October—December 2014, Second Edition, Memphis, Tennessee WHY AMEND THE CONSTITUTION?

October—December 2014, Second Edition, Memphis, Tennessee
By Steve Mulroy
Voters this November will get the final say on not one but four proposed state constitutional amendments. Each
one has its pros and cons, but one threshold question is, why would we want to amend our constitution at
all? Generally, you amend constitutions less frequently than regular laws, and only for important reasons.
There are three main reasons. They apply, or don’t apply, to varying degrees to the four proposals.
The Tennessee Constitution is the foundational document of our state government. Among other things, it sets out
things the governor and the state legislature may and may not do. So, if you (1) want to change the law in a certain way that is currently unconstitutional (either because the plain language of the constitution says so or because
the Tennessee Supreme Court has interpreted it that way), you’ve got to amend the constitution. Alternatively, if
(2) you fear the legislature might change the law in a certain way, and you want to prevent them from doing so, you might amend the constitution to head them
off. Finally, you might amend if (3) you want to overrule a state supreme court ruling you disagree with, and take power away from the court and give it to the state
legislature. Let’s call (1) the “permission” rationale, (2) the “blocking” rationale, and (3) the “runaway court” rationale.
How do these reasons apply to the various amendments? Let’s look at each one.
Amendment 1: Abortion Rights. In 2000, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled that abortion rights under the state constitution were greater than under federal law,
such that certain abortion restrictions (e.g., waiting periods) valid under federal law are invalid under state law. Under the “runaway court” rationale (3), you might
want to amend the constitution to take power from the state supreme court and give it to the legislature. Or perhaps you trust the courts more than the current
group in Nashville to properly protect reproductive rights, in which case you would vote “NO” on Amendment 1.
Amendment 2: Judicial Selection. For years, some have argued that our current process for selecting state appeals court judges—where the governor appoints
them, and every 8 years the voters vote “yes” or “no” on whether to retain them—violates the state constitution’s requirement that judges “be elected by the voters
of the state.” But the Tennessee Supreme Court has upheld this system on three occasions, including most recently this year. Amendment 2 makes clear that the
current judicial selection process is constitutional, ending all future litigation, plus it also adds the requirement that the legislature confirm judges appointed by the
governor – a requirement the legislature could so provide without amending the constitution, so seeking “permission” doesn’t apply. But proponents fear that if
Amendment 2 doesn’t pass, the legislature will pass a law making all appellate judges run for office in regular candidate-versus-candidate elections, forcing judges to
raise money from the lawyers who practice before them, tailoring their rulings to what’s popular, etc. Amendment 2 would prevent them from passing such a law,
so a “blocking” rationale (2) applies here.
Amendment 3: Income Tax. Currently, Tennessee has no income tax on payroll or earned personal income. The state constitution also does not prevent the legislature from implementing one consistent with the constitution. Amendment 3 would forever bar the legislature from doing so. This sounds like the
“blocking” rationale (2) might apply. But given that there is no realistic prospect that the legislature would pass an income tax any time in the foreseeable future, this reason is a bit of a stretch.
Amendment 4: Currently, although gambling through lotteries are generally illegal in Tennessee (except for the state-sponsored lottery), certain nonprofit organizations, called “501(c)(3)” organizations under federal tax law, can hold a lottery once a year to benefit their charitable/educational/cultural missions, as long as the
legislature approves with a two-thirds vote. Amendment 4 would add certain veterans’ organizations, called “501(c)(19)” organizations, to this list. Arguably, the seeking “permission” rationale (1) applies here, since it would allow the legislature to approve lotteries for a new category of organizations. But since most
501(c)(19) organizations could qualify for 501(c)(3) status anyway, this reason may not be compelling.
Steve Mulroy is a constitutional law professor at the University of Memphis. From 2006-2014 he also served as a Shelby County Commissioner.
Coalition for Organizational Protection of People and Equal Rights
A Closer Look at the
4 Constitutional Amendments
(On the November 4th Ballot)
In order for your vote (for or against) amendments to count, you MUST:
 Vote for someone in the Governor’s Race
 Vote on the Amendments
Amendments to the constitution only occur during the year of a governor’s race. Based on Tennessee law, all
votes in the governor’s race are totaled and in order for any Constitutional Amendment to pass, 50% , plus 1
vote must be cast in favor of passage. That means, for example, if 1 million Tennesseans vote in the governor’s
race, 500K people, plus 1 additional voter (i.e., 500,001 voters) must vote in favor of any particular amendment
for that amendment to pass. If it passes, it would be written into state law and the state constitution would
change accordingly.
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
The Tennessee General Assembly passed a series of restrictions on abortions in
1998 that included:
In order to understand Amendment 2, you have to understand the current system and what would change if Amendment 2 were passed.
