November Dr. Hal Bilbo, Interim Missionary 2014 [email protected] Helen Williams, Secretary/Treasurer [email protected] Vada Whitaker, Christian Community Ministries (910)572-2451 From Hal’s Heart He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil (Words of Jesus in John 3:18-19) Jesus said that while He was in the world, He was the Light of the World. He illumined those who listened and accepted His witness of the character and will of God. He taught from Scripture to bring new revelation and relevance. He taught by miracles and acts of compassion. He taught in stories. He taught us all on the way to the cross. Today, true believers are God’s light in the world. We demonstrate the character and will of God by our lives. It is becoming easier to distinguish light from dark as our culture slips further from its Christian roots. What a great time for Baptists to point the lost, confused, and curious to the Good News of Jesus. It is Good News to those who take Jesus at His word, but those who reject Jesus condemn themselves. What kind of light are you to those who are perishing? Let us not be distracted by today’s headlines or issues. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus. Let us keep lifting up Jesus in our world and to be draw people to Him from every corner of Montgomery to the ends of the earth. Pray for your Missionary Search Team Rev. Reese English (Calvary) Mr. Mike Lucas (Mt. Carmel) Mr. Harry McRae (FBC, Troy) Rev. Danny Vuncannon (Forks of Little River) Rev. Robert Wallace (Laurel Hill) PRAYER FOR OUR CHURCHES Week 1: WHITE CREST-Rev. Ken McRae Week 2: BETHELWeek 3: BLACKWOOD– Rev. Junior Medlin Week 4: CALVARY-Rev. Reese English PLEASE LIFT THESE CHURCHES, THEIR PASTORS & CONGREGATIONS UP IN PRAYER. THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY BIBLE ASSOCIATION is having it's first Annual Gospel Sing at the Garner Center in Troy on Saturday November 8th, 6pm until it’s over. This is a fundraiser to help pay our Bible History teacher to teach Bible History in our two high schools. Tickets are $5 in advance & $6 at the door. We have had good support from some of our churches in Montgomery County for the last three school years, but some of the churches have not participated. This is a good time to get involved and learn more about God's work in Montgomery County. If your choir or any individual would like to sing at this event or help in any way at the event, please contact us at 910-572-7907 for advanced tickets. HAMER CREEK- “A TOWN’S CHRISTMAS” will be presented at Hamer on Dec. 7th & Dec. 14th at 6pm in the Family life Center. To make reservations please call 910-439-4595, leave your name & phone number & they will call you. Please dress warmly as the temperature will be low for the appropriate snow scenes. MT CARMEL-Sun. Nov. 30th @ 6pm Hanging of the Greens. Sun. Dec. 6th & Dec. 7th @ 6pm “THE FIRST NOEL” presented by Mt. Carmel & First Baptist Church Adult Choirs. Sun. Dec. 14th @6PM Children’s Choir Christmas musical. On Sun. Dec. 21st @ 6pm the play “MISPLACED CHRISTMAS” with fellowship following. DOVER-On Nov. 12 (Wed.) @ 7pm, Blackwood Legacy Quartet will be @ Dover. TABERNACLE–will hold a concealed carry class on Saturday, November 15 @ 9am. If interested please contact Pastor Mark Harper (336-345-0859) ASAP. HOLLY MOUNT –will hold their annual BBQ fund raiser on November 8 from 11:00 until 5:30. Plates are $8 for adults and $4 for children. WHITECREST happily welcomes Ken, Christy & Gage McRae into their church family. WC has always thought the McRae’s as “ours” but it is now official as the vote to call Ken as full time pastor was unanimous. They are also very happy to welcome new members Joyce Hoover, Dwight & Jordan Honeycutt (children Rylee & Peyton) and Ken Kaczmarski. To God be the Glory! Our youth program meets every Wed. evening at 7pm The fall festival held in October was great fun and we look forward to the annual family fall day at the McRae farm. Sisters in Christ meet on Nov. 13th @ 7pm. Community meals continue at WC on Thursdays with donation cost. WC choir is beginning rehearsals for Christmas and for the MBA county wide gospel sing on Nov. 8th. The WC seniors are planning a trip to Pigeon Forge Sept 28th-Oct. 1st. Sisters in Christ meet every 2nd Thursday of the month. Impact, which is the youth program, meets on Wed. @ 7pm during the prayer service. A fitness program is being held in the fellowship hall on Fridays @ 9am. The Community Meal Site meets at the Church on Thursday @ 11am. WMU INFORMATION: Family Day is planned for Nov. 1st. White Crest recently