TALRAGUB'S MERM. CHARACTERISTIC AND ELOQJENT SERMON BY REV. DR. TALMAGE. He Takes For a1is Sutbi to ct F-om Comques-Ts clhrivsiI'y ing and the B ble L'Ing Its Encouragioc Di.court--. COD-CUO"t Z'Sd- ne'r HoIdO-AD BROoKLYN. Mirch 18.-In the Teb ernacle todav I-v. Dr. Talmaae p each ed a most el< quenu and chsracteristicall% vigorus sermon in refavatlon of the (f. renewed assertion o the enemies of re lioioo that Christianty is retrogradioe and the Bible loslu4 its hold upon the hea-t' and c rnciences of men. The anneurcee subg ct"Frot >mtheC"discoursetoasCot (Ues.1" quzst w", the ter. being tik n f cm Aot x. 13 ro "Beboid, the dass come. saith t'-e L the that the plowman shall uvertake reaver." Picture (f trep-cal c.'m- with a sea son so prospercus lj-t he harvep reaches clear over to t .q planting time, and the swsrthy husia:aman sweing the sickle in the thick Lrain abinost feels the breath of the borsesou his shoulders the horses bitcbed to the p1 )w prep?.ring for a new crop. -Bebold the days come saith the Lord. that the plowman e4i! overtake the reazer." Wi" -n is thi' ? That is this d.-V when doue reap:ug oue har vest before the powmar it, gettinz ready for another. I ku<.w ibat manv d clare that Christianitv has c ilaused; th;- -, e Bible is an -obsolete b'.ck; thait :1, trisian chuich is on the retreat. .1 will here and now show that the opposi'e ot that is true. That is hardly now. bave % ou An Arab guide leading French infidel across a desert, and ever ani anon the Arab puide woild get down in i&." sand and pray to the Lord, It disgusted the French infidel, and after awhile as the Arab got up from one of his prayers the infidel said, "How do you know was c there is any God?" and the Arab guide said: "H.wdo I know that a man aod a.camel passe-d along our tent last night? I know it by the footprints in the sand. And yon want to know bow I know whether there is any Cod. Look at that sunset: Is that the footstep of a man?" And by the same prccess you and I have come to understand tha, this book is the footstep of a God. Bat now let us see whether the Bible is a last year's almanac. Let us see whether the church of God is in a Bull Rn retreat, muskets, canteens and haversacks strewing all he way. The great English historian, Sharon Turner, a man of vast learning and of great accuracy, not a clergyman, but an att. rney as well as a historian, give this over whelmin., statistic in regard to Christianity and in regard to the number ot Christians in the difterent ceolties. In the &st century, 500,000 Christians; in the second century, 2 000 000 Christians; in the third century, 5,000 000 Christians; in the fourth century, 10,000 000 Christiane; in the fitth century, 15,000 000 Christians; in the sixth century, 20,000,000 Christians; in the seventh century, 24 000.000 Christian.; in the 000 C ristians; eighth century, 30 000 40.000.000 Christ in the ninth century, cen ury. 50 000 000 ians; in thein tenth Christians; the eleventh cent-urv, 70.000 000 Chrhite; in the twelfth cen80 000 000 (Christians; in the thirtary, teenth centiury, 75 000 000 Christiane; in the fourteenth century, S0.000 000 Christians; in the fif eenti. centur 100 000,000 Chrisaian'-; in the six eenhbc..n in the tury, 125 000,000 Chrioia-s: ('hristseventeenth ceniturl 155 000 000 ians; in the eighteenth cem..ury 2900000. 000 Christians-a decadence, as y ou observe, is' or'y one century and mnore than made up in the tollowing centuries while it is the usual comijutation that -there will be, .then the record of the nineteenth is made up, at leaat 300 000 , 000 Christians. Poor Christanlty! What a pity it haa no friends! How lonesome it most be! Who will, take it (out of the p'orbe ass'? Poor Christi wity! Three bnodred itl lions in one c-nturv. In a few weeks of the year 1881 2,500 000 copies of the New Testameint omser'bu ed. Why, the earth is like an o'd castle with 20 gates and a park of artillery ready to enunder down eve ry gaie. Lay aside all Corist endom and see niow heatthendom is being surrounded sad honeycombed and attacked by this all conquering gospel. At the beginning of this c-uurv there were onht 150 missionaries. Now there are 25,000 missionaries and native neipera and evangelhsts. At the beginnine of this century there were only 50.000 heathen converts. Now there are 1,750. 000 converts from beathendomi. There is not a seacoast on the planet but the batt ery of the gospel is p'anted and ready to march on north,. south, east, west. You all know that the chief work of an arnmv is to plant the batterles, It mnay tape many days to plant the batteries, and they may do all their work in 10 minutes. These batteries are and bemne planted all along tbe seacostswhile mn all nations. It may t. se a good to plant them, and they -nay do all thxeir work in one day. Th::' will. Naty~,s are tobe born in adrey, Bat jufs ome back to Christendom and rec- nize the 0 years as fact that during thel1 many people have nected themselves with evangehei' churches as co~rmected -themselv ith the churches in the first 50 of this century. Christianity is falling back, and the Bible, they say, is becoming an obeolete book. I go into a court, and whereever I find a judge's bench or a clerk's desk I find a Bible. Upon what hook could there i. uttered the solemnity of an oath? Wha book is apt to be put in the trunk of the young man as he leaves for city life? The .Bible. What shall I find in nine out of every ten homes in Brooklyn? The BIble. In nine out cf every ten homes in Christendom.? The Bible. Voltaire wrote the prophecy that the Bible in the nineteenth century would become extinct. The century is nearly gone, and as there have been more Bibles published in the latter part of the century than in the former part of the century do you thnc the Bible will become extinct in the next six years? 1 have to tell y ou that the room in which Voltaire wrote that prophecv was crowded from floor to ceiling with Bibles from Swizerland. Suppose the congress of the United States should pass a law that there should be no more Bibles printed in America and no o'e Bibles read. It th-re are 40 000,000 grown peoPle in the United States, tuere would be 40,000.000 people in an army to put down such a law sad defend their right to read the Bible. But r-uppose the congress of the United States should make a law against the reading or publi cation of any other book, how manyt people woula go out on such a crusade? Could you get 40.000 000 p~eople to go out and risk their lives in defense of Shakespeare's tragedies or (Gladstone's tracts, or Macaue's "History of Baglano?" You know that there are a thousand men who would die in defense ni this book wbere there is not more than one man who would "ie in de tense of an'- other book. .: u tin to insult my common sense by te!l ing me the Bible is fading ".. from the world. It is the most popular bonA of the century. Ho~w do I knuow ii? 1 know it just as I know in -egard to othe. books. How man'y volh mres of :ht book are Dublissec? W el'. y oiu sa 5. 000. How many cop.:es of tha. b.'pi ar publihe> ~A iEnnird thousand. ELLERBE MUST COME DOWN. pro pose to render their verdict, no two a etric system h,4s manyis ;mperfections. hS T ne only exact sciuce Cristinanity of t hem agree on that verdict. What a Prominent Alliance Leader .the only thing und-r which you can " Jentlemen of the jury, have you Says About It. write, "Qtod etat demon- VASWINGTON TO BE INVADED E agr Ded on a v-rdict ?" asks the court or al ,propriat-lyYou tell we that two and the clerk of the jur.v as they come in St randum S. C., March 20.