Know what‘s inside. The GBA Laboratory Group Your Competent Partner for Analytical Questions 25 Years 1989–2014 LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND CONSULTING SERVICES – PRECISE, CONCLUSIVE, AND ON TIME RESULTS IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS: ENVIRONMENT FOODSTUFF PHARMA CONSUMER GOODS GBA-GROUP.DE Know what‘s inside. Laboratory Services and Consulting – Helping our customers for 25 years. The GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH is one of the leading laboratories in Germany. Highly specialized in the analysis of food, environmental samples, consumer goods, and pharmaceuticals, the GBA Laboratory Group is among the growing analytical laboratories in Europe. 25 Years 1989–2014 The GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH In approximately 15,000 m2 of laboratory was founded in Hamburg-Harburg in 1989. space, 430 highly-qualified employees work The company emerged from the environ- ly maximize the efficiency of our workflow your order is processed fast and on time. host training seminars, and also provide you for the customer‘s benefit. The GBA Laboratory Group places a high with our newsletter. for GBA, over 35% of whom have an aca- We highly value creating close ties to our customers through dialogue and transparency in the processing. mental chemistry department of a medical demic background. With the targeted de- Your personal, competent contact person Quality Management ployment of scientific competencies in the is there for you from the very start. You will From the sample pick-up to the analytical results analytical results based on in-depth tech- laboratory belonging to Dr. Dr. Erich Dölle- nical expertise. You receive legal appraisals We offer a comprehensive portfolio of feld, a highly qualified medical doctor and fields of chemistry, biology, bioengineering, quickly receive a personalized offer from We gladly handle the sample pick-up for and top quality evaluations. Analytical re- analytical methods for all of our fields of chemist. chemical engineering, and food chemistry, your consultant. He or she is always infor- you personally. Our transport service takes ports are generally sent to our customers in business. Our modern laboratories work you are always guaranteed consistently med about the status of your samples. We care that your samples are packed appro- electronic format. In order to keep you up to with state-of-the-art technology. Please high quality. provide you with your analytical results as priately and arrive at our laboratory safely. date on current developments in our various contact us if you have any questions about fast as possible and therefore we constant- Since our locations are close to the major fields of analysis, we hold personal meet- our accreditation and extensive range of metropolitan regions, we can ensure that ings, participate in technical conferences, authorizations. Today the GBA Laboratory Group is represented at 10 different locations throughout Germany. LABORATORY GROUP ENVIRONMENT value on providing interpretations of the LABORATORY GROUP FOODSTUFF LABORATORY GROUP PHARMA LABORATORY GROUP CONSUMER GOODS ENVIRONMENT FOODSTUFF PHARMA CONSUMER GOODS High-performance laboratories in the metropolitan regions In the FOOD ANALYSIS division, GBA offers all services and When it comes to PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS, the GBA In the field of CONSUMER GOODS ANALYSIS, GBA offers ensure fast and competent consulting and analytical services technologies necessary in order to enable a comprehensive Laboratory Group offers project support for every single chemical testing of packaging materials (e.g. global migra- all the way from the sampling to the analytical report. assessment of your samples according to food law. step, from the development, validation, and stability studies tion), saliva tests (suitability for infants and toddlers), test- all the way to approval. ing for heavy metals in children‘s toys, as well as many more In addition to „traditional“ ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, This includes, but is not limited to, the analysis of nutritional we have also integrated special services into our routine value (Big 4, Big 8, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals), Our major strengths in this field go beyond the standard ducts for plasticizers (phthalates), perfluorinated tensides processes at GBA, such as the analysis of polychlorinated residues and contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy laboratory services, such as pharmacopoeia testing (Ph. Eur., (PFTs), or even volatile or semivolatile organic compounds dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuranes (PCDD/F), brominated metals), additives (coloring agents, preservatives, sweet- BP, USP), stability studies according to ICH Guidelines and (VOC and sVOC screening). flame retardants (PBDEs), pharmaceutical agents, pestici- eners, antioxidants), as well as microbiological tests (patho- the qualification of reference standards, but also include the des, perfluorinated