IMM Positioning - Danske Analyse

Investment Research — General Market Conditions
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Positioning still a barrier to further EUR downside
The latest IMM data covers the week from 8 April to 15 April 2015.
The week ending 15 April generally saw very limited changes in IMM
positioning: EUR shorts were reduced marginally but remain in stretched territory as
has been the case since mid 2014. Similarly, JPY shorts were reduced as investors are
increasingly losing faith that the Bank of Japan will be willing to add to an already
aggressive easing scheme despite a period of weak data. We maintain that both the
EUR and the JPY are set for another round of downside vis-a-vis USD as Fed policy
normalisation draws closer. But, from a positioning point of view, our bearish EUR
view is clearly challenged; still, the single currency will in our view continue to feel
the effects of the ECB’s QE for some time still. In contrast, JPY positioning is overall
neutral, hence making the potential for JPY softness greater, everything else equal.
USD/JPY upside is however set to be driven almost solely by USD strength as we do
not see much in the way of outright JPY negative factors for now.
MXN the notable exception in a week of few moves in overall positioning:
Investors on the whole notably reversed positioning from short to decently long in the
Mexican peso as oil prices recovered. Elsewhere in the oil-currency sphere, following
a winning streak for the RUB, the currency showed some initial signs of stabilisation
against the USD last week and speculators sold off a tad despite the higher oil price.
Finally, sentiment has arguably turned less bearish for the CAD, but this is not visible
in the figures below as the cut-off for the latest IMM positioning data was ahead of
last week’s Bank of Canada meeting, where Poloz and co struck a less dovish tone.
IMM non-commercial positions
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank
Note that percentiles are not based on any
distributional assumption.
IMM non-commercial positions – FX
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Note that percentiles are not based on any distributional assumption.
Senior Analyst
Christin Tuxen
+45 45 13 78 67
[email protected]
Important disclosures and certifications are contained from page 12 of this report.
IMM Positioning
IMM table
*Adjusted according to USD value of contracts
** ICE Light Sweet Brent Crude Futures Europe
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 1. Sum of EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, CAD, AUD, NZD, MXN, BRL and RUB
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 2. Non-commercial ‘carry’ positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 3. Net-long EUR positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 4. Net-long JPY positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 5. Net-long GBP positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 6. Net-long CHF positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 7. Net-long CAD positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 8. Net-long AUD positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 9. Net-long NZD positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 10. Net-long MXN positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 11. Net-long RUB positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 12. Oil* and non-commercial positioning
* ICE Light Sweet Brent Crude Futures Europe
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 13. Gold and non-commercial positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 14. Copper and non-commercial positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 15. Corn and non-commercial positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
20 April 2015
IMM Positioning
Chart 16. Wheat and non-commercial positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
Chart 17. Soybean and non-commercial positioning
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
The IMM data
The IMM data is part of the Commitments of Traders (COT) reports published by the U.S.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The IMM data provides a breakdown of each
Tuesday’s open futures positions on the International Money Market (IMM) a division of the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange. All of a trader's reported futures positions in a commodity are
classified as commercial if the trader uses futures contracts in that particular commodity for
hedging as defined in CFTC Regulation 1.3(z), 17 CFR 1.3(z). A trader may be classified as a
commercial trader in some commodities and as a non-commercial trader in other commodities.
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IMM Positioning
Accumulated return* for each currency
*Returns are based on a ‘trend’ strategy and a ‘contrarian’ strategy where trigger levels are defined as the 16th and the 84th percentile
Source: CFTC, Macrobond Financial, Danske Bank Markets
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IMM Positioning
This research report has been prepared by Danske Bank Markets, a division of Danske Bank A/S (‘Danske
Bank’). The author of the research report is Christin Kyrme Tuxen, Senior Analyst..
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IMM Positioning
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