-The COLUMBIA. UNEMPLOYED. 500,000 I do not fspute it, aftI -r haviag spent the whole night in t, vo ItmakeDOtfour. State, which some how or other, seem3 so plain that two an.! two be-rating. It trie jury say, "Yes, b it is to stand in well with some prominent as to tt th- L ,ri Gd Alh-r.- In D4ngrrLatking in Such an A rn aur-ed," the verai.'t is recmird- u:i ake four alliancemen, published vesterday the ed have made this world. and for a roan -Th- M -reh X ..t B But supp.>se one of ' ne junr--n g'ry Stnpped or Bio, :- tollowine political gossip: 3, '1 think the man was guilty of tt te sinner he sent his only lit-gotten The manipulation of the political ,h-d Mar irult-Danger of Ravol mu rder," and anotho-r says, "i think he Si ) to die. chess board of Reform just now seems w-de iguilty of manslau hf er in the sec- I put. on tI e witness stand to tesiify tion. to be productive of some new surprise onc degree," .azd another wan stvs, "I i behalf of Criristi-,nity the chur-r: every day. The practical withdrawal thu ik he was guilty of asiault 4d nater n and all re thuren hi4v en c, \Iarch 17.-The WASHINGTON, t4on averages two new churcbes ever, t-r: 7 with io ent to kill," the judice N at 50 not. 1,000, not 1.000.000, hur. l1t ci will :On b invested with 500,0 )0 of Secretary of State Tmdal from the o .v f the year. There are at leas 1 I1 ild say: "Go back to your room and er e C !vctih Ou eirt 'a and all the re nempliyed if steps are not ta'atn to race for Governor was no little surprise S *rp Cox.-y if) his mid intentions. TI ie of itself, and it was much talked of yes. Agree on sofme- d --m..d in heav.-n. 500 ne-w Cbristian cOurces run't 1, brii ig In a verdic. Tha4t Is no ve-rmietYou tell cae J imes A G irni-ld w;1- -tuy which he threa.eend to rais- 1-, rerday. but there is another surprising Amier'cau every yebr D es that lo k 'h" -g.re th-se t fidel sci-nis's have in if, augurared vre-went i t rh- Unirt-n or a m th, and there is some agitatic in condition of affairs whith ha- arisen ! though the charch we-re tad-ng on . eled themselv s as i jiry m! decide -' a.-.s on the 4 h -f N1-iich, 1881 H v isible on :he- uu;l cairm exterior 3f sirce tb Lexington campaign meeting, as t'ough it were a defuact iLnSLUt:0 ? trial bet ween intidrny, h. plain- j, T kn-ow 1v ? You Ieli me 'here were r ie city wnich IE .fAn so carefully la id which will likily bffect the coming cam t4 the nearest, stauds Whieb instituiuan atd Cnris.ianitv, the ti, -d t. 2 .000 ersorns who d:stinetly her;id nia 0 u.. to prev-rv rev.ututions. and fight for the nomination, both earls (of the peopl of America todos? afte-r beiuir out for centuries they 1: addirss. I de, y tbat. te- was Phis army to be composed of crani s, paign in the convention and in the pri nary, far I do not care in what city, oi whatreigh- ..on e in to ren-er their vrrd e C n- it dugir-il -i .'ed. I deny t'c it his inaugur auia a narenists aul tramps is fast beit than Mr. Tindal's withdrawal. borhood you 2o. Which metnitution is ti, E 3en of 'he jr-., h4ve you re..' *'u sl r-ss was delive -I. Y u .-k t .rim-d. It contempiates startirg f 3r more The State has alre-ady predicted that hoel? the :or it hark Then Is no. N ? it the I v, teDO go ii? Is did not :t. I did not see it. postnffet? , v V-snirirgtoo Eisrer Monday with tl the fight was going to be narrowed is it the lecturin2 balE? Ab, you know anc ther 500 yrars and d-liter.e ad it Bit you say tha. t h re were- 20 01 odiig fro-n Congre of dem irpom. it is not. Yo.u know that the instituti" agr e o) ajmethbtig. rne.e is not a P. rs ,us wno did s-e and h.-ar hi u. a r 3e issue of $500 000,000 of non inte r. down ;, a battle between one man from poo r, miserable wretch in the Tombs s. ,yI cannot take it anyhow; I dii nor 3t tadrii.g b.n)as. Little attention w s the Irbv Reform side and one man from which stands nearrst to the hearis ol -ou rt tomorrow that could be con- se and hear imm. Wnose tes i non% p nid at tiest to Coxey's fulminatiot s, the Alliance Reform side, and it was tbe American people is the Christian ctar-d by a jury that did not agree v ill you tak.-? Y'u will not take my e is and general ordet s. tated that the two leaders who wou'd cturch. If y ou have ever seen a c'uet 'dt-n re ve-rdict, and yet you expect us tt stimony. Y.u say: "You know noth I - proclamations ,as simplv regarded as a man wit A so battle would be John Gary Evans ourn iown, y'u have se-n trinousauds of Un0 ive up uur glorious Christianity to i g about it. You w-re not there. L-' heels. comm.-oly called a cran] k. and omperolier General Ellerbe. This people standinu .nd lookine at it-pe t se these men who cannot agree oU U4 ihave the testimony of the 20,000 I hes- wheei. have eva'ved faster at dwas the case up to the time of the Lextwe who never zo into a cburch-the iore effectuatly than Lamont ev ' P( rsous wno stood b -f >re the c ipiuo. meeting on Saturday, but now it tears raining d iwn their cheeks. The anyA b,thing. the church of Jesus a, id beard that magnifcient inaugural nagined possiole, and the great fe ir inton my friends, that some one else will to begins is told. whole story ist, instead of tailing back, is on the w of course that is as your cmnlon n ow is that with a nuc!as started, evel 7 be at the appear head of the Alliance Reform ance. I am certain it is on the ad- s nse dictates. may talk atout the You adv agaboid tramp and desperate chara a collection ot bypocrites, but when the van Ce, 0 Lord God, take thy sword here are some men who say t r in the couotry will swarm dow column. a very prominent leader Yesterday, dphtheria sweeps your children ofi frot a thy thigh and ride foith to the tt Now, ey never seen Christ crowned in the- u pon Washingtoa and the movemei t Alliance Reform side had a long whcm do you send foi? The postmas vict ory. hi art, and they do not believe it is ever v ill get beyond control of the office on thewith representative of The State i am mightily encouraged because I d( >ne. There is a group of men wno o peace. What is feared most is th; i talk ter, the attornev general. the hotel keep er, alderman? No, you setad for a miois ind among other things that while s y they have never hear' the voicep t 1, ie mob will fall a prey to red hardt d and he gave some information of a very ter of this Bible religion. And if vou this Christianity has been bombarded C, -rist. They have never heard the a aarchists who woull welcome such 9 a surprising character. It is all the more have not a room in your house for the r-.b for enturies intidelity has not destroy- v< )ice of God. They do n:-t believe it a prising. To such a mob they would al surprising because he has all along ed< ne church, or crippled one min- ei 'er transpire or was ever head-that p Ly the torch of their Inflammator y been a warm supporter of Comptroller sequiet- what building do you solicik? D ter, or uprooted one verse or one chaP- at ything like it ever occurred. I point 1 eeches. Dynamite and nitroglyc e-General Ellerbe against all the other Nou say. "Give me the fiBest room I. Lb bote'?" 