Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR REVAMP OF VYAPAM WEBSITE ( And DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) FOR MANAGING THE VYAPAM WEBSITE PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION BOARD "Chayan Bhawan", Main Road No.1, Chinar Park (East), Bhopal ‐ 462011 Dated: 30thOctober,2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NOTICE “Revamp of VYAPAM website and development of Content Management System (CMS) for managing VYAPAM website” Professional Examination Board (PEB) seeks proposals from reputed and experienced agencies to participate in competitive bidding for revamp of and Design, Development, Installation and Maintenance of Content Management System (CMS) in Professional Examination Board (VYAPAM).Interested Bidders who qualify as per the criteria mentioned in the document may submit their response to the RFP latest by Monday, 17.11.2014 till 03:30 p.m. The proposal must accompany a non‐refundable amount of Rs. 1,000/‐ (Rupees One Thousand only) towards RFP Document Fees at the time of submission of the proposal. The detailed RFP document can be downloaded from our website (Director) VYAPAM Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System DISCLAIMER All information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) provided/ clarified are in the good interest and faith. This is not an agreement and this is not an offer or invitation to enter into an agreement of any kind with any party. Though adequate care has been taken in the presentation of this RFP document, the interested bidders shall satisfy themselves that the document is complete in all respects. The information published in this document is not intended to be exhaustive. Interested Bidders are required to make their own enquiries and assumptions wherever required. Intimation of discrepancy, if any, should be given to the specified office immediately. If no intimation is received by this office by the date mentioned in the document, it shall be deemed that the RFP document is complete in all respects and firms submitting their bids are satisfied that the RFP document is complete in all respects. Professional Examination Board reserves the right to reject any or all of the applications submitted in response to this RFP document at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever. PEB also reserves right to withhold or withdraw the process at any stage with intimation to all who have submitted their bids in response to this RFP. PEB reserves the right to change/ modify/ amend any or all of the provisions of this RFP document without assigning any reason. Any such change would be communicated to the bidders by posting it on the website of PEB ( Neither PEB nor their employees and associates will have any liability to any prospective Respondent interested to apply or any other person under the law of contract to the principles or resolution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage which may raise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this RFP document, any matter deemed to form part of this RFP document, the award of the Assignment, the information and any other information supplied by or on behalf of PEB or their employees and Prime Applicant (PA)/ Consortiums or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process for the Assignment. Information provided in this document or imparted to any respondent as part of RFP process is confidential to PEB and shall not be used by the respondent for any other purpose, distributed to, or shared with any other person or organization. Page 3 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System TableofContents 1 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2 Invitation for Competitive Bidding .................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.3 Time Schedule of various Tender related events ................................................................... 8 2.4 Pre‐Bid Meeting ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Address for Communication ................................................................................................... 9 2.6 Implementation Model with Timelines – O & M for 3 years ................................................ 10 3 Pre‐Qualification Criteria .............................................................................................................. 11 4 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Fact Finding and Requirement Gathering ............................................................................. 12 4.1.1 Visual design of the website ......................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 Content Management System of the website for the internal/admin users ............... 14 4.1.3 Content Mining/General Administration ...................................................................... 14 4.2 Website Design and CMS Development, Testing Audit & Certification ................................ 15 4.3 Website and CMS Application Training................................................................................. 15 4.3.1 5 Indicative List of Trainings ............................................................................................. 16 4.4 Website Maintenance & Enhancement ................................................................................ 16 4.5 Documents and Materials Required to be Delivered ........................................................... 17 4.6 Inspection and Testing .......................................................................................................... 17 4.7 Ownership and Copyright ..................................................................................................... 18 Instructions to Bidders .................................................................................................................. 18 5.1 Proposal Preparation ............................................................................................................ 18 5.1.1 Pre‐Qualification (PQ) and Technical Proposal ............................................................. 18 5.1.2 Commercial Proposal .................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Bid Security (EMD) & Security Deposit ................................................................................. 19 5.3 Compliance & Completeness of Response ........................................................................... 20 5.4 Signing of Communication to PEB ......................................................................................... 20 5.5 Proposal Submission ............................................................................................................. 20 5.6 Amendment of Bid Document .............................................................................................. 21 5.7 Bid Validity ............................................................................................................................ 21 5.8 PEB’s right to terminate the process .................................................................................... 22 Page 4 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 5.9 Disqualification of bids .......................................................................................................... 22 5.10 PEB’s Rights to Accept/Reject any or all Proposals ............................................................... 22 5.11 Bid Prices ............................................................................................................................... 22 5.12 Contract Finalization and Award Criteria .............................................................................. 