IN PARTNERSHIP WITH A330 mPL ProGrAmmE VIrGIn AtLAntIc FuturE FLYErS 06 ROUTE GUIDE IntroductIon About ctc AviAtion We are a global airline pilot training and resourcing company, providing innovative solutions in true partnership with our customers. Our latest generation training centres and resources are located at attractive, well-connected and convenient locations in Southampton, UK, as well as Phoenix, USA and Hamilton, New Zealand. We provide a wide range of aviation services from trainee pilot selection, career programmes and airline placement, to the more advanced selection, training and provisioning requirements for experienced pilots, instructors and examiners. This guide has been designed to be read in conjunction with our prospectuses and website to provide the key information about the specific training Route in which you are interested. cAreer progrAmme Virgin Atlantic is one of the world’s most recognised airlines and is partnering with CTC Aviation to introduce new, exciting and innovative solutions for pilot training. This new CTC WINGS Multi-crew Pilot Licence (MPL) airline pilot career programme – Virgin Atlantic Future Flyers – is at the leading edge of airline pilot training innovation. Selected and mentored by Virgin Atlantic from day one, you will embark upon a unique Route of training with an option to incorporate a BSc (Honours) Degree through Middlesex University. On graduation you will take up the role of co-pilot on the Airbus A330, flying Virgin Atlantic long-haul routes across the globe. Throughout your training, you will join fellow trainee airline pilots to experience the skies in spectacular parts of the world as never before; as well as sharing adventures and making new friends that will last a lifetime. Virgin Atlantic Future Flyers Programme IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SPonSorShIP 1. Fully mentored And supported ctc Wings progrAmme From virgin AtlAntic in pArtnership With ctc AviAtion 2. employment* Will initiAlly be As A co-pilot on Airbus A330 AircrAFt With virgin AtlAntic At the completion oF trAining 3. repAyment oF security bond (over seven yeArs) in Addition to sAlAry once Fully employed by virgin AtlAntic 4. provision oF ‘perFormAnce protection’ From ctc AviAtion 5. Access to bAnK loAn Funding** 6. option to include the bsc (honours) degree in proFessionAl AviAtion pilot prActice 7. Access to uK government student loAn Funding* (iF degree option tAKen) 8. trAining on the lAtest generAtion AircrAFt And simulAtors including upset prevention And recovery trAining (uprt) *Subject to eligibilty criteria **Subject to the Bank’s lending criteria and assessed on a case by case basis routE PLAn N N N e W e W e W S S S leg 1 leg 2 leg 3 ApplicAtion & selection process mpl/Atpl theoreticAl KnoWledge trAining AircrAFt Flight trAining Airline resourcing and selection centre, ctc Aviation, uK the base, virgin Atlantic, uK With both CTC Aviation and Virgin Atlantic selection teams. classroom and ipad/computer-based uK single-engine piston aircraft usA We integrate the use of Computer-Based Training (CBT) with self study and tutor-led instruction from some of the best instructors in the industry. TWO DAYS ApprOximATelY 26 WeekS This flight training element of the MPL syllabus sets MPL apart from traditional flight training. Flying the EFIS DA40, you’ll learn the fundamentals of visual flying, basic instrument flying, night flying and Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). ApprOximATelY 19 WeekS selection Note: If the BSc Degree option is chosen, additional training modules will be interspersed with MPL training. core sKills phAse IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SucceSSful graduation from thiS mPl route will Provide you with: Note: � Holders of an MPL may apply for an ATPL upon meeting Upon commencement of flying with Virgin Atlantic, you will continue to gain Line Oriented Experience (LOE) which will conclude with a final ‘line check’ with a Virgin Atlantic Training Captain. This experience may also contribute towards your BSc Degree (if selected as an option). 1. A Multi-crew Pilot Licence on A330 aircraft with Virgin Atlantic Airways 2. MPL/ATPL Theoretical Knowledge and examination passes 3. Bsc (Honours) Degree in Professional Aviation Pilot Practice (if selected as an option) N pilot on smaller aircraft that only require a single pilot without undertaking further single-pilot training. N e Airline career S S S e W e W e W � An MPL does not permit you to work as a professional N N W regulatory requirements as your Virgin Atlantic career progresses. S leg 4 leg 5 leg 6 leg 7 multi-pilot Flight trAining AircrAFt type speciFic trAining Airline type speciFic trAining virgin AtlAntic line trAining A320 Jet simulator uK A320 Jet simulator uK A330 Jet simulator and A330 aircraft