THE BLACKWOOD peter alexandrou Times NBN build to roll out soon Open Mon to Fri 9.00am to 5.30pm ^«ÊÖϲ ϮϮϱD®ÄZÊ ÊÖÖ͘ʽݽ»óÊÊ experience. energy. results phone peter on 0412 833 501 over 35 years experience award winning agent 8278 7470 We encourage appointments to help you plan your day 208 main road blackwood [email protected] 7OVUL Keeping the Community Informed since 1994 8278 1322 rla 226409 ^^^ISHJR^VVK[PTLZJVTH\0::<,1(5<(9@ Story on page 3 HOME OF THE MONTH Blackwood Tax & Accounting Specialising in: Individual Taxation Small to Medium size businesses CRAIGBURN FARM Corporate & Trust Accounting SALES RENTALS FREE APPRAISALS Self Managed Super Funds Phone 8278 6655 18 Coromandel Parade Blackwood [email protected] Scholarships for 2016 St John’s Grammar offers several 50% scholarships for excellence in various disciplines. Academic Scholarship examination for students entering Years 7, 8 or 10 in 2016 Music Scholarships awarded following auditions in early February General Excellence Scholarships for students not currently at St John’s by application This is an outstanding opportunity to attend a school known not only for its academic results but also the breadth of extra and co-curricular opportunities. It is also renowned for its music program. Applications close 20 January 2015, so register online now at or call 8278 0210 Success, wisdom, balance $639,000-$659,000 Built 2010. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, functional layout, handy side access. Quality fixtures & fittings. Ask about our new select Property Management service more homes for sale at Stage 2 of the 2015 Santos Tour Down Under will make its way through Belair on Wednesday 21 January - for all the details see story on page 4. (Photo courtesy of FOR ALL YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE NEEDS PLEASE CALL 8278 4222 1/200 Main Road, Blackwood (opp. Banner Hardware)93( Drawn to give back to community Willingly give their time for the benefit of others by Annie Waddington-Feather LAST month saw volunteers being celebrated all over the world on ‘International Volunteers Day’. We are fortunate in our community with the high number of volunteers that willingly give their time for the benefit of others - they save lives; support the homeless, elderly and needy; give our children sporting and life-skills experiences; maintain and improve our parks, landscapes and heritage; and take up community issues but to name a few. According to Volunteering Australia there are over 6 million volunteers in Australia, and according to Flinders University researcher Lisel O’Dwyer, contribute a staggering $290 billion to the economy, although both these estimates are thought to be on the conservative side. Volunteer roles are exceedingly varied - from being a member of a local service club to fighting bushfires in the national park. As well as working full time as a teacher for the deaf, Nicola Capon is a group leader at Belair Scouts and has other roles in the Scouting movement. She was a scout when she was younger and had such a good time, she wanted to give back. Nicola gets a lot of satisfaction seeing kids have a good time and succeed. “It’s not about having badges,” she explains. “When we went gliding, hearing kids say ‘it’s the best thing they’ve done’ is great.” As a result of her volunteering, Nicola has friends all over the world. “Training as a scout is good for younger people to have on their CV to help get a job too,” she points out. “Youth leaders rate highly on a resume and young people take their skills into everyday life.” While volunteer co-ordinator for Meals on Wheels, Annekke Jeffries started out with the organisation because she’d seen an advert calling for volunteers. “I am retired and just wanted to do something with my time for the community”. She enjoys meeting other people and being appreciated. “A lot of good friendships have come out of volunteering,” she says. “Plus as well as ensuring the elderly have a good meal, sometimes we are the only people they see that day. We look out for them and call client services if there is a problem,” explained Annekke. “All we ask for is a couple of couple of hours each month to help make a difference.” Helping keep the community safe, 19-year-old Belair CFS Brigade volunteer Amy Harris loves what she does. “It’s physically demanding,” she says highlighting her recent call out to Sellicks Hill where they had to walk along a track wearing heat-resistant clothing and dragging hoses. “I was exhausted but had a great feeling of accomplishment and working as a team with people”. “We all share a passion to help the community and volunteering with the CFS is something I can really be proud of,” she adds. “People my age should get involved; it’s very rewarding and you get a lot back.” Amy eventually wants to go into the MFS so her volunteering is giving her good experiences for potential job prospects. So as well as getting a lot of personal satisfaction, and often benefiting from personal development, volunteering is a great opportunity to meet new people and gain new skills. Plus there are also studies which have revealed volunteering