1Do you say, "Give me tha, ter )f all the Bible. The church all the tc 20, 100.000 or 1,000.000 people w(o r nae would do the rest. No civil a 1-candidates whose name have been sughe shot sa y: "Christ was crowned in our hearts -, orities could cope with a great arix T7 gested. He states that at the Lexinggetting the victory, and exhaustheater9" Do you say, -Give me a place 'i shell of its enemies nearly al ections. We have seen him awd o desperate and reckless wen undi !r ton meeting the Comptroller General in that public building where I can lay t fe it him in our soul, and we have heard s ich leaders. his friends terribly. Ela we until little while dead a for say my have been examining their ammu- hi s voice. We have heard it in storm Once the standard of anarchy wg s disappointed as a failed to I "Give prayer over it?" No. You say, Dn lately. I have looked all through a, idda.ikness. We have heard it again r, wised much destruction of propert lerbe, it appears,and after develop iulf speaker this getting as the house of God." thel r cartridge boxes. They have not at idagaio." Whose testimor.y will you a d probably los3 of many lives, won] stumpwith what man terms his And it tmere is a song to be sung at in t ae last 20 years advanced one new ta ,ke? These men who say they have f, >flow before the disorder could be pi way the obsequies what do vou want? Wha' ide They have utterly exhausted n, >theard the voice of Christ, have not d wn. If the route marked out It "school boy" oration, he faltered, got does anybody want? "The Marseillaise" thei r ammunition in the battle against se en the coronation, or will you take C oxey Is followed it will be through ti Le mixed up and finaliy gave up comnymo! "God save the Queen?" Our the church and against the Scriptures, tt e thousands and millions of Chris- rt -gion around Pittsburg where thei e pletely and took his seat. Now he says own grand national air? No, They whi lethe sword of the Lord Almighty ti ins who testify of what they saw a .ethousands upon thousands of Pole s. unless ELlerbe retrieves himself, and want the hy mn with which they sang is a keen as it ever was. We are just w Ith their own eyes and heard with E [uns and other non-Eaglish speakiE g shows up more strength :as a stump They are tt *eir own ears? of whom at present al e speaker at the Spartanburg meeting, their old Christian mother into her last getA ing our troops into line. ople, most and in regi- Yonder is an aged Christian after 50 up nemployed, all whom are by n t- on Saturday next. as math as they wish the Sabbath col ing up in companies, and sleep, or they want sung little to push him thro'3gh, they will select ars experience of the Dower of god- t ire revolutionists and enemies of la sana met ts, and in brigades, and you will school hs mn which their girl bea a shout after awhile that will some other leapar. iess in his soul. Ask this man a 2d order. the last Sabbath afternoon she was out mal e the earth quake and the heavers hether, when he be buried his dead, They are the material from whic h He states that they have no idea that before she got that awful sickness which with "Alleluia!" It will be this, tt e religon of Jesus Christ was not a C oxey's recruits would naturally coin e. John Gary Evans is going to abide by broke your beart. I appeal to your comthe whole line!" cc nsolation. Ask him if through the S ould tne army start and swell ini the nomination of the commag nominaA rward, mon sense. You know the most endear d then I find another most en 10 ng years of his pilgrimage Lord a arming proportions the autboriti ting campaign, in which they will be ing institution on earth, the most popu-- con aging thought in the fact that the el 'er forsook him. Ask him the the Gove h of would course ere when he expect able to do as they please, and they must lar insd ution on earth today, is tht sect Lar printing press and pulpit seem 10 oks forward to the future if he has n or of Pennslvania to call out troops, have a man, who, as soon as he has to o I it church of the Lord Jesus Christ. bar iessed in the same team for the them. But ita paece, and joy, and a consolation n ecessary, to disperse baiore the people and make the fight, go r o made were v The infidels say, "Infidelity shows its proi lamation of the gospel. Every e world Lolent demonstration cannot take away. Pat his on the success from the fact that it is every- Wa 1 street banker tomorrow in New t stimony of what he has seen and It gal means could be used to dispel a can tackle John Gary Evans better where accepted, and it can say what it Yo1 kk, every State street banker tomorhe has felt opposite the testimony p maceful gathering and some fine mori i- stump and give nim as good or hat the who le than he sends. will." Why, my friends, infidelity is row in Boston, every Third street of a man who says he has not see" 11 g in the letter part of April,headed ty He states further that they are alat on the subject or felt any v :t noLdescript conconse, not half so biatant In our day as it was ban ker tomorrow in Philadelphliaevery in 0 ready looIng about for another leader. and States in the march er United every his and ban C take might Will crew, tb the oxey on know you subject. our fathers. Do in the days of you chant will have in his pocket a Lb ing of people wno have not \ Tashington. Long before they coul d He says that some are anxious to take e that in the days of our fathers there met tise on Christiaaitv, a call to re- Be testimony tres r ach here, however, the National CaP i- W. D. Evans This man has had or people who have seen ? were pronounced infidels m public au ;ance-10, 20 or 30 passages of You say morphla pars one to sleep. t would have become the paradise f4 fne training asup.a stump speaker and thority, and 'they cluld get anv political Seri ptures [ in the reports of sermons y ou say in time df sickness it is very r tg-tag and bob-tail of the country. than match his youthlul op able I can more positior? Let a man today declare him- e ched throughout these cities and ful. I deny it. Morphia never o y a miracle, the leaders are and to him is raised but ponent, self antagonistic to the Christian reliz thr( ughout the land today. It will be PW its rot that he is the objection to sleep. It never al- p revent riot, bloodshed arson the Farmers' of State anybody president for him may so i 3Chicago, so in New Orleans, so in l, riates pain. You ask me why I say 0 sry enroute. all control would be 1o1 ion, and what city wants and that organization wishes or, what state wants him for governor. Chs rleston, so in Boston, so in Pnila- tb at. I have never tried it. I never % rhen the army balked at Its failore o tAliance, o its officers out of active politics. what nation wants him for president or delI ia, so everywhere. to ok it. I deny that morphia is any f )rce Congress to isue $500,000 000 f< o irHekeep bowever, that Mr. Evans can says, for king? Let a man openly proclaim I know the tract societies are doing so othing to the nerves or any quiet in I ieir beieSt, witbout fauda, driven! the presidency Some of the glorious work, but I tell himself the enemy of ouriglorious Chris a gi and andno es of sicEness. I deny that morphia t walls, would in its despair and de rI-8- esign in this faction, he says, are men other anare of on earth the is there prev today become eration easy power tv er put anybody to sleep. But nere p tianity, and he cannot Let a majority of yOuL M e20 persous who say they have all i itsindborni-throwers. The leaders if very anxious to have C-oagressman at votes in any state, in any city, in any equ. iI to the fact that the American is taking up the sermons a physician's t iey counciled peace, if there were ar ' Liurin cowe back from WashingtOn o? ting pr-ss Put eff-crs t ne soothing it ward of America. in any county, Whi -hare preached to a few hundred escribing morphine. Whose te.