November 2, 2014 “A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition” 1807 Bedford Street Rome, NY 13440 Rectory 315.336.3082 Fax 315.336.3083 email: [email protected] web: 5748 Stokes-Lee Center Rd. Lee Center NY 13363 Rectory/Parish Center 315. 336.2661 Fax: 315.336-8418 email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE Daily M-F at 9:00 am Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Daily Wed., Thu. at 8:00 am Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am w/Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sep.-May) Sunday 11:00 am Rectory/Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Pastor Rev. Robert L. Kelly Deacon Ed Doyle (H) 336-6647 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Kathy Sledziona, DRE w/Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sep.-May) Pastor Rev. Robert L. Kelly or by appointment Rectory/Office Hours Monday—Thursday 7:30 am - 12:30 pm or by appointment 315.334.9570 email: [email protected] Music Director: Mark Radlowski Organists: Jean Burgdorf, Rita Ossont Secretary/Bulletin: Sherri Coia Grounds & Maintenance: David Wheat Webmaster: Karl Hahn Business Admin.: Patricia Pagano Parish Council President: Craig Brown Trustees: Mary Marlar, Thomas Wick FAITH FORMATION Ken Puchalski 315.336-2661 email: [email protected] Music Director: Scott Rutledge Secretary: JoAnn Gardner Bulletin: Sherri Coia 336-3082 email: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.): Mary Jane Gruver Grounds & Maintenance: Volunteers Parish Council President: Patrick Hetherington Trustees: Charles Engelbrecht, Patricia Box WELCOME! If you are new in the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass or at the rectory. We want to know and serve you! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: St. Paul’s: Sat. 3:30-3:45pm St. Joseph’s: Sat. 5:30-5:45pm or by appointment PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Parish registration (census) forms are available at the exits of church; you may indicate that you would like a registration form on the visitors envelopes found in the pews and they may be placed in the collection basket. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: All couples SACRAMENT OF THE SICK, HOUSE & HOSPITAL CALLS: planning to be married at St. Paul’s or St. Joseph’s should notify Father Kelly as far in advance as possible ~ at least 6 months. Please notify the rectory if you know anyone who is unable to get to church but wishes to receive the Sacraments. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: At Mass or on Sunday ~ by appointment only ~ St-Pauls-Catholic-Church-Rome-NY-Syracuse-Diocese R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of inquiry, learning and faith development for people interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the rectory for information. Weekly Bulletin (in color) can be found on-line at ST. PAUL’s This Weekend - November 2, 2014 ALL SOULS 336-3082 Monday, November 3rd: 9:00 Jane Wager Doherty ~ Welcome Hall Friends *** Hank Krull ~ Jessie Didio Tuesday, November 4th: St. Charles Borromeo 9:00 Fred Pelose ~ Wife, Sophie Wednesday, November 5th: 9:00 FOR THE PARISH 10:00 (Bethany) Dr. & Mrs. Edward Reid ~ Reid Bequest Thursday, November 6th: 9:00 Ward Inglesbe ~ Mary Murphy Liturgical Cycle A Readings This weekend : 11/2 Wisdom 3:1-9 Romans 6:3-9 John 6:37-40 Next weekend: 11/9 Exekiel 47:1-2 1Corinthians 3:9c-11 John 2:13-22 ST. JOSEPH’S 336-2661 Wednesday, November 6th: 8:00 Lois Rockwood ~ Donna Grygiel Thursday, November 7th: 8:00 Joan Szalkucki ~ Barbara Szalkucki Friday, November 7th: 9:00 Ernestine Coluccio -Birthday ~ John & Genie Barry Saturday, November 8th: 10 am Memorial Mass ~ Margaret Vernon Next weekend: November 8/9: Dedication of the Lateral Basilica 4 pm C. Bryant Fitch, Jr. –3rd Anniv. ~ Wanona Carey *** Robert Klein—30 Day ~ Pat Riedel 11 am Florence Hagen ~ Friends Next weekend: November 8/9: 6 pm Joan M. Szalkucki ~ Husband