23 5.13 Performance Security ............................................................................................................ 23 5.14 Prices ..................................................................................................................................... 23 5.15 Discounts, Levies, Freight etc. ............................................................................................... 23 5.16 Language of Bids ................................................................................................................... 24 5.17 Late Proposal ......................................................................................................................... 24 5.18 Modification & Withdrawal of Proposal ............................................................................... 24 5.19 Resolution of Disputes .......................................................................................................... 24 5.20 Termination ........................................................................................................................... 24 5.21 Force Majeure ....................................................................................................................... 25 5.22 Notices .................................................................................................................................. 25 6 Bid Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 25 6.1 Bid Evaluation Committee .................................................................................................... 25 6.2 Overall Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 25 6.3 Evaluation of Pre‐Qualification and Technical Proposals ..................................................... 26 6.4 Commercial Proposal Evaluation .......................................................................................... 26 6.5 Commercial Bid Rejection Criteria ........................................................................................ 27 6.6 Notification of Award to the Bidder ...................................................................................... 27 6.7 Award of Contract ................................................................................................................. 27 6.8 Signing of Contract ................................................................................................................ 27 6.9 Discharge of Bid Security: ..................................................................................................... 27 6.10 Performance Security ............................................................................................................ 27 7 Penalties for delay in Implementation .......................................................................................... 28 8 Payment ........................................................................................................................................ 28 9 Annexure ‐ 1 : Bid Form ................................................................................................................ 29 10 Annexure ‐ 2 : Bidder Profile ..................................................................................................... 30 11 Annexure ‐ 3 : Experience in Website and CMS Development ................................................. 31 12 Annexure ‐ 4 : Organization details .......................................................................................... 32 13 Annexure ‐ 5 : Commercial Bid Format ..................................................................................... 33 Page 5 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 1 Acronyms BG EMD Earnest Money Deposit GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh GoI Government of India IT Information Technology IPR Intellectual Property Rights LP Lowest Price PEB Professional Examination Board OP Offer Price PeMT Bank Guarantee Project e‐governance Mission Team RFP Request for Proposal PKI Public Key Infrastructure STQC Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification UAT User Acceptance Test O&M Operations and Maintenance SPA Service Provider Agency PQ Pre‐Qualification PBG Performance Bank Guarantee CMS Content Management System Page 6 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 2 InvitationforCompetitiveBidding 2.1 Introduction The Professional Examination Board (PEB) is a self‐financed, autonomous incorporated body of State Govt. to conduct entrance tests for admission to various colleges in the state. Mainly, the PEB organizes the following entrance tests: Pre MCA : For entrance to Master of Computer Applications Pre B.Ed. : For entrance to Bachelor Degree in Education courses PPT : For entrance to Polytechnic diploma courses PAT : For entrance to Bachelor of Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture courses PPhT : For entrance to Bachelor of Pharmacy/ Diploma of Pharmacy COPA : For eligibility to Computer Operator and Programming Assistant GNTST : For entrance to General Nursing Training (Only for girls) PAHUNT :For entrance to Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Unani and Naturopathy degree courses PNST : For entrance to B.Sc. Nursing Training (Only for girls) SOE/SOM : For entrance to Schools of Excellence/Model School Animal Husbandry : For entrance to admission in Diploma Program of Animal Husbandry Recruitment Test Apart from above entrance tests, PEB also conducts recruitment examinations for different state level posts, which are not being filled through the Public Service Commission and a large number of other examinations to fill up the backlog of posts in various Government departments / PSU. Thus the PEB conducts around 35 exams yearly and over 35 lakh students/candidates participate in these exams. The admission rules for the conduct of the entrance/recruitment tests are provided by the departments concerned. This includes detailed information regarding the eligibility of the applicant, minimum educational qualifications, age limit, reservation of seats, information regarding institutions, counselling schedule, selection process for entrance to various courses and fees etc. The rules for conducting the examinations are prepared by the Board including the procedure for filling the application forms, issue of test admit cards, list of coordinating institutions etc. Complete information regarding the examination centres and syllabus for the relevant test in a composite form is made available to applicants through a printed Rule Book. The Board has examination centres in all the major cities of the state. To add to the transparency of the examinations, observers are appointed for each centre to watch the proceedings of the examination and submit their reports to the Board. Keeping in mind the Page 7 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System sensitive nature of the examinations, Board conducts them with complete impartiality and transparency, maintaining a very high standard of confidentiality. Question papers for all examinations are objective type in which the examinee is required to choose the right answer out of the four possible given alternatives and mark his/her choice on the OMR Answer Sheets. The Answer Sheets are valued with the help of OMR scanners. The entire valuation work is executed under the supervision of Central Observers and Supervisors appointed from outside the Board. Board is fully aware of its responsibility of declaring zero error results and also making them available within the shortest possible time so that new educational sessions get started every year in time. The results are prepared maintaining extreme security and secrecy. After the results are declared and uploaded on the net, Board makes available related data and other relevant information to the concerned departments for further action. VYAPAM website needs to be revamped – redesign the look & feel, update the content to meet applicant needs, admin module for managing the content. 