VEDTÆGTER ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ZEALAND PHARMA A/S VEDTÆGTER ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S (CVR-nr.: 20 04 50 78) (CVR no.: 20 04 50 78) 1 Navn Name 1.1 Selskabets navn er Zealand Pharma The Company's name is Zealand Pharma A/S. A/S. Selskabets binavn er Zealand Pharma- The Company's secondary name is Zea- ceuticals A/S. land Pharmaceuticals A/S. 2 Formål Objects 2.1 Selskabets formål er at drive forskning, The object of the Company is to engage produktion, handel og dermed beslæg- in research, manufacture, trade and re- tet virksomhed, primært inden for me- lated dicinalbranchen. pharmaceutical industry. 3 Koncernsprog Corporate language 3.1 Selskabets koncernsprog er engelsk. The corporate language of the Company 1.2 activities, primarily within the is English. 4 Aktiekapital Share Capital 4.1 Selskabets aktiekapital udgør DKK The share capital of the Company is 24.112.843. DKK 24,112,843. Aktiekapitalen er fuldt indbetalt. The share capital has been paid up in 4.2 full. 2 5 Aktier Shares 5.1 Hver akties pålydende er DKK 1. The nominal amount of each share is DKK 1. 5.2 Aktierne er udstedt gennem VP Securi- The shares are issued through VP Secu- ties A/S. rities A/S. 5.3 Aktierne er omsætningspapirer. The shares are negotiable instruments. 5.4 Ingen aktier har særlige rettigheder. No shares carry any special rights. 5.5 Der gælder ingen indskrænkninger i ak- No restrictions shall apply as to the tiernes omsættelighed. transferability of the shares. Ingen aktionær skal være forpligtet til at No shareholder shall be obliged to have lade sine aktier indløse helt eller delvist. the shares redeemed fully or partly. Aktierne udstedes på navn og skal note- The shares shall be issued in the hold- res i Selskabets ejerbog. er's name and shall be registered in the 5.6 5.7 Company's Register of Shareholders. 5.8 Selskabets ejerbog føres af Computers- The Register of Shareholders is handled hare A/S, Kongevejen 418, 2840 Holte, by der er valgt som ejerbogsfører på Sel- 418, 2840 Holte, on behalf of the Com- skabets vegne. pany. 6 Udbytte Dividend 6.1 Udbytte betales til aktionærerne ved Dividend shall be paid out to sharehold- overførsel gennem VP Securities A/S. ers by transfer through VP Securities Computershare A/S, Kongevejen A/S. 6.2 Udbytte, der ikke har været hævet inden Dividend that has not been claimed tre år fra forfaldsdagen, tilfalder Selska- within three years of the due date shall bet. accrue to the Company. 3 7 Authorization to increase the share Bemyndigelse til kapitalforhøjelse capital 7.1 Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 29. During the period until 29 April 2019 the april 2019 bemyndiget til ad en eller board of directors is authorized to in- flere gange at forhøje Selskabets aktie- crease at one or more times the Compa- kapital ved udstedelse af nye aktier med ny's share capital by issuance of new indtil nominelt DKK 2.319.304. Forhøjel- shares sen af aktiekapitalen skal ske til mar- 2,319,304. The capital increase shall be kedskurs og skal gennemføres uden for- effected at market price and shall be im- tegningsret for Selskabets eksisterende plemented without pre-emption rights aktionærer. Bestyrelsen kan bestemme, for the Company's existing sharehold- at forhøjelsen skal ske ved kontant ind- ers. The board of directors may decide betaling, apportindskud eller ved kon- to implement the capital increase by vertering af gæld. way of cash contribution, by contribu- by up to nominally DKK tion in kind or by debt conversion. 7.2 Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 29. During the period until 29 April 2019 the april 2019 bemyndiget til ad en eller board of directors is authorized to in- flere gange at forhøje Selskabets aktie- crease at one or more times the Compa- kapital ved udstedelse af nye aktier med ny's share capital by issuance of new indtil nominelt DKK 11.163.953. Forhø- shares jelsen af aktiekapitalen skal gennemfø- 11,163,953. The capital increase shall res med fortegningsret for Selskabets be implemented with pre-emption rights eksisterende aktionærer, og den kan ske for the Company's existing shareholders til en favørkurs fastsat af bestyrelsen. and the subscription price may be a fa- Bestyrelsen kan bestemme, at forhøjel- vourable price fixed by the board of di- sen skal ske ved kontant indbetaling, rectors of the Company. The board of di- apportindskud eller ved konvertering af rectors may decide to implement the gæld. capital increase by way of cash contri- by up to nominally DKK bution, by contribution in kind or by debt conversion. 7.3 De kapitalforhøjelser, som bestyrelsen The capital increases which the board of er bemyndiget til at foretage i henhold directors may decide upon pursuant to til punkt 7.1 og 7.2, kan ikke overstige articles 7.1 and 7.2 cannot exceed a to- et tal aggregate nominal amount of DKK samlet nominelt beløb på DKK 4 7.4 11.163.953. 11,163,953. De nye aktier udstedt i henhold til punkt The new shares issued pursuant to arti- 7.1 og 7.2 skal være ligestillet med den cles 7.1 and 7.2 shall have the same bestående aktiekapital. De nye aktier rights as the existing shares of the Com- skal være omsætningspapirer og navne- pany. The new shares shall be negotia- aktier og skal noteres i Selskabets ejer- ble instruments and issued in the hold- bog. Ingen aktionær skal være forpligtet er's name and shall be registered in the til at lade sine aktier indløse helt eller Company's Register of Shareholders. No delvist. De nye aktier skal give ret til ud- shareholder shall be obliged to have the bytte og andre rettigheder i Selskabet shares redeemed fully or partly. The fra det tidspunkt, som fastsættes af be- new shares shall give rights to dividends styrelsen i forhøjelsesbeslutningen. and other rights in the Company from the time which is determined by the board of directors in connection with the decision to increase the share capital. 7.5 8 8.1 Bestyrelsen er bemyndiget til at fast- The board of directors is authorized to sætte de nærmere vilkår for kapitalfor- stipulate detailed terms and conditions højelser i henhold til ovennævnte be- governing capital increases under the myndigelser. Bestyrelsen er endvidere authority given above. The board of di- bemyndiget til at foretage de ændringer rectors is also authorized to amend i vedtægterne som måtte være nødven- these Articles of Association as required dige som følge af bestyrelsens udnyt- in connection with its use of such au- telse af ovenstående bemyndigelser. thority. Bemyndigelse til udstedelse af war- Authorization to issuance of war- rants rants Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 2. During the period until 2 November november 2015 bemyndiget til ad en el- 2015 the board of directors is authorized ler flere gange at udstede warrants med to issue at one or more times warrants ret til at tegne op til nominelt DKK with a right to subscribe for shares up to 2.750.000 aktier i Selskabet. Selskabets an aggregate amount of nominally DKK aktionærer skal ikke have fortegningsret 2,750,000 shares in the Company. The ved bestyrelsens udnyttelse af denne shareholders of the Company will not have pre-emptive subscription rights 5 bemyndigelse. De nærmere vilkår fast- when the board of directors exercises sættes af bestyrelsen. Bestyrelsen fast- this authorization. The specific terms sætter selv udnyttelseskursen samt øv- and conditions in this respect are to be rige vilkår for warrants, dog således at determined by the board of directors. udnyttelseskursen som minimum skal The board of directors determines, at its svare til markedskursen på tidspunktet own discretion, the exercise price as for udstedelsen af warrants, medmindre well as other terms and conditions for disse udstedes til Selskabets medarbej- the warrants, always provided that the dere. exercise price as a minimum corresponds to the market price at the time of issuance of the warrants, unless these are issued to the Company's employees. Bestyrelsen kan efter de til enhver tid Pursuant to the provisions of the Danish gældende regler i selskabsloven genan- Companies Act in force from time to vende eller genudstede eventuelle bort- time, the board of directors may reapply faldne ikke udnyttede warrants, forud- or reissue any lapsed non-exercised sat at genanvendelsen eller genudste- warrants, provided that such reapplica- delsen finder sted inden for de vilkår og tion or reissue is made under the terms tidsmæssige begrænsninger, der frem- and conditions and within the time limits går af denne bemyndigelse. Ved genan- specified under this authority. Reappli- vendelse forstås adgangen for bestyrel- cation means the right of the board of sen til at lade en anden aftalepart ind- directors træde i en allerede bestående aftale om party become a party to an already ex- warrants. Ved genudstedelse forstås be- isting agreement on warrants. Re-issue styrelsens for means the possibility for the board of di- genudstede rectors to re-issue new warrants under nye warrants, hvis allerede udstedte the same authorization if those already warrants er bortfaldet. issued have lapsed. Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 2. During the period until 2 November november 2015 endvidere bemyndiget 2015, the board of directors is also au- til ad en eller flere gange at forhøje Sel- thorized to increase at one or more skabets aktiekapital med op til nominelt times the Company's share capital by up DKK 2.750.000 aktier ved kontant ind- to nominally DKK 2,750,000 shares by betaling i forbindelse med udnyttelse af cash payment in connection with the ex- warrants eller et sådant beløb som ercise samme mulighed bemyndigelse for at inden 6 of to the let another warrants contractual or such an måtte følge af en eventuel regulering af amount caused by an adjustment (if antallet af warrants ved ændringer i Sel- any) in the number of warrants due to skabets kapitalforhold. Selskabets akti- changes in the capital structure, without onærer skal ikke have fortegningsret til pre-emptive subscription rights for the aktier som udstedes ved udnyttelse af shareholders of the Company to shares udstedte warrants. issued by exercise of the issued warrants. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 2. november 2010 vedtog Sel- the Company held on 2 November 2010, skabets bestyrelse at udstede warrants the board of directors of the Company (2010 program) resolved to issue warrants (2010 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 595.406 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 595,406 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. De fuldstændige same time resolved to increase the vilkår for warrants er vedlagt som bilag share capital of the Company in accord- 8.1. Bilag 8.1 udgør en integreret del af ance therewith. The complete terms of nærværende vedtægter. 67.012 war- the warrants are attached as Schedule rants er udnyttet den 11. april 2015, 8.1. Schedule 8.1 constitutes an inte- 33.506 warrants er udnyttet den 2. juni grated part of these Articles of Associa- 2015, 33.506 warrants er udnyttet den tion. 67,012 warrants were exercised on 20. juni, 308.582 warrants er udnyttet 11 April 2015, 33,506 warrants were ex- den 8. september 2015, 85.788 war- ercised on 2 June 2015, 33,506 war- rants er udnyttet 26. september 2015, rants were exercised on 20 June 2015, 60.843 warrants er udnyttet 4. novem- and 308,582 warrants were exercised on ber 2015, og herefter udestår 6.169 8 September 2015, 85,788 warrants warrants. were exercised on 26 September 2015, employee incentive 60,843 warrants were exercised on 4 November 2015, and thus 6,169 warrants are outstanding. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 10. februar 2011 vedtog Sel- the Company held on 10 February 2011, skabets bestyrelse at udstede warrants the board of directors of the Company (2011-1 employee incentive program) resolved to issue warrants (2011-1 em- 7 svarende til nominelt DKK 445.500 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 445,500 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. De fuldstændige same time resolved to increase the vilkår for warrants er vedlagt som bilag share capital of the Company in accord- 8.1.a. Bilag 8.1.a udgør en integreret ance therewith. The complete terms of del af nærværende vedtægter. 23.776 the warrants are attached as Schedule warrants er udnyttet den 21. marts 8.1.a. Schedule 8.1.a constitutes an in- 2015, 30.809 warrants er udnyttet den tegrated part of these Articles of Associ- 11. april 2015, 17.981 warrants er ud- ation. 23,776 warrants were exercised nyttet den 2. juni 2015, 8.265 warrants on 21 March 2015, 30,809 warrants er udnyttet den 20. juni 2015, 62.008 were exercised on 11 April 2015, 17,981 warrants er udnyttet den 8. september warrants were exercised on 2 June 2015, 36.076 warrants er udnyttet den 2015, 8,265 warrants were exercised on 26. september 2015, og herefter ude- 20 June 2015, 62,008 warrants were ex- står 266.585 warrants. ercised on 8 September 2015, 36,076 warrants were exercised on 26 September 2015, and thus 266,585 warrants are outstanding. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 17. november 2011 vedtog the Company held on 17 November Selskabets bestyrelse at udstede war- 2011, the board of directors of the Com- rants (2011-2 employee incentive pro- pany resolved to issue warrants (2011- gram) DKK 2 employee incentive program) corre- 227.085 aktier; og bestyrelsen vedtog sponding to a nominal amount of DKK samtidig at forhøje Selskabets aktieka- 227,085 shares; and the board of direc- pital i overensstemmelse dermed. De tors at the same time resolved to in- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- crease the share capital of the Company lagt som bilag 8.1.b. Bilag 8.1.b udgør in accordance therewith. The complete en integreret del af nærværende ved- terms of the warrants are attached as tægter. 90.807 warrants er udnyttet den Schedule 8.1.b. Schedule 8.1.b consti- 21. marts 2015, 15.641 warrants er ud- tutes an integrated part of these Articles nyttet den 26. september 2015, og her- of Association. 90,807 warrants were efter udestår 120.637 warrants. exercised on 21 March 2015, 15,641 svarende til nominelt warrants were exercised on 26 September 2015, and thus 120,637 warrants 8 are outstanding. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 10. februar 2012 vedtog Sel- the Company held on 10 February 2012, skabets bestyrelse at udstede warrants the board of directors of the Company (2012-1 employee incentive program) resolved to issue warrants (2012-1 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 240.250 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 240,250 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. De fuldstændige same time resolved to increase the vilkår for warrants er vedlagt som bilag share capital of the Company in accord- 8.1.c. Bilag 8.1.c udgør en integreret ance therewith. The complete terms of del af nærværende vedtægter. 6.250 the warrants are attached as Schedule warrants er udnyttet den 21. marts 8.1.c. Schedule 8.1.c constitutes an in- 2015, 8.399 warrants er udnyttet den tegrated part of these Articles of Associ- 11. april 2015, 4.750 warrants er ud- ation. 6,250 warrants were exercised on nyttet den 20. juni 2015, 12.600 war- 21 March 2015, 8,399 warrants were ex- rants er udnyttet den 8. september ercised on 11 April 2015, 4,750 war- 2015, 13.197 warrants er udnyttet den rants were exercised on 20 June 2015, 26. september 2015, og herefter ude- 12,600 warrants were exercised on 8 står 195.054 warrants. September 2015, 13,197 warrants were exercised on 26 September 2015, and thus 195,054 warrants are outstanding. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 19. november 2012 vedtog the Company held on 19 November Selskabets bestyrelse at udstede war- 2012, the board of directors of the Com- rants (2012-2 employee incentive pro- pany resolved to issue warrants (2012- gram) DKK 2 employee incentive program) corre- 214.883 aktier; og bestyrelsen vedtog sponding to a nominal amount of DKK samtidig at forhøje Selskabets aktieka- 214,883 shares; and the board of direc- pital i overensstemmelse dermed. De tors at the same time resolved to in- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- crease the share capital of the Company lagt som bilag 8.1.d. Bilag 8.1.d udgør in accordance therewith. The complete en integreret del af nærværende ved- terms of the warrants are attached as tægter. Schedule 8.1.d. Schedule 8.1.d consti- svarende til nominelt tutes an integrated part of these Articles 9 of Association. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 8. februar 2013 vedtog Sel- the Company held on 8 February 2013, skabets bestyrelse at udstede warrants the board of directors of the Company (2013-1 employee incentive program) resolved to issue warrants (2013-1 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 389.762 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 389,762 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 386.012. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.1.e. Bilag 8.1.e udgør warrants granted is 386,012. The com- en integreret del af nærværende ved- plete terms of the warrants are attached tægter. as Schedule 8.1.e. Schedule 8.1.e constitutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 1. april 2014 vedtog Selska- the Company held on 1 April 2014, the bets bestyrelse at udstede warrants board of directors of the Company re- (2014-1 employee incentive program) solved to issue warrants (2014-1 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 100.000 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 100,000 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 100.000. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.1.f. Bilag 8.1.f udgør en warrants granted is 100,000. The com- integreret del af nærværende vedtæg- plete terms of the warrants are attached ter. as Schedule 8.1.f. Schedule 8.1.f constitutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 25. marts 2015 vedtog Sel- the Company held on 25 March 2015, skabets bestyrelse at udstede warrants the board of directors of the Company 10 (2015-1 employee incentive program) resolved to issue warrants (2015-1 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 100.000 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 100,000 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 100.000. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.1.g. Bilag 8.1.g udgør warrants granted is 100,000. The com- en integreret del af nærværende ved- plete terms of the warrants are attached tægter. as Schedule 8.1.g. Schedule 8.1.g constitutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 5. maj 2015 vedtog Selska- the Company held on 5 May 2015, the bets bestyrelse at udstede warrants board of directors of the Company re- (2015-4 employee incentive program) solved to issue warrants (2015-4 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 46.359 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 46,359 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 46.359. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.4. Bilag 8.4 udgør en warrants granted is 46,359. The com- integreret del af nærværende vedtæg- plete terms of the warrants are attached ter. as Schedule 8.4. Schedule 8.4 constitutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. 8.2 Som følge af udstedelsen af warrants er As a result of the issuance of warrants, det udestående antal warrants, der kan the number of warrants available for is- udstedes i henhold til bemyndigelsen i suance under the authorization in this nærværende article 8.1 has been reduced to 394,505 § 8.1, reduceret til 394.505 warrants. warrants. Alle aktier, der ved udnyttelse af war- The shares subscribed for by exercise of rants udstedt i henhold til § 8.1 skal the warrants issued pursuant to article 11 være omsætningspapirer og navneaktier 8.1 shall be negotiable instruments and og noteres i Selskabets ejerbog. issued in the holder's name and shall be registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders. De nye aktier skal være ligestillet med The new shares shall have the same den bestående aktiekapital. Ingen akti- rights as the existing shares of the Com- onær skal være forpligtet til at lade sine pany. No shareholder shall be obliged to aktier indløse helt eller delvist. De nye have aktier skal give ret til udbytte og andre partly. The new shares shall give rights rettigheder i Selskabet fra det tids- to dividends and other rights in the punkt, som fastsættes af bestyrelsen i Company from the time which is deter- forhøjelsesbeslutningen. mined by the board of directors in con- the shares redeemed fully or nection with the decision to increase the share capital. 8.3 Bestyrelsen er bemyndiget til at ændre The board of directors is authorized to nærværende vedtægter i tilfælde af ud- amend these Articles of Association as a nyttelse af de givne bemyndigelser eller consequence of applying the authoriza- warrants. tions granted or the exercise of warrants. 8.4 Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 21. During the period until 21 April 2020 the april 2020 bemyndiget til ad en eller board of directors is authorized to issue flere gange at udstede warrants med ret at one or more times warrants with a til right to subscribe for shares up to an ag- at tegne op til nominelt DKK 2.750.000 aktier i Selskabet. Selskabets gregate amount of nominally DKK aktionærer skal ikke have fortegningsret 2,750,000 shares in the Company. The ved bestyrelsens udnyttelse af denne shareholders of the Company will not bemyndigelse. De nærmere vilkår fast- have pre-emptive subscription rights sættes af bestyrelsen. Bestyrelsen fast- when the Board of Directors exercises sætter selv udnyttelseskursen samt øv- this authorization. The specific terms rige vilkår for warrants, dog således at and conditions in this respect are to be udnyttelseskursen som minimum skal determined by the Board of Directors. svare til markedskursen på tidspunktet The Board of Directors determines, at its for udstedelsen af warrants, medmindre own discretion, the exercise price as well as other terms and conditions for 12 disse udstedes til Selskabets medarbej- the warrants, always provided that the dere. exercise price as a minimum corresponds to the market price at the time of issuance of the warrants, unless these are issued to the Company's employees. Pursuant to the provisions of the Danish Bestyrelsen kan efter de til enhver tid Companies Act in force from time to gældende regler i selskabsloven genan- time, the Board of Directors may reapply vende eller genudstede eventuelle bort- or reissue any lapsed non-exercised faldne ikke udnyttede warrants, forudsat warrants, provided that such reapplica- at genanvendelsen eller genudstedelsen tion or reissue is made under the terms finder sted inden for de vilkår og tids- and conditions and within the time limits mæssige begrænsninger, der fremgår af specified under this authority. Reappli- denne bemyndigelse. Ved genanvendelse cation means the right of the Board of forstås adgangen for bestyrelsen til at Directors lade en anden aftalepart indtræde i en party become a party to an already ex- allerede bestående aftale om warrants. isting agreement on warrants. Reissue Ved genudstedelse forstås bestyrelsens means the possibility for the Board of mulighed for inden for samme bemyndi- Directors to reissue new warrants under gelse at genudstede nye warrants, hvis the same authorization if those already allerede udstedte warrants er bortfaldet. issued have lapsed. to let another contractual During the period until 21 April 2020, Bestyrelsen er i perioden indtil den 21. the Board of Directors is also authorized april 2020 endvidere bemyndiget til ad to increase at one or more times the en eller flere gange at forhøje Selskabets Company's share capital by up to nomi- aktiekapital med op til nominelt DKK nally DKK 2,750,000 shares by cash 2.750.000 aktier ved kontant indbetaling payment in connection with the exercise i forbindelse med udnyttelse af warrants of the warrants or such an amount eller et sådant beløb som måtte følge af caused by an adjustment (if any) in the en eventuel regulering af antallet af war- number of warrants due to changes in rants ved ændringer i Selskabets kapital- the capital structure, without pre-emp- forhold. Selskabets aktionærer skal ikke tive subscription rights for the share- have fortegningsret til aktier som udste- holders of the Company to shares issued des ved udnyttelse af udstedte warrants. by exercise of the issued warrants. 13 På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 5. maj 2015 vedtog Selska- the Company held on 5 May 2015, the bets bestyrelse at udstede warrants board of directors of the Company re- (2015-2 employee incentive program) solved to issue warrants (2015-2 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 366.250 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 366,250 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 366.250. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.4. Bilag 8.4 udgør en warrants granted is 366,250. The com- integreret del af nærværende vedtæg- plete terms of the warrants are attached ter. as Schedule 8.4. Schedule 8.4 consti- tutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. På et bestyrelsesmøde i Selskabet af- At a meeting of the board of directors of holdt den 5. maj 2015 vedtog Selska- the Company held on 5 May 2015, the bets bestyrelse at udstede warrants board of directors of the Company re- (2015-3 employee incentive program) solved to issue warrants (2015-3 em- svarende til nominelt DKK 100,000 ak- ployee incentive program) correspond- tier; og bestyrelsen vedtog samtidig at ing to a nominal amount of DKK 100,000 forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital i over- shares; and the board of directors at the ensstemmelse dermed. Det konkrete same time resolved to increase the antal warrants tildelt udgør 100,000. De share capital of the Company in accord- fuldstændige vilkår for warrants er ved- ance therewith. The final number of lagt som bilag 8.4.a. Bilag 8.4.a udgør warrants granted is 100,000. The com- en integreret del af nærværende ved- plete terms of the warrants are attached tægter. as Schedule 8.4.a. Schedule 8.4.a constitutes an integrated part of these Articles of Association. Som følge af udstedelsen af warrants er As a result of the issuance of warrants, det udestående antal warrants, der kan the number of warrants available for is- udstedes i henhold til bemyndigelsen i suance under the authorization in this nærværende article § 8.4, reduceret til 14 8.4 has been reduced to 8.5 2.283.750 warrants. 2,283,750 warrants. Alle aktier, der tegnes ved udnyttelse af The shares subscribed for by exercise of warrants udstedt i henhold til § 8.4, skal the warrants issued pursuant to article være omsætningspapirer og navneaktier 8.4 shall be negotiable instruments and og noteres i Selskabets ejerbog. issued in the holder's name and shall be registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders. De nye aktier skal være ligestillet med The new shares shall have the same den bestående aktiekapital. Ingen aktio- rights as the existing shares of the Com- nær skal være forpligtet til at lade sine pany. No shareholder shall be obliged to aktier indløse helt eller delvist. De nye have aktier skal give ret til udbytte og andre partly. The new shares shall give rights rettigheder i Selskabet fra det tidspunkt, to dividends and other rights in the som fastsættes af bestyrelsen i forhøjel- Company from the time which is deter- sesbeslutningen. mined by the Board of Directors in con- the shares redeemed fully or nection with the decision to increase the share capital. 8.6 Bestyrelsen er bemyndiget til at ændre The board of directors is authorized to nærværende vedtægter i tilfælde af ud- amend these Articles of Association as a nyttelse af de givne bemyndigelser eller consequence of applying the authoriza- warrants. tions granted or the exercise of warrants. 9 Generalforsamling General Meetings 9.1 Generalforsamlinger afholdes i Storkø- General meetings of the Company shall benhavn. be held in Greater Copenhagen. Ordinære generalforsamlinger skal af- Annual general meetings shall be held holdes i så god tid, at den reviderede og early godkendte årsrapport kan indsendes og adopted annual report to be submitted 9.2 15 enough for the audited and være modtaget i Erhvervs- og Selskabs- to and received by the Danish Com- styrelsen merce and Company Agency not later senest fire måneder efter regnskabsårets udløb. than four months after the closing of the financial year. 9.3 9.4 Bestyrelsen skal senest otte uger før da- Not later than eight weeks before the gen for den påtænkte afholdelse af den date set for the annual general meeting ordinære offentlig- the board of directors shall announce gøre datoen for afholdelsen af general- the date on which it intends to hold the forsamlingen samt datoen for den sene- general meeting as well as the date by ste fremsættelse af krav om optagelse which requests filed by shareholders af et bestemt emne på dagsordenen for wishing to have specific items included aktionærerne, jf. punkt 9.4. on the agenda, cf. article 9.4. Forslag fra aktionærerne til behandling Proposals from shareholders for consid- på den ordinære generalforsamling skal eration by the annual general meeting være skriftligt fremsat til bestyrelsen shall be submitted to the board of direc- senest seks uger før generalforsamlin- tors in writing not later than six weeks gens afholdelse. Modtager bestyrelsen before the date of the general meeting. et forslag senere end seks uger før ge- In the event that the board of directors neralforsamlingens afholdelse, afgør be- receives a proposal later than six weeks styrelsen, om forslaget er fremsat i så before the general meeting, the board of god tid, at emnet alligevel kan optages directors shall decide whether it was re- på dagsordenen. ceived in time for it to be included on generalforsamling the agenda nonetheless. 