uK with virgin Atlantic Your instrument flight training begins on our Airbus A320 simulator using Virgin Atlantic’s SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). Type-technical ground school utilises advanced CBT and Virtual Flight Deck (VFD) technology, developing your advanced handling skills on our motion A320 simulators, utilising more complete versions of Virgin Atlantic’s SOPs. LOFT covers more complex scenarios, TEM training is further developed and you will complete this phase with UPRT. The Advanced Phase in MPL is akin to type rating training. You will now move onto the A330 and, using Virgin Atlantic’s airline SOPs, you will learn to handle more complex system failures and emergencies in readiness for the Licence Skills Test (LST) long-haul line Flying with virgin Atlantic Line Orientated Experience (LOE) and Line Check. You will also complete Safety, Emergency and Procedures training. An Initial Crew Resource Management (CRM) course covers Threat and Error Management training (TEM) and concludes with Line Orientated Flight Training (LOFT) and UPRT. ApprOximATelY 11 WeekS ApprOximATelY 10 mONThS ApprOximATelY 4 WeekS ApprOximATelY 7 WeekS bAsic phAse intermediAte phAse AdvAnced phAse � supernumerary Flights At key points during your training you will also have chance to observe flights from the Flight Deck of a Virgin Atlantic A330 the information above is for illustrative purposes only FInAncE Funding AdditionAl Fees The funding required for the complete CTC WINGS MPL in partnership with Virgin Atlantic is £109,000, comprising a Security Bond for that amount (paid in a series of instalments). � CTC Aviation Selection Fee Self-catered accommodation is included within the sponsorship. � Insurances to protect life, finance and training expenses � EASA Class 1 medical – EASA scale of charges � Travel and medical insurance for either NZ or USA � Food and living expenses if the bsc degree option is selected: � For more information refer to both the BSc Honours Degree and Finance and Funding information guides perFormAnce protection From ctc Aviation Joint pre-selection by the CTC Aviation and Virgin Atlantic selection teams enables the following Performance Protection elements to be included: � All additional training – removing the need to budget for such an eventuality, should it be necessary � We will provide a refund of any monies deposited by you to secure your sponsorship should you cease training due to your skills falling below the minimum required professional pilot licence standard terms and conditions apply IN PARTNERSHIP WITH EnroLmEnt 2 3 minimum requirements ApplicAtion process selection � Be at least 17 years of age on date of application (18 to commence training) � Go to � Your application will be screened by a member of the CTC Aviation selection team 1 � Have the unrestricted right to live and work in the UK � Hold a minimum of 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) Grade C or above, including maths, science and English language � Be able to demonstrate that you have successfully completed secondary or high school education (or equivalent) � Be fluent in English (verbal and written) � Produce a current CRC (Criminal Record Check) basic disclosure certificate before training can commence � Minimum height 5’ 2” (157cm), maximum height 6’ 5” (196cm) � Be able to obtain an EASA Class 1 medical without restrictions � Check whether the application ‘window’ is open � Click on the ‘apply now’ button � Complete the online application form and click ‘submit’ � You will receive an auto-response to acknowledge receipt of your application � You will be contacted via email by a member of the CTC Aviation selection team to inform you whether your application has been successful � If successful, you will be invited to attend a bespoke Virgin Atlantic selection day at the CTC Aviation Airline Resourcing and Selection Centre – Dibden Manor, Hampshire, UK � A final interview will take place at Virgin Atlantic for those who meet the CTC WINGS and Virgin Atlantic selection requirements � If not selected by Virgin Atlantic, those meeting the CTC WINGS standards through the selection process will be eligible to enrol on the CTC WINGS Integrated ATPL programme ROUTE GUIDE 06 WhY trAIn WIth ctc AVIAtIon? unrivalled airline placement record innovative funding solutions Airline-focussed training customer service focussed IN PARTNERSHIP WITH discover more And be inspired: +44 (0)1202 331 549 [email protected] CTCWingsPilotTraining @CTCAviation global training capability purpose-built training centres highly experienced instructors new generation training aircraft CTCAviation committed to excellence group headquarters mauretania road Nursling Southampton hampshire SO16 0YS United kingdom V1.0
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