OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA SCHOOL ~ NEWSLETTER 7th November 2014 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. In November, it is the Holy Souls. Praying for the dead, especially for those we have known, is a requirement of Christian charity. Our own prayers and sacrifices can be offered up. Eternal Rest Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Dear Parents, Students, Parishioners and Friends Learning - is what we do. We are committed to learning at every level. PRE KINDY 2015 Pre-Kindy is an educationally play-based programme for 3 year old children and provides children with meaningful experiences to promote the development of spiritual, social, emotional, language, intellectual, creative and physical skills. The teachers create a caring, safe and stimulating environment that nurture our younger children’s disposition to wonder, explore and construct meaning about the world. Our Pre-Kindy programme will operate on Wednesdays in 2015. If you have any further queries regarding the programme or would like to enrol next year or for future years please contact the school office. IMPORTANCE OF BREAKFAST (taken from website, ‘Healthy Kids – eat well, get active’) It’s the most important meal of the day, but one in four children in Australia skips breakfast. At school, a hungry child can lose concentration in class, have no energy for playtime and snack on unhealthy foods, such as chips or biscuits. A calm and healthy breakfast every day is the best defence against this happening. It also helps children to get into good habits that they can carry through life. For more breakfast ideas from the Healthy Kids website, see link; http://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/parents-carers/healthy-eating-anddrinking/importance-of- breakfast.aspx Engagement - is essential. We are committed to Catholic Education’s mission through positive relationships with all. ACHIEVEMENTS Recently we have had some very significant accolades come our way. Our school Chess th Club won gold at the Interschool tournament on Tuesday, 28 October. Throughout the Goldfields, the excellent work we are undertaking in ICT and that of Miss Phoebe has been recognised and she has been asked to mentor two other schools’ staff as they aim to improve their own digital capabilities. Other public acknowledgements have come to our school choir and band performances, Health Program and NAPLAN results. TERM 4 th Tuesday, 11 November Remembrance Day st Friday, 21 November Clontarf Basketball (yr7 boys) EPS Basketball (yr7 girls) Friday, 28th November EACS Transition Day ESH Transition Day Squash Tournament TBC Sunday, 30th November First Sunday in Advent Tuesday, 2nd December AGM (Hall 5:30pm) Sunday, 7th December Second Sunday in Advent Monday, 8th December Christmas Concert (Hall 6:00pm) Tuesday, 9th December Year 6 Graduation (Hall 6:30pm) Wednesday, 10th December Year 7 Graduation (Hall 6:30pm) Friday, 12th December Students Last Day Sunday, 14th December Third Sunday in Advent UNIFORM SHOP Open – Thursdays 8.30am-9:00am 2.30pm-3.30pm I was also very humbled by the number of families who when asked “why they were enrolling their children in our 3 Year Old and 4 Year Old Kindy programmes” said it was because of our school’s excellent reputation. It is important to acknowledge the great work being achieved here at Our Lady Star of the Sea, especially when accolades come from outside the school. I thank all our students, staff and community members for your continued support. Next Board Meeting Monday, 24/11/14 5:15 - 7:00pm Staff Room Accountability - is not optional. We have personal and collective responsibility for our systems’ success. Parents & Friends Association ICT Technology at Our Lady Star of the Sea endeavours to provide all staff and students with the skills, tools and a mindset to achieve success in a rapidly changing technological and information rich world. We aim to develop our staff, students and parents into responsible digital citizens who are able to interact collaboratively as members of the connected global community. By integrating information and communication technologies into all areas of the Australian Curriculum we aim to provide powerful and effective tools to engage students, empower teachers and involve parents in developing lifelong learners. Next Meeting Monday, 24/11/14 7:00 - 8:30pm School Library Page 1 of 6 ICT - continued The world we live in is not the same as it was 15, 10, 5, even 1 year ago. This is a fact. The digital world in which we live is changing the way children think. Children’s brains are being altered by the audio-visual and interactive experiences provided by the digital tools they are exposed to from birth. Our children are neurologically wired differently than our generation (Small and Vorgon, 2008). Their cognitive structures process information in a parallel or simultaneous manner, not sequentially like ours. This has been confirmed by research. It is our job as educators to prepare in the world they live in. We began to research and investigate the benefits of iPads as our technology of choice several