RENAISSANCE TIMES THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF RENAISSANCE homeowners association Volume 18, Number 11 SECTION A November 2014 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-2 Editors George Graber Iver Kennedy Kathleen Middleton Editorial Associates Dorothy Bruno Bill Hemp Carol Mendalski Writers/Reporters Claire Aschner, Betty Blajda, Bob Catanzaro, Dick Guariglia, Janet Hahne, Joan Hollander, Bill Jehle, Carol Leonard, Archie Miller, Debby Wasserman Proofreaders A l a n A r n o w i t z , J a n e t B o y e r, Kathy Breault, Molly Burge, Lillian Burwasser, Mary Caruso, Sue DeBella, Kerry Faber, Phyllis Fox, Isabel Goldfarb, George Graber, Pamela Helman, Anna May Jones, Terry Juliano, Maria Martinez, Carol Neubauer, Ellen Nicol, Anne Ray, Lynne Sermarini, Jean Sutera Photographers Nora Fett, Chair Bernadette Garguilo George Giani Covers/Centerfolds Bill Unger Don Maroney Technical Assistant Sandy Wentzel Activities Coordinator Jo Ann Wolfe Notice to Readers T h e R e n a i s s a n c e Ti m e s i s a monthly newspaper produced by resident volunteers and distributed free to all Renaissance homes. The Renaissance Times reserves the right to reject, edit and/or condense all submissions. The Renaissance Times adheres to standards of nonpartisanship and good taste, and the editor will not print submissions deemed to be inappropriate. Copyrighted submissions require written permission from the original a u t h o r. T h e n e w s p a p e r s t a ff makes every effort to proofread all submissions for accuracy and clarity, but cannot be held responsible for typographical, placement, or printing errors in articles, photos or advertisements, located therein. The Renaissance Times assumes no responsibility for advertisers’ claims, and does not necessarily endorse their products or services. Deadline All copy must be received on or before the sixth of the month for the following month’s paper. Articles should be limited to 350 words. Email copy as an attachment in Word format. Send photos as .jpg attachments. Email to: [email protected] Advertising Manager Irwin Natter For Advertising call: 732-657-6223 From The Board OF TRUSTEES Open Meeting/Q & A By Kathleen Middleton Those attending the BOT meeting at 1:00 PM on October 15 were handed copies of the Board’s agenda, containing all resolutions that were scheduled for vote. All BOT members were present, along with JoAnn Wolfe, representing the Property Management Office. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, President Arthur Peckerar opened by thanking all those who helped to set up the meeting. After approval of minutes from the previous meeting, nine resolutions were unanimously approved: a contract with a witness for construction litigation ($10,000.00); a “weather insurance” (snow) policy ($23,000.00); a liability insurance package ($100,000.00); an earthquake and flood insurance policy ($15,000.00); an “umbrella” (extended liability) policy ($25,000.00); appointment of resident Jerry Max as driver of our community van; approval of amended ARC drainage guidelines; and six committee appointments. Newly appointed are: Ellen Patton (chair, Golf Committee), Rita Martinez and Toni Ward (co-chairs, Bocce Committee), Anne Markovski (chair, Community Action Committee), George Graber (newspaper editor), Brian Nesta (chair, Nature Trail), and Karen Vaccaro (coordinator, Group Event Information). After the resolutions were approved, the Open Meeting was adjourned at 1:09 PM. Arthur then introduced Rob Marino, who will be coming to Renaissance as our new Community Manager, beginning on November 3. Rob has 14 years of experience in property management, and has served in that capacity at Westlake in Jackson for the past eight years. He looks forward to meeting everyone here. Arthur provided updates on inhouse maintenance projects: resurfaced walkways, guardhouse repairs, replacement of old street signs, installation of sconces and painting in the clubhouse. Also, vendors installed new hot water heaters in the clubhouse, installed gas lines and heating units in the clubhouse ceiling, repaired bocce court drains, renovated the indoor pool, and are reroofing the clubhouse. He also reported on ARC modification requests, and the upcoming Disaster Response Committee drill on November 20. Stu Bier announced that the Budget Committee is ready to present its 2015 budget to the BOT. The Travel Committee will conduct a resident survey via a newspaper insert. Stu introduced Holly Yocum, Landscaping chair, who spoke about landscaping plans for Renaissance and gave advice to homeowners about lawns, shrubs, and trees. Vinny Bono outlined the Social Committee events and the entertain- ment scheduled for the remainder of the year: reception for new residents, movie night, shopping fair, Snowflake Ball, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Falling Leaves Cabaret, and PAC’s last show of the season, Tribute to Elvis. Vinny also reported that October was Renaissance Safety Month; he reviewed and urged cooperation with our community safety rules. Jean Bestafka reported on the golf season, with 478 members (128 members in the women’s league) and a successful rookie program. Club championship guidelines will be reviewed. Jean also provided updates for all Communications sub-committees. She urged all clubs and committees to post, and keep current, their news and information on our website. She explained how BOT officers are elected, and described the new Board’s efforts to do more to keep the community informed. Ernie Standard commented on the resolutions just passed, and complimented Bob Menninger and Bob Kleppinger (co-chairs, Insurance Committee) for their diligence and expertise in procuring the best coverage at the best prices. He reported on the status of recreation facilities and all sports, including pending improvements to the outdoor pool (pergolas) and fitness center (new equipment, flooring). Ernie stated that the clubhouse is in need of further upgrading and that the Clubhouse Enhancement Committee is continuing its work. JoAnn Wolfe announced that lawn sprinklers have been turned off for the season. She reported that planning and scheduling is under way for 2015, and that every effort will be made to accommodate all committees, clubs, and activities who request meeting spaces. JoAnn introduced and thanked the staff (PMO, front desk, maintenance) for their assistance to her, and for stepping up and ensuring smooth operations in the weeks following Larry Thomas’s resignation. Arthur concluded with words of appreciation for former BOT President Hal MacDonald, citing his many years of outstanding leadership and unstinting service to Renaissance. The Q & A session followed, with a resident asking for clarification about drainage (both on private property and on the bocce courts). Another resident posed questions about the number of insurance policies and the feasibility of hiring a commercial van driver and procuring a larger vehicle, and also voiced a concern about the newly resurfaced areas outside the clubhouse. After Board members responded to all questions and comments, the meeting ended at 2:05 PM. Index .......................................Page Section A: Renaissance Team................ 5 Calendar................................ 7 Inquiring Photographer........ 11 Poetry Corner...................... 20 Section B: Clubs....................... 3-10, 12-14 Flyers................................15-18 Section C: Sports................................11-16 Puzzles...........................17-18 Puzzle Solutions.................. 