9.5 Ekstraordinær generalforsamling afhol- An extraordinary general meeting shall des efter en generalforsamlings beslut- be held when decided by a general ning, bestyrelsens beslutning, når det meeting, the board of directors or re- kræves af Selskabets revisor, eller når quested by the Company's auditor as det til behandling af et bestemt emne well as when requested in writing by skriftligt kræves af aktionærer, der ejer shareholders holding at least 5 % of the mindst 5 % af aktiekapitalen. share capital for consideration of a specific issue. 9.6 Generalforsamlinger skal indkaldes med General meetings shall be convened with a maximum notice of five weeks 16 9.7 højst fem ugers og mindst tre ugers var- and a minimum notice of three weeks. sel. Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær gene- An extraordinary general meeting shall ralforsamling skal ske senest 14 dage be convened within 14 days after a efter, at bestyrelsen har modtaget be- proper request has been received by the hørig anmodning herom. board of directors. Bestyrelsen skal indkalde til generalfor- The board of directors shall convene samling ved bekendtgørelse indrykket i general meetings by publication in the Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsens it-sy- computer information system of the stem samt ved offentliggørelse på Sel- Danish skabets hjemmeside Agency and by posting on the Compa- ( ny's website Commerce and Companies ( 9.8 Indkaldelsesvarslet regnes fra den før- The length of the notice shall be reck- ste bekendtgørelse. Indkaldelse sker oned from the first advertisement. Gen- endvidere ved meddelelse til alle note- eral meetings shall moreover be con- rede aktionærer i ejerbogen, som har vened by sending a notice to all share- fremsat begæring den holders entered in the Company's Reg- adresse, herunder jf. ister of Shareholders having so re- punkt 12, de har opgivet til Selskabet. quested, to the address, including the e- Er oplysningerne i ejerbogen utilstræk- mail address, cf. article 12, informed to kelige eller mangelfulde, har bestyrel- the Company. If the information con- sen ingen pligt til at søge disse berigti- tained in the Register of Shareholders is get eller til at indkalde på anden måde. insufficient or incorrect, the board of di- herom, til e-mailadresse, rectors shall not be obliged to rectify the information or to give notice in any other way. 9.9 Indkaldelsen skal som minimum inde- The notice shall as a minimum include: holde: (1) Tid og sted for generalforsamlin- (1) Time and place for the general gen, samt hvilke emner der skal meeting and the issues to be con- behandles på generalforsamlingen. sidered at the general meeting. If the general meeting is to consider 17 Såfremt der på generalforsamlin- a proposal to amend the Articles of gen skal behandles forslag til ved- Association, then the notice shall tægtsændringer, specify the material content of the skal forslagets væsentligste indhold angives i ind- proposal. kaldelsen. (2) (3) En beskrivelse af aktiekapitalens (2) The amount of the share capital and størrelse og aktionærernes stem- the voting rights of the share- meret. holders. Den i vedtægternes punkt 10.2 (3) The registration date stated in nævnte registreringsdato med en article 10.2 with a clear indication tydeliggørelse af, at det alene er that only companies or persons selskaber eller personer, der på holding shares in the Company as denne dato er aktionærer i Sel- at said date shall be entitled to skabet, der har ret til at deltage i attend and vote at the general og stemme på generalforsamlin- meeting. gen. (4) (5) Angivelse af hvor og hvordan den (4) An indication of where and how to komplette, uforkortede tekst til de obtain the full, unbridged text of dokumenter, der skal fremlægges the documents to be presented at på generalforsamlingen, dagsor- the general meeting, the agenda denen og de fuldstændige forslag and kan fås, herunder den nøjagtige including the exact internet address internetadresse of the Company's website where til Selskabets the complete hjemmeside, hvor dagsordenen og the de dokumenter nævnt i punkt 12.2 documents vil blive gjort tilgængelige. 12.2 will be made available. Proceduren ved for fuldmagt, stemmeafgivelse og and the other in article mentioned (5) The procedure for voting by proxy, ved by postal and by electronic means, elektronisk stemmeafgivelse, her- and the Company will make a proxy under at der vil blive stillet en form available for the shareholders fuldmagtsblanket til rådighed for that are entitled to vote. enhver brev agenda proposals, stemmeberettiget aktio- nær. 18 (6) Såfremt generalforsamlingen gen- (6) If the general meeting is conducted nemføres elektronisk eller delvis by electronic means or partly by elektronisk, jf. punkt 11.1, skal electronic means, cf. article 11.1 indkaldelsen tillige indeholde op- this shall be stated in the convening lysninger notice together with the details on derom samt om til- melding og de nærmere krav til de how elektroniske systemer som vil blive requirements are to the electronic anvendt. Indkaldelsen skal angive, systems that will be used. The at frem- convening notice shall point out gangsmåden ved elektronisk ge- that detailed information about the neralforsamling vil kunne findes på procedure will be available on the Selskabets hjemmeside. Company's website. oplysninger 9.10 Generalforsamlingen om afholdes på en- to sign up and what the The general meeting is held in English gelsk, uden at der sker simultantolkning without til dansk. Danish. simultaneous translation to 9.11 Senest tre uger før generalforsamlingen Not later than three weeks prior to a skal følgende oplysninger som minimum general meeting the following infor- være tilgængelige på Selskabets hjem- mation, as minimum, shall be available meside: on the Company's website: (1) Indkaldelsen. (1) The notice. (2) Det (2) The total number of shares and (3) samlede antal aktier og stemmerettigheder på datoen for voting rights on the date of the indkaldelsen. notice. De dokumenter, der skal fremlæg- (3) ges på generalforsamlingen, her- the under for den ordinære general- with respect to the annual general forsamlings meeting vedkommende den reviderede årsrapport. (4) The documents to be submitted to general the meeting, audited including annual report. Dagsordenen og de fuldstændige forslag. (4) The agenda and complete proposals. 19 (5) De formularer, der skal anvendes (5) ved stemmeafgivelse ved fuldmagt The forms to be used for voting by proxy or postal. og ved brev. 9.12 Dagsordenen for den ordinære generalforsamling skal omfatte: (1) (2) Bestyrelsens The agenda of the annual meeting shall include: beretning om Sel- (1) (4) report from the board of skabets virksomhed i det forløbne directors on the Company's acti- regnskabsår. vities in the past financial year. Godkendelse af den reviderede (2) årsrapport. (3) A Beslutning Approval of the audited annual report. om anvendelse af (3) A resolution on the distribution of overskud eller dækning af under- profit or the cover of loss in skud i henhold til den godkendte accordance with the annual report årsrapport. adopted. Valg af medlemmer til bestyrelsen. (4) Election of members to the board of directors. (5) Valg af revisor. (6) Bemyndigelse til erhvervelse af (5) Election of auditor. (6) Authorization egne aktier. (7) to acquire the Company's own shares. Eventuelle forslag fra bestyrelse (7) eller aktionærer. Any proposals submitted by the board of directors or by shareholders. (8) Eventuelt. (8) Any other business. 9.13 Forhandlingerne på generalforsamlingen A chairman of the meeting appointed by ledes af en dirigent, der udpeges af be- the board of directors shall preside over the proceedings at general meetings 20 styrelsen. Dirigenten afgør alle spørgs- and decide upon all questions of proce- mål vedrørende emnernes behandling, dure, voting and voting results. stemmeafgivning og stemmeresulta- terne. 9.14 Et referat af generalforsamlingen indfø- The proceedings at a general meeting res i en protokol. Referatet skal under- shall be recorded in a minute book and skrives af dirigenten og af bestyrelsens be signed by the chairman of the general formand. Senest to uger efter general- meeting and the chairman of the board forsamlingens afholdelse skal general- of directors. Not later than two weeks forsamlingsprotokollen eller en bekræf- after the general meeting the minute tet udgave af denne gøres tilgængelig book, or a certified transcript of the mi- for Selskabets aktionærer. nute book, shall be made available to the Company's shareholders. 9.15 Generalforsamlingsprotokollen skal for As a general rule, for each resolution hver beslutning som udgangspunkt in- made at the general meeting the minute deholde en fuldstændig redegørelse for book of the general meeting must set afstemningen, derunder om (i) hvor out at a minimum the full details of the mange aktier, der er afgivet gyldige voting including information on (i) the stemmer for, (ii) den andel af aktiekapi- total number of shares for which valid talen, som disse stemmer repræsente- votes were cast, (ii) the proportion of rer, (iii) det samlede antal af stemmer the share capital accounted for by these for og imod hvert beslutningsforslag og votes, (iii) the total number of valid (v) antallet af eventuelle stemmeundla- votes, (iv) the number of votes cast in delser. favour of and against each resolution, and (v) the total number of abstentions, if any. 9.16 Ønsker ingen af aktionærerne en fuldstændig redegørelse for If no shareholder requests that the full afstemnin- details of the votes be included in the gerne, er det kun nødvendigt i general- minute book, the minute book need only forsamlingsprotokollen af- to state the results of the individual stemningsresultatet for hver beslutning. votes. Accordingly, the Chairman of the Dirigenten skal således i forbindelse general meeting shall have to clarify for med hver generalforsamlingsbeslutning each individual vote whether or not any at fastslå shareholders request the inclusion in the 21 have afklaret hvorvidt, ingen af aktio- minute book of the full details of the nærerne ønsker en fuldstændig redegø- vote. relse for afstemningen. 9.17 Senest to uger efter generalforsamlin- Not later than two weeks after the gen- gens afholdelse skal afstemningsresul- eral meeting the voting results from the tatet offentliggøres på Selskabets hjem- general meeting shall be posted on the meside. Company's website. Møderet - Stemmeret Right of Attendance - Voting Right 10 10.1 En aktionærs ret til at deltage i og afgive A shareholders right to attend general stemme på en generalforsamling fast- meetings and to vote at general meet- sættes i forhold til de aktier, som aktio- ings is determined on the basis of the næren besidder på registreringsdatoen. shares that the shareholder owns on the registration date. 10.2 Registreringsdatoen ligger en uge før The registration date is one week before generalforsamlingens afholdelse. De ak- the general meeting is held. The shares tier, den enkelte aktionær besidder, op- which the individual shareholder owns gøres på registreringsdatoen på grund- are calculated on the registration date lag af noteringen af aktionærens ejer- on the basis of the registration of own- forhold i ejerbogen samt meddelelser ership in the Company's Register of om ejerforhold, som Selskabet har mod- Shareholders as well as notifications taget med henblik på indførsel i ejerbo- concerning ownership which the Com- gen. pany has received with a view to update the ownership in the Register of Shareholders. 10.3 Enhver aktionær som senest tre dage in- Any shareholder who has notified the den generalforsamlingens afholdelse har Company of his participation not later meddelt Selskabet sin deltagelse, og than three days prior to the general som har modtaget et adgangskort, er meeting and who has received an ad- berettiget til personligt eller ved fuld- mission card shall be entitled to attend magt at deltage i generalforsamlingen. the general meeting, either in person or Adgangskort udstedes til den i Selska- by proxy. Admission card will be issued bets ejerbog noterede aktionær. 22 to the holder registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders. 10.4 På generalforsamlingen giver hvert aktiebeløb på DKK 1 én stemme. Each share of DKK 1 has one vote at general meetings. 10.5 Stemmeret kan udøves i henhold til A shareholder may vote by proxy or by skriftlig fuldmagt eller ved brevstemme, postal, and the Company shall not later og Selskabet skal senest tre uger før ge- than three weeks prior to the general neralforsamlingen gøre formularer til meeting make a form for this use avail- brug herfor tilgængelige på Selskabets able on the Company's website. A vote hjemmeside. En brevstemme skal være by postal must be received by the Com- Selskabet i hænde senest tre dage før pany not later than three days prior to generalforsamlingens afholdelse for at the general meeting is held in order to blive medtaget på generalforsamlingen. be counted at the general meeting. 10.6 Aktionæren eller fuldmægtigen kan The shareholder or the proxyholder may møde på generalforsamlingen sammen attend the general meeting accompa- med en rådgiver. nied by an advisor. 10.7 Generalforsamlingen træffer beslutning At general meetings resolutions shall be ved simpelt stemmeflertal, medmindre decided by simple majority of votes un- andet følger af lovgivningen eller af Sel- less otherwise prescribed by law or the skabets vedtægter. Articles of Association. Elektronisk generalforsamling Electronic general meetings 11 11.1 Bestyrelsen kan, når den anser det for When the board of directors finds it ap- hensigtsmæssigt og generalforsamlin- propriate and technically safe it may de- gen kan afvikles på betryggende vis, be- cide that the general meeting solely stemme at generalforsamlingen udeluk- shall be held as an electronic general kende skal foregå elektronisk (fuldstæn- meeting (completely electronic general dig elektronisk generalforsamling). Be- meeting). The board of directors may styrelsen kan herudover under samme also as an alternative under the same forudsætninger vælge at tilbyde aktio- circumstances invite shareholders to at- nærerne at deltage elektronisk på gene- tend by electronic means general meet- 23 ralforsamlinger, der i øvrigt gennemfø- ings that are also attended by share- res ved fysisk fremmøde (delvis elektro- holders in person (partially electronic nisk generalforsamling). Aktionærerne general meeting). In this way, share- kan derved elektronisk deltage i, ytre holders will be able to attend, express sig samt stemme på generalforsamlin- their opinion and vote at the general gen. Nærmere oplysninger vil til sin tid meeting by electronic means. In due kunne findes på Selskabets hjemmeside course more information will be made og i indkaldelsen til de pågældende ge- available on the Company's website and neralforsamlinger, ligesom de i Selska- in the notices convening the general bets ejerbog noterede aktionærer vil meetings involved, and written infor- modtage skriftlig meddelelse herom. mation on the subject will also be sent to shareholders listed in the Company's Register of Shareholders. 12 Electronic communication Elektronisk kommunikation 12.1 Bestyrelsen er bemyndiget til at indføre The board of directors has been granted elektronisk kommunikation mellem Sel- authority to introduce electronic com- skabet og dets aktionærer, således at munication between the Company and Selskabet kan benytte elektronisk doku- its shareholders, meaning that the Com- mentudveksling post, pany may use electronic document ex- som nærmere angivet nedenfor i sin change and electronic mail as specified kommunikation med aktionærerne. below in its communication with the og elektronisk shareholders. 12.2 Indkaldelse af aktionærerne til ordinær og ekstraordinær The Company shall be able to send no- generalforsamling, tices convening annual and extraordi- herunder de fuldstændige forslag til nary general meetings including the vedtægtsændringer, tilsendelse af dags- complete proposals for amendments to orden, årsrapport, delårsrapport, kvar- the articles of association, agenda, an- talsrapport, fondsbørsmeddelelser, ge- nual report, interim report, quarterly re- neralforsamlingsprotokollater, fuld- port, stock exchange releases, minutes magtsblanketter og adgangskort samt and general meetings, proxy forms, øvrige generelle oplysninger fra Selska- mail-in voting forms, admission cards bet til aktionærerne vil kunne sendes af and other general information from the Selskabet til aktionærerne via e-mail. Company to it shareholders by means of email. 24 12.3 Ovennævnte dokumenter, bortset fra The above documents, to the exclusion adgangskort til generalforsamlingen, vil of admission cards for the general meet- tillige blive offentliggjort på Selskabets ing, shall also be posted on the Compa- hjemmeside. På Selskabets hjemmeside ny's website. The Company's website vil der tillige kunne findes oplysning om shall also contain information about re- kravene til de anvendte systemer samt quirements to the systems used and the om fremgangsmåden i forbindelse med procedures applying to the use of elec- elektronisk kommunikation. tronic communication. 12.4 Selskabet er forpligtet til at bede navne- The Company must request registered noterede aktionærer om en elektronisk shareholders for an electronic address adresse hvortil meddelelser m.v. kan to which notices can be sent, and it is sendes, og det er den enkelte aktionærs the responsibility of each shareholder to ansvar at sikre, at Selskabet er i besid- ensure that the Company is in posses- delse sion of a proper electronic address. af den korrekte elektroniske adresse. 12.5 Selskabet skal ved brev til de i ejerbo- Once the board of directors utilizes the gen noterede aktionærer give aktionæ- authority to introduce electronic com- rerne meddelelse, når bestyrelsens be- munication, the Company shall notify myndigelse til at indføre elektronisk shareholders listed in the company's kommunikation udnyttes. register of shareholders thereof by letter. 13 Bestyrelse Board of Directors 13.1 Til Selskabets bestyrelse vælger gene- The general meeting shall elect at least ralforsamlingen mindst fire og højst syv four and not more than seven directors. medlemmer. 13.2 Bestyrelsesmedlemmer, som er valgt af The directors elected by the general generalforsamlingen, afgår på hvert års meeting shall retire from office at each ordinære generalforsamling, men kan annual general meeting but shall be eli- genvælges. gible for re-election. 13.3 Ingen, der er fyldt 70 år, kan vælges til 25 No person being elected to the board of bestyrelsen. Et bestyrelsesmedlem skal directors shall have reached the age of fratræde ved afslutningen af den første 70 years. A board member shall retire at ordinære generalforsamling, efter be- the end of the first annual general meet- styrelsesmedlemmet er fyldt 70 år. ing held after the relevant board member having reached the age of 70 years. 13.4 Bestyrelsen vælger selv formanden for bestyrelsen. The board of directors elects the chairman of the board of directors. 13.5 Beslutninger i bestyrelsen træffes, med- Unless otherwise decided by the board mindre andet er aftalt, med almindelig of directors, decisions of the board of di- stemmeflerhed. I tilfælde af stemmelig- rectors shall be decided by simple ma- hed er formandens stemme afgørende. jority of votes. The chairman shall have a casting vote if equality of votes occurs. 13.6 Bestyrelsen træffer ved en forretningsorden nærmere bestemmelse om udfø- The board of directors shall lay down rules of its proceedings. relsen af sit hverv. 13.7 Bestyrelsesmedlemmerne oppebærer et The directors shall be remunerated an- årligt honorar, hvis samlede størrelse nually as prescribed in the annual report skal fremgå af årsrapporten for det på- for the relevant year. gældende år. 13.8 Bestyrelsen kan meddele prokura, enkel eller kollektiv. The board of directors may authorize one person alone or more persons jointly to sign for the Company by procuration. 14 Direktion Executive management 14.1 Bestyrelsen ansætter en direktion be- The board of directors shall employ at stående af mellem en og fire direktører. least one but not more than four man- Hvis direktionen består af flere direktø- agers to comprise the Company's exec- rer, skal én af disse udnævnes til admi- utive management. Where more than nistrerende direktør. one manager is employed, one of them 26 shall be appointed managing director. 15 Nomineringskomité Nomination Committee 15.1 Hvert tredje år på den ordinære gene- The Company's shareholders shall re- ralforsamling skal Selskabets aktionæ- solve whether to establish a Nomination rer beslutte, hvorvidt der skal nedsæt- Committee every third year at the an- tes en nomineringskomité. Såfremt der nual general meeting. In the event that ikke etableres en nomineringskomité, a Nomination Committee is not estab- kan generalforsamlingen på enhver ef- lished, the general meeting may resolve terfølgende generalforsamling beslutte, to establish a Nomination Committee at at der skal nedsættes en nominerings- any subsequent general meeting. komité. 15.2 Nomineringskomitéen består af indtil The Nomination Committee consists of fem medlemmer. Bestyrelsesformanden up to five members. The chairman of the er altid medlem af nomineringskomi- board of directors shall always be a téen. Et medlem af nomineringskomi- member of the Nomination Committee. téen generalforsamlingen One further member of the Nomination blandt de øvrige medlemmer af Selska- Committee is elected by the general bets bestyrelse, og indtil tre aktionær- meeting among the rest of the members repræsentanter vælges af generalfor- of the Company's board of directors, and samlingen. Medlemmer af Selskabets di- up to three shareholder representatives rektion og Selskabets medarbejdere kan are elected by the general meeting. ikke vælges til nomineringskomitéen. Members of the Company's executive vælges af management and the Company's employees cannot be elected to the Nomination Committee. 15.3 De generalforsamlingsvalgte medlem- The members of the Nomination Com- mer af nomineringskomitéen vælges for mittee elected by the general meeting en periode af tre år. are elected for a term of three years. 15.4 Nomineringskomitéen har til formål at The purpose of the Nomination Commit- vurdere bestyrelsens sammensætning tee is to assess the composition of the 27 og forelægge generalforsamlingen an- board of directors and to present annual befalinger om valg af generalforsam- recommendations to the general meet- lingsvalgte bestyrelsesmedlemmer. No- ing about the election of the board mineringskomitéen skal sikre, at alle members to be elected by the general kandidater til hvervet som bestyrelses- meeting. The medlem i Selskabet tilfredsstiller kapi- must ensure that all candidates for the talmarkedernes forventninger, og at be- position as a member of the board of di- styrelsens sammensætning opfylder an- rectors in the Company fulfil the expec- befalingerne for god selskabsledelse i tations of the capital markets and that børsnoterede Nomine- the composition of the board of directors ringskomitéens anbefalinger indskræn- fulfils the recommendations on good ker ikke aktionærernes ret til at foreslå corporate governance in listed compa- andre kandidater til generalforsamlin- nies. The recommendations of the Nom- gen. ination Committee do not restrict the virksomheder. Nomination Committee right of shareholders to propose other candidates to the general meeting. 15.5 Medlemmerne af nomineringskomitéen The members of the Nomination Com- er underlagt tavshedspligt efter samme mittee are subject to a duty of confiden- regler som medlemmerne af Selskabets tiality according to the same rules as bestyrelse. those applying to members of the Company's board of directors. 15.6 Generalforsamlingen skal ved en forretnomineringskomitéen procedure of the Nomination Committee træffe nærmere bestemmelser om no- concerning its composition and activi- mineringskomitéens sammensætning og ties. The Company shall ensure that the virke. Selskabet skal sikre, at den til en- rules of procedure of the Nomination hver tid gældende forretningsordenen Committee in force from time to time for nomineringskomitéen er offentlig- are made available at the Company's gjort på Selskabets hjemmeside. website. Incitamentsaflønning Incentive Pay ningsorden 16 The general meeting must adopt rules of for 16.1 Selskabet har udarbejdet overordnede The Company has prepared a set of gen- retningslinjer for incitamentsaflønning eral guidelines for incentive pay to the board of directors and the executive 28 17 af bestyrelsen og direktionen. Disse ret- management. These guidelines have ningslinjer er forelagt og vedtaget af been presented to and adopted by the Selskabets generalforsamling. Retnings- Company in general meeting. The guide- linjerne er offentligt tilgængelige på Sel- lines are publicly available on the Com- skabets hjemmeside. pany's website. Tegningsregel Signature Rules 17.1 Selskabet tegnes af bestyrelsens for- The Company shall be bound by the joint mand i forening med den administre- signatures of the chairman of the board rende direktør, eller af bestyrelsens for- of directors with the managing director; mand i forening med et bestyrelsesmed- or the chairman of the board of directors lem, eller af en direktør i forening med jointly with one member of the board of to bestyrelsesmedlemmer, eller af den directors; or one member of the board administrerende direktør i forening med of managers jointly with two members en direktør eller af den samlede besty- of the board of directors; or the joint relse. signatures of the managing director and one member of the board of managers; or all members of the board of directors jointly. 18 Revisor Auditor 18.1 Selskabets årsrapport revideres af en statsautoriseret revisor. The Company's annual report shall be audited by a state-authorized public accountant. 18.2 Revisor vælges af den ordinære generalforsamling for et år ad gangen. The auditor shall be elected by the annual general meeting for one year at a time. 19 Årsrapport Annual Report 19.1 Selskabets regnskabsår er kalenderåret. The financial year of the Company is the calendar year. 19.2 Selskabets årsrapport udarbejdes og aflægges udelukkende på engelsk. The Company's annual report shall be 29 prepared and submitted in English only. 20 Bilag Schedules 20.1 Bilag 8.1: Warrants (2010 employee incentive program), jf. vedtægternes § 8.1. Schedule 8.1: Warrants (2010 employee incentive program), cf. article 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.2 Bilag 8.1a: Warrants (2011-1 employee Schedule 8.1a: Warrants (2011-1 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.3 Bilag 8.1b: Warrants (2011-2 employee Schedule 8.1b: Warrants (2011-2 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.4 Bilag 8.1c: Warrants (2012-1 employee Schedule 8.1c: Warrants (2012-1 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.5 Bilag 8.1d: Warrants (2012-2 employee Schedule 8.1d: Warrants (2012-2 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.6 Bilag 8.1e: Warrants (2013-1 employee Schedule 8.1e: Warrants (2013-1 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.7 Bilag 8.1f: Warrants (2014-1 employee Schedule 8.1f: Warrants (2014-1 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 20.8 Bilag 8.1g: Warrants (2015-1 employee Schedule 8.1g: Warrants (2015-1 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.1. 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 30 20.9 Bilag 8.4.: Warrants (2015-2 og 2015-4 Schedule 8.4.: Warrants (2015-2 and employee incentive program), jf. ved- 2015-4 employee incentive programs), tægternes § 8.1 og 8.4. cf. articles 8.1 and 8.4 of the Articles of Association. 20.10 Bilag 8.4.a: Warrants (2015-3 employee Schedule 8.4.a: Warrants (2015-3 em- incentive program), jf. vedtægternes ployee incentive program), cf. article § 8.4. 8.4 of the Articles of Association. - 0 - - 0 - Vedtaget på bestyrelsesmøde afholdt den 4. Approved at the Board meeting held on november 2015. 4 November 2015. 