2.2 Objectives The Core Objectives of the Project are: Provide an interactive and engaging experience for all visitors landing on VYAPAM website. Website to be bilingual and to be created in Hindi and English both Improve look and feel of the website Make the website dynamic with CMS providing the ability to manage, upload, delete, create, review, approve publish and archive the content of the website Provide reporting functionality Create a Mobile version of the website 2.3 TimeScheduleofvariousTenderrelatedevents Item Description Bid calling date Monday, 30 October2014 Pre‐bid Meeting Date, Time and Venue Monday, 10 November 2014, 12.00 Noon Meeting Room, PEB, Bhopal Last Date and Time for Bid Submission Monday, 17 November 2014, 03.30 pm Opening Date of Technical Bids Thursday, 20 November 2014, 03.30 pm Commercial bid opening date and time Would be communicated to shortlisted bidders Tender Fee Rs. 1000/‐ (Rs. One Thousand only) DD payable to ‘PEB Bhopal’ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs.50,000/‐ (Rupees Fifty Thousand only)DD Page 8 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System payable to ‘PEB Bhopal’ Bid Validity Period 180 days from the date of opening of bid. EMD Validity Period 180 days from the date of opening of bid Performance Guarantee Value 10% of Contract Value Performance Guarantee validity period 3 Months beyond the maintenance contract period 2.4 Pre‐BidMeeting PEB will host a Pre‐Bid Meeting as per the schedule given in this RFP. It is not mandatory for all bidders to attend this meeting. All those who have obtained bidding document can participate in pre‐bid meeting to seek clarification on the bid if any. Bidders shall submit their queries in writing as per the stipulated timelines through email ([email protected]) 2.5 AddressforCommunication Offers should be addressed to the following office at the address given below: Director, Vyapam PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION BOARD "Chayan Bhawan", Main Road No.1, Chinar Park (East), Bhopal ‐ 462011 Page 9 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 2.6 ImplementationModelwithTimelines–O&Mfor3years SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Activity/Task/ Milestones Project Start Requirement Gathering and Planning Submission of requirement gathering documents & approvals Website Design & Development CMS Development User Acceptance Testing Hosting at staging server Training STQC / Security Testing by Cert‐in empanelled Agency Website Hosting at NIC and System Go‐Live Time to Completion (in Weeks**) T T+1 T+2 T+8 T+10 T+12 T+13 T+14 T+15 T+16 **‘T’ refers to project start date. This should be within 1 week of signing of Agreement. O&M Phase will start from the date of Go‐Live Date and will last for 3 Years. Above timelines are mentioned for Service Provider Agency to perform various activities under given milestones. Time taken by PEB for evaluation and approval of deliverables will be excluded from above timelines. Page 10 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 3 Pre‐QualificationCriteria 1. The Bidder should be a Company/Society registered in India since last 5 (Five) years and should have their registered office in India. Incorporation/Registration certificate along with MoA/Bylaws (or similar document) should be furnished as documentary proof. 2. The bidder should not be black listed by any State Government, Central Government or any other Public Sector undertaking as on the date of Bid Submission. An undertaking to this effect should be submitted by the bidder on its letter head. 3. The bidder should have average minimum annual turnover of Rs. 2 Crore in last 3 financial years (11‐12, 12‐13 & 13‐14). As documentary proof, Audited Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss A/c is to be submitted. 4. The Bidder must possess a valid: ‐ a. Company/Society Registration Certificate b. VAT/ Sales Tax Registration Certificate c. Service Tax Registration Certificate d. PAN Number 5. The Bidder should have prior experience of handling at least 5 similar assignments as Service Provider Agency(SPA) in last 5 years. Here, 'Service Provider Agency' role shall necessarily include at least 2 of the following in one assignment (one mandatory of (a) Portal / Website Development & Maintenance and two others optional of (b), (c), (d) given below) a. Website Development & Maintenance b. Content Management Services c. IT Infrastructure hosting services d. Mobile solution development 6. The bidder should have atleast 20, IT professionals on its rolls as on the date of submission. Page 11 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 4 ScopeofWork After performing a transparent and fair process of selection, a suitable agency shall be identified and selected as Service Provider Agency (SPA) for the project. The SPA shall be required to sign an agreement with PEB, in which all the terms and condition, project work, timelines, roles and responsibilities, etc., as defined in this RFP, shall be included. The selected bidder shall be responsible to Design, Develop, Host, Configure and Maintain Vyapam website to automate entire process of CMS based website. Website to be created in bilingual (Hindi and English both). Translation of the content, Mobile & Browser Compatibility also would be the responsibility of the bidder. The selected bidder will also provide necessary support to host the website at NIC on co‐hosting basis and configure local network of PEB office to access CMS Application. Selected Bidder will also maintain the Website and CMS application for a period of 3 years after it goes live. It shall be over all responsibility of SPA to study the existing website and requirements of PEB before bidding. Requirements mentioned in this RFP are indicative only and written purely for the purpose of making the Bidders able to estimate its efforts and costs required to achieve project objectives successfully. Therefore, selected bidder i.e. SPA shall be required to make an assessment of PEB requirements after winning the bid, prepare requirement gathering documents, get it approved by PEB. 4.1 FactFindingandRequirementGathering A high‐level analysis of processes has already been performed and Functional Requirements as envisaged for this project are described in this document. The SPA needs to Study these carefully and should consult with the PEB Officials whenever necessary to obtain more details on the requirements of the project. It shall be the duty of SPA to refine functional requirements as needed during requirement gathering exercise. The SPA shall prepare requirement gathering documents, for which the SPA shall have a comprehensive discussion with the PEB officials and other stakeholders to ensure that each of the requirements mentioned in this RFP or identified during study is covered. After approval of requirement gathering documents by PEB, the SPA will start Website and CMS Development. 