19 Cover by Don Maroney RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-3 Renaissance Times Manchester Township RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-4 Did You Know? Information from the Board of Trustees By Jean Bestafka Street Tree Procedures: In April of 2013, a resolution was proposed by George Hahne and passed at an open board meeting, stating that any street trees that are located on an individual lot are the lot owner’s responsibility to maintain and replace, in accordance with the requirements of the Township of Manchester. Why? Because when the township was approving construction of our homes, they required the builder to place appropriate trees on each property. However, the first amendment to the Renaissance Bylaws, Section 4, Restrictions and Covenants, states: “Each Lot Owner shall be solely responsible for the exterior maintenance of the Lot and Dwelling owned by him and shall be solely responsible for expense and costs therefore….” The resolution was passed to agree with the bylaws. In order to meet both the township and bylaws requirements the following procedure below was developed: Street Tree Procedures (In Accordance with Resolution R0413-13) As of June 1, 2013 all trees including those formerly referred to as “Street Trees” on a lot owner’s property will become the lot owner’s responsibility. The lot owners are responsible for damage caused by a “street tree” on their property to a driveway, sidewalk, etc. The definition of a “street tree” is a deciduous tree that was installed by the developer in accordance with the approved Manchester site plan. RHA will, as needed, maintain and replace any tree that is located on common property. Lot owners must now maintain and/or replace any tree that may have been formerly maintained by the Association that is located on their property in accordance with the following procedures: If a “street tree” should die or need to be replaced for any reason, it must be replaced by one of six types of trees including: Elm, Sawtooth Oak, Pear, Red Maple, Sugar Maple or London Plane. No other kind of tree will be permitted. An ARC modification must be completed. Should a tree on a lot owner’s property other than a “street tree” need to be removed, it is the lot owner’s option to replace it or just eliminate that tree. In order to replace a “street tree,” a lot owner must submit a modification form to the PMO requesting approval to remove and replace a tree. No work may be started prior to approval. All tree replacements must be done within 20 days from the time the tree is removed during the months of April through November. A tree removed December through March must be planted between April 15 and May 15 as weather permits. It is the lot owner’s responsibility to call for a utility mark-out prior to replacing the tree. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a fine placed on the lot owner’s account. Homeowners are responsible for any damage caused by their trees to driveways, sidewalks, etc. as a result of the location of the tree within the homeowner’s property. Should there be a question as to whose property a street tree is on, the lot owners will need to consult their survey/plot plan. Oasis Beauty Bar 191 Route 70 West Toms River, NJ 08755 (732) 994-1050 Appointments preferred, Walk-ins welcomed Grand Opening Party Saturday November 15, 2014 3 pm- 6 pm Ta Come join us in celebrating the grand opening of Oasis Beauty Bar. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Vendors will be available for holiday shopping. $60 Color, Cut and Blowout *Not to be combined with any other coupons. To be used on services only. Expires 12/31/14. Must present this coupon. Holiday Special Purchase a $50.00 gift card and receive a $5.00 gift card for yourself. *Must be purchased by 12/31/14. Limit 2 per customer. $5.00 off $25.00 or more Ad 4551 *Not to be combined with any other coupons. To be used on services only. Expires 12/31/14. Must present this coupon. MONDAY LCR - Ladies Card Room MCR - Men’s Card Room CLUB - Club Room TUESDAY THURSDAY 8:30 - 9:30 AM Raconteurs (LCR) 9:00 am Dance Fit (BR) 9:00 - 11:30 am Model Builders Club (CR) 10:00 - 11:00 am Ladies Billiards 10:30 - 11:30 AM Balance & Flexibility (BR) Noon - 3:00 pm Great Parents Club (CR) exercise 1:00 - 4:00 pm May I (LCR) 3:00 PM Band Rehearsal (BR) 7:00 - 9:00 pm Ceramics (CR) FRIDAY SATURDAY 10:00 am - noon Creative Stamping (CR) M/R - Meeting Room 9:00 - 10:00 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 9:00 - 10:00 am Butts & Guts (BR) 10:00 - Noon Decorative Painting (CR) 10:00 - Noon Ping Pong (Billiards Room) 10:30 - 11:30 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 10:30 AM Zumba (BR) Noon - 4:00 pm Mah Jongg (LCR) 12:30 - 1:30 PM T’ai Chi Chih (BR) 1:00 - 4:00 pm May I (LCR) B/B - Bulletin Board SHUFFLEBOARD • BOCCE • BICYCLING • TENNIS • HORSESHOES • BASKETBALL — CHECK DATES ON B/B FOR SCHEDULED GAMES calendar changes should be submitted to joann wolfe, lifestyle director. 7:30-10:00 am Lab Work (SPA) 9:00 am Cardio-Tone (BR) 9:00 - 10:00 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 10:00 - noon Ping Pong (Billiards Rm) 10:10 - 11:10 AM Balance & Flexibility (BR) 10:30 - 11:30 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 12:30 - 4:00 pm Bridge Club (LCR) TRASH PICK-UP WEDNESDAY WEEKLY RECURRING EVENTS LIB - Library 9:00 - 11:30 am Model Builders Club (CR) 9:00 - 10:00 am Butts & Gutts (BR) 9:30 -10.30 AM Aqua Zumba (POOL) 10:00 - 11:00 am Ladies Billiards 10:40 - 11:40 AM Dance Party (BR) 12:00 - 4:30 PM Mah Jongg (LCR) 1:00 - 3:00 pm Chess (CR) 1:00 - 4:00 pm May I (LCR) CR - Craft Room 9:00 - 10:00 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 9:00 - 10:00 am Dance Fit (BR) 10:00 - 11:00 am Ladies Billiards 10:30 - 11:30 am Water Aerobics (FREE) 10:30 AM Zumba (BR) Noon - 3:00 pm Great Parents Club (CR) 1:00 - 3:00 PM Ceili Dancing (BR) 1:00 - 4:00 pm May I (LCR) 3:00 - 5:00 PM Art Club (CR) 4:00 - 5:00 pm Tap Dancing (BR-Stage) 7:00 - 9:00 pm Ceramics (CR) 7:00 - 9:00 PM Volleyball (Indoor Pool) BR - Ballroom All Sanctioned Sports Clubs Have Priority Play Time in Their Designated Areas. SUNDAY Key: RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-7 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-8 Lifestyle Director With only two months left in 2014, it is again time to look forward to the holiday season, to dread the cold weather, to reflect on yet another year of good times and great memories, and prepare to make resolutions for (can you believe it?) 2015! With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, there is still time to do something special for those less fortunate. Please take a moment to choose even just one thing to do that will make someone smile. Whether it is to place a food donation in the collection box at the clubhouse, visit a shut-in, or donate a toy or a warm coat to a child, your gesture will never go unnoticed or unappreciated. Remember: the best present you can give yourself is the feeling you get when you give a gift or kind gesture to someone else! At this time I would like to thank all those club, activity, sport group and committee leaders who were present at our annual scheduling meeting on October 9. We certainly missed those who were unable to attend this year. It is great to have so many dedicated volunteers working together toward a fantastic 2015! I hope that we were able to answer any questions or concerns that any of you may have had. Scheduling for 2015 officially begins on Monday, November 3. While we hope to be able to accommodate all requests, it may not always be possible. We will try to resolve any conflicts so that the end result is agreeable to all. They say that Disney is the happiest place on earth, but our goal is to make Renaissance the happiest place for all our residents and that means sometimes almost working magic when it comes to scheduling. We promise to do our best! As the year draws to a close, please remember there are still plenty of great things already scheduled. Join us on: Sunday, November 2: Sunday Night at the Movies- Showing Million Dollar Arm - 7:00 PM Sunday, November 30: Let’s go Shopping - 11:00 AM - 3:00PM Saturday, November 29 and Sunday, November 30: “Falling Leaves” –7:00PM Saturday, December 6: Snowflake Ball - 7:00 PM Sunday, December 14: Raconteurs’ Holiday Sing-Along - 2:00PM As always, please check the bulletin boards, Renaissance Times, Channel 22, and the website (www. or call the Activities Desk for more information. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Farewell—and Welcome! By Kathleen Middleton and Iver Kennedy If you check the masthead under Editors in this month’s paper (page A-3), you will find one name missing, and a new one in its place. Two-and-a-half years ago, following the resignation of long-time editor Betty Vermette, Phil Gillhaus came on board with us as one of the three new editors. Besides “learning the ropes,” our first big task was to change over to a digital production process. This was a big learning curve for us, but Phil’s computer expertise was a tremendous help. He set up a file-naming system that streamlined our layout procedures and enabled us to transmit all of our copy and photos to the publisher, in layout order, for each section of the paper. The three of us have worked well together, and we even managed to set up a schedule that allows each of us to take time off every third month. Still, producing the Renaissance Times is a big job, and Phil decided to step down in October. Now for the good news: Fortunately, for us and for our readers, George Graber has volunteered to take Phil’s place. George has been a valued, dependable volunteer for many years, serving as copy editor and galley proofer. He was our top choice, and we were thrilled when he agreed to take on the job of editor. George has been working with us for the past couple of months, and is now officially “on board.” So, we extend sincere thanks and best wishes to Phil, and we extend a warm and grateful welcome to George Graber as the new member of our editorial team. Professional Entertainment Committee By Jacki Naznitsky If you didn’t attend our “Four Aces” show, you really missed an exceptional performance. Along with the singers we had a drummer, a keyboard player, and a bass player. With the live music, this was a show not to miss! The refreshments served were ones that we had eaten in the 50s and 60s—we enjoyed Ring Dings, Twinkies, Devil Dogs, and Hostess Cupcakes. We have had many requests to bring back the “Four Aces,” and we may just do that in 2016. [Stay tuned….] Our November offering, and our last show in 2014, on Saturday, November 15, will be the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. Start time for this show is at 7:30 PM as it is the full production of the show, and we need to end at a reasonable time. Refreshments will be served at the intermission. This show will be produced by Plaza Theatrical Productions from Lynbrook, Long Island. Their productions are complete with actors, musicians, crew personnel, scenery, costumes and props. They have been performing for the Fairways in Lakewood for over 11 years, and residents from there who have seen their shows rave about their productions. Now we will have the pleasure of seeing one of their productions for ourselves. As of this writing, we have limited seating, but tickets are selling fast. Check with the activities desk at the clubhouse to see if any tickets are still available. We have finished booking our professional entertainment for 2015—it should be an exciting year for professional entertainment in our ballroom. Mark your calendars now and hold the dates for our shows for 2015. With the exception of West Side Story, every show is on a Saturday night. January 24, 2015 “Sounds of the Street.” A 50s and 60s doo-wop group. April 25, 2015 “Beatlemania Now.” If you love the Beatles, you will love this show. June 27, 2015 “Surfer Boys.” Performed by the Unexpected Boys, a group of Broadway veterans. If you love the Beach Boys, this is the show for you. July 26, 2015 (Sunday Night) West Side Story. The full production by Plaza Theatrical Productions. Live music, the works. September 19, 2015 Will and Anthony Nunziata: “Broadway our Way.” These brothers have performed all over the world and are sensational. November 21, 2015 “Abba Girlz.” With live music. If you like the music of Abba and the Broadway show Mamma Mia, you will love this group. Make sure you come to our signups. If you have any questions, feel free to call me. See you at the shows! By Maryann Rosta We Need Your Help! There is a travel survey in this month’s paper. Please take a moment to jot down your vacation interests and leave your survey at the clubhouse desk. The Travel Committee was established by the BOT to offer a service to the residents. By presenting vacation choices of interest we try to help the residents by eliminating the difficulties of research, pricing, travel insurance, transportation to an airport or pier, etc. These RHA trips offer an opportunity to travel with people you know, or soon will know. Many times there may be a trip you do not want to take alone but would go with a group. Meeting for a drink or discussion with friends is something to look forward to at the end of the day. It really adds to the overall enjoyment of a trip. The committee begins discussing possible trips each January. Each member has an assigned travel agency. We select one or more trips and discuss our choice(s) with the agent who, in return, gives us expert advice. The agent then puts together a bid on the trip(s), which is presented at the next meeting. Committee members do not know until the meeting what is contained in the bid. Only one trip is discussed and voted upon at a time. Trips are chosen based on the best value for the money, with reliable travel companies. The next step is to schedule a travel presentation date. The agents put a great deal of time into researching and pricing trips and must leave sizable monies to hold space at the original prices. If you want to take advantage of the best price and space, you should consider leaving a deposit as soon as possible. You can always get your deposit back before final payment is due. Two favorite winter vacations are the Caribbean cruise and the Three-Week Florida Land Getaway that are offered every year. For the rest of the year the selections are based on committee discussions and agency suggestions. Trips receiving little or no response are removed and others substituted. This is why we need your help! Without your input we are guessing what trips will interest our community. All trips offered by the RHA Travel Committee are open to family and friends. Please fill out the surveys! QUALITY WORK SAME DAY SERVICE No Extra Charge Nights • Weekends Or Holidays All Star Garage Door Co. Garage Door Openers Clopay Garage Doors FREE ESTIMATES • Fully Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service • 7 Days A Week REPAIRS • SALES • SERVICE All Brands Of Garage Doors and Openers Residential Specialists • Broken Springs • Panels Replaced • Rollers & Cables • Transmitters & Receivers Spring Repair Buy Your Own Garage Door Opener & I Will Install It Call For Details • Low Flat Rate NEW JErSEy ArEA 732-270-5695 ad# 4550 Communication Committee Updates By Betty Vermette The September meeting of the Communications Committee was well attended and the following updates were reported: Advertising, Irwin Natter: Total advertising sales up to October 2014 are $6,900 with commission going to RHA of approximately $1,666. Block Captains, Ilse Tepke: Block captains are encouraged to personally hand-deliver the Renaissance Times to new residents on their route. Channel 22, Gail Cummings: Obtaining a second channel for club information is under discussion with the company Avaya. Channel 22 still needs more volunteers. Community Action, Anne Markovski: Anne is welcomed as the new committee chair replacing Jean Bestafka, who was recently elected to the Board of Trustees. Anne discussed the upcoming school referendum election. Newspaper, Phil Gillhaus: Phil is retiring as co-editor of the Renaissance Times and will be replaced by George Graber. Many thanks to Phil for his years of hard work and dedication to the successful production of our community newspaper. Website, Gail Cummings: The Renaissance website,, is currently updating club information. All club presidents are encouraged to submit current officers, events and activities. Video Promotion, Bill Cook: Sixteen videos have been produced and aired so far this year. Two videos are currently in production. In addition, the “Welcome, New Residents” reception will be held on November 3 at 6:30 PM. The Telephone Directory will have an addendum in 2014, with a new directory scheduled for 2015. November Safety Tip: Slips, trips and falls are some of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. Adults 55 and older are more prone to becoming victims of falls, and the resulting injuries can diminish the ability to lead active, independent lives. Take the time to remove slip, trip and fall hazards to keep your family safe. Common locations for falls: doorways, ramps, cluttered hallways, areas with heavy traffic, uneven surfaces, areas prone to wetness or spills, unguarded heights, unstable work surfaces, ladders, and stairs. Fall prevention tips: Secure electrical and phone cords out of traffic areas; remove small throw rugs or use non-skid mats to keep them from slipping; remove tripping hazards (paper, boxes, toys, clothes, shoes) from stairs and walkways; periodically check the condition of walkways and steps, and repair damages immediately; never stand on a chair, table or other surface on wheels and clean up all spills immediately. Zoning Change Introduced at Town Council Meeting By Jean Bestafka On August 11, 2014, an ordinance was proposed by the Town Council to rezone the property on the south side of Route 571 from the QuickChek to the light at the Renaissance entrance. The