-timony A ould be swept aide-, and the arn bY -nd enter the list against Jot-n Gary Do you think that such a scene could or a few thousand people, and on Mon- W yonutak-those woo tooK the med- % rould become- a fl ming, furirou mc Evans, as the leader of the Alliance Re thte In be enacted now as was enacted and Monday evening, in neverhavi'e h oiling for blood and plunder. Tt 'orm faction. The trouble with this, be ay testim-iny,I neormy days of Robespierre, when a shameless the morning scat and .he revolutic Frenen a papers, wtul cenesof evening morning nstates, is that McL urin is practicall _en the medic-? Here is the gosp-1 woman was elevated as a goddess andte to the millions. What truth t hat a odtile reign of terror mignt be i ig all for anodyne Jesus orist-an the only man South Carolina no. nas in was carried in a Enl* en chair to a catheought it is! What an encourage- tr ouble, toe mightiest medicine that e uced in i..i enlightene-d capirtal, ICo and it wou d come hard to tak' litt dral, where incense was burned to her 'ttoe-very Christian taan! R Coxey t pu'lic. Arnerican sereams, in h is Don Q uixoric sebemel olinngrese carne down to ear 'u. Here is -erv that body He regards McLia cf cut and people bowed down befoire her as a B -sides that have you noticed that d in it.. man who says: "I dort rn as the ablest fiihte-r id the- Reform witi all th->se tivine beinit, she taking the pl.,ce of the dur: .ng nor tbe past few ye~rs every one ofT ereis no power. in it."bdlige r employ2uz00 Here are and sawa that he cnuld easih' meet Bible and God Aim'g'ity, while in the the doctrines of the Bib e came under h.-r people uno say: "We 'av r ,a d u atwork 'nat he mcy be incir-g a r ic arty Tillman on the stamp. handle nd Do vou the Repunt sake uaone seeular press? isthe that may corridor of that cathedral were enacted dise t. its power and ku' e i sob) hi oig t elon, is the si nation now. Things a fee- years ago when Ir. has cured us" Whuse f ~om t urret to toutidation stone. It is ieareSuch fluence. such scenes of drunkenness and debaaco not remmber nosettled, but in two or three dass 7paper in the Uoited states had t sumony will you tage ii regard to f commenr that Coxeyintt orthy 'tion ery and obsceni y as have never been ~eie d atter the Si.artamburg meeting the leafollowi 'Is r has the on army his subject, uiitorial an rgantz Sr Tnleret thir 'nedicine? a is such believe Do ? healing witneset you der will be defintely decided upon and for i Thing as Future Punishment ?" a I feel tniat I have con.'inced overy c lIsely the plain oft the Frencn revol c uld possibly occur in Christendom to Suc nw'as *--nat time~on thie figut will be madie :o s tuer" that ca ano the immune c t thing d His ranges' on. ivisions, uter It i. is folly mnat house an n this da ? No, sir Toe police, whether <-t secular the in revolutio between Lhe two facdions of a b e t French discussion the a re those-of w as of tnose '~be. fioish te-stimony .he take. Paris or New York, would swoop on i' who e-ra on tilat sur'ject, but every pa- b [ehas even gisne to tile ex .eut of be that S.ecretary of State Tbndal de-. ive never tried the gospel of Jesus iings I kn iw mnildelity makes a good 3eal patp in the Unilted States and in Chrisrit in their own heart anid ro wirmg the liftie "cit 'z ani andincetizeenei scribed in his letter yeserday and deet 'alk in our day. Is is on the princi-tin loin d'scussed, "Is 'here Such a Cl I 'e tne da 'riin obtained in Pis We have tens of thousands of the fact that such a condition ,plored pie that it a man jumps overboard fromTh ogas Ret ri oution ?" I kui e th--re of tnenrevolutic victims as when d the to itness'-s. I believe you are ready #8s imminent, exist. sr.oues< a Cunard steanmer he makes more ex wer the caible over tre small wit s who made sport of t-he earted do ke tertestimony. Youngiman, of the pri SIt seems that the anticipation ctement than all the 500 neople that disc sson, but there was n.>'t an intelbe tashame i to be a friendI or tie g uillotine by the hundr ed, when a4-ss not. will Evans John act tbat Gary of he resultB that the as the the who, as Bndecks. fact, on the god earth on ct ma& enthroned t lige tute was -tay ible. Do not put your thurob is convention the on the decision a bide ye himself of ask not the' did t monarchs of the all that and r as>n d scumssion, Eurol ist stop jumps otvrbord-doesa your vest, as young men well-grounded. t he -at tl o horror is in "What going my s m-timnes do and swagger about a aped anid trembhled aiu? Does that wreck the 500 passen the question, Statue to Gen. Francie Marion. h.. 'hat was a revolt of oppresi< in gere? It makes great exciiemnent when eter nal desimy ?" So it wasa: in regard to Imng of the glorious lignt of toe s gast royalty and easte,this mightl WASHINGTON, March 21.-The very neteenth century and of there being a a man 'umnps from a lecturine platfwrm tu '1 'yndal's prayer gauge. of Senator Colquitt of A out 12 years ago, you remnember, of a aolie. Th. -y have th-' a revolV of poverty against entrenchi dserious o >need or f om the pulpit into infidelity. Bu: with that discussed s.-cular papers and in and Cninza India thie of ht second attack of parala nature from the church, SGe'orgia, d es that keep -he Bible and earnestne-ss as t'he reWere such an unfortunate state e dark places on0 earth. Drd his residenee in tfhis at yesterday "ysis froum carrting their millhons of passen- u asispmuch sent apers, and there was unot a m-an V< i ev-r hear that th-e znt of nature a ffairs !c ie the result of Cioxey's to In Chaplin Milr: was ers into the skies? g.o fe-rred Scity descent upon tne capital, no city aburn's opemng prayer nrstndoir who did not ask omtthis morning. ve tsem comfort for their troped I -s stan to They say-these men--that science is self the questions: "Is there any'b ing situated well so is be t c ountry ,0i ard earnest our to to cry, 0 Lord," lance's "Hearken have Ngge-rtey tvercoming reliuion in our day, They in 5 'rayer ? Maiy the creature impress n tuisto crusr- but no comforL. Ab, c ut such a riot as Washington. our beloved of behalf "in he prayed, The city was laid out by L'Enfai afriend and brother, the Senator from ook through the spcctacles of the infidel the Creator?" O0', what a mighty fact, e yfriesiis, yon had netter srtop your Weis secular fact-the printt a by wbi glorious Fench employed engineer in is a "It imnposare hand and saty: a forth scientists, a'nd they puit Stretch thy you m~icicism. Suppose d'Georgia. and toe pulpit of th~e coe icrisis: 0-, fcther, your child Is i agr~onwith the special object of defen ,draw him back to the duties of life of sible that this book can be true. Peo ing press view. From several central point this world, so that he once mere may Christ hlarnessed'in the same d ing!What are you going to say pe are ficithng it out. The Bible has of a ess the White House, Dupoi taae his place in this chamber and re- -. t be Ciapitol, Sher? got to go overboard. Science is going teatT ci! henook.at the International series' Colonel E than Allen was a famous and Scott Circle, broad avenu joice the hearts of all who know and to throw it