31 BILAG 8.1 TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1 TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 4 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 4 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 5 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 5 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 6 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 6 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 7 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 7 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ............................................................ 12 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................. 12 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ............................ 13 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS ................................................................................................ 13 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ..................................................................... 13 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ........................................... 13 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED ........................................................................................ 20 8 TRANSFERABILITY ....................................................................................... 20 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .................... 21 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ............................................................................................................... 21 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................................... 23 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ....... 23 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ........................... 23 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ..................................................... 23 12 LOCK-UP.................................................................................................... 23 12 LOCK-UP.................................................................................................... 23 13 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE .......................................................................................... 24 13 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES........ 24 14 FRATRÆDEN AF ET WARRANTINDEHAVERE, AF SOM SELSKABETS ER BESTYRELSESMEDLEMMER BESTYRELSESMEDLEMMER VALGT AF GENERALFORSAMLINGEN .............................................................................. 25 14 RESIGNATION AS BOARD MEMBER OF THE COMPANY - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE BOARD MEMBERS ELECTED BY THE GENERAL MEETING ................................ 25 15 INSIDERHANDEL ......................................................................................... 26 15 INSIDER TRADING ....................................................................................... 26 16 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD .......................................................................... 26 16 TAX IMPLICATIONS ...................................................................................... 26 17 SPROG ...................................................................................................... 27 17 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................. 27 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 2. november 2010 A/S (the "Company") on 2 November 2010, blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- the following new provisions were adopted in tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende accordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse Association concerning the issue of warrants af warrants til medlemmer af den øverste to members of the top management, se- ledelse, udvalgte nøglemedarbejdere og lected key employees and members of the medlemmer Company's Board of Directors (the "Warrant 1.2 af Selskabets bestyrelse Purpose ("Warrantindehaver") ("Warrants"). Holder") ("Warrants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 595.406 Warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 595,406 Warrants in the Company for af op til 595.406 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 595,406 shares of nelt kr. 595.406) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 595,406) accord- nes punkt 8.1. 67.012 warrants er udnyt- ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- tet den 11. april 2015, 33.506 warrants tion. 67,012 warrants were exercised on 11 er udnyttet den 2. juni 2015, 33.506 war- April 2015, 33,506 warrants were exercised rants er udnyttet den 20. juni 2015, on 2 June 2015, 33,506 warrants were exer- 308.582 warrants er udnyttet den 8. sep- cised on 20 June 2015, 308,582 warrants tember 2015, 85.788 warrants er udnyt- were tet den 26. september 2015, 60.843 war- 85,788 warrants were exercised on 26 Sep- rants er udnyttet 4. november 2015, og tember 2015, 60,843 warrants were exer- herefter udestår 6.169 warrants. cised on 4 November 2015, and thus 6,169 exercised on 8 September 2015, warrants are outstanding. 1.3 Aftalen er del af en incitamentsordning i This Agreement is part of an incentive pro- henhold til hvilken medlemmer af den gramme according to which senior manage- øverste ledelse, udvalgte nøglemedarbej- ment members, selected key employees and dere og medlemmer af Selskabets besty- members of the Board of Directors of the relse tilbydes muligheden for at få tildelt Company are offered an opportunity to re- Warrants i Selskabet med henblik på at ceive Warrants in the Company in order to sikre, at Selskabet og Warrantindeha- ensure that the Company and the Warrant verne har en fælles interesse, og at alle Holders share common interests and that everyone is working to ensure that the value 1.4 1.5 således gør en indsats for, at Selskabets of the Company develops in the best possible værdi udvikler sig bedst muligt. way. Tildelingen af Warrants er betinget af, at It is a condition for the grant of Warrants Warrantindehaveren enten er ansat i Sel- that the Warrant Holder is either employed skabet i uopsagt stilling på datoen for with the Company and not under notice at denne Aftale eller er medlem af Selska- the date of this Agreement or is a member bets bestyrelse of the Board of Directors of the Company. Warrantindehaveren tiltræder automatisk Amendments to the Company's Articles of ændringer i Selskabets vedtægter, i det Association shall automatically be accepted omfang betingelserne for en beslutning by the Warrant Holder to the extent that the om vedtægtsændringer er til stede. conditions for the resolution to amend the Articles of Association exist. 1.6 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription for Warrants has taken underskrivelse af individuelle warrantaf- place by signing of individual warrant agree- taler ("Warrantaftaler"), som indeholder ments ("Warrant Agreement"), which con- Warrantindehaverens navn og antal til- tain the names of the Warrant Holder and the delte Warrants. number of Warrants granted. Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de nedenfor anførte subscribe the shares on the terms set out betingelser. below. 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Ligningslovens § 7H skal være gældende Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act i videst muligt omfang. Selskabets revisor (in Danish "Ligningsloven") shall apply to the skal i sin lovpligtige erklæring anføre, i largest extent possible. The Company's au- hvilket omfang betingelserne for anven- ditor will in his statutory certification attest delse af § 7H er opfyldte. De øvrige War- to which extent the conditions for the appli- rants skal være underlagt bestemmel- cation of Section 7H are met. The remaining serne i ligningslovens § 28. Warrants shall be subject to the provisions 1.7 Grant of Warrants of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt 3 - 5 til den vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register of skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- shareholders, a register of all issued War- lige udstedte Warrants. rants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Udnyttelsen af Warrants er betinget af, at It is a condition for the exercise of Warrants Selskabet that 3.2 er blevet børsnoteret på Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants the Company has been listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S ("Børsno- NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S (a "Listing") tering") senest den 30. juni 2011. Hvis no later than on 30 June 2011. If a Listing Børsnotering ikke er gennemført den 30. has not been completed on 30 June 2011 all juni 2011, bortfalder samtlige Warrants Warrants shall automatically lapse and be- automatisk uden yderligere varsel og/el- come void without any further notice and/or ler kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. compensation to the Warrant Holder. Forudsat at betingelserne i punkt 3.1 er Provided that the condition set out in Clause opfyldte, kan Warrants udnyttes i perio- 3.1 has been met, the Warrants may be ex- den fra 3. november 2013 til og med 3. ercised in the period from 3 November 2013 november 2015 ("Udnyttelsesperioden") i until (and including) 3 November 2015 ("Ex- de i punkt 3.3 anførte udnyttelses-vin- ercise Period") within the windows set forth duer. Warrants, der ikke er udnyttet på in Clause 3.3. Warrants which have not been eller før sidste dag af Udnyttelsesperio- exercised on or before the last day of the Ex- den, bortfalder automatisk uden yderli- ercise Period will automatically lapse and be- gere varsel og/eller kompensation til War- come void without any further notice and/or rantindehaveren. compensation to the Warrant Holder. 3.3 Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). der). 3.4 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Udover den almindelige udnyttelse af In addition to the ordinary exercise of War- Warrants i henhold til punkt 3 kan Selska- rants as set out in Clause 3, the Board of bets bestyrelse efter eget skøn beslutte, Directors of the Company may, in their sole at en ekstraordinær udnyttelse af War- discretion, decide that Warrants may be ex- rants kan finde sted, herunder i overens- traordinarily exercised including, but not stemmelse med - men ikke begrænset til limited to, in accordance with Clauses 4.1.1 - bestemmelserne i punkt 4.1.1 - 4.1.6. - 4.1.6 4.1.1 Såfremt Selskabets generalforsamling In the event that the Company's general træffer beslutning om likvidation af Sel- meeting passes a resolution to liquidate the skabet, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) Company, and the Board of Directors (in vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf their sole discretion) decide that Warrants kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give War- therefore may be exercised, the Company rantindehaveren meddelelse shall notify the Warrant Holder in writing to herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter this effect. Following this notification, the en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- Warrant Holder shall notify the Company in delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til writing within two weeks as from the date of skriftlig skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- the posting of this notification from the Com- rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. pany whether he/she wishes to exercise the Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at Warrants wholly or partly. If the Warrant udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse auto- Holder does not wish to exercise the War- matisk og uden kompensation efter udlø- rants, the Warrants shall automatically be- bet af fristen, forudsat at Selskabet oplø- come void without compensation, following ses endeligt som følge af den meddelte the expiry of the time-limit, provided that beslutning. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal the Company is finally liquidated as a result ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og of the notified resolution. Any exercise of the 6. Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.2 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer be- In the event that the general meeting passes slutning om at fusionere Selskabet, og fu- a resolution to merge the Company and such sionen medfører, at Selskabet ophører, merger results in the Company being discon- og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedta- tinued, and the Board of Directors (in their ger, at Warrants som følge deraf kan ud- sole discretion) decide that Warrants there- nyttes, skal Selskabet give Warrantinde- fore may be exercised, the Company shall haveren skriftlig meddelelse herom. War- notify the Warrant Holder in writing to this rantindehaveren har herefter en frist på effect. Following such notification, the War- to uger fra datoen for afsendelse af med- rant Holder shall notify the Company in writ- delelsen fra Selskabet til skriftligt at med- ing within two weeks as from the date of the dele Selskabet, om Warrants ønskes ud- posting of this notification from the Company nyttet helt eller delvis. Selskabet skal whether he/she wishes to exercise the War- håndtere medde- rants wholly or partly. The notice must in lelse således, at aktierne er registreret i such case be processed by the Company so Warrantindehaverens depot senest fem that the shares are registered in the Warrant handelsdage forud for sidste handelsdag Holder's depot at least five trading days be- for Selskabets aktier. Hvis Warrantinde- fore the last day of trading of the Company's haveren ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, shares. If the Warrant Holder does not wish bortfalder disse automatisk og uden kom- to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants shall pensation efter udløbet af fristen, forud- automatically become void without compen- sat at Selskabet opløses endeligt som sation, following the expiry of the time-limit, følge af den meddelte beslutning. Udnyt- provided that the Company is finally discon- telse af Warrants skal ske i overensstem- tinued as a result of the notified resolution. Warrantindehaverens melse med punkt 5 og 6. Any exercise of the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.3 I tilfælde af et frivilligt eller pligtmæssigt In the event that a voluntary or mandatory overtagelsestilbud i henhold til §§ 31 og public offer pursuant to Section 31 and 32 of 32 i lov om værdipapirhandel, og besty- the Danish Securities Trading Act is made, relsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at War- and the Board of Directors (in their sole dis- rants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, skal cretion) decide that Warrants therefore may Selskabet Warrantindehaveren be exercised, the Company shall notify the skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantinde- Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. Fol- haveren har herefter en frist på to uger lowing such notification, the Warrant Holder fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen shall notify the Company in writing within fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Sel- two weeks as from the date of the posting of skabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt this notification from the Company whether eller Warrantindehaveren he/she wishes to exercise the Warrants ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, skal wholly or partly. If the Warrant Holder does Warrants og Aftalen fortsat være fuldt ud not wish to exercise the Warrants, the War- gældende. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal rants and this Agreement will remain in full ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og effect. Any exercise of the Warrants must be 6. in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. delvis. give Hvis Efter gennemførelse af et frivilligt Following completion of a voluntary or man- pligtmæssigt i datory public offer pursuant to Section 31 henhold til §§ 31 og 32 i lov om værdipa- and 32 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, pirhandel skal bestyrelsen træffe beslut- the Board of Directors shall decide that War- ning om, at Warrants kan udnyttes inden rants may be exercised within a 4- week pe- for en 4 ugers periode. Selskabet skal riod. The Company shall notify the Warrant give Warrantindehaveren skriftligt besked Holder in writing to this effect. Following herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter such notification, the Warrant Holder shall en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- notify the Company in writing within two delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til weeks as from the date of the posting of this skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- notification rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. he/she wishes to exercise the Warrants Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at wholly or partly. If the Warrant Holder does udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse og not wish to exercise the Warrants, the War- denne Aftale. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal rants and this Agreement shall lapse. Any eller overtagelsestilbud from the Company whether ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og exercise of the Warrants must be in accord- 6. ance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.4 Såfremt der indledes en tvangsindløsning In the event that a compulsory acquisition of af Selskabets aktier i henhold til selskabs- the Company's shares pursuant to the Dan- loven, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) ish Companies Act is initiated, and the Board vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf of Directors (in their sole discretion) decide kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give War- that Warrants therefore may be exercised, rantindehaveren meddelelse the Company shall notify the Warrant Holder herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter in writing to this effect. Following such noti- en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- fication, the Warrant Holder shall notify the delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til Company in writing within two weeks as from skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- the date of the posting of this notification rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. from the Company whether he/she wishes to Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at exercise the Warrants wholly or partly. If the udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse auto- Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise the matisk og uden kompensation efter gen- Warrants, the Warrants shall automatically nemførelsen af tvangsindløsningen af Sel- become void without compensation, follow- skabets aktier i henhold til selskabsloven. ing the completion of the compulsory acqui- Udnyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overens- sition of the Company's shares pursuant to stemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. the Danish Companies Act. Any exercise of skriftlig the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.5 Såfremt Selskabets generalforsamling In the event that the Company's general træffer beslutning om at afnotere Selska- meeting passes a resolution to delist the bet fra NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, og Company from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at A/S, and the Board of Directors (in their sole Warrants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, discretion) decide that Warrants therefore skal Selskabet give Warrantindehaveren may be exercised, the Company shall notify skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantinde- the Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. haveren har herefter en frist på to uger Following fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen Holder shall notify the Company in writing fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Sel- within two weeks as from the date of the skabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt posting of this notification from the Company eller delvis. Selskabet skal håndtere War- whether he/she wishes to exercise the War- rantindehaverens meddelelse således, at rants wholly or partly. The notice must be such notification, the Warrant aktierne er registreret i Warrantindehave- processed by the Company so that the rens depot senest fem handelsdage forud shares are registered in the Warrant Holder's for sidste handelsdag for Selskabets ak- depot at least five trading days before the tier. Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke øn- last day of trading of the Company's shares. sker at udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse In so far as the Warrant Holder does not wish automatisk og uden kompensation, efter to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants shall at Selskabet er blevet afnoteret. Udnyt- automatically become void without compen- telse af Warrants skal ske i overensstem- sation, following the completion of the delist- melse med punkt 5 og 6. ing of the Company. Any exercise of the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. Efter gennemførelse af Selskabets Following completion of a delisting of the afnotering fra NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Company from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S skal bestyrelsen træffe beslutning A/S, the Board of Directors shall decide that om, at Warrants kan udnyttes to gange Warrants may be exercised two times a year om året inden for (den resterende del af) within (the remaining part of) the Exercise Udnyttelsesperioden. Udnyttelse af War- Period. Any exercise of the Warrants must be rants skal ske i overensstemmelse med in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. punkt 5 og 6. 4.1.6 Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at sælge de In the event that the Company decides to mest rentable og væsentligste af Selska- sell the most profitable and material assets bets aktiver, og bestyrelsen (efter eget of the Company and the Board of Directors skøn) vedtager, at Warrants som følge (in their sole discretion) decide that War- deraf kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give rants therefore may be exercised, the Com- Warrantindehaveren skriftlig meddelelse pany shall notify the Warrant Holder in writ- herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter ing to this effect. Following such notification, en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- the Warrant Holder shall notify the Company delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til in writing within two weeks as from the date skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- of the posting of this notification from the rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. Company whether he/she wishes to exercise Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at the Warrants wholly or partly. In so far as udnytte Warrants, skal Warrants og Afta- the Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise len fortsat være fuldt ud gældende. Ud- the Warrants, the Warrants and this Agree- nyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overens- ment shall remain in full effect. Any exercise stemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. of the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 5 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren ønsker at In the event that the Warrant Holder wishes udnytte en Warrant, skal Warrantindeha- to exercise a Warrant, the Warrant Holder veren skriftligt shall - using the subscription form forwarded herom - ved hjælp af den tegningsblan- by the Company to the Warrant Holder - give ket, som Selskabet har tilsendt Warrant- written notice ("Exercise Notice") to the indehaveren Company. underrette Selskabet ("Udnyttelsesmeddelelse"). Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen 5.2 betragtes The Exercise Notice will be som deemed given by the Warrant Holder if the afgivet af Warrantindehaveren på tids- Exercise Notice was delivered to the Com- punktet for dets aflevering på Selskabets pany’s address (for the attention of the adresse (Att. bestyrelsesformanden) med chairman of the Board of Directors) by regu- almindelig post, anbefalet post, med fax lar mail, registered mail, fax or courier after eller pr. bud efter begyndelsen og før ud- commencement and before the expiry of the løbet af den relevante afleveringsfrist. relevant notice period. The Exercise Notice Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen skal være behø- shall be duly completed. The Company is en- rigt udfyldt. Selskabet har ret til at ændre titled to change the practicalities in connec- i de praktiske forhold omkring udnyttelse tion with the exercise of the Warrants, and if af Warrants, og Warrantindehaveren vil so decided by the Company, the Warrant blive underrettet skriftligt, hvis Selskabet Holder will be notified in writing by the Com- beslutter dette. pany. Samtidig med at give meddelelse om ud- At the same time as giving notice of the ex- nyttelse af Warrants skal Warrantindeha- ercise of the Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren indbetale et kontantbeløb til Sel- shall pay in cash to the Company an amount skabet svarende til det relevante teg- equal to the relevant subscription amount ningsbeløb fastsat i henhold til punkt 6. fixed under the terms of Clause 6. 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningskurs svarende nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription til 110 procent af kursen i henhold til price equivalent to 110 per cent of the book bookbuilding-metoden fastsat på den før- building price determined at the first date on ste dag, hvor Selskabet er børsnoteret på which the Company is listed on NASDAQ OMX NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S ("Teg- Copenhagen A/S (the "Subscription Price"). ningskursen"). 6.2 6.3 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Warrantindehaveren modtager skriftlig The Warrant Holder receives written notice meddelelse om den faktiske Tegningskurs of the actual Subscription Price in DKK which i danske kroner, som skal udgøre en inte- shall be an integral part of the Warrant greret del af Warrantaftalen. Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Såfremt der gennemføres visse define- In case that certain defined changes are rede ændringer i Selskabets kapitalfor- made in the Company's capital structure hold, som indebærer en reduktion eller en which entail a reduction or increase of the forøgelse af værdien af de tildelte War- value of the Warrants granted, there shall be rants, skal der foretages en regulering af an adjustment of the Subscription Price Tegningskursen og/eller antallet af aktier, and/or the number of shares that can be som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af War- subscribed for by exercising the Warrants, so rants, således at værdien af Warrants for- that the value of the Warrants remains the bliver uændret med de undtagelser, der same, with the exceptions set forth in this er gældende i henhold til Aftalen. Teg- Agreement. However, the Subscription Price ningskursen kan dog ikke fastsættes til can never be adjusted to below par value. under nominel værdi. Herudover er det en Further, it is a condition for any adjustment 7.2 betingelse for reguleringen af antallet af of the number of shares that can be sub- aktier, som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af scribed for by exercising the Warrants that Warrants, at Selskabets bestyrelse har the Board of Directors of the Company has fået tildelt den nødvendige bemyndigelse been granted the necessary authority by the af generalforsamlingen til at udstede et general meeting to issue such additional sådant yderligere antal aktier i Selskabet. number of shares in the Company. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at udstede pany make a final decision to issue bonus fondsaktier form af shares (e.g. stock dividend) before the War- fondsaktier), inden Warrantindehaveren rant Holder has exercised his or her War- har udnyttet sine Warrants, skal Teg- rants, the Subscription Price shall be multi- ningskursen multipliceres med følgende plied by the following factor: (f.eks. udbytte i faktor: A (A B) og antallet af aktier med 1 and the number of shares by hvor: A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital er den nominelle værdi af de fondsaktier, der udstedes. 7.3 1 where: A: før udstedelse af fondsaktier, B: A (A B) is the Company's nominal share capital before the issue of bonus shares; B: is the nominal value of the bonus shares to be issued. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at forhøje pany make a final decision to increase the Selskabets aktiekapital ved tegning af Company's share capital by subscription of nye aktier til en kurs, der er lavere end new shares at a price below market price be- markedskursen, inden Warrantindehave- fore the Warrant Holder has exercised his or ren har udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Teg- her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be ningskursen multipliceres med følgende multiplied by the following factor: faktor: (A k) (B t) (A B) k (A k) (B t) (A B) k og antallet af aktier med 1 and the number of shares by hvor: A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital A: er den nominelle forhøjelse af aktie- B: is the nominal increase of the share capital; er aktiernes markedskurs forud for k: kapitalforhøjelsen t: is the Company's nominal share capital before the capital increase; kapitalen, k: where: forud for kapitalforhøjelsen, B: 1 er Tegningskursen på de nye aktier. is the market price of the shares before the capital increase; t: is the Subscription Price for the new shares. 7.4 7.5 Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at ændre pany make a final decision to change the aktiernes nominelle værdi i forbindelse nominal value of the shares in connection med en beslutning, hvorved Selskabets with a decision whereby the share capital of aktiekapital nedsættes ved hensættelse the Company is reduced by allocation to a til en særlig fond og/eller til dækning af separate fund and/or cover of loss, before underskud, Warrantindehaveren the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her har udnyttet sine Warrants, skal der hver- Warrants, neither the Subscription Price nor ken ske ændringer i Tegningskursen eller the number of shares shall be amended. antallet af aktier. Warrantindehaveren Consequently the Warrant Holder shall retain beholder således sin ret til at tegne det the right to subscribe for the same number samme antal aktier til Tegningskursen. of shares at the Subscription Price. However, Hver Warrant skal dog berettige Warrant- each indehaveren til at tegne 1 aktie med den Holder to subscribe for 1 share of the new nye nominelle værdi, der er blevet beslut- nominal value so decided by the competent tet af Selskabets kompetente instanser. bodies of the Company. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at ændre pany make a final decision to change the aktiernes nominelle værdi (uden samti- nominal value of the shares (without any dige ændringer i Selskabets aktiekapital), other simultaneous changes of the capital of f.eks. i situationer, der ikke er omfattet af the Company), e.g. in situations not com- punkt 7.4, inden Warrantindehaveren har prised by Clause 7.4, before the Warrant inden Warrant shall entitle the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, the udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Tegnings- Subscription Price shall be multiplied by the kursen multipliceres med følgende faktor: following factor: A B og antallet af aktier med 1 and the number of shares by hvor: A: B: 7.6 A B 1 where: er den nominelle værdi af hver enkel A: is the nominal value of each share af- aktie efter ændring af aktiernes no- ter the nominal value of the shares minelle værdi, has been changed; er den nominelle værdi af hver enkel B: is the nominal value of each share be- aktie før ændring af aktiernes nomi- fore the nominal value of the shares nelle værdi. has been changed. Såfremt Selskabet i et hvilket som helst Should the Company within any year decide år beslutter at udbetale dividende, skal to distribute dividends, the amount shall be det pågældende beløb betragtes som ud- considered a distribution to the shareholders betaling til aktionærerne, hvilket vil inde- which shall result in an adjustment of the bære en regulering af Tegningskursen Subscription Price according to the following som følger: formula: TK1 = TK - u (D 1) D TK 1 = TK - hvor: TK: er Tegningskursen u (D 1) D where: for Warrants TK: is the Subscription Price for the War- forud for udbetaling af dividende, rants before the distribution of divi- u: er det totale dividendebeløb, dends; D: det totale antal aktier i Selskabet. u: is the total amount of dividends; D: is the total number of shares in the Company. 7.7 Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsæt- If the share capital of the Company is re- tes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en duced by means of payment to the shareholders at a price higher than the market højere kurs end markedskursen, skal Teg- price, the Subscription Price shall be calcu- ningskursen beregnes som følger: lated as follows: TK1 = TK - TK 1 = TK - B (t k) A B (t k) A where: hvor: TK: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants before the reduction of the share cap- forud for nedsættelse af aktiekapitalen, A: Company before the reduction of the forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapi- share capital; B: er den nominelle nedsættelse af ak- is the nominal reduction of the share capital; k: er aktiernes markedskurs forud for kapitalnedsættelsen, t: is the nominal share capital of the er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital tiekapitalen, k: ital; A: talen, B: is the Subscription Price for Warrants is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; t: er kursen på de aktier, hvormed ak- is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. tiekapitalen nedsættes. 7.8 Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsæt- If the share capital of the Company is re- tes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en duced by payment to the shareholders at a lavere kurs end markedskursen, skal Teg- price lower than the market price, the Sub- ningskursen beregnes således: scription Price shall be calculated as follows: TK1 = TK + TK 1 = TK + B (k t) A B (k t) A where: hvor: TK: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants before the reduction of the share cap- forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapitalen, A: is the Subscription Price for Warrants ital; A: is the nominal share capital of the er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital Company before the reduction of the forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapi- share capital; talen, B: is the nominal reduction of the share B: er den nominelle nedsættelse af aktiekapitalen, k: k: er aktiernes markedskurs forud for kapitalnedsættelsen, t: capital; is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; t: er kursen på de aktier, hvormed ak- is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. tiekapitalen nedsættes. 7.9 Såfremt Selskabet fusionerer som det If the Company participates in a merger as fortsættende selskab, foretages ingen re- the continuing company, there shall be no gulering af Tegningskursen eller af antal- adjustment of the Subscription Price or the let af aktier, der kan tegnes. number of shares that may be subscribed for. 7.10 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer be- In the event that the general meeting passes slutning om at spalte Selskabet, skal War- a resolution to demerge the Company, the rantindehaveren efter spaltningen have et Warrant Holder shall – after the demerger – antal Warrants med ret til at tegne aktier have the number of Warrants that shall en- i det fortsættende selskab, som Warrant- title him/her to subscribe for shares in the indehaveren er eller ville have været an- receiving company by which the Warrant sat i, eller, hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke Holder is or would have been employed or, er eller har været ansat i Selskabet, i det in the event that the Warrant Holder is not selskab, er or has not been employed by the Company, nærmest knyttet til. Antallet af Warrants the company with which the Warrant Holder skal give Warrantindehaveren adgang til has the closest relation. The number of War- potentielt samme ejerandel, som en ud- rants shall entitle the Warrant Holder to the nyttelse af alle Warrants forud for spalt- same potential stake that an exercise of all ningen ville have givet, justeret med for- Warrants prior to the demerger would have holdet mellem værdien af de forskellige resulted in, adjusted by the ratio between fortsættende selskaber. Herudover skal the values of the different surviving compa- vilkårene for de fortsættende Warrants nies. Moreover, the terms applying to the være de samme som anført i denne Af- surviving Warrants shall be the same as the tale. terms stipulated in this Agreement. som Warrantindehaveren 7.11 I andre tilfælde, hvor Selskabets kapital- In other cases of changes in the capital forhold ændres, herunder ved udstedelse structure of the Company, including issuance af warrants, konvertible gældsbreve eller of warrants, convertible debt instruments or lignende, således at værdien af de ud- the like, resulting in a change of the value of stedte Warrants påvirkes, skal Tegnings- the issued Warrants, the Subscription Price kursen for de tildelte Warrants så vidt for the granted Warrants shall to the extent muligt reguleres, således at værdien ikke possible be adjusted, so that the value is not forringes eller forøges, jf. dog punkt 7.14 reduced or increased, subject, however, to forneden. Clause 7.14 below. 7.12 Tegningskursen kan ikke reduceres til en lavere værdi end aktiernes The Subscription Price shall not be reduced nominelle to a price lower than the nominal value of værdi (kurs pari). Såfremt en regulering the shares (par). If an adjustment of the af Warrants, de skal sikre disses værdi, Warrants to preserve their value would re- medfører, at kursen skal reduceres til un- sult in the price being reduced to below par, der kurs pari, bortfalder Warrants, med- the Warrants shall lapse, unless the Warrant mindre Warrantindehaveren accepterer, Holder accepts that the Subscription Price is at Tegningskursen forhøjes til kurs pari increased to par without compensation. uden kompensation. 7.13 Såfremt aktiekapitalen nedsættes til If the share capital is reduced in order to dækning af underskud, skal antallet af ak- cover losses, the number of shares that the tier, som Warrantindehaveren kan tegne Warrant Holder may subscribe for by exer- ved udnyttelse af Warrants, reduceres cising (nedrundet) i et forhold svarende til for- (rounded down) proportionately to the nom- holdet mellem den nominelle kapitalned- inal reduction of the capital, compared to the sættelse og Selskabets samlede nomi- total nominal share capital of the Company nelle aktiekapital før nedsættelsen. before the reduction. the Warrants shall be reduced 7.14 Ved følgende ændringer i Selskabets ka- The following changes in the capital struc- pitalforhold skal der ikke foretages regu- ture of the Company shall not result in any lering af Tegningskursen eller antallet af adjustment of the Subscription Price or the aktier, number of shares that the Warrant Holder tegne: som Warrantindehaveren kan may subscribe for: (i) An increase or reduction of the Company's capital at market price, including issue of shares according to Clause (i) Forhøjelse eller nedsættelse af Sel- 7.1 in the Articles of Association of the skabets Company. aktiekapital til markeds- kurs, herunder udstedelse af aktier i henhold til punkt 7.1 i Selskabets (ii) vedtægter. Issue of shares, options, warrants or the like to employees of the Company or to employees of a group-related (ii) Udstedelse af aktier, optioner, war- company and/or their fully owned rants eller lignende til medarbejdere companies for some or more of the af Selskabet eller medarbejdere af employees, possibly at a favourable et koncernforbundet selskab og/el- price, including but not limited to the ler af disses helejede selskaber til issue of shares according to Clause enkelte 8.1 in the Articles of Association of the eller flere medarbejdere, eventuelt til en favørkurs, herunder, Company concerning warrants. men ikke begrænset til udstedelse af aktier i henhold til punkt 8.1 i Selskabets vedtægter vedrørende war- (iii) Issue of warrants, convertible debt in- rants. struments or the like to third parties on usual market terms as part of mez- (iii) Udstedelse af warrants, konvertible zanine financing or similar financing. gældsbreve eller lignende til tredjemand på sædvanlige markedsvilkår som led i mezzaninfinansiering eller dertil svarende finansiering. 7.15 Såfremt antallet af nye aktier, som kan If the number of new shares that may be tegnes ved udnyttelse af Warrants, for- subscribed for by exercise of the Warrants is øges dette adjusted upwards in accordance with this punkt 7, skal Selskabets højeste aktieka- Clause 7, the Company's maximum share pital forøges tilsvarende. capital shall be increased similarly. 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 De enkelte Warrants er ikke-omsættelige Each Warrant is a non-negotiable instru- instrumenter. Enhver form for overdra- ment. Any transfer, pledging or other assign- gelse, pantsætning eller anden afståelse ment of a Warrant shall be subject to the af en Warrant kan kun finde sted, hvis der prior written consent of the Board of Direc- i overensstemmelse med Transferability tors of the Company, which may be granted, indhentes forudgående skriftligt sam- denied or conditioned in the absolute discre- tykke fra Selskabets bestyrelse, og kan tion of the Board of Directors of the Company blive tilladt, nægtet eller gøres betinget (with the exception of a transfer due to the efter bestyrelsens absolutte skøn (med death of the Warrant Holder, in which case undtagelse af overdragelse i tilfælde af the Board of Directors shall approve a trans- Warrantindehaverens død, i hvilket til- fer mortis causa to the Warrant Holder’s fælde bestyrelsen skal godkende overdra- closest relatives). gelse til Warrantindehaverens nærmeste slægtninge). 8.2 9 Warrants må ikke underkastes nogen The Warrants may not be subject to enforce- form for tvangsfuldbyrdelse og må ikke ment of any kind and may not be lodged as stilles som sikkerhed over for tredjepart. security towards a third party. Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants 9.1 Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants Følgende vilkår skal være gældende for The following terms and conditions shall ap- nye aktier tegnet ved udnyttelse af War- ply to the new shares issued by the exercise rants under denne Aftale: of Warrants covered by this Agreement, (i) (i) the existing shareholders shall not for de nye aktier gælder der ikke for- have any pre-emptive right to the new tegningsret for de eksisterende akti- shares; onærer, (ii) (ii) the new shares issued on the basis of de nye aktier udstedt på grundlag af exercised Warrants shall be paid up in udnyttede Warrants indbetales kon- cash at the same date as the Exercise tant samtidig med fremsendelse af Notice is forwarded; Udnyttelsesmeddelelse, (iii) (iii) the new shares shall be issued in the de nye aktier skal udstedes på navn holder's name and shall be registered og skal registreres i Warrantindeha- in the name of the Warrant Holder in verens navn i Selskabets ejerbog, the Company's register of shareholders; (iv) de nye aktier skal være omsætningspapirer, (iv) the new shares shall be negotiable shares; (v) (vi) de nye aktier skal være frit omsættelige, (v) the new shares are freely transferable; for de nye aktier skal der ikke gælde (vi) the pre-emptive right of the new indskrænkninger i fortegningsretten shares in connection with future capital ved fremtidige kapitalforhøjelser, increases shall not be limited; (vii) de nye aktier skal give ret til udbytte og andre rettigheder i Selskabet fra (vii) the new shares shall carry a right to tidspunktet for den relevante kapi- dividend and other rights in the Com- talforhøjelses registrering hos Er- pany as from the time when the rele- hvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen, vant capital increase has been registered by the Danish Commerce and (viii) i tilfælde af generelle ændringer i Companies Agency; aktiernes rettigheder skal de nye aktier give samme rettigheder som (viii) in case of any general changes in the Selskabets øvrige aktier på udnyt- rights of the shares in the Company, telsestidspunktet, og the new shares shall carry the same rights as the other shares in the Com- (ix) Selskabet skal afholde omkostnin- pany at the time of exercise; and gerne i forbindelse med udstedelse af Warrants i henhold til Aftalen og (ix) the Company shall pay the costs in omkostningerne forbundet med ef- connection with the issue of Warrants terfølgende udnyttelse af Warrants. pursuant to this Agreement and the Selskabets omkostninger i forbin- costs in connection with the subse- delse med udstedelse af Warrants i quent exercise of the Warrants. The henhold til Aftalen og den dertil hø- Company's costs in connection with rende kapitalforhøjelse anslås til at the issue of Warrants pursuant to this andrage højst kr. 200.000. Agreement and the related capital increase are estimated at maximum DKK 200,000. 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 595.406 (op til 595.406 aktier à nally DKK 595,406 (up to 595,406 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Costs related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Selskabet bærer samtlige omkostninger All costs related to the stockbroker and set- til børsmægler samt afregningshonorar tlement fees charged in connection with the forbundet med Warrantindehaverens ud- Warrant Holder's exercise of the Warrants nyttelse af Warrants. shall be borne by the Company. Lock-up 12 12 Lock-up 12.1 Warrantindehaveren forpligter sig til at The Warrant Holder undertakes to enter into acceptere en lock-up periode for 50 pro- a lock-up period in respect of 50 per cent of cent af de aktier, Warrantindehaveren er- the shares acquired when exercising the hverver ved udnyttelse af Warrants ("Be- Warrants ("Restricted Shares"). During the tingede Aktier"). I lock-up perioden må de lock-up period, the Restricted Shares may Betingede Aktier ikke sælges eller på an- not be sold or otherwise transferred. The den måde overdrages. Lock-up perioden lock-up period shall last 6 months from the skal vare i 6 måneder fra datoen for regi- registration date of said shares in the Com- streringen af ovennævnte aktier i Selska- pany's share register. The lock-up obligation bets aktiebog. Lock-up forpligtelsen gæl- applies to each individual exercise of War- der for hver enkelt udnyttelse af War- rants. The Board of Directors of the Company rants. Selskabets bestyrelse kan efter is, in their sole discretion, entitled to extend eget skøn forlænge lock-up perioden og the lock-up period and to decide that further beslutte, at yderligere aktier, der erhver- shares acquired when exercising the War- ves ved udnyttelse af Warrants, skal være rants shall be comprised by the Restricted omfattet af Betingede Aktier, hvis det an- Shares if it is deemed necessary to conduct ses for nødvendigt at foretage kapital- capital transactions in the interest of the transaktioner Company, e.g. in a rights offering. i Selskabets interesse, f.eks. ved en fortegningsretsemission. 13 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - War- 13 rantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 13.1 Med forbehold af bestemmelserne i punkt Subject to Clause 13.2 below, and if the War- 13.2 forneden og i tilfælde af, at Warrant- rant Holder’s employment with the Company indehaverens ansættelsesforhold hos Sel- is terminated prior to the exercise of the (re- skabet ophører forud for udnyttelse af maining) Warrants for one of the following (resterende) Warrants som følge af en af reasons: følgende grunde: (i) (ii) Warrantindehaverens fratrædelse (i) the Warrant Holder's retirement at the ved opnåelse af den fratrædelsesal- age provided for in the Warrant Hold- der, der er fastlagt i Warrantindeha- er's service contract, or because the verens eller Warrant Holder is entitled to the Dan- fordi Warrantindehaveren bliver be- ish State Retirement Pension (in Dan- rettiget til folkepension, ish: "folkepension"); ansættelseskontrakt, (ii) the Warrant Holder's termination of Warrantindehaverens opsigelse af ansættelsesforholdet, forudsat at the employment relationship, provided opsigelsen skyldes Selskabets grove such termination is due to the Compa- misligholdelse ny's material breach (in Danish "grov af ansættelseskon- misligholdelse") of the service con- trakten, tract; (iii) Selskabets opsigelse af ansættelsesforholdet uden varsel, forudsat (iii) the Company's termination without notice of the employment relationship, at opsigelsen ikke skyldes Warrant- provided such termination is not due to indehaverens misligholdelse af an- the Warrant Holder's breach (in Danish sættelseskontrakten, eller "misligholdelse") of the service contract; or (iv) Warrantindehaverens død, (iv) the Warrant Holder's death; er Warrantindehaveren/ Warrantindeha- then the Warrant Holder/the estate of the verens bo berettiget til at beholde sine Warrant Holder shall be allowed to keep his Warrants. or her Warrants. 13.2 Samtlige Warrants bortfalder automatisk All of the Warrants shall lapse automatically og uden kompensation i tilfælde af, at and without compensation if the Warrant Warrantindehaverens ansættelsesforhold Holder's employment with the Company is hos Selskabet ophører forud for udnyttel- terminated prior to the exercise of the War- sen af Warrants af andre grunde end dem, rants for reasons other than the reasons der er nævnt i punkt 13.1, (i) - (iv) for- listed in Clause 13.1, item (i) to (iv) above. oven. 14 Fratræden af et af Selskabets besty- 14 Resignation as Board Member of relsesmedlemmer - Warrantindeha- the Company - Warrant Holders vere, som er bestyrelsesmedlemmer who are Board Members elected by valgt af generalforsamlingen the General Meeting 14.1 I tilfælde af at en Warrantindehaver, som If a Warrant Holder who is a board member er et bestyrelsesmedlem valgt af Selska- elected by the general meeting of the Com- bets generalforsamling, selv fratræder pany resigns him- or herself prior to the forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperi- commencement of the Exercise Period, all oden, bortfalder samtlige Warrants uden his or her Warrants shall automatically lapse yderligere varsel og/eller kompensation and become void without any further notice til Warrantindehaveren. and/or compensation to the Warrant Holder. 14.2 Hvis en Warrantindehaver, der er et be- If a Warrant Holder who is a board member styrelsesmedlem valgt af generalforsam- elected by the general meeting is not re- lingen, ikke bliver genvalgt af generalfor- elected by the general meeting and conse- samlingen og som følge heraf fratræder quently resigns prior to the commencement forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperi- of the Exercise Period, such Warrant Holder shall be entitled to retain a proportionate oden, er denne Warrantindehaver beretti- part of his/her Warrants calculated on the get til at beholde en forholdsmæssig an- basis of the time of service within the 3-year del af sine Warrants beregnet i henhold til period prior to the commencement of the Ex- sin tjenestetid inden for en 3-års periode ercise Period. The remaining part of his/her forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperi- Warrants shall automatically lapse and be- oden. Den resterende del af Warrants come void without any compensation. bortfalder automatisk uden kompensation. 15 Insiderhandel 15 Insider Trading 15.1 Warrantindehaverne har bekræftet, at de The Warrant Holders have confirmed that ikke er i besiddelse af nogen insiderviden they are not in possession of any insider på datoen for dette bilag. knowledge at the date of this exhibit. 15.2 Salg af aktier, der er tegnet gennem ud- Sale of shares subscribed for by any exercise nyttelse af Warrants er underlagt de til of Warrants is subject to the provisions on enhver tid gældende bestemmelser om insider trading applicable at any time, in- insiderhandel, herunder Selskabets in- cluding the Company's internal rules govern- terne regler om handel med værdipapirer ing trade in securities issued by the Com- udstedt af Selskabet. pany. Skattemæssige forhold 16 16 Tax Implications 16.1 Det er aftalt, at ligningslovens § 7H skal It has been agreed that Section 7H of the være gældende for Warrants i videst mu- Danish Tax Assessment Act (in Danish: ligt omfang, jf. punkt 2.1. Ellers skal War- "Ligningsloven") shall apply to the Warrants rants være underlagt bestemmelserne i to the largest extent possible, cf. Clause 2.1. ligningslovens § 28, jf. punkt 2.1 Otherwise, the Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act, cf. Clause 2.1. 16.2 Selskabet forpligter sig til at anmode re- The Company undertakes to request the au- visor om at attestere, i hvilket omfang, ditor of the Company to certify to which ex- dvs. for hvilket antal af Warrants, lig- tent, i.e. to which amount of Warrants, Sec- ningslovens § 7H er gældende. Desuden tion 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act is forpligter Selskabet sig til at fremsende applicable. The Company further undertakes to send the auditor's statement regarding revisorens erklæring vedrørende opfyl- fulfilment of the conditions under Section 7H delse af betingelserne i ligningslovens § of the Danish Tax Assessment Act as well as 7H samt en kopi af Warrantaftalerne til de a copy of the Warrant Agreements to the danske skattemyndigheder. Danish Tax Authorities. 16.3 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser Warrantindehaverne Warrant Holders resulting from the Warrant som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de ud- Agreements, the Warrants issued or the stedte Warrants eller de erhvervede ak- shares acquired by the exercise of such War- tier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants rants, are the sole responsibility of the War- er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og rant Holders and of no concern to the Com- er Selskabet uvedkommende, herunder pany, including the situation where the tax det skattemyndighederne authorities should find that the conditions for måtte finde, at betingelserne for, at lig- Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act ningslovens § 7H er gældende, ikke er op- being applicable are not fulfilled. forhold, for All tax obligations and consequences to the at fyldt. 16.4 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holders are strongly encour- til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- aged to seek tax advice in connection with bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- entering into the Warrant Agreements. lerne. 17 Sprog 17 Language 17.1 I tilfælde af uoverensstemmelser mellem In case of disagreements between the Dan- den danske og den engelske version af ish and the English version of this exhibit, dette bilag skal den danske version være the Danish version shall prevail gældende. 70066590\3563724v1 * 25 January 2011 BILAG 8.1.A TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.A TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 4 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 4 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 5 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 5 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 6 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 6 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ............................................................ 10 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................. 10 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ............................ 11 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS ................................................................................................ 11 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ..................................................................... 11 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ........................................... 11 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED ........................................................................................ 18 8 TRANSFERABILITY ....................................................................................... 18 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .................... 19 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................................... 20 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ....... 20 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ........................... 21 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ..................................................... 21 12 OPHØR ............................................................................................................... 19 AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE .......................................................................................... 21 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES........ 21 13 INSIDERHANDEL ......................................................................................... 22 13 INSIDER TRADING ....................................................................................... 