Program DSSAK Årsmøde 2015 Herlev, København Sted: Herlev Hospital, Herlev Ringvej 75, 2730 Herlev Tema: a) Treatment of rotator cuff tears. b) Degenerative albuesmerter Kl. Torsdag d. 23. april 2015 12.00 12.30 Kaffe, sandwich og velkomst Bo Olsen & Klaus Bak Chairman: Klaus Bak 12.40-13.00 Treatment of rotator cuff tears – Danish National Clinical Guidelines 2013 Clinical evaluation of rotator cuff tears and suggestion of a treatment algorithm Discussion Modern trends in the approach to difficult rotator cuff tears: open, arthroscopic, arthroplasty, conservative treatment, muscle transfer or neglect? Discussion Udstilling; kaffe og kage Evidence based physiotherapy treatment of patients with rotator cuff related disease. Michael Krogsgaard, BBH Klaus Bak, Herlev Hospital 13.00-13.20 13.20-13.30 13.30 14.30 14.45 15.15 16.00 16.15 16.30-18.00 19.00 Discussion Status Skulderalbueregistret Generalforsamling Middag på Admiral Hotel, Toldbodgade, København Sven Lichtenberg. ATOS Heidelberg, Germany Theresa Holmgren, PT, Ph D, Linköping University Hospital, Sweden Styreformanden Kl. Fredag d. 24. april 2015 8.30 Albuesmerter ved degenerative lidelser Chairmen: Lars Henrik Frich & Bo Olsen 8.30-8.45 Laterale albuesmerter – diagnostik og behandling Klaus Bak 8.45-9.00 Arbejdsmedicinske aspekter af albuesmerter 9.00-9.15 Artroskopisk release – teknik, indikationer og prognose Hans Viggo Skjeldborg Johannsen Diskussion 9.15-9.30 Åben release - teknik, indikationer og prognose 9.30-9.45 Bo Sanderhoff Olsen Alloplastik - teknik, indikationer og prognose 9.45-10.00 Diskussion Janne Ovesen Kaffe pause og udstilling Frie foredrag – session 1 1. Sigrid Tibaek, Janne Mørch Gadsbøll: Scapula Alata: Chairmen: Janne Ovesen & Klaus Bak 10.00-10.15 10.15-11.00 11.00 Description of a Physical Therapy Program and its Effectiveness measured by a Shoulder-Specific Quality of Life Measurement 2. H. Eshoj, K.G. Ingwersen, C.M. Larsen, B. Hougs Kjær, B. Juul-Kristensen : Reliability of clinical shoulder instability tests – an inter-examiner study 3. Ingwersen KG, Hjarbaek J, Eshøj H, Larsen CM, 4, Vobbe J, Juul‐Kristensen B: Interexaminer reliability of a new Ultrasonographic method for classification of supraspinatus tendinopathy – a pilot study 4. Johannessen EC, Reiten HS, Maeland S, Løvaas H, Juul-Kristensen B Shoulder function, pain and health related quality of life in adults with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/EhlersDanlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Type. 5. Brage K, Hjarbaek J, Kjaer P, Juul-Kristensen B: Reliability of sonoelastography to determine stiffness of the supraspinatus tendon in a healthy population. - a pilot study 6. Lars Bo Simper, Nick Heilmann Duelund, Inuutek Fleischer: Surgery for shoulder instability in Greenland. Follow-up 2 to 10 years after open Bankart repair in 40 patients. 7. Magnús P. Bjarnason Obinah, Theis Muncholm Thillemann, Janne Ovesen, Brian Elmengaard, Hans Viggo Skjeldborg Johannsen. Shoulder and Elbow Unit, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital.: Latissimus Dorsi Tendon Transfer for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears. A retrospective study of 42 Cases. 8. C. Kjeldsen (, S. Kjeldsen (MD). Glenohumeral arthrography performed as a joint-venture between the shoulder surgeon and the MRI department: A method to reduce the diagnostic waiting time. 12.30 13.30 Frokost Pause og udstilling Frie foredrag – Session 2 1. Larsen CM; Hansen SS; Hansen LH; Bruun P; JuulKristensen B. Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Danish Version: Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI). 2. Sahar Moeini, Jeppe Vejlgaard Rasmussen, Tobias Wirenfeldt Klausen, Stig Brorson1: Rasch analysis of The Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder (WOOS) index – the Danish version 3. Jeppe V Rasmussen, Stig Brorson, Pia Cajsa ten Vorde, Bo S Olsen: Resurfacing shoulder arthroplasty in the treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis 4. Jeppe V. Rasmussen; Bo S. Olsen; Ali Al-Hamdani; Stig Brorson. Patient-reported outcome following revision of resurfacing hemiarthroplasty in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis.111 revisions reported to the Danish Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry. 5. Jeppe V. Rasmussen, Stig Brorson, Geir Hallan, Ville Äärimaa, Jari Mokka, Steen L. Jensen, Björn Salomonsson. Is it feasible to pool data from national shoulder registers with comparable healthcare structures? A new collaboration within the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA). 6. Alexander Amundsen, BMSc, Jeppe V. Rasmussen, MD PhD , Stig Brorson, MD PhD.: Thirty-day, ninetyday and one-year mortality after shoulder replacement: Chairmen: Steen Lund Jensen & Stig Brorson 5,853 primary operations reported to the Danish Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry. 7. Plaschke, HC, Thillemann, TM, Brorson S, Olsen, BS: Outcome after Total Elbow Arthroplasty: A retrospective study of 167 procedures performed from 1981 to 2008 8. Shujahat Ali, Jeppe V. Rasmussen, Brian Azad, Stig Brorson: Differences in comorbidity between responders and non-responders in a national shoulder arthroplasty registry. 15.00 15.15 15.45 16.00 Diskussion Disputatsforelæsning, Stig Brorson: Fractures of the proximal humerus: history management and classification Afslutning Afrejse Chairman: Bo Olsen Bo Olsen
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