DIANA HUNTER Now available as an App for iPhone and iPad from the iTunes Store to try at home. Also available as a two-day practical course with Diana to help your family and friends at home. Visit the Ostealign Group on Facebook or contact the clinic for more information. Please bring any x-rays, CAT scans or other radiology, so that your therapist can get an accurate picture of your personal problems. And bring some old shoes in case they are needed to diagnose misalignments, from their uneven wear patterns. There is no such thing as ‘poor posture’, only skeletal misalignment, so you will walk straight and tall after treatment. It may take several treatments to resolve your problems, particularly if they are chronic, and you have been in trouble for a long time. More than 90% of patients respond positively to N-ervation. You will know how well it will work for you, in the first couple of treatments. You have nothing to lose but a life of pain and debility. FOR A CONSULTATION PH (08) 8381 6582 DIANA HUNTER 15 MADIGAN CRES WOODCROFT 5162 SOUTH AUSTRALIA [email protected] Meet us on Facebook Visit the Ostealign Group to keep up with the latest news on training and events. OSTEALIGN CONSULTANT An exciting new way to permanently relieve back and neck pain without force or manipulation. Over 30 years of research and development brings this to you. Visit the world’s best and most knowledgable and experienced clinician with this brilliant technique. Ostealign the light touch, the right touch. Formerly known as Neuroskeletal Dynamics or NeuroKinetics (an unfortunate generic term), Diana’s technique is now going out to the world as Ostealign. Ostealign is a small part of NARESS (Neurological and Anatomical Response to External Skin Stimulation), which is purely a form of neurophysiology. Further parts of NARESS will be released as e-books/application in the coming years to make this technology available to all. Ostealign has had success with:Back Pain Arthritis Sciatica Scoliosis PERFECT BALANCE When the skeleton is in perfect balance, it operates without stress. Although we are a purely skeletal modality, you may experience relief from other problems -but only if they were caused by nerve entrapment. In most cases, ‘maintenance’ is not required. You will know when you need to come and see me again. Whiplash Joint Injuries Intervertebral Disc Damage Osteoporosis Sports Injuries for Australian of the Year several times. Ostealign is non-invasive non-manipulative painless permanent no fish slapping no crystal waving no chanting no ‘energy channelling’ no ‘guns’ or mechanical devices nothing mysterious Accident Trauma Spinal Cord Injuries Degeneration Sprains and Strains Knee and ankle pain This brochure Copyright © Diana Hunter 2014 Diana Hunter has been nominated RSI In fact, none of that “HOO-HA” at all. Just a ‘hands-on’ technique that is pure, simple neurophysiology, touching nerve endings (reactors) on the surface of the skin, and the body restores itself to optimum alignment. And then a warm bath, or hot shower afterwards - to avoid too much muscle stiffness the next day.
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