Ben 9 am John McLaughlin ~ Pat Bigalow *** Howard Kirk, Jr. ~ Wife, Children & Grandchildren St. Paul’s Devotional Candles: Special Intention St. Joseph’s Memorials: Sanctuary Light ~ People of the Parish Bread & Wine ~ Special Intention Daylight Savings ends this weekend. Fall Back We ask you to pray for the sick of our parishes listed below and for all those not listed and in need of our prayers. Call the office to add a name to our list or remove a name when the crisis has passed. New names added will appear in italics for 1 month. Names will be removed after 3 months if we do not hear from anyone. Eileen Gurecki Jean Hawkins Marie Howard Rev. Jim Culver Suzanne Hoyt Laura Dahle Cheryl Kegley RuthAnne Duckworth Tom Kraeger David J. Fiore Peter Mastracco Sally Gay Marge McDonald Joseph Genovese Margaret OˊConnor Joseph Gomes Pam OˊConnor Kari Barber Bob Clark Joe Crossman Randall Bowman Frances Plesniarski Andrea Pouliot Sharon Reilly John Ringrose Amelia Ritz Jackie Rolewicz Bernice Salce David Stephan Chris Trophia Kathy Wajda Kellyne Brown Herb Brown Jerry Cooper Jaxon Cope Ayden Davis Bill Gavin Kathy Gavin NiCastro Susan Haggert Chester Kirk Ron Lamandia Doris Ludwig Marge McDonald Loretta Marsh Dianne & Joe Irving Moyer Betty Riggleman Debbie Roe Chris Rushton Peggy Rutledge Sharon Schultz Fr. Joseph Sestito Dr. Paul Temple Karen Tomasi Walt Von Matt Special Intention Tommy Nicole Clare Frank Liturgical Ministers for next weekend: November 8/9 — Dedication of the Lateral Basilica Lector 4pm Reneé O̕ Connell Eucharistic Ministers A. Lanckton, L. Lanckton, A. McGuire, N. McGuire 6pm Mike Gluck 9am Nick Pantazis L. Coluccio, J. Mullin, N. Pantazis 11am David Bunker P. Hagerty, M. Marlar, M. Post, L. Sturtevant, Volunteer Master/ Thurifer (SP) J. Gavin, J. Goetz, J. Ortolano, D. Piersall H. Bowers, B. Falk, M. Finster, H. Hesler Volunteer/ H. Skibitski B. Salce, Q. Salce C. Coluccio, A. Tarbania H. McCullough, J. McCullough, A. Platis Hospital Visitor (SP) C.L.O.W. (Childrens Liturgy) M. Mercurio SP 4pm 11/8 S. Toth Week of 11/9: SJ Servers R. O̕ Connell S. O̕ Connell, A. Winberg K. Winberg P. Box, M. Gluck, Volunteer Eucharistic Ministers for Rome Hospital Nov. 9th - Team 6 – St. Paul̕s Ushers (SJ) Sundays at 9am Money Counters (SJ): Team 1- Carpenter, Maitland Fr. Bob’s Message Wednesday: November 5th: Today, our message is from Fr. Simeon Gallagher, OFMCap and his thoughts for SP Faith Formation Grades K-4 us on our Parish Mission this week: “Spirituality For Relationships” SP Parish Mission “Breaking Relationships” Fr. Simeon, welcome to St. Paul’s in Rome and St. Joseph’s in Lee Center ! Thursday: November 6th: “Upon reflection we realize that the core experience of all life is expressed in relationships. This defines the inner life of the Trinity itself. It is relationships that grow and mature us in our life journey; nothing escapes this inescapable reality. It is within relationships that we experience the greatest joys of life and also the most bitter disappointments. In the four presentations of this Parish Mission fundamental aspects of spiritual development are reflected through the lens of relationships: Faith, Prayer, Conversion, and Community. All four are intricately linked one to the other. The end result of this Parish Mission is a ‘spirituality’ that will enable us to recognize God in each other”. This weekend November 1/2: All Souls 7 pm SP Parish Mission “Building Better Relationships” 7 pm SJ Choir Rehearsal—New members always welcome 7 - 9 pm Next Weekend: Nov. 8/9: Dedication of the Lateral Basilica SJ Faith Formation Grades 1-8 10:15-11:15 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.) Children K-grade 6 are welcome to attend their own liturgy of the Word in the Parish Center during Mass. SP C.L.O.W. Saturdays, during the 4pm Mass. SJ C.L.O.W. Sundays, during the 9am Mass. Hope Appeal 2014 Update: Second Collection: Seminary In our country, compared to 50 years ago, there are 20,000 fewer