property was previously zoned as HD3 Highway Development commercial property and would be changed to multi-family development. While no specific site plan has been introduced, the changes would include a large portion of wetlands that cannot be developed. It also would include a requirement for maximum density—six dwelling units per developable acre. “Developable acre shall mean land which is not designated as freshwater wetlands, floodplains, land areas with slopes of 15 percent or greater and lands which are restricted by deeds, easements or other covenants which prohibit or restrict residential structures.” This appears to amount to 24 to 48 indi- vidual units. It also requires a recreation area at the rate of 125 square feet per dwelling unit. “All recreation areas shall be landscaped. Recreation areas may include a swimming pool, clubhouse, picnic areas, tot-lots, sports courts, sports fields, walking/running trails and passive open space.” There is a further provision for affordable housing—“those with a median household income as rated by country, province (state), region or municipality by a recognized Housing Affordability Index (US Department of Housing and Urban Development).” The median household income in Ocean County, New Jersey, is $61,038. Affordable housing is not low-income housing. While this appears to be a better use of this property, we should continue to monitor this project. RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-9 RHA Travel Committee Report RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-10 Welcome, Neighbors! By Carol Leonard Among the newest Renaissance homeowners are Brick natives Linnea and Erich (his friends call him “Hap”) Herkloz. The couple grew up in Brick, settled in their hometown when they got married, and raised their two children there. Hap worked as a state trooper and later as bureau chief for criminal history for the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs, while Linnea was a certified township clerk and worked as administrative assistant for the Brick township council. When they retired, the Herklozes moved to Holiday City at Silverton in Toms River, but spent most of the year at a home they also had owned in Myrtle Beach. There, they both enjoyed the warm weather and played a lot of golf, but eventually realized that they missed seeing their family, which now includes two grandkids. “We decided that we wanted to be back here full time,” Linnea said. “I researched communities in the area to find something that we would like and Renaissance fit the bill.” They also like the fact that the community isn’t far from their daughter, who lives in Point Pleasant, and their son and his family, who live in Mount Laurel. The couple’s Myrtle Beach house was located on a golf course, Lorraine and Walter Lenskold (L) and Linnea and Hap Herkloz (R) and they were lucky enough to find the same kind of setting at their new home here on Halstead Drive. In addition to playing golf, Linnea and Hap also enjoy bowling, so they hope to get involved in one of the Renaissance leagues. “We like the pool and the outdoors, and we’re shore people, so this is a great spot for us,” Linnea said. Originally from the quaint North Jersey community of Chatham, where they spent 27 years, Lorraine and Walter Lenskold also came to Renaissance and their Chaucer Circle home from Toms River, where they settled after Walter retired from his very successful architecture business. “Our original dream was for Walter to design and build our retirement home,” Lorraine said. Instead, the Lenskolds modified that plan and bought an existing house in Toms River that they completely remodeled and lived in for 11 years. When they decided to make life easier for themselves, the couple looked around and concluded that Renaissance was the place to be. “We have a beautiful pond behind our house and I just love the atmosphere here,” Lorraine said. Lorraine had a career designing custom art jewelry, which she still enjoys doing. She is hoping to display some of her work at the upcoming Renaissance Craft Show later this month. She also has joined the Art Club and wants to get back into painting. Walter, meanwhile, plans to make his way over to the woodshop by the maintenance garage one day to get involved with the Renaissance Woodworkers Guild. The couple also owns a full-size motor home, which they use to travel all over the country, often planning stops at craft shows and art galleries for Lorraine to show her jewelry. The Lenskolds have a combined family of seven children from previous marriages and 16 grandkids, most of whom live in the area. “And they’ll all be here for Christmas Eve,” Walter said. Dear Fellow Homeowners, I wish to thank you for electing me as your trustee. It is truly an honor. As I have said previously, I believe that we can continue to keep Renaissance the premier community that it is. We need to keep vigilant in our duty to maintain our community at its highest level. We have many good people helping by their volunteering and leadership. I am confident that the other trustees are similarly committed to our community. It is a strange phenomenon when running for office: we state all the things we would like to accomplish, and after being elected, we find we are not dictators and cannot do much without the help and support of others. I want to open up the plans, actions and accomplishments of the Board to all homeowners. I want more transparency. I want more timely maintenance. I want the Board to consider more often the wishes of the residents, but I will need your help. The continued willingness of those who volunteer and lead our community, on committees and in clubs, greatly helps to keep us on the right track. You can help by attending meetings, joining the clubs, volunteering for the committees, voting on issues and offering your suggestions for a better Renaissance. Please feel free to email me at [email protected], to offer your thoughts and/or request a meeting. We may not always agree with each other, but we should never avoid the discussion. Again, thank you for your support, and may we all enjoy our homes. Ernie Standard ad #4516 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-11 The Inquiring Photographer By Bernadette Garguilo Question: What is your favorite movie snack? What makes it so good? Sherry Boorshtein 11 Chaminox Court “Now that’s an easy question. Of course, popcorn with lots of butter because all of us need some decadence in our lives from time to time; and most definitely with a great big soda chaser. Fabulous!” 25.00 OFF $250.00 $ 50.00 OFF $500.00 $ 100.00 OFF $1000.00 or more $ Cannot be combined with any other offer. Ad mUST be presented at time of order. ART’S WINDOWS 199 ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 Vic Filardo 14 Halsted Drive “My favorite movie snack is Junior Mints. They taste good and they’re refreshing.” ART’S WINDOWS Full Line of Window Treatments Blinds - Shades - Plantation Shutters Draperies and More VERTICAL BLINDS PLEATED SHADES CELLULAR SHADES MINI BLINDS WOOD/FAUX BLINDS DRAPERIES SEATS / CHAIRS BEDSPREADS PLANTATION SHUTTERS WINDOW SHADINGS ROLLER & ROMAN SHADES SKYLIGHTS & MORE... Take Advantage Of This Opportunity. Call Us For A No Cost, No Obligation In-Home Consultation Over 25 Years Of Experience Art’s Windows Serving NJ Since 1981 Carole Gibbons 2 Rochford Drive “My favorite snack in the movies or anywhere else is ice cream. I can eat ice cream anytime. Remember Bon-bons and Mello-rolls? If I can’t get ice cream, then it would be Butterfingers.” Free In-Home Consultation Full Line Of Window Treatments Factory Showroom 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 HUNTER DOUGLAS GRABER • LAFAYETTE ADO • ROBERT ALLEN MICHAELS TEXTILE NORMAN • COMFORTEX TIMBER • & MORE SHOWROOM HOURS Mon-Thurs 8-6 Fri-Sat 9-5 • Commercial • Residential • ads-698E Joe Canuncio 20 Milton Drive “My favorite movie snack was Bonomo Turkish Taffy. I would break it into pieces by banging it on my hand. I have good teeth so I never had to worry about breaking a tooth.” RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-12 Aruba, Here By Nora On September 16, 2014, some 94 Renaissance residents and friends flew to Aruba for the second year in a row. This time, the trip was sponsored by the Billiards Club, led by Larry Talignani and John Chiafulio. From the moment the plane landed in Aruba, we knew we were in for a lot of fun. With an average temperature of 88to-90 degrees and mild winds throughout the week, we had a perfect setting to