overboard.'" Do you believe adiate in every direction. From the slove him." There was very little ronschool lessons. Do you know i uldy in his day. Hi7s wife was a very Ci etnral that the Bible's account of the origin of of points cannon and Gatling gul atine morning business; and after it was -('dery Sabbatn between 3 and 5 1 fidelesecrated mother in. The womnan. life will be overthrown by infidel sci- th studyare C ould command the entire city. L'E 5,000,000children /c 'disposed of, the unobjected to bills on of truths the in the ructed theor-w daughte-r 50 different have who entists ant who experienced all tbe horro the calendar were taken up. Among same lessoz'-a lesson prepared S the sickened daughter Tne ristianity. about the origin of l.fe? It they .should with all i tthose passed were the following: Santhe leadimg minds of the country aC idwasabout to die, anid she said to C f the French revolution cuime up in solid phalanxg a.iU agreeing and printed date bill appropriating $10,000 for imin the papers-and then C suntless barracades In long crook< I take shall "Father, r father: on one sentiment antione theory, per.- the: ue the map of Was b' drew arrow streets, prveet for the road to the Nationsubjects are discussed and given hY' moth:ake I or shall instruction, a to near Pensacola, Fla. Senan preventing with haps Christian;'y might bs damatged, ove n the eye to teachers, who give them igton I <iie I am going to here. restoration of the books horrors of such tatbllfrthe but there are iot so many d~fferences of ove r the to children, so whereas once- en 'sinstruction? epetition ' mu t have this matter decided." c of the Beaufort Linrary Society, of on Heights, \irt children n Arlington Hever, opinion iaside the church as outside the and within our memory-the his hat man, who had been loud in site Washington there are sever al Beaufort, S. C. It provides for the here and there at a story in the 1 fidelity, nib chpldi, said to his dy ing daughter. I egiments of cavalry and infant1 Yplication from the library of Congress are taken through now they le, dy dear, you had better take your SPeople used to say; "There are so Bit hichcould be thrown into Washin gof books equivalent in number an~d to Revelation, and we Genesis the is advice fo My other's religion." of Chiis denominations different many I 5.000,000 children forestalled at a moment's notice, and at ti :evalue to replace those taken by a Uniithave imeto you, 0 young man-you had t on tians. That shows there is nothing in barracks are quartered a thou ad States officer in 1862, and subsesoul is futll of exfarine My Christianity. religion. mother's take 'itter your all religion." I have to tell you that nd tried ana trainea marines. Wi quantly destroved by fire. Senate bill ut tion. I feel as if I could shout-Ib on know how it comforted her. You denominations agree on the two or three wilt shout, "Allelula, the Lord God gun and sabre thev 3ould pl1 appropriating $40,000 for an equestrian what she said to you when she C annon, aw adnavoc with Coxey's army, and ti '"statue to General Francis Marion, of or faar radical doctrines of the Christian om1i ipotenit reigneth!"k take better had your You as dying. hen ongress of the' Uoited States, besieg dthe Revolutionary army, in Columbia, you notice a more significant religion. They are unanimous in regard other's religion. n citadel, would not hesitate to a SS. C. Twenty-five bills in all were its youifhave talked with people on to Jesus Christ, and they are unanimous fact ;, & Sucek company. t horize the use of every man and gi Spassed, and at 2 p. m., the unfinished in regard to the divinity of the Scriptures, the subject, that they are getting diswith philosophy and science How is it on the other side sati sied 8. C., March 17.-There 2 t Uncle Sam's command to put doY abusiness was' taken up, being the Senof or comfort. They say ita CoumII, ate bill to simplify the form of deeds a tew days ago in The State i narchy and la wlessness. all split up. You cannot find as5a matter The general impression here is th at conveyance, trust and release of land not amount to anything when a account of the location, by the two of them alike. Oh, it makes doe it action No house. this of incipiel Columbia. in the Dirtrict heState of OniO, wherne have a dead c'iild in the ats ferrilizer inspectors, of a large t me sick to see these literary fops going YOU iy eellion is being nursed and cradled e- was reached on the bill, which still retell you when they were sick and of fertilizers in Marlboro couu- I nount along with a copy of Darwin under one Th~ door d and blood of work its on mains the unfinished business; and afof the future seemed opening t) ',near the North Carolina line, tot e sent out arm and a case of- transfixed grasshop- the owes it to itself to stamp tter a short executive session, the Sanfind was in could astation, comfort they had only tax Carolina tags the So)uth hich pers and butterflies under the other arm' h gospel. People are having demon-n heel. tomorrow. ybeen affixed. The officeers who< ut with an iron telling about the "survival of the fittest" te all over the land that scienge c Secretary Lamonit has received a a'e at 5:30 adjourned,auntil that tne ime across fertilizers,thought heWest. Flods In sayli and Huxley's protoplasm and the nebu' and philosophy cannot solace the Gen. from Frye, ommuncation North Carolina company could be C teliable MEMPHIs, March 19.-The heaviest trot ible lar hypothesis! he had organized an army of 8( )0 hat and woes of the world, and h for the violation of the laws t of rain ever known in this section la Sfall 0 and and proceeded aten Los Angles, want some other religion, The fact is that some naturalists, just the this State. But the company was too occured during the past thirty-six r W of notice on tne Secretary erve are taking Christianity, the only in 2 as soon as they find out the difference the~ iarp. Had it delivered the stuff the local office of the weather n hours, m-acn C to was ready hat the army theu pathetic religion that ever came between the feelers of a wasp and the syn the to purchasers Carolina >nth bureau recording nearly seven inches. transpc r-SThe world. Vashington, and de natded horns of a beetle, begin to patronize the fnt< would have been lie ble. But insteadi whole country for miles around Is blu i this While rations. a nd consoation scientific take t 'on your just the CaroSouth it got Almighty, while Agassiz, glorious Ag- lati into that room where a mother 1 delivering it, live the rivers are on the rampage gflooded, interestir another played being as to1 the near line, maFarmers, who Sand enormous damage is reported in assiz, who never made any pretensions the Capits about in case that was occuring child. E her Try lost Diode ci their with mieacross to the factory to being a Christian, puts his feet on the has direction. Washouts have occurSweet, of Id 4do, hi edevery doctrine of.the "survival agons and the fertilizers were thus I d on the Tennessee Midland, Louisdoctrine of evolution and says, "I see you hesplendid intr to to died child persistently that her appealed Tell een i test." d The farm -livered in North Carolina. Illinois Central that many of the naturalists of our day of Comir gvilla and Nashville, it was not woith as much as e tne stuff in themselves, and C ce a bill of financial relief. Iron the St. Moenn tain and and Louis, des and state are