 Parental consent for minors seeking abortion
 A 72 hour waiting period
 Mandated counseling that included misleading information about the risk
associated with abortion, and
 A requirement that all second trimester abortions be performed in a hospital.
Under the Current System
A. The governor selects and appoints supreme court and appeals court Judges
for an 8 year term, or to fill a vacancy.
B. At the end of that 8 year term, the retention of one’s Judicial Seat is subject to
a Retention Vote.
1. If the public votes to retain a Judge—then the Judge retains his/her
judicial position
2. If the public votes not to retain the Judge—then the seat becomes
vacant and the governor is free to appoint a replacement
Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee sued, saying the restrictions
were unconstitutional. In 2000, “Planned Parenthood Middle and East Tennessee V.
Sundquist” resulted in the Tennessee Supreme Court finding that a woman’s Right
to a safe and legal abortion is a part of a “fundamental right to privacy.” In Tennessee, THE RIGHT to privacy is broader than the right found by the U.S Supreme Court
in “ROE v. WADE”. As a result, in 2000, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled that
several abortion regulations at issue in Sundquist were unconstitutional. They upheld parental consent, a requirement that remains in place today.
If Amendment 2 Passes
A. The governor would still select and appoint supreme court and appeals court
Judges for an 8 year term, or to fill a vacancy
B. Appointment would be subject to confirmation by the general assembly
C. Appointed and confirmed judges would serve an 8 year term and at the end
of the 8 years, retention would be subject to public Retention Vote.
As a result, members of the General Assembly began the process to amend the constitution to eliminate women’s privacy rights. The Tennessee constitution ensures
every woman’s right to make her own medical decisions, without government interference. If Amendment 1 passes, it will take away this right.
Amendment 1 passed the General Assembly in 2009 and again in 2011. The language of the amendment is stated below:
“Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to
abortion or requires the funding of an abortion. The people
retain the right through their elected state representatives
and state senators to enact, amend, or repeal statutes regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, circumstances of
pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or when necessary to
save the life of the mother.”
The Debate
Concern over attempt to eliminate current non-partisan system and replace it
with a system where Judges are Elected and partisanship & money rule.
Some Say:
Amendment 2 is an attempt to satisfy those who believe the current system of
appointment vs. election is unconstitutional. If legislators are given veto power,
they may not push for passing a statute where Judges are Elected & Influenced
by politics and money.
Others Say:
Even if the legislature is given the power to veto qualified appointees, there is no
guarantee they will not continue pursuing a statute where Judges are Elected.
Plus, giving the legislature power to veto Judges identified as qualified by a bipartisan commission, still introduces partisan politics.
Amendment 3
Constitutional Amendment 3, if passed, would lock-in sales, consumption, and property taxes
as Tennessee’s only option for raising much needed state revenue. Tennessee’s current tax
structure already depends heavily on these revenue sources, and hits hardest working families struggling to make ends meet.
By limiting options for our future, Amendment 3 will force:
More hikes and a double-digit SALES TAX on FOOD and other NECESSITIES, hurting
local businesses, costing Tennessee jobs, and placing an unfair burden on Tennessee’s working families,
Hikes in local PROPERTY TAX, and even creation of a STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX.
Cuts in K-12 EDUCATION, Meals on Wheels, FIRST RESPONDERS, and other important community services.
TUITION HIKES at our universities, fueling mounting student debt.
Amendment 4
Back in 2002, voters amended the constitution allowing charitable groups
registered with the IRS as 501(c)(3) organizations to conduct an annual fundraising event using gambling or games of chance. Charitable veterans’ groups,
whose IRS designation is 501(c)(19) versus 501(c)(3) were left out.
Amendment 4 would allow 501(c)(19) charitable veterans’ groups to raise
funds in the same manner as other 501(c)(3) charitable organizations— (i.e.,
one time out of the year, fundraising using gambling or games of chance).
That said, since 501(c)(19) organizations can qualify for 501(c)(3) status
anyway, there is some question regarding the rationale for the amendment
Coalition for Organizational Protection of People and Equal Rights
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The Coalition for Organizational Protection of People and Equal Rights (C.O.P.P.E.R.) is a community-focused group of people and organizations from all across Memphis. C.O.P.P.E.R. was initially created as a support to workers locked out by Kellogg. However, while addressing the lockout, it was revealed that many Memphians
are disenfranchised, lacking basic social and economic opportunities.
The coalition consists of a range of supporters including students working their way through college, unions representing employees working harder for less, organizations addressing poverty and providing for community revitalization, and faith providers offering spiritual nourishment and advocacy. C.O.P.P.E.R. is a gathering
place for new ideas and shared efforts towards positive change. The coalition specifically supports those whose voices have been ignored—amplifying their
attempts to make a positive change within their communities. C.O.P.P.E.R. is listening and working with the most vulnerable members of our community.
