St. Anthony’s School Newsletter “Lighting Pathways for life….” 6th November 2014 Principal: Paul Ryan Priest Director: Fr Hal Ranger 9 Memory Street Toowoomba Qld 4350 Phone: 4635 6200 Fax: 4635 0950 Email: [email protected] Website: Student Protection Contacts: Vicki Keith & Emma Gavin WHS: Korine Lewis Hello Everyone, Well its here. Our biggest fundraiser of the year. This Saturday marks the date set for our Christmas celebration. An unbelievable amount of effort goes into this event. We recognise Michelle Leaman, our fearless P&F leader, as the coordinator for this year’s event. Michelle would be quick to tell you that she has had an enormous response from people right across our school to help, but of course she is seeking more help from YOU!. We not only need for you to attend and bring family, extended family and friends , but we also need you to assist at the event. It might be for half an hour in a stall or it might be the biggest job of all-clean up, either way we need your help. I write to you specifically for this help. Please respond in kind to our plea for assistance to make this event our most successful. After all, its about raising money to be spent on each child at our magnificent school. It gives us great pleasure to inform you all that we have made a recent purchase of 30 laptops to replace the current laptops as part of the mobile class set. The current laptops will now go to the library and be utilised there and be loaned out to the rest of the school. This purchase has been made possible through our IT Levy. We also inform you that an additional 30 laptops will be purchased at the beginning of next year. This will ensure we keep abreast of replacing old machines. As you all know this is important. We must remain vigilant in our efforts in purchasing IT equipment and rolling them in and then out over a 3-4 year period depending on the device. Additionally, our teaching staff are provided with their own classroom PC. This roll-over of computers is made possible through the office. The current classroom teacher's PCs will then be utilised by students across the school. You see, its not only important to pay your fees, its important to pay them in a timely fashion so that these purchases can be made earlier in the academic year. This ensures that your child receives maximum exposure to this equipment. You may be aware that we are currently seeking a teacher for 4 days for 2015. This teacher will be job sharing with Mrs AnneMaree d’Abadie in Prep for one day and 3 days sharing with Miss Jo Keleher. This means that the successful applicant will be required to work collaboratively with both of these teachers to ensure a smooth transition for the children in their classes. We assure you this can and will happen because of the professionalism of these teachers. APRE Reflection Mini-Vinnies Mini-Vinnies will have a special Christmas tree at the StOur St Anthony’s community has gone more than a little Christmas Anthony's Community Christmas on 8 November to help out with Crazy! The children are singing carols, parcels and baskets of the Christmas appeal. Please put your leftover coins in the bucket goodies appear in the office, clusters of Christmas Elves work away under the tree or bring some non-perishable food items to place creating things of beauty to share with others, and there are Christmas Trees made of in the basket. While Christmas is a great time for having fun, it is chocolate! We are all looking forward to the P&F’s Christmas Market Evening on also a time to think of those less fortunate. Saturday. You will find the tree at the entrance of the Assembly Hall. We know that Christmas is still over a month away – but it is good to begin to prepare for it. In a few weeks’ time the church season of Advent will begin. It would be wonder- by Mini-Vinnies and 5LL ful if in our hearts we could begin to prepare for the coming of the Christ child with the same energy and enthusiasm we have put towards preparing for the Christmas markets. John R. Brokhoff writes that “Advent is a time of quiet anticipation. If Christ is going to come again into our hearts, we must make space for him. Without this sacred space, our hearts will be so full of worldly things that there will be ‘no room in the inn’ for Christ to be born again." In many ways our lives are just as busy, as cluttered and crowded as the ancient town of Bethlehem. But the shepherds who left the hillside and the wise men who followed a star, found God present in a humble stable. Those of us who can take time, slow down, be still and be awake, have the great gift of finding the divine in the middle of everything that looks so common and ordinary. And that’s the great gift of Christmas. Students NOT Returning 2015 If for any reason your