priests and 129,000 fewer religious sisters. During Vocation Awareness week, please pray that young people in today’s society will hear and respond to God’s call. SP & SJ 8 am All Soul’s Remembrance We remember all those from St. Paul’s and St. Joseph’s who have died during this past year. Please note that all pledges for the 2014 campaign must be received in the Diocese by December 31, 2014. Anything received after January 1, 2015 will be applied to the 2015 campaign. St. Peter’s Church ual nn A 6th Rectory 336-5072 Veterans Day Celebration Freedom Isn’t Always Free SP & SJ Please Welcome Fr. Simeon Gallagher, OFMCap at all Masses in our Parishes this weekend. All are welcome to join us at St. Paul’s for our Fall Mission led by Fr, Gallagher this week “Spirituality For Relationships” Mon.—Thurs. at 7pm (abbreviated talk after 9 am Mass) SJ Faith Formation Grades 1-8 10:15-11:15am SJ Faith Formation Grades 9 & 10 9 am Mass—11:15am 3pm During this ecumenical service, we will honor all veterans giving special honor to those who have died since Veterans Day 2013. Please join us in this celebration which will pay special tribute to those who served in the Vietnam War. Candles honoring or memorializing loved ones who served may be purchased by contacting St. Peter’s Rectory. Rome Twigs TREE OF LIGHTS Sun., Dec. 7th * 6:30 pm Monday: November 3rd: SP Faith Formation Grades 9-10 only Sunday, November 9th 6:30 pm Honor or memorialize a loved one with the purchase of a light on the Rome Memorial Hospital Tree of Lights. A $5 donation per name will help buy equipment for the Tuesday: November 4th: hospital. Donations need to be received by Nov. 20th. SP Election Day 6am - 9pm Parish Center The tree lighting ceremony will take place in the main lobby of Rome Hospital. This year the Twigs are honoring SP Parish Mission “Communication in Relationships” 7 pm Dr. Paul Temple for his many years of service to Rome Hospital. Please make checks payable to: Rome Twigs SJ Quiet Time With Jesus 7-7:30 pm in Church c/o Rome Memorial Hospital 1500 N. James St., Rome, NY 13440 SP Parish Mission “Sustaining Good Relationships” 7 pm If you missed Mass during the week, our weekly bulletin is published on the website (in color)! Please visit us at Knights of Columbus 112 Ridge St. The next meeting:Thursday, November 13th at 7 p.m. Bingo is at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday. St. Paul’s Parish News The Eastern Region of the Syracuse Diocese VETERANS OUTREACH Program Meets at St. Paul’s Church, Rome, NY The group is open to and welcomes all veterans. Our purpose is to provide a welcoming community for all veterans, recent returnees from deployment in particular. We want to provide an environment where all veterans can feel free to share their experiences. For more information: Please contact Gene at 225-1520 or send him an e-mail at: [email protected] STEWARDSHIP Actual Income Budgeted Expense Oct. 26 $ 6,747.00 $ 6,742.00 Totals: $ 121,715.00 $ 114,614.00 Total (over) budget: + $ 7,101.00 Thank-You! Faith Formation News Kathy Sledziona, Director (315) 334-9570 e-mail: [email protected] November Schedule Mondays: Nov. 3**, 10, 17 24 6:30 pm “JOURNEY” & Faith Formation Grades 5-10 Wednesdays: Grades K-4 Nov. 5*, 12, 19 8:00 am * Circles of Care - Nov. 5 (Wed.) ** Parish Mission -Nov. 3rd—Only Confirmation Classes attend First Reconciliation First Reconciliation Saturday, Nov. 22nd 10 am Social Ministry News ~ Our “DOOR TO DOOR” canned good collection for Thanksgiving begins. Place donations in wire baskets at exits. Next Meeting: Monday, November 17th at 3 pm Please use the GOLDEN ENVELOPE in your packet to support the important year-round “corporal works of mercy” of our Social Ministry Committee. GIVING TREE St. Paul’s Faith Formation invites you to the 1st Annual The annual Giving Tree program will Feast of the Immaculate Conception Celebration begin BEFORE Thanksgiving this year. Celebrant: Bishop Thomas Costello All are welcome