4.1.1 Visualdesignofthewebsite The SPA should provide 5 visual designs along with detailed proposed navigation of the website leading to: Improved branding and user experience Emphatic branding Organized navigation Superior user experience Page 12 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System Also, define feature sets to be provided on website based on Workshops with VYAPAM management to understand their online vision Benchmarking with competitive website Creation of policy related to terms of usage, site policy, content management policy etc. in consultation with PEB Define feature sets to be provided on user experience Do user research for identifying user profiles to define the content strategy for the website Content strategy exercise to tailor content based on user analytics (location, need and context) Maintain us ability and navigation issues on the website Create a consistent and delightful user experience with consistent and unique theme and layouts Define screen layouts and navigation to ensure delivery of structured content with easy and intuitive navigation Feature set implementation roadmap based on prioritization and low impact, high‐impact features Submit a report on user experience and online strategy roadmap The design and navigation should have following provisions: The design should be contemporary as well as easy to use for the candidates The design should be smart such that the user should be able to reach to the last level of content within 3‐4 clicks The website should have the following sections for the user or as changes requested by PEB officials: About Us Role of The Board Examination Schedule Online Form Test Admit Card Results Statistical Information Right to Information Links FAQs E‐Mail/Query/Suggestion Page 13 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System MPPEB Act – 2007 Careers Requisition for Recruitment Examinations Abbreviations About KIOSK Location Map Contact us Home Website should be in compliance with; e‐Governance Standards of Government of India and be able to operate on various latest versions of web browsers like i.e. Google Chrome, IE, Safari, Mozilla Firefox etc. 4.1.2 ContentManagementSystemofthewebsitefortheinternal/adminusers PEB needs to manage the pages, content of the website by themselves in an easy manner. The SPA needs to design, develop, install, and configure a Content Management System (CMS) which should have following provisions: 1. Content creation & organization 2. Content review, updation & management 3. Content aggregation 4. Location & activity based searches 5. Ability to create different levels of users based on different rights available to them 6. Add/delete/modify users 7. Create hyperlinks within the system 8. Approval system for critical sections 9. Publishing the pages 4.1.3 ContentMining/GeneralAdministration PEB needs to do analysis on the data of applicants. Hence, system should provide a dedicated interface for the same with following provisions: 1. The system should provide a dedicated interface for searching the content 2. The system should have the ability to provide pre‐formatted report based on the query 3. The system should have the ability to check the traffic on the website and provide data report on the same Page 14 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 4. The system should have risk alarms based on the traffic on the website 4.2 WebsiteDesignandCMSDevelopment,TestingAudit&Certification Once the requirement gathering document is submitted and signed‐off by PEB, the SPA will deploy a team of experienced personnel for Website development and CMS application development. First round of User Acceptance Test (UT) would be performed on Prototype interface The bidder shall develop the development platform at their premises with an option to make presentation(s) to PEB as per the schedule or as per the need arises. The Development Platform (preferable open source technologies) should be compatible and supported by the NIC Hosting Platform and capable of getting the Website certified/ audited by NIC before Hosting. The primary testing of the website shall be the responsibility of the bidder. Bidder is expected to host the website at their premises during the period of development and security audit and thereafter it has to be transferred to NIC The Bidder shall have to get the website and CMS application audited through CERT‐In empanelled information security auditing organizations by Deity, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, and Govt. of India. It is also the responsibility of development agency to get STQC Certification and any other such certifications/ compliance as mandated by the GoI for the proposed website. Any charges or fees required for the same should be borne by the bidder. During operation and maintenance phase, SPA’s onsite team should co‐ ordinate with NIC in order to ensure that the website is functioning as per standard norms. 4.3 WebsiteandCMSApplicationTraining SPA will prepare a comprehensive training plan to conduct training programmes and to assess the efficacy of the imparted training. The list of training interventions, number of users to be trained, number of batches, duration and frequency of such trainings for the stakeholder group are mentioned below. The SPA shall be required to prepare a comprehensive Training Plan and sign‐off same with PEB. The SPA will be responsible for Page 15 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System providing these trainings, Training material / kits and teaching aids. Detail of these trainings are as follows: 4.3.1 IndicativeListofTrainings Sr. No Trainings Duration User Details 1 Technical training on Web site Maintenance, User Management, Maintenance, Network troubleshooting, Backup & Restore, etc. 2 Days PEB Technical staff No. of users for training 10 No. of batche s 1 Training material / kits to be used in trainings, should be proposed in the bid, and the same should be arranged by the SPA during training provision. Training delivery will be conducted at site/location as per the convenience of PEB and SPA. This will happen in logically made groups of attendees and will be finalized by the SPA in consultation with the PEB. SPA should ensure that the knowledge transfer to the staff at PEB happens effectively post training, during the project implementation and maintenance phase as well. 4.4 WebsiteMaintenance&Enhancement Maintenance, updation and integration with Content Management System (CMS) of the website module for uploading web content on daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis as may be required Design, development (includes code repair, repairing broken links) and content enhancement in the website and updation as & when required Entire source code of the website to be submitted and all versions need to be maintained in the repository. Every change made should be submitted and approved. Release notes for any change are to be published and maintained in the repository. Overall supervision to ensure that authentic and updated information and services are available all the time Fine tuning of the website performance, homepage improvement and search engine optimization as may be necessary from time to time Archive management with suitable indexing After completion of warranty period, the bidder should also be agreed to, if required to develop new features (New Codes), for which department shall consider ‘Change Request’ with additional cost with mutual agreement. Cyber security audit from time to time when any modification/ upgradation in coding/ design is done, and also any vulnerability is reported by cyber security Page 16 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System division of NIC (hosting agency) as per the security audit clearance by DeiTy, CERT‐In empanelled information security auditing organizations. 