adopting facts whi.ch do not bear the other children. That is your "sur- i athebrought a ucing silver prod I State gets its tax it will have to traffic has Railroads. Freight S outhern Swel Mr. obseivation or have not passed under i his people aiding ous of i theof fittest." Go to that dying llect it from them. Governor Tillman suspended and passengers are observation." These men warrmng with a tell him to pluck up courage ~ iysthe compiny simnpiy duped and 1 ged to offer tbe bill. A few da; sbeen and in boats at tne breaks. A each other-Darwin warring against fur the future. Use your tranisgo it was handed t o him. Expectic transfered oled the poor farmers of tnis State on the Illinois Central ran train frieght r fu the to him. find Wallace loing something warring cen against Lamarche, ental phraseology uponl to breaking the law. The S.ate will,t a washout today in the Medon into astonish' was he silver of Fereon-h nr be even coinage Herschel to Tel denouncing Cope, hlm he ought south of Jackson. wever, try to colleet the tax from thet in it a demand of tile most e Swamp, t welve miles con itnd gsonfidentin the "great to be," and the who have the fertilizers ir. Irmers, wrecked. Tue are cars four and Tenn., o promised "eternal ravagant nature. Having They do not agree about anything. "ev srlasiang now," and thetranscendcars ten and passed over locomotive oi tile out wrote eir rent it lie did so, They ao not agree on embryology; do wb~ Ltit."us Just try youron him.In the when collapsed. bridge* k safely ba< the on words, "by re-quest" and your science not agree on the gradation of the ent slism, of Memphis, immediate the vicinity sectioi i s numerous After the bill. that to widowed soul and tell her George W. Chilsones said to a girl speces. What do they agree on? G damnane hais been very great. One 0 ut ord issues, the bill ended wit the necessity that her fr omine west, who went to him w ith .i a Herschel writes a whole chapter on it a geological hundrad teet of the bluff at the foot hissgr fbant sentence: be taken -away ie ters and tne nope of getting suflicithe errors of astronomy. La Place con epanion should and of South Georgia streets, caved a"Adi all citiz-ns making applic 2. it influence- to do something in the declares that the moon was not put trol her, just as In the course of the e, river, crrilng into Mississippi the ield of journalism: "Little wo t on for ianor sfaul beemnployea."--A in the right place. He says that .if it wot history the megatheriumti had a1 table of tue K ansas tracks of the it one with can do something, go ahead ; 'usti Chronicle. bali, of existence, and then you n you if out been put four times farhter from the to I Railroad. Memphis Fort Scot'1and City, adit.do The world is nungry for tn your earth than it is row there would be go < in scientific consolation al with water, flooded were streets The Blarmny Wated. ct~hingnew. It is an omnivorous ore harmony in the universe, but urt you l get to the sublime fact that s< was suspended in the and traffic city 00,000 years from now we ourselves ci 'eature, onut it wan's a chance couLionville comes up just in time to 50,0 AUSTIN. T.xr. Mucch 17.-The t? 0 during the forenoon, L'ghtning r wrought ruin with the street railroad prove that the moon was put in the ma; be scientific specimens on a geolo- e antly. Keep as quiet as you can. - x -cutive c.,mmit teecs of the t' ate iishef-petrifled specimens of an E ep out. of men's ways .as much as right place. giel DallI in will meet ejetric light, telephone arid tcc'ions troulley arndwires. )<ocratic u for it is tres passing to go on ; human race, S 2t can, How many colors woven into the ext: For a time during the t! in harmnons about t o tal-graph 1nday e-rg afteryou have got all though y .nd property. K-rnp youu~tlt in rivate and the trolley id light ? Seven says Isaac Newton. Three A electricity the ai s torm, date a fix to and toi Terii, a. h yourconsolation, if the poor af- gi )odhealth, good spirits a.'i good I by lightniug says David Brewster. How high is the wit often so te struck were wires St~a tile of' meet:n. uext for-te --ci ed soulis not crazed by it, 1 will cl otnes, and don't try to bie a good fel aurora borealis? Two and a half miles fiet be stopped to had that t the streer cars Fromine convennion. )imoraile orwone of the boys. N' e halt if I forthfrom this cnurch the plain- j weaknead. says itas. One hundred and six' y- sen have floods and rains T he ro will I tiactions m crat ic-im b we have, and with one-y iurearnings. G>io churen. Be eeIght miles says Twiming How far is e-st Christain w llthe levees, and grave apprehensions Ho~it n Govere-Tr and t hisi f if city, of some' hon andQ and ri reserved. of nut hour reading hal' prayer e4bi, the sun from the earth? Seventy-six arefelt for the safety of planters i 30 as d tears al ve- to mnor-w to do what be can< manoffers you1 hifan >e promises the million miles says Lacalie. Eighty two ser *pture the valley. Tne M,ssissippi river has e him u-inn ans the all au's it aw up, boues u harm-Ony wit v, er-sn' wiped marry protectioni gve h: million miles says Humboldt. Nine-ty t) is the danger ine at Memphis, passed to ont will now rune flooded tbat zed to floor eniergie.. cupola addevote your ges I.Sis rcom ai million miles says Henderson. One fro be it is and fe-ared the levees incannot o is sumn1o an Indian pma of world calmn.-ss the Te business a ig. sbe seeu'-d oir the Stste Pr'-asut repatred and und red and four million miies sats wit to time strengthened I see the where aid is a a is sunset.There w.man. Ir, is rough plasc-, M s er. 001, a lirtle difference of 28, or the Popui. down from the stoe handoi a coming the resist fy fiood in are of Cnristianity People p, opl nave to get rough to succeed 000,000 mites! All split up among them- tru 9upper rivers. At Forest City, Ark., I know huudreds of gentle worne i the Sewers burst and flooded the town se-tv e, not agreeing on anyt hiag. They disi attded with every thin g else. They it A strong efi'rt Kansas. and d Christ. s m Jesus se-n o C They want God. uniess, Dut. they al way t come and isay that tn.- churches of wal the storm, doing great damage. n-cmade here and all over the Sta durinri alk about toe exact scinces; there -e e ike going tistling in a dreas slitJesus Corist are divided on ths great I 4 At Miadismn, Ark., the White river has Popui the : head Jones Frins ave It 1s a one exact science., idwiteglovers. Exqiisite ahrss )nly ireachea the flood stage and is still risdoctrites. All united they are in 1s toCet, -d be has accep'.ed noitede for rough and reacy L chet Jsus Christ, in the divinity of the not matematics. Taylor's logarithms ai ing at the rate of one foot an hour. here. a sneech make to ivianot Scriprr. While they come up anri has mny imperfkciions. The French . CREW. CoXt.Y AND Which is 'he more popuiai? Why. of course the one that has 100 OCO circula tion. And if this book bas more copies abroad in the world, it there are five times as many Bibles abroad as an% other book, does not that show you that ,he most popular book on the planet to d,- ii the Word or God? "Oh," say people, "the cbu-ch is a e ilection of hpocrites, and it is losing its power, and it is fading out from the world." Is ii? A bishop of :be Meth cdist church told me thattbat denomina- - " - - , i -raic Is ny church being - - f aend tythiog > ,_ le uraisn .Id . een le De ,llne-ss .ad i ~irrele, (y es acthere aled >ur >w,1I provemear P aor th 3~ ypeared ,ted Sthe (epresentative muse rom possession.