2015 Training Calendar January 14 June Cont. Reasonable Accommodations MA PM/RSC February 17 Hands on Electrical RELCO MA MT 18 EIV 201 Advanced RI PM 18 Basic Tax Credit CT PM CT PM/RSC 4 Basic Occupancy MA PM 11 1/2 Day Fair Housing On-Site Practices MA E July 12 LIHTC File Audit RI PM 9 Fair Housing Course (FHC) 24 RI Quarterly RI E 15 Kids Day Event 25 MA Quarterly MA E 22 NEAHMA/IREM Summer Meeting RI E March PM August 11 Basic Tax Credit MA PM 11 Understanding REAC RI MT 18 RI Agency Breakfast Mtg/Training RI PM 13 8 Hour Lead Paint MA MT 24,25 SHCM 1 1/2 Day Prep Course/SHCM Exam MA PM 19 Hands on Plumbing Roto Rooter MA MT 19, 20 SHCM 1 1/2 Day Prep Course/SHCM Exam CT PM 26 COQ Submissions due to NEAHMA 26 Basic Occupancy RI PM April 7 Basic Occupancy CT PM 8 Understanding REAC MA PM/MT 8 Fair Housing Course (FHC) MA PM/RSC September 14,15, 16 Certified Professional of Occupancy, (CPO) MA PM 9 LIHTC File Audit CT PM 15 MA Quarterly Meeting MA E 17 1/2 Day Fair Housing On-Site Practices CT E 16 EIV 101 Beginner, Worcester MA PM 22 Reasonable Accommodations/504 Coordinator RI PM/RSC 16 Hands on Plumbing Roto Rooter MA MT 22 RI Quarterly Meeting RI E 16 CT Quarterly Meeting CT PM 23 NEAHMA Industry Award submissions due 16 Tri State Agency Breakfast Mtg/Training NH E 23 MA Quarterly Meeting MA E 24 CT Quarterly Meeting CT E May October 6 RI Quarterly Meeting RI E 7 EIV 101 Beginner MA PM 13 Basic Tax Credit Training RI PM 14 EIV 201 Advanced MA PM 14 CT Agency Breakfast Mtg/Training CT PM 20,21 NEAHMA Annual Conference & Trade Show MA E 19 1/2 Day Fair Housing On-Site Practices RI E Tax Credit/Fair Housing Compliance (FHC ) & 20 Gillette One Day Extensive Training MA E REAC on second day of conference 21 Reasonable Accommodations CT PM/RSC November June 3 LIHTC Determining Income MA PM 4 Understanding REAC CT PM/MT 9 EIV 201 Advanced CT PM 10,11 SHCM 1 1/2 Day Prep Course/SHCM Exam RI PM 11 MA Agency Breakfast Mtg/Training MA PM New Trainings in 2015 Coming Soon! HOME Program Training Multiple Subsidies Training (intro/beginner/advanced) Classroom Green Training for CGPM Designation 17, 18, 19 Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) MA PM 19 Electrical Awareness and Safety 101 MA MT Training Key: Property Manager Maintenance Tech Resident Services Greening Everyone 2015 Training Calendar http://academy.neahma.org/ On-Line Trainings TRACS 202D The electronic submission of resident information and vouchers to the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) has been updated with the release of TRACS 202D. While the new system is not mandatory until six months after its release, this course will prepare you for the system updates where all of the major changes in TRACS 202D will be discussed, including updates to the compliance process, voucher, certification documentation, and error messages. This course is intended for individuals with a working knowledge of the TRACS submission process and the 202C system. By the end of this course, you will be prepared to face all of the updates included in the release of TRACS 202D. Section 8 Determining Income and Calculating Rent This course provides participants a detailed study of the contents of Chapter 5 of the 4350.3 Rev-1: Determining Income and Calculating Rent. We discuss the requirements regarding annual income and the process for calculating a family’s annual income when determining eligibility. This includes an expansive discussion of earned income and unearned income, including determining income from assets. The course also covers the requirements for determining adjusted income based on allowable deductions as well as methods for calculating the tenant’s portion of rent under HUD’s Multifamily Project-Based Section 8 program. In addition, this course covers the requirements for verifying information necessary to determine income eligibility and rent. Participants are provided the opportunity throughout the course to practice their calculation skill and apply lessons learned covered throughout the course. Calculating Earned and Unearned Income, Excluding Assets: The 4350.3 Rev-1 This course focuses on the income calculations that must be understood in order to calculate income eligibility and rent for the subsidized housing programs covered by the 4350.3 Multifamily Housing Handbook. We discuss the requirements regarding annual income and the process for calculating a family’s annual income when determining eligibility. This includes an expansive discussion of earned income and unearned income, excluding assets. In addition, this course covers the requirements for verifying information necessary to determine income eligibility and rent. Participants are provided the opportunity throughout the course to practice their calculation skill and apply lessons learned covered throughout the course. This course is designed for participants who are new to subsidized housing and who currently work, or have a desire to work, at a subsidized multifamily housing site, as well as those who have been in the industry for a long time but would like a refresher. Understanding Deductions and Calculating Rent: The 4350.3 Rev-1 This course focuses on deductions that must be understood in order to calculate rent for the Section 8 programs covered by the 4350.3 Multifamily Housing Handbook. We discuss the requirements regarding allowable deductions and the process for calculating a family’s adjusted income when determining eligibility. The