We want you to be a part of the discussion and a part of building the movement that amplifies the voices of marginalized communities across Memphis.
Commit to adding your voice, your ideas, your concerns, and your desires to the goal of making Memphis a better place for those whose daily plight is virtually invisible within the mainstream community. To join the coalition, email your name, contact information, organizational affiliation, if applicable; to [email protected] or call (901) 396-1499.
We look forward to collaborating with you.
Kevin Bradshaw
CHARTER MEMBERS  Kevin Bradshaw, BCTGM Local 252G  Barbara Cooper, State Rep. 86th District  Raumesh Akbari, State Rep. 91st District,  Greg Grant, National Action Network  Bishop E. Lynn Brown, CME Church  Lorenzo Banks, AFSCME Local 1733  Casel Jones, Memphis City Labor Council  Irvin Calliste, International President of USW/ Memphis
Central Labor Council  Kermit Moore, A. Philip Randolph Institute  Dr. Freda Williams, Professor/ Former School Board Commissioner  Gail Tyree, Community Activist and Organizer  Dell Gill, Shelby County Democratic Party  Dr. Jesse Barksdale, Author and Activist  Henry Perry, Former President of Teamsters  Trence Jackson, BCTGM Local 252G  Alphonso Lee, Community Activist  Rev. Dwight Montgomery, SCLC President  D’Army Bailey, Former Judge  Hazel Hall, Aurthor  Virgie Banks, President, Democratic Women of Shelby
County  Rev. Leonard Dawson, Cane Creek M.B. Church  Dr. Coby Smith, Community Activist & Educator  Coleman Thompson, Community Activist & Exec. Dir., Alcohol Abuse
Program  Sheena Foster, Exec. Dir. Workers Interfaith Network  Yvonne Acey, Associate Dir., Africa in April Cultural Awareness Inc. & Educator
For Additional Information:  www.coppercoalition.org  [email protected]  (901) 396-1499
COPPER’s Position
On the 4 Amendments
Vote NO on Amendment 1
Vote NO on Amendment 2
Vote NO on Amendment 3
Vote NO on Amendment 4
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Back to the Basics
By Kevin Bradshaw
On August 11, 2014, we, the locked out employees of Kellogg’s Memphis, returned to work with our
heads high and hearts full. We realized that the struggle that had been put upon us was just another
attack on the working class right here in Memphis, TN. We returned to our jobs eager to do them well
like we have always done. For years, we have been number one in America, as the lowest cost producer while remaining number one in safety and quality. We stood for what we know was right and
the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) felt the same way, according to Judge Sam Mays.
We have argued, since day one of the lockout, that Kellogg’s proposals in local bargaining would
have changed previously agreed upon wage rates and benefits for regular employees, and modified
the terms and conditions contained in the Master Contract (National Contract) that governs all plants
in the USA and the terms that are in effect until October 2015. Judge Mays validated our position in his
ruling, stating:
“Kellogg’s proposals were not to change the Casual
employee program, as it insists it had the right to
demand. Rather, Kellogg effectively demanded
changes to the wage rates of new or rehired regular
employees. Those rates are set in the Master Agreement. The good-faith bargaining required by the Act
does not allow Kellogg to use creative semantics to
force midterm changes in the wages of new or rehired regular employees in violation of the Master
Coalition for the
Organizational Protection
of People and Equal
Board of Directors
Kevin Bradshaw - President
Virgie Banks—Vice President
Trence Jackson - Treasurer
Erica Thomas
Yvonne B. Acey
Members of COPPER
Kellogg’s Lockout Finally Ends
Staff Writers
Mays concluded that it was “just and proper” to end the lockout.
“The lockout, which has deprived the employees of their pay and health insurance, has been ongoing
for nine months. The administrative process may continue for many months and even years to come.
To allow the lockout to continue through that period would place significant hardship on employees
in furtherance of Kellogg’s bargaining position, which [the NLRB] has reasonable cause to believe is
unlawful. That would undermine the remedial powers of the Board.”
Although we have won the battle, the war is not over. Currently, three out of the four cereal plants in
the United States are working under expired contracts and we know that Kellogg’s is waiting to see
what the final outcome from the NLRB decision on back pay will be; as well as whether the company
was indeed bargaining in bad faith. We have also filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and are awaiting their official decision.
Meanwhile, the company refuses to hire any new employees—not even under the old contract language whereby temporary or casual employees hired as relief workers get first hire, with all wage
rates and benefits of current employees, should permanent positions come available. Instead, in an
attempt to wait out the final government decision regarding the lockout, Kellogg is working returning
locked-out employees 12-16 hour days, seven days per week. Many workers interpret this as a form
of retaliation—a direct violation of the 10J Injunction issued by the court which prohibited retaliation
against returning workers. The workers believe that Kellogg hopes they will give in and get tired—
and finally agree to the illegal proposal to hire new employees with less pay and no benefits. However, BCTGM Local 252g employees continue to stand strong. They say that “although we are no longer
locked out, we seem to be locked in. So the only thing we all can do right now is organize and continue to do what we do best, make good and safe food right here in Memphis!”