enjoy the beach, lie in the sun or under the huts or trees, watch the boats, the water sports, swim or float in the ocean, relax in the pool, or just walk along the beach from one hotel or casino to the next. It became a routine for the group to play water volleyball every morning at 10:00 AM, after a huge breakfast; as usual, it got very competitive at times. On the third day, our travel agent, Guy Gemore, threw a cocktail party in our honor at the penthouse of the Radisson Hotel. With the setting sun as the backdrop, everyone had a really good time, especially with an open bar for over two hours and a lot of hors d'oeuvres—Aruban style—being cooked right in front of us. To take a break from the beach, some explored the different shopping areas and RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-13 e We Come! a Fett flea markets in downtown Aruba, while others—as if they didn't get enough sun yet—preferred to just laze around the cabanas by the pools. By 5:00 PM, everyone had changed from bathing suits and was ready for the happy hour and dinner. There is a huge variety of food in Aruba and a very large selection of restaurants. We were able to choose a different place to eat every night, and to sample all the delicacies and specialties served. For me, freshly caught fish, cooked to one’s liking, still topped them all. After dinner, it was time to relax and enjoy some music and dancing, or try our luck at the casinos. Every hotel has its own casino, so we could just jump from one to the next— depending on how lucky or tired we felt. Lucky or not, everyone had a really good time and is looking forward to going back next year. Back in Renaissance on the night of September 23, we were welcomed with a cool, crisp, 59-degree temperature—and that’s when we realized we were home. Thanks to Larry, John, and Cathy for organizing and managing a truly wonderful trip to the land of 365 days of sun! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-14 Kara Nasse, granddaughter of John and Linda Gallagher, graduated from Cresskill High School. Kara is attending the University of Massachusetts, pursuing a degree in marketing and language. Improving Your Home Is Our Specialty! Serving Our Patrick T. Walsh Community For Contracting Est. 1971 3 Generations ads-1989 No Job Too Big or Small All Interior / Exterior Renovation Decks, Kitchens, Baths, Windows & Doors 3 Season Sun Rooms Roofing & Siding Additions - Extensions - Enclosures Financing Available 13VH02631500 732-688-7193 INSurED Nicole Nicholas, granddaughter of Pat McGarvey, received the Rutgers University Women’s Track and Field, 2013/2014 Donna M. O’Carroll Award. This honor is awarded to that freshman track-and-field athlete who has contributed most to team success through outstanding performance, point scores and sportsmanship. Go Nicole! Improving Your Home Is Our Sp Patrick T. Wals The Marchitello Farmers Insurance Agency Contracting Serving Our Community For 3 Generations E No Job Too Big or Small NOW IN NEW JERSEY 104 Beachwood Blvd., Beachwood,All NJInterior / Exterior Renov Decks, Kitchens, Baths, Windows Saving clients in Adult Communities Hundreds of dollars annually 3 Season Sun Rooms • Rates are extremely competitive • Free no obligation Quotes ANYTIME Roofing & Siding - Extensions - Enclo * AUTO * HOME * LIFE * RENTERS Additions * MORE * We’ll come to you and introduce ourselves * Financing Available ads-1989 Christopher Gallagher, grandson of John and Linda Gallagher, received his Master’s degree from St. Thomas Aquinas College and is presently working in the field of finance. Rose and Pete Pianelli at the wedding of their daughter, Roseanne, to Tom Donohue on August 23, 2014 13VH02631500 Your new local family owned Farmers Agency Highly trained Local Agents who care 732-688-7193 Office: 732-608-7320 Cell: 646-872-5144 Fax: 732-608-7517 We look forward to your phone call!! Steve Bevers We are Adult Community Specialists!! Email: [email protected] ad 4042 Alexander Toglia, grandson of Mary Toglia, at his graduation from Delaware Valley Friends School in Paoli, Pennsylvania. He is pictured with his family and grandma. Alex is attending Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and is loving it! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-15 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-16 volunteer Spotlight Ilse Tepke, Block Captain Chair By Betty Vermette Volunteering brings multiple benefits to people of all ages and Ilse Tepke is a good example of a resident stepping forward to fill a vacant position as Block Captain Chair. Ilse has managed the Block Captain Committee for 18 months now and is doing a great job. All operations are running smoothly and Ilse averages approximately one replacement a month. Sometimes more replacements are necessary due to health issues or residents moving away. Approximately 144 residents serve our community as area captains and block captains and deliver the Renaissance Times newspaper to every home every month. I asked Ilse some questions so we could get to know her better: What’s your favorite fast-food meal? “Caesar salad or a Reuben sandwich on really good rye bread.” Would you rather read the book or see the movie? “Read the book.” Where is your favorite place to sit at home? “In my loft; it’s cozier.” If you could spend one week at any hotel, which would you choose? “My maiden name is Astor, so it would be the Waldorf Astoria.” How many states have you visited and which was your favorite? “Visited all of them; my favorite area is New England.” What would you say in your Oscar speech? “Probably about how did I get there. I would thank them for giving us joy, laughter, reflection, insight and tears of sadness and gladness.” If you had to downsize, what would you get rid of? “Everything in the garage.” What is your favorite scent? “The smell of pine needles in a dense forest.” What music have you recently discovered? “Russian waltzes on YouTube.” What else would you like your fellow residents to know about you? “I have lived at Renaissance over 16 years and I’m so glad to be here amongst you.” The Block Captain Committee organizes and delivers the Renaissance Times and other informational data as requested to the Renaissance community. Ilse maintains a list of block captains assigned to specific streets, organized according to specific areas coordinated by area captains. Ilse is also responsible for staffing and replacements for both area and block captains. Thank you, Ilse. RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-17 A Chat with Jean Bestafka By Betty Blajda As you know, Jean Bestafka was recently elected to the Renaissance Board of Trustees, having accrued the highest number of votes of all the candidates. She obviously is well-known and has volunteered in various capacities, most recently as Community Action Committee chairperson. She also has served on the By-laws Committee, and was treasurer of the Irish American Club. She has participated in bowling, bocce, golf, and shuffleboard, but golf is her passion—she is delighted that she has been named the Board liaison to the Golf Committee. When I asked Jean about her decision to run, she explained that she really loves this community and wants so much to keep it the wonderful place that it is, with things running smoothly and improvements made when needed. At their first meeting after the election, the Board decided that transparency would be a major goal. The Board plans to publish board resolutions, both past and present. Jean added that people should know that there is a website that will give residents all kinds of information about the community: Many questions can be answered there; one can even get suggestions for people to do repairs. Jean wanted to remind everyone that in keeping with our By-laws, homeowners are responsible for all trees and for anything else on their property. Also, residents may ask to be put on the agenda at any Board workshop meeting by writing a letter to the Board outlining their request and asking to be heard. There, one has the opportunity to formally speak to the Board. The Board will then take the request under consideration. Decisions that affect the general interest of the community are made by our Board and information on such decisions will be conveyed in a timely manner. Work is currently being done in the clubhouse replacing the roof and installing commercial equipment and a new gas line. On behalf of the Board, Jean apologizes in advance for any inconvenience people may experience while the work is being done. She