4125 Union Road Cheektowaga, New York 14225 EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM (chapel) 9:00 & 11:00 AM (church) 1:30 PM (Tridentine Mass; chapel) Daily: 8:15 AM (chapel) HOLYDAYS: Holyday Vigil: 4:00 PM (main church) Holyday: 8:15 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00 PM (chapel) 1:30 PM (Tridentine Mass (chapel) NOVENA In honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady Help of Christians recited every Wednesday at the 8:15 AM Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Infant baptisms are administered on the second Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM, and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 11:00 AM Mass. Pre-baptismal Class for expectant parents is given on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM, in the rectory. Please call the rectory for reservations. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Chapel): Wednesdays at 7:30 AM (Main Church): Saturdays at 2:30 PM (as well as anytime upon request) SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements to be made in person no less than six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Attendance at Pre-Cana is a requirement. CARE/ANOINTING OF THE SICK The family or friends of anyone going to the hospital or nursing home, or confined to home, are asked to call the rectory. Bringing the sacraments to the home can easily be arranged. Anointing of the sick will also take place during Mass on the first Wednesday of the month. PARISH REGISTRATION New members are most welcome. Registration is arranged by a personal visit to the rectory office, or by telephoning the rectory. NOTE: If you are moving out of the parish, please notify the rectory. HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY All buildings are handicap accessible. “Adore the Lord in holy attire; tremble before him all the earth.” (Psalm 96:9) FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA: November 9, 2014 LIVING GOD’S WORD: Living with self-inflicted limitations is no easy task, personally or ecclesially. On the other hand, the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ renews the Church and helps us to build his kingdom as best we can. 4:00 pm, + Robert Binner - req. by Wife, Betty ************** 7:00 am, + Norma Kowalczyk - req. by Husband, Leo 9:00 am, + William Simet - req. by Chapel’s Holy Name Society 11:00 am, + Rudolph Froehlich - req. by Wife, Mary; & Family 1:30 pm, + John Heffron - req. by the Family Monday, Nov. 10th - St. Pope Leo the Great 8:15 am, + Stephen Kolis - req. by Kenneth Roetzer Tuesday, Nov. 11th - St. Martin of Tours 8:15 am, + Florence Nowicki - req. by Family Wednesday, Nov. 12th - St. Josaphat 7:30 am, Confessions 8:15 am, + Alice Pacer - req. by Sister, Dorothy Korczak 8:45 am, Novenas: Miraculous Medal; O.L. Help of Christians Thursday, Nov. 13th - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 8:15 am, + Living and Deceased Members of the Hanley Family - req. by the Family Friday, Nov. 14th 8:15 am, + Stephen Kolis - req. by RoseMarie Seitz, Catherine Rowan, Betty Hymers Saturday, Nov. 15th 8:15 am, + Rita Coffta - req. by the Family ************* 4:00 pm, + Dorothy Germain - req. by Joanne Kwiatkowski Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time - Nov. 16th 7:00 am, + Paul and Adele Schieder - from the Estate 9:00 am, + Patricia Fichtner - Children; & Robert Mages 11:00 am, + Mary Heron - req. by the Heron Family 1:30 pm, + Rose Lauciello - req. by Rose Roll IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS please remember the peaceful repose of the souls of + Mary Gress, + Melanie Was and Kathy Mazurkiewicz whose funerals were celebrated this week. May they rest in peace. . . . . . Our sympathy to those who suffer this loss. If the Mass is being offered for your loved one, or for your intention, and you would like to carry the Offertory Gifts, please tell an Usher before Mass begins. Page Two Our Lady Help of Christians, Cheektowaga, New York REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD: We are not all we would like to be. We know that only too well. The seven