Recently, the company filed a motion to get the Judge to overturn the 10J Injunction. Kellogg’s motion was denied—further strengthening Local 252g’s position that it was wrong to lock us out in the
first place.
We only live once. Why should we settle for less than what is fair?
Deadline to Apply
Gail Tyree
Ron Baker
Kevin Bradshaw
Jessica Buttermore
Bjorn Carlsson
Graphic Artist
Kevin Bradshaw
Trence Jackson
David Page
Earl Earley
Coalition for the
Organizational Protection
of People and Equal
3035 Directors Row, Bldg.
A, Suite 1330,
Memphis, TN 38131
(901) 396-1499
Find More Information at: http://tennesseepromise.gov/
Page 4
[email protected]
Opinion Editorial
Thinking and the quest for truth
By Clifford Black
In order for a person to truly experience and be cognizant of change, within one’s self, a great deal of study
has to take place. The information that has to be
studied is not going to be easy to find, and, if found,
not easy to learn. How to know what information that
is pertinent, to the quest for truth, is going to take
time to learn. Strategies and methodologies must be
learned before one can begin to recognize the how
and the why. Now, at this time, in what is known as
the Age of Aquarius or the age of intelligence, survival
cannot be accomplished using old ways of thinking
and or believing. The world, as it has been in the past,
is no longer what it was, and also, the world is not the
planet. Thinking of the world as the planet has caused
serious thinking disorders and is going to cause even
greater problems for the not yet born. And if, past
thinking patterns are inserted into future generations
then past problems are going to get worse. If the
price of existence in the world has changed then the
way a person thinks is also going to have to change.
The old er patterns of thinking that have been handed
down by the public school systems, by closed minded
parents, by misinformed clergy and so-called teachers of text book information is at this moment creating an atmosphere of all engulfing fear. Fear, especially when it is unrealized, is the emotion that begets
worry, unhappiness, frustration, anxiousness, greed,
envy, and will not allow the least bit of harmony. Harmony is a key factor in the equation if individuals are
going to be able to create a future community. Only the
coming together of intelligent individuals will provide
them the power to create the secure environment that
they will need in order to survive.
Do not let those who oppose you also divide you.
By Ron Baker
How do so few amass so much power over so many?
How is it that here in Memphis, we end up with people
in government who cater to the wealthiest in our community—corporate leaders—and repeatedly, both government officials and business leaders, get away with it?
Their numbers are fractional compared to those of us
who daily try to make ends meet by working two jobs,
those who live in our poorest neighborhoods, and those
elderly citizens barely surviving on fixed incomes. It is
not because they possess so much wealth that they
amass power over so many. It is because we allow them
to divide us. We fight over the crumbs rather than
fighting for equity - a share in the wealth we have all
created together.
When public employees are having their healthcare and
pensions stripped because Memphis government has
given millions to the wealthiest among us, we blame
each other. Some say—”government employees don’t
deserve it anyway, I don’t have it, so why should they”.
Others say—”why should I care, it’s not my healthcare or
pension”. Still others reply—”I work for $7.25 per hour
and have to work two jobs just to make ends meet—
they should be grateful” or “I don’t want to get involved
Page 5
because they might target me next”. Unfortunately, even those who possess good jobs turn a blind
eye; lending little, if any, support; yet expecting
everyone to rally to their aide once challenges
arise for them. Unfortunately, not one of these
approaches helps. Rather, they divert attention
from the real source of our revenue shortfalls—
uncollected corporate tax monies. This unregulated tax holiday for corporations is not new in Memphis, but it must stop; otherwise no one will be
spared the economic failure that will result. Instead, we the citizens of Memphis must wake up
and come together with a common goal of demanding transparency, oversight, and accountability in this uncontrolled give-away of revenue
through corporate subsidy. We must demand equitable return of investment to the tax base of the
city. Otherwise, all working families in Memphis
will risk losing our future.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did
not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionist, and
I did not speak out—because I was not a
Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not
speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no
one left to speak for me.
Famous quote of Martin Niemoller, a prominent
Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime.
He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.
Haslam Breaks Word, Slashes Millions in
Earned Higher Education Funding
By Tom Smith,
UCW-CWA, Tennessee’s higher education union
This year, the University of Memphis earned
$2.8 million in additional funding under the
“outcomes based” formula, but was only
issued $340,000, $2.5 million short of the
actual allocation. While the governor touts
this formula nationally, it hasn’t provided
anything more than IOUs to institutions
across the state.
The adoption of the 2015 Fiscal Year budget
brought several important changes for public
higher education and Tennesseans, especially
those with high school aged children.