22 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD .......................................................................... 23 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ...................................................................................... 23 15 SPROG ...................................................................................................... 24 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................. 24 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 10. februar 2011 A/S (the "Company") on February 2011, the blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- following new provisions were adopted in ac- tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende cordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse Association concerning the issuing of war- af warrants til visse af Selskabets medar- rants to certain employees of the Company bejdere (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). ("Warrantindehaver") ("War- Purpose rants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 445.500 Warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 445,500 Warrants in the Company for af op til 445.500 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 445,500 shares of nelt kr. 445.500) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 445,500) accord- nes punkt 8.1. 23.776 warrants er udnyt- ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- tet den 21. marts 2015, 30.809 warrants tion. 23,776 warrants were exercised on 21 er udnyttet den 11. april 2015, 17.981 March 2015, 30,809 warrants were exercised warrants er udnyttet den 2. juni 2015, on 11 April 2015, 17,981 warrants were ex- 8.265 warrants er udnyttet den 20. juni ercised on 2 June 2015, 8,265 warrants were 2015, 62.008 warrants er udnyttet den 8. exercised on 20 June 2015, 62,008 warrants september 2015, 36.076 warrants er ud- were nyttet den 26. september 2015, og heref- 36,076 warrants were exercised on 26 Sep- ter udestår 266.585 warrants. tember 2015, and thus 266,585 warrants are exercised on 8 September 2015, outstanding. 1.2 Aftalen er del af en incitamentsordning, i The Agreement is part of an incentive pro- henhold til hvilken visse af Selskabets gramme according to which certain employ- medarbejdere tilbydes muligheden for at ees of the Company are offered an oppor- få tildelt Warrants i Selskabet med hen- tunity to receive Warrants in the Company in blik på at sikre, at Selskabet og Warrant- order to ensure that the Company and the indehaverne har en fælles interesse, og at Warrant Holders share common interests alle således gør en indsats for, at Selska- and that everyone is working to ensure that bets værdi udvikler sig bedst muligt. the value of the Company develops in the best possible way. 1.3 Tildelingen af Warrants er betinget af, at 3 It is a condition for the grant of Warrants 1.4 Warrantindehaveren enten er ansat i Sel- that the Warrant Holder is either employed skabet i uopsagt stilling på datoen for with the Company and not under notice at denne Aftale eller er medlem af Selska- the date of this Agreement or is a member bets bestyrelse of the Board of Directors of the Company. Warrantindehaveren tiltræder automatisk Amendments to the Company's Articles of ændringer i Selskabets vedtægter, i det Association shall automatically be accepted omfang betingelserne for en beslutning by the Warrant Holder to the extent that the om vedtægtsændringer er til stede. conditions for the resolution to amend the Articles of Association exist. 1.5 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription for Warrants has taken underskrivelse af individuelle warrantaf- place by signing of individual warrant agree- taler ("Warrantaftaler"), som indeholder ments ("Warrant Agreement"), which con- Warrantindehaverens navn og antal til- tain the names of the Warrant Holder and the delte Warrants. number of Warrants granted. Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de nedenfor anførte subscribe the shares on the terms set out betingelser. below. 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Ligningslovens § 7H skal være gældende Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act i videst muligt omfang. Selskabets revisor (in Danish "Ligningsloven") shall apply to the skal i sin lovpligtige erklæring anføre, i largest extent possible. The Company's au- hvilket omfang betingelserne for anven- ditor will in his statutory certification attest delse af § 7H er opfyldte. De øvrige War- to which extent the conditions for the appli- rants skal være underlagt bestemmel- cation of Section 7H are met. The remaining serne i ligningslovens § 28. Warrants shall be subject to the provisions 1.6 Grant of Warrants of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 4 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt 3 - 5 til den vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets ejerbog skal In connection with the Company's register of der føres en fortegnelse over samtlige ud- owners, a register of all issued Warrants stedte Warrants. shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 10. The Warrants may be exercised in the period februar 2014 til og med 10. februar 2016 from 10 February 2014 until (and including) ("Udnyttelsesperioden") i de i punkt 3.2 10 February 2016 ("Exercise Period") within anførte Warrants, the windows set forth in Clause 3.2. War- der ikke er udnyttet på eller før sidste dag rants which have not been exercised on or af Udnyttelsesperioden, bortfalder auto- before the last day of the Exercise Period will matisk uden yderligere varsel og/eller automatically lapse and become void without kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. any further notice and/or compensation to udnyttelses-vinduer. Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants the Warrant Holder. 3.2 Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). der). 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 5 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Udover den almindelige udnyttelse af In addition to the ordinary exercise of War- Warrants i henhold til punkt 3 kan Selska- rants as set out in Clause 3, the Board of bets bestyrelse efter eget skøn beslutte, Directors of the Company may, in their sole at en ekstraordinær udnyttelse af War- discretion, decide that Warrants may be ex- rants kan finde sted, herunder i overens- traordinarily exercised including, but not stemmelse med - men ikke begrænset til limited to, in accordance with Clauses 4.1.1 - bestemmelserne i punkt 4.1.1 - 4.1.6. - 4.1.6 4.1.1 Såfremt Selskabets generalforsamling In the event that the Company's general træffer beslutning om likvidation af Sel- meeting passes a resolution to liquidate the skabet, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) Company, and the Board of Directors (in vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf their sole discretion) decide that Warrants kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give War- therefore may be exercised, the Company rantindehaveren meddelelse shall notify the Warrant Holder in writing to herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter this effect. Following this notification, the en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- Warrant Holder shall notify the Company in delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til writing within two weeks as from the date of skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- the posting of this notification from the Com- rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. pany whether he/she wishes to exercise the Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at Warrants wholly or partly. If the Warrant udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse auto- Holder does not wish to exercise the War- matisk og uden kompensation efter udlø- rants, the Warrants shall automatically be- bet af fristen, forudsat at Selskabet oplø- come void without compensation, following ses endeligt som følge af den meddelte the expiry of the time-limit, provided that beslutning. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal the Company is finally liquidated as a result ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og of the notified resolution. Any exercise of the 6. Warrants skriftlig must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.2 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer be- In the event that the general meeting passes slutning om at fusionere Selskabet, og fu- a resolution to merge the Company and such sionen medfører, at Selskabet ophører, merger results in the Company being discon- og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedta- tinued, and the Board of Directors (in their ger, at Warrants som følge deraf kan ud- sole discretion) decide that Warrants therefore may be exercised, the Company shall 6 nyttes, skal Selskabet give Warrantinde- notify the Warrant Holder in writing to this haveren skriftlig meddelelse herom. War- effect. Following such notification, the War- rantindehaveren har herefter en frist på rant Holder shall notify the Company in writ- to uger fra datoen for afsendelse af med- ing within two weeks as from the date of the delelsen fra Selskabet til skriftligt at med- posting of this notification from the Company dele Selskabet, om Warrants ønskes ud- whether he/she wishes to exercise the War- nyttet helt eller delvis. Selskabet skal rants wholly or partly. The notice must in håndtere medde- such case be processed by the Company so lelse således, at aktierne er registreret i that the shares are registered in the Warrant Warrantindehaverens depot senest fem Holder's depot at least five trading days be- handelsdage forud for sidste handelsdag fore the last day of trading of the Company's for Selskabets aktier. Hvis Warrantinde- shares. If the Warrant Holder does not wish haveren ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants shall bortfalder disse automatisk og uden kom- automatically become void without compen- pensation efter udløbet af fristen, forud- sation, following the expiry of the time-limit, sat at Selskabet opløses endeligt som provided that the Company is finally discon- følge af den meddelte beslutning. Udnyt- tinued as a result of the notified resolution. telse af Warrants skal ske i overensstem- Any exercise of the Warrants must be in ac- melse med punkt 5 og 6. cordance with Clauses 5 and 6. Warrantindehaverens 4.1.3 I tilfælde af et frivilligt eller pligtmæssigt In the event that a voluntary or mandatory overtagelsestilbud i henhold til §§ 31 og public offer pursuant to Section 31 and 32 of 32 i lov om værdipapirhandel, og besty- the Danish Securities Trading Act is made, relsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at War- and the Board of Directors (in their sole dis- rants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, skal cretion) decide that Warrants therefore may Selskabet Warrantindehaveren be exercised, the Company shall notify the skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantinde- Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. Fol- haveren har herefter en frist på to uger lowing such notification, the Warrant Holder fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen shall notify the Company in writing within fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Sel- two weeks as from the date of the posting of skabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt this notification from the Company whether eller Warrantindehaveren he/she wishes to exercise the Warrants ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, skal wholly or partly. If the Warrant Holder does Warrants og Aftalen fortsat være fuldt ud not wish to exercise the Warrants, the War- gældende. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal rants and this Agreement will remain in full ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og effect. Any exercise of the Warrants must be 6. in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. delvis. give Hvis 7 Efter gennemførelse af et frivilligt Following completion of a voluntary or man- pligtmæssigt i datory public offer pursuant to Section 31 henhold til §§ 31 og 32 i lov om værdipa- and 32 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, pirhandel skal bestyrelsen træffe beslut- the Board of Directors shall decide that War- ning om, at Warrants kan udnyttes inden rants may be exercised within a 4- week pe- for en 4 ugers periode. Selskabet skal riod. The Company shall notify the Warrant give Warrantindehaveren skriftligt besked Holder in writing to this effect. Following herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter such notification, the Warrant Holder shall en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- notify the Company in writing within two delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til weeks as from the date of the posting of this skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- notification rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. he/she wishes to exercise the Warrants Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at wholly or partly. If the Warrant Holder does udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse og not wish to exercise the Warrants, the War- denne Aftale. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal rants and this Agreement shall lapse. Any ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og exercise of the Warrants must be in accord- 6. ance with Clauses 5 and 6. eller overtagelsestilbud from the Company whether 4.1.4 Såfremt der indledes en tvangsindløsning In the event that a compulsory acquisition of af Selskabets aktier i henhold til selskabs- the Company's shares pursuant to the Dan- loven, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) ish Companies Act is initiated, and the Board vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf of Directors (in their sole discretion) decide kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give War- that Warrants therefore may be exercised, rantindehaveren meddelelse the Company shall notify the Warrant Holder herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter in writing to this effect. Following such noti- en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- fication, the Warrant Holder shall notify the delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til Company in writing within two weeks as from skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- the date of the posting of this notification rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. from the Company whether he/she wishes to Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at exercise the Warrants wholly or partly. If the udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse auto- Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise the matisk og uden kompensation efter gen- Warrants, the Warrants shall automatically nemførelsen af tvangsindløsningen af Sel- become void without compensation, follow- skabets aktier i henhold til selskabsloven. ing the completion of the compulsory acqui- Udnyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overens- sition of the Company's shares pursuant to stemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. the Danish Companies Act. Any exercise of skriftlig 8 the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. 4.1.5 Såfremt Selskabets generalforsamling In the event that the Company's general træffer beslutning om at afnotere Selska- meeting passes a resolution to delist the bet fra NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, og Company from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at A/S, and the Board of Directors (in their sole Warrants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, discretion) decide that Warrants therefore skal Selskabet give Warrantindehaveren may be exercised, the Company shall notify skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantinde- the Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. haveren har herefter en frist på to uger Following fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen Holder shall notify the Company in writing fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Sel- within two weeks as from the date of the skabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt posting of this notification from the Company eller delvis. Selskabet skal håndtere War- whether he/she wishes to exercise the War- rantindehaverens meddelelse således, at rants wholly or partly. The notice must be aktierne er registreret i Warrantindehave- processed by the Company so that the rens depot senest fem handelsdage forud shares are registered in the Warrant Holder's for sidste handelsdag for Selskabets ak- depot at least five trading days before the tier. Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke øn- last day of trading of the Company's shares. sker at udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse In so far as the Warrant Holder does not wish automatisk og uden kompensation, efter to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants shall at Selskabet er blevet afnoteret. Udnyt- automatically become void without compen- telse af Warrants skal ske i overensstem- sation, following the completion of the delist- melse med punkt 5 og 6. ing of the Company. Any exercise of the War- such notification, the Warrant rants must be in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. Efter gennemførelse af Selskabets Following completion of a delisting of the afnotering fra NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Company from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S skal bestyrelsen træffe beslutning A/S, the Board of Directors shall decide that om, at Warrants kan udnyttes to gange Warrants may be exercised two times a year om året inden for (den resterende del af) within (the remaining part of) the Exercise Udnyttelsesperioden. Udnyttelse af War- Period. Any exercise of the Warrants must be rants skal ske i overensstemmelse med in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6. punkt 5 og 6. 4.1.6 Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at sælge de In the event that the Company decides to sell the most profitable and material assets 9 5 mest rentable og væsentligste af Selska- of the Company and the Board of Directors bets aktiver, og bestyrelsen (efter eget (in their sole discretion) decide that War- skøn) vedtager, at Warrants som følge rants therefore may be exercised, the Com- deraf kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give pany shall notify the Warrant Holder in writ- Warrantindehaveren skriftlig meddelelse ing to this effect. Following such notification, herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter the Warrant Holder shall notify the Company en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsen- in writing within two weeks as from the date delse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til of the posting of this notification from the skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om War- Company whether he/she wishes to exercise rants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. the Warrants wholly or partly. In so far as Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at the Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise udnytte Warrants, skal Warrants og Afta- the Warrants, the Warrants and this Agree- len fortsat være fuldt ud gældende. Ud- ment shall remain in full effect. Any exercise nyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overens- of the Warrants must be in accordance with stemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. Clauses 5 and 6. Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren ønsker at In the event that the Warrant Holder wishes udnytte en Warrant, skal Warrantindeha- to exercise a Warrant, the Warrant Holder veren skriftligt shall - using the subscription form forwarded herom - ved hjælp af den tegningsblan- by the Company to the Warrant Holder - give ket, som Selskabet har tilsendt Warrant- written notice ("Exercise Notice") to the indehaveren Company. underrette Selskabet ("Udnyttelsesmeddelelse"). Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen betragtes The Exercise Notice will be som deemed given by the Warrant Holder if the afgivet af Warrantindehaveren på tids- Exercise Notice was delivered to the Com- punktet for dets aflevering på Selskabets pany’s address (for the attention of the adresse (Att. bestyrelsesformanden) med chairman of the Board of Directors) by regu- almindelig post, anbefalet post, med fax lar mail, registered mail, fax or courier after eller pr. bud efter begyndelsen og før ud- commencement and before the expiry of the løbet af den relevante afleveringsfrist. relevant notice period. The Exercise Notice Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen skal være behø- shall be duly completed. The Company is en- rigt udfyldt. Selskabet har ret til at ændre titled to change the practicalities in connec- i de praktiske forhold omkring udnyttelse tion with the exercise of the Warrants, and if af Warrants, og Warrantindehaveren vil so decided by the Company, the Warrant blive underrettet skriftligt, hvis Selskabet beslutter dette. 10 Holder will be notified in writing by the Company. 5.2 6 Samtidig med at give meddelelse om ud- At the same time as giving notice of the ex- nyttelse af Warrants skal Warrantindeha- ercise of the Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren indbetale et kontantbeløb til Sel- shall pay in cash to the Company an amount skabet svarende til det relevante teg- equal to the relevant subscription amount ningsbeløb fastsat i henhold til punkt 6. fixed under the terms of Clause 6. Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. 77,00 nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 77.00 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Såfremt der gennemføres visse define- In case that certain defined changes are rede ændringer i Selskabets kapitalfor- made in the Company's capital structure hold, som indebærer en reduktion eller en which entail a reduction or increase of the forøgelse af værdien af de tildelte War- value of the Warrants granted, there shall be rants, skal der foretages en regulering af an adjustment of the Subscription Price Tegningskursen og/eller antallet af aktier, and/or the number of shares that can be som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af War- subscribed for by exercising the Warrants, so rants, således at værdien af Warrants for- that the value of the Warrants remains the bliver uændret med de undtagelser, der same, with the exceptions set forth in this er gældende i henhold til Aftalen. Teg- Agreement. However, the Subscription Price ningskursen kan dog ikke fastsættes til can never be adjusted to below par value. 11 7.2 under nominel værdi. Herudover er det en Further, it is a condition for any adjustment betingelse for reguleringen af antallet af of the number of shares that can be sub- aktier, som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af scribed for by exercising the Warrants that Warrants, at Selskabets bestyrelse har the Board of Directors of the Company has fået tildelt den nødvendige bemyndigelse been granted the necessary authority by the af generalforsamlingen til at udstede et general meeting to issue such additional sådant yderligere antal aktier i Selskabet. number of shares in the Company. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at udstede pany make a final decision to issue bonus fondsaktier af shares (e.g. stock dividend) before the War- fondsaktier), inden Warrantindehaveren rant Holder has exercised his or her War- har udnyttet sine Warrants, skal Teg- rants, the Subscription Price shall be multi- ningskursen multipliceres med følgende plied by the following factor: (f.eks. udbytte i form faktor: α = A (A + B) α = A (A + B) 1 og antallet af aktier med 1 α and the number of shares by hvor: A: where: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital A: før udstedelse af fondsaktier, B: is the Company's nominal share capital before the issue of bonus shares; er den nominelle værdi af de fondsaktier, der udstedes. 7.3 α B: is the nominal value of the bonus shares to be issued. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at forhøje pany make a final decision to increase the Selskabets aktiekapital ved tegning af Company's share capital by subscription of nye aktier til en kurs, der er lavere end new shares at a price below market price be- markedskursen, inden Warrantindehave- fore the Warrant Holder has exercised his or ren har udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Teg- her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be ningskursen multipliceres med følgende multiplied by the following factor: faktor: 12 α = (A × k) + (B × t) (A + B) × k α = (A × k) + (B × t) (A + B) × k 1 og antallet af aktier med 1 α and the number of shares by hvor: A: where: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital A: forud for kapitalforhøjelsen, B: er den nominelle forhøjelse af aktie- B: is the nominal increase of the share capital; er aktiernes markedskurs forud for k: kapitalforhøjelsen t: is the Company's nominal share capital before the capital increase; kapitalen, k: α is the market price of the shares before the capital increase; er Tegningskursen på de nye aktier. t: is the Subscription Price for the new shares. 7.4 7.5 Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at ændre pany make a final decision to change the aktiernes nominelle værdi i forbindelse nominal value of the shares in connection med en beslutning, hvorved Selskabets with a decision whereby the share capital of aktiekapital nedsættes ved hensættelse the Company is reduced by allocation to a til en særlig fond og/eller til dækning af separate fund and/or cover of loss, before underskud, Warrantindehaveren the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her har udnyttet sine Warrants, skal der hver- Warrants, neither the Subscription Price nor ken ske ændringer i Tegningskursen eller the number of shares shall be amended. antallet af aktier. Warrantindehaveren Consequently the Warrant Holder shall retain beholder således sin ret til at tegne det the right to subscribe for the same number samme antal aktier til Tegningskursen. of shares at the Subscription Price. However, Hver Warrant skal dog berettige Warrant- each indehaveren til at tegne 1 aktie med den Holder to subscribe for 1 share of the new nye nominelle værdi, der er blevet beslut- nominal value so decided by the competent tet af Selskabets kompetente instanser. bodies of the Company. Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser Should the competent bodies of the Com- træffer endelig beslutning om at ændre pany make a final decision to change the aktiernes nominelle værdi (uden samti- nominal value of the shares (without any dige ændringer i Selskabets aktiekapital), other simultaneous changes of the capital of inden f.eks. i situationer, der ikke er omfattet af 13 Warrant shall entitle the Warrant punkt 7.4, inden Warrantindehaveren har the Company), e.g. in situations not com- udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Tegnings- prised by Clause 7.4, before the Warrant kursen multipliceres med følgende faktor: Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be multiplied by the α = following factor: A B α = 1 og antallet af aktier med α A B 1 hvor: and the number of shares by A: er den nominelle værdi af hver enkel α where: aktie efter ændring af aktiernes nominelle værdi, B: A: is the nominal value of each share af- er den nominelle værdi af hver enkel ter the nominal value of the shares aktie før ændring af aktiernes nomi- has been changed; nelle værdi. B: is the nominal value of each share before the nominal value of the shares has been changed. 7.6 Såfremt Selskabet i et hvilket som helst Should the Company within any year decide år beslutter at udbetale dividende, skal to distribute dividends, the amount shall be det pågældende beløb betragtes som ud- considered a distribution to the shareholders betaling til aktionærerne, hvilket vil inde- which shall result in an adjustment of the bære en regulering af Tegningskursen Subscription Price according to the following som følger: formula: TK1 = TK - u − (D × 1) D TK1 = TK - hvor: TK: er Tegningskursen u − (D × 1) D where: for Warrants TK: is the Subscription Price for the War- forud for udbetaling af dividende, rants before the distribution of divi- u: er det totale dividendebeløb, dends; D: det totale antal aktier i Selskabet. u: is the total amount of dividends; D: is the total number of shares in the Company. 