stresses the fact that we have a wonderful community of volunteers, and encourages others to please come and join them. She mentioned that Art Peckerar is now the BOT president and she is the secretary. She said, “It is our responsibility to be fiscal guardians for our community—we have a working capital of 2.8 million dollars—while maintaining the beauty of the community.” Jean and her husband of 48 years, Paul, grew up in Queens, New York, and they have moved nine times. They have six children and seven grandchildren, four of whom are in the Freehold area. Congratulations, Jean, on your election, and all our best wishes in your new position! REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Fall Special Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today Senior Discount (Excludes Sale Items) SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers ONLY $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALE DooR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 NO SUBCONTRACTORS spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 • Fully Insured RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-18 Veterans’ Corner Underwater for 68 Days: Spying on the Soviet Navy By Ed Birmingham, former STS2-SS, USNR November Patriotic Observances Submitted by Betty Vermette Patriotism can be defined as devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country; national loyalty. November 10: US Marine Corps established. A committee of the Continental Congress met at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to draft a resolution calling for two battalions of Marines able to fight for independence at sea and on shore. On November 10, 1775, the Marine Corps was born. From the naval actions of the Revolution to the mountains of Afghanistan, Marines have served valiantly in every one of our nation’s conflicts. For hundreds of years, Marines have fought, lived and died with honor, continuing the Marine Corps legacy of service to our nation. Every Marine, past and present, has earned their place within this proud culture of traditions, symbols and values. ( November 11: Signing of WWI Armistice (1918). Armistice Day (which overlaps with Remembrance Day and Veterans Day) is celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I, which took effect at eleven o’clock in the morning—the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918. After World War II, the name of the holiday was changed to Veterans Day in the United States and to Remembrance Day in the countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations. (www. November 11: Veterans Day. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the legislation on June 1, 1954. From then on, November 11 became a day to honor American veterans of all wars. In the United States, an official wreath-laying ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, while parades and other celebrations are held in states around the country. Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans--living or dead-but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime. ( Memorial Day Ceremony By Joe Neubauer We are looking for men and women war veterans who would like to help present the wreath to honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could live in peace and freedom. Our Memorial Day Ceremony is on Monday, May 25, 2015 at 9:30 AM in front of our clubhouse. The Renaissance community would be honored to have you! Please call Joe Neubauer (732-408-0824). In August of 1964, I reported aboard the US Navy Nuclear Fast Attack Submarine USS Triton, SSN 586, as a Sonar Technician Submarines 3rd Class Petty Officer (STS3). During my two years aboard Triton, I was promoted to 2 nd Class PO (STS2) and “Qualified” for Submarines (STS2-SS). Submarine “Qualification” was a grueling one-year-plus process in which each member of the crew had to learn every valve and system (high pressure air and hydraulics, to name just two) in the submarine, in case that knowledge was needed during emergencies. We had four (!) of them during my time aboard: 1: Lost all power, sinking backwards 2: “Live Torpedo” in after torpedo room 3: Flooding in conning tower, control room and crew’s mess. 4: Ran aground By the way, the same “Live Torpedo” incident that our sub went through in 1966 is suspected of causing the loss of the nuclear submarine USS Scorpion SSN 589 on May 22, 1968, with all hands, some of them friends of mine. The Scorpion was part of our submarine squadron in Norfolk. On May 10, 1960, the USS Triton made history by completing the first submerged circumnavigation of the globe, following Magellan’s original history-making route. This deployment, which made the papers, lasted 60 days. However, it was my honor and privilege to make three deployments that were even longer—one lasted for 68 continuously-submerged days. We spied on the Soviet Navy during these deployments. Imagine being underwater in a submarine for 68 to 72 days with a crew of 160 men! We would paint over our hull numbers, leave Norfolk, submerge when we passed the 100-fathom curve, and go around Finland to Murmansk, USSR, where we would patrol the 12-mile coastal curve. Occasionally, we were just three miles off the coast (but never closer). I could see houses and cars from the periscope video repeater! We trailed Soviet submarines leaving or returning to Murmansk, hoping to record their missile firing on video and telemetry tapes. When we returned to port, a Naval Intelligence truck with armed guards would be waiting pier-side to collect our tapes and bring them to Washington for evaluation. As a submarine sonar-man, I was right in the middle of all of this. “Conn, Sonar! We have a contact bearing 030, estimated range 6000 yards, classified submerged submarine! Conn, Aye, Sonar! Helm, come right to 030! Engine Room, make turns for 3 knots! Plainsman, make your depth 500 feet, 5 degree down-bubble!” And then the fun (sub-trailing/chasing) would begin! On one occasion, we got way too close to the Soviet sub we were trailing, and we could hear the sound of the Soviet sub’s screws coming right through our hull! That scared our captain—we ducked down deeper and crept away. Underwater collisions between US and Soviet subs were not unknown. Oh, there is so much to tell in this limited space! To learn more, read Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage, by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew. I have a copy if anyone is interested. Call me. Fire at Sea By Archie T. Miller In the early morning of March 28, 1954, SS Empire Windrush was about 50 miles off the coast of Algeria, headed for Gibraltar and, at long last, home to England. The troop ship was returning from the Far East with 1286 active-duty troops, 17 military retirees, 125 women, and 87 children. At the same time, USS Wren (the ship on which I served) sortied with three other destroyers from Villefranche, France, bound for Lisbon, Portugal. It was a beautiful day. The crew was upbeat about getting to Lisbon, the last stop before going home to the United States after having been deployed to Korea for eight months. At about 7:00 AM, there was an explosion in the Empire Windrush’s engine room. Four engine room personnel were killed. Flames roared out of the engine room and started to spread quickly through the ship. Windrush transmitted an SOS with its position on the international distress frequency. Despite the intensity of the fire, everyone remained calm and the abandonment was conducted in a disciplined manner. All of the dependents and the injured, plus some troops, were loaded into lifeboats. Other troops went over the side in rafts and floats. The Mediterranean is heavily traveled, so it was not long before help began to arrive. When Wren received the SOS from Windrush, we were less than 100 miles away. We immediately put all four boilers on line and went to our maximum speed of over 30 knots. While Windrush was still below the horizon, we could see an enormous plume of black and white smoke rising high in the still air. This was obviously a very serious fire and our crew made preparations to fight it. We arrived shortly after other rescue ships had departed for Algiers with the survivors. The ship was totally engulfed in flames. Wren’s deck log entry stated “Burning fiercely in midships section from the stacks down as far as the 3rd deck. No survivors apparent.” The blazing hulk floated quietly in the calm waters surrounded by wreckage, debris, lifeboats and rafts. Our first task was to inspect all the lifeboats