INDIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE Ist Floor, National Societies Block National Agricultural Science Centre Complex Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi - 110 012 (India) (Phone: 011-25841991, 25841529, Email: [email protected], [email protected]) 79th ANNUAL CONVENTION (November 24-27, 2014) Final Announcement As per the First Announcement dated 30 June 2014 the 79th Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science will be held at Prof. Jayshankar Telangana State Agricultural University in collaboration with ANGRAU, Hyderabad during November 24-27, 2014 (Monday to Thursday). The tentative programme is as follows: November 24, 2014 (Monday) 0800 - 0900 Registration 0930 - 1130 Inaugural Function 1130 - 1200 Tea 1200 - 1300 32nd Prof. J.N. Mukherjee-ISSS Foundation Lecture by Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya, Nagpur Topic: Pedology : The grammar of soil science 1300 - 1400 Lunch 1400 - 1600 National Seminar on “Developments in Soil Science - 2014” Session Ia (Oral Presentations) Hall 1 — Soil Fertility I Hall 2 — Soil Chemistry I Hall 3 — Soil Biology I Hall 4 — Soils and the Environment 1600 - 1630 Tea 1630 - 1730 Session Ib (Poster Presentations) 1730 - 1830 1st Dr. S.N. Saxena Memorial Lecture by Dr. Sunil K. Sharma, Udaipur Topic: Long-term fertilization and soil health : A relook 1900 - 2030 Cultural Programme 2030 Dinner November 25, 2014 (Tuesday) 0900 - 1000 41st Dr. R.V. Tamhane Memorial Lecture by Dr. B.S. Dwivedi, New Delhi Topic: Revisiting soil testing and fertilizer use research 1000 - 1030 Tea 1030 - 1300 Dr. J.S. Kanwar Brain Storming Session on "Soil Science Education and Society" 1300 - 1400 Lunch 1400 - 1530 National Seminar on “Developments in Soil Science - 2014” Session IIa (Oral Presentations) Hall I — Soil Fertility II Hall II — Soil Chemistry II Hall III — Soil Physics and Soil Engineering & Technology Hall IV — IPNI Sponsored Session on "Precision Nutrient Management in Smallholder Systems of India" 1530 - 1630 Session IIb (Poster Presentations) 1630 - 1700 Tea 1730 - 1900 Annual General Body Meeting 2000 Dinner November 26, 2014 (Wednesday) 0900 - 1100 ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation Award Contest (Final Round) 1100 - 1130 1130 - 1330 1330 - 1430 1430 - 1530 1530 - 1700 2000 Tea National Seminar on “Developments in Soil Science – 2014” Session IIIa (Oral Presentations) Hall 1 — Soil Fertility III Hall 2 — Soil Biology II Hall 3 — Soil Classification; Soil Evaluation and Land Use Planning; Soil Degradation Control, Remediation, and Reclamation Lunch Session IIIb (Poster Presentations) Concluding Session Dinner November 27, 2014 (Thursday) Field Trip (Optional) NATIONAL SEMINAR Oral Presentations: For oral power point presentation of papers a maximum of 10 minutes will be allowed. Participants are advised to contact in advance the person-in-charge of projection for copying the files onto computer hard-disk in the hall where the paper is to be presented. Files in MS Word or Power Point format are to be brought in Pen Drive or CD. Poster Presentations: For mounting posters a minimum of one square meter per paper will be allotted. Letter size of posters should be bold and large enough so that one can read the poster contents comfortably from a distance of 2 metres. Poster Presentation Tips Don’t crowd too much information into the presentation; concentrate on two or three main points. Highlight your title, headings, and sub-headings with colours or coloured lines. Make sure your poster information (text, figures, tables, photos) is clearly visible from a distance of 2m from the poster so it can be easily read from this distance. Format headings and sub-headings should be at least 25% larger than the text in bold or semi bold. Keep your text in short, concise, legible statements; minimize complete sentences and paragraphs. Remember that photos and graphs convey information more readily than text and tables. Text in upper and lower case letters is more readable than all capitals. Use Arial or Times New Roman font style. Text type should be at least 1/4-inch (0.64 cm) tall and readable from a distance of 2m. Registration Fee: Registration fee of Rs 3000/- (Rs 1000/- in case of students) is to be paid in advance by each delegate to the Secretary, Indian Society of Soil Science, Ist Floor, National Societies Block, National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi - 110012 either in cash/ money order or in the form of a bank draft drawn in favour of “Indian Society of Soil Science” and payable on any bank in New Delhi so as to reach the ISSS headquarters by 30 October 2014. Subsequently the registration fee will be accepted only in cash at the venue of Convention on 24 November 2014 onwards. Outstation cheques will not be accepted. Registration fee once paid shall neither be refunded nor transferred to any other purpose or person. Accommodation Facility: The University/ICAR guest house tariffs vary between Rs 500-1000 per double bed room per night depending upon the type of room. However, limited accommodation will be available in the University/ICAR Guest House which will be allotted on first-come first-serve basis. The hotel accommodation will be available within a distance of 8 km from University and 5-6 km from Nampally railway station. Following are the hotel room tariffs: Non-AC (Single) : Rs. 750-1500 Non-AC (Double) : Rs. 1200-2000 AC (Single) Rs. 1500-3500 AC (Double) Rs. 2000-4500 : : The delegates who want the organizers to arrange for hotel accommodation are required to send an amount of Rs. 2000/- in advance in the form of demand draft in favour of 