is associated with greater health and happiness. So why not make a New Years’ resolution to make yourself happy through volunteering locally to benefit others and the community? To find out more, either contact the local organisation direct, or for more details if you’re not sure where your skills lie, contact Volunteering SA on or your local council. S “We gain more than we give” by Traditional Woodworks Quality Kitchens, Vanities and Furniture FERDI SASSE : Kitchen-Furniture Designer and Maker Display at Home Ideas Centre 113 Anzac Highway, Ashford email: [email protected] Bld: 214 261 Mobile 0418 814 197 *PHYSIOTHERAPY * BRENDAN WYLD + KARYN POWELL Check out our new website including information & advice on the benefits of hydrotherapy Phone 8278 7444 to make an appointment and on mention of this advert. receive a ‘No Gap’ first consultation. Offer valid to 31 Jan 2015. SPORTS & SPINAL • REHABILITATION HYDROTHERAPY • MANUAL THERAPY • ORTHOPAEDICS SPECIALIST NEURO PHYSIOTHERAPIST BLACKWOOD HEALTH CENTRE 210 Main Road, Blackwood 2 - THE BLACKWOOD TIMES Success due to volunteers skills INTERNATIONAL Volunteers Day was celebrated on 5 December and to acknowledge this very important day, the Coromandel Community Centre hosted an afternoon tea for it’s volunteers at the Orchard Café in Coromandel Valley. Some of the volunteers (pictured above) who help keep the Coromandel Community Centre running (from left): Jenny, Alex, Jodie, Bevan and Megan. The success of any volunteer program is based on mutual benefit and fulfilling roles. That’s why over 60 volunteers currently registered with the Centre keep giving up their time. They enjoy their experience and feel valued. The undeniable facts are that the Centre, like many similar organisations, could not open its doors, and run its successful activities and events without their input. But as one volunteer said, “we gain more than we give; it is our pleasure to share our time and skills”. The Community Centre not only provides opportunities for people to attend a wide range of programs and events, but also is a great facility to hire. If you are interested in volunteering some of your time, want to enquire about the programs on offer or need a space to hire, contact the Community Centre S office on 8370 6880. Enjoy music under stars OVER one thousand people enjoyed the “Wittunga Under the Stars” music extravaganza held last year in the unique and picturesque amphitheatre ins Wittunga Botanic Garden. If you enjoy being entertained last year, whilst relaxing in the wonderful backdrop of Wittunga Botanic Gardens with friends, enjoying a picnic and refreshing drink, then get your tickets to the show now. There is a limit to the number of people allowed in the park for this event and last year was almost a sellout. This community event, held annually since 2003, is organized by the Lions Club of Blackwood and offers a broad variety of quality musicians and performers including this year: * JUKEBOX : the music of the time when you were growing up; plus * LET IT BE BEATLES : performing hits from this iconic group - Let it be Beatles are quite possibly the best sounding musical tribute group to be heard in Australia. Blackwood Hire have added to their fleet ... again! Food will be available from the Lions BBQ (including salad), drinks, ice cream, and coffee from the Coffee Van, and Xavier’s French style pancakes. A limited BYO liquor license has been obtained for the evening allowing guests to bring along and enjoy their favourite beverage. While free face painting is available to help keep the kids occupied. Car parking is available at the adjacent Blackwood Primary School. Tickets are $10 per adult; child $5 or $25 a family (2 adults + 2 children). They are available from the office of former MP Iain Evans at 7 Young St, Blackwood, and Blackwood Pharmacy at 248 Main Road in the Foodland Shopping Centre. They also can be purchased on the night at the gate, or by phoning 8178 0513 or 8370 2211. “Wittunga Under the Stars” is being held this year in the Wittunga Botanic Gardens, Shepherds Hill Road, Eden Hills on Friday 20th February, and gates open from 5.30pm for 6.30 start. S OPEN 7 DAYS 5,>+PUNVº*VU[YHJ[VY» ‘bigger, tougher & heavier’ digs faster, drills faster and lifts more ... plus attachments: trencher - jack hammer post hole borer - sleeper grabber the best mini-loader around 176 Main Road Blackwood 8370 2488 Superfast internet planned for Hills residents by Annie Waddington-Feather HOMES and businesses in Boothby are a step closer to getting superfast broadband through the National Broadband Network (NBN), following NBN Co’s announcement last month that work will commence in the district on the network by June 2016. Suburbs included in the next roll out that will impact on the Hills district are: Belair, Bellevue Heights, Blackwood, Coromandel Valley, Craigburn Farm, Eden Hills, Glenalta, and Hawthorndene. “I know residents of Blackwood, Belair and surrounding suburbs have been keen to see higher speed broadband for some time,” said Dr Andrew Southcott MP for Boothby. “I’m very pleased that Hills residents will now see work