LISO A program for Linear Simulation and Optimization of analog electronic circuits Gerhard Heinzel Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Gravitationsphysik, (Albert-Einstein-Institut), Hannover, Germany 1 LISO was originally written to simulate electronic circuits, because other common circuit analysis programs cannot: - correctly predict the noise. - optimize circuits for our purpose. The circuit topology is fixed and must be entered by the user. A circuit can consist of resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers and voltage-feedback op-amps. LISO performs a small-signal AC analysis. LISO was then extended to include: - The computation of bode diagrams from poles and zeroes. - The frequency response of digital filters - A powerful FITTING function for all these computations LISO was written in C on UNIX systems. It is available for Linux, and DOS/Windows. Versions for Sun/solaris, IBM/AIX etc. are available on request. There is a manual available (PDF, ≈ 65 pages). The very latest extensions are not yet included in the manual, but described in a README file. LISO will analyze the circuit in many respects (transfer functions, op-amp stability, noise, input impedance). 2 Linear circuit modelling We get: - one equation - one equation - one equation and the same and currents). Using the complex frequency (Laplace variable) s = iω = 2πif: Iin = IL1 + IC1 IL1 + IC1 = IR1 for each node, for each component, for the input, number of unknowns (voltages (nout) Unin − Unout = sL IL1 1 Unin − Unout = IC1 sC Unout = R IR1 IL1 nin (nin) Unin = 1 L1 (L1) (C1) (R1) (input) nout C1 Iin =⇒ IC1 R1 IR1 R + s2 RLC Unout = R + s L + s2 RLC GND 3 Units and abbreviations Entering circuits in LISO All units used for input and output are SI units. LISO uses the following units: V (Volt), A (Ampere), Ω (Ohm), F (Farad), √ H (Henry), s (second), Hz (Hertz), V/ Hz, √ A/ Hz, V/s. These units are not entered in the input file, but used in the output. The input file is an ASCII file; one line represents one ‘instruction’. The following abbreviations are used: abbreviation G M k m u n p f meaning giga mega kilo milli micro nano pico femto value 109 106 103 10−3 10−6 10−9 10−12 10−15 Resistors: r name value node1 node2 Capacitors: c name value node1 node2 Inductors: l name value node1 node2 Example: l l1 47u nin nout c c1 10n nin nout r r1 50 nout gnd 4 First example IL1 nin L1 nout C1 Iin R1 IR1 -10 GND 45 -20 dB l l1 47u nin nout c c1 10n nin nout r r1 50 nout gnd 90 0 -30 0 -40 -50 -45 -60 uinput nin 50 uoutput nout freq log 100k 1M 1000 -70 100000 Frequency [Hz] U[nout] dB -90 1e+06 U[nout] Phase 5 Phase [Degree] IC1 A transfer function can mathematically be specified by its poles and zeroes. This is done in another mode of LISO, root mode. Root mode is automatically entered when any of the following instructions is encountered: Example: pole 1 zero 100 pole 10k 4 factor 1000 freq log 0.1 100k 1000 pole frequency [Q] zero frequency [Q] factor value ffactor value delay value 1000 Abs 100 If Q is given, a complex pole/zero is assumed. Otherwise, a single real pole/zero is assumed. factor is an overall gain factor (may be negative). ffactor is for frequency scaling. delay specifies a delay time (in seconds), which causes extra phase shift. complex pole pole zero 10 1 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency [Hz] 10000 100000 6 Fitting Parameters Fitting needs: For each parameter there is one instruction: - a model which can be a transfer function computed by poles and zeroes (root mode), or a transfer function computed from a circuit. param name lower-limit upper-limit - one or more parameters of the model, i.e. variables which should be changed and which influence the transfer function. Typical parameters are pole frequencies and Q-values (in root mode) and component values (of circuits). Example in root mode: param pole0:f 0.1 10 param pole0:q 0.1 10 param factor 1 100 Example param r1 param r2 param c2 in circuit mode: 100 100k 100 100k 10p 1u - a data file which specifies the aim, i.e. the desired transfer function. The data file can be measured data, or can be produced in root mode. 7 The data file “ex2.dat2” contains the following measured data (as real and imaginary parts): 