course also covers the requirements for determining adjusted income based on allowable deductions as well as methods for calculating the tenant’s portion of rent under HUD’s Multifamily Project-Based Section 8 program. In addition, this course covers the requirements for verifying information necessary to determine eligibility and rent. Participants are provided the opportunity throughout the course to practice their calculation skill and apply lessons learned covered throughout the course. Calculating Income from Assets: The 4350.3 Rev-1 This course focuses on the calculations of asset income that must be understood in order to calculate income eligibility and rent for the subsidized housing programs covered by the 4350.3 Multifamily Housing Handbook. Participants are provided the opportunity throughout the course to practice their calculation skill and apply lessons learned covered throughout the course. This course is designed for participants who are new to subsidized housing and who currently work, or have a desire to work, at a subsidized multifamily housing site, as well as those who have been in the industry for a long time but would like a refresher. EIV for Secure Systems Users With the mandatory use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System it is important to fully understand the use requirements of this system. Whether you are a new user or a veteran who would like a refresher, this course will bring you up to speed with all EIV requirements contained in the 4350.3 Rev-1 regarding EIV. The course will begin with a discussion on the overview and purpose of EIV, including program applicability, file documentation and retention requirements as well as a review of the controlling guidance from the 4350.3, REV-1. We will then focus on the schedule for running each report, how to interpret the report data, how to perform applicable follow up when needed, and the importance of the security of this data. We will also provide an overview of the Income and Income Discrepancy Reports including best practice recommendations on how to fit EIV into your daily workflow. The EIV Secure System user specific course will demonstrate how to access and run reports within EIV as well as maintain other requirements to ensure their access to the system does not lapse. This Secure System user version is designed specifically for those who have a WASS ID; all other non-system users will be directed to the non-user course. 2015 Training Calendar http://academy.neahma.org/ On-Line Trainings EIV for Non-Secure Systems Users With the mandatory use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System it is important to fully understand the use requirements of this system. This course will bring you up to speed with all EIV requirements contained in the 4350.3 Rev-1 regarding EIV. The course will begin with a discussion on the overview and purpose of EIV, including program applicability, file documentation and retention requirements as well as a review of the controlling guidance from the 4350.3, REV-1. We will then focus on the schedule for running each report, how to interpret the report data, how to perform applicable follow up when needed, and the importance of the security of this data. We will also provide an overview of the Income and Income Discrepancy Reports including best practice recommendations on how to fit EIV into your daily workflow. For the non-user course, we will not cover how to run EIV reports or navigation of the EIV system, but will instead focus on the purpose, use and retention of EIV reports. This course is intended for learners who do not have a WASS ID or access to the EIV system. Resident Repayment Agreements With the use of EIV, there has been an increase in the need for Resident Repayment Agreements. This course includes the times when a repayment agreement is allowed, what elements must be in the actual agreement itself as well as how to report the repayment agreements on HAP vouchers. This course will take you through the entire process from the beginning when the discrepancy was determined through the end of the repayment agreement when the resident has repaid the full balance. This course also covers how to properly document the costs and actions taken when entering into repayment agreements in an effort to recover those costs. Attention will be given to what the Owner needs to do to retain the permitted portion of the repayments they actually collect from the tenants to help defray the cost of pursuing cases. Section 8 Occupancy: The 4350.3 Rev-1 This course is designed for anyone who works at a Section 8 site covered by the HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1 and/or is responsible for understanding the rules contained within this Handbook. This is a comprehensive course, broken down into small amounts of information designed for both people who are new to the industry as well as seasoned employees who need a refresher on the vast number of rules contained in this Handbook that owner/agents must follow. This course is an excellent precursor to NAHMA’s “Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO)” course and allows participants to delve into topics covered by the CPO course at their own pace. Chapter 5 of the Handbook: Determining Income and Calculating Rent is covered in depth in a separate training (Section 8 Determining Income and Calculating Rent: The 4350.3 Rev-1), as is Chapter 9 (EIV Training). TRACS Basic The