begin in the next 18 months so that they will receive the NBN.” Andrew Coote, a co-owner of two Blackwood based businesses (Blackwood Tax & Accounting, and Blackwood Wealth Management) said that the NBN will provide greater functionality, confidence and flexibility to both businesses and their clients, especially to those that are utilising online services or are “in the cloud” as such. “In today’s day and age, the transfer of data is an integral function of all financial services businesses,” explained Andrew. “While it’s still early days, we see a faster, more reliable and a more cost effective internet service being instrumental to both us and our clients.” While Trish de Nieuwe who works in the area but lives in Seaford Meadows said it had been a lengthy process with the NBN roll out in her suburb. The NBN Co installed ‘fibre to the property’ (FTTP) at Seaford, which means each house had to have a box for the internet access, and every house in the area had to have the box installed before the switch could be made. “It hasn’t cost us anything to have the installation but we’ve changed our [internet] plan with our internet service provider. This has increased our cost a bit, but we have some other extras too,” added Trish. However, it might not be so simple for some Blackwood residents. According to NBN Co’s deployment principles, it is likely that Blackwood will receive ‘fibre to the node’ (FTTN) as FTTP is only being deployed where the area is already in the advanced stages of being built. NBN Co will make the final decision on the appropriate technology as detailed planning and design for that area is finalised. Blackwood residents may have to pay additional costs to have the NBN connected from the node in the street to their homes or business. Residents may also consider that while FTTP offers the super-fast speeds, FTTN provides excellent speeds which are suitable for residential use such as watching movies. NBN Co provides monthly updates on its website showing areas that have reached build preparation, build commencement and that are ready for service. Residents can check the progress of their suburb at S Fisher finally decided - now whose going to win the seat of Davenport? by Annie Waddington-Feather THIS month will see residents from Blackwood and the surrounding suburbs head to the polling booths on 31 January for 'DYHQSRUW·VORQJDZDLWHGE\HOHFWLRQ This month will see residents from Blackwood and the surrounding suburbs head to the polling booths on 31 January for 'DYHQSRUW·VORQJDZDLWHGE\HOHFWLRQ With Liberal sitting member Iain Evans resigning from State parliament at the end of October last year, candidates have had to wait for the neighbouring seat of Fisher to conduct its by-election - plus avoid the festive season and school holiday period hence here we are going to the polls three months after the seat of Davenport became YDFDQW The seat of Fisher held its by-election RQ 6DWXUGD\ 'HFHPEHU ,W ZDV D WHQVH ILQLVK $IWHU LQLWLDO FRXQWV WKHUH ZDV D VZLQJ to Labor, however in a surprise turnaround, Liberal candidate Ms Heidi Harris took the OHDGDWRQHVWDJHE\YRWHV Eventually after final postal votes and preferences, and a recount, Labor candidate Ms Nat Cook took the seat by just nine votes RYHU/LEHUDO+HLGL+DUULV The win for Labour sees them holding majority government in their own right and able to pass legislation without the support RILQGHSHQGHQWV 7KH NPò HOHFWRUDWH RI 'DYHQSRUW which covers part of outer suburban $GHODLGH DQG WKH $GHODLGH +LOOV VRXWKHUQ foothills, has traditionally been a Liberal seat VLQFHLWVFUHDWLRQLQWKHUHGLVWULEXWLRQ The electorate is named after the nineteenth-century pioneer and politician Sir Samuel Davenport (1818-1906) who lived LQWKHDUHDIRUPDQ\\HDUV+HZDVDOHJLV- CASUAL TRENDZ (merging with Snazzi) Half Price Sale everything must go!! 237 MAIN ROAD (next to Commonwealth Bank) BLACKWOOD • PHONE 8278 3479 lator, merchant and banker and encouraged WKHPDQXIDFWXUHRIROLYHRLO $WWLPHRIZULWLQJWKHFRQILUPHGFDQGLGDWHV (in party alphabetical order) are: • Greens candidate: Jody Moate* • Independent: Steven Thomas • Labor: Mark Ward • Liberals: Sam Duluk Labour candidate Mark Ward is currently a recently elected councillor in the City of Mitcham, and if he was to win the seat of Davenport, it would force a Council by-elecWLRQIRUWKH&UDLJEXUQ:DUG Last year, before preferences, the Liberals received 51 per cent of votes with, Labour FRPLQJ VHFRQG DW IROORZHG E\ WKH *UHHQVZLWKDQG)DPLO\)LUVWZLWK * The Blackwood Times apologises for the LQFRUUHFW VSHOOLQJ RI -RG\·V QDPH LQ WKH December issue. DAYS OPEfaNm7ily business Local X An improved broadband service through the planned NBN rollout could be coming to a street near you. (Photo courtesy of NBN Co and Vodaphone) Weinstadl Restaurant A la carte dining at its best... Menu includes dishes using • • • • Tender Australian Beef (MSA rated) Australian Prawns Free range Chicken Breasts Fresh Australian Fish & lots more....... Thursday Special 38 $ 2 course meal with a glass of wine Open: DINNER Thursday - Friday - Saturday 4HPU9K*VYVTHUKLS=HSSL` 7OVUL Many n Gourm ew SA et prod ucts EFTPOS facilities + Large range