ORGANIZATION OF FAST RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT Request for Proposal Radio/TV Production and broadcasting of OFRD 2015 parliamentary Election Website Project Funded by: Public Affairs Section, U.S Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan 01 Nov, 2014 Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election OFRD Background: Organization of Fast Relief & Development (OFRD) is an independent, humanitarian non-governmental organization working to help and rebuild Afghanistan after decades of war and destruction. OFRD provides humanitarian assistance to crises and natural disasters affected people and refugees/internally displaced persons (IDPs). We cooperate and work closely with the civil society and other international development agencies in Afghanistan to works for reconstruction and development in Afghanistan by conducting development cooperation and supporting capacity development. Today OFRD is an organized, an independent, humanitarian non-governmental organization officially registered with “NGO’s department” Ministry of Economy of Government of Afghanistan. Our program activities are concentrated on five core activities as following: 1) Media/Communication for Change & Development - Radio Drama Serial & TV Theatre - Education Features - Big Gathering/Town Hall - Cartoon Magazine 2) Capacity Building Program - Rule of Law/Access to Justice - Human Rights & Gender - Peace Building & Conflict Resolution - Community Policing - Social Protection 3) Sustainable Development Program - Community Development - Children & Women Empowerment - Democracy & Governance 4) Relief & Humanitarian Assistance Program - Disaster Preparedness & Information - Disaster Response & Recovery Summary of the Project: OFRD has recently been awarded 2015 parliamentary election website project by the U.S Embassy in Kabul to promote a transparent parliamentary election process and encourage dialogue/press coverage and increase public awareness on 2015 parliamentary election, and to provide a website to access information about the election process through the country. Citizen journalist, youth/students, community people both male and female, community elders, Ulama, common people and civil society members are facing tremendous problems and challenges particularly on lack of information on electoral process entirely. Cultural obstacles and low literacy rate limit women’s participation in the Afghan political process, and insecurity in the country is a further impediment to women’s suffrage. Although it is less culturally acceptable for women to travel freely, particularly in the Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election south and east of the country, threats by the Taliban and the use of violence leading up to the elections further deterred the participation of women.1 Radio and television are the most commonly used source of information in Afghanistan, radio 45%, TV 28%, friends, family and neighbors 20%, religious leaders 6%. 2 But recent presidential elections 2014 shows that first time citizen journalists and youth/students were participating in web media and social media in term of sharing electoral information and processes. We at OFRD believe that the use of web media should be supported further. Thus, the web media can make citizens journalists more aware of their rights and the ways that they can exercise those rights by participating in 2015 parliamentary election and influencing government decisions. The media can also encourage debate on existing political issues and options, so that citizens can choose to exercise their rights in an informed, responsible way. Scope of services FRD wishes to produce 10 TV/ Radio Messages in Dari and Pashto versions and broadcast of fifty eight radio and fifty eight TV messages to inform citizens on coming 2015 parliamentary election website and election related issues during the coming ten months from Nov 2014 – June 2014. FRD is looking for local firms which could assist in the production and broadcasting of the messages and making the context appropriate for Afghan viewers. Radio/TV messages, Radio messages should be approximately (01) Minute long and TV messages should be approximately (01) Minute long. The radio and TV Messages will be produced on the following elections-related issues: 2015 Parliamentary election Website: The aim is to alert people about the new website which is a source of objective and information about 2015 parliamentary election to inform people about the new source of useful and reliable information on parliamentary election encourage people for registering on website and improving their knowledge in term of parliamentary election. Issue-based elections: The aim is to alert voters to the importance of their voting right in selecting a candidate who will benefit their society and inform them that they should use this right wisely by voting for a candidate based on performance, personal history, and ability. Importance of parliament, parliamentarians, and participation: Voters should be made aware of why the parliamentary elections are important. Indicate why the role of parliament is important in the government, how parliamentarian are responsible to the 1 2, Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election people and why it is