R i c h a r d
W .
H a s s ,
P H D .
C u r r i c u l u m
V i t a e
¾-time Temporary Assistant Professor of Psychology
C: (215) 760-0982
Rowan University
116L Robinson Hall
Rowan University
201 Mullica Hill Road
Glassboro, NJ 08028
[email protected]
¾-time Temporary Assistant Professor (18 credit load), Psychology,
Rowan University
Visiting Assistant Professor (24 credit load), Cognitive Psychology,
University of Delaware
2003- 2009
Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA – January 2009
Dissertation Title – Expertise Acquisition and Creative Productivity in
American Popular Songwriters.
Ph.D. Advisor – Robert W. Weisberg
Committee – Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Thomas F. Shipley, Philip Hineline,
Jason Chein, Edward Latham
Research Assistant, Behavioral Pharmacology
La Salle University / Einstein Medical Center
Supervisor – Ellen Walker, Ph.D.
B.A., Psychology (Philosophy Minor)
La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA – May, 2003
Updated: October 2014
In Preparation
National Science Foundation, BCS Program, Creativity and social
influence: The role of implicit theories, goal orientation, and experience in
creative thinking and achievement. Listed as co-PI on proposal with Roni
Reiter-Palmon as PI and Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro as co-PI
(Target date: 1/15/2015)
Nomination, Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award, Rowan University
Distinguished membership, National Society of Collegiate Scholars,
University of Delaware Chapter
University Teaching Honorable Mention, University of Delaware
2003 – 2008
Teaching Assistantship, Temple University (Full Ph.D. Support)
Summa Cum Laude, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, La Salle
2002 – 2003
Research Assistantship, La Salle University (Grant supported work)
1999 – 2003
President’s Scholarship, La Salle University (50% Tuition)
Published papers
Hass, R. W. (2014). Undergraduate’s thoughts about creative success: Anecdotes from a
creativity seminar. APS Observer, 28(8). Online first
Hass, R. W., Weisberg, R. W., & Buonanno, J. (2014). Pickin’, singin’, and attendin’: Possible
limitations on human processing at the highest level of accomplishment. Psychomusicology:
Music, Mind, Brain, 24, 164-172.
Hass, R. W. (2014). Domain-specific exemplars affect implicit theories of creativity. Psychology
of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8, 44-52.
Hass, R. W. (2013). Historiometry as an extension of the consensual assessment technique: A
comment on Kaufman and Baer (2012). Creativity Research Journal, 25, 356-360.
Hass, R. W., Weisberg, R. W., & Choi, J. (2010). Quantitative case studies in musical
composition: The development of creativity in popular-songwriting teams. Psychology of Music,
38, 463-479.
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Hass, R.W. & Weisberg, R.W. (2009). Career development in American popular songwriters: A
test of the equal odds rule. Creativity Research Journal, 21, 183-190.
Weisberg, R.W. & Hass, R.W. (2007). We are all partly right: Comment on Simonton. Creativity
Research Journal, 19, 345-360.
Walker, E. A., Kohut, S. J., Hass, R. W., Brown, E. K., Prabandham, A., & Lefever, T. (2005).
Selective and nonselective serotonin antagonists block the aversive stimulus properties of
MK212 and m-chlorophenylpierazine (mCPP) in mice. Neuropharmacology, 49, 1210-1219
Manuscripts in revision
Hass, R. W. Originality and fame of the songs of the Great American Songbook. Psychology of
Manuscripts in preparation or submitted for publication
Hass, R. W. (in preparation). Divergent thinking and semantic knowledge: The scoring of
responses based on representativeness, and category frequency.
Hass, R. W. (submitted for publication). Time-pressure and divergent thinking in a web-based
Hass, R. W., Angelone, B., & Cohen, M. (submitted for publication). Visual perception
differences between artists and non-artists.
Hass, R. W., & Burke, S. (submitted for publication). Implicit theories of creativity and the effect
of self-assessment on attitudes and divergent thinking skills.
Hass, R. W. & Weisberg, R. W. (submitted for publication). The 10-year rule revisited:
Convergent validity of creative quality measures of musical creativity.