of Summer Fruits + FRUIT & VEGETABLES plus a range of BULK NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY - HOSPITALITY & WHOLESALE ENQUIRIES WELCOME 22 SUFFOLK RD, PHONE BEN HAWTHORNDENE (opposite Hawthorndene Kindy) ON 8278 6444 OR 0417 873 026 THE BLACKWOOD TIMES - 3 Peleton on track to thrill Belair LATER this month, the opportunity the Fish Man Now Open Fish & Chips Fresh fish filleted daily - you choose and have cooked to your liking Re-Opening Special from ... Wednesday 7 January Family Pack ... $29 99 (Save $10 - ends 31 Jan) ÀVKFDODPDULSUDZQV &KLSV2QHPOGULQN Open: Tues - Sat 10am - 8pm Phone orders welcome 4HPU9K)SHJR^VVK VWW)SHJR^VVK3PIYHY` for you to witness a ‘peleton’ flying past can be experienced when elite cyclists taking part in this year’s Santos Tour Down Under make their way to Belair. Stage 2 of the Tour is leaving from Unley at 11am heading up Belair Road past Windy Point to the Belair Triangle. The cyclists then make their way along Sheoak Road, passing the Sheoak Café at approximately 11.15am, and on to Upper Sturt Road travelling past the Belair National Park and Belair Golf Course towards Crafers. This stage which is 150.5km in total and finishes at Stirling around 3pm, will be happening on Wednesday 21 January. Meanwhile, Blackwood is hosting its own TDU companion cycling and festival event - the ‘Blackwood Bikefest’ is starting with ‘Breakfast at Belair’ on Wednesday 21 January, held at the Belair Triangle and other local cafés (see advert for Sheoak Cafe below) in the morning. A festival of events will then be held at Waite Reserve in the weekend (24-25 January) including a fashion parade, business expo, food and refreshments, wine tasting, Blackwood Retail Trail competition, kids zone - rides and bouncing castle. And for those that are feeling energetic there are 3 local cycling events planned for families and people of all different cycling skill levels: • Family Recreational Ride - Waite Street Reserve to Belair National Park • Hill Climb Time Trial - Lynton Bike Trail to Waite Street Reserve • Road Race - Blackwood to Kangarilla. The start and finish line will be at the Waite Street Reserve. Jersey’s are available. Support for shocked family IN last month’s Blackwood Times an article titled “Georgia’s story touches many hearts” was published. Unfortunately the basis for this story proved to be incorrect. Following is a statement from the Adams/White family: Recently a committee called “The Community Chest Fundraising Group” was formed in the Blackwood area. This group was created to assist persons in need in this area and was to be an ongoing fund raiser. The first recipient was to be Darren Adams (my son in law), who was suffering from what appeared to be terminal cancer. He had supposedly completed all possible treatment in Australia without results but after much research found that alternative treatment was available in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. The fundraising group diligently went ahead raising funds to assist in his travel, accommodation and treatment. The support from friends, Boutique ‘End of an Era’ CLOSING DOWN SALE ALL Stock Priced to Clear shop 4/10 Coromandel Pde Register for one of the rides or check for updated information on or e: [email protected], and for more details phone 0477 209 782. This will be an exciting community activity - participate in the rides and S enjoy the festivities. Woolworths Shopping Centre Blackwood • 8278 5296 family and people who heard of Darren’s plight was very generous and a considerable amount was raised. Darren left for America and subsequent treatment. A few days after Darren had left and following anonymous calls to “Crimestoppers”, a police enquiry revealed that Darren did not have cancer and that he had not received any recent treatment in South Australia or Arizona. This placed the Fund Raising group and Darren’s family in the precarious position of raising funds under the false pretence of Darren’s cancer. Subsequently the web site for the Community Chest Fundraising group and also the site “” were closed down and a major fundraising bingo night was cancelled. Funds donated are currently frozen pending police investigations, and will be returned to donors when possible. Cath (Darren’s wife), Georgia (their daughter), as well as their families on both sides, and close friends, are all presently in a state of shock trying to deal with this unthinkable revelation. However they are all deeply grateful for and wish to sincerely thank, The anonymous caller/s who in the first place brought to light Darren’s deception; The support of family, friends and the Blackwood Community on the whole who stood by them through thick and thin; The support given to Georgia by the students and staff of St John’s Grammar; and The police officers from Major Fraud who carried out a thorough investigation and for the manner in which they approached and cared for the family. Alick White WED NES 1( -YVT D AY 5 HT Change to station name BY ANNIE WADDINGTON-FEATHER IN an attempt to increase visitors to Wittunga Botanic Garden, the Blackwood Action Group (BAG) has made preliminary