14 7.7 Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsæt- If the share capital of the Company is re- tes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en duced by means of payment to the share- højere kurs end markedskursen, skal Teg- holders at a price higher than the market ningskursen beregnes som følger: price, the Subscription Price shall be calculated as follows: TK1 = TK - B × (t − k) A TK1 = TK - hvor: TK: A: B: er where: Tegningskursen for Warrants TK: before the reduction of the share cap- len, ital; er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital A: Company before the reduction of the talen, share capital; er den nominelle nedsættelse af ak- B: is the nominal reduction of the share capital; er aktiernes markedskurs forud for k: is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; er kursen på de aktier, hvormed ak- t: tiekapitalen nedsættes. 7.8 is the nominal share capital of the forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapi- kapitalnedsættelsen, t: is the Subscription Price for Warrants forud for nedsættelse af aktiekapita- tiekapitalen, k: B × (t − k) A is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsæt- If the share capital of the Company is re- tes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en duced by payment to the shareholders at a lavere kurs end markedskursen, skal Teg- price lower than the market price, the Sub- ningskursen beregnes således: scription Price shall be calculated as follows: TK1 = TK + B × (k − t) A TK1 = TK + B × (k − t) A where: hvor: TK: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants before the reduction of the share cap- forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapitalen, A: ital; A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital is the Subscription Price for Warrants is the nominal share capital of the Company before the reduction of the share capital; 15 forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapi- B: talen, B: capital; er den nominelle nedsættelse af ak- k: tiekapitalen, k: is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; er aktiernes markedskurs forud for t: kapitalnedsættelsen, t: is the nominal reduction of the share is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. er kursen på de aktier, hvormed aktiekapitalen nedsættes. 7.9 Såfremt Selskabet fusionerer som det If the Company participates in a merger as fortsættende selskab, foretages ingen re- the continuing company, there shall be no gulering af Tegningskursen eller af antal- adjustment of the Subscription Price or the let af aktier, der kan tegnes. number of shares that may be subscribed for. 7.10 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer be- In the event that the general meeting passes slutning om at spalte Selskabet, skal War- a resolution to demerge the Company, the rantindehaveren efter spaltningen have et Warrant Holder shall – after the demerger – antal Warrants med ret til at tegne aktier have the number of Warrants that shall en- i det fortsættende selskab, som Warrant- title him/her to subscribe for shares in the indehaveren er eller ville have været an- receiving company by which the Warrant sat i, eller, hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke Holder is or would have been employed or, er eller har været ansat i Selskabet, i det in the event that the Warrant Holder is not selskab, er or has not been employed by the Company, nærmest knyttet til. Antallet af Warrants the company with which the Warrant Holder skal give Warrantindehaveren adgang til has the closest relation. The number of War- potentielt samme ejerandel, som en ud- rants shall entitle the Warrant Holder to the nyttelse af alle Warrants forud for spalt- same potential stake that an exercise of all ningen ville have givet, justeret med for- Warrants prior to the demerger would have holdet mellem værdien af de forskellige resulted in, adjusted by the ratio between fortsættende selskaber. Herudover skal the values of the different surviving compa- vilkårene for de fortsættende Warrants nies. Moreover, the terms applying to the være de samme som anført i denne Af- surviving Warrants shall be the same as the tale. terms stipulated in this Agreement. som Warrantindehaveren 16 7.11 I andre tilfælde, hvor Selskabets kapital- In other cases of changes in the capital forhold ændres, herunder ved udstedelse structure of the Company, including issuance af warrants, konvertible gældsbreve eller of warrants, convertible debt instruments or lignende, således at værdien af de ud- the like, resulting in a change of the value of stedte Warrants påvirkes, skal Tegnings- the issued Warrants, the Subscription Price kursen for de tildelte Warrants så vidt for the granted Warrants shall to the extent muligt reguleres, således at værdien ikke possible be adjusted, so that the value is not forringes eller forøges, jf. dog punkt 7.14 reduced or increased, subject, however, to forneden. Clause 7.14 below. 7.12 Tegningskursen kan ikke reduceres til en lavere værdi end aktiernes The Subscription Price shall not be reduced nominelle to a price lower than the nominal value of værdi (kurs pari). Såfremt en regulering the shares (par). If an adjustment of the af Warrants, de skal sikre disses værdi, Warrants to preserve their value would re- medfører, at kursen skal reduceres til un- sult in the price being reduced to below par, der kurs pari, bortfalder Warrants, med- the Warrants shall lapse, unless the Warrant mindre Warrantindehaveren accepterer, Holder accepts that the Subscription Price is at Tegningskursen forhøjes til kurs pari increased to par without compensation. uden kompensation. 7.13 Såfremt aktiekapitalen nedsættes til If the share capital is reduced in order to dækning af underskud, skal antallet af ak- cover losses, the number of shares that the tier, som Warrantindehaveren kan tegne Warrant Holder may subscribe for by exer- ved udnyttelse af Warrants, reduceres cising (nedrundet) i et forhold svarende til for- (rounded down) proportionately to the nom- holdet mellem den nominelle kapitalned- inal reduction of the capital, compared to the sættelse og Selskabets samlede nomi- total nominal share capital of the Company nelle aktiekapital før nedsættelsen. before the reduction. the Warrants shall be reduced 7.14 Ved følgende ændringer i Selskabets ka- The following changes in the capital struc- pitalforhold skal der ikke foretages regu- ture of the Company shall not result in any lering af Tegningskursen eller antallet af adjustment of the Subscription Price or the aktier, number of shares that the Warrant Holder som Warrantindehaveren kan tegne: may subscribe for: (i) (i) An increase or reduction of the Com- Forhøjelse eller nedsættelse af Sel- pany's capital at market price, includ- skabets markeds- ing issue of shares according to Clause kurs, herunder udstedelse af aktier i 7.1 in the Articles of Association of the aktiekapital til 17 henhold til punkt 7.1 i Selskabets Company. vedtægter. (ii) (ii) Issue of shares, options, warrants or Udstedelse af aktier, optioner, war- the like to employees of the Company rants eller lignende til medarbejdere or to employees of a group-related af Selskabet eller medarbejdere af company and/or their fully owned et koncernforbundet selskab og/el- companies for some or more of the ler af disses helejede selskaber til employees, possibly at a favourable enkelte medarbejdere, price, including but not limited to the eventuelt til en favørkurs, herunder, issue of shares according to Clause men ikke begrænset til udstedelse af 8.1 in the Articles of Association of the aktier i henhold til punkt 8.1 i Sel- Company concerning warrants. eller flere skabets vedtægter vedrørende warrants. (iii) Udstedelse af warrants, konvertible (iii) Issue of warrants, convertible debt in- gældsbreve eller lignende til tredje- struments or the like to third parties mand på sædvanlige markedsvilkår on usual market terms as part of mez- som led i mezzaninfinansiering eller zanine financing or similar financing. dertil svarende finansiering. 7.15 Såfremt antallet af nye aktier, som kan If the number of new shares that may be tegnes ved udnyttelse af Warrants, for- subscribed for by exercise of the Warrants is øges dette adjusted upwards in accordance with this punkt 7, skal Selskabets højeste aktieka- Clause 7, the Company's maximum share pital forøges tilsvarende. capital shall be increased similarly. 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 De enkelte Warrants er ikke-omsættelige Each Warrant is a non-negotiable instru- instrumenter. Enhver form for overdra- ment. Any transfer, pledging or other assign- gelse, pantsætning eller anden afståelse ment of a Warrant shall be subject to the af en Warrant kan kun finde sted, hvis der prior written consent of the Board of Direc- indhentes sam- tors of the Company, which may be granted, tykke fra Selskabets bestyrelse, og kan denied or conditioned in the absolute discre- blive tilladt, nægtet eller gøres betinget tion of the Board of Directors of the Company efter bestyrelsens absolutte skøn (med (with the exception of a transfer due to the undtagelse af overdragelse i tilfælde af death of the Warrant Holder, in which case i overensstemmelse forudgående med skriftligt 18 Transferability Warrantindehaverens død, i hvilket til- the Board of Directors shall approve a trans- fælde bestyrelsen skal godkende overdra- fer mortis causa to the Warrant Holder’s gelse til Warrantindehaverens nærmeste closest relatives). slægtninge). 8.2 9 Warrants må ikke underkastes nogen The Warrants may not be subject to enforce- form for tvangsfuldbyrdelse og må ikke ment of any kind and may not be lodged as stilles som sikkerhed over for tredjepart. security towards a third party. Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants 9.1 Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants Følgende vilkår skal være gældende for The following terms and conditions shall ap- nye aktier tegnet ved udnyttelse af War- ply to the new shares issued by the exercise rants under denne Aftale: of Warrants covered by this Agreement, (i) (i) the existing shareholders shall not for de nye aktier gælder der ikke for- have any pre-emptive right to the new tegningsret for de eksisterende akti- shares; onærer, (ii) (ii) the new shares issued on the basis of de nye aktier udstedt på grundlag af exercised Warrants shall be paid up in udnyttede Warrants indbetales kon- cash at the same date as the Exercise tant samtidig med fremsendelse af Notice is forwarded; Udnyttelsesmeddelelse, (iii) (iii) the new shares shall be issued in the de nye aktier skal udstedes på navn holder's name and shall be registered og skal registreres i Warrantindeha- in the name of the Warrant Holder in verens navn i Selskabets ejerbog, the Company's register of shareholders; (iv) de nye aktier skal være omsæt- (iv) ningspapirer, (v) the new shares shall be negotiable shares; de nye aktier skal være frit omsæt- (v) the new shares are freely transferable; (vi) the telige, (vi) for de nye aktier skal der ikke gælde 19 pre-emptive right of the new shares in connection with future capital indskrænkninger i fortegningsretten increases shall not be limited; ved fremtidige kapitalforhøjelser, (vii) de nye aktier skal give ret til udbytte (vii) the new shares shall carry a right to og andre rettigheder i Selskabet fra dividend and other rights in the Com- tidspunktet for den relevante kapi- pany as from the time when the rele- talforhøjelses registrering hos Er- vant capital increase has been regis- hvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen, tered by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency; (viii) i tilfælde af generelle ændringer i aktiernes rettigheder skal de nye ak- (viii) in case of any general changes in the tier give samme rettigheder som rights of the shares in the Company, Selskabets øvrige aktier på udnyt- the new shares shall carry the same telsestidspunktet, og rights as the other shares in the Company at the time of exercise; and (ix) Selskabet skal afholde omkostningerne i forbindelse med udstedelse (ix) the Company shall pay the costs in af Warrants i henhold til Aftalen og connection with the issue of Warrants omkostningerne forbundet med ef- pursuant to this Agreement and the terfølgende udnyttelse af Warrants. costs in connection with the subse- Selskabets omkostninger i forbin- quent exercise of the Warrants. The delse med udstedelse af Warrants i Company's costs in connection with henhold til Aftalen og den dertil hø- the issue of Warrants pursuant to this rende kapitalforhøjelse anslås til at Agreement and the related capital in- andrage højst kr. 200.000. crease are estimated at maximum DKK 200,000. 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af Warrants 10 Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 445.500 (op til 445.500 aktier à nally DKK 445,500 (up to 445,500 shares at 20 kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Costs related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Selskabet bærer samtlige omkostninger All costs related to the stockbroker and set- til børsmægler samt afregningshonorar tlement fees charged in connection with the forbundet med Warrantindehaverens ud- Warrant Holder's exercise of the Warrants nyttelse af Warrants. shall be borne by the Company. Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - War- 12 12 rantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Med forbehold af bestemmelserne i punkt Subject to Clause 12.2 below, and if the War- 12.2 forneden og i tilfælde af, at Warrant- rant Holder’s employment with the Company indehaverens ansættelsesforhold hos Sel- is terminated prior to the exercise of the (re- skabet ophører forud for udnyttelse af maining) Warrants for one of the following (resterende) Warrants som følge af en af reasons: følgende grunde: (i) (ii) Warrantindehaverens fratrædelse (i) the Warrant Holder's retirement at the ved opnåelse af den fratrædelsesal- age provided for in the Warrant Hold- der, der er fastlagt i Warrantindeha- er's service contract, or because the verens eller Warrant Holder is entitled to the Dan- fordi Warrantindehaveren bliver be- ish State Retirement Pension (in Dan- rettiget til folkepension, ish: "folkepension"); ansættelseskontrakt, (ii) the Warrant Holder's termination of Warrantindehaverens opsigelse af ansættelsesforholdet, forudsat at the employment relationship, provided opsigelsen skyldes Selskabets grove such termination is due to the Compa- misligholdelse ny's material breach (in Danish "grov af ansættelseskon- misligholdelse") of the service con- trakten, tract; 21 (iii) Selskabets opsigelse af ansættel- (iii) the Company's termination without no- sesforholdet uden varsel, forudsat tice of the employment relationship, at opsigelsen ikke skyldes Warrant- provided such termination is not due to indehaverens misligholdelse af an- the Warrant Holder's breach (in Danish sættelseskontrakten, eller "misligholdelse") of the service contract; or (iv) Warrantindehaverens død, (iv) the Warrant Holder's death; er Warrantindehaveren/ Warrantindeha- then the Warrant Holder/the estate of the verens bo berettiget til at beholde sine Warrant Holder shall be allowed to keep his Warrants. or her Warrants. 12.2 Samtlige Warrants bortfalder automatisk All of the Warrants shall lapse automatically og uden kompensation i tilfælde af, at and without compensation if the Warrant Warrantindehaverens ansættelsesforhold Holder's employment with the Company is hos Selskabet ophører forud for udnyttel- terminated prior to the exercise of the War- sen af Warrants af andre grunde end dem, rants for reasons other than the reasons der er nævnt i punkt 12.1, (i) - (iv) for- listed in Clause 12.1, item (i) to (iv) above. oven. 13 Insiderhandel 13 Insider Trading 13.1 Salg af aktier, der er tegnet gennem ud- Sale of shares subscribed for by any exercise nyttelse af Warrants er underlagt de til of Warrants is subject to the provisions on enhver tid gældende bestemmelser om insider trading applicable at any time, in- insiderhandel, herunder Selskabets in- cluding the Company's internal rules govern- terne regler om handel med værdipapirer ing trade in securities issued by the Com- udstedt af Selskabet. pany. 22 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14 Tax Implications 14.1 Det er aftalt, at ligningslovens § 7H skal It has been agreed that Section 7H of the være gældende for Warrants i videst mu- Danish Tax Assessment Act (in Danish: ligt omfang, jf. punkt 2.1. Ellers skal War- "Ligningsloven") shall apply to the Warrants rants være underlagt bestemmelserne i to the largest extent possible, cf. Clause 2.1. ligningslovens § 28, jf. punkt 2.1 Otherwise, the Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act, cf. Clause 2.1. 14.2 Selskabet forpligter sig til at anmode re- The Company undertakes to request the au- visor om at attestere, i hvilket omfang, ditor of the Company to certify to which ex- dvs. for hvilket antal af Warrants, lig- tent, i.e. to which amount of Warrants, Sec- ningslovens § 7H er gældende. Desuden tion 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act is forpligter Selskabet sig til at fremsende applicable. The Company further undertakes revisorens erklæring vedrørende opfyl- to send the auditor's statement regarding delse af betingelserne i ligningslovens § fulfilment of the conditions under Section 7H 7H samt en kopi af Warrantaftalerne til de of the Danish Tax Assessment Act as well as danske skattemyndigheder. a copy of the Warrant Agreements to the Danish Tax Authorities. 14.3 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser Warrantindehaverne Warrant Holders resulting from the Warrant som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de ud- Agreements, the Warrants issued or the stedte Warrants eller de erhvervede ak- shares acquired by the exercise of such War- tier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants rants, are the sole responsibility of the War- er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og rant Holders and of no concern to the Com- er Selskabet uvedkommende, herunder pany, including the situation where the tax det skattemyndighederne authorities should find that the conditions for måtte finde, at betingelserne for, at lig- Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act ningslovens § 7H er gældende, ikke er op- being applicable are not fulfilled. forhold, for All tax obligations and consequences to the at fyldt. 14.4 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holders are strongly encour- til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- aged to seek tax advice in connection with bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- entering into the Warrant Agreements. lerne. 23 15 Sprog 15 Language 15.1 I tilfælde af uoverensstemmelser mellem In case of disagreements between the Dan- den danske og den engelske version af ish and the English version of this exhibit, dette bilag skal den danske version være the Danish version shall prevail gældende. 70066590\3557428v1 * 24 BILAG 8.1.B TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.B TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 3 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 3 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 4 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 4 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 4 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 4 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 5 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 5 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 5 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 5 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................................................................................................................. 6 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 6 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 6 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 6 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 6 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 6 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 6 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 6 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 6 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 17. november 2011 A/S (the "Company") on 17 November, the blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- following new provisions were adopted in ac- tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende cordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse Association concerning the issuing of war- af warrants til visse af Selskabets medar- rants to certain employees of the Company bejdere (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). ("Warrantindehaver") ("War- Purpose rants"). 1.2 Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 227.085 warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 227,085 Warrants in the Company for af op til 227.085 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 227,085 shares of nelt kr. 227.085) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 227,085) accord- nes punkt 8.1. 90.807 warrants er udnyt- ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- tet den 21. marts 2015, 15.641 warrants tion. 90,807 warrants were exercised on 21 er udnyttet den 26. september 2015, og March 2015, 15,641 warrants were exercised herefter udestår 120.637 warrants. on 26 September 2015, and thus 120,637 warrants are outstanding. 1.3 1.4 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by underskrivelse af warrantaftaler ("War- signing of warrant agreements (the "Warrant rantaftaler"). Agreements") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A til subscribe for shares on the terms and condi- Selskabets vedtægter anførte vilkår, dog tions stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A of the Arti- gælder følgende modifikationer til bilag cles of Association of the Company. How- 8.1.A: ever, the following amendments to exhibit 8.1.A shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3 Grant of Warrants Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants 3.1 3.2 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 17. The Warrants may be exercised in the period november 2014 til og med 17. november from 17 November 2014 until (and including) 2016 ("Udnyttelsesperioden") i de i punkt 17 3.2 War- within the windows set forth in Clause 3.2. rants, der ikke er udnyttet på eller før sid- Warrants which have not been exercised on ste dag af Udnyttelsesperioden, bortfal- or before the last day of the Exercise Period der automatisk uden yderligere varsel will automatically lapse and become void og/eller kompensation til Warrantindeha- without any further notice and/or compensa- veren. tion to the Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). anførte udnyttelses-vinduer. November 2016 ("Exercise Period") der). 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren ønsker at In the event that the Warrant Holder wishes udnytte en Warrant, skal Warrantindeha- to exercise Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren underrette Selskabet elektronisk shall electronically give notice to the Com- herom ved hjælp af det IT-system, der er pany by using the IT system available on 4 5.2 6 tilgængelig i "Aktionærportalen" på Sel- "Aktionærportalen" on the Company's web- skabets hjemmeside. Selskabet har ret til site. The Company is entitled to change the at ændre i de praktiske forhold omkring practicalities in connection with exercise of udnyttelse af Warrants, og Warrantinde- the Warrants and if so decided by the Com- haveren vil blive underrettet skriftligt, pany. The Warrant Holder will be notified in hvis Selskabet beslutter dette. writing by the Company. Samtidig med at give meddelelse om ud- At the same time as giving notice of the ex- nyttelse af Warrants skal Warrantindeha- ercise of the Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren indbetale et kontantbeløb til Sel- shall pay in cash to the Company an amount skabet svarende til det relevante teg- equal to the relevant subscription amount ningsbeløb fastsat i henhold til punkt 6. fixed under the terms of Clause 6. Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. 50,27 nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 50,27 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Transferability 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. (op 227.085 til 227.085 aktier à nally DKK 227,085 (up to 227,085 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Costs related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). 12 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - War- 12 rantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 6 Tax Implications 14.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 15 15 Sprog 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 70066590\3557427v1 * 7 BILAG 8.1.C TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.C TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. 2 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 6 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 6 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 6 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 6 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 7 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 7 12 OPHØR ................................................................................................................. 6 AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 7 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 7 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 7 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 7 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 7 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 10. februar 2012 A/S (the "Company") on 10 February 2012, blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- the following new provisions were adopted in tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende accordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse Association concerning the issuing of war- af warrants til visse af Selskabets medar- rants to certain employees of the Company bejdere (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). ("Warrantindehaver") ("War- Purpose rants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op The Board of Directors has decided to issue til 240.250 warrants i Selskabet til teg- up to 240,250 Warrants in the Company for ning af op til 240.250 aktier til kr. 1,00 the subscription of up to 240,250 shares of (nominelt kr. 240.250) i henhold til ved- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 240,250) accord- tægternes punkt 8.1. 6.250 warrants er ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- udnyttet den 21. marts 2015, 8.399 war- tion. 6,250 warrants were exercised on 21 rants er udnyttet den 11. april 2015, March 2015, 8,399 warrants were exercised 4.750 warrants er udnyttet den 20. juni on 11 April 2015, 4,750 warrants were exer- 2015, 12.600 warrants er udnyttet den 8. cised on 20 June 2015, 12,600 warrants september 2015, 13.197 warrants er ud- were nyttet den 26. september 2015, og her- 13,197 warrants were exercised on 26 Sep- efter udestår 195.054 warrants. tember 2015, and thus 195,054 warrants are exercised on 8 September 2015, outstanding. 1.2 1.3 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantafta- electronically signing of warrant agreements ler ("Warrantaftaler"). (the "Warrant Agreements") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A til subscribe for shares on the terms and condi- Selskabets vedtægter anførte vilkår, dog tions stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A of the Arti- gælder følgende modifikationer til bilag cles of Association of the Company. How- 8.1.A: ever, the following amendments to exhibit 8.1.A shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt det Each Warrant Holder has been granted such antal warrants i Selskabet, som er anført number of warrants in the Company as set 3 Grant of Warrants i Selskabets meddelelse til Warrantinde- out in the message from the Company to the haveren i "Aktionærportalen" på Selska- Warrant Holder made available at "Aktionær- bets hjemmeside, som vil være tilgænge- portalen" at the website of the Company on lig den 10. februar 2012 ("Warrants") i 10 February 2012 (the "Warrants") in ac- overensstemmelse med vilkårene i Afta- cordance with the terms set forth in this len og Selskabets vedtægter. Agreement and the Company's Articles of Association. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til den i vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register of skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- shareholders, a register of all issued War- lige udstedte Warrants. rants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 10. The Warrants may be exercised in the period februar 2015 til og med 10. februar 2017 from 10 February 2015 until (and including) ("Udnyttelseseprioden") inden for de ud- 10 February 2017 ("Exercise Period") within nyttelsesvinduer anført i punkt 3.2. War- the windows set forth in Clause 3.2. War- rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på eller rants which have not been exercised on or inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsesperio- before the last day of the Exercise Period will den, bortfalder automatisk og bliver ugyl- automatically lapse and become void without dige uden yderligere varsel og/eller kom- any further notice and/or compensation to pensation til Warrantindehaveren. the Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports 3.2 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). der). 