St. Louis de Montfort R. C. Church 75 New York Avenue Sound Beach, NY 11789 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Pastoral Staff: Rev. Charles E. Papa, Pastor Rev. Lennard Sabio, A ssociate Pastor Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., Parish A ssistant Rev. Edward J. Kealey, Parish A ssistant Mr. Joseph T. Bartolotto, Deacon, Pastoral A ssociate Mr. Gary F. Swane, Deacon Mr. Robert M. Mullane, Deacon Mr. John J. McNamara, Rel. Ed. Coordinator (Grades K-3; 9-12) Mrs. Kathleen Sweeney, Rel. Ed. Coordinator (Grades 4-8) Mrs. Claudette M. Kosciuk, Music Director Mrs. Jane Guido, Outreach Coordinator Support Staff: Mrs. Patricia J. Kretz, Parish Executive Secretary Mrs. Patricia J. Murray, Financial A dministrator Mrs. Patricia F. Noto, Rel. Ed. Secretary Ms. Madeline R. Giannino, Rel. Ed. Secretary Mrs. Susan Walsh, Preschool Coordinator Mrs. Chris Harrison, Sacristan Mr. Richard Richardsen, Custodian Parish Trustees: Mr. Michael J. Pantozzi Mr. John C. Gallagher “Let us love one another As Jesus has loved us.” Our Sacramental Life We celebrate the Eucharist: Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 pm; Sundays at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12 noon. Weekday Mass: Monday through Friday at 8:30 am in the Chapel. Holy Days: as announced. We celebrate Baptism: On most Sundays at 1:30 pm, Please call the Parish Office at least two months before the birth of your child to arrange an appointment for an interview. A pre-baptismal meeting for parents and godparents, held on the first Monday of the month at 8:00 pm in the Chapel, is required. Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics. We celebrate Confirmation: The Bishop presides at this sacrament each year, usually during the month of May. For information and preparation requirements, please call the Religious Education Office, We celebrate Reconciliation: Confessions are heard from 4 to 4:45 pm on Saturday; or by appointment with any of our priests. We celebrate Marriage: Marriages should be arrange at least six months in advance. Participation in Pre-Cana is essential. Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with one of the priests or deacons before making catering arrangements. Weddings are celebrated at 11:30 am, 1 pm and 2:30 pm on Saturday; and 3:00pm and 4:30 pm on Sunday. Nuptial Masses on Saturday only. We celebrate the Anointing of the Sick: For parishioners who are seriously ill or who are planning to enter the hospital for elective surgery, please call the Parish Office to arrange for a priest to administer this sacrament for the sick. All of our local hospitals are served by specially assigned Catholic priest chaplains. We celebrate Holy Orders: Any gentleman interested in exploring the question of vocation to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate should contact one of the parish priests or deacons. We will also be happy to direct persons interested in living their lives as Religious Sisters or Brothers. DIRECTORY PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH Office: 744-8566; FAX: 744-8611 Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday, 9 am to 8 pm. Thursday: 10 am to 8 pm. Friday: 9 am to 4 pm. Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm. Closed on Sunday. Parish OUTREACH Office: (Please enter through Rel. Ed. Office, in the lower church) 2090325; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm; and Wednesday, 6 pm to 8 pm. CLOSED FRIDAY. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office: (in the “Msgr. John A. McGuire Parish Center”) 744-9515; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 5 PM. CLOSED FRIDAY. Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 473-1211. 114-116 Myrtle Avenue, Port Jefferson, NY. Mr. John W. Piropato, Principal Preschool: 744-9515, ext. 500. Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Mrs. Susan Walsh, Coordinator. Parish Library: Hour s ar e the same of those for the Religious Education Office. Small Christian Communities: 744-0289 Family and Marriage Counseling: 243-2503, George Giuliani, Ph.D. MUSIC Office: 744-9396; FAX: 821:6089. Mailing address for the PARISH Office and Rectory: “ 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY 11789” Mailing address for RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, OUTREACH, and MUSIC Offices: “ P.O. Box 626, Sound Beach, NY 11789” +++ New parishioners are requested to register at the Parish Office. Please stop by to fill out a registration form. We are happy to welcome you! Also, if your are moving, please notify the Parish Office. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 8th to Sunday November 16, 2014 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 5:00 PM Genevieve & Charles Papa Anthony LoPresti THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:30 AM Angela LaBollita (21st Anniversary) Theresa Paletis SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 John Q. & Theresa Barry 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Alessandro Cornia 10:30 AM Salvina Pizzarello 12:00 PM Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:30 AM Vincent Grella Stephen Fairbanks MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8:30 AM Joseph Skokan (1st Anniversary) Int. of Anthony Celentano TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:30 AM Vincent R. DeSimone (1st Anniv.) Anthony LoPresti WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:30 AM Eugene Lehnert John Rosman SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 5:00 PM Nicholas Sorge SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30 AM Ralph V. Caramanica 9:00 AM Joseph Comito 10:30 AM Deceased Members of the Bianchet & Keane Families 12:00 PM Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort THANKSGIVING DAY MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2014 AT 9:30 AM Fr. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M. Principal Celebrant Bring you dinner breads and wine to be blessed! Bring nonperishable food item for Outreach! WE WORSHIP TOGETHER The next Baptism Preparation Meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 10th, at 8:00 PM, in the Chapel. If you are planning a Baptism in the near future, please contact the Parish Office at 744-8566 to set up an appointment with one of the clergy. Rosary: The Rosar y is pr ayed after the 8:30 AM Mass each weekday. We invite all who attend to stay and pray with us. LIST FOR THE SICK: We ar e r evising our list for the sick beginning November 30, 2014 (First Sunday of Advent). If you would like your loved one to remain on the list, please call the Parish Office at 7448566. WEDDING BANNS Daniel Canavan & Jennifer Laurine Annual Bereavement Mass will be celebr ated on Monday, November 3rd, at 7:30 PM in the Church. We will specially remember all parishioners who have passed on to the Lord since last year’s Mass. Nov. 8/9 Nov. 15/16 Nov. 22/23 Nov. 29/30 Dec. 6/7 Dec. 13/14 Eucharistic Ministers Team Schedule Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Please Pray for the Sick Winton Kurz, Johnny Vento, Janeen Rosado, Al Kirchner, Adrienne Kessel, Al Alio, Elisa Gillick, Jo Markott, Irene Pigozzi, Erin Marie Hurley, Jack Doherty, Patty Pulick, Jackie Duran, Peter Randazzo, Anthony Toscano, Eva Alaimo, Michael Brereton, Annemarie DiStefano, David Godin, Kelly Teitel, Lisa Roche, George Harrison, Richard Farina, Arthur Guilmette, John Bedford, Anthony Sconzo, Richard Fischetti, Bruce Waring, Baby Emma Ludemann, Jim Lawrence, Denise Ruland, Laura Jean Hines, Marie Solazzo, Morgan Evans Leary, Joan Laricchiuta, Rev. Joseph Camilleri, Bruce Waring, Sean Hughes, James Grossman, Marilyn LoPresti, Marie Gullo, John Purstell, Frances Hubbs, Madeline Grasso, Timothy Canning, Courtney Lenaburg, Josh Williams, Thomas Adamo, Raymond Hunninghaus & Baby Annalea Torborg. Please Pray for the Deceased: Sarah Treudler James F. McArdle John Caputo Sr. Elizabeth Stringer Traveling Madonna is Back!! If you would like to borrow her for any length of time to take to your home, please call deacon Joe Bartolotto at 744-9525. THIS WEEK’S READINGS: Mon., Nov. 10: Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6 Tues. Nov. 11: Titus 2:1-8; Luke 17:7-10 Wed. Nov. 12: Titus 3:1-7; Luke 17:11-19 Thurs., Nov. 13: Philemon 7—20; Luke 17:20-25 Fri., Nov. 14: 2 J ohn 4—9; Luke 17:26-37 Sat., Nov. 15: 3 J ohn 5—8; Luke 18:1-8 Nov. 16th: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 31:10-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30 WE WORSHIP TOGETHER Upcoming week in the Music Department: Children’s Choir: Nov. 10 – NO REHEARSALYouth Choir: Thursday, Nov. 13 – REHEARSAL – 6 TO 7PM – (singers & instr.) Sunday, Nov. 16, the Youth Choir will sing at the 9am Mass Adult Choir: Tuesday, Nov. 11 – Rehearsal – 7:30 to 9PM Sunday, Nov. 16 – The Adult Choir will sing at the 10:30am Mass New Song Group: Sunday, Nov. 16 – The New Song Group will sing at the 12 Noon Mass Hymns for Sunday – Nov. 16 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Readings #1044 Gathering: Gather #311 “Gather Us In” Presentation: JS #644 “All Good Gifts” Communion: JS #661 “Christ Be Our Light” Meditation: “Confitemini Domino” (9am) “All Things Bright and Beautiful” (10:30am) Closing Gather #294 MEMORIALS We invite all parishioners to take the opportunity to make