Much has been written about the new
Tennessee Promise program, a “last dollar”
scholarship for graduating high school students
to enroll at a public Community College or the
Tennessee College of Applied Technology. The
deadline for our students to apply for this
program is November 1, 2014 for Fall 2015.
Increased state support for essential technical
and career training is welcome news, but other
aspects of Gov. Haslam’s budget are very
Despite promises to fully fund the outcomesbased Complete College Tennessee Act (CCTA)
funding formula for higher education, tens-ofmillions owed to schools like University of
Memphis, SWTCC, UT, and TSU, were cut;
highlighting the ongoing crisis faced by public
higher education institutions and the growing
failures of the CCTA.
Whatever it takes to win for my family
By Larika Harris
In July, I joined 1,300 fastfood workers from all over
the country at a nationwide
convention in Chicago, where
we unanimously passed a
resolution declaring we’d do
whatever it takes to win a
$15-an-hour wage and union
On Sept. 4, we put our words
into action, as thousands of us went on strike and
more than 700 of us got arrested for acts of civil
disobedience during peaceful protests across the
country. I was one of those who refused to move
when police demanded we leave. My fellow fastfood workers and I sat in the street with a banner
reading “We Work Hard, Pay Us.”
Passed in 2010 with little public oversight or
debate, CCTA reconfigured the funding of
public higher education in Tennessee. At the
time, UCW-CWA voiced concern over the law’s
long-term impact on many of our state’s
colleges and universities and the communities
they serve. We worried that the law would
unduly benefit schools with more affluent
student bodies and warned that it could be
used by unscrupulous state officials to shirk
their funding obligations for higher education
by spending appropriations elsewhere.
Evidence mounts that this concern was well
founded. State appropriations for the higher
education institutions of West Tennessee may
never recover to pre-recession levels.
Recently, the governor’s family’s business,
Pilot-Flying J, was investigated by the FBI for
alleged cheating trucking companies out of
millions in gas rebates. As parents, taxpayers, and residents of our great state who
see the value of public higher education, it is
up to us to hold Governor Haslam accountable for his actions. We won’t accept a business model of lies, bounced checks and
IOUs; not in over the road trucking and not
on our college campuses.
Join UCW in their call to Governor Haslam
for a #PeopleFirstBudget for Tennessee.
For information about Tennessee Promise
go to: http://tennesseepromise.gov/
I am licensed as a certified nursing assistant but
it’s been difficult to find a job in that industry.
It’s not just me. Many fast-food workers have
college degrees, yet are barely making ends
meet working for companies that make billions
in profits each year. We are joining together in
every corner of this country. We’re sounding
an alarm that communities are hurt when a
company like McDonald’s pushes wages so low
that more and more working Americans can’t
afford to pay for our basic needs.
These companies deflect responsibility for a
business model that squeezes franchisees and
forces families onto public assistance, at a cost
to taxpayers of $7 billion a year. But the tide is
I didn’t move because, like the Memphis
sanitation workers in the 1960s, I too am striking
for living wages, dignity and worker rights. I can’t
wait any more for $15 and the right to form a
union because I do not get paid enough to afford
the cost of my basic needs. This month I had to
choose between paying my rent and my light bill
and I still have other expenses.
starting to turn. Not only is our movement
growing, it is starting to rack up victories.
A strike by Seattle fast-food workers
launched a successful campaign for a $15
minimum wage across their city. We know
we won’t get $15 and union rights simply
because our cause is just. We know we have
to take risks if change is going to come to
our communities.
Larika Harris is a member of the national
Show Me $15 campaign. She works at a local McDonald’s.
Coalition for Organizational Protection of People and Equal Rights
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Early Voting
Bill Haslam
Charles V. "Charlie" Brown
Constitution Party
Green Party
Shaun Crowell
Isa Infante
Steven Damon Coburn
John Jay Hooker
Daniel T. Lewis
US Senate
Lamar Alexander
Gordan Ball
Constitution Party
Green Party
Joe Wilmoth
Martin Pleasant
Independent Candidate
Tom Emerson, Jr.
Edmund L. Gauthier
Joshua James
Danny Page
Bartholomew J. Phillips
C. Salekin
Eric Schechter
Rick Tyler
is November 4. Election Day polls open 7 a.m.—7 p.m.
(Each Voter votes in only one House District)
83rd Representative District
Mark White
84th Representative District
What is on the Ballot?
This is a Federal and State General election. On the November 4th ballot, federal and state races will be followed by
Municipal Elections in Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland, Memphis, and Millington
Joe Towns, Jr.
85th Representative District
Johnnie R. Turner
86th Representative District
See Satellite Voting Locations on page 11.