child/ren are not returning to St Anthony’s in 2015 please notify the Principal or Office staff. This will allow us to organise our classes for next year, cater for students on our waiting lists and also prevent you from being charged for 2015 Term 1 fees. Prep AD-Thank you SO much to our wonderful parents for coming to the working bee in our Prep garden on Saturday. Thanks to Dean and Oma Vicary for cleaning our eating area and pathways with an industrial high pressure cleaner; to Dan Carmody, Shane Kmita, Andrea Brown and David Donohue for tirelessly digging holes for our new plants; our wonderful groundsman, Richard; Jenny and Mary for painting; Sabrina for painting and cleaning out our chicken coop; and last but not least to the wonderful Jane Hudson for coordinating and working tirelessly to make our Prep garden such a special and beautiful place. Thank you all so much – your generosity is overwhelming! We have explained to the children that the Prep garden is a quiet place – with no running or screaming. Please encourage your child to explore and enjoy the garden quietly in the morning and in the afternoon after Prep. Also please help us to discourage younger siblings from pulling out plants and picking flowers. Thursday was our Orientation Day! Our prep children spent the morning in Year One, checking out the classrooms and play areas. Prep SB– We are busy learning about 'things that move'. Last week, on Thursday, Nadia taught us all about the heart! We learnt that the heart never stops moving and that it can beat faster and slower. We learnt that it beats quickly when we are doing exercise, like running. We also learnt that some parts of our heart has little oxygen whereas other parts has lots of oxygen. This week we practised different types of movements - we practised how to roll, slide, push, pull, and bounce. We also practised moving like different types of animals! We did some great writing on Monday. We are now writing more independently and have our own goals that will make us better writers. Melbourne Cup was an event students took part in. We all were given a horse and number, made hats, and watched the Melbourne Cup race on the big screen in the hall. The Christmas Community Event is on this Saturday the 7th of November. All Prep students are asked to sing before Mass at 4pm. Mass will be at 4:30pm. A BIG thank you to all the mums and dads who spent their Saturday working in the Prep garden. It is now a much nicer place to be in and looks wonderful!! Yr 1 EG-This week in Year 1 EG we have been spending some time outside prac- tising and reinforcing positional language. In English we have completed our information report planning with our partners and are beginning to write our individual first copies. We have started our science unit about how things change and have photographed different things around the school that we predict will change over time. St. Anthony’s Christmas Event is this Saturday and we encourage all family and friends to attend as we are looking forward to singing for everyone. This is my final week of professional experience in Year 1 EG. I have had such a wonderful time and have learnt so much from each and every student! Have a wonderful week, Emily Clark. Yr 2 JK- We’ve continued our Geography, studying aspects of infrastructure and community needs. At the moment, the children are busily developing their own town, selecting carefully the types of shops, factories, recreation facilities and services they require and giving due consideration to their placement on their town map. During English lessons we studied ‘n’ (kn & gn), ‘r’ (wr) & ‘kw’ (qu) sounds. We’ve checked the application of cursive letters into everyday tasks. We focused on Aesop Fables and have begun writing a retell of “The Lion and the Mouse.” Year 2 presentation for the next two weeks (Week 6&7) is to mime an action or event. In Mathematics, we developed ‘chance’ concepts further, incorporating certain and impossible to the list of likely and unlikely possibilities and applied these ideas to the likelihood of various events. We played spinner games using tally marks to record events and discuss outcomes. We also gathered, plotted and interpreted data on a graph. Our focus, in Religion this week was the story of Zacchaeus, we identified the purpose of Jesus’ mission and how Jesus’ ministry affected the key character, Zacchaeus. Swimming lessons are 15 minutes earlier. We leave school 9:40a.m for our swimming lesson 10:00-10:30. After swimming, children will have a late morning tea (pack extra food as children often feel hungry after swimming) and a short play before returning to the classroom. Reminder: Next Wednesday, Year 2JK will attend the Parish mid-week Mass. Yr 4 JR-Many children of Year 4JR made