tensides (PFTs), priority substances under genic germs, hygienic parameters, expiration date testing) method development and validation of tailor-made analyti- the EU-WFD, and organotin compounds in various matrices and also product-specific analyses (e.g. in the fields of spices cal procedures for content and purity, even for highly potent such as soil, water, sediment, and biota, among others. We & herbs, teas, fish, meat, cereals, fats, fruit & vegetables, pharmaceuticals (e.g. cytostatic agents). One of GBA‘s feel that it is our duty to constantly update and expand our sweets, and canned food). additional core competencies is the microbiological analysis tests. Additionally, GBA analyzes all kinds of consumer pro- fields of analysis. of pharmaceuticals, APIs, and raw materials (for both human Additionally, at GBA we also offer a service to support your and veterinary medicine). Furthermore, Regulatory Affairs in-house laboratories by transferring certain tasks to our (full service for approval of pharmaceuticals and medical sites or by outsourcing your complete laboratory services in products) and QP services also are included in our portfolio. our area of responsibility. Quality at the Highest Level Make use of the know-how, the experience, and the precision of the GBA Laboratory Group. Your Advantages Certifications in our fields of business Service l Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Approved according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Individual customer service representative l Project support from the sampling to the test report l Express analysis (by special request) l l l QS-Residue Monitoring for fruit, vegetables, potatoes BNN approved laboratory l § 18 sentence 1 BBodSchG (soil protection ordinance) l § 25 LAbfG and § 17 par. 1 LBodSchG (North Rhine Westphalia, soil protection and waste laws) l Competence Long-term experience l Profound technical knowledge l § 3 par. 5 and 6 (AbfKlärV) (sewage sludge laws) l l Gütegemeinschaft Sekundärbrennstoffe und Recyclingholz e.V. (BGS) – (secondary fuels and recycled wood association) Locations with specialized laboratories l RAL-Gütesicherungen der Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. (compost association) l Fast and smooth order processing l § 6 par. 6 AltholzV (waste wood laws) l Transparency Online monitoring of the analytical status with the l § 3 par. 1 sent. 3 ZWVO i.V.m. § 85 b par. 2 sent. 2 LWG (SchleswigHolstein water laws) l § 61a NWG, § 44 NAbfG (Lower Saxony water & waste laws) l GBA PrimeNetService Approved according to § 7 Regulations for Water and Waste Water, Hamburg l • Clear cost structure (no hidden fees) § 5 par. 2 AltölV (used oil regulations) l § 9 par. 2 and § 4 par. 9 BioAbfV (organic waste regulations) Quality l § 15 par. 4 TrinkwV, 2001 (German Drinking Water Ordinance) Accreditation and numerous certifications l l § 44 i.V.m. § 47 par. 3 and 4 InfSchG (German Infection Protection Act) Regular monitoring by external auditors l Participation in norm committees and DIN working groups l l l Participation in pharmacopoeia commissions and panels of Authorized cross-check expert according to § 43 par. 2 LFGB i.V.m. § 2 and 3 Gegenproben-VO (cross-check regulations) GMP Certification l l experts l FDA Authorization Production authorization according to § 13 of the 15th AMG-Novelle (German Pharmaceutical Law) l GMP ͲW>ͲϭϰϭϳϬͲϬϭͲϬϬ Good Manufacturing Practice How to reach us: n n HAMBURG GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Goldtschmidtstr. 5, 21073 Hamburg, Germany Phone +49 40 797172-0 [email protected] n n SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Flensburger Str. 15, 25421 Pinneberg, Germany Phone +49 4101 7946-0 [email protected] n LOWER SAXONY GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Daimlerring 37, 31135 Hildesheim, Germany Phone +49 5121 75096-50 [email protected] n LOWER SAXONY GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Brekelbaumstr. 1, 31789 Hameln, Germany Phone +49 5151 9849-0 [email protected] n n NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH as of march 2015: Bruchstr. 5c, 45883 Gelsenkirchen, Germany Phone +49 209 97619-0 [email protected] n NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Im Emscherbruch 11, 45699 Herten, Germany Phone +49 2366 300-337 [email protected] n BAVARIA LAT GmbH Institut für Pharma-Analytik Am Haag 4, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany Phone +49 89 858967-0 [email protected] n BAVARIA LPU Labor für Pharma- und Umweltanalytik GmbH Fraunhoferstr. 11a, 82152 Martinsried Germany Phone +49 89 899229-0 [email protected] n SAXONY GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH Meissner Ring 3, 09599 Freiberg, Germany Phone +49 3731 163083-0 [email protected] n BAVARIA Phytos Labor für Analytik von Arzneimitteln GmbH & Co. KG Leibnizstr. 9, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany Phone +49 731 97439-0 [email protected] GBA Laboratory Group Site Competencies: n ENVIRONMENT n FOODSTUFF n PHARMA n CONSUMER GOODS
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