JJob Description Operattional Projec ct Manager ISGlob bal (Barcelon na, Spain) The Barrcelona Institute for Glo obal Health,, ISGlobal, is i the fruit of an innovvative allian nce between n academiic, governme ent, and phiilanthropic iinstitutions to t contribute to the effforts undertaken by the e international comm munity to ad ddress the cchallenges in i global he ealth. ISGloobal provide es a hub off excellen nce dedicate ed to scienttific researc h and the provision p of health caree. The instiitute, which h originate ed in a jointt initiative of the Hospittal Clínic de Barcelona and a the Univversity of Barcelona, hass amassed d over 30 years of experrience in the e field of glo obal health. The pivotall mechanism m of its work k model iss the transfe er of knowledge generatted by scienttific research to practicee, a task undertaken byy the Traiining and Po olicy and Glo obal Develo pment depa artments. Its ultimate gooal is to help close the e gaps in h health disparrities betwee en and withiin different regions r of th he world. ISGlobal in partnersship with the e St. Josep ph Catholic Hospital H (Mo onrovia, Libeeria) and the Fundación n Juan Ciu udad (Madrid d, Spain) is seeking s an e enthusiastic, organized and a autonom mous Operational Projectt Managerr who is intterested in taking overr and managing activitiies of the pproject “Strrengthening g Laborato ory Capacitties in the St. Joseph h’s Catholic c Hospital (Monrovia) for Clinica al Trials on n infectious diseasess” (SELeCT)) funded byy the European & De eveloping Coountries Cliinical Trialss Partnersship (EDCTP). The aim off the projecct is to strengthen biome edical researrch capacitie es at the St. Joseph’ss Catholic Hospital H thrrough traini ng, capacitty building and commuunity engage ement. The e medium term objective is to transfer know wledge to conduct biome edical researrch and clinical trials in n the future. The gen neral responsibilities are e: d areas rela Perform training activities on GCP/GLP G and ated to biom medical reseearch, clinica al trials and d basic lab boratory pro ocedures in the t St. Josep ph’s Catholic Hospital (M Monrovia), bboth in situ and through h webinarss. Develop procedures and guidelines for the conduction of biomedical research and clinical trials at St.. Joseph’ss Catholic Ho ospital. Coordina ate and supe ervise a prac ctical exercisse involving volunteer re ecruitment uunder inform med consent,, collectio on, analysis and shipment of bloood samples, as well ass the acquissition and shipment s off biomediccal equipme ent’s to St. Jo oseph’s Cath holic Hospita al. Actively participate in communitty engageme ent and communication activities. a Interact with colleag gues in ISGlo obal, Fundac ión Juan Ciu udad and the e St. Joseph’ss Catholic Hospital. Manage the project tasks and reporting activvities of the EDCTP proje ect. The candidate will be b expected d to: Travel to o Monrovia (Liberia) ( and d perform at least two sh hort stays (tw wo months eeach) at the St. Joseph’ss Catholic Hospital. Po otential tripss to other Affrican institu utions might be needed. Conductt and superviise training and a commun nity engagem ment activitie es at Monrovvia. Interact with governmental orrganizations,, NGOs and d communitty leaders tto develop a thorough h understa anding of Lib berian regula ations and aactors that should s be inv volved in futture clinicall trials (i.e., ethic committees). Prepare and presentt records of the activiti es to the Prrincipal Investigator andd Work Packa age leaders,, reports tto EDCTP an nd eventually a manuscrript summarizing the activities condducted in the e project ass well as p potential app plications for competitivve grants. Coordina ate meetingss, teleconferences and ssummary of the discussions with parrticipants in the projectt and rese earchers at other Africa an institutioons (Institut Pasteur at Dakar, Cen tro de Invesstigaçao em m Saude da a Manhiça, Mozambique) M ). Carry ou ut any other duties that are a within th he scope, sp pirit and purp pose of the jjob, as reque ested by the e Principal Investigato or. Qualifica ations Advance ed Universityy degree and Master or P hD studies in n biomedicall sciences. Experien nce Previouss experience in biomedic cal research, laboratory environmentts and traininng activities. Working experience in developin ng countries.. Desirablle Knowled dge on GCP/G GLP practice es and Standaard Operativ ve Procedure es. Ability to o adapt to new n environm ments, work effectively as a part of th he team and use own inittiative when n required d. Ability tto design and d develop ac ctivities, to achieve millestones and d specific deeliverables, and a to meett deadline es. Effective e written and verbal com mmunication n skills. To have a genuine interest in biomedical re esearch of in nfectious disseases, capaacity building g and globall developm ment. ences Compete Full-time e schedule and a exclusive e dedication.. A very go ood comman nd (advanced d level) of th he English language. Excellen nt writing ability to elabo orate high-q uality and concise techn nical reportss. Excellent presentation p n skills. Excellen nt ability off initiative, coordinatioon and team m work in multiculturaal environme ent, and to o interact with staff at the St. Josseph’s Cathoolic Hospital, at governmental organiizations and NGOs. Flexibilitty. Open to new ideas and a new worrking methods, adapt po ositively to cchange, exchange viewss and opin nions with co olleagues. Ab ble to work iindependenttly while understanding oown limits. Oriented d to train and d transfer kn nowledge to biomedical staff in Afric can contextss. Knowled dge of Microssoft Office, communicati c ion applicatiions and Web binar technoologies. We offer Fixed-te erm contract for 16 montths, starting at First trim mester 2016. Salary acccording to the t candidatte profile. HOW TO O APPLY: Please ssend a CV and a cov ver letter tto: job@isglo obal.org witth the refeerence EDCT TP_SELeCT. Applicattions should also include e the namess and email contacts off 2 refereess who can be contacted d immedia ately if shorttlisted. The closing c date for receipt of o applicatio on is 29th Jan nuary 2016.. Only sho ortlisted can ndidates will be contactted.
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