me feel extremely proud this week when they personally volunteered to give up their time and make a decision to participate in the Family Parish/School mass that will open the celebrations on Saturday. It is wonderful to see the children freely choose to become involved. This week has been declared as a Family week at St. Anthony's School therefore there has been no official homework. However I have asked the children to keep up their reading and spend time with their family. Don't forget swimming tomorrow! Please remind your child to organise all of their swimming requirements. Yr 1 CC- We are now in Week 5 and in the midst of a lot of assessment tasks. Please make sure your child has enough food in their lunchbox as well as enough sleep each night, so that they can maintain their energy levels. This is the last week for borrowing at the library. Please make sure all books are returned next week. The explanation presentations are going really well. The children have been intrigued by many of the things they have been shown and presenters are remembering to look at the audience and use a clear voice. Well done! In Maths, we are revising giving and following directions and are trying to use more complicated language such as clockwise and anti-clockwise. Don’t forget the St Anthony’s Christmas Markets this Saturday evening. Year Ones will be singing at 4:15p.m and then there will be heaps of interesting stalls to visit afterwards. We would love to see you there! Yr 3 RM -This week in 3RM, together we created an Acrostic Poem about Grade Three, then we wrote our very own Acrostic Poem, we were very clever with our poetry writing. On Wednesday we held our class Liturgy in the Church, the Prayers of the Faithful written by the students reflected how thankful we are for all of the special things in our lives. In Science we started planning our investigation of the conduction of heat through different materials. Maths we explored capacity, length and mass and discovered that while containers may have a different shape they can still hold the same amount of liquid. On Wednesday we said goodbye to Miss Walsh, who has been with us on internship for the past 4 weeks, we got the opportunity to provide Miss Walsh with written feedback on how we thought she went as our teacher, she appreciated this quality feedback. We thank Miss Walsh for her time with us, we loved how she was so enthusiastic, we give her our best wishes for next year. Our Acrostic Poem G rade three is R esponsible for learning A mazing things. They are D etermined to learn inside an E xciting classroom with T rustworthy children great at H ealth. They are brillant at R eading and great with English. Grade three children are E xtraordinary. ENGRAVING On Wednesday Nov 19th at 8:45am Constable Rebecca will be at our school to engrave bicycles, scooters etc. Swimming – Term 4 Yr 6/7 JA-This week in 6/7JA excitement is buzzing in our classroom as we are surrounded by winners and lots of fun loving bears and stuffed animals. First - by now you are no doubt aware the students who represented us at the Readers Cup Challenge performed beautifully. Congratulations to Madeleine Delaforce, Tim Fels, Kai Thompson and Kate Neale who placed first while Yentle Rangiira, Ben Toohey, Michaela Collins and Emma Box placed third. This was a great effort by all students and their fantastic results helped our school win the overall trophy as being the best school with the most points. Second - Of course the Best Dressed Stuffed Toy competition we are running as a fundraiser is starting to get really exciting. We have many toys of different shapes and sizes entered. They are all adorable and it is obvious they are all so loved. It is hoped this fundraiser will not only be enjoyable, but successful as well. Finally a huge thank you to Tim, Georgia, Yentle, Lucy, Tommy, Grace, Anthony (6/7RL) and their families for helping me out with the Family Mass on Sunday. They all did an amazing job and as their teacher I was proud of them and their commitment to our school. Friendly reminder: As this week was Family Week there is no formal homework due, however we are all looking forward to hearing what your family did together to make the week special. Don’t forget Saturday at 4pm we have our St Anthony’s Community Christmas. The time for our class performance is in the newsletter. Thank you to all those students who have volunteered to be a part of the celebrations. Until next week, God bless. Yr 6/7 RL-It has been another busy week for 6/7 RL. This week we have continued work- ing on our knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division of decimals and have been working on our understanding of discounts. We have also been revising some of the concepts covered in Maths this term to help us with our testing at the end of term. In English we are coming to an end with our poetry learning and students have created some very fun poems of their own. We are now ready to begin publishing our work for our assessment. In Geography students have presented some very interesting and informative PowerPoints on Asia. Students are to be reminded that they will be completing assessment items again next week. Until then! 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 5LL 2/3VN & 3RM 1CC & 2JK 1EG & 4JR Prep AD & 6/7 JA Prep SB & 6/7 RL Please pack extra food for your child/ren on swimming days and they usually have an increased appetite after swimming.!!!! READERS’ CUP Congratulations to all students who competed in the Catholic Schools Reader’s Cup Competition. Student performance was high in all divisions, with the Six/ Seven team (Fearless) bringing home a trophy and a $50 book voucher to spend on resources for our library. St Anthony’s also took out the Aggregate trophy for the day, winning with a grand total of 218.5 points. We would like to acknowledge the Mums, Dads & staff who gave up their time to provide transport and support for our students. Children’s Choir It was such a pleasure to be at the 8.30am mass last Sunday. So many wonderful children came along to sing as a part of the Children’s Choir. We sang a beautiful new hymn “Nothing Can Take Us Away” which tells how nothing can separate us from God’s love. We had two practises last week – on Thursday and Friday – and I have to say we did sound rather fabulous! Thank you to our young singers: Charlotte Neilan, Rose Bino, Bennett Horner, Finn Pickering, Emma Fels, Ava O’Neill, Maddison Geiger, Jessica Toohey, Zoe Waters, Lily Fels, Yentle Rangiira, Georgia Waters, Grace Toombs as well as past students Emily Hanna, Michaela Waite, Joe Hanna and Ally Tiernan. St Anthony’s Community Christmas Choir Times Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday! Don’t forget to come along to sing some Christmas songs with your whole Class Choirs! Prep and Year One – 4.15pm in the Big Sports SHED??? What do we call it? Year Two, Three and Four – 6.15 near the Big Tree Year Five, Six and Seven – 7.30 near the Big Tree St Anthony’s Community Christmas Mass @ 4.30 Thank you so much to the generous children who have been giving up their own time to help prepare for the big combined school and parish mass that will be held near the start of the market evening. Our choir is singing like angels; some great Year Four boys and girls are acting out the First Reading; another group of children has learned a traditional Circle Dance that will be used to highlight the Sign of Peace; the Prep and Year One children will sing one of their Christmas songs as the reflection after communion. We are grateful to Fr Hal for his ideas and for his willingness to work with us to make this celebration of the mass truly relevant to our community. The children who have volunteered took notes home this week. It would be great to have them returned so we know for certain who will be able to attend and help out. Thanks so much for your support. Anne-Maree Spalding RAFFLE VOLUNTEERS Please return all paid and unpaid tickets along with any money collected to the school office before Friday the 7th of November. Extra tickets can also be collected from the office. A very BIG thank you to all of those who are volunteering at this weeks Christmas event. It is a huge team effort and your assistance guarantees success; the P&F appreciate your contribution. The prizes on offer are: $700 cash, $200 cash, $100 cash, and hampers full of goodies. Tickets cost $5 for 1, $10 for 3 and $25 for 10 The family that sells and returns the most tickets before the 7th will win 10 free tickets into the draw, so please put your family name on the note attached to the tickets. CANCELLATION The gift wrapping stall has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Helpers will still be welcomed on the night, so please feel free to lend a hand if you see someone in need. Thank you. Class Awards Prep AD Jevington Clothier-Dew Finn Pickering School Calendar of Events 2014 Yr. 4 JR Yr. 2 JK Nancy Daniels Nathan Rogers TERM FOUR Prep SB Emily Kropp Erik Suhr Yr. 5 LL Kelly Santraveesuk Makuac Marial Yr. 2/3 VN Yr. 1 CC Kyara Palmer Ebony-Leigh Bateman Sean DiRuggiero Yr. 6/7 RL Ben Toohey Tuesday, October Friday, December 5 St Anthony’s Christmas Australian Youth Choir Constable Rebecca Engraving Presentation Day Mass Child Writes Book Launch - Sat - Mon - Wed - Fri - Mon Nov 8 Nov 10 Nov 19 Nov 21 11am Nov 24 8:50am School Camp Swimming Carnival Yr P-3 - Wed - Fri Nov 26 - Fri 28 Nov 28 (Glennie Aquatic Centre) Yr. 3 RM ——————————————————— Swimming Carnival Yr 4-7 - Mon Dec 1 (Glennie Aquatic Centre) Yr. 1 EG Rihanna Whittaker Patrick Glasgow Yr. 6/7 JA Callum Bennett Jeremy Dagg Cooper Middleton Yr 6/7 Awards Night End of School Year Mass - Wed - Fri Dec 3 5.30pm Dec 5 11am *****Times and dates are subject to change***** Principal’s Award Change of Day for Assembly We are changing our day for Assembly this term to Tuesday afternoons at 2:30pm ST ANTHONY'S PARISH “A Place at the Table for All” [email protected] (Ph 4636 1737) Postal Address: PO Box 217, Drayton North, Qld. 4350 Priest Director: Pastoral Associate: Chair Parish Council: Parish Secretary: Office Hours Noela – Tues-Fri 8.30-2.30 Monica – Mon-Fri 9.00-4.00 Fr Hal Ranger Mrs Monica Gundry David Waters Mrs Noela Nolan Church Opening Hours Monday-Friday 8.30am – 4pm Term 1 Tues Jan 27 - Thurs April 2 Term 2 Mon April 20 - Fri June 26 Term 3 Mon July 13 - Fri Sept 18 Term 4 Tues Oct 6 Parish Christmas Hamper Appeal Please support the Parish Christmas Hamper Appeal by donating non perishable food items at the school office. These items will be collected and given to community members who are in need of support. Always remember to keep your contact details up to date ! If your child is absent please contact the office on 46356200 to ensure that it is marked on the attendance roll. Fri Dec 4 Pastoral Care If you have any queries or know anyone who requires help please contact Viv Hanna 46354835 or Nicole Rangiira 0437382408. Your support would be appreciated St Anthony’s Parish Playgroup Playgroup meets every Monday at the parish building from 9am until 11am. If interested please contact Robynne 0431095874 or Kahren on 0422569947 Sunday 8am – 11am Please read our current Newsletter for up to date Parish information and Mass times at: - Sick Bay Nov 7 - Kristy McCallum Nov 14 - Sandra Young Nov 21 - Helena Wiersma Nov 28 - Jodie Murray Please contact the office if you can help with washing the sick bay sheets. There is no supervision provided, before 8:15am Classroom supervision ends at 3pm Pickup supervision ends at 3:25pm Bus supervision ends at 3:45pm. Stephen Street Car Park We have had phone calls to the office in regards to safety in the car park. If your child is waiting to be picked up they must wait in the school grounds. Children must NOT run across the car park to the parked cars and caution must be taken at all times. The School (south) side of the car park is a stop/drop/go zone at pick up time and drop off time. Vehicles should not be parked here. The Stephen Street (north) side of the car park is for parking, if you park there you must exit you’re your car and walk your child to the school gate and of an afternoon meet them at the gate and walk them back to your car. Chiniquay Street Please be aware there are residents in Chiniquay Street who are affected by the way people park in their street. People are parking for long and short term periods in the “No Standing Zone” . This is hindering access to properties as well as making rubbish collect impossible. We recommend that you try and park in the Stephen or Memory Street car parks. Attention all Volunteers This is a reminder to ALL parents who volunteer in any way at St Anthony’s you MUST report to the office to read the ‘Code of Conduct for Volunteers’ document and the ‘Student Protection’ requirements BEFORE you can begin your role as a volunteer. You will then need to be signed in on any subsequent visit to the school. NO ONE is permitted to enter a classroom unless they have signed in at the office. This is for the protection of ALL children and for administration to know who is on the premises in case of fire or lockdown. Please remember that if an adult wishes to use the school amenities/ school toilets they must go to the staffroom. Parents must never use students toilets. St Anthony’s Community Christmas Volunteer Roster Market 4–5 Jodie Rodhe Sandra Y Ruth Rodgers 5–6 Jodie Rodhe Sandra Y Natalie P Anita Collins Paula G Bar BBQ Serve BBQ Cook Precookers: Craig B Ross W Dessert/ Drinks Mark Leaman Craig Woodall Heidi Gleeson Heather Geiger Meredith R Craig Bearkley Ross Williams Saffron McL Martin McC Mark Leaman Craig Woodall Meredith R Helena Marita 6–7 Jodie Rodhe Sandra Y Rebecca More Jacqui C Pat Bearkley Mark Leaman Craig Woodall Madonna S Maria Toohey Celia W Craig Bearkley Brad McKay Craig Bearkley Cameron Stephenson Darren T Mick Middleton Chrissie E Cindy M Michelle L Nicole Stephenson Tess W Nicole Rangiira 7–8 Jodie Rodhe Sandra Y Brooke P 8-9 Jodie Rodhe Sandra Y Saffron Mark Leaman Craig Woodall Michelle Leaman Tess Woodall Maddy W Kenni L Craig Bearkley Cameron Stephenson Mark Leaman Craig Woodall Bethany Leaman Kenni L Maddy W Paul R Michelle L Nicole Stephenson Tess W Craig Bearkley
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