TN Senate
(Each Voter votes in only one Senatorial District)
29th Senatorial District
James R. "Jim" Finney
Lee Harris
30th Senatorial District
US House of Representatives
Karen Camper
88th Representative District
Harry Barber
James Hart
Sara Kyle
David W. Vinciarelli
31st Senatorial District
Brian Kelsey
33rd Senatorial District
9th Congressional District
Charlotte Bergmann
Steve Cohen
Floyd Wayne Alberson
Herbert Bass
Paul Cook
Reginald Tate
George T. Edwards, III
Barbara Cooper
87th Representative District
Larry J. Miller
90th Representative District
George Shea Flinn
(Each Voter votes in only one Congressional District)
8th Congressional District
Stephen Lee Fincher
Wes Bradley
Constitution Party
Mark Rawles
TN House of Representatives
Early voting begins October 15th at ALL 21 Satelite
Sites and continues through October 30th. Election Day
John J. DeBerry, Jr.
91st Representative District
Samuel A. Arthur Watkins
Raumesh A. Akbari
93rd Representative District
Colonel G. Billingsley
G.A. Hardaway, Sr.
95th Representative District
Curry Todd
96th Representative District
Steve McManus
Dwayne Thompson
97th Representative District
Constitutional Amendment 1
Shall Article I, of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated section:
Jim Coley
98th Representative District
Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion. The people
retain the right through their elected state representatives and state senators to enact, amend, or repeal statutes
regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or when
necessary to save the life of the mother.
 Yes
 No
Antonio Parkinson
99th Representative District
Ron Lollar
Constitutional Amendment 2
Shall Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the first and second sentences and by substituting instead the following:
Judges of the Supreme Court or any intermediate appellate court shall be appointed for a full term or to fill a vacancy by and at
the discretion of the governor; shall be confirmed by the Legislature; and thereafter, shall be elected in a retention election by
the qualified voters of the state. Confirmation by default occurs if the Legislature fails to reject an appointee within sixty calendar days of either the date of appointment, if made during the annual legislative session, or the convening date of the next annual legislative session, if made out of session. The Legislature is authorized to prescribe such provisions as may be necessary to
carry out Sections two and three of this article.
 Yes
 No
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General Election
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Early Voting Starts
October 15th-30th
Your VOTE Is Your VOICE !
Constitutional Amendment 3
Shall Article II, Section 28 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the final substantive paragraph within the section:
Notwithstanding the authority to tax privileges or any other authority set forth in this Constitution, the Legislature shall not levy, authorize or otherwise permit any state or
local tax upon payroll or earned personal income or any state or local tax measured by payroll or earned personal income; however, nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting any tax in effect on January 1, 2011, or adjustment of the rate of such tax.
 Yes
 No
Constitutional Amendment 4
Shall Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the following language:
All other forms of lottery not authorized herein are expressly prohibited unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to each house of the general assembly for an annual event operated for the benefit of a 501(c)(3) organization located in this state, as defined by the 2000 United States Tax Code or as may be amended from
time to time.
And by substituting instead the following language:
All other forms of lottery not authorized herein are expressly prohibited unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to each house of the general assembly for an annual event operated for the benefit of a 501(c)(3) or a 501(c)(19) organization, as defined by the 2000 United States Tax Code, located in this state.
 Yes
 No
Wine At Retail Food Stores In Bartlett
Wine at retail food stores:
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in town of Arlington
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in town of
Bartlett Mayor
Bartlett Alderman – Position 1
Bartlett School Board – Position 2
Mayor of Germantown
Maureen Fraser
George Brogdon
Collierville Alderman—Position 2
Mike Palazzolo
Billy Patton
Germantown Alderman—Position 1
John E. Stamps, III
Collierville Alderman—Position 4
John M. Barzizza
Tom Allen
Germantown Alderman—Position 2
Mary Anne Gibson
Collierville School Board—Position 4
Mick Wright
Bartlett Alderman – Position 3
David Parsons
Collierville Alderman—Position 1
Wanda Chism
W. C. “Bubba” Pleasant
Emily Elliott
Greg Cotton
Collierville School Board—Position 2
A. Keith McDonald
Bartlett Alderman – Position 2
Consumption on the premises:
 For legal sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on
the premises in City of Lakeland
 Against legal sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises in City of Lakeland
Mark C. Dely
Wine At Retail Food Stores In Town of Collierville
Wine at retail food stores:
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in Town of
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in
town of Collierville
Germantown School Board– Position 4
Bryan Woodruff
Consumption on the Premises in City of Lakeland
Germantown School Board—Position 2
Gary N. Tigert
Bartlett School Board – Position 4
Wine at retail food stores:
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City of Bartlett.