4.5 DocumentsandMaterialsRequiredtobeDelivered The project team shall provide the following documentations in hard as well as soft copies: Detail Project Plan; Fortnightly progress reports; Requirement gathering document containing detailed requirement capture and analysis, Interface Specifications, website security requirements; Source Code i. Source codes should be in the standard formats ii. Complete source code with the coding standards and proper comments (including guidelines) iii. Full documentation of each page with snap shots and comments (including full details about solutions offered to the problem reported) iv. Configuration Management Plan Test Plans and Test cases (including Unit Test Plan, System/Integration Test Plan, User Acceptance Test Plan, Security Test Plan, Load Test Plan and Results). Also includes Design (i.e. technical, functional, etc.) doc., ||Development doc., ||Configuration information doc., ||Implementations‐deployment production support and troubleshooting with manuals (such Training, System administration, CMS tools, Installation, Operational & maintenance) and guidelines, ||Certificate of successful security audit ||Security policy and procedure for website including Password security andlogical access security. 4.6 InspectionandTesting The inspection of installation of services shall be carried out to check whether the services are in conformity with, as mentioned in the Bid/ Proposal. The bidder shall test all operations, and accomplish all adjustments (tuning) necessary for successful and continuous operation of the website and CMSto the satisfaction of the PEB. The project shall be treated as “complete/Go‐Live” only if: o User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Usability Testing (UT) with large samples and Multi‐user Assessment (MUA) in parallel, is completed o Handover to the Department is accomplished o Final website code along with Security Audit Certificate of the project along with detailed documentation and IPR is transferred to PEB. Page 17 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 4.7 OwnershipandCopyright Any hardware, data, awards, certificates, etc. shall be absolute property of PEB and no content of the same shall be reproduced or used by the bidder for purpose other than the said website without the prior permission of the PEB. All liabilities whatsoever, on account of copyrights, patents or any other reason, if any, shall be borne by the bidder. The Successful bidder shall transfer to the Department all Intellectual Property Rights of the website developed. The bidder shall relinquish to the Department source code of the developed Website within Ten(10) days from the date of acceptance of the website. On the bottom of every page, a link navigating to information page regarding copyright. 5 InstructionstoBidders 5.1 ProposalPreparation Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and requirements in the RFP document and prepare the proposal accordingly. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP document or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to the RFP document in every respect may result in the rejection of proposal. The proposals should be submitted in two parts as mentioned in the following sections:‐ 5.1.1 Pre‐Qualification(PQ)andTechnicalProposal Along with other documents, following documents shall be a part of PQ and Technical Proposals:‐ A. A copy of RFP duly stamped and signed on each page by the authorized signatory. B. Bid Form on the bidder’s letter‐head as per Annexure 1. C. EMD in the form of a Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled/ Nationalized Bank in favour of ‘PEB Bhopal’ payable at Bhopal. D. Tender Fees (non‐transferable) of Rs. 1,000/‐ in the form of demand draft payable in favour of ‘PEB Bhopal’. E. An authorization letter for granting authority to the person for signing the proposal. F. Bidder/Company Profile as per Annexure 2 and Projects completed as per Annexure 3 and Annexure4. Page 18 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System G. Certificate of Incorporation if any or relevant registration documents. H. Audited annual financial results (balance sheet and profit & loss statements) of the bidder for the last three financial years. I. Client Reference list (similar domain as per the requirements in this RFP). J. Undertaking for not being blacklisted by any State / Central Govt. by the bidder. K. Permanent Account Number (PAN) from Income Tax authorities of bidder along with certified photocopy. L. Service Tax and VAT Details of bidder. M. Other documents as mentioned in the Eligibility Criteria section of this document. After the technical evaluation is completed PEB shall specify the date, time and location for opening the Financial Proposals. Evaluators of Technical Proposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is concluded and the same is approved by the appropriate committee. 5.1.2 CommercialProposal The commercial proposals should be submitted as per the format of Commercial Bid as per Annexure 5. 5.2 BidSecurity(EMD)&SecurityDeposit A. The bidder shall furnish a bid security (EMD) of Rs.50,000/‐ (Rs. Fifty Thousand only) B. The Bid Security (EMD) shall be in Indian Rupees and shall be in form Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee, issued by a Scheduled / Nationalized Bank in India, in favour of ‘PEB Bhopal’ payable at Bhopal. C. The EMD shall be valid for at least 180 days (90 days in case of DD) from the date of submission of proposal. No interest shall be payable on Bid Security under any circumstances. D. Unsuccessful Bidder’s Bid security shall be discharged or returned within 60 (sixty) days of expiration of the period of proposal validity prescribed by the PEB or after awarding tender to successful Bidder. E. The successful Bidder’s EMD shall be discharged upon the signing of agreement by the Bidder. F. The Bid security will be forfeited at the discretion of PEB on account of one or more of the following reasons‐ Page 19 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System a. The Bidder withdraws its Proposal during the period of proposal validity b. Bidder does not respond to requests for clarification of its proposal c. In case of a successful Bidder, the said Bidder fails‐to sign the Agreement in time. G. The bidder have to submit the requisite Performance Security/Security deposit @10% of the total value of contract in the form of Bank Guarantee or DD shall be valid for a period of 3 months beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of supplier. H. After the completion of all contractual obligations, security deposit should be returned to the concerned supplier within 60 days. 5.3 Compliance&CompletenessofResponse Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information in the RFP document carefully. Submission of bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its implications. The response to this RFP should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP documents or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to the RFP documents in every respect will be at the bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its proposal and forfeiture of the bid EMD. The RFP Document is not transferable to any other bidder. 