an offering for (1) the bread and wine; and (2) the altar candles used at the weekend Masses. The donation for each will be twenty-five dollars. Names of the donors and intentions will be printed in the Sunday Bulletin., For example: This week’s bread and wine are donated In memory (honor) of JOHN SMITH Requested by Harold and Virginia Lee Stop by at the Parish Office to make arrangements. Check should be made out to: “St. Louis de Montfort Church.” “City of God” Next Sunday, Nov. 23, is the great Feast of Christ the King which marks the end of the current Liturgical Year. The Season of Advent will begin the following Sunday, Nov. 30. Let us get ready in joyful anticipation for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. Have a blessed week. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED TO BRING THE EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are interested in this very important ministry, please call Joan Stenson at 473-3475. Thursday Night Prayer Group: Meets at 7:30 PM in the Chapel. We pray the Rosary every week. Everyone is welcome! If any one is in need of prayers for a special or specific petition, you are cordially invited to write one. Forms are available at the entrance to our Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The petitions will be picked up at the end of each month. The Parish Ministry of Prayer and Praise will pray for you and your intention. Please pray for us. Prayer Group The Ladies Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 10 AM in Classroom #3. Please come and join us. WE GIVE TO OUR CHURCH Our Financial Stewardship It is everything we do after we say we believe Weekly Financial Report CAPITAL CAMPAIGN St. Louis de Montfort—Parish Renovation Campaign “Grateful for Our Past...Planning for Our Future” Total Pledged: $1,166,292 Paid to Date: $1,015,605 % of Cash received: 87% # of Gifts: 696 % of Goal: 97% Campaign Goal: $1,200,000 Needed to reach Goal: $ 33,708 Thank you for your prompt payments. Monthly payment reminders were mailed on October 16th. The Memorial Book preparations are complete! 11/02/14 Collection: Faith Direct: Total Collection All Saints Day: $16,183.23 $ 2,095.20 $18,278.43 $ 954.00 New Offertory Envelopes Dear fellow Parishioners, For 2015, we will begin mailing the regular Offertory envelopes on a bi-monthly basis. In the future, every two months you will receive in the mail the next two months of Offertory envelopes. This new system will save the parish money and be more effective and accurate. As always, we rely on your generous donation of “treasure” in order to carry out our mission to serve one another in worship, in faith formation and in outreach to the needy. These envelopes can be considered wrapping paper for your gift to God! Regular use of these envelopes will enable us to verify your contributions. Thank you for your generous support! Fr. Charlie 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal Serving God by Serving Others Goal: Raised: Paid to Date: # of Gifts: % of Goal: $88,900.00 $93,820.36 $83,203.37 432 105% Congratulations!! Our parish has done a great job of responding to the call to serve God by serving others through support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal. We have reached our parish goal of $88,900.00 and more with pledges from 432 households. Thank you to all who contributed—we couldn’t have done it without you! Now that we have reached our goal we will receive 80% of all paid pledges we raise over our goal. This is a wonderful opportunity to increase parish revenue while also supporting the critical ministries and programs of the Appeal. Thank you to all who contributed. God Bless You! Faith Direct Update Special Thanks to 76 families who make their regular offertory contributions and 79 families who make their capital campaign payments thru FAITH DIRECT. Faith Direct enables you to give electronically by using your credit or debit card. Faith Direct contributions of November (5 weeks): Regular Offertory Collection: Capital Campaign Total Faith Direct for Nov. $10,476.00 $ 3,071.00 $13,547.00 Thank you! Signing up for Faith Direct is easy, online please visit, pick up an enrollment form at the parish office or call the parish office at 744-8566 and speak with Andy White. Our parish code is: NY314. “whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for me.”