and rafts to be sure no one was left in any of them. The lifeboats were scattered over several miles of ocean. We came alongside each boat and found some filled with water, but it was soon obvious that all survivors had been picked up. While we were on scene, a French air-sea rescue plane circled overhead with a lifeboat fastened to its underside, but there was obviously no need for that capability. We communicated with them by blinker light. With nothing more for us to do, we informed them that we were proceeding on to Lisbon. As we were leaving, we spotted several ships on the horizon coming out from Algiers. One of them, the French destroyer Saintes, took Windrush in tow. We heard later that it sank while in tow at about 1:00 that afternoon. Empty swamped lifeboats. The huge smoke plume from Empire Windrush can be seen on the horizon. Another DesDiv-61 destroyer is standing by. [Photo by Archie T. Miller] 0 OFF bOIlEr/ rNACE ACEmENT 0 OFF 891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755 lESS gAS TEr SySTEm OR 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEmP 732-657-8367 Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces √ FULLY CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY Heat Pumps • Hot Water Heaters TrAINED PrOFESSIONAlS Tankless Water Heaters • Attic Fans √ SAmE DAy SErVICE /rEPlACEmENTS Oil/Gas/propane Conversions √ Fully lICENSED / Fully INSurED Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifiers Tune-Ups • Service Plans √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & Empire Windrush on fire off the coast of Algeria. [Photo by Archie T. Miller] 0 OFF WATEr HEATEr 0 OFF mODElS STAll OF AIr TIONINg Or Ng SySTEm G CONTRACT ns. Coupons do not √ FrEE ESTImATES ON rEPlACEmENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS FREE We Overlook Nothing But The Harbor... 75 Inlet Drive, Pt. Pleasant, NJ SErVICE CAll (with repair) Not valid on after hours or weekend services. 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Coupon good Monday-Thursday. valid 11/1/2014—12/18/2014 SPC-03 UN • ECHOES OF THE GLENWE • FOUR ARE OPEN SEASONS TIMES NEWLY RENOVATED ES • HC BULLETIN • HEIGHTS COURIER • KNOLL NEWS ABOVE: PAPER 03 > RENAISSANCE TIMES gAS HOT WATEr HEATEr SPC-236K Half Price* ALLER • COUNTRY WALK • COVINGTON COURIER gAS bOIlEr/ FurNACE rEPlACEmENT $100 OFF $150 OFF Open Every Day Now Accepting Thanksgiving Reservations and get 2nd Dinner $150 OFF CENTrAl AIr CONDITIONINg rEPlACEmENT FINANCING AVAILABLE $250 OFF gAS CONVErSION $250 OFF NEW INSTAll OF AIr CONDITIONINg Or HEATINg SySTEm CoUPoNS MUST bE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CoNTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. NJ HIC #13VH02253000 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 ads-1101E RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-19 Veterans’ Corner RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-20 Thanksgiving By Claire Aschner We’re told that when hostilities temporarily ceased Enemies sat down together to peacefully enjoy a feast Times were hard but they survived at least It is especially meaningful in our generation To demonstrate our appreciation It is much more than we are just alive But for many we actually thrive Craft Fair 2014 By Marie Carol Cohen Welcome to another year, 2014 To share memorable moments At the Artisans and Crafters Show, sale, exhibit All items made with T.L.C. Items to bring home Purchase as unique, one of a kind Creations For over ten years artisans Donated time, talent, enthusiasm Welcoming folks to indulge In good cheer To attend the special event Donations collected so appreciated Given to assist seniors Making seniors’ needs fulfilled Ocean County Caregivers there To bring cheer, assistance there Prizes, baskets, beautifully embellished Wrapped, tied, bowed in seasonal array All on display Waiting for folks to carry home To keep the joyful memory Please come join the festivities, the fun The date is November 22, 2014 You’re sure to meet, greet old friends, neighbors See new folks, make new friends Have memories that will Last another ten years In our maturity We are connected to family We are involved in activity We live in a lovely community Our surroundings are filled with beauty We live in a country that values liberty We have greater longevity We are thankful for our prosperity For all we have possessed We are truly blessed Our gratitude must be expressed A parade, a great meal, a football game but no ordinary celebration We remember President Lincoln for his proclamation Making Thanksgiving day an annual holiday in our nation A Time to Give Thanks By Marie Carol Cohen No snow on the ground this year, bits of rain drops did appear Travelers scurrying without much fear, reaching their families on time In three hundred-sixty-five days of the year Hoping that everyone is still able to appear, and spread Good Cheer Forgetting the sorrow encountered all the prior year Table settings prepared with seasonal decor, color and flair Enticing the visual acuity of all present to compliment, appreciate Making the arduous journey so worthwhile, gratifying, enjoyable A loving memory to last past Christmas and the rest of the months That will follow ‘til next year Fragrances of foods simmering slowly filling the air Baking of recipes only the hostess knows Refuses to share Secrets of preparations handed down centuries ago From regions and countries that may not exist anymore The world surface is changing, ideas, customs remain Appetites wanting to be enticed a normal human need Thanksgiving the ideal time to share family Good Cheer Sciatica, Bulging Discs, And Leg Pain ONCE AND FOR ALL! Do You Have Any of the Following Symptoms? • Sharp pains in the back of the leg • Lower Back Pain • Hernia red/bulging discs or Stenosis • Numbness in your legs • Shooting hip or thigh pain • Muscle spasm, sprains & strains Having back and leg pain can feel like a crippling condition. You might not be bale to play golf, work, or even sit in the car for a 30-minute drive. It’s almost impossible for anyone around you to understand how you feel. You can’t remember the last time you even had a restful night’s sleep. If you’ve suffered for any of these annoying conditions, you may have “Sciatica.” Sciatica is a compression of the sciatic nerve, usually by an L4 or L5 disc herniations. As you know, sciatica can be a very painful problem, even crippling at times. Finally, You Have An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery Nothing’s worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your back or sciatica hurts and the pain just won’t go away! Fortunately, if you are suffering from any of these problems, they may be relieved or eliminated by non-surgical spinal decompression combined with P.E.M.F. therapy. “What’s The Chance This Will Work For Me?” A medical study found patients went from moderately painful to almost no pain with decompression treatments. Those that took pain pills improved less than 5%. - Am Society of Anesthesiologist, 2006 Chicago, IL Another study presented at the America Academy of Pain Management in 2007 showed... “Patients reported a mean 88.9% improvement in back pain and better function... No patient required any invasive therapies (e.g. epidural injections, surgery).” These are just two studies out of a dozen done in the last few years, all showing promising results. New research in a treatment called P.E.M.F., or Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency, is having a profound effect on patients suffering with pain. P.E.M.F. has been used in Europe for 40 years, had over 2000 papers published on it, and been shown to aid in damaged tissue regeneration, decreased inflammation, relieve pain and boost the immune system. This means that there is a good chance P.E.M.F. therapy could be your pain solution, allowing you to live a more active lifestyle. Here’s the point of all these studies... spinal decompression combined with P.E.M.F. therapy has a high success rate with helping disc herniations, sciatica, and back pain. This means in just a matter of weeks you could be back on the golf course, enjoying your love life, or traveling again. The Single Most Important Solution To Your Sciatica and Back Pain What does this offer include? Everything. Here’s what you’ll get... “I have had 45 years of back pain-herniated discs with severe stenosis. Having tried everything else, when I saw this ad, I knew I had to try this... My pain went from a “10” to almost “0”... It’s been over 5 years and I’m still virtually pain