years ago. This research has involved references to national and international studies, visits to other schools that have been successful in implementing iPad programs, and access to and guidance from ICT Learning Technologies consultants at the Catholic Education Office. In 2013 we increased our school’s number of iPads for students to access and during 2014 we committed to a Bring Your Own Devise (BYOD) programme to roll out in 2015. We have also provided effective teacher up-skilling for the technology being used. It is important to note that technology use in the classroom is neither a substitute, nor a replacement. It is a tool that can be used which allows for learning outcomes to be achieved in ways not previously possible. Discipleship - is our calling. We are committed to deepening our relationship with Jesus. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME Congratulations to all the children who participated in the ‘Reconciliation Sacramental Programme’. Reconciliation is a wonderful Sacrament that helps us all keep a loving and tender relationship with God. All of our Sacramental Programmes for 2014 are now complete. Thank you to Father Marian, Sister Angela and all school staff and parishioners for their support of our children. WORLD TEACHERS DAY On Friday, 31st October we celebrated ‘World Teachers Day’ recognising the important role of our teachers. In our Mandate, the Bishops of WA ascribe special responsibilities to those who work in Catholic schools to “appreciate the Catholic Vision of the human person and to integrate Faith, culture and life in all they do”. Pope Francis sums up the role; “Do not be disheartened in the face of the difficulties that the education challenge presents. Educating is not a profession but an attitude, a way of being; in order to educate it is necessary to step out of ourselves and be among young people, to accompany them in the stages of their growth and to set ourselves beside them. Give them hope and optimism for their journey in the world. Teach them to see the beauty and goodness of creation and of man who always retains the Creator’s hallmark. But above all with your life be witnesses of what you communicate. Educators pass on knowledge and values with their words, but their words will have an incisive effect on children and young people if they are accompanied by their witness, their consistent way of life. Without consistency, it is impossible to educate! You are all educators, there are no delegates in this field”. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Remembrance Day Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (19141918). Each year Australians observe one minute th silence at 11:00am on 11 November, in memory for those who died or suffered in all wards and armed conflicts. Our Year One students will lead a Remembrance Day th service in the school hall on Tuesday, 11 November, commencing at 11:15am. You are welcome to attend this event as we take time to stop and reflect. NQS Our Early Childhood Staff continues their good work reflecting and documenting evidence in relation to the National Quality Standards. This fortnight, staff are investigating Element 1.2.1 – Each child’s learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of planning, documentation and evaluation. You would see this in your child’s classroom when staff observe and record children’s learning and behaviour to inform their educational planning. Anecdotal records or a running record of a child’s reading would be examples of staff’s current good practice that drives their future planning. Peter O’Mara Assistant Principal I wish to add my personal thank you to all the wonderful staff at Our Lady Star of the Sea. They are exceptional educators, masters of their craft, reflective in all they do, enthusiastic and always striving for excellence in them and for their students. “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day.” Jesus Christ God Bless Sheldon Carey Principal S C H O O L N O T I C E S PASTORAL CARE Please keep in your prayers all those in our school community who may be suffering from ongoing illnesses or who are currently unwell. Sheldon Carey Principal AGM Parents and friends of OLSOTS are asked to show support and appreciation with attendance at our school AGM on Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 at 5:30pm – School Hall. Page 2 of 6 2015 School Year If you know that your child/children will not be attending Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School in 2015, please complete this form and return to the school office ASAP. Child’s name: ___________________________ Class 2014: ____________________________ Child’s name: ___________________________ ACTIVE AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS It is with regret that Our Lady Star of the Sea will be unable to provide AASS in the first semester of 2015 due to funding cuts made by the st Australian Government from 31 December 2014. The Australian Sports Commission plans to reinvigorate the program ‘Sporting Schools’ and will be take grant applications in May 2015. It is with hope OLSOTS may be able to