..Matthew 25:40 WE REACH OUT TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS Outreach Coordinator: Mrs. Jane Guido (631-209-0325) E-mail address: [email protected] The Outreach Office is located in the Lower Church. Please enter through the Rel. Ed. Complex. Drop offs can be made on Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM, or you may use the receptacles located inside the front door of the Church. GIRL SCOUT NUTS AND CANDY SALE: Gir l Scout Troop 1984 will be selling nuts and candy in the vestibule following all Masses on the weekend of November 15th & 16th. Please consider pur chasing a can for your family and one for outreach. Donations will be gladly accepted so that the troop can help an outreach family for Thanksgiving. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP AT ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT Journeying Through Grief Our Bereavement Team can assist in bringing you healing and comfort following the death of a loved one. We offer one-on-one sessions throughout the year and plan group support sessions in the Spring and Fall. In these sessions we journey together as a small community. Help is available through the compassion and caring of others. Please call Deacon Gary Swane at 516-241-6520 for further information and/or to register. All information is confidential. HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS L.I. Women’s Coalition: 666-8833 Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk: 360-3606 Child Abuse: 439-0480 Brighter Tomorrow: 395-1800 The Retreat (Hotline for Domestic Violence): 329-2200 Birthright: 821-9727 Seabury Barn: 331-8817 Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info): 789-9546 Fidelis (Family Health Plus): 1-888-343-3547 Contact Good Shepherd Hospice: 376-3758 Hope House Ministries 473-6030 Alcoholics Anonymous 24-Hour Hotline 669-1124 Suicide Prevention 1-800-SUICIDE Women’s Help Line 698-2074 PANTRY NEEDS: Kindly help our families when you go food shopping. Presently we need: Detergent, shampoo, mustard, gravy, bar soap, ketchup, toothpaste, pancake mix, pudding, macaroni and cheese, pasta sauce, juice, mayo & cereal. PLEASE NOTE: Please make sure the expiration dates on food items are current. We can accept unopened food items only. Thank you for feeding the hungry. Due to limited space, the Outreach Office cannot accept any more toys or household items. Please bring these items to St. Gerard’s Thrift Shop on Terryville Rd. in Pt. Jefferson. Thank you! WE EDUCATE IN OUR CATHOLIC FAITH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Our Religious Education Office will be open from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday thorough Thursday, and on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. We are closed on Friday’s. UPCOMING IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Virtus Training: We will be offer ing the VIRTUS Pr ogr am (required for all Church Volunteers along with the Background Check and Code of Conduct) on Thursday, Dec. 11th, at 10 AM or 7:30 PM, at St. Anthony’s All Saints Room in Rocky Point. To register for this Training, please go to the diocesan website ( and click on to the VIRTUS Training Calendar link. After you create a user id and password, you can then register for this session on the calendar. Opportunities for Adults—Adult Faith Formation Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: J oin us on Tuesday, November 11th, fr om 7:30 to 8:45 PM in Room #3 of the Mar gar et GalvinBattillo Rel. Ed. Center to learn more about our Catholic Faith and to prepare to receive either Baptism, Confirmation or First Eucharist. Opportunities for our Young Adults (18-35) Bible Study and Faith Sharing for our Young Adults: J oin us beginning on Monday, November 10th for our Bible Study at St. Mark’s in Shoreham from 8 to 9 PM. We will be gathering in the Meeting Room in the Parish Center and planning social, spiritual, and service opportunities for our Young Adults. Opportunities for our Teens (find us on Facebook-St. Louis de Montfort Youth Ministry Is the Sacrament of Confirmation a Graduation from Religious Education? Is it the endpoint of all we need to know about our Catholic Faith? At. St. Louis de Montfor t we think not!! Our Religious Education takes place in small groups in Pre-K through 8. These groups forma great sense of community and faith sharing. We are encouraging all of our Confirmation Groups to continue to meet throughout the Teen Years as our teens need this sense of community, sharing of faith and life issues, and personal affirmation. Youth Communities: To sign up for one of our many Youth Communities (small groups of 8 to 10 Teens with two Adult Leaders), you can register at the Religious Education Office. Adult Faith Formation Roundtable: J oin us on Tuesday, Novem- Many of our Confirmation groups from previous years are conber 11th, fr om 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM, at the J oseph McDonnell tinuing to meet together. Meeting Room at St. Louis de Montfort for our roundtable during which our participants share their reading and reflections on our Catholic Faith. Upcoming topics include: Following Jesus in a Consumer Culture. Youth Mass: 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday, Nov. 30th. Teen Community Days: On Sunday, Nov. 30th, we will gather together in the Parish Center after our Teen Mass from 1 to What is Pope Francis Saying? J oin us on Thur sday, November 2:30 PM with all of our Youth Communities for sharing and 13th, fr om 10 to 11 AM for our study of the Apostolic Exhor tation fellowship. Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) by Pope Francis. Find out what Pope Francis thinks about what we should be doing to share the Good New of Jesus. We will be meeting in the Music Room at St. Anthony’s Church in Rocky Point. The Bible Book of the Month Club: J oin us on Thur sday, December 4th, fr om 10 to 11:30 AM in the Music Room at St. Anthony’s Church in Rocky Point for our study of the Bible. This month we will be reading and studying the Book of Job. Each month we will take a different book of the Bible and share what it means for us in our faith journey! Teen Retreats: On Satur day, Nov. 8th, fr om 3 to 6 PM all of our teens are invited to our Parish Center for our Youth Retreat to grow in their spiritual lives. Teacher Meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 10 to 11 AM or 7 to 8 PM (Grades Pre-K through 3 and 9 through 12) Congratulations: On Sunday, Nov. 2nd, the following Catechists were recognized for their de4dication to teaching our Bible Study: The Gospel of John: J oin us on Monday, November Catholic Faith: Linda Mammina (40 years), Theresa-Ellen Ja10th, fr om 8 to 9 PM in the Meeting Room at St. Mar k’s Par ish in cobson (15 years), Anne Hirdt (15 years, and Angela Campo (10 Shoreham as we study the gospel of John and apply the meaning of the years). Thank you for sharing our faith!! gospel to our own lives today! Religious Education Week: This year we ar e celebr ating Religious Education week from Nov. 2nd through Nov. 9th. Come celebrate with us at the 9:00 AM Family Mass on Sunday, November 9th! Let us give thanks to our God for the pr ecious gift of our faith and for the joy of sharing it with our chilTo register for any of our Adult Faith Formation Classes: You can dren!! Retreat: Our Adult Faith For mation Ministr y will be sponsor ing a Retreat for Adults on Saturday, November 15th, from 8 AM to 12 Noon, at St. Anthony’s in Rocky Point. The theme of our retreat will be The Spirituality of Transformation.. call Mr. John J. McNamara, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, at 744-9515 ext. 200 or email him at [email protected] WE EDUCATE IN OUR CATHOLIC FAITH Parent Seminars: We offer a monthly Par ent Seminar for all of the parents of our children in Rel. Ed. To give them an opportunity to grow in their understanding of our beloved Catholic Faith. The seminars consist of a twenty minute presentation on a specific aspect of our Catholic Faith and how this relates to our role as parents, an opportunity for our parents to share together, and a prayer experience. Our next parent seminar will be offered on Tuesday, December 2nd, fr om 10 to 11 AM or fr om 7 to 8 PM. We will meet in the Church (or in the Chapel if there is a Mass of Christian Burial in the Church). Franciscan Young Adult Group: J oin us on Wednesday, November 12th, at 7 PM at St. Louis de Montfort in Room #4 of our Religious Education Center, to grow in a closer relationship with God and your peers and to explore the filed of ecological justice. For more information contact Mrs. Jean D’Onofrio at [email protected]. Small Christian Communities: You ar e cor dially invited to come and share the Spirit of Christ! Join a Small Christian Community here at St. Louis de Montfort. What is a Small Christian Community? We are members of the parish family who gather together in small groups to reflect on how the Spirit of Christ is working in our lives. We reach out to other sin that same Spirit. There are currently several groups meeting at various dates, times and locations within our parish community. We even have a Moms and Tots group for those of you with little ones. Join us. “Remain in Him and He in us!” Please call Deacon Robert Mullane at 744-0289 for more information. PRESCHOOL NEWS Happy Fall! The children had a great time picking pumpkins at our St. Louis Pumpkin patch! We are gearing up for our Halloween festivities! A SUPER BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteer fire personnel at Sound Beach Fire Department! We had a great two day visit for fire safety week. You always