to join us for at Mass 6:30 pm The Christmas trees will be set-up the weekend of Nov. 22 “Baby Shower” for Mary (bring a package of diapers) in the vestibule & Parish Center. Collection weekends will be the weekends of Nov. 29 & Dec. 6th. (Deadline Dec. 8th) Art Exhibit (entries due: Dec. 1) and Reception The trees will have many star-shaped ornaments with a requested gift (and size) for a local family in need. “Art Exhibit & Reception”: EVERYONE in the Parish is invited to participate in our Art St. Paul’s Church Exhibit; children, teens, adult & family projects are welcome. Parish Center Entries must be original works of art featuring Mary, Jesus, or the Nativity All art media permissible; painting, drawing, Presents collage, sculpture, etc. as long as it is an original work. Entries should be ready for display and no larger than Saturday, November 15th 7:30 pm 20” x 30” and must be received by December 1, 2014. The St. Paul’s Catholic Faith Community invites “Baby Shower for Mary”: Sherry Anne Lints Our offering of diapers (huggies, luvs & pampers sizes 3-6) We welcome through the saving waters of Baptism those who were recently baptized: Brynn Madison Stockbridge Please pray for: Peggy J. Wilson, Dale Moshier, Terry D’Attilo and Ted Prusinowski who died recently, and their families. Please check bulletin boards in the front of Church for upcoming and ongoing local and Diocesan events. you join us for an evening of relaxation, inspired by the multi-talented Sherry Anne. A native of upstate NY, Sherry is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Singer, Songwriter, Speaker, Author and Actress with a passion for sharing God’s message of unconditional love and forgiveness. Born with a bilateral hearing and speech impairment, she has a special ministry and connection to individuals with disabilities. Bring a friend, you won’t want to miss this event! Fellowship Inspiration Casual Atmosphere Refreshments Free Will Offering Contact: Ken Puchalski St. Joseph’s Parish News 349 CLUB WINNER St. Joseph’s Faith Formation November Schedule: 10/25 ~ $500 Richard Vonuso Nov. 2,9,16,23: Grades 1-8 10:15-11:15 am Nov 2,16,23 Grades 9 & 10 9am Mass - 11:15 am No Class November 30th—Happy Thanksgiving ! Children’s Liturgy of the Word for children in K-6th grade during the 9:00 am Mass Stewardship 10/26 Regular. . . . . . . . . .$ 5,155 Capital Improvement . . . .$ 180 Loose Cash . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 387 Respect Life . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 Mission Sunday . . . . . . . .$ 92 All Souls Day . . . . . . . . . .$ 5 Around Town Rome First United Methodist Thank You! HOPE Appeal Update as of October 27, 2014: St. Joseph’s Parish Goal: $23,047.00 Pledged to date: $ 15,411.88 (from 121 families - average pledge: $127.37) We still need: $ 7,635.12 Please consider making a pledge if you have not done so. PARISH PANTRY This weekend, Nov. 1 & 2 is our next share weekend. We are in need of ketchup, mustard, relish, non-dairy creamer and cake mixes. Thank you for your continued support of our pantry. AVA DORFMAN 338-8230 Holiday Bazaar at The Center at Ava Dorfman 305 E. Locust St. Saturday, November 15th 9am –4pm 30+ crafters Raffles Food for purchase Santa will be available for pictures at $4, with children, from 10am-2pm. Come start your holiday shopping with us! St. Peter’s Church 200 N. James St. Beginning this weekend, St. Peter’s will have one Vigil Mass on Saturdays at 5pm. City wide Saturday Vigil Mass schedule: 4 pm St. Paul 5 pm St. Peter’s 4:30 pm 6 pm 336-2661 [email protected] St. John’s (w/LifeTeen) St. Joseph’s 400 N. George St. New Grief Support Group 2nd & 4th Mondays 5:30 pm A new grief support group is being formed for those who are in the process of grief. We are pleased to start this group with the caring leadership of Beckie Guthrie who has been working with individuals and families nearly 20 years. Beckie has a Master of Arts Degree in Professional