re-offer AASS in the second Semester of 2015. Class 2014: ______________________________ Name of destination school: ________________ _____________________________________Or unknown at this stage (circle) Parent/Guardian:_________________________ Signed: _______________________________ Dated:_________________________________ IT Open Afternoon On Thursday the 23rd of October, several students from Years 5, 6 and 7 hosted an IT Open Afternoon. Parents of the current Year 3 and 4 students were invited along to see how the students have been using iPads in the classrooms, as their children will be in the 1:1 iPad classes next year. Various Apps and features of the iPads were showcased such as; Pic Collage, Aurasma, iMovie, Green Screen by Doo Ink and Audio Boom. Using Apple TV, airplay and airdrop, QR Codes, class blogs and the importance of digital citizenship were also featured. The students did a wonderful job at explaining their learning and explaining through demonstration, why/how they think the iPad is a beneficial tool in the class. A big thank you to the students who presented and the parents who attended! UNIFORM SHOP Overstocked Uniform Sale Long Grey Winter Trousers – normally $28 - now $14 School Sports Jumper with logo on the front - now $5.00 Winter Zip-up Jacket – normally $30 - now $15 Sport Track pants – normally $30 - now $15 Sport Polo Shirts – normally $25 - now $15 Sport Shorts – normally $14 - now $10 Sports Socks – normally $7 - now $5 Large School bags – normally $50 - now $25 For more information please visit the Australian Sports Commission website on www.ausport.gov.au LOST/FOUND Found 1 x silver round bezel set cubic zirconia earring; in the lower primary wet area. Found 1 x red Nintendo 3DS with adaptor; in the planter box near school entrance. Lost 1 x silver belcher ring bracelet, filigree heart padlock and with pink ballet slippers charm (green turtle charm found separately). Please see Anita or Natalie in the Administration Office to claim your lost item(s) or hand in any found items. Congratulations to the following MERIT AWARD winners Kindy : Abella Gorail, Mali Mellors & Annabelle Reid Pre Primary : Ty McPherson Year 1 : Hudson Gairen, Nelson Gerschwitz, Sean Kirwan & Eden McPherson Year 2 : Lenox Lister & Jarrod Williams Year 3 : Talon Bannear & Ivy Martin Year 4 : Jordan Cole Year 5 : Jack Doyle, Tagen Jones & Klay Mastaglia Year 6 : Hayden Mortimer, Fraser Randall & Madeline Wilson Year 7 : Georgia Bairstow, Cooper Kennedy, Lachlan Newman & Holly Panizza, I M P O R T A N T R E M I N D E R S SCHOOL DAY School begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3pm Classrooms are open at 8.30am Duty of Care begins at 8.30am and finishes at 3.10pm Page 3 of 6 I M P O R T A N T R E M I N D E R S SCHOOL PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AFTER HOURS The school is considered private property and as the Principal of the school, Mr Sheldon Carey, is responsible for the welfare of any person on school premises. Under our public liability insurance, there is a duty of care to provide a safe environment. If the school foresees possible problems, or potential claims, it is a condition under our Public liability policy to take “reasonable care and precautions to prevent personal injury and/or property damage” If this reasoning is applied to the use of our playground equipment outside school hours, there is a cause for concern. No child is allowed to play on school playground equipment outside school hours, even if parents or guardians are present. A C T I V I T I E S / P R O M O S WORKING out difficult words It is important to give your child time and strategies to read or write any long or unfamiliar words. Before telling your child the word when he or she is reading, try these prompts: • • • • • • • Look for clues for the word’s meaning in the sentence. Look at the word closely. Does it look like another word you know? Can you break the word down into smaller parts? Do the words before and after this word help? Before spelling a word for your child when he or she is writing, try asking: Does it look right? Does it sound right? Most of our school rules are in fact devised to ensure the safety of your children. So I implore you all to please make certain you follow these rules to help ensure your children are safe. The school takes reasonable care and precautions but we need full parental support. So do not let your children play on the equipment before or after school as staff is not on duty to supervise. CANTEEN ROSTER Term 4 2014 Week WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 5 12/11/2014 13/11/2014 Monique Knox 14/11/2014 Carol Martin 6 19/11/2014 Lillian Allison 20/11/2014 Fiona Shillington 21/11/2014 Clare Bairstow 7 26/11/2014 Natalie Kayser 27/11/2014 Anne Dwyer 28/11/2014 8 3/12/2014 Mick Martin 4/12/2014 Jo Staines 5/12/2014 Linda Tobin 9 10/12/2014 Matt Shillington 11/12/2014 Ainslie Wildberger 12/12/2014 Jennene Riggs 10 17/12/2014 Student Free Day 18/12/2014 Student Free Day 19/12/2014 Student Free Day Could all canteen helpers please ensure that you are available for the day you are rostered. You will need