5.4 SigningofCommunicationtoPEB All the communication to PEB including this RFP and the bid documents shall be signed on each page by the authorized representative of the bidder and authority letter should be attached with the bid. 5.5 ProposalSubmission A. The proposals submitted should have all pages numbered. It should also have an index giving page wise information of documents. Proposal that are incomplete or not in prescribed format will be summarily rejected. B. The Bidder shall submit one hard copy and one soft copy of in CD of pre‐ qualification and technical proposals as described below‐ Pre‐qualification and Technical Proposal ‐ Hard copy, clearly marking “Pre‐ Qualification and Technical Proposal” and soft copy on CD clearly marking “Pre‐Qualification and Technical Proposal(Soft Copy)‐Tender dated 30th October 2014. C. In case of any discrepancy between the soft copy and hard copy, the details in hard copy shall prevail. Page 20 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System D. In case of discrepancy between amount given in words and figures, the details given in words shall prevail. E. Prices should not be indicated in the Pre‐Qualification and Technical Proposals. F. All the columns of the quotation form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The rates and units shall not be overwritten. Rates shall always be both in the figures and words. G. The proposals have to be submitted in three parts, viz.‐ a. Envelope – 1: Containing EMD, Demand Draft for Tender Fees, Power of attorney, signed copy of RFP, PQ and technical proposal super scribed as “Pre‐Qualification and Technical Proposal for Revamp of Vyapam website and Development of Content Management System”‐ Tender dated30th October 2014 b. Envelope – 2:The commercial proposal (as per Annexure‐5) has to be submitted separately with label super scribed as “Commercial Bid for Revamp of Vyapam website and Development of Content Management System” ‐ Tender dated30th October 2014 c. Envelope – 3: Both of the above sealed envelopes should again be placed in the main sealed envelope, super scribed as “Proposal for Revamp of Vyapam website and Development of Content Management System” ‐ Tender dated30th October 2014 The Bidder is allowed to submit only one proposal against this RFP. The bidder has to submit the complete proposal not in part or for particular quantum of work, such proposal will automatically be disqualified without any intimation to bidder. References to previous or on‐going Proposals will be not considered. 5.6 AmendmentofBidDocument At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, PEB for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, may modify the bid documents by amendment. Any such communication shall be posted on PEB website and bidders are requested to visit the website for updates. 5.7 BidValidity All the bids must be valid for a period of 180 days from the last date of submission of the RFP for execution of Contract Agreement. However, the quoted rates should be valid for the initial/ extended period of the contract from the effective date of the Page 21 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System Contract Agreement. No request will be considered for price revision during the contract period. 5.8 PEB’srighttoterminatetheprocess PEB may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason. PEB makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a business transaction with anyone. This RFP does not constitute an offer by PEB. 5.9 Disqualificationofbids PEB may at its sole discretion and at any time during the processing of tender, disqualify any bidder from the tendering process if the bidder has: i) Submitted the tender after the prescribed date and time of submission of bids. ii) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted. iii) If found to have a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not properly completing the contract, inordinately delaying completion, being involved in litigation or financial failures, etc. iv) Submitted bid document, which is not accompanied by required documentation and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) or non‐responsiveness. v) Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought. vi) Conditional bids will be summarily rejected. vii) Applicants who are found to canvass, influence or attempt to influence in any manner the qualification or selection process, including without limitation, by offering bribes or other illegal gratification, shall be disqualified from the process at any stage. 5.10 PEB’sRightstoAccept/RejectanyorallProposals PEB reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for PEB’s action. 5.11 BidPrices The bidder shall express their bid prices using the price schedule form provided in the bidding documents as Annexure 5.All costs and charges related to the bid shall be expressed in Indian Rupees. Prices indicated in the Price Schedule shall be entered in the following manner:‐ o The Prices quoted by the bidder shall remain fixed during the entire period of contract and shall not be subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted Page 22 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non‐responsive and rejected. o The prices quoted by the bidder shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Purchaser to arrive at the price of the services offered. 5.12 ContractFinalizationandAwardCriteria The notification of the award shall be followed by signing of the agreement. The signing of agreement will amount to award of contract and bidder will initiate the execution of the work as specified in the agreement. At the same time as PEB notifies the successful bidder that its bid has been accepted, PEB will send the bidders the Performa for contract, incorporating all agreements between the parties. Within 15 days of receipt of the contract, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the contract and return it to PEB. 5.13 PerformanceSecurity The Bidder shall at his own expense, deposit with department, within Fifteen (15) working days of the date of notice of award of the contract or prior to signing of the contract, whichever is earlier, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) or DD from a Scheduled/nationalized Bank acceptable to department, payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfilment of the contract by the bidder. This PBG/DD shall be for an amount equivalent to 10% of value of contract. All charges whatsoever such as premium, commission, etc. with respect to the PBG/DD shall be borne by the bidder. The PBG shall be valid till the end of three months after the expiration of contract period and should be in the standard format prescribed by Reserve Bank of India. No interest will be payable on security deposit. 5.14 Prices Price shall remain fixed for entire period from the date of Notification of award. There shall be no increase in price for any reason whatsoever and therefore no request for any escalation of the cost / price shall be entertained. Price shall be inclusive of all taxes. 5.15 Discounts,Levies,Freightetc. The Bidders are informed that discount, if any, should be merged with the quoted prices. Discount of any type, indicated separately, will not be taken into account for evaluation purposes. The Bidders should also take into account all levies, freight, insurance etc. The price quoted should be inclusive of all levies, freight, insurance etc. Freight, levies, etc. of any type, indicated separately, will not be taken into account for evaluation purposes. Page 23 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 5.16 LanguageofBids All Proposals, correspondence and documents related to proposals, shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English language. 5.17 LateProposal The bidder will not be able to submit the proposals after final submission date and time is over. The physical document of proposal, as described in RFP, received by the PEB after final submission date and time of proposal prescribed in the RFP document may not be considered and the entire proposal may be rejected. The EMD of such proposals will be returned to the Bidder. 