-State,t . aous -as -id's wass - - . .net .be imph . at dui- Wid-op-esd Ruin. MEMPHS, Tenn., March 20.-The property in the Mississippi damage tostorms and floods during the V tll-y by past forty-eight hours is beyond calculation. Bridges have been washed away, houses wrecked, railroad tracks displacsd. iarm land has been flattened out, especially in the bottoms, and crops that have been promising are ruined. During the two days tne pre- cipitation at Memphis reached about inches. There are eleven railevery one entering Memphis, and of them has been subjected to washonuts. Two miles of the track of the Cnesapeake, 0oio and Southwestern Railroad was swept away at the Hatebie river, seven miles north of Memphis. The and the eight roads C-ton M11e. The three States-South Carolina, No)rti Carolina and G-orgia-make a in the c.tton mill entergood showing South. Without c:untprisestheof the mills projected the figures ing s'and this way: south Carolina, 626,490 spindlep and 16,291 looms; N ir.-q Carolina, 660,A27 somi ies and 13.306 itoms: Georgia. 556,761 spindles and 12.544 looms Wne it is co tsidered that only a few years ago, comparatively, there were but few cotton mills, in the South as couipared with the region Eogland manutacturing upward n thi- direction has are and the miles oeen great, rapidly being tangbt neatr the ctton tields first. at s'ioulI have been wr-ere they While South Carolina and Georgia St. Louis and Southwestern Tennessee Midland each report five have very large mills, North Calolina washouts, while the track of toe forua- has a :egion of smail nanuf sctories. er is submerged for several miles in South Carolina has 16 294 looms recordthe Coluwb a and other The stormin Ar- ed. White river swamp. kansas was accompanied by high winds and more damage was done n that S ate than in Tennessee. A dispatch from Helena, Arkansas, says that a cyclone struck that place last night, unroofed houses, uprooting trees, blowing down fences, splintering telephone poles and doing other damage. The roofs were blown off two stores. Scores of trees were uprooted and innumerable fences blown down. A row of negro shanties located on the levee near the Mississippi Valley depot was comGreat excitement pletely demolished. business men who among prevailed were cut off from their homes by the fury of the storm. So far as can te learned there was no loss of life in the south city. The country a few miles as of Helena was greatlv damaged, the storm seemed to have been more furi- down the river than in the city. A dispatch from Chattanooga, Tenn., says the tail of a cyclone struck that place this afternoon and wrecked a number of buildings. The wind was followed by a terride rain and hail storm, which flooded the streets and smashed windows and sky-lights. In the vicinity of Popular Grove and Marvel, Ark., the cyclone wrecked a dozen or more farm houses and scattered the debris over the country for miles around. The cyclone crossed the ous New tne strid-., Including mill, the total will be ov-r 18,1'00 looms. 1ri1880 we had only 1.776 loosi. The increase has been 1.000 per cent in clothes making in 14 years. The Columbia State alludes to this industry, and, among otherbe good words, says:' impressed by the [he reader will very large unmber of small mills in North Carolina, and the thought is inevitable that if North Carolina can a operate such mills at a profit-as by year evidences multiplication year -South Carolina can do so too. North Carolina has 151 miles. An equal unmber in this State would give one to every to wn, ive to every county. Of course, the larger the mill the better; but if you can't afford a large one, and a small one will pay, by all means build the small one. Perhaps we have been too grandiose in our ideas, and have despised the day of small things. There would have been a half dozen small miles in Columbia by this time but for the idea of waiting to build a Carolina can boast big one. Still, Southmills. She has the justly of herin big four largest the South at Pacolet, Clifton, Pelzsr and Piedmont. Pacolet, " with a prosoective total of 59,924 spindles and 2,080 looms, leads tne South. The Soutn Carolina listis defective. The Columbia mills should be credited with 35,000 spindles for a starter, and river into Mississippi near Helena, Ark, looms enough t, tarn into duck all the spreading ruin in every direction. Tel- yarn they can spin 0 ving to the wires are prostrated and details character of the goods to be man.facegraph are slow coming in, but no loss of life tured, the mill will consume as much is reporten so far. cotton as a 45.000 spindle mill, and itt s but little over nalf its intended size. Must Pay Up. A complete list would probably put COLUMBIA, S. C., March 23.-Judie South Carolina in the lead as to spindSimonton nas rendered another decision les as well as looms; and we hope that tax the railroad all that shows which will cases in this State are to ba jadged exactly as in the ca ie of the South Carolina Road, decided last week. Tne to' lo wing in the decision in the case of the Wilmington, Columbia and Aigusta Road: "The bill in this case was filed to restrain certain persons filling the offices of sherift and County Treasurer in the State of South Carolia from proceedin: to levy tax executions upon the ground of illegal assessment of the property of complainant. The allegations ot the bill and the issues made by the answer are not ensirely, identical with those in the case of Cpamberlain, receiver, vs Walter et all., the opinion in which was tiled on 13 h March current. This case varies f om that in otner feau'es. The bih f the receiver vas an- almost, if . e llarv to F N B tund vs Sour b Carolma Railway Company, and our j ir'.ariction d-pend upon 'itiz.nship or did n->t am-unt In controversy. This case is an original hill and the fit question is as t ttre ju iadi-tio. £'ne persons actin-z as ou 'n., T -asurer and as sherff -f flue c unties are detendantq. Af er Lfn.- teudler anxd payment ' f so muchb f tlie taxes as are 'dmitied to have been the result o: lawful asse-sment, there is due im th.- conv --f Fl. r~ c $2,734.39; in the court% .IH .rm 3-28 23; io tnet e. u tv or Mar '* 1 685 23; ii, the Conacn or R cila d $2.7-24 29, and in the County oi Sumter $1 683 72 --Ua.der Walter v- N rr.hesbro R droad Company, 147 U. S , 370, and Nrthern Psc'ide Railroad Cotupany vs Walker, 48 U S., this court has no - jurisdiction over tbe questions rae-dI against the Treasurers and sheriffs H >rry, Marion and Sumter, and as to * tese the bill should be dismissed. With reard to the Treasurer and sheriff ot the County <.f Ricbland, and of the County of Florence, this case is controlled by the case of Chamberlain vs Walter, above referred to. "LeL an order be prepared dismissing the bill. "CHAS, H. SimoNToN. "Circuin Judge." March 19, 1894. any mill which may be omitted send us the figures with which to amend.the list. South Carolina consumes more cotton and mame more cloth than any State in the South. and she ought to have more spindles." A Ssnsational sermon. The Darlington EI.'ald says a few weeks ago Rev. J. C. Kilgo, the financial agent of Woff orri College, preached a sermon in the Methodist Church at Bennettsville which was sensational in the extreme and which was far better suited to the political platform than be p-ilpit. Among other things Mr. Mir. K Igo said that one of the causes of bard times was a lack. >f confidence in our fellow mans, and attributed this lack or faith largety to the infi teace of the ndwspapers. They thought they must n ave os vs arid ao scidal is t0o lie too mean for dirty, no foul, fi--adish rh, m to p-ib iso. Uadtr cov.