make it a special time for all the children! The Preschool is located in the Msgr. McGuire Parish Center, next to the Chapel. We are taking preenrollment for the 2015-2016 school year! Applications will be sent to PRE-ENROLLED FAMILIES ONLY in January. Call the preschool for preenrollment information. We offer a Three-year old program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a Four-year old program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There are two sessions each day. The morning session is from 9:30 AM until 112:00 Noon. The afternoon session is from 1:00 until 3:30 PM. Children should be 3 years old by Dec. 1, 2015 if registering for the 3 year old program and 4 by Dec. 11, 2015 if registering for the 4 year old program. Not happy with your current preschool program? We have openings for this current school year in our 4 year old program only. Catholic Websites: One of our wonder ful par ishioners, Steven Smith, would like to share some of his favorite Catholic Websites with all of us. Steven was greatly helped in his personal Faith Journey with these websites. Check out the blog of Fran Rossi Szpyiczyn at If you have any questions, please call Susan at 7449515, ext. 500. We look forward to hearing from you! EVENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY Open House for Molloy College, 1000 Hempstead Avenue, Rockville Centre, Sunday, November 16th, at 1:00 PM. For more information call 516-323-4000. Sunday Vesper’s Service: This year ’s pr epar ation for the 800th Anniversary of the Dominican Order has the theme: “Lay Dominicans and Preaching.” The Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, invite you to pray with us at our Sunday Vesper’s service on November 16th at 4 PM in our Mother house chapel at 555 Albany Ave., Amityville. Holiday Bazaar at Mt. Sinai Chur ch, 233 N. Country Road, Mt. Sinai, on Saturday, November 15th, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Vendors, bakery, snowflake auction, barn sale, clothing boutique, raffles, refreshments, antiques, crafts, books, harvest and holiday items, plants, bread from Little Portion friary and much more! Pictures with Santa 11 AM to 1 PM. Call 473-1582 for more information. Babysitting Available for pr eschooler s in the Lower Church during the 9:00 AM Mass. Please stop downstairs before and 9:00 Mass and see one of the volunteers if you have any questions. Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr . J im Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 FM on Long Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 PM on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 PM on SM Satellite, Channel 1171. Next Sunday’s theme is Responsibility. Don’t miss it! To listen online or receive more information regarding Religion and Rock go to Holiday Fair: To be held at Wisdom Gar dens, 115 Terryville Rd., Pt. Jeff. Sta., on Friday, December 5th, from 10 AM to 2 PM, and Satur day, December 6th, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Home made cr afts, decorated trees, wreaths, bakery, jellies, pickles, new items, jewelry (old and new), toys ornaments, raffle basket chances and more! For more information call 631-476-0013. The Branch Funeral Home and the Vigliante family would like to extend an invitation to attend a special seminar for those who have lost a family member or friend this past year. It will be facilitated by Patricia Jones, M.S., our bereavement specialist. You will be given suggestions and information on how to cope with the holiday season while grieving the death of a loved one. The seminar will be held on Saturday, November 22nd, fr om 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, at The Branch Funeral Home, 190 East Main Street, Smithtown. Call by November 17th to reserve a seat 631-724-9500. CHURCH BULLETIN BLOOPERS! “On a church bulletin during the minister’s illness: GOD IS GOOD; Dr. Hargreaves is better.” PRAY FOR PEACE AND PROTECTION OF MEMBERS OF OUR UNIFORMED SERVICES Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. If you will call the Parish Office and give us the names of parishioners or close relatives of parishioners who are serving in the Middle East, we will print them in the bulletin. Please give us the APO address. Please inform the Parish Office when Solider has returned home safely. Christopher Dragon Gregory Gowrie Jerome Arnold William Cannella Robert Bruccoleri Kevin McLoughlin U.S. Marines U. S. Army U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Air Force U.S. Army Thank you for your prayers. PLEASE NOTE...WE ARE REQUESTING ALL APO ADDRESSES FOR THE SOLDIERS. THANK YOU!
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