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 5.2 6 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren ønsker at In the event that the Warrant Holder wishes udnytte en Warrant, skal Warrantindeha- to exercise Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren underrette Selskabet elektronisk shall electronically give notice to the Com- herom ved hjælp af det IT-system, der er pany by using the IT system available on tilgængelig i "Aktionærportalen" på Sel- "Aktionærportalen" on the Company's web- skabets hjemmeside. Selskabet har ret til site. The Company is entitled to change the at ændre i de praktiske forhold omkring practicalities in connection with exercise of udnyttelse af Warrants, og Warrantinde- the Warrants and if so decided by the Com- haveren vil blive underrettet skriftligt, pany. The Warrant Holder will be notified in hvis Selskabet beslutter dette. writing by the Company. Samtidig med at give meddelelse om ud- At the same time as giving notice of the ex- nyttelse af Warrants skal Warrantindeha- ercise of the Warrants, the Warrant Holder veren indbetale et kontantbeløb til Sel- shall pay in cash to the Company an amount skabet svarende til det relevante teg- equal to the relevant subscription amount ningsbeløb fastsat i henhold til punkt 6. fixed under the terms of Clause 6. Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 5 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. 77,00 nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 77.00 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 240.250 (op til 240.250 aktier à nally DKK 240,250 (up to 240,250 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. 6 in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Costs related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) 12 12 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - Warrantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaverne Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de ud- ment, the Warrants issued or the shares ac- stedte Warrants eller de erhvervede ak- quired by the exercise of such Warrants, are tier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants the sole responsibility of the Warrant Holder er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og and of no concern to the Company. er Selskabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- to seek tax advice in connection with enter- bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- ing into this Agreement. lerne. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 7 70066590\3563662v2 * 8 BILAG 8.1.D TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.D TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 5 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 5 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 6 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 6 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 6 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 6 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 6 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 6 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 6 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 7 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 7 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 7 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At A/S november Pharma A/S (the "Company") on 19 No- 2012 blev der i overensstemmelse med vember 2012, the following new provisions vedtægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget føl- were adopted in accordance with Article 8.1 gende nye bestemmelser vedrørende ud- of the Articles of Association concerning the stedelse af warrants til visse af Selska- issuing of warrants to certain employees of bets medarbejdere ("Warrantindehaver") the Company (the "Warrant Holder") ("War- ("Warrants"). rants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op The Board of Directors has decided to issue til 214.883 warrants i Selskabet til teg- up to 214,883 Warrants in the Company for ning af op til 214.883 aktier til kr. 1,00 the subscription of up to 214,883 shares of (nominelt kr. 214.883) i henhold til ved- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 214,883) accord- tægternes punkt 8.1. ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- 1.2 ("Selskabet") den 19. Purpose the board meeting held in Zealand tion. 1.3 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically taler ("Warrantaftaler"). ments (the "Warrant Agreements") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A som subscribe for shares on the terms and con- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C til Selskabets ditions vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gæl- amended by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of der endvidere følgende modifikationer til Association of the Company. Furthermore, bilag 8.1.A som modificeret ved bilag the following amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, 8.1.C: as amended by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt Each Warrant Holder has been granted such det antal warrants i Selskabet, som er number of warrants in the Company as set anført i Selskabets meddelelse til War- out in the message from the Company to rantindehaveren i "Aktionærportalen" på the Warrant Holder made available at "Ak- Selskabets hjemmeside, som vil være tionærportalen" at the website of the Com- tilgængelig pany on 19 November 2012 (the "War- 1.4 den 19. november 2012 3 signing stipulated in of warrant exhibit agree- 8.1.A, as Grant of Warrants ("Warrants") i 2.2 overensstemmelse med rants") in accordance with the terms set vilkårene i Aftalen og Selskabets ved- forth in this Agreement and the Company's tægter. Articles of Association. Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevan- 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- te bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 den i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- of shareholders, a register of all issued lige udstedte Warrants. Warrants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 19. The Warrants may be exercised in the peri- november 2015 til og med 19. november od from 19 2017 ("Udnyttelseseprioden") inden for cluding) 19 November 2017 ("Exercise Peri- de udnyttelsesvinduer anført i punkt 3.2. od") within the windows set forth in Clause Warrants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på 3.2. Warrants which have not been exer- eller inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelses- cised on or before the last day of the Exer- perioden, bortfalder automatisk og bliver cise Period will automatically lapse and be- ugyldige uden yderligere varsel og/eller come void without any further notice and/or kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. compensation to the Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller perio- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports deregnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). 3.2 måneder). 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants November 2015 until (and in- 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise udnytte alle eller en del af sine War- all or part of his or her Warrants, however, rants. Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke the Warrant Holder cannot exercise less udnytte mindre end 25 procent ad gan- than 25 per cent of the total number of gen af det samlede antal Warrants, der Warrants granted in accordance with this er blevet tildelt Warrantindehaveren i Agreement at a time. henhold til Aftalen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af War- 4 rants Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a 1,00 i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 113,30 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 113.30 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som an- The Subscription Price may be regulated as ført i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Adjustment of the Conditions for Warrants in case of certain defined Changes in the Company's 5 bets kapitalforhold Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 214.883 (op til 214.883 aktier à nally DKK 214,883 (up to 214,883 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount (1 aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan is DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The forøges eller reduceres i henhold til be- maximum amount may be increased or re- stemmelserne om regulering i punkt 7. duced in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet Warrantindehavere, related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). 12 Costs der See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) - er medar- 6 12 Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employ- bejdere ees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaverne Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de ud- ment, the Warrants issued or the shares stedte Warrants eller de erhvervede ak- acquired by the exercise of such Warrants, tier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants are the sole responsibility of the Warrant er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og Holder and of no concern to the Company. er Selskabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i to seek tax advice in connection with enter- forbindelse med indgåelsen af Warrant- ing into this Agreement. aftalerne. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 70070788\4313646v1 * 8 May 2013 7 BILAG 8.1.E TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.E TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 6 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 6 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 6 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 6 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 6 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 7 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 7 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 7 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 7 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 7 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 7 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 7 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At A/S ("Selskabet") den 8. februar 2013 Pharma A/S (the "Company") on 8 February blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- 2013, the following new provisions were tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende adopted in accordance with Article 8.1 of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedel- the Articles of Association concerning the se af warrants til visse af Selskabets issuing of warrants to certain employees of medarbejdere the Company (the "Warrant Holder") ("War- 1.2 ("Warrantindehaver") Purpose the board meeting held in Zealand ("Warrants"). rants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op The Board of Directors has decided to issue til 389.762 warrants i Selskabet til teg- up to 389,762 Warrants in the Company for ning af op til 389.762 aktier til kr. 1,00 the subscription of up to 389,762 shares of (nominelt kr. 389.762) i henhold til ved- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 389,762) accord- tægternes punkt 8.1. Det konkrete antal ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Associa- warrants tildelt udgør 386.012. tion. The final number of warrants granted is 386,012. 1.3 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically taler ("Warrantaftaler"). ments (the "Warrant Agreements") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A som subscribe for shares on the terms and con- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C til Selskabets ditions vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gæl- amended by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of der endvidere følgende modifikationer til Association of the Company. Furthermore, bilag 8.1.A som modificeret ved bilag the following amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, 8.1.C: as amended by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt Each Warrant Holder has been granted such det antal warrants i Selskabet, som er number of warrants in the Company as set anført i Selskabets meddelelse til War- out in the message from the Company to rantindehaveren i "Aktionærportalen" på the Warrant Holder made available at "Ak- Selskabets hjemmeside, som vil være tionærportalen" at the website of the Com- 1.4 3 signing stipulated in of warrant exhibit agree- 8.1.A, as Grant of Warrants tilgængelig den 11. februar 2013 ("War- pany on 11 February 2013 (the "Warrants") rants") i overensstemmelse med vilkåre- in accordance with the terms set forth in ne i Aftalen og Selskabets vedtægter. this Agreement and the Company's Articles of Association. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevan- 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- te bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 den i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- of shareholders, a register of all issued lige udstedte Warrants. Warrants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 10. The Warrants may be exercised in the peri- februar 2016 til og med 10. februar 2018 od from 10 February 2016 until (and includ- ("Udnyttelsesperioden") inden for de ud- ing) 10 February 2018 ("Exercise Period") nyttelsesvinduer anført i punkt 3.2. War- within the windows set forth in Clause 3.2. rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på el- Warrants which have not been exercised on ler inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsespe- or before the last day of the Exercise Period rioden, bortfalder automatisk og bliver will automatically lapse and become void ugyldige uden yderligere varsel og/eller without any further notice and/or compen- kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. sation to the Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller perio- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports deregnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). 3.2 måneder). 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise udnytte alle eller en del af sine War- all or part of his or her Warrants, however, rants. Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke the Warrant Holder cannot exercise less udnytte mindre end 25 procent ad gan- than 25 per cent of the total number of gen af det samlede antal Warrants, der Warrants granted in accordance with this er blevet tildelt Warrantindehaveren i Agreement at a time. henhold til Aftalen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af War- 4 rants Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a 1,00 i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 87,45 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 87.45 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som an- The Subscription Price may be regulated as ført i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. 5 7 Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain de- bets kapitalforhold fined Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 389.762 (op til 389.762 aktier à nally DKK 389,762 (up to 389,762 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount (1 aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan is DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The forøges eller reduceres i henhold til be- maximum amount may be increased or re- stemmelserne om regulering i punkt 7. I duced in accordance with the provisions on henhold til punkt 1.2 udgør det konkrete adjustment set forth in Clause 7. According antal tildelte warrants 386.012. to Clause 1.2 the final number of warrants granted is 386,012. 6 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Ophør af related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). 12 Costs ansættelsesforholdet Warrantindehavere, der See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) - 12 er medar- Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employ- bejdere ees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaverne Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de ud- ment, the Warrants issued or the shares stedte Warrants eller de erhvervede ak- acquired by the exercise of such Warrants, tier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants are the sole responsibility of the Warrant er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og Holder and of no concern to the Company. er Selskabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i to seek tax advice in connection with enter- forbindelse med indgåelsen af Warrant- ing into this Agreement. aftalerne. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 70070788\4313646v1 * 8 May 2013 7 BILAG 8.1.F TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.F TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 5 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 5 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 6 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 6 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 6 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 6 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 6 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 6 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 6 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 7 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 7 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 7 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At in Zealand A/S ("Selskabet") den 1. april 2014 blev Pharma A/S (the "Company") on 1 April der i overensstemmelse med vedtægter- 2014, the following new provisions were nes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende nye be- adopted in accordance with Article 8.1 of stemmelser af the Articles of Association concerning the warrants til visse af Selskabets medarbej- issuing of warrants to certain employees of dere ("Warrantindehaver") ("Warrants"). the Company (the "Warrant Holder") ("War- vedrørende udstedelse Purpose the board meeting held rants"). 1.2 Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op The Board of Directors has decided to issue til 100.000 warrants i Selskabet til teg- up to 100,000 Warrants in the Company for ning af op til 100.000 aktier til kr. 1,00 the subscription of up to 100,000 shares of (nominelt kr. 100.000) i henhold til ved- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 100,000) accord- tægternes punkt 8.1. ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 1.3 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically signing of warrant agreement tale ("Warrantaftale"). (the "Warrant Agreement") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A som subscribe for shares on the terms and con- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C til Selskabets ditions vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gæl- amended by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of der endvidere følgende modifikationer til Association of the Company. Furthermore, bilag 8.1.A som modificeret ved bilag the following amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, 8.1.C: as amended by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt Each Warrant Holder has been granted such det antal warrants i Selskabet, som er number of warrants in the Company as set anført i Selskabets meddelelse til War- out in the message from the Company to rantindehaveren i "Aktionærportalen" på the Warrant Holder made available at "Ak- Selskabets hjemmeside, som vil være tionærportalen" at the website of the Com- tilgængelig den 1. april 2014 ("War- pany on 1 April 2014 (the "Warrants") in 1.4 3 stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A, as Grant of Warrants rants") i overensstemmelse med vilkåre- accordance with the terms set forth in this ne i Aftalen og Selskabets vedtægter. Agreement and the Company's Articles of Association. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevan- 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- te bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 den i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- of shareholders, a register of all issued lige udstedte Warrants. Warrants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 1. The Warrants may be exercised in the peri- april 2017 til og med 1. april 2019 ("Ud- od from 1 April 2017 until (and including) 1 nyttelsesperioden") inden for de udnyt- April 2019 ("Exercise Period") within the telsesvinduer anført i punkt 3.2. War- windows set forth in Clause 3.2. Warrants rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på el- which have not been exercised on or before ler inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsespe- the last day of the Exercise Period will au- rioden, bortfalder automatisk og bliver tomatically lapse and become void without ugyldige uden yderligere varsel og/eller any further notice and/or compensation to kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. the Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller perio- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports deregnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). 3.2 måneder). 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise udnytte alle eller en del af sine War- all or part of his or her Warrants, however, rants. Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke the Warrant Holder cannot exercise less udnytte mindre end 25 procent ad gan- than 25 per cent of the total number of gen af det samlede antal Warrants, der Warrants granted in accordance with this er blevet tildelt Warrantindehaveren i Agreement at a time. henhold til Aftalen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af War- 4 rants Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a 1,00 i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 75,90 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 75.90 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 7 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som an- The Subscription Price may be regulated as ført i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain de- bets kapitalforhold fined Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 100.000 (op til 100.000 aktier à nally DKK 100,000 (up to 100,000 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount (1 aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan is DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The forøges eller reduceres i henhold til be- maximum amount may be increased or re- stemmelserne om regulering i punkt 7. duced in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med ud- 11 stedelse af aktier Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet Warrantindehavere, related to the Issue of Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). 12 Costs der er See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) - medar- bejdere 12 Cease of Employment See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 6 - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). Status 13 Insiderhandel 13 Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaveren- Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalen, de udstedte ment, the Warrants issued or the shares Warrants eller de erhvervede aktier gen- acquired by the exercise of such Warrants, nem udnyttelse af disse Warrants er ale- are the sole responsibility of the Warrant ne Warrantindehaverens ansvar og er Holder and of no concern to the Company. Selskabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaveren er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i to seek tax advice in connection with enter- forbindelse med indgåelsen af Warrant- ing into this Agreement. aftalen. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 70076035\5231256v5 * 4 April 2014 7 BILAG 8.1.G TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.1.G TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 6 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 6 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 6 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 6 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 6 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 6 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 6 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 6 12 OPHØR ................................................................................................................. 6 AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 7 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 7 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 7 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 7 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 7 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 7 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 7 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 25. marts 2015 A/S (the "Company") on 25 March 2015, the blev der i overensstemmelse med ved- following new provisions were adopted in ac- tægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende cordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse Association concerning the issuing of war- af warrants til visse af Selskabets medar- rants to certain employees of the Company bejdere (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). ("Warrantindehaver") ("War- Purpose rants"). 1.2 Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 100.000 warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 100,000 Warrants in the Company for af op til 100.000 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 100,000 shares of nelt kr. 100.000) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 100,000) accord- nes punkt 8.1. ing to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association. 1.3 1.4 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically signing of warrant agreement tale ("Warrantaftale"). (the "Warrant Agreement") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A som subscribe for shares on the terms and condi- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C til Selskabets tions stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A, as amended vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gælder by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of Association endvidere følgende modifikationer til bi- of the Company. Furthermore, the following lag 8.1.A som modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C: amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, as amended by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt det Each Warrant Holder has been granted such antal warrants i Selskabet, som er anført number of warrants in the Company as set i Selskabets meddelelse til Warrantinde- out in the message from the Company to the haveren i "Aktionærportalen" på Selska- Warrant Holder made available at "Aktionær- bets hjemmeside, som vil være tilgænge- portalen" at the website of the Company on lig den 25. marts 2015 ("Warrants") i 3 Grant of Warrants overensstemmelse med vilkårene i Afta- 25 March 2015 (the "Warrants") in accord- len og Selskabets vedtægter. ance with the terms set forth in this Agreement and the Company's Articles of Association. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til den i vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register of skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- shareholders, a register of all issued War- lige udstedte Warrants. rants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 25. The Warrants may be exercised in the period marts 2018 til og med 25. marts 2020 from 25 March 2018 until (and including) 25 ("Udnyttelsesperioden") inden for de ud- March 2020 ("Exercise Period") within the nyttelsesvinduer anført i punkt 3.2. War- windows set forth in Clause 3.2. Warrants rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på eller which have not been exercised on or before inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsesperio- the last day of the Exercise Period will auto- den, bortfalder automatisk og bliver ugyl- matically lapse and become void without any dige uden yderligere varsel og/eller kom- further notice and/or compensation to the pensation til Warrantindehaveren. Warrant Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). 3.2 der). 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 127,05 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 127,05 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in this Agreement. 