capital sins are not just fantasies. We readily embody them: anger and pride and greed and lust and gluttony and envy and laziness. Our spirits bear the mark of Cain. It’s also true that we often want others to be what we ourselves cannot be, and so we look to the Church, except that the Church is us, and if we are sinful, so too is the Church. Our history as a community of believers says it all too clearly. We waged war with the Crusades. We reveled in the power of ruling over civil states. We became intolerant during the Inquisition. We were a storehouse of wealth. And most recently we were too proud to admit the sexual abuses taking place. If we are the dwelling place of God, a temple made of living stones, then we are also in need of being swept clean just as Jesus once cleansed the temple in his day. We come to recognize that need. The good news is that the Church is being swept clean, in every age, because sin slips through in every age. And so the Church, the living temple, is constantly being made new, painful as it might be. It would be wonderful if the Church were all that the gospel professes. The fact that it is not may be disappointing, but God’s reign has not yet arrived - at least not fully. In the meantime, the Lord Jesus continues to cleanse us and renew us. And the marvel is that the river that flows from that temple of living stones is still bringing life to all it touches - in spite of our sinfulness. “Lord, let me remember that You do not lie. Let Your healing light shine through me today so that Your promises of healing will be more readily fulfilled. “ Week 1. Leonard Busshart, Barbara Cartwright, Patrick Fagan, Carol Fix, Norma Gerland, Coletta Hornung, Fred Ippolito, Peter Mankowski, Monica Mietus, Ruth Molvarec, Philomena Osika, Gerald & Shirley Reeb, Rose Roll, Joseph & Pamela Schmid, Grace Tomasello, Robert Tracy. Week 2. Paul Buckenmeyer, Berniece Deer, Douglas Fox, Marvin Hines, Lorey Kubera, Alice Kwandras, Bob Lawrence, Judy & Violet Lochocki, Hanna Sacilowski, Anna Scherer, Leo Schubauer, Marjorie Schwab, Thomas Taylor, Chris Wilczewski, Edward Walkowski, Jason Williams, Helen Zgoda. Week 3. Dan & Olympia Barnobi, Lisa Cooper, Albert Dorer, Joseph Funk, Gerald Habermann, Dawn Seifert Hough, Phyllis Mekarski, Ron Nero, Lee Nowak, Charles Oliver, Randy Rowan, Anna Schreiber, Marlene Schuler, Richard Schuler, Cece Seifert, Mary Shincarick, Esther Stuber. Week 4. (This is the final week for this listing. If you’d like to continue the listing or add someone to it, please notify the rectory office. Thank you for keeping us updated.) . . . . . Charlie & Gert Anderson, Tom Brummer, Marilyn Cruz, Olivia Dobmeier, Angela Etheridge, Dolores Fialkiewicz, Louis Juliano, Angeline Kasprzak, Ann Kolis, Michael Kolis, Claude Lemley, Lynn Lunger, Samantha Lunz, Tom & Marcy Mateczun, Don & Annette McElligott, Helen Mohalski, Luca Olivieri, Kathy Phillips, Mildred Sikinoff, Michael Waldo, Rita Walek, Mary Westfield. ---------------------------------- A MOMENT WITH MARY: “The compassion and the love of this good Mother are great. Indeed, they are so great that she does not even wait for our prayers but anticipates them.” - St. Alphonsus Liguori A NEW SELECTION OF “CARE NOTES” is now displayed on the pamphlet rack in the main church. In addition to other titles, this particular shipment includes titles that were specifically chosen for those who face the coming holiday season following the loss of a loved one in recent months. Please help yourself to any of these booklets which may be of benefit to you or to someone whom you feel may appreciate them. . . . And, as always, there is never any charge for the Care Notes. ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- HEALING PRAYERS: Children need readiness in order to learn to read and so, perhaps, we need healing readiness. Our loving Father wills that we be healed. Let us not put limits on His generosity because of feeling unworthy of His love. REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS ------------------------------- Tuesday, Nov. 11th, the Frontline Faith Project is sponsoring the third annual “An American Moment” to honor the men and women of our Armed Forces, past and present. An American Moment will again include one moment November 9, 2014 of silent prayer - to thank our military for their service, to pray for the peaceful respose of the souls of those who have died, and to pray for the intentions of those still living. This event will take place at noon in each respective time zone, all across the world, on Veterans’ Day, November 11th. Fr. Jim Evans, a chaplain serving with the Texas Army National Guard, has recorded a presentation that can be viewed on the Frontline Faith website already: www.frontline faith.org . ---------------------------------- THIS WEEK Monday, Nov. 10th, 3:00 pm: St. Vincent dePaul Society (chapel sacristy) Monday, Nov. 10th, 7:00 pm: Holy Name Society (parish hall) Tuesday, Nov. 11th: Veteran’s Day Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 7:00 pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal (main church) Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 7:00 pm: SGTV Edelweiss (upper parish hall) Thursday, Nov. 13th, 1:00 pm: Chapel Seniors (parish hall) Thursday, Nov. 13th, 6:00 pm: Tai Chi (upper parish hall) Thursday, Nov. 13th, 7:30 pm: Scripture Study (upper parish hall) Sunday, Nov. 16th, 12:15 pm: Prayer Shawl Ministry (parish hall) **************** ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE The Annual Food Drive of our St. Vincent dePaul Society is next weekend, Nov. 15th and 16th. Please bring your gift of non-perishable foods to any of the weekend Masses and leave them at the altar. These gifts will help fill the food baskets which will be delivered to neighborhood households at the coming holiday season. Thank you for your charity not only at the time of this Food Drive, but throughout the year in your gifts to the Poor Boxes in the church and the chapel. These gifts, no matter how modest or how substantial, when combined go a long way toward assisting those who call for (especially) food assistance. May the blessings promised to the compassionate be yours in abundance ! Page Three Our Lady Help of Christians, Cheektowaga, New York RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM The Religious Education Program office is open to assist you when classes are in session Monday’s, from 6:00 ‘til 8:30 pm. . . Friday’s, from 4:00 ‘til 6:00 pm. . . and Saturday’s, from 9:00 am ‘til 12:30 pm. . . . . . This week; Mon., Nov. 10th . . . . . Regular Class Sat., Nov. 15th . . . . . .Regular Class The next Children’s Liturgy is at the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. We look forward to seeing you. ------------------------------VOCATION VIEW: We celebrate today the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, which is the Pope’s cathedral in Rome, and our mother church. As we celebrate the Presence of Christ in our midst, we ask that we may become more perfectly what we are - his living temple. . . . .Is God tugging at your heartstrings to help build up His Church through a Church vocation? Think about it. . . pray over it. . . act upon it, if you feel you can accept that challenge. Let our Diocesan Vocation Director, Fr. Walter Szczesny guide you through a discernment process to help you determine the authenticity of that call. REPORT OF INCOME (11/02/14): Sunday Offering, $8,926.70 (loose, $1,007.00; envelopes, $7,919.70); Monthly, $2,109.00; Votive Candles, $225.15; Religious Education Fees, $90.00; Memorial Bricks, $350.00; All Saints Day, $1,066.00; Thanksgiving (addt’l.), $51.00; Misc. Special Collections, $45.00. (Envelopes: 1,181 issued; 409 used, or 35%). . . . . . Tridentine Mass: Sunday Offering, $532.00; Monthly, $300.00; All Saints Day, $25.00. November 9, 2014 We gratefully acknowledge a gift to the Chapel Preservation Fund in loving memory of + Dorothy Korczak ($10.00, from “an angel”). . . . . . We also acknowledge gifts of $500.00 each from Mildred Kolis and Cecilia Wilk. A “FALL CONCERT”: Sunday, Nov. 16th, at 3:00 pm in the main church. The Ace Wind Ensemble, a symphonic band of @ 40 musicians will present works by Gustav Holst, Phil Sims, and others. Free and open to the public, but a free-will offering will be gratefully received. CHAPEL BINGO GAMES Friday–7:30 PM Sunday–7:00 PM We are now offering " Bonus Ball and Queen of Hearts $3,000 Giveaway $1,000 Jackpot PASTOR Rev. Richard A. Jesionowski RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR Mrs. Denise Seeley MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Edward Witul MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Mr. Robert Zielinski TRUSTEE Mr. Walter Wieand PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Susan Mankowski FAX NUMBERS Rectory ................................... 