electronic submission of resident information and vouchers to the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) is mandatory for all Section 8 properties. This training is designed to provide users with a practical approach to HUD’s Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS), including TRACS compliance, best practice recommendations and basic troubleshooting tips. The class will begin with an overview of TRACS followed by an in depth review of The Monthly Activity Transmission (MAT). We will then move to a discussion of the TRACS Subsystems, specifically the Tenant and Voucher Web Query applications contained in TRACS. We will conclude this course with a discussion on how TRACS should be processed and audited on a monthly basis as well as by providing guidance on how to troubleshoot common TRACS errors. Additional On-Line Trainings Coming in 2015 Basic Occupancy This training will provide a thorough overview of HUD’s multifamily housing programs. Considerable time is spent reviewing HUD’s Handbook which governs these programs, titled Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs, which is commonly referred to as the 4350.3 Rev-1. The training will provide an overview of relevant topics and regulations for on -site staff and establish a solid foundation for material covered more thoroughly during Housing Academy’s comprehensive course on Occupancy and NAHMA’s CPO course. EIV: Income Discrepancies This course will help participants with EIV Income Discrepancy investigation and resolution. The course will begin with a review the of the Income and Income Discrepancy reports where we will focus on the schedule for running each report as well as how to interpret the report data. We will then focus on the requirements with which an Owner must comply in order to determine if an income discrepancy is valid or invalid. Significant time will be spent discussing the detailed steps recommended for determining, investigating and documenting both valid and invalid EIV Income Discrepancies. We will then cover timeframe requirements as well the recommended Income and Income Discrepancy Report workflow for both a valid and invalid income discrepancy at Annual Recertification (AR), Interim Recertification (IR), Move In (MI) or Initial Certification (IC). Additionally, we will address how an Owner and/or Agent should proceed when a tenant fails to comply with EIV requirements. Case studies will be used to provide participants with hands on experience in performing the step by step process of investigating and resolving EIV Income Discrepancies. 2015 Training Calendar http://academy.neahma.org/ On-Line Trainings Basic Tax Credits This training will provide participants with an overview of the Tax Credit Program. We will explore the governing rules, the role of the owner, investor(s) and state agency, key terms including, but not limited to, the building identification number (BIN), eligible basis, the minimum set aside, target fraction, applicable fraction, qualified basis, placed in service, as well as discuss issues relating to income limits, maximum gross rent, student status, and determining gross annual income. We will also discuss rules specific to the tax credit program, including the vacant unit rule and the next available unit rule, and what a monitoring agency expects from owners regarding documenting the eligibility of residents. Comprehensive Tax Credit Course This comprehensive training highlights the major areas of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. The course will cover Program Regulations, Unit Eligibility and Certification, Re certification, Documentation & Record-keeping as well as Monitoring and Reporting Compliance. During the course of this program you will find that all of the testable subject areas found on the NAHMA, Specialist in Housing Credit Management (SHCM) Certification examination will be covered. LIHTC File Audit The focus of this training will be on what monitoring agencies look for when they come out and do file audits for LIHTC (low-income housing tax credit) sites. The class will begin with a discussion of the information monitoring agencies request prior to coming to do the audit, including a list of units by BIN (with move-out/move-in dates of each unit) and the regulatory agreement. We will then focus on file organization and proper documentation of income and student status eligibility. We will discuss how to self-audit and when to begin this process. Students will work both in small groups and independently to audit sample files. Emphasis will be placed on issues that monitoring agencies often focus on, including incomplete applications, re-certification updates, inadequate child support documentation, inaccurate income calculations, inconsistencies within a verification, failure to maximize anticipated income, late verifications and TICs signed after leases. Calculating Gross Income for Tax Credit Site/LIHTC Determining Income The focus of this training will be on the LIHTC requirement to maximize anticipated income and what that means when you are calculating gross income. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of Chapter 5 of the 4350.3 Rev – 1(change 4), proper documentation, and making sure that there are no inconsistencies in your verifications. Significant time will be spent on how to read employment verifications, pay stubs, and work number verifications.
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