5.18 Modification&WithdrawalofProposal The Bidder is not allowed to modify its proposal subsequent to the final submission of proposals. The Bidders cannot withdraw the proposal during the period between the last date for receipt of proposals and the expiry of proposal validity period specified in the RFP. A withdrawal of proposal during proposal validity period may result in the forfeiture of its EMD from the Bidder. 5.19 ResolutionofDisputes PEB and the successful bidder shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract. If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, PEB and the successful bidder have been unable to resolve amicably a contract dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanisms specified here in. These mechanisms may include, but are not restricted to, conciliation mediated by a third party. In case of a dispute or difference arising between the PEB and the successful bidder relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the agreement, such disputes or difference shall be settled in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, of India, 1996. 5.20 Termination A Party, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, may terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving 30 days advance notice; if the other Party commits a material breach of the Contract and fail to rectify it after being granted a reasonable cure‐period to rectify the defect. In the event of termination, PEB shall pay all amounts due from its side for the products delivered and services performed by the Bidder till the date of termination. The Bidder shall continue performance of the contract to the extent not terminated. Page 24 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 5.21 ForceMajeure The Bidder shall not be to liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the extent that its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Bidder and not involving Bidder’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the Client in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes, act of god, riots, strikes etc. If an event of Force Majeure continues for a period of ninety (90) days or more, the parties may, by mutual agreement, terminate the Contract without either party incurring any further liabilities towards the other with respect to the Contract, other than to effect payment for goods/services already delivered or performed. 5.22 Notices Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall be sent to the other party in writing or by email or facsimile and confirmed in writing to the other party’s last known address. A notice shall be effective when delivered or tendered to other party whichever is earlier. 6 BidEvaluation 6.1 BidEvaluationCommittee The Bid Evaluation Committee constituted by PEB shall evaluate the tenders. The decision of the Bid Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of the Technical and Commercial bids shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained outside the process of negotiation/ discussion with the committee. 6.2 OverallEvaluation Bid Evaluation Committee will evaluate and compare the bids determined to be substantially responsive. It is Bid Evaluation Committee’s intent to select the proposal that is most responsive to the project needs and each proposal will be evaluated using the criteria and process outlined in this section. Technical bids shall be examined by the Bid Evaluation Committee with respect to compliance, completeness and suitability of the proposal to the project and only the bids which are in compliance to the requirements mentioned in the RFP shall be considered as technically qualified. Page 25 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System Total bid evaluation: Only the commercial bids of those bidders qualified in the technical evaluation shall be opened. Commercial bids of the other bidders will not be opened. The evaluation shall be strictly based on the information and supporting documents provided by the bidders. It is the responsibility of the bidders to provide all supporting documents as listed in Forms necessary to fulfil the mandatory eligibility criteria. 6.3 EvaluationofPre‐QualificationandTechnicalProposals Pre ‐ qualification bid documentation shall be evaluated as under: 1. The Bid Evaluation Committee will check if the bidder has deposited the EMD along with the Technical Proposal and the same are found to be in order. 2. The documentation furnished by the bidder will be examined prima facie to see if the Company’s capacity, skill base and other Bidder attributes as claimed therein are consistent with the needs of this project. 3. PEB may ask bidder(s) for additional information, and/or arrange discussions with their professional, technical faculties to verify claims made in bid documentation. If the bidder fails to submit the additional supporting documents, the PQ bid shall be rejected. 4. The bidders’ technical solution proposed in the bid document shall be evaluated as per the requirements specified in the RFP and adopting the evaluation criteria spelt out in this document. The Bidders are required to submit all required documentation in support of the evaluation criteria specified (e.g. detailed project citations and completion certificates, client contact information for verification, profiles of project resources and all others) as required for technical evaluation. Bidder is required to submit documentary proof of either Purchase Order/Agreement/ Completion Certificates, detailing Scope of Work, Timelines, etc. or relevant documents. PEB reserves the right to take the decisions of whose commercial bids are to be opened. 6.4 CommercialProposalEvaluation 1. The Commercial Bids will be opened, in the presence of Bidders’ representatives (Maximum two for each bidder). The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. 2. The Commercial Bid of only technically qualified bidders will be opened. Those technically qualified bidders shall be termed as Substantially Responsive. The decision of the PEB in this regard shall be final. 3. The ranking of bidders shall be decided on the basis of bid value as quoted by the bidder and most economical option (lowest quote) will be considered as L1/ successful bidder. 4. The name of Bidder, Bid Prices, Discount, etc. will be announced at the meeting. Page 26 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 6.5 CommercialBidRejectionCriteria 1. Incomplete Price Bid 2. Price Bids that do not conform to the Tender’s price bid format 6.6 NotificationofAwardtotheBidder Before the expiry of the period of validity of the proposal, the PEB shall notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered letter or by fax, that its bid has been accepted. The Bidder shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the notification of award and will send his acceptance to enter into agreement within seven (7) days. 6.7 AwardofContract A contract will be awarded PEB to the responsive Bidder whose Bid conforms to the requirements and represents the best value to the project, price and other factors considered. Evaluations will be based on the Bids, and any additional information requested by the PEB. 6.8 SigningofContract The signing of agreement will amount to award of contract and bidder will initiate the execution of the work as specified in the contract/agreement. If the bidder refuses to accept the award within one week and disinclines / or neglects the signing the contract agreement and does not offer to sign the agreement immediately after one week of receipt of letter of intent and does not sign the contract agreement within a fortnight, the PEB may forfeit the bid security of the bidder. 