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City of
Mary Chick Hill
Cathy Messerly
Erin Elliott Berry
Wine At Retail Food Stores In Bartlett
Greg Marcom
Lisa L. Parker
Wine At Retail Food Stores In City of Germantown
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City of
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City
of Germantown
Wine At Retail Food Stores In Bartlett
Wine at retail food stores:
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City of
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in City
of Memphis
Improve effectiveness of Civil Service hearings
Shall the Home Rule Charter of the City of Memphis,
Tennessee be amended to update the Charter provisions relating to the Civil Service Commission to: 1)
increase the number of Civil Service Commission
members 2) make administrative updates to civil service hearing process and procedures and 3) Allow the
Director of Personnel to consider performance as a
measure for personnel evaluations?
 Yes
 No
Page 9
Millington School Board—Position 2
Cecilia “C.J.” Haley
Millington School Board—Position 4
Cody Childress
Emile G. Sigee
Millington School Board—Position 6
Larry C. Jackson
Wine At Retail Food Stores In Town of Collierville
Wine at retail food stores:
 For legal sale of wine at retail food stores in city of
 Against legal sale of wine at retail food stores in city
of Millington
To vote in Shelby County, YOU must:
 Be at least 18 years of age on Election Day.
 Be registered at least 30 days before Election Day.
 Be a U.S. Citizen
 Live in the Shelby County precinct where you are registered.
 Have a photo ID issued by a federal or state government
 Provide your full Social Security Number
 Have your voting rights restored by a judge if you are a convicted felon. The District Attorney General’s Office or an attorney may be able to help you.
 Vote in person, if it is your first time.
Absentee Ballots: Call the Shelby County Election Commission at (901) 222-1200 or visit the website at shelbyvote.com to request or print an absentee ballot request form. Applications are accepted beginning 90 days until 7 days before the election.
Provisional Ballots: If your name cannot be found on the list of registered voters, but you believe you are qualified and a registered voter, YOU can vote provisionally on paper. Your ballot is deposit in the precinct box. The Shelby County Election Commission will confirm within a 48-hour period whether or not you are a registered voter. If registration is confirmed within that 48 hours, your ballot is counted. You will be sent notification regarding the status of your ballot, whether it was
counted and the reason given if not counted.
Disability: You must request and sign an affidavit if you are physically or mentally disabled and need someone to assist you when you vote. If necessary, you may
ask to be moved to the front of the line.
Early Voting: you may vote at ANY EARLY VOTIING LOCATION in the city or county, where applicable.
Election Day: You can only vote in your precinct.
Election Day Voting Problems: Contact the Election Commission immediately if you experience problems at the polls (901) 222-1200.
Source : Shelby County Election Commission Website—shelbyvote.com.
Downtown Early Voting Location:
Shelby County Office Building, 157 Poplar Ave. 38103
Weekdays 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM  Saturdays 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Early Voting Satellite Locations
To Be Determined for Each Election by Election Commission Board
Weekdays 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM  Saturdays 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Agri-Center International
7777 Walnut Grove Rd. 38120
Collierville Church of Christ
575 Shelton Dr. 38017
Anointed Temple of Praise
3939 Riverdale Rd. 38141
Dave Wells Community Center
915 Chelsea Ave. 38107
Baker Community Center
7942 Church Rd. 38053
Glenview Community Center
1141 S. Barksdale St. 38114
Bellevue Baptist Church
2000 Appling Rd. 38016
Greater Lewis Street Baptist Church
152 E. Parkway N., 38104
Berclair Church of Christ
4536 Summer Ave. 38122
Greater Middle Baptist Church
4982 Knight Arnold Rd. 38118
Bethel Church
5586 Stage Rd. 38134
Mississippi Blvd. Church-Family Life Center
70 N. Bellevue Blvd. 38106
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
60 S. Parkway E., 38106
New Bethel Baptist Church
7786 Poplar Pike 38138
Raleigh U.M. Church
3295 Powers Rd. 38128
Refuge Church
9817 Huff N Puff Rd., 38002
Riverside Baptist Church
3560 S. Third St. 38109
Shiloh Baptist Church
3121 Range Line Rd. 38127
White Station Church of Christ
1106 Colonial Rd. 38117
Abundant Grace Church
1574 Shelby Dr. 38116
Coalition for Organizational Protection of People and Equal Rights
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School Board
Then West along Winchester to Perkins and
American Way; and continuting West along the
Expressway back to Airways.
Then South to Fox Meadows;
The boundaries of my school board district generally
follows these streets:
From Airways & Southern, generally East on
Park Ave all the way to Germantown city limits;
Are you in School District 9?
[email protected]
[email protected]
Call Me: 454-1113
Now, let’s work together to make our schools better!
Feel free to contact me for any school related questions:
Thank you for electing me!
Copper half page ad copy.pdf 1 10/5/2014 10:14:31 PM
Community Announcements
Put the People First Campaign
Monthly Planning Meeting
NAACP Save the Date:
First Tuesday of every month, 6 PM
March for the Expansion of
First Congo Conference Center, 1000 S. Cooper, 38104
Please contact
[email protected]
For more information please contact
[email protected] or 615-592-0771.