Hass, R. W., Speiwak-Toub, T., Yust, P., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (in preparation).
Addressing the creativity crisis in young children: Measuring creative thinking.
Hass, R. W., Speiwak-Toub, T., Yust, P., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (in preparation).
A meta analysis of creativity training in young children.
Conference Papers and Posters
Hass, R. W., Spiewak-Toub, T., Yust, P. & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (proposed). Creativity in young
children: Evaluating researcher’s reliance on divergent thinking measures. Society for Research
in Cognitive Development Biannual Meeting, March 19-21, Philadelphia, PA. (peer-reviewed
Hass, R. W. (2014). Performance-based measures of creative potential, thinking, and
performance. 124th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 7-10,
Washington D.C. (peer-reviewed symposium presentation).
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Hass, R. W. (2013). The verse-chorus effect: Evidence that musical memory is sensitive to tonal
probability. Society of Music Perception and Cognition 2013 Conference, August 8-11, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada (peer-reviewed symposium presentation).
Hass, R. W. & Brown, W. (2013). Expert and novice music improvisation in expected and
unexpected contexts. The Improvising Brain Symposium, April 7-9, Atlanta, Georgia (peerreviewed paper presentation).
Hass, R. W. (2011). Measuring creative impact with web-based data. 8th ACM Conference on
Creativity and Cognition, November 3-6, Atlanta, Georgia (Peer-reviewed poster-paper).
Hass, R. W. & Weisberg, R. W. (2008). Music-cognitive analysis of the songs of the Gershwins,
Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein. 2nd European Conference on the Developmental Psychology of
Music, September 10-12, London, UK. (Peer-reviewed poster)
Hass, R. W., Shipley, T. F., Kellman, P. J. (2004). Decrease in illusory contour completion with
retinal eccentricity is not due to loss of phase information. Journal of Vision, 4 (8), 790 (Peerreviewed VSS Abstract).
Related Skills and Training
Advanced music training: music literacy, music theory, and music performance (piano, bass,
and percussion)
Fluent in the following programming languages: C, C++, HTML, MATLAB, R
Editorial Board Member: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (2012-present)
Peer Reviewer: ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference, Creativity Research Journal, The
American Journal of Psychology, The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving,
The Journal of Creative Behavior, Psychology of Music.
Instructional materials:
Author of test bank materials, instructor’s manual, and online resources
• Paul Okami’s Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives (Oxford, 2014)
• Mark Breedlove’s Principles of Psychology (Oxford / Sinauer, forthcoming)
American Psychological Association, Division 5 & Division 10 member
Association for Psychological Science
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Rowan University
Fall, 2014
Lecturer for “Principles of Psychology” (special seminar
section) (1 semester)
Summer, 2013
Lecturer for “Graduate Research Methods and Statistics”
(graduate course, writing intensive) (1 semester)
Lecturer for “Advanced Research Methods” (writing
intensive with supervised data collection and research
project) (5 semesters)
Lecturer for “Statistics for Psychology” (4 credits) (5
University of Delaware
Lecturer for “General Psychology” (300 student section
leader, TA supervisor) (8 semesters)
Lecturer for “Brain and Behavior” (2 semesters)
Course creator for “Seminar in Problem Solving and
Creativity” (writing intensive with research project) (7
Lecturer for “Cognitive Psychology” (2 semesters,
including honors sections)
Temple University
Adjunct lecturer for “Cognitive Psychology” (3 semesters)
Adjunct lecturer for “Psychology as a Natural Science” (4
Rowan University
Psychology Program Assessment Committee
Student Research Conference Committee
Chair: 2014 & 2015
Sona Systems Human Subjects Administrator
Undergraduate research supervisor
University of Delaware
Undergraduate research supervisor
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Carter, C. (2014-15). Rowan University. Creativity and schizotypy. (Masters Thesis)
Petras, E. (2011-12). University of Delaware. Physical and emotional arousal and their effects on
retroactive memory enhancement: gender matters. (Honors Thesis)
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