Teksam K3 Semester Project Fall 2015 -‐ Roskilde University, Denmark The DGNB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable certi7ication in Denmark REPORT APPENDIX Rodney F Cottrell 05 Jan. 2015 Bent Søndergård, Project Advisor The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX APPENDIX -‐ Introductory note This document is the appendix to the research report “The DGNB as a proto-institution for sustainable certification in Denmark,” and is meant to be read in reference to and conjunction with the report. A2 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX Appendix Contents TAB. A1.40: DGNB Evaluation Matrix2 (DGNB Mini-Guide, 2014) p. A4 TAB. A1.41: DGNB Evaluation Matrix (DGNB Mini-Guide, 2014) p. A5 TAB. A2.13: Certified and Pre-Certified Projects: DNGB for New Urban Districts (oct. 2014) p. A6 TAB. A3.01 Comparison of buildings and uses in three systems (DGNB [SS], 2010) p. A7 TAB. A3.02 Danish Strengths/Weaknesses regarding certification (Birgisdottir, 2010) A8 p. TAB. A3.03 GBC-Dk Membership Jul.2014 - Basic, Support, Personal (DGNB, 2014) p. A9 TAB. A3.04 GBC-Dk Membership Jul.2014 - Premium (DGNB, 2014) p. A10 TAB. A3.05 GBC-Dk Board of Directors Oct.2014 (dk-gbc.dk, 2014) p. A10 TAB. A3.06 Membership in GBC-Dk, July 2014 (GBCD,2014) p. A11 TAB. A3.07 Member Backgrounds in GBC-Dk, July 2014 (GBCD,2014) p. A11 TAB. A3.08 Founding Members - DGNB Germany, June 2007 (Die DGNB, 2012 [SS]) p. A12 TAB. A3.09 Initiators - DGNB Germany, June 2007 (Die DGNB, 2012 [SS]) p. A13 FIG. A3.10 Green Turnover by Industry (DEA, 2012) p. A14 TAB.3.20 Contrasting socio-technical practices in nice and regime (adapted from Smith, 2007) p. A15 DGNB Project Questionnaire pp. A16-17 A3 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A1.40: DGNB Evaluation Matrix2 (DGNB Mini-Guide, 2014) A4 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A1.41: DGNB Evaluation Matrix (DGNB Mini-Guide, 2014) A5 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A2.13: Certified and Pre-Certified Projects: DNGB for New Urban Districts (oct. 2014) Certified and Pre-Certified Projects: (oct. 2014)1 project name Brygger Bakke Carlsberg City District NordhavnTrælasholm + Sundmolen + Levantkaj Vest Nørrestrand, Horsens project location Risskov Copenhagen Nordhavn Horsens, Denmark project program Conversion of industrial area to Sustainable district with shopping, day care and 1500 - 1800 new homes, youth and student apartments. Conversion of former Carlsberg brewery site to new city district with private residences, retail and business premises as well as cultural, sporting and educational venues Conversion of harbour area used as a free port into new mixeduse, sustainable urban districts laid out as small islets with direct access to the water. New sustainable residential district in Denmark’s fastest growing municipality, featuring a mix of architect-designed lowenergy housing for 1200 residents. client Teknik og Miljø, Aarhus Louise Panum Kommune / DOMIS A/ Baastrup, Carlsberg S Byen P/S4 CPH City and Port Development Jeppe V. Christensen landscape architect Arkitema Vogt Landscape Architects Ltd. CPH City and Port Development Rambøll Danmark A/S urban planner Plusform Entasis (architects) CPH City and Port Development Rambøll Danmark A/S year of completion 2018 (expected) 2027 (expected) 2018 (expected) 2020 (expected) year certified 2013 2013 2013 2013 certification DGNB Pre-certificate in DGNB Pre-certificate in DGNB Pre-certificate in DGNB Pre-certificate Silver Silver Gold in Silver gross floor area (m2) 125,500 600,000 auditor S. Stockmarr for Henning Larsen Architects L. Panum Baastrup, for K. Ledgaard for CPH Carlsbergbyen A/S City and Port Development T. Leerberg for Rambøll Danmark A/S project evaluation (%) 69.2 73.6 81.4 78 Municipal engagement Aarhus Kommune participates as a project client Project is developed under Copenhagen Local Plan 432 and the City’s Municipal Plan Project initiated and implemented in close cooperation with the City of Copenhagen, including procurement of an overall structure plan, and financing. As of June 2013, the Municipality had not yet taken a formal position on the project, which requires an addition to the municipal plan3 312,500 85,070 1. 2. 3. 