enquiries with the suggestion of changing the name of Coromandel railway station to Wittunga. The group believes this iconic local asset is failing to meet its tourism potential due to poor signposting and publicity. “There have been recent instances where visitors have alighted at Blackwood railway station looking for the Garden; fortunately one of our members was at the station and was able to direct them appropriately,” explained Andrew Tidswell, BAG President. “How many others have not had the fortune of such direction?” he queried. Also highlighting that Coromandel station isn’t actually in Coromandel Valley. So BAG requested the State Government gave consideration to the renaming of Coromandel to ‘Wittunga’ railway station. A reply from the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure advised that the cost and inconvenience involved in changing the station name was not justified. “We also received a reply from the Minister for Tourism advising our proposal had been forwarded to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. He did not address any of the tourism issues we raised.” Andrew expressed disappointment that the State Government didn’t hold the Wittunga Botanic Garden in the high regard that the local Blackwood community and the regular visitors did. He said BAG would continue to engage with the community to explore opportunities to raise the profile and accessibility of Wittunga, Botanic Garden and to enhance the visitor experience there. S A trusted local name in real estate for 37 years in selling or renting your home? Come along and enjoy the hospitality of the Sheoak Café while watching the spectacle of the Tour Down Under pass our front door ... then stay for lunch. Our happy, hardworking team invite you to call on us & share in our experience, knowledge & success. TOUR DOWN UNDER LUNCH SPECIAL 8370 3211 Book early - Limited seats RLA1548 Need direction 4 - THE BLACKWOOD TIMES >,+5,: +(@ 1(5< (9@ PH 8278 2946 + 38 SHEOAK RD, BELAIR XSome of the action from last year’s fun at the Kids Holiday Club Road funding distribution at Councils discretion by Annie Waddington-Feather LOCAL councils Mitcham and Onkaparinga are to receive $3,249,178 and $10,040,703 respectively as part of the Federal Government’s ‘Roads to Recovery’ program. Federal Member for Boothby, Dr Andrew Southcott MP said it was great news for local councils, residents and business. “These funds will make a real difference in building roads, repairing streets and creating better access across our community,” he said, highlighting the funds build on the $500 million delivered in the Budget for the Government’s commitment to upgrade South Road at Darlington. City of Mitcham will allocate approximately half a million dollars of the ‘Roads to Recovery’ funding in 2014/15 towards road and kerbing renewal, and rehabilitation of the road pavement. A spokesperson for the Mitcham Council confirmed the ‘Roads to Recovery’ funding for future financial years will be allocated to road and kerbing renewals within nominated streets on a year by year basis as part of the Capital Works Program. However, a spokesperson for City of Onkaparinga highlighted the Federal Government has eliminated the supplemental payment component, and this has resulted in a direct reduction in its road asset renewal program. “The loss of the supplemental funding, cost the City of Onkaparinga $994,000 in 2014/15. This means over five years the removal of the supplemental payment will reduce funding by around $5m,” they said. They also highlighted the annual ‘Roads to Recovery’ payment, with the exception of the one-off 2015/16, has not been increased from the level set in 2009. The ‘Roads to Recovery’ program is set up for councils to make road spending decisions based on local needs - without interference from Canberra - to ensure funding is directed to where it is most needed in the community. Allocation of funding for the Roads to Recovery program is determined by road length and population in the councils. S Kids set sail for holiday fun EVER wanted to walk the plank, or learn how to dance the hornpipe? Each year in the last week of the January school holidays, CoroUniting church runs a free Kids Holiday Club for 5-11 year olds . This year’s club is called ‘Landlubbers’ and runs 9am-12.30pm each day from Monday 19 to Friday 23 January with a closing ceremony/celebration from 10-11am on Sunday 25 January. “It’s a hit with the kids”, says David Buxton, Pastor at CoroUniting. “We’ve run it for several years now and it just keeps growing - last year we had around 120 kids each day. “Some parents are looking for things for their kids to Scale and size of new footbridges questioned by Annie Waddington-Feather COMMUNITY consultation on the next stages of the Sturt River Linear Park is being demanded concerning the erection of the two footbridges being built on Main Road and Winns Road in a joint project of Mitcham and Onkaparinga Councils. Many feel the design of the new bridges are not in keeping with the historical aspects of the area, and fear future developments for the Park will be of a similar nature. Local