-r of the fret-edom ot the press, they, the newspacan priut. anytning pers, think theyabour the most sacred nowever false, r'na t ney 0V1 4(id 1-) it- a-te things. lv. That their miserable little 10 cent ni i st-in at a a colama r--p ,r t.-rs w.u keyhole or resort to any other means to du'd out 'he most private matters of a mac's life. He said that tney mignit print such thingcs as would forever ruin our characters acid that there was no redress. If anty other man did this you could call him to account, but go to the edit'r an I h-: woul i refer von w0o tne cou rts and <e;l you to sue nlim; but n'e sad, I would1 rather -tie a cemetery of dead tramps. Mr. Krigo was gracious enough to e-xc-pt some of the newspapers from his tirade. This is pretty plain languiag-, and we must confess that in our judgmient it is too strong to be used in the pulpit, but the main question for the newspapers to consider irn connection with it is, is there any c'ausei for it so far as they are concerred? Do they do any of the things chat Mr. Kilgo claims that they do? Ir. other words are they guilty of the e'aarge? We fear that a great many are, and ttrat is one reason why such plain talk always hurts so. Instead of gettin'r mad, let us examine the record and see if we are guilty and if we are, let us mend our ways, and if we are not guilty, we have a perfect right to conclude that such language does not aply to us, and we need not take any part or it to ourselves. Th.- Lexington Plan.. Hon. C. M. Efird, of Lexington coon ty, sets forth the Lexington plan to A vendetta. promote harmony in the ranks of the Reformers as follows: "It is to have BIRMINGHAM, ALA, March 21.-In the committee meeting 1D Columbia on a gene'ral Lignt between the Cobb and the 4th of April to request the State King faimilies at Three Notches, Ala, Exective 'Jommittee to permit the this Mo:-ning Jhon Cobn's throat was Reformers of each county to print cut and be died in a iew minutes. Brad their tickets with a blank at the head King and hIs brotTer Dave were badly for Governor, which each voter can fill wounded. Warrants were issued for. out with his choice, and to let the man- the entire K'ng family, consisting of the agers count and tabulate this vote with and three sons. Tne fight was the rest. Then in each county run theatherresult of an old feud, and is the for of Reform delegates only one set the September convention, and have outh murder in ten days In B-illock with the ex- County. file each of them sign and ecutive committeeman of the ReformHangi|ed. ers in eacn county a pledge that he will CHARLESTON, March 16.- Jerry HorIvote, on first ballot, in the September beck was hangea in Berkeley county convention, for Governor, for that Reyard this morning for the murder form candidate for the office who re- jail last spring. eve sthe highest number .of votes in of Bob HIrzal, a constable, morning, the prisoner athis county. This plan obviates the Early this to. commit suicide, and succeed necessity of a nominating convention, tempted his neck and wrist with a also that of having a set of delegates in gashing of tin, but he was dis~overed in for each candidate for Governor, it'no piece and he was quickly rivived and time nominating convention is held and He dien protesting that he hanged. out come to candidates the all permits and stump the State during the cam- had killed the constanle in self-dsefnse paign; and further carries out our forTHOMAS CLEVELAND. the while nemer demand that the people be perwho has been ,'xhibited bsf ore mitted to express in the primaries gro, bia, is going their choice for State officers, which medical men inandPhiladelp will probably appearwe ought to keep inviolate by all to.New Yore, Surmeans. Under this plan the choice-of in the C >llege of Paysicpe-m-d most extraordinatne people for Governor can be ascer- geons. His case is aa full-blooded negro Although taned by the vote and that vote the rytheone.' in his epidermis pigment coloring and can ought cinvention September H~e is the only livto heed. Under this plan, only one is entirely absent. who is completely white negro ing the proper secure to. is thing necessary on -any part of his olack s wihout spo: is that aud in nominations September, ________ body. each county of to have the Reformers nominate true and tried meu as deleGEN. Howard, after examining the gates to the September convention-"if defeices of our Atlantic seaboard cities This is certainly a good plan, andall reports t'iat not one has any modern adopted, would give satisfaction means of defence. Washington will round. probably be the tirst city properly proA elad Love. DURANGO, Mexico, Mirch 21-T here Is mucai exct-ment among the peonle of the little town of Cacaria, situated about sixty miles North of here, over a terrible tragedy that has just been enacted there. Trhe perpetrator of the eed was a well kno wn man of the town named R afal L aoez. Lie was engaged to marry Miss Forina, Lne pr etty daughter Or Martin Parenza, a wealthy rnchero of that sec;iun. Having recently heard reports very degratory to 'he cnaracte-r or Lopez, tne young lady wrote him a letter breaking their engagement. Snortly af er he received the letter, Lopez called upon her anad pleaded to be reinstated in her aff -ctions. but sne refused. Tne lather of the girl, with true spanisl hospitaity, invited the discarded lover to remain for dirnner and t~he invitation wa~s aecepted. The tnree sat aown to eat and Lopez, In n seceret manner, put poison in s-veral disnes of rood and then partook ot the fatal mix' ures also. In a few minutes all three were taut-n deatly ill and all died before a phy sieian could be sutnmoned. THE teller of the Mercnants' National Bank of Middletown, Onio, oie of the richest counstry bauks in the West and the depository of the great tobacc~o section of the Miama V dley, is Mras Louisa Smith, a remarkably pretty yungn girl. teced. Work is no w goiug on at old Fort Washington. ten miles down the -ver. A T a din ner in Be'rlin given by Count cnoub 4off E noeror Wzliam appeared in a R issian uu:t',rm anid c~rdially drak tne Czar's heairi. It is taken as a sign that :he triend'y re-lations between Germauy and Russia are sincere. JOE Carden, of Chattanooga, exemplary y oung mian of tnirty-t.so, engineer ny profe:,sion lost his inmnti's salary never navmng gnib-tog Saturda2andInight took rough on gawoled neror'-, rotsand died to avoid facing his wife. DURING The past eight or ten years a )tne unknown ai;r has bee-n has obs-rvei a Ulacier Bay, Alasta. It ben phograpn-d, tu. to is far na one hasbeen aOle to idetify tae vision. A PITT County, N C., c >ltred man. is te t~rtner of seven seOs, each of wom wveig's :n re than 20u0 pouuds. ~eis a small ma~n himiself, and famdy discipline nias Ueen a hard thing for i J .am a mirage of cit suspe rid d in the him to preserve. WHILE -4 grave crists in llian po- litical .i.isrs is transpiring at Brcussels King L-oplis us eut,'ivin'g skipped the towu andI gaa to (Geaev4 without wher-fore. eplanng th-. wonr
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