free.” - Dan C. in Toms River “When I first came to see Dr. Z, I had tried just about everything to relieve my back pain; shots, physical therapy, & pain pills... but nothing worked. I could hardly walk and I had to sleep and work with ice pack on my back to relieve the pain... Now, I enjoy walking, biking, sleeping, and working without pain! Thank you Dr. Z, for giving me my life back!” - Lisa D. in Forked River • An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen... really listen... to the details of your case. • A complete neuromuscular examination. • A thorough analysis of your exam x-ray or MRI findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free. • You’ll get to see everything firsthand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients. I’ll answer all your most probing question about our pain free Decompression & P.E.M.F. Therapy evaluation and what it can do for you. The appointment will not take long at all and you won’t be sitting in a waiting room all day either. No Dangerous Drugs, No Invasive Procedures, And No Painful Exercises - L. Racioppo in Manchester “When I first met Dr. Z, my symptoms were leg pain and burning feet... this had me worried that I would never be normal again. I couldn’t stand or walk far. After consulting with the doctor, and reviewing my MRI’s, he completely explained the problem causing the pain and burning, and how this program could help me. BOY WAS HE RIGHT! I am now pain free and have my life back! Thank you Dr. Z, and your wonderful staff, for such excellent care! - L. Lotto in Toms River We can get started with your consultation, exam and evaluation as soon as there’s an opening in the schedule. Our offices called Jersey Shore Low Back Center and you can find us at 442 Lacey Road in Forked River (Two doors down from Edible Arrangements). We may be able to help you get rid of your pain so you can start living a healthier, more joyful life. Sincerely, - Dr. Kenneth Zammito - Member of ASDA (American Spinal Decompression Association) - Author of the book: “Non-Surgical Solutions to Health” Life Changing Results: CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE DECOMPRESSION & P.E.M.F. EVALUATION And the best part about it is... “Dear Dr. Z, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. You have surpassed my expectations. I have ZERO back pain now. What a great feeling, after almost 45 YEARS of suffering. Once again, THANK YOU for repairing my broken body... Gratefully...” Call anytime between the hours of 7:00 am till 6:00 pm Monday through Sat. Tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Special Decompression & P.E.M.F. Therapy Evaluation before November 26, 2014. - 29 yrs. clinical experience It’s time for you to find out if spinal decompression combined with P.E.M.F. therapy will be your sciatic pain solution. For 10 days only, you will get you all the services I normally charge new patients $175 for Free! Here’s What Our Patients Had to Say... therapy just may be the answer that you’ve been looking for. Ask yourself... after taking all these pain medications and playing the “wait and see game”, maybe for years... are you any better off? Spinal decompression treatments combined with P.E.M.F. therapy are very gentle. In fact, I even catch a few patients sleeping during sessions every once and awhile. “But I feel fine - as long as I take my pain pills.” There’s a time to use pain medications, BUT not before seeking a natural way to correct the CAUSE of the problem! ($175 vALUE) Available through 11/26/14 CALL 609-693-2020 Spinal decompression combined with P.E.M.F. (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) ads-933k Tabloid 1/2 WE’VE MOVED! dr. scott a. amoss, dPm, cws Board Certified Podiatrist/Surgeon Certified Wound Specialist New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Same Day Appointments Available • Diabetic Foot Care • Heel Pain & Bone Spurs • Diabetic Shoes & Insoles • Foot & Ankle Injuries • Wound Care • Ingrown & Fungal Nails • Corns & Calluses • Bunions & Hammertoes medicare & most insurances accepted 400 Lacey Road, Suite 23 732-350-0100 Route 539 Lacey Rd. WHITING COMMONS (400 Lacey Rd.) Chinese Food Dr. Amoss • Digital X-rays • Vascular Testing • Laser Treatments Available • Skin Cancer Call Now ! new Patient offer Complimentary Foot & Ankle Examination* A $95 Value Expires 11/30/14 Stop & Shop *Ad must be presented before services rendered. Treatment & X-ray, if necessary, are additional. Not applicable with insurance. spc-1083c Community medical Center - Attending Physician RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-21 GET RID OF Amazing Technology Relieves Serious Back Pain! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-22 challenged persons may use appropriate flotation devices. Any exceptions to this rule will be determined by the lifeguard on duty, whose decision shall be final. Pool / Whirlpool / Sauna Rules and Regulations 15) No pets anywhere within the pool area. 16) Persons exhibiting signs of illness or having open wounds or sores will not be allowed to enter the pool, hot tub, or sauna. 17) Bathing is prohibited during an electrical storm. 18) If a lifeguard is not on duty, no one under the age of 18 may enter the pool. 19) Children may never use the hot tub or saunas. 20) All persons using the pool, hot tub or sauna do so at their own risk. The RHOA, the Pool Management Company, and/or their designee or agent will NOT be responsible for any accident, personal injury, damage to property, or loss of property. 21) Residents and guests are encouraged NOT to bring valuables into the pool area. 22) The Pool Management Company or its designee/agent shall close the pool facility at any time when in their judgment a hazardous, dangerous or unsafe condition exists (mechanical failure, electrical storm, etc.). Indoor Pool Regulations The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change these policies at any time. Interpretation is solely at the discretion of the Board, Property Management, and the Pool Committee chair. Children and other guests must be accompanied by a resident member at all times. Once the outdoor pool is closed for the season, children are permitted in the indoor pool only on weekends and Manchester school holidays. Children are not permitted in the pool area during restricted hours. [“Children” are defined as anyone under the age of 18.] Badges/Passes Four (4) seasonal guest badges are permitted per household at a charge of $5. per badge. Lost badges will not be replaced during the current season. One-time-use passes are available for a charge of $10 per packet of 10. Lost passes will not be replaced during the current season. No refunds for unused passes. To enter the pool area, everyone must show a badge/pass. General Rules 1) Children under the age of three (3) are not permitted in the indoor pool. 2) Children using the pool must be potty-trained. No diapers (children or adult) are permitted in the pool. This includes ‘Pampers,’ ‘Depends,’ or other brands of similar construction. 3) Proper swimming attire is required for bathers. Persons wearing cut- offs, jeans, playsuits, tennis shorts, etc., will not be allowed in the pool. 4) No eating anywhere within the pool area. 5) No alcoholic beverages anywhere within the pool area. 6) No glass containers of any kind anywhere within the pool area. 7) No smoking anywhere within the pool area. 8) Persons exhibiting signs of being under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any other judgment-altering substance shall be prohibited from entering the pool areas. 9) Bathers must shower before entering the pool. 10) No diving or jumping into the pool. 11) Absolutely no running within the pool area. Rough play (pushing, wrestling) or any activity causing undue disturbance will not be permitted within the pool area. 12) No water guns, spraying toys, or water balloons in the pool or within the pool area. 13) No ball-playing within the pool area. 14) No boogie boards, rafts, floats, or large tubes in the pools—except for safety devices (e.g., arm-swimmies/ vests) sanctioned by the Coast Guard or other recognized marine authority. Physically 23) No one is allowed to enter the pool area when it is closed. Failure to observe these rules and regulations, or failure to obey the lifeguard on duty,may result in suspension of pool privileges. [Effective 2014] RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-23 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE A-24
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