resident Trevor Conlon said “the bridges appeared excessive in design and were visually degrading of the setting in which they sit. The idea that four more might be used in Stage 3 of the Development is of high concern,” he said. While the community was consulted on the bridges’ renovation, Trevor and others claim the community wasn’t consulted on the bridges’ design. Another local resident, Hugh Magarey, felt the letterbox drop wasn’t sufficient and Council could’ve been more diligent in contacting local groups for their opinion. He was pleased money was being spent in the area, but thought there were probably less expensive options which would enhance the area. Karen Hockley, Mitcham councillor for Craigburn Farm said, “While the community is very much in favour of the Sturt River Linear Park project, people have contacted me to express their concern that heritage values of the Winns Road precinct have been jeopardised by the scale of the new footbridge. “I have taken their comments back to Council to see how we can ensure that further projects better meet community expectations.” While Onkaparinga Cr Marion Themeliotis said she would pass on to Council the views of local residents who felt they [the bridges] had been over engineered and not in keeping with the areas historical outlook. “It’s my understanding that some vegetation has been removed which has made the bridges more prominent, however once the bridges have weathered the bright steelwork will be dulled.” She also encouraged residents to contact her to S discuss the matter further. do towards the end of the holidays, so it’s a hit with the parents as well!” Each morning includes drama, creative construction and craft projects, crazy games, some funky songs and a short DVD clip with interactive learning based around one of the books in the bible. Activities are held on the church grounds and all helpers are police-checked with several Senior First Aiders on hand each day. Morning tea is provided and everything is freely put on by the church community. Visit for further details and download a registration form; call David on 0438 500 375. Register by Friday 9 January to secure your spot. S Thomas Gas Distributors of Bulk & Cylinder L P Gas Compare our prices today! Serving the Adelaide Hills for over 40 years 42 Churinga Rd, ALDGATE Ph 8339 2388 Fax 8370 8199 e: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENT Liberal for Davenport Sam Duluk PO Box 445, Blackwood SA 5051 0435 717 645 @ [email protected] Authorised by G Greene for the Liberal Party, 104 Greenhill Rd, Unley 5061. THE BLACKWOOD TIMES - 5 Phone LOCAL First BOB CAT & EXCAVATION SERVICES BLACKWOOD MAXI DIGGERS Your Local Digger with over 35 years experience PROMPT - RELIABLE AFFORDABLE EARTHWORKS TIGHT ACCESS A SPECIALTY New machines suitable for all large and small jobs Experienced in steep, undulating, uneven & sloping sites Landscaping • Bobcat/Tipper • Mini Digger • Trench Digger Post Hole Boring • Excavations • Paving • Drainage Systems Irrigation • Water Tank Sites & Installation • Retaining Walls Phone John today for a free quote 0411 510 029 HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAWYERS PLUMBING & GAS MAN 3,(=,0;;63,, 9,56=(;065: (3;,9(;065: /(5+@4(5 7967,9;@4(05;,5(5*, ALL PLUMBING & GAS WORK ECO FRIENDLY PLUMBING SOLUTIONS LICENSED BUILDER (BLD235472) • FULLY INSURED Family Law Wills & Estates Probate Personal Injury Call now for a free quote Nationally Accredited Mediator All aspects of general building work,paving, fencing, painting & garden maintenance Phone Lee on 0437 918 161 HPDLOOHH#OHDYHLWWROHHFRPDX COMPUTER REPAIRS & SALES 183A Main Road Blackwood 5051 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Phone Andrew on 0419 168 022 ah: 8370 4168 we listen WHPU[PUNJHYWLU[Y`WSHZ[LYPUN ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICE NEW SYSTEMS, REPAIRS, UPGRADES. )9,;;790,:: Russell Garth Coromandel Valley [email protected] 0408 849 316 BRAD VOIGT PLUMBING ! " # $"% # &'(( ELECTRICIANS THOMPSON’S POOL SERVICE now incorporating ;/647:65»:/64,:,9=0*,: /V\ZL*SLHUPUN>PUKV^*SLHUPUN 6]LU*SLHUPUNIroning +VN>HSRPUN *HSS:OHY`UMVYHJVTWL[P[P]LX\V[L today on -VYWVVSLUX\PYPLZJHSS4H[[OL^VU 0422 181 935 GLASS & GLAZING BLACKWOOD GLASS - Over 30 years experience in Blackwood - Call Julian on 0404 11 11 01 24 HRS 7 DAYS A WEEK JEWELLERY & WATCH REPAIRS Elegant Images YOUR LOCAL MANUFACTURING JEWELLER • Jewellery designed especially for you • Broken jewellery repaired, restyled or restored in our workshop • Clock repairs • Watch batteries • Free quotations • Insurance quotations • All work fully guaranteed PHONE MARY ON 239 MAIN RD, BLACKWOOD 8370 2440 [email protected] Over 35 years local experience $OOGRPHVWLFSOXPELQJZRUN including + Hot water services + Drains cleared PHONE 0417 361 063 ZZZFWFRURPDQGHOYDOOH\WHFKQRORJ\VROYHGFRPDX UXVVHOO#FRPSWURXEFRP HOME SERVICES Lic Reg Bld 185179 7380 0708 BLD 198384 ;(324(05;,5(5*, TALK MAINTENANCE 2009, 2011 SA FRANCHISEE OF THE YEAR PLUMBING LOCKSMITHS BLACKWOOD LOCKSMITHS + DOOR & WINDOW LOCKS Supplied, Installed & Repaired + KEYS CUT + RESTRICTED MASTER KEY SYSTEMS + SAFES