6.9 DischargeofBidSecurity: Upon the successful signing of the agreement, PEB shall promptly request the Bidder to provide performance security. On receipt of the performance security, the bid security will be released. 6.10 PerformanceSecurity 1. Within 21 days of notification of award, the Selected Bidder shall furnish performance security equal to 10% of bid value, valid up to 3 months after the date of completion of the project term that includes 3 years maintenance period after ‘Go Live’ of the project. 2. The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the PEB as compensation for any loss (es) resulting from the failure of the Bidder to meet out its obligations under the Contract. 3. The performance security shall be furnished in the form of an unconditional and irrevocable and Bank Guarantee/DD for Contract Performance of the sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value in a form and manner acceptable to the PEB which would remain valid until such time and be renewable as may be stipulated by the PEB. Page 27 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 4. The Performance Security will be discharged by the PEB and returned to the Bidder not later than 60 days following the date of completion of the Bidder's performance obligations, as mentioned in the bid document. 7 PenaltiesfordelayinImplementation If the SPA fails to complete any milestone within the time period (s) specified in this RFP, PEB may without prejudice to its other remedies under the Agreement, levy as Penalties, a sum equivalent to 2.5% of the total project cost, for each week or part thereof of delay, until actual delivery of performance. This penalty will be capped for maximum 8 weeks after which, PEB may terminate the Agreement. Project delay, caused on account of STQC Certification or Co‐hosting services, will be excluded from the calculation of duration for Penalty. In any case the penalties shall not exceed 20% of the total project cost furnished by the bidder. 8 Payment Payment shall be made against Invoices duly certified by PEB official and verification of data. Data for the relevant period shall be submitted in a CD, along with the Invoice. All taxes deductible at source, if any, at the time of release of payments, shall be deducted at source as per current rate while making any payment. Payment would be made as per the following schedule:‐ % of Total Contract Value 10% 30% 30% 30% Milestones After submission of requirement gathering documents by SPA and approval of same by PEB After Successful completion of UAT After Go Live Amount would be paid for 3 years Maintenance & Support services in 3 equal yearly instalments (would start from the end of first year of Go Live Certificate). Page 28 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 9 Annexure‐1:BidForm Date: [insert: date of bid] To: The Director, Vyapam PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION BOARD "Chayan Bhawan", Main Road No.1, Chinar Park (East), Bhopal ‐ 462011 Dear Sir, 1. Having examined the Bidding Documents, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, submit deliverables in full conformity with the said Bidding Documents. 2. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence work as per the schedule and to achieve the Acceptance within the respective times stated in the Bidding Documents. 3. We have read the provisions of bid & confirm that these are acceptable to us. 4. We further declare that bid is unconditional. 5. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence the work as per the schedule immediately upon signing of the Agreement by both parties, and to achieve Completion within the time stated in the Bidding Documents. 6. If our bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a Performance Security in the form and amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents. 7. We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above assignment, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India. 8. Until the formal final Contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid, together with your written acceptance of the bid and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us. Dated this [insert: number] day of [insert: month], [insert: year] Signed: In the capacity of [insert: title of position] Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of [insert: name of Bidder] Page 29 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 10 Annexure‐2:BidderProfile S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Particulars Company Name Date of incorporation Company Head Office Address Registered office address Contact person Name Address Telephone no. Mobile No. Fax No. e‐mail ID Number of year experience in implementation of Website and CMS development Whether company has been blacklisted for service deficiency in last 3 years. If yes, details thereof. Turnover for Financial Years 2011‐12 Turnover for Financial Years 2012‐13 Turnover for Financial Years 2013‐14 Any Quality Certifications obtained (ISO/CMM etc.). Submit details. Implementation of the latest version having largest user base – give name of organisation and number of users. No. of implementation and support staff available for the offered Website and CMS development Page 30 of 33 Response Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 11 Annexure‐3:ExperienceinWebsiteandCMSDevelopment S/N Particulars 1 Website name and year of development i. ii. iii. iv. v. 2 Latest version no. released 3 Submit detailed functionalities and features of the offered website and CMS 4 Submit Access control administration and security features of the website and CMS 5 Technology ( Architecture) ‐ Open source, Microsoft/custom built Page 31 of 33 Response Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 12 Annexure‐4:Organizationdetails Submit following details separately for each of the implementation site (one duly filled format for each client). S/N Particulars Response 1 Organization in India where website is already implemented by the bidder & running successfully for last 6 months – supported by letters from clients 2 Address of a contact person at above Organization 3 Name 4 Designation 5 Mobile No 6 Email 7 Contract date 8 Number of users 9 Time taken for implementation of the solution from the date of Purchase Order / signing of contract 10 Hardware / OS platform on which implemented. Page 32 of 33 Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System 13 Annexure‐5:CommercialBidFormat (This format must be kept in a separate sealed cover) Name of the Bidder: Name of the Project: Date: [insert: date of bid] To: The Director, Vyapam PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION BOARD "Chayan Bhawan", Main Road No.1, Chinar Park (East), Bhopal ‐ 462011 Dear Sir, Having examined the Tender Document, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to Revamp of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System. To meet such requirements and to provide services as set out in the tender document, we herewith submit our quotation, summarizing our commercial proposal as under: Particulars Amount in Rs. Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of VYAPAM website and Development of Content Management System as per scope of work. Audit and Certification of VYAPAM website and Content Management System(A) Maintenance of Vyapam website and Content Management System (B) Add: Service Tax or any other taxes (if any) (C) Grand Total (A+B+C) Grand Total (in words) Terms:‐ 1. 2. The Prices mentioned above are inclusive of all taxes. Price shall remain fixed for the entire contract period. Place: Date: Page 33 of 33 Bidder’s signature with seal
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