October 20th, 12 noon
Tennessee NAACP
Tennessee Parent Coalition
Coalition for Organizational Protection
of People and Equal Rights
October is National Disability
Community Announcements
Employment Awareness Month
Contact : www.coppercoalition.org
Monthly Meeting—
The [email protected]
Monday, October 13, 2012 5:45-7:15pm
Triumph Bank, 5699 Poplar Ave.
Memphis, TN
Presentation titled
“People with Disabilities”
Walker Homes West Junction
Neighborhood Association Meeting
Mitchell Community Center
Monday, October 27th
6:00PM – 7PM
Meets 4th Monday of every month
Same Time, Same Place
Women's Worker Collective
Cooper Young Farmers Market
Every Saturday, corner of Cooper St. and Walker Ave., 38104
For more information contact WIN 901-332-3570
Page 15
AFL-CIO BCTGM (Bakers, Confectionist, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers
International Union), Recognition, International Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tennessee Education Association, (TEA), Statewide Recognition for Most Supportive
Legislator of Education
The New Tri-State Defender, Woman of Excellence
MAAG (Memphis Area Association Governments), Legislator of the Year
Recognized For Being A Servant To District 86 And Beyond
ISSUES/CONFERENCES / WORKSHOPS: Jobs, Healthcare Expansion, Housing,
Voter Registration/ Education, Cooper/ Jones(C/J), Kansas Community Parade, Political
Forums, TO Fullerfest, Labor Union Festival, Labor Day Feast for the Homeless
Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Barbara Cooper, State Representative, District 86, Yvonne Acey, Treasurer
District 86 Voting Locations: 01-00-I Greenlaw Community Center • 02-00-I Progressive MB Church • 12-00-I Memphis Health
Careers Academy • 22-00 Bickford • Community Center • 26-00-I Union Valley Baptist Church • 31-02-IS Rozelle Elem School
• 31-04-I Glenview Community Center • 34-02 Christ Missionary Baptist Church • 48-00 Hamilton Elem School (Activity
Center) • 49-00-I Pine Hill Community Center • 50-01 Riverview Community Center • 50-02 Mt. Zion Baptist Church • 69-01I Westside Middle School • 69-02-I Word of Life SDA Church • 70-01-I Frayser High School (Auditorium) • 70-02-I Ed Rice
Community Center • 70-03-I Whitney Elementary School • 71-04-I Corning Elem School • 75-01-I Mitchell Road Community
Center • 75-07-IS Ford Road Elem School • 75-11-IS Geeter Middle School • 82-01-I Mt Pisgah Baptist Church • 82-02-I Lake
Shores Community Church • 82-03-I Double Tree Elementary School • LUC-01 St. Anne’s Episcopal Church • LUC-03 Lucy
Elementary School • MCC-00 Northaven Elementary School • MIL-01 Baker Community Center • MIL-02 Millington Civic Center
Tennessee Promise is for you!
State Legislators Promise FREE 2 Year
Scholarships to 2015 Graduates and Beyond
Vote For A Candidate For Governor
For Your Vote To Count
except the education lottery.
Vote NO to: 4) No raffles, gaming, lottery, gambling of any kind
revenue (payroll, income) to operate the City/County
Vote NO to: 3)NEVER have alternative methods to generate tax
judicial system)
Vote NO to: 2)Allow the Governor to appoint, all judges (Control
Vote NO to: 1) Eliminate a family’s / woman’s Right to Choose
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
[email protected] • (615) 741-4295
CHURCH: St. Augustine Catholic Church, Social Action Committee
FAMILY: Widower, Carl, Joan Burnett, Tanya
Special Legislation: Tennessee Promise Zone Act, West Tennessee Veterans Home
Resolution and Appropriation
Commission, MAAG, COPPER, Kellogg “Lockedout” Workers, NAACP, SCLC, National
Council Negro Women, ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority Nat’l Jobs Movement, Friends
of TO Fuller State Park, Stax Tour and Neighborhood Assoc. Visits (Millington, Walker
Homes/West Junction, Downtown Neighborhood Assoc., TENNESSEE Community
Education Assoc. President, Tennessee Black Caucus, Chair, Shelby County Democratic
Caucus Chair
EXPERIENCE: K-12 Teacher, Community Relations Specialist, GED, MCS; State
Representative, Committees: Finance, Transportation; Chair: Tennessee Black Caucus,
Shelby County Democratic Caucus; Vice Chair and Secretary: Government Operations
Committee, (Gov Op) Chair, Education Sub-Committee, Gov Op
EDUCATION: Manassas HS/TSU Graduate, BS, Master of Education; Doctorate of
Religious Philosophy and Christian Psychology
Re-Elect Barbara Cooper
November 4, 2014