Speakers Dr Sachin Gupta Paediatric Neurologist, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Dr Richard Webster Paediatric Neurologist, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Prof Robert Ouvrier Paediatric Neurologist, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Dr Shekeeb Mohammad Academic Medicine Fellow, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Accreditation Information Fellows of the Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) may claim points based on their hours of participation through the HYCPD self-reporting program. Certificates of attendance will not be routinely provided, however can be provided on request. Travel Information The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is located on the corner of Hawkesbury Rd and Hainsworth Street, Westmead and readily accessible by car or train. Parking is available at the visitor parking station located on Hainsworth Street (near the roundabout) Dr Esther Tantsis Neurology Fellow, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Common Problems in Paediatric Neurology Prof Peter Procopis Paediatric Neurologist, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Dr Gina O’Grady Neurology Fellow, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Dr Kyle Sheldrick Neurosurgery Registrar, TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Dr Kasia Kozlowska Staff Specialist, Psychological Medicine, CHW Dr Michelle Lorentzos Neurology Fellow, Paediatric Neurology Update 2014 TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, CHW Scientific Committee Prof Peter Procopis Dr Richard Webster TY Nelson Dept of Neurology & Neurosurgery Locked Bag 4001 Westmead NSW 2145 Tel: (02) 9845 2667 Fax: (02) 9845 3905 Email: [email protected] www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au Wednesday 19 November 2014 8.40am – 4.30pm Lorimer Dods Lecture Theatre The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Program Program Description and Objectives 8.40 Registration 8.55 Welcome and Introduction 9.00 Epilepsy: what to start and when Sachin Gupta to stop it 9.30 Infantile spasms Gina O’Grady 10.00 Abnormal movements, when are they important? Shekeeb Mohammad 10.30 Morning Tea (included in registration) 11.00 Bell’s palsy Richard Webster 11.20 How to treat difficult-to-manage headaches Peter Procopis 12.00 How not to miss brain tumours Kyle Sheldrick 12.30 Lunch (included in registration) 1.20 Richard Webster Neurological assessment of children with functional disorders Robert Ouvrier 1.45 Treatment of functional neurological disorder Kasia Kozlowska 2.25 Heads too large or too small ? Esther Tantsis 2.45 Afternoon Tea (included in registration) 3.10 Marijuana: for epilepsy? 3.35 Cases* 4.00 Questions 4.30 Close Michelle Lorentzos/ Deepak Gill *We invite delegates to submit neurology cases which they have found challenging or interesting for discussion. Please forward a short 3-4 slide Powerpoint presentation. We will endeavour to discuss all cases forwarded, time permitting. Email cases to Scott Day: [email protected] by Friday 7 November. Neurological disorders are very common in paediatric practice. The Neurology Update aims to provide paediatricians with the skills to address some of the most common and chronic neurological problems. With the help of videos , case histories, historical vignettes and management tips from experts, we aim to provide a fun environment to learn and revise knowledge. The day will cover neurological problems, such as headache, presentations of brain tumours and how to recognise and manage functional neurological disorders. The now frequently asked question about the use of cannabis derivatives for the treatment of epilepsy will also be addressed. Time has been set aside to discuss interesting and difficult cases. This Update forms part of the successful series of annual professional development opportunities presented by the TY Nelson Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Paediatric Neurology Update – 2014 Registration form TAX INVOICE ABN 53 188 579 090 This form becomes a tax invoice for GST purposes on completion of payment. Please keep a copy for your records. PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS Title: Surname: First name: Position: Department: Organisation: Mailing address: Postcode: Phone: (daytime): Fax: Email: Target Audience General paediatricians, paediatric neurologists, paediatric trainees, general practitioners, psychologists, nursing and allied health staff. Registration Information: To avoid disappointment and to assist with catering numbers please register by Friday 7 November 2014 A refund will be issued for any cancellations received in writing prior to the event. No refunds will be issued for cancellation after the start of the event. Please send the registration details section and payment to: Organising Secretariat Mr Scott Day Business Manager TY Nelson Dept of Neurology & Neurosurgery The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Tel: (02) 9845 2667 Fax: (02) 9845 3905 Email: [email protected] Delegate: AUD $120.00 inc GST. Junior medical staff, nursing staff and allied health staff who are employees of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead will not be charged, however registration is essential (limited numbers). Please indicate means of payment below. I wish to attend this course. I enclose the registration fee of: $120.00 inc. GST Payment enclosed: $ Cheque or money order payable to: Neurology Department, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Credit card payment: Visa Mastercard Amount: $ Card number: Card holder’s name (as shown on card): Expiry date: Card holder’s signature: *To access presentations from the day of the symposium please go to http://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/professionals/professional-resources/neurology-papers
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