Common Knowledge a year by Duke University Press (905 W.

Common Knowledge is published three times
a year by Duke University Press (905 W.
Main St., Suite 18B, Durham, NC 27701) in
association with Bar-Ilan University.
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The Common Knowledge community
thanks Bar-Ilan University for its
support, and especially President Daniel
Hershkowitz, Rector Haim Taitelbaum,
Dean Joel Walters, English Department
chair William Kolbrener, and Faculty of
Humanities administrative director
Efraim Singer.
Common Knowledge publishes work in the
humanities, intellectual history, the arts,
and social sciences that redefines divisive
terms and figures of the past and present
in ways that make expanded sympathies
possible. Potential contributors should send
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and Sociological Abstracts.
© 2014 by Duke University Press
ISSN 0961-754x
The Sad Rider: A Decade since Derrida
Nietzsche and/or/versus Darwin
Lesley Chamberlain
Babette Babich
Peace by Other Means: Symposium on the Role of Ethnography and the
Humanities in the Understanding, Prevention, and Resolution of Enmity
Part 1
Introduction: The Undivided Big Banana
Jeffrey M. Perl
Peace and War in Nonstate Societies: An Anatomy of the Literature in
Anthropology and Political Science • Johan M. G. van der Dennen
Little Reviews
Reviel Netz, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, David Bellos, Stephen Greenblatt,
Ryan Balot, Sissela Bok, David A. Hollinger, Francis X. Clooney, SJ, Michael Fried,
David Blackbourn, Christopher Coker, Henry Kamen, Philip Gossett, Ardis Butterfield,
William M. Chace, Peter T. Leeson, Timothy Snyder, G. Thomas Tanselle,
Susan Stephens, Ingrid Rowland, Richard Jenkyns, John Boardman
Hard, Soft, and Fuzzy Historiography
J. G. A. Pocock
Toward a Postcritical Social Science: Responses to Casper Bruun Jensen
Insistence and Response: On Ethnographic Replication
Hirokazu Miyazaki
Working with Those Who Think Otherwise
Experimental Engagements and Metacodes
Richard Rottenburg
Helen Verran
“Actual Angels” and Other Poems
Peter Cole
A Mountain from the North: Chapter XIV
Translated by George Szirtes
László Krasznahorkai