OPENED & REPAIRED SWIMMING POOL & SPA SERVICING THOMPSON’S Pool Service Swimming Pool & Spa Service Pumps & Chlorinators Maintenance & Equipment PHONE MATTHEW ON 0412 829 775 0422 181 935 Member of Master Locksmiths Assn & Master Builders Assn PAINTING TREE MAINTENANCE ALL HILLS & VALLEY AREAS THOMAS PAINTING and REPAIRS 25 years local experience Lic. No. R26174 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FREE QUOTES Phone Mark on 0417 822 482 BLACKWOOD TREE SERVICE Providing Complete & Professional Tree Services + STUMP REMOVAL + FULLY INSURED + MULCH + FREE QUOTES Phone Keir on 0419 867 724 or 8278 2538 Servicing Blackwood and surrounding areas since 1983 All Insurance Claims billed direct THE BLACKWOOD TIMES LANDSCAPING Distributed monthly to 14,000 local homes & businesses Publisher: Miles Badcock Phone: 0428 246 824 e: [email protected] ,KP[VYPHS(ZZPZ[HUJL! (UUPL>HKKPUN[VU-LH[OLY Every care is taken in the accuracy and presentation of information in this newspaper but the publisher accepts no responsibility for the consequences of actions taken by readers as DUHVXOWRIWKDWLQIRUPDWLRQ 6 - THE BLACKWOOD TIMES Michael D. Wright Landscape Gardening • Landscape Gardening • Irrigation • Moss Rocks & Bluestone Walling • Instant Lawns/Artificial Turf • Garden Makeovers Phone 0438 701 582 Coromandel Valley PLASTERING & RENDERING UPHOLSTERY Solid Plastering & Rendering 166 Main Road BLACKWOOD (Interior - Exterior) Gyprocking & Flushing Quoins - Bans Hebel & Texture Coatings Specialising in: Ph 0432 661 933 25 years experience Quality re-upholstered furniture PHONE DANNY ON Specialising in recovers for : 0417 830 079 Lounge Suites - Dining Chairs Antique Furniture & Recliners Over 24 years experience - FOAM CUT TO SIZE - All your mo toring nee ds here at *TIKS _WWL¼[5MKPIVQKIT Ser v ice Cent re s HOLIDAY MOTORING SPECIALS + Kumho KH18 $ 89* 175/65R14 (Hyundai Getz, Toyota Yaris etc) + Toyo ¶1DQR(QHUJ\· $ MV Automatics AUTO TRANSMISSION ;OL(\[VTH[PJ;YHUZTPZZPVU7V^LY:[LLYPUN:WLJPHSPZ[Z Auto Transmission Service Includes: + All labour + Oils + Gaskets + Filter + Band & Selector adjustments SPECIALISING IN ;YHUZTPZZPVU:LY]PJPUN7V^LY:[LLYPUN 6]LYOH\SZ*OHUNL6]LYZ9HJPUN ;YHUZTPZZPVUZT[OZRT^HYYHU[` VYVW[PVUHS`YRT^HYYHU[` Elite AUTO ELECTRONICS More hot weather on its way - are you keeping cool? (09*65+0;06505. Have a -9,, check on your JHY»ZHPYJVUZ`Z[LT ARC For all your air conditioning repairs service and regas RTA: AU08073 ALL QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS SERVING 35 YRS THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY OVER SERVING BLACKW OO MOTORIS D & HILLS TS SINC E 1998 from 115 $ POWER STEERING Service & Repairs WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS EFTPOS * VISA * MASTERCARD * BANKCARD :[PYSPUN9VHK)SHJR^VVK Phone 115* 205/65R15 (Magna, Commodore) 8370 0430 Edenwood Autos + Mechanical Repairs & Servicing +:'·V + Log Book Service + Air Conditioning Re-gas & Service DEPOT FOR CADDLE CRASH REPAIRS + Toyo ¶1DQR(QHUJ\· $ 215/60R16 (Falcon, Aurion etc) + Toyo Teo 235/45R17 (Larger sedans) 144* $ 175* Happy New Year and safe motoring to everyone *Prices valid to 31 January or while stocks last. Fitted & balanced. 205 MAIN RD, BLACKWOOD Phone 8370 2195 BLACKWOOD OPENING Monday 5 January *VVR`V\Y))8UV[`V\YLUNPUL Book in today for a radiator flush and pressure test. ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS SERVICE & TUNE BRAKES - STEERING - COOLING CLUTCH - SUSPENSION - BATTERY DROP OFF WHILE AT WORK - Walk to Blackwood shops & 30 second walk to Blackwood train station 255 Main Road Blackwood (near Blackwood roundabout) 8370 2244 Jacobs Blackwood FREE No obligation Car Air Conditioning $VVHVVPHQW(15 minutes) ARC Serving Hills motorists since 1993 Auto mechanics Auto electrician Licensed LPG technician HAPPY NEW YEAR!! RTA: AU00940 SUSPENSION • EXHAUSTS • EFI SERVICE 4WD • RADIATORS • BRAKES NEW CAR LOGBOOK SERVICING (AUST/JAP/EURO) AUTO TRANS SERVICE & REPAIRS • MUFFLERS Serving Blackwood motorists for over 20 years Let’s kick 2015 off with some great savings Horizon 15” passenger tyres .. $79ea Hurry - limited stock Receive $100 CALTEX Fuel Card when you purchase 4 x Yokohama Geolander ATS tyres. Ends 31 Jan. 2015 FOR MORE SPECIALS CHECK FACEBOOK PAGE OUT OUR 8370 3450 AUTO ELECTRICAL 8370 0288 Caring for Hills motorists since 1980 DYNO TUNE & SERVICE RAA BATTERY SALES & SERVICE 1 Stirling Road, Blackwood BLACKWOOD AUTO REPAIRS 214 Main Rd, Blackwood Phone 8278 7318 2 Stirling Road Blackwood 169 MAIN RD, BLACKWOOD Ph 8178 0020 WHAT’S ON IN BLACKWOOD & DISTRICTS 56;,: Some of the dates below fall on public holdiays and clubs may be taking a break over the festive season - contact the club or group for details. X 1 January BLACKWOOD MENS PROBUS CLUB - meet at Masonic Lodge, Main Road from 9.30-11.30am. Visitors and new members welcome. Enquiries to Allen on 8278 2096. X 1HU\HY` BLACKWOOD CRAFT MARKET - from 10am to 4pm at Blackwood Memorial Hall, 21 Coromandel Parade. Admission is free. New stall enquiries to Kerrie on 0427 410 917. X 1HU\HY` B OTTLE C OLLECTION - from 10am by Belair Scout Group. Collect all glass, soft