100 10 45 0.01 0 0.001 1 10 Frequency [Hz] ex2.dat Abs -45 100 ex2.dat Phase It is fitted to a two-pole lowpass model with: pole 1.5 4 factor -10 freq log 0.1 100 400 100 180 10 135 1 90 0.1 45 0.01 0 0.001 -45 0.0001 0.1 1 -90 100 10 Frequency [Hz] man/ex2.dat Abs man/ex2.dat Phase TF Abs TF Phase param pole0:f 0.1 10 param pole0:q 0.1 10 param factor 1 100 fit ex2.dat reim rel 8 Phase [Degree] 0.1 Final chi^2=22.1193 time used: 0.122 sec Abs Abs 90 Phase [Degree] 135 1 0.0001 0.1 Best parameter estimates: pole0:f = 913.9820913821m +- 11.48m (1.26%) pole0:q = 2.9566226348 +- 227.9m (7.71%) factor = -10.6520327332 +- -277.5m (2.6%) Fitting algorithms include: (1) ‘Direct Search Simulated Annealing’, (2) ‘Controlled Random Search’, (3) Nelder-Mead Simplex, (4) Levenberg-Marquardt, (5) Powell’s method for constrained optimization. The most useful of these, (3) and (4), have been substantially improved for LISO. LISO includes features for: - limiting the range of parameters - operating in logarithmic parameter space - defining ‘dependent’ parameters with fixed relationships - different weighting options for the data points. They usually work even for difficult problems, such as situations with many local minima or up to 15 parameters. 9 Further features for electronic circuits: - Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are defined in a library. - transmission lines (e.g. coaxial cables) and transformers can be simulated. - detailed noise calculations. - input and output impedance. - stability of each op-amp in the circuit. - dynamical range of the circuit (limited by op-amp voltage, current or slew-rate) Special fitting options for electronic circuits: Basic fitting matches the transfer function. Often there are many equivalent solutions. Extended fitting finds the unique solution with the maximal dynamical range, i.e. least noise with certain requirements to the output range and op-amp stability. 10 Digital Filters A digital filter transforms an input sequence xn, which is sampled with a sampling interval T , into an output sequence yn by the relationship yi = a0 xi + a1 xi−1 + · · · + an xi−n − b1 yi−1 − b2 yi−2 − · · · − bm yi−m. (1) The filter is called FIR (Finite Impulse Response) if m = 0, otherwise IIR. The transfer function of this filter is given by a0 + a1z −1 + · · · + anz −n , H(s) = −1 −2 −m 1 + b1z + b2z + · · · + bmz (2) where z = exp(sT ), s = iω = 2πif. (3) Stability of the filter is determined only by the denominator of this equation. The filter is stable if and only if all complex roots of the polynomial equation z m + b1z m−1 + b2z m−2 + · · · + bm = 0 (4) are within the unit circle, i.e. |z| ≤ 1. 11 Designing digital filters We want a transfer function like c0 + c1s−1 + · · · + cns−n Hwhite(s) = , −1 −2 −m 1 + d1s + d2s + · · · + dms (5) The IIR filter, however, provides a0 + a1e−sT + · · · + ane−nsT HIIR(s) = . −sT −2sT −msT 1 + b1e + b2e + · · · + bme (6) The problem is to find ai and bi such that Hwhite and HIIR match as welll as possible. A perfect match is, in general, impossible. The popular ‘bilinear transformation’ is just one of several possible approximations. LISO uses its fitting algorithms to find a ‘best match’ that is often better than the result from the bilinear transformation. 12 10 180 0 135 -10 90 -20 45 -30 0 -40 -45 -50 -90 -60 -135 -70 freq log 50 4.9k 1000 100 -180 1000 Frequency [Hz] TF dB TF Phase 13 Phase [Degree] iir 10000 sampling frequency[Hz] a0 0.00000000000000000000 a1 0.01866176931701097122 a2 -0.01487189645688845145 a3 -0.01806069495995100277 a4 0.01547297081394841990 b0 1.00000000000000000000 b1 -3.37077000169530816009 b2 4.46702567017721818843 b3 -2.79924760727097821089 b4 0.70419408750318834844 dB Computing the frequency response of a filter: This produces a file ‘name iir.fil’ with - initial values for the ai, bi and - fitting instructions. Running ‘name iir.fil’ optimizes the ai and bi. 0 dB pole 100 1 zero 300 1 pole 1000 2 iir 1e4 start 3 6 freq log 1 4.9k 1000 10 180 gain[dB] 135 -10 90 -20 45 -30 0 -40 -45 phase[deg.] -50 -90 -60 -135 -70 100 -180 1000 Frequency [Hz] ideal dB ideal Phase LISO dB LISO Phase bilinear dB bilinear Phase 14 Phase [Degree] Making a filter:
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