Counseling and Pastoral Care. She has worked with over 50 families in the Hospice Program since 1995. Beckie is a committed Christian and United Methodist. She has worked with many people of faith, but she is most committed to helping anybody move through the process of grief. Rome 1st UMC is pleased to provide the central location for people of the area to meet. The support group will have it’s startup meeting on Monday October 27th at 5:30pm. Grief is a common, yet nearly overwhelming experience. It is not good to be alone with your thoughts and feelings when they press in. Further information and reserving a place in the group can be done through the Rome 1st UMC office. Call 336-1740 Family Life Education sponsors the 29th Annual Healing Weekend For those affected by divorce or separation November 8 & 9, 2014 The Church is here for you. For more information, see Fr. Bob, or go to or call Dean 315.472.6754 ext. 5 Project Rachel Ministry Do you have unresolved feelings about an abortion? You are not alone. Contact Project Rachel Ministry. It is a confidential ministry offered to help begin your healing process. God loves you and offers hope and reconciliation. Call toll free 1-855-364-0076 or email: [email protected]. Peace starts here. November 2, 2014 Mass of Remembrance Saturday, November 1st 4:00 pm Sunday, November 2nd 11: 00 am Mass of Remembrance Sunday, November 2nd 9:00 am We remember those for whom we have celebrated a funeral mass or memorial service between November 1, 2013 and November 2nd, 2014 Robert Griffin Nancy Carrieri Christine Linn Mary Fiore Leo Draper Sam J. Myers Frances Gorski Anthony LoVaglio Kathryn Zilnik Helen Senecal Frances Myers Sally Brauer Gerald Jordan Mary Willenburg Janet Donahue Susan Pelton Richard Mackey Dolores “Dee” Coia Eva Berning 11/10/13 11/21/13 12/6/13 12/11/13 1/1/14 1/2/14 2/1/14 2/2/14 2/16/14 1/15/14 3 /20/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 5/14/14 5/18/14 5/22/14 6/14/14 6/16/14 6/18/14 Jane Wager Doherty 5/13/14 Patricia Walsh 12/17/13 Joseph “Joey” Pocchiari 7/6/14 Michael Preputnik 7/10/14 Theresa Valdner 8/28/14 Sophie Pelose 9/17/14 Helen Preputnik 10/6/14 Evelyn Stefanik 11/9/13 Wife of Stanley Stefanik Anne S. Lucas 11/15/13 Mother of Patricia Baker Charles M. Leffert, Jr. 11/15/13 Husband of Beverly Leffert Kirk Spencer 12/13/13 Son of Norman & Mary Spencer Charles W. Bowler 12/17/13 Husband of Betty Bowler John Domenico 12/19/13 Husband of Pat Domenico Barbara Sorokas 12/25/13 Wife of Tom Sorokas Rose Mary Walker 2/14/14 Wife of Glenn Walker Francis Brennan 3/10/14 Brother of Peggy Rutledge Roosevelt Kilpatrick 8/19/14 Father of Devin Kilpatrick Anne E. Kelly 8/22/14 Mother of Rev. Robert L. Kelly You’re Invited! St. Paul’s Church Parish Mission Led By: Fr. Simeon Gallagher, OFMCap November 3 3--6, 2014 7 pm With abbreviated version after the 9 am Masses Fr. Robert Kelly 1807 Bedford Street Rome, NY 13440 315.336.3082 web: Fr. Gallagher will preach at all Weekend Masses: St. Paul’s: Saturday, Nov. 1st 4 pm & Sunday, Nov. 2nd 11 am St. Joseph’s: Saturday, Nov. 1st 6 pm & Sunday, Nov. 2nd 9 am email: [email protected] SPIRITUALITY FOR RELATIONSHIPS “The core experience of all life is expressed in relationships. This defines the inner life of the Trinity itself. In the four presentations of this Parish Mission fundamental aspects of spiritual development are reflected through the lens of relationships: Faith, Prayer, Conversion and Community”. MISSION TALKS Monday “Sustaining Good Relationships: Faith as Foundation” Hebrews 11: 1-16 Tuesday “Communication Relationships: Prayer as Model” Psalm 23 Wednesday “ Breaking Relationships: Sin as Interpersonal” Romans 7:14-27 Thursday “ Building Better Relationships: Graces for Growth” 1 Cor. 12-12-26 All Are Welcome! No Fee. No Reservation. Come each night, or when you can. Bring a friend! Fully accessible entrance at link (between Church & Parish Center)
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