drink cans & soft drink plastic bottles - from your driveway. Any queries phone Lyndal on 0477 110 022. X 5 January BLACKWOOD LADIES PROBUS CLUB - meet at Blackwood Community Ctr, 4 Young St, at 10am. Guest speakers. Visitors & prospective members welcome. Phone Valerie Mills-Stacy on 8370 2674. X 5 January BLACKWOOD HILLS VIEW CLUB - invites women to meet new friends at coffee morning at Cafe Primo at 10.30am. Phone Sue on 8370 2289 for details. Supporting disadvantaged children through The Smith family. X7 January BLACKWOOD CIRCLE OF FRIENDS - help refugees settle in our community. Meet at Blackwood Uniting Church near Blackwood roundabout from 7.30pm. New members welcome. Contact Carey on [email protected] X 7 & 21 January LIONS CLUB OF BLACKWOOD - meet on 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 6.30pm for 7pm start. Prospective members and visitors welcome. Phone John Alexandrou on 8278 1230 for details. X 8 January B REAST C ANCER S UPPORT G ROUP meet in local coffee lounge. For more details phone Jackie on 8278 5761 or 0431 967 153. X 8 January + $:7+251'(1( 0 (1 · 6 3 52%86 & /8% - held at Belair Uniting Church Hall, Sheoak Road, Belair at 9.30am. Monthly guest speakers. Visitors welcome. Inquiries: 8278 1964. X 10 January AUST. SEWING GUILD (MITCHAM HILLS) - any people interested in sewing from beginners to advanced are welcome. Held at the Blackwood Uniting Church (at the roundabout) from 1.304pm. Phone Donna on 8374 3172 or 0413 022 162 for details. X 11 January B USHCARE W ORKING B EE - ‘Red Gum Gully Our Patch ‘ group meet at Cedar Ave reserve, junction of Miller Tce and Southern Ave from 9.30-11.30am. Day to learn from each other and care for our bushland. Wear sturdy shoes and hat, tools provided. New members always welcome. Phone 8370 2091. X 11 & 25 January -2$1·63$175<.,7&+(1*$5'(1 - meets 1-4pm at Joan’s Pantry, Watahuna Avenue, Hawthorndene to share ideas, plant seedlings and tend to community garden. New members welcome. Enquiries to Deb at email: [email protected] X 12 January % (/$,5 / $',(6 · 3 52%86 - meet at Blackwood Uniting Church, opp Blackwood roundabout at 10am. We welcome prospective members and visitors. Phone Joy on 8270 6162. X 12 January CHERRY GARDENS GARDEN CLUB - meets at 7.30pm in Cherry Gardens Uniting Church, Hicks Hill Rd. Each month a guest speaker and trading table. Enquiries to Lyn on 0400 290 521. X 12 January EDEN HILLS COMBINED PROBUS - meet at Blackwood Community Ctr at 4 Young St, Blackwood at 9.30am. Enjoy socialising with other retirees, listening to guest speakers, plus monthly outings. Prospective members and visitors welcome. Phone Secretary on 8379 2457 for details. X 13 & 27 January ADELAIDE HILLS TOASTMASTERS Affordable public speaking training & practice in a friendly adult group. Meet from 7.30-9.30pm. Enquiries to Annabel Price on 0402 767 535. X 15 January BLACKWOOD PHILATELIC CLUB - meeting at Blackwood Uniting Church Hall from 7.30pm. Displays and sales of a wide range of Australian stamps, plus world stamps and phone cards. Prospective members and visitors welcome. Ph Jeff on 8278 1609. X 17 January B L A C K W O O D A C T I O N G R O U P - get involved in your community. Meet at Blackwood Community Ctr, Young Street from 7pm. New members always welcome. Phone 8370 3006 or for more details. X 19 January BLACKWOOD COMBINED PROBUS CLUB - meets at 10am in Blackwood Community Ctr, 4 Young St, Blackwood. Enjoy friendship of other retirees, guest speakers and outings. Prospective members and visitors welcome. Enquiries to Margaret on 8278 5250. X 19 January BLACKWOOD HILLS VIEW CLUB - invites women to meet new friends at luncheon meeting at Belair Park Country Club at 10am. Guest speaker Pam Barker teaches innovative ways with scarves. Booking essential by 15 January. Phone Sue on 8370 2289 for details. for details. Supporting disadvantaged through The Smith family. X 20 January FRIENDS OF BLACKWOOD FOREST Meet in Gamble Cottage, Main Rd, Blackwood at 7.30pm. If you want to help maintain this Recreation Park, phone Debbie on 8278 2941. X 20 January F RIENDS OF S TURT G ORGE - meet at Bellevue Heights Primary School. Phone Bob Grant on 7329 8296 for meetings and working bees. Visit X 21 January S TITCHERS IN THE H ILLS - Patchwork and quilting group meet at 7.30pm in Meals On Wheels premises, Coromandel Pde, Blackwood. New members always welcome. Enquiries to 8278 3569. X 21 January B LACKWOOD W INEMAKERS & B REWERS CLUB - meet at Blackwood Memorial Hall, 19 Coromandel Pde, from 7.30pm. Learn about wine-making and brewing, do an annual bottling and enjoy social activities. New members welcome. Phone 8370 5400 for details. X 26 January BLACKWOOD FLORAL ART CLUB - held at Blackwood Uniting Church at 7.309.30pm. No experience required - all welcome. View activities of club at: X 28 January ADELAIDE HILLS ZONTA CLUB - meet at Belair Park Country Club for dinner at 7pm. An international women’s service club advancing the status of women worldwide. New members and visitors welcome. Phone Doone on 8278 2676. THE BLACKWOOD TIMES - 7 8 - THE BLACKWOOD TIMES
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