634–3464 School ..................................... 632–4298 PHONES Rectory .......................... 634–3420/3428 Religious Education ................ 632–3532 Maintenance Dep’t. ................. 634–3469 Parish Hall............................... 632–9714 PARISH WEBSITE www.ourladyhelpofchristians.org RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Other times by appointment. REGIONAL SCHOOL Mary Queen of Angels Catholic School Principal – Mrs. Mary Alice Bagwell Elementary Campus PreK-8 Phone 895-6280 - Fax 895-6359 Website – www.mqangels.com MELVIN J. SLIWINSKI FUNERAL HOME 5090 Transit Road 85 George Urban Boulevard 706-0200 894-1772 Family Owned and Operated Since 1965 Pre-arrangement consultation call for an appointment Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. LORI MAKOWSKI Join AVON for only $10 & get a free gift For further information, please call the Parish Office. [email protected] 716-583-1199 www.youravon.com/lmakowski ROBERT M. CIESIELSKI Attorney at Law 2511 Harlem Rd. Cheektowaga, NY 895-3367 Mario & son TILE & LINOLEUM CO., INC Commercial & Residential 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ Free Estimates ~ 894-3298 WAGNER MONUMENTS Monuments • Markers • Urns Vases • Cemetery Lettering 2953 Genesee Street Between Harlem & Union 892-5505 Master Plumber Commercial • Residential Owned by Parishioner Chris Tryjankowski We specialize in personal auto insurance and homeowners insurance. Boaters • Motorcycle • Renters 685-0710 - 822-4302 www.pcsplumbing.com Call us for a FREE QUOTE today! Complete Lawn & Yard Care, Inc. MIKE ANGELO, Independent Agent 716.683.4000 Landscaping & Snow Plowing [email protected] Call for ACROSS FROM DMV • 576 DICK ROAD • DEPEW, NY 14043 Free Estimates Ritter & Sentry James Sneck President Parishioner Park Creek Open 7:00 am til Midnight 839-4022 • 839-2978 Funeral Breakfasts First Communions Big Groups Welcomed 410 Mill Street • Williamsville, NY Jane Nogowski 716-632-3000 5% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Park-like setting; Amherst State Park 1031 Cleveland Dr. Cheekowaga, New York (716) 632-4888 (across from Buffalo-Niagara Airport) Beautiful full-sized chapel with daily services Assisted Living * Affordable Memory Care Tile Pharmacy Phone 913-7677 4611 Genesee St. Cheektowaga, New York 14225 “IN BUSINESS OVER 28 YEARS” • NYS Inspection • AC & Heating • Computer Test AUTO REPAIRS, INC. (Check E Light) 634-9998 3625 GENESEE ST. (AT UNION) CHEEKTOWAGA, NY 14225 Senior Living Community PLUMBING SERVICE Est. 1909 894-4181 • 894-6266 General & Restorative Dentistry 3636 Genesee St. • Cheektowaga TELEPHONE: (716) 632-9410 2755 Harlem Rd. Alliance Insurance Agency Free Estimates • Senior Discounts Hot Water Tanks • Toilets & Sinks Drain Cleaning • Underground Sewer & Water Repaired • 10% Disc. w/This Ad 1053 Walden Ave. DR. DAVID SCHWANEKAMP Save up to 40% Everyday 4144 Union Rd at Genesee (716) 276-9154 www.Airportplazagrocery.com (716) 634-6858 CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUE KIEBZAK’S RESTAURANT & BEGINNINGS Banquet Facilities from 25 to 275 Weddings • Funeral Breakfasts Showers • Parties • Banquets & More 35 & 38 Crocker, Sloan 896-3044 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 4060 Union Rd Daily Delivery to all Buffalo zip codes 1/2 Block from Church 716-681-4688 • Fax 681-8170 BLACK FRIDAY and SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SALE!!! November 28th and 29th. 50% OFF regular priced merchandise store wide. 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