4. Table partially based on information from http://www.dgnb-system.de/en/projects, (2014) www.dgnb.de/projects/en, (2014) ‘Nu bydel nord for Norrestrand’, 2013. Carlsberg Byen P/S er et selvstændigt selskab, der ejes af: Carlsberg, Realdania, PFA, Topdanmark og PenSam. www.carlsbergbyen.dk (2014) A6 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.01 Comparison of buildings and uses in three systems (DGNB [SS], 2010) A7 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.02 Danish Strengths/Weaknesses regarding certification (Birgisdottir, 2010) Danish strengths Danish weaknesses Focus on low primary energy Environmentally friendly district heating Good common effluent treatment High degree of recycling of construction waste Good dialogue on local planning Locating close to public transport Widespread use of bicycles and suitable infrastructure Focus on thermal, acoustic and visual quality Good dialogue in the construction process Limited documentation of construction products Lack of environmental assessment of material consumption Limited environmental assessment of open space Limited restrictions concerning. Parking spaces Limited focus on emissions of VOC Limited evidence (including on the topic climate) No practice for the use of commissioning A8 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.03 GBC-Dk Membership Jul.2014 - Basic, Support, Personal (DGNB, 2014) BASIC MEMBERS CB Richard Ellis Interface Denmark P+P Arkitekter Friis & Moltke CENERGIA ISS Facility Services Polyform arkitekter Ingeniørhøjskolen Aarhus Universitet Region Sjælland Cirkelbo Jeudan Realkredit Danmark Christensen & Co Arkitekter JJW Arkitekter Region Hovedstaden Tagpapbranchens Oplysningsråd Coop Invest Juul & Hansen arkitekter Region Midtjylland Via University CORE arkitekter KAJ OVE MADSEN Rubow Arkitekter RUM Wissenberg Creo Arkitekter Kant Arkitekter Rørbæk & Møller Arkitekter Dall & Lindhardtsen SUPPORT MEMBERS Danica Pension Kærsgaard & Andersen - arkitekter Rønslev Andersen og ingeniører KEA Rønne & Lundgren 1:1 Arkitekter Dansk Boligbyg KEIM Scandinavia I/S Rosengårdcentret 3XN Dansk Byggeri Kingspan Insulation Sadolin & Albæk Aarhus Arkitekterne Dansk Indeklima Mærkning Kjær & Richter SAHL Arkitekter Aart Architects DATEA Kolding Kommune skala arkitekter Aalborg Portland De forenede Ejendomsselskaber Kommandit Aktie Selskabet Scandi Byg Aggebo Klima & Bygningskonstruktion AI-Gruppen DEKO KLP Ejendomme Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen DI byggematerialer KPC Holding Schüco International AL2bolig Dissing + Weitling architecture KPF Arkitekter KG Schlüter-Systems Aluflam d line as Krydsrum Arkitekter SIGNAL Arkitekter Armstrong Danmark Dominia Kuben Management Sika Danmark Arkitema Architects Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter Københavns Kommune SITE Arkitekter Arkitektfirmaet Brøndsted & Nielsen Arkitektfirmaet Aaboe DOMUS arkitekter LB Consult Sloth Møller Drees & Sommer Lip Bygningsartikler Sjælsø Danmark Arkitektfirmaet Hovaldt DTU, Institut for Bygge og Anlæg Egetæpper Ejendomscenteret, Gladsaxe Kommune Emcon Lejerbo Sophienberg Ejendomsudvikling LIVINGlab by DOVISTA Soundport Lendager Arkitekter Stockvad & Kerstens Balslev Rådgivende Ingrinører Bascon Bech-Bruun Enemærke & Petersen Lyngkilde Erik Møller Arkitekter Strunge Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniører F.R.I Sweco Architects Bertelsen & Schewing Arkitekter Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group Faaborg-Midtfyn kommune Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering Søren Jensen Rådg. Ing. (KADK) Mangor & Nagel TATA Steel Bjerg arkitektur Finansgruppen Nordic Middelfart commune Tegnestuen Mejeriet Botjek Center Sønderjylland Frederikssund Kommune MidtConsult Teknologisk Institut B. Nygaard Sørensen Freja Ejendomme Mosa Tiles Tetris BBP ARKITEKTER Gottlieb Paludan Arkitekter NNE Pharmaplan Troldtekt BRIX & Kamp Forbo Flooring Nordea Ejendomme University College Nordjylland Brødrene Dahl Ginnerup Arkitekter Nøhr & Sigsgaard Velux Business Center Bornholm Byggesocietetet Dan Ejendomme GPP Arkitekter Viegand Maagøe Hansen Næstved Kommune, Videnscenter for Bæredygtigt Byggeri Nøhr & Sigsgaard Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt – Bygningskonstruktøruddannelsen Casa Arkitekter Hansen, Carlsen & Frølund OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører Østergaard Arkitekter Harde Larsen Østre Havn & Coop Invest Carlsen & Frølund Henning Larsen Architects Odense Kommune, By og Kulturforvaltningen Ole Hagen Arkitekter CEBRA H+H danmark Oluf Jørgensen PERSONAL MEMBERS Cetonia Hoffmann PE North West Europe BM Arkitekter C.F. Møller Holscher Arkitekter Pluskontoret KS Miljø & arkitektur C.W. Obel Ejendomme Ingeniør’ne PLH Arkitekter EDUCATION/ RESEARCH FINANCE PUBLIC SECTOR/ GOVERNMENT REAL ESTATE/ HOUSING ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER OTHER BUSINESS/ COMMERCIAL Arkitektfirmaet Kjær & Richter Arkitektfirmaet NORD Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter BUILDING ENTREPRENEUR A9 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.04 GBC-Dk Membership Jul.2014 - Premium (DGNB, 2014) PREMIUM MEMBERS DERBIGUM MTH Høgaard SEB Alectia DS Certificering NCC Sneider Electric ATP Ejendomme EKJ NIRAS Skanska Briggen ETA Nordea Statens ByggefForskningsInstitut Bygitegl Forsvaret Pension Denmark Teknologisk Institut By & Havn Grontmij Ramboll Vandkunsten C.F. Møller HennebyNielson Cronberg Recool Wessberg COWI Isover Region Syddanmark White Danske Arkitekt Virksomheder Miljøforum Fyn Region Nordjylland DEAS MOE Rockwool EDUCATION/ RESEARCH FINANCE PUBLIC SECTOR/ GOVERNMENT REAL ESTATE/ HOUSING ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER OTHER BUSINESS/ COMMERCIAL BUILDING ENTREPRENEUR TAB. A3.05 GBC-Dk Board of Directors Oct.2014 (dk-gbc.dk, 2014) DIRECTORS (Firms, Organisations) ‘Committed to the Board’ NCC SBi NCC Rambøll Isover Miljøforum Fyn Danske Arkitekt Virksomheder COWI Region Nordjylland Pension Denmark EDUCATION/ RESEARCH FINANCE PUBLIC SECTOR/ GOVERNMENT REAL ESTATE/ HOUSING ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER OTHER BUSINESS/ COMMERCIAL BUILDING ENTREPRENEUR A10 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.06 Membership in GBC-Dk, July 2014 (GBCD,2014) Number of votes in Number of Board of Directors eligibility Category Number of memberships general meeting potential for each member votes Board Board members and Chairman 8+2 Eligible for both the Board and Chairman post Premium 37 6 222 Basic 2 4 8 Support 162 2 324 Not eligible for election to the Board Personal 6 1 6 Not eligible for election to the Board Eligible for election to the Board TAB. A3.07 Member Backgrounds in GBC-Dk, July 2014 (GBCD,2014) Membership Educational Public Architecture/ Building Category / Research sector/ engineering Entregovernment preneur Finance Real Estate / Housing Other business / orgs. Board 1 1 3 1+1 1 - 2 Premium 4 2 14 2 3 4 7 Basic 2 1 2 - - - 1 Support 10 6 74 9 6 14 37 Personal - - 2 - - - - A11 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.08 Founding Members - DGNB Germany, June 2007 (Die DGNB, 2012 [SS]) Membership ALware Andreas Lahme Ansorg GmbH Apfelböck Ingenieurbüro GmbH ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH Architektenkammer Ba-Wü Architektur Contor Müller Schlüter ATP Architekten und Ingenieure AUTODESK GmbH Bartenbach LichtLabor GmbH BASF AG bauperformance GmbH Büro für integrierten Umweltschutz BuildDesk GmbH BWM Dübel + Montagetechnik GmbH CBP Consulting Engineers AG CORPUS COGNITO CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD Deutsche Amphibolin Werke v. R. Murjahn Stiftung & Co. KG; Deutsche Bank AG Domino Planungsgesellschaft Architekten und Ingenieure mbH drymix.info Drees & Sommer Advanced Building Technologies GmbH Ebert-Consulting Group (EFEU e.V. Verein zur Förderung von Energie und Umweltschutz e.V.) EGS-plan Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Gebäude- und Solartechnik mbH energydesign Braunschweig GmbH ERM GmbH; Evonik Röhm GmbH Fachverband Baustoffe und Bauteile für vorgehängte hinterlüftete Fassaden e.V. Flachglas MarkenKreis GmbH Foamglas GmbH Forbo Flooring GmbH FPS – Fritze Paul Seelig Rechtsanwälte GAP Architekten Gehl Architekten GERBER ARCHITEKTEN international GmbH HafenCity Hamburg GmbH Hansgrohe AG Happold Ingenieurbüro GmbH Harry Hirsch Consult Hascher Jehle Architektur HeidelbergCement AG HHS Planer + Architekten AG HOCHTIEF AG; Hoffereck + Findt Architekten Hoppe Bauplanung Horst Bossenmayer Hydro Building Systems GmbH IB Leiser Icade Reim Deutschland GmbH ifa-Bau Consult GmbH INBG AG - Institut