enjoyed the movie, “God is Not Dead” with refreshments & fellowship as a bonus. Red Shoe Box Ministry-we are collecting bags of hard candy-any flavor to divide for the ladies receiving the boxes. This needs to be turned in no later than November 3rd at W.D.O.P. Our World Day of Prayer will be at 6:30pm on November 3rd at Dover Baptist Church in their Fellowship Hall. December 13th @ 12:00pm Troy First will be leaving for Operation Christmas Child to work 2-6pm. A few spots left. First come first serve. Call Bonnie to save your spot. If you have any questions please call Bonnie Kelley. Bonnie Kelley-Associational WMU Director (572-3880) PRAYER LIST FOOD PANTRY VADA WHITAKER REV. BOB ANDERSON REV. BILLY ROY SHIRLEY HALL GROVE GARY REESE LAMAR TODD 11-17-14 TROY FIRST VOLUNTEERS 11-3-14 NEW HOPE 11-10-14 PLEASANT PHYLLIS LAMBERT JAMIE HALL 11-24-14 WHITE CREST RUBY CREASON 12-1-14 CALVARY MARY JON MONROE MARSHALL NALL MONTGOMERY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION REV. BUTCH FARRAH PASTOR’S FELLOWSHIP SUNDEE WILLIAMS DATE: Thursday Nov. 13th PLACE: MBA OFFICE Dates to Remember White Crest World Day of Prayer. Remember to bring candy for Red Shoe Box Ministry. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 6pm@ The Jim Garner Center/Troy. NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday and Anniversary o these wonderful people! Nov. 8th-MBA County Wide Gospel Sing 9TH- KHRISTY ROBINSON 30TH-REV. GARY & E.V. RUTHERFORD Nov. 3rd @ 6:30pmDover Baptist Church TIME: 10:00 AM For the months of Nov and Dec. the monthly Pastor’s Fellowship will meet at the associational officeSEE on theYOU 2nd Thursday. Dr. Hal will be out HOPE TO THERE! of the office on the 1st Thursday of those months. Also the change of location will allow for better prayer and conversation. We will provide coffee, juice & snacks. 24th-REV. MARK & CHARLONA HARPER Nov. 1st-Family Day @ Nov. 8th Holly Mount will hold their annual BBQ pork & chicken fund raiser meal from 11-5:30. $8 for adults/$4 children. 2ND ANNUAL CHARITY RIDE FOR FAITH & VISION A non-profit faith-base organization that helps provide Christmas gifts for children in Moore, Montgomery, Randolph & Chatham counties who otherwise would not have any. WHEN: November 15, 2014 (sat) TIME: Registration starts @ 8:30am MANY THANKS to Hamer Creek Baptist Church for hosting our 2014 annual meeting. We felt so welcome! Kickstands up at 10am ROUTE: Starting from West Moore Elementary School Ending at Star Elementary School AMOUNT: $20 per bike & $10 additional rider— cash/check NCBM-Trained & non-trained volunteers are invited to help with rebuild efforts in the (make checks out to Faith & Vision) following locations: Washington NC, Elizabeth City NC & Seaside Heights NJ. These locations were affected by past disasters & the residents need help repairing & rebuilding their homes. NCBM will coordinate materials, lodging & food-they just need your skills. Contact Tom McConnell for more info 910-220-7715. T-shirts available for $10 ($12 for 2XL & up) if ordered prior to event. There will be a limited number of shirts available on day of Thanks to everyone who helped in getting your Church’s ACP to me. event for $15 ($17 for 2XL) We still have several churches that have not turned them in. Pre-registration: Contact Blackstone Furniture Please get them to me as soon as possible. (910)428-2833 Mon-Thur 9am-2pm Please remember to submit your VBS REPORT to the Association, the State Convention & to Lifeway. Forms are *Hot at: Soups will be served to all riders to say thank you for available online http:/bs2014,s3, support* form.pdf The deadline for the Dec. newsletter articles will be Nov. 24th. I will be glad to post your church event information to share with others. Just send the information to my email @ [email protected] or call (910) 572-2451. STEWARDSHIP AS OF SEPTEMBER 30th (MBA YEAR BEGINS IN OCTOBER) CHURCH YTD CHURCH YTD BETHEL 7,470.00 BLACKWOOD CHAPEL 3,000.00 CALVARY 3,900.00 CANDOR 6,296.37 CORNERSTONE 2,400.00 DOVER 1,089.90 EXWAY 2,088.54 FORKS OF LITTLERIVER 1,200.00 Dover Baptist Church GRACE MEMORIAL 1,020.74 2527 Dover Church Rd—Seagrove HAMER CREEK 5,382.04 Call Mary Greene for info: 910-428-9272 HOLLY MOUNT 1,500.00 Admission is free-Invite your friends! LAUREL HILL LIBERTY HILL MT. CARMEL NEW HOPE 600.00 2,834.00 14,415.46 1,200.00 PLEASANT GROVE 2,104.97 STAR FIRST 700.00 STONEY FORK 303.14 TABERNACLE TROY 1,796.00 17,991.35 WADEVILLE 600.00 WESTBROOK 500.00 WHITE CREST 922.20 The Blackwood Legacy Quartet WED, NOV 12, 7 PM
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