to present to the canteen by 9:00am to help with the food preparation. If you need to change your day please contact the School Office on 9071 5195 or arrange with another person to swap with you, then advise of the amendments. If you would like to be included in the Canteen Roster please contact the School Office and advise which days are best suited. Thank you Nola Nicoll, Canteen Manager P A R I S H N O T I C E S Parish Council AGM Wednesday, 3rd December at 7:00pm In the Church Overflow Christmas Luncheon Sunday, 7th December (after 9:00am mass) In the Parish Hall Page 4 of 6 NOTICES FOR LOCAL SERVICES CANNERY What’s happening at the Cannery… Esperance Patchwork Exhibition, 3rd October - 14th November ANZAC Centenary Exhibition, 20th November - 7th November The Cannery Biennale 9 x 5. Exhibition and Auction Open Day at The Cannery: Saturday 22nd November. For further information contact Karen on phone (08) 9071 3599 or email [email protected] VOLLEYBALL In the lead up to summer season Esperance Volleyball Association will be running free skill development clinics aimed at engaging new participants in their sports. All sessions are inclusive, with people of all abilities and backgrounds being encouraged to attend. These clinics are a great way to learn more about the sport in a fun and safe environment, ahead of summer seasons commencing in fourth term. Poster attached with further information. To register email [email protected]. ESPERANCE TENNIS CLUB th Junior pennants Spring 2014 (4 term) on Saturday mornings. Age 8+ The club will be open to new players, grading and taking registrations on Saturday the 25th October 2014. To register your name for pennants please contact the Junior Pennant Coordinator Dave Greatrex on Mobile:0418 838 379 via text or email: [email protected] to secure your place. Have A Go: For new players, come and see our club and facilities and try your hand at tennis. Rackets & balls will be provided. Discuss the options with our friendly volunteers. ESPERANCE JUNIOR CRICKET Registrations are still open!!! Go to playcricket.com.au and type in your postcode and follow the links to register your child this coming season. Esperance Junior Cricket has in2cricket(5-7year olds) T20 Blast (8-10 year olds) U13 & U16 grades so plenty of options for both boys and girls this season. Contact: Jo Harris 0417 911 058 email: [email protected] or the following program co-ordinators James Ramsell in2cricket 0427 553 988 Shane Tobin T20 Blast: 0418 557 397 Trevor Ayres U13’s: 0431 944 079 Gavin Harris U16’s: 0428 933 513 WOMENS SOCCER th Women's Soccer Competition – Free Come and Try / Have a Go Day. 14 + welcome and no experience necessary. Just good fun for the girls. Sunday 9 November at 4.00pm - Little Lords Soccer Field. Contact Stacey Thomas on 0422 152 452 or Carole Pearson on 0405 714 881 or find us on facebook at Esperance Senior Soccer or the Community page. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY There is now less than a month until International Day of People with Disability but you still have time to register an rd event. Events can be registered right up to 3 December but if you want our free promotional products, make sure you have signed up before 18 November. The process is easy: simply head to http://www.idpwd.com.au/3december/event-registration/ fill out the form and you’re done. Stuck for ideas on what sort of event you want to hold? The IDPwD team have you sorted - head to http://www.idpwd.com.au/3-december/planning-your-event/ for event ideas, promotion and much more. SCHOOLKIDS BONUS Centrelink is able to provide financial assistance towards education costs to eligible families. Important Update Legislation has passed to phase out Schoolkids Bonus payments. The Schoolkids Bonus will continue until the end of 2016. This will allow families time to adjust to the change. The last instalment will be paid in July 2016. The legislative change introduces an income test starting on 1 January 2015. Eligibility basics • a parent or carer receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A for a dependent child in primary or secondary education • a primary or secondary student turning 19 years or younger in the calendar year, who receives certain government payments • satisfy an income test (applicable from 1 January 2015) Payment rates for the Schoolkids Bonus From 1 January 2015, eligible families will receive Schoolkids Bonus in: • 2 instalments of $211 for each child in primary school - a total of $422 each year • 2 instalments of $421 for each child in secondary school - a total of $842 each year If you share the care of your child with another person, you will receive a percentage of this payment based on the percentage of Family Tax Benefit you receive for the child. This information is intended only as a guide. For further information, eligibility criteria and application details contact the Department of Human Services on 136 150 or visit http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/services/schoolkids-bonus Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6
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