für nachhaltiges Bauen und Gestalten AG Ingenhoven Architekten GmbH Ingenieurbüro Gänßmantel Ingenieurbüro Peters Ingenieurkammer Ba-Wü Institut für Bauforschung e.V. intep – integrale planung GmbH Interface Deutschland GmbH JACKON Insulation GmbH knp.bauphysik kuntz und manz architekten Leinemann & Partner Lindner AG; mipsHAUS-Institut Moerser-Architektur-Werkstatt Nimbus-Group Océ-Deutschland GmbH Ohlf Schoch Architekten Pavatex GmbH; Plan / Concept AG POLIS Immobilien AG Prösler Kommunikation REDEVCO Services Deutschland GmbH RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Stahlbau- und Leichtmetallbau SAINT GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG Scherzer Architekten Partnerschaft Schlenther Architekten Scholze Consulting GmbH sol·id·ar planungswerkstatt STEICO AG Stewen Architekturgesellschaft Svend Ulmer Taylor Wessing Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH TU Braunschweig, Institut für Gebäude- und Solartechnik TU Darmstadt, FB Architektur, FG Entwerfen und Energieeffizientes Bauen TU Darmstadt, Institut für Baubetrieb TU Dortmund, Fakultät Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen, Lehrstuhl Baubetrieb und Bauprozessmanagement TÜV Rheinland Group; TU München Union Investment Real Estate AG Universität Freiburg, Physikalisches Institut/ Solare Energiesysteme URS Deutschland Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. Vereinigung der Prüfingenieure in Baden-Württemberg VHT Versuchsanstalt für Holz- und Trockenbau 4a Architekten Visplay International GmbH Vitra Logistik GmbH Vizona GmbH werk.um architekten Witte Projektmangement GmbH (Status 31.12.2007) A12 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB. A3.09 Initiators - DGNB Germany, June 2007 (Die DGNB, 2012 [SS]) Initiators Alcan Composites AUB Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umweltverträgliches Bauprodukt e.V. Behnisch Architekten CalCon Holding GmbH DU Diederichs Projektmanagement AG & Co. KG Eternit AG Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Five Winds International GfÖB – Gesellschaft für Ökologische Bautechnik Hines Immobilien GmbH Ingenieurbüro Trinius L2 Architekten nora systems GmbH PE INTERNATIONAL GmbH sauerbruch hutton Universität Stuttgart Werner Sobek Ingenieure Stuttgart A13 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX FIG. A3.10 Green Turnover by Industry (DEA, 2012) A14 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX TAB.3.20 Contrasting socio-technical practices in nice and regime (adapted from Smith, 2007) Socio-technical dimension Mainstream building Økologiske’-building Green-building certification (Danish ecological building) projects Niche-market in building sector Commercial, Residential, Insitutional Mostly Residential SingleHousing and Mixed-Use Family Detached or Clustered (typically commercial, residential, institutional) Guiding principles Profit and loss. High external inputs. Ecology. Independence (Offgrid, autonomous). Minimise ecological footprint within cost constraints. Technologies Proven, standardSmall-scale off-grid services. technologies. Grid services. Natural/ reclaimed materials. Routine, bulk purchasing. Green supplies and systems. Listed suppliers. Slow innovation based mainly on growing expectations for ‘green’-solutions, esp. regarding energy-use/ costs. Mix of tried and tested, with BAT and innovation. Bulkpurchasing when possible. Natural/ reclaimed materials and ‘green’ supplies and systems. Mix of grid and local services. Industrial structure Speculative, volume building or bespoke solutions, depending on client-type and contact structure. Subcontracted labour. Construction costs are decisive. Profit from contracted price. Large, repetitive projects bring economics of scale but are subject to larger liabilities. Bespoke building. Specialist builders. LCA + LCC. Premium for sustainable features. Learn from correcting faults. Few economies of scale. Idiosyncratic designs. Mix of ‘green’-speculative building and bespoke. Combination of industrial structures from both mainstream and ‘eco’building. Economies of scale when available. LCA + LCC Certification systems typically begin with focus on individual buildings, and later introduce urban area schemes. User relations and markets Traditionally passive and conservative