers Mr Gerry Finn, Director, Border Midland & Western Regional Assembly Gerry Finn commenced as Director with the Regional Assembly in 2000. He is responsible for the overall management and direction of the Assembly and the Regional Operational Programme. Gerry had responsibility for managing the first Regional Operational Programmes under the National Development Plan 2000-2006 and the Assembly has been designated by the Government to be the Managing Authority for the BMW Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013. As Director of the Assembly Gerry is also involved in the Peace III Ireland/Northern Ireland Programme and is the contact point for the EU Interreg Transnational Programmes, Northern Periphery and Atlantic Area. Gerry holds a Masters in Rural Development from the National University of Ireland, Galway Mr Stephen Blair, Director, Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly Appointed inaugural Director of the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly when it was established in 2000. Responsible for managing Structural Funds Regional Operational Programmes for successive programming periods 2000-2006 and 2007-13. Chair of these Programme Monitoring Committees. The Assembly is also the designated Managing & Certification Authorities for a maritime cross-border programme with Wales. Represents Ireland on a number of Monitoring Committees for European Territorial Co-operation Programmes. Prior to taking up his current post, Stephen worked for many years in the Planning Service in Local Government in Ireland, including the 1990’s as Waterford City Planning Officer. A graduate of both Trinity College Dublin, and University College Dublin Stephen holds Masters Degrees in both Planning and Public Management. Mr Michael O Brien, Programme Liaison Officer, Border, Midland & Western Regional Assembly Michael commenced employment with the BMW Regional Assembly in June 2002 and is responsible for managing EU programmes within the region. He is Project Manager for two EU Transnational Innovation and Marine Projects ‘TESLA’ and ‘Marnet’ worth a combined total value of €5.1m. The Assembly is Lead Partner for both projects. He also acts as National Contact Point for two Interreg Transnational programmes – the Atlantic Area and Northern Periphery Programmes. In this context, he is responsible for assisting Irish project promoters in developing EU co-operation projects as well as disseminating information on both programmes in Ireland. Speakers Mr David Kelly, Assistant Director, Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly David commenced with the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly in 2001 as a Programme Executive and was appointed Assistant Director in 2008. He is responsible for managing EU Structural Funds Regional Operational Programmes, is Managing Authority for the Ireland-Wales maritime crossborder Programme and co-chairs the Ireland Wales Programme Project Steering Committees. He also represents Ireland on the North-West Europe European Territorial Cooperation Programme Monitoring Committee and on the Programme Preparation Group for the 2014-2020 period. Prior to his employment with the Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly David worked for a number of years with the Local Development Company in Westmeath which was responsible for the LEADER Programme. He is an Agricultural Science Graduate from UCD. Ms Siobhán Rudden, Development Officer, Ireland-Wales Territorial Programme Siobhán Rudden has been a Development Officer for the Ireland Wales Programme 2007-13 since June 2008. Her role involves encouraging and assisting with the development of project applications to the Programme and providing ongoing support to the Irish project partners after approval. She is also involved in the preparation of the Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme 2014-20. Prior to her current post, she managed various EU-funded projects through the European Information Centre network which was coordinated by Directorate General Enterprise and Industry. Siobhán holds a BA in History and Politics and a Master’s Degree in European Studies, both from University College Dublin. Mr Robert Collins, Head of Office, Irish Regions Office, Brussels Mr Robert Collins is Head of Office at the Irish Regions Brussels Office, Belgium. He has held this position since May 2000, when the office was established to provide support to the Irish members of the Committee of the Regions and to brief Irish regions on EU policy developments and funding opportunities. He holds a BA in Geography and a Master’s Degree in Regional and Urban Planning. Previous to his current position Robert was Policy Officer with the Dublin Regional Authority, Project Co-ordinator with the Rural Dublin LEADER Planning Group and Researcher with the Service Industries Research Centre, UCD. Speakers Cllr Seamus O’Domhnaill, Cathaoirleach, BMW Regional Assembly Educated at PCC Falcarragh & University of Limerick. Full time Public Representative. First Elected in 2009 and again in 2014 to Donegal County Council where he topped the Poll in the Glenties Electoral Area on both occasions. A native Irish Speaker, Chairman of CLG Chloich Cheann Fhaola and is deeply involved in many aspects of his Community. Sat on the Planning & Economic Development as well as the Water & Environment SPC and served as a Director of the Donegal County Enterprise Board from 2009 to 2014. He is particularly interested in addressing the imbalance which exists between the East & West of Ireland in Infrastructure, employment, public services and the standard of living. Conference Location Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford GPS Position: 6°30'23"W, 52°21’17" N-6.5066500 , 52.3548000 Booking Form BMW and S&E Regional Assemblies Joint Annual Conference 2014 (Please complete and return to Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly by email, fax or post) Name of delegate(s): _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of organisation: ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ Where did you hear about the conference: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ No. of delegate(s) attending lunch: _____________________________________ (The conference is free of charge, lunch will be provided) Booking is open until Friday 14th November. You can make your booking on the Regional Assembly websites ( or or or by email to [email protected] or download this form and post it to: Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly, Assembly House, O’Connell Street, Waterford. For enquiries please contact: Karen Coughlan ([email protected] ) or Oonagh Hearne ([email protected]).
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