important to have able parliamentarians, and how participating in the parliamentary elections is beneficial to voters’ communities and country. The TV messages on this issue will preferably be done in a 2D cartoon format. Anti-voter-fraud: Voters should be made aware to not participate in fraud through multiple voting, proxies voting, family voting, etc. The theme of these The messages should carry a moral message of not to participate in such actions even if others are doing the same, as ultimately it is harmful to the country. Responsibilities of the Contractor 1. Work closely with FRD to create creative messages scripts; 2. Cast actors/actresses for messages in consultation with FRD; 3. Provide a professional crew, which will shoot the messages and be composed of, but not be limited to film director, cameraman, editor and graphic designer, etc. 4. Provide all necessary videography and editing equipment for the shooting and post production of the messages. 5. Provide periodical and final editing of the final video; insert any graphic effects and logos as requested and provided by the FRD. 6. Provide FRD with a plan for broadcasting of messages over countrywide radio and TV so as to ensure maximum exposure of voters to the messages. 7. Work closely with FRD on all aspects of the project. Materials to be delivered by Contractor to FRD: 1. Finalized messages that can be used by TV and radio stations in formats requested by FRD. 2. 10 copies of messages in DVD or other appropriate format for FRD records. 3. Broadcasting plan for the Radio and TV messages. 4. Final messages scripts in Dari, Pashto, and English translation. Materials to be provided by FRD FRD will provide input and informational materials needed in the development of the messages. Eligibility Criteria: The firm has to be registered with government (AISA, Ministry of Economy.) Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election Individual consultants can also apply The firm has to be competitive enough in terms of technical and financial resources in order to carry out the assignment within the contract period The firm should provide written consent of no conflict of interest. The firm has to provide written consent indicating that it and its employees are not blacklisted in government and other relevant organizations’ Cost of Preparation of Proposal: The firm or consultant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Proposal and OFRD shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the selection process. The Client is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the firm. Income Tax: The firm or consultant and its Sub-contractors and Experts are responsible for meeting all tax liabilities arising out of the Contract. Language of the Proposal: As the messages are intended to reach a majority of the citizens of Afghanistan, Dari and Pashto versions. will be made of 5 (Five) radio and 5 (Five) TV messages, i.e. a total of 10(Ten) Duration of the Task: Contracting with the production company is envisioned for Nov 01, 2014, and final messages are anticipated to be aired by Nov 31, 2014. FRD and the contractor will determine and agree upon a final timeline. Note: Full duration of contract from 01 Nov, 2014 till 31 Aug, 2014. Selection Criteria All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall be judged according to the following criteria and with the following weights attached to each criterion: Previous experience with production of messages or similar short clips (Please provide) Samples of previous work.) 20 points Creativity of ideas 40 points Technical capacity 20 points Cost of proposal – Selection will be based on the best value not lowest budget The Contractor shall submit an estimated budget of the total costs associated with messages production and broadcast and a breakdown of the costs. Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election 20 points Proposal Requirements The response should be provided to FRD in electronic form and should address in English: all of the elements of the project design, with details on past production and sample design, The schedule for production, The individuals assigned to handle the project, An detailed plan for messages dissemination, with information on radio/television stations and planned dissemination times, estimated budget with a breakdown of costs pertaining to both production and dissemination of the messages. Submission of Applications Your firm is invited to bid on the project. Questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing no later than Tuesday 11 Nov, 2014. Deadline: Your submission must be received no later than Tuesday 11 Nov, 2014. Any submissions received after this date will not be considered. You can send your proposal electronically and as well as submit the hard copies to the following address: [email protected]. Ahmad Shabir Safi Project Manager Manager Organization of Fast Relief and Development House No: 03, Behind Post Office, Paikob-e-Naswar Qalai Fathullah, Kabul, Afghanistan Ph: +93 790 610 076 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Organization of Fast Relief & Development, 2015 parliamentary Election Website 1 , connect &empower people across the country in term of 2015 parliamentary election
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