consumers. Increasing market expectations for ‘green’solutions. Active commitment to a green Active commitment to lifestyle. High user sustainability. Userinvolvement or self-build. involvement varies. Self-build rarely happens, partly due to complexity of system demands. Policy and regulations Minimum land-use planning and building regulations are followed. Lobby to control the pace of environmental standards. Land-use planning and building regulations can be a constraint. Lobby to accelerate the pace of environmental standards. Highest land-use planning and building regulations usually considered as baseline, to be improved upon. Lobby to accelerate the pace of environmental standards. Knowledge Most knowledge focused on existing competencies and business practice. Depending on client and contract type, can favour standard designs with developers choosing to maximise construction profits. A growing market demand for ‘green’-design abilities. Knowledge relevant to reducing the ecological footprint. Site specifics count, e.g. solar orientation, waste water treatment and recycling. Mix of business-oriented mainstream and ‘sustainability’ competencies and knowledge. Site specific solutions. Special consultants normally required during projectplanning and certification. Culture Markets and regulation Sustainable housing Markets, regulations & standards, LCA + LCC, sustainability/green-lifestyle. LCA and LCC. Normally market oriented, but energy and ecology also prioritised. Minimise ecological footprint within cost constraints. 1. LCA = Life Cycle Analysis. LCC = Life Cycle Costing. A15 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX DGNB Project Questionnaire Interview Questions Rodney F Cottrell ([email protected]), Teksam K3, RUC, Fall 2014 Responses Danske eller engelsk. Svarerne kunne blive oversat. Completeness encouraged. Partial responses are fine. part 1: YOUR ROLE What is your job position and background? Professional memberships? (name of organisation(s)) What experience or background if any have you had with the DGNB or DGNB-UA? part 2: BUILDING CAPACITY - Near-future outlook for system What would you suggest as possible near-future opportunities GBC-Denmark’s DGNB? What would you suggest as possible near-future barriers GBC-Denmark’s DGNB? part 3: BUILDING CAPACITY - Long-term outlook for system What would you suggest as possible long-term opportunities GBC-Denmark and the DGNB? What would you suggest as possible long-term barriers GBC-Denmark and the DGNB? part 4: BUILDING CAPACITY - Main challenges for institutionalisation What could be some main challenges to institutionalising DGNB certification in Denmark? (Where institutionalisation means establishing itself securely as an broadly accepted norm in Denmark's building sector) Have you any ideas as to how these challenges might be reduced or overcome? A16 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3 The DNGB as a proto-‐institution for sustainable transition in Denmark -‐ APPENDIX Interview Questions Responses Danske eller engelsk. Svarerne kunne blive oversat. Completeness encouraged. Partial responses are fine. part 5: BUILDING CAPACITY - Partners and network-contacts Who would you suggest as good working partners to assist GBCDenmark to develop and improve the DGNB or DGNB-UA? e.g. Name of ‘actors’, groups, institutions, organisations, etc. Who would you suggest as good network contacts to complement and promote GBC-Denmark and the DGNB? e.g. Name of ‘actors’, groups, institutions, organisations, etc. part 6: PROGRAM’S CHARACTER Do you think other certification systems may be as legitimate for use in Denmark? Do you think the use of multiple certification systems in Denmark is valid? Is it best to have a single certification system in Denmark? Should urban sustainability certification be nation-wide? Should Urban Certification be carried-out by … Public Sector? Private Sector? ‘Third Sector’ e.g. NGOs? Shared effort? (mark below and sectors) (set ‘X’ under preferred choice) part 7: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Any additional comments? Your email contact, if you wish to be notified of the final report THANK YOU! MANGE TAK! A17 Rodney F Co*rell -‐ Roskilde University -‐ Teksam K3
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