5 7 Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 100.000 (op til 100.000 aktier à nally DKK 100,000 (up to 100,000 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med udstedelse af aktier 11 Costs Shares 6 related to the Issue of 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) 12 12 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - Warrantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaveren- Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalen, de udstedte ment, the Warrants issued or the shares ac- Warrants eller de erhvervede aktier gen- quired by the exercise of such Warrants, are nem udnyttelse af disse Warrants er alene the sole responsibility of the Warrant Holder Warrantindehaverens ansvar og er Sel- and of no concern to the Company. skabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaveren er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- to seek tax advice in connection with enter- bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- ing into this Agreement. len. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). * 24 March 2015 7 BILAG 8.4 TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.4 TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 7 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 7 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 7 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 7 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 7 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................................................................................................................. 7 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 7 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 7 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 7 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 7 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET - WARRANTINDEHAVERE, DER ER MEDARBEJDERE ............................................................................................ 8 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS - WARRANT HOLDERS WHO ARE EMPLOYEES.......... 8 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 8 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 8 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 8 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 8 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 8 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 8 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 5. maj 2015 blev A/S (the "Company") on 5 May2015, the fol- der i overensstemmelse med vedtægter- lowing new provisions were adopted in ac- nes punkt 8.1 og 8.4 vedtaget følgende cordance with Articles 8.1 and 8.4 of the Ar- nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse ticles of Association concerning the issuing af warrants til visse af Selskabets medar- of warrants to certain employees of the Com- bejdere pany (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). ("Warrantindehaver") ("War- Purpose rants"). 1.2 Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 412.609 warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 412,609 Warrants in the Company for af op til 412.609 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 412,609 shares of nelt kr. 412.609) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 412,609) accord- nes punkt 8.1 og 8.4. ing to Articles 8.1 and 8.4 of the Articles of Association. 1.3 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically signing of warrant agreement tale ("Warrantaftale"). (the "Warrant Agreement") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A, som subscribe for shares on the terms and condi- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C, til Selskabets tions stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A, as amended vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gælder by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of Association endvidere følgende modifikationer til bi- of the Company. Furthermore, the following lag 8.1.A, som modificeret ved bilag amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, as amended 8.1.C: by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt det Each Warrant Holder has been granted such antal warrants i Selskabet, som er anført number of warrants in the Company as set i Selskabets meddelelse til Warrantinde- out in the message from the Company to the haveren i "Aktionærportalen" på Selska- Warrant Holder made available at "Aktionær- 1.4 Grant of Warrants portalen" at the website of the Company on 3 bets hjemmeside, som vil være tilgænge- 5 May 2015 (the "Warrants") in accordance lig den 5. maj 2015 ("Warrants") i over- with the terms set forth in this Agreement ensstemmelse med vilkårene i Aftalen og and the Company's Articles of Association. Selskabets vedtægter. 2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til den i vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register of skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- shareholders, a register of all issued War- lige udstedte Warrants. rants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 5. The Warrants may be exercised in the period maj 2018 til og med 5. maj 2020 ("Udnyt- from 5 May 2018 until (and including) 5 May telsesperioden") inden for de udnyttelses- 2020 ("Exercise Period") within the windows vinduer, der er anført i punkt 3.2. War- set forth in Clause 3.2. Warrants which have rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på eller not been exercised on or before the last day inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsesperio- of the Exercise Period will automatically den, bortfalder automatisk og bliver ugyl- lapse and become void without any further dige uden yderligere varsel og/eller kom- notice and/or compensation to the Warrant pensation til Warrantindehaveren. Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports 3.2 4 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). der). 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants. However, the Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 101,20 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 101.20 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 6.3 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in the Agreement. Uanset bestemmelserne i Aftalen, kan Notwithstanding anything set out in the Selskabet i tilfælde af, at Warrantindeha- Agreement, in the event that the Warrant veren ønsker at udnytte Warrants, efter Holder gives notice that the Warrant Holder wishes to exercise Warrants, the Company 5 6.4 eget skøn beslutte at foretage kontant af- may at its sole discretion decide to make the regning i stedet for at udstede aktier i settlement in cash instead of issuing shares Selskabet til Warrantindehaveren. I så in the Company to the Warrant Holder. Con- fald skal Selskabet automatisk tilbage- sequently, the Company will in such situation købe de pågældende Warrants fra War- automatically buy back the relevant War- rantindehaveren. rants from the Warrant Holder. Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at tilbage- If the Company decides to buy back War- købe Warrants, skal Selskabet tilbagebe- rants, the Company shall repay the relevant tale det relevante tegningsbeløb, som subscription amount paid to the Company by Warrantindehaveren har betalt til Selska- the Warrant Holder in connection with the bet i forbindelse med afgivelsen af udnyt- delivery of the exercise notice. Further, the telsesmeddelelsen. Herudover skal Sel- Company shall pay to the Warrant Holder a skabet et cash amount for each Warrant exercised by kontant beløb for hver Warrant, som ud- the Warrant Holder equivalent to the aver- nyttes af Warrantindehaveren, svarende age market price per Share on the date on til den gennemsnitlige markedskurs per which the exercise notice has been served by aktie på tidspunktet for Warrantindehave- the Warrant Holder deducted an amount rens afgivelse af udnyttelsesmeddelelsen equivalent to the Subscription Price (the med fradrag af et beløb svarende til Teg- "Cash Amount"). The Cash Amount shall be ningskursen ("Kontantbeløbet"). Kontant- paid after deduction of income tax ("A-tax") beløbet betales efter fradrag af A-skat og and other statutory amounts to be withheld andre lovpligtige beløb, der skal indehol- by the Company. Upon such payment the des af Selskabet. Efter betaling er gen- relevant Warrants shall be considered trans- nemført, skal de relevante Warrants be- ferred back to the Company and the Warrant tragtes som værende overdraget tilbage Holder shall consequently have no further til Selskabet, og Warrantindehaveren har rights with respect to such Warrants. således betale ingen Warrantindehaveren rettigheder vedrørende med disse Warrants. 6.5 Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at tilbage- If the Company decides to buy back War- købe Warrants og foretage kontant afreg- rants and make the settlement in cash in- ning i stedet for at udstede aktier i Sel- stead of delivering shares in the Company, skabet, skal Selskabet underrette War- the rantindehaveren herom inden 30 dage ef- Holder hereof within 30 days after having re- ter modtagelsen af udnyttelsesmeddelel- ceived the exercise notice. sen. 6 Company must inform the Warrant 7 Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 412.609 (op til 412.609 aktier à nally DKK 412,609 (up to 412,609 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med udstedelse af aktier 11 Costs related to the Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) 7 Issue of 12 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - War- 12 rantindehavere, der er medarbejdere Cease of Employment Status - Warrant Holders who are Employees 12.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 13 13 Insiderhandel Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaveren- Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalen, de udstedte ment, the Warrants issued or the shares ac- Warrants eller de erhvervede aktier gen- quired by the exercise of such Warrants, are nem udnyttelse af disse Warrants er alene the sole responsibility of the Warrant Holder Warrantindehaverens ansvar og er Sel- and of no concern to the Company. skabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaveren er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- to seek tax advice in connection with enter- bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- ing into this Agreement. len. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). * 11 May 2015 8 BILAG 8.4.A TIL VEDTÆGTER FOR EXHIBIT 8.4.A TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR ZEALAND PHARMA A/S ZEALAND PHARMA A/S INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE/TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FORMÅL ....................................................................................................... 3 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 3 2 TILDELING AF WARRANTS ............................................................................... 3 2 GRANT OF WARRANTS .................................................................................... 3 3 ALMINDELIG UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 3 ORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .......................................................... 4 4 EKSTRAORDINÆR UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ................................................... 5 4 EXTRAORDINARY EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS .................................................. 5 5 PRAKTISK UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................................................. 5 5 PRACTICALITIES IN CONNECTION WITH EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................... 5 6 TEGNINGSKURS FOR AKTIER VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS .............................. 5 6 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF WARRANTS .................................................................................................. 5 7 REGULERING AF VILKÅR FOR WARRANTS VED VISSE DEFINEREDE ÆNDRINGER I SELSKABETS KAPITALFORHOLD ....................................................................... 7 7 ADJUSTMENT OF THE CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS IN CASE OF CERTAIN DEFINED CHANGES IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE ............................................. 7 8 OMSÆTTELIGHED .......................................................................................... 7 8 TRANSFERABILITY ......................................................................................... 7 9 VILKÅR FOR NYE AKTIER UDSTEDT VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ...................... 7 9 CONDITIONS FOR NEW SHARES ISSUED FOLLOWING EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ................................................................................................................. 7 10 KAPITALFORHØJELSE VED UDNYTTELSE AF WARRANTS ........................................ 7 10 CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXERCISE OF THE WARRANTS ......... 7 11 OMKOSTNINGER I FORBINDELSE MED UDSTEDELSE AF AKTIER ............................. 7 11 COSTS RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SHARES ....................................................... 7 12 OPHØR AF ANSÆTTELSESFORHOLDET ............................................................... 8 12 CEASE OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS ...................................................................... 8 13 INSIDERHANDEL ........................................................................................... 9 13 INSIDER TRADING ......................................................................................... 9 14 SKATTEMÆSSIGE FORHOLD ............................................................................ 9 14 TAX IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 9 15 SPROG ........................................................................................................ 9 15 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................... 9 2 1 Formål 1 1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 5. maj 2015 blev A/S (the "Company") on 5 May 2015, the fol- der i overensstemmelse med vedtægter- lowing new provisions were adopted in ac- nes punkt 8.4 vedtaget følgende nye be- cordance with Article 8.4 of the Articles of stemmelser af Association concerning the issuing of war- warrants til visse af Selskabets medarbej- rants to certain employees of the Company dere ("Warrantindehaver") ("Warrants"). (the "Warrant Holder") ("Warrants"). Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til The Board of Directors has decided to issue 100.000 warrants i Selskabet til tegning up to 100,000 Warrants in the Company for af op til 100.000 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nomi- the subscription of up to 100,000 shares of nelt kr. 100.000) i henhold til vedtægter- DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 100,000) accord- nes punkt 8.4. ing to Article 8.4 of the Articles of Associa- 1.2 vedrørende udstedelse Purpose tion. 1.3 1.4 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved The subscription of Warrants took place by elektronisk underskrivelse af warrantaf- electronically signing of warrant agreement tale ("Warrantaftale"). (the "Warrant Agreement") Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to til at tegne aktier på de i bilag 8.1.A, som subscribe for shares on the terms and condi- modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C til Selskabets tions stipulated in exhibit 8.1.A, as amended vedtægter anførte vilkår, således gælder by exhibit 8.1.C of the Articles of Association endvidere følgende modifikationer til bi- of the Company. Furthermore, the following lag 8.1.A som modificeret ved bilag 8.1.C: amendments to exhibit 8.1.A, as amended by exhibit 8.1.C shall apply: 2 Tildeling af Warrants 2 2.1 Hver Warrantindehaver har fået tildelt det Each Warrant Holder has been granted such antal warrants i Selskabet, som er anført number of warrants in the Company as set i Selskabets meddelelse til Warrantinde- out in the message from the Company to the haveren i "Aktionærportalen" på Selska- Warrant Holder made available at "Aktionær- bets hjemmeside, som vil være tilgænge- portalen" at the website of the Company on lig den 5. maj 2015 ("Warrants") i over- 5 May 2015 (the "Warrants") in accordance ensstemmelse med vilkårene i Aftalen og with the terms set forth in this Agreement 3 Grant of Warrants 2.2 Selskabets vedtægter. and the Company's Articles of Association. Tildeling af Warrants sker uden bereg- The Warrants are granted free of charge. ning. 2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindeha- Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to veren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the rele- bestemmelser anført i punkt - 5 til den i vant conditions as set forth in Clauses 3 - 5 punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. and at the relevant subscription price as determined in Clause 6. 2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog In connection with the Company's register of skal der føres en fortegnelse over samt- shareholders, a register of all issued War- lige udstedte Warrants. rants shall be kept. 3 Almindelig udnyttelse af Warrants 3 3.1 Warrants kan udnyttes i perioden fra 5. The Warrants may be exercised in the period maj 2016 til og med 5. maj 2020 ("Udnyt- from 5 May 2016 until (and including) 5 May telsesperioden") inden for de udnyttelses- 2020 ("Exercise Period") within the windows vinduer, der er anført i punkt 3.2. War- set forth in Clause 3.2. Warrants which have rants, der ikke er blevet udnyttet på eller not been exercised on or before the last day inden den sidste dag i Udnyttelsesperio- of the Exercise Period will automatically den, bortfalder automatisk og bliver ugyl- lapse and become void without any further dige uden yderligere varsel og/eller kom- notice and/or compensation to the Warrant pensation til Warrantindehaveren. Holder. Inden for Udnyttelsesperioden kan War- Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants rants udnyttes fire gange om året i et 4 may be exercised four times a year during a ugers udnyttelses-vindue, der begynder 4-week window starting from the time of på tidspunktet for offentliggørelse af en- publication of either the Company's annual ten Selskabets årsregnskab eller periode- report or quarterly or semi-annual reports regnskab (henholdsvis 3, 6 eller 9 måne- (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). 3.2 Ordinary Exercise of the Warrants der). 3.3 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. or part of his or her Warrants, however, the 4 Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det per cent of the total number of Warrants samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet til- granted in accordance with this Agreement delt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Af- at a time. talen. 4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants 4 Extraordinary Exercise of the Warrants 4.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 5 Praktisk udnyttelse af Warrants 5 Practicalities in connection with Exercise of the Warrants 5.1 Se bilag 8.1.C (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.C (no changes). 6 Tegningskurs for aktier ved udnyt- 6 Subscription Price for Shares in connection with the Exercise of telse af Warrants Warrants 6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a i Selskabet til en tegningspris på kr. nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a subscription 101,20 ("Tegningskursen"). price of DKK 101.20 (the "Subscription Price"). 6.2 6.3 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført The Subscription Price may be regulated as i Aftalen. set out in the Agreement. Uanset bestemmelserne i Aftalen, kan Notwithstanding anything set out in the Selskabet i tilfælde af, at Warrantindeha- Agreement, in the event that the Warrant veren ønsker at udnytte Warrants, efter Holder gives notice that the Warrant Holder eget skøn beslutte at foretage kontant af- wishes to exercise Warrants, the Company regning i stedet for at udstede aktier i may at its sole discretion decide to make the Selskabet til Warrantindehaveren. I så settlement in cash instead of issuing shares fald skal Selskabet automatisk tilbage- in the Company to the Warrant Holder. Consequently, the Company will in such situation 5 6.4 købe de pågældende Warrants fra War- automatically buy back the relevant War- rantindehaveren. rants from the Warrant Holder Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at tilbage- If the Company decides to buy back War- købe Warrants, skal Selskabet tilbagebe- rants, the Company shall repay the relevant tale det relevante tegningsbeløb, som subscription amount paid to the Company by Warrantindehaveren har betalt til Selska- the Warrant Holder in connection with the bet i forbindelse med afgivelsen af udnyt- delivery of the exercise notice. Further, the telsesmeddelelsen. Herudover skal Sel- Company shall pay to the Warrant Holder a skabet et cash amount for each Warrant exercised by kontant beløb for hver Warrant, som ud- the Warrant Holder equivalent to the aver- nyttes af Warrantindehaveren, svarende age market price per Share on the date on til den gennemsnitlige markedskurs per which the exercise notice has been served by aktie på tidspunktet for Warrantindehave- the Warrant Holder deducted an amount rens afgivelse af udnyttelsesmeddelelsen equivalent to the Subscription Price (the med fradrag af et beløb svarende til Teg- "Cash Amount"). The Cash Amount shall be ningskursen ("Kontantbeløbet"). Kontant- paid after deduction of income tax ("A-tax") beløbet betales efter fradrag af A-skat og and other statutory amounts to be withheld andre lovpligtige beløb, der skal indehol- by the Company. Upon such payment the des af Selskabet. Efter betaling er gen- relevant Warrants shall be considered trans- nemført, skal de relevante Warrants be- ferred back to the Company and the Warrant tragtes som værende overdraget tilbage Holder shall consequently have no further til Selskabet, og Warrantindehaveren har rights with respect to such Warrants. således betale ingen Warrantindehaveren rettigheder vedrørende med disse Warrants. 6.5 Såfremt Selskabet beslutter at tilbage- If the Company decides to buy back War- købe Warrants og foretage kontant afreg- rants and make the settlement in cash in- ning i stedet for at udstede aktier i Sel- stead of delivering shares in the Company, skabet, skal Selskabet underrette War- the rantindehaveren herom inden 30 dage ef- Holder hereof within 30 days after having re- ter modtagelsen af udnyttelsesmeddelel- ceived the exercise notice. sen. 6 Company must inform the Warrant 7 Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved 7 Adjustment of the Conditions for visse definerede ændringer i Selska- Warrants in case of certain defined bets kapitalforhold Changes in the Company's Capital Structure 7.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 8 Omsættelighed 8 8.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved ud- 9 nyttelse af Warrants Transferability Conditions for New Shares issued following Exercise of the Warrants 9.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af 10 Warrants Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants 10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver retti- In the event that the Warrant Holder gives dig meddelelse om udnyttelse af War- notification on time of the exercise of the rants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den Warrants, the Company shall carry out the dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. relating increase of capital. 10.2 Størstebeløbet af den kapital, der kan The maximum increase of capital that may tegnes på grundlag af Warrants er nomi- be subscribed on basis of Warrants is nomi- nelt kr. 100.000 (op til 100.000 aktier à nally DKK 100,000 (up to 100,000 shares at kr. 1,00) og mindstebeløbet er kr. 1,00 (1 DKK 1.00 each) and the minimum amount is aktie à kr. 1,00) Størstebeløbet kan for- DKK 1.00 (1 share at DKK 1.00) The maxi- øges eller reduceres i henhold til bestem- mum amount may be increased or reduced melserne om regulering i punkt 7. in accordance with the provisions on adjustment set forth in Clause 7. 11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med udstedelse af aktier 11 Costs related to the Shares 11.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes) 7 Issue of 12 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet 12 Cease of Employment Status 12.1 Hvis Warrantindehaveren opsiger direk- If the Warrant Holder terminates the Exec- tørkontrakten, der er indgået med Selska- utive Service Contract entered into with the bet, hvis direktørkontrakten opsiges af Company, if the Executive Service Contract Selskabet begrundet i Warrantindehave- is terminated by the Company due to the rens grove misligholdelse af ansættelses- Warrant Holder's material breach of the em- forholdet, eller hvis Warrantindehaveren ployment relationship or if the Warrant har givet anledning til at blive lovligt bort- Holder has been dismissed summarily in a vist, bortfalder samtlige uudnyttede War- legitimate way due to cause, all un-exer- rants - uanset om de kan udnyttes eller ej cised warrants - whether the Warrants have (er "modnede" - se punkt 3.1) - straks og become exercisable or not ("vested" - see uden kompensation. Clause Error! Reference source not found.) - will lapse immediately without any compensation being payable. 12.2 Hvis Selskabet opsiger direktørkontrak- If the Company terminates the Executive ten, og opsigelsen ikke skyldes Warrant- Service Contract and this is not due to the indehaverens grove misligholdelse af an- Warrant Holder's material breach of the em- sættelsesforholdet eller lovlig bortvisning ployment relationship or to the Warrant af Warrantindehaveren eller Warrantinde- Holder having been dismissed summarily in haverens død, kan Warrants, som er mod- a legitimate way or if the Warrant Holder nede på tidspunktet for udløbet af opsi- dies, Warrants that have vested on the date gelsesperioden, udnyttes senest inden for of expiry of the period of notice may be ex- det førstkommende ordinære udnyttel- ercised at the latest in the first ordinary ex- sesvindue efter udløbet af opsigelsesperi- ercise window following the expiry of the pe- oden. Warrants, der ikke udnyttes som riod of notice. Warrants not exercised as set beskrevet i dette punkt Error! Reference out in this Clause Error! Reference source source not found., bortfalder uden kom- not found. will lapse without any compen- pensation. Det præciseres, at Warrants, sation being payable. For the avoidance of som ikke er modnede ved opsigelsesperi- doubt, Warrants that are not vested on the odens udløb, bortfalder uden kompensa- date of expiry of the period of notice shall tion til Warrantindehaveren. lapse without any compensation being payable to the Warrant Holder. 12.3 Hvis Warrantindehaveren opsiger kon- If the Warrant Holder terminates the Con- trakten, og opsigelsen skyldes grov mis- tract and the termination is due to the material breach by the Company, the Warrant 8 ligholdelse fra Selskabets side, er War- Holder is entitled to exercise Warrants in ac- rantindehaveren berettiget til at udnytte cordance with the terms set out in this Warrrants i henhold til betingelserne i Af- Agreement as if the Warrant Holder was still talen, som om Warrantindehaveren stadig employed with the Company. var ansat i Selskabet. 12.4 Såfremt det efter tildelingstidspunktet If, after the date of grant, it is established konstateres, at Warrants er blevet tildelt that the Warrants, were granted mistakenly, ved en fejl, kan Selskabet undtagelsesvist the Company can in exceptional cases re- kræve sådanne Warrants helt eller delvis claim the Warrants in full or in part. tilbage. 13 Insiderhandel 13 Insider Trading 13.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer). See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). 14 14 Skattemæssige forhold 14.1 Warrants skal være underlagt bestemmelserne i ligningslovens § 28. Tax Implications Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. 14.2 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrantindehaveren- Warrant Holder resulting from this Agree- som følge af Warrantaftalen, de udstedte ment, the Warrants issued or the shares ac- Warrants eller de erhvervede aktier gen- quired by the exercise of such Warrants, are nem udnyttelse af disse Warrants er alene the sole responsibility of the Warrant Holder Warrantindehaverens ansvar og er Sel- and of no concern to the Company. skabet uvedkommende. 14.3 Warrantindehaveren er kraftigt opfordret The Warrant Holder is strongly encouraged til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i for- to seek tax advice in connection with enter- bindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantafta- ing into this Agreement. len. 15 Sprog 15 15.1 Se bilag 8.1.A (ingen ændringer) Language See exhibit 8.1.A (no changes). * 11 May 2015 9
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