79th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil Science, to Dr. G.Padmaja, Secretary, Hyderabad chapter of ISSS, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030. The hotel accommodation will be confirmed only on receipt of advance amount. The control room for accommodation will be available in Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad500030 under the supervision of Dr. A. Siva Shankar (Email: [email protected]) Phone: 09392492745. Transport Facility: The transport facility will be available at Hyderabad, Secunderabad (Main gate), Kachiguda Railway Stations and Shamshabad Airport for the delegates who indicate their detail travel plans (date and time of arrival, train name and number) well in advance. The different Railway stations viz. Hyderabad/ Nampally, Secunderabad, Kachiguda are located at 16, 25 and 17 km, respectively. The Shamshabad RGI Airport is 19 km away from University. The detailed travel plans may be sent to Dr. A.Siva Shankar (Email: [email protected], Phone: 09392492745). Climate: In the month of November, weather is pleasant at Hyderabad with the mean minimum temperature ranges between 18 and 22 °C and maximum temperature between 28 and 32 °C. The delegates are advised to bring normal warm woollen clothing during the convention. New Delhi Dated 18 October 2014 (D.R. Biswas) Secretary Note: Dr. G. Padmaja is the key person to be contacted for any information regarding registration, accommodation, transport and all other local arrangements in Hyderabad. Her address is given below: Dr. G. Padmaja, Organising Secretary, 79th Annual Convention, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500 030, Andhra Pradesh Mobile: +91-9866976067, Email: [email protected] 79th Annual General Body Meeting Notice Date: 25 November 2014 (Tuesday) Time: 5:30 PM Venue: Prof. Jayshankar Telangana State Agricultural University and ANGRAU, Hyderabad AGENDA 1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the 78th Annual General Body Meeting held on 24-10-2013 at CAZRI, Jodhpur. 2. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report of the Society for 2013-2014. 3. Presentation and adoption of the audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2014. 4. Presentation and adoption of the budget estimates for 2015-2016. 5. To consider and adopt, if approved with or without modification, the following amendments of the Rules and Regulations of ISSS in the matter of increasing the existing ceiling of the fellows and institution of a memorial award. Existing: 11.3.1.The ISSS shall have Fellows from amongst the sustaining active Members and Life Members in recognition of their professional outstanding contributions and service to the ISSS. Total number of Fellows shall not at any time exceed 100 and the number of persons bestowed with Fellowship each year shall not exceed four. Amended: 11.3.1. The ISSS shall have Fellows from amongst the sustaining active Members and Life Members in recognition of their professional outstanding contributions and service to the ISSS. Total number of Fellows shall not at any time exceed 125 and the number of persons bestowed with Fellowship each year shall not exceed four. “11.6. Prof. Sant Singh Memorial Award for Excellence in Education and Research in Soil Science 11.6.1. The award instituted in the memory of Late Prof. Sant Singh on request from Varanasi Chapter of the ISSS, shall be awarded annually to a member of the ISSS for his/her outstanding contributions in teaching and research excellence in the field of soil science. The candidate shall be a current member of ISSS and the membership shall be at least five years in continuation. Contribution in teaching and research made during last 10 years only shall be considered for the award. 11.6.2. On notification by the ISSS, an individual shall apply in prescribed proforma for the award, giving a concise account of the work (not more than 500 words each for teaching and research) supported by documentary evidence in the form of: (a) For the assessment of teaching: A certificate from Dean/Director of the Faculty/Institute authenticating contribution of the applicant in development /revision of course curriculum, copies of teaching materials like books, book chapters, manuals, models, bulletins, technical folders, e-courses, e-lectures developed, list of courses taught at UG/PG levels, number of M.Sc and Ph.D students supervised and quality of students/human resources as evident by their placements; and (b) For the assessment of research: Best five original research papers published in not less than three different peer –reviewed journals of repute. 11.6.3. The judging shall be done according to the procedures laid down in Article 11.4.3. 11.6.4. The awardee shall be honoured with a gold-plated medal and citation at the Annual Convention. Subsequently existing 11.6 will become 11.7 and —————— 11.11 will be 11.12 with insertion of the above para. 6. Election of Office Bearers and Councillors in the Council of the Society to the offices falling vacant during 2014 and 2015. 7. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair (Members desirous of raising any point under this item are required to send the same in writing to the Secretary on or before 17th November 2014). 8. Presidential address. 9. Vote of thanks. New Delhi Dated: 18 October 2014 (D.R. Biswas) Secretary Indian Society of Soil Science National Societies Block, National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi -110012 Proceedings of the 78th Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS) held on 24th October, 2014 at the Auditorium of the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur Dr. R.K. Rattan, President ISSS, chaired the meeting attended by 149 members of the Society. Dr. Rattan extended a formal welcome to the Members. He informed the Members of the sad demise of seven of its Members viz. Dr. Sant Singh, Dr. N. Panda, Dr. S.B. Sinha, Dr. V. Shantaram, Dr. R.N. Prasad, Dr. Bhajan Singh and Dr. A.N. Pathak since the 77th Annual General Body Meeting. Members joined the President in paying tributes to the departed souls and observed one minute silence in their memory. Subsequently the agenda items as circulated earlier were taken up for consideration. 1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the 77th Annual General Body Meeting held on 4-12-2012 at PAU, Ludhiana. The Secretary, ISSS briefly highlighted the salient features of the proceedings of the 77th Annual General Body Meeting already circulated among the members and the actions taken thereon. After a brief discussion, the proceedings were confirmed without any modification. 2. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report of the Society for 2012-2013. The Annual Report of the Society for the year 2012-2013, as approved by the Council in its meeting held on 21 September 2013 and circulated among the members, was presented by the Secretary of the ISSS. Dr. R.K. Rattan, President asked for suggestions from the members. After brief discussion, Annual Report as presented by the Secretary was adopted without any modifications. 3. Presentation and adoption of the Report of Editorial Board for 2013. Dr. D.R. Biswas presented the report of Editorial Board for 2013. Dr. Rattan, President ISSS invited the suggestions from members for smooth and timely publications of the journal. Most of the members gave their concern to reduce the time lag between submission of the manuscripts and final decision as well as NAAS rating of the journal. After detailed deliberation it was decided to adopt the new guidelines proposed for processing of manuscripts through online system. It was also decided to have at least one/ two meeting(s) as and when required. 4. Presentation and adoption of the audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2013. The audited statement of accounts of the Society for the year ended 31st March 2013 was presented by Dr. S.K. Singhal, Treasurer ISSS. After a brief discussion the statement was adopted. 5. Presentation and adoption of the budget estimates for 2014-2015. Dr. S.K. Singhal presented the budget estimates for 2014-2015 which had been drawn and approved earlier by the Council. With this brief discussion, the budget estimates were adopted by the house without any modifications. 6. To consider and adopt, if approved with or without modification, the following amendments of the Rules and Regulations of ISSS in the matter of institution of a memorial lecture and others. The one new paragraph proposed for inclusion and one change in paragraph numbering are as under: “12.13. Dr. S.N. Saxena Memorial Lecture 12.13.1. This lecture instituted in 2013 out of a donation received from the Udaipur Chapter of ISSS, will also be arranged by a Chapter of ISSS in the same manner as described for Dr. S.P. Raychaudhuri Memorial Lecture above. To meet all the expenses a token amount as fixed by the Council will be given by the ISSS to the Organizing Chapter.” To change the existing paragraph number “12.13” as “12.14” in view of the insertion of the above para. After some deliberations, the amendment was accepted. 7. Election of Office Bearers and Councillors in the Council of the Society to the offices falling vacant during 2014 and 2015. The Secretary informed the house that following the procedure enshrined in the Rules and Regulations, Council in its meeting held on 21 September 2013 had elected the following Office-bearers and recommended the same to the Annual General Body Meeting: Vice-President : Dr. S.K. Singh Assistant Secretary : Dr. K.M. Manjaiah Treasurer : Dr. S.K. Singhal The Secretary informed that postal ballots for electing 10 Councillors received in Jodhpur were counted by a team led by Dr. G. Padmaja. The ten Councillors elected for the years 2014 and 2015 were: Dr Om Prakash Aishwath, Dr Ashis Kumar Biswas, Dr. Gora Chand Hazra, Dr Mahesh Kumar, Dr Mahesh Chand Meena, Dr M.V.S. Naidu, Dr S.S. Prabhudesai, Dr P.S. Sangwan, Dr Yad Vir Singh and Dr C.T. Subbarayappa. The house approved the results and congratulated all the members elected to the Council. 8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. (Members desirous of raising any point under this item are required to send the same in writing to the Secretary on or before 16th October 2013). Secretary informed the House that since no item was received for discussion from the members by the stipulated date, hence no matter should be taken up. House agreed with the observations of the Secretary. 8. Presidential Address Dr. R.K. Rattan, President ISSS delivered the presidential address on the topic “Soil Science and the Society”. He focused on the measures for enhancing visibility of soil scientists and emphasized that soil scientists should effectively demonstrate their pro-active role in addressing and remedying global issues such as anthropogenic climate change, water quality and quantity issues including competing demand for water by different sectors; develop inter-disciplinary teams in close cooperation with agronomists, climatologists, ecologists, plant protection scientists, ecologists, plant breeders, plant physiologists, economists, non-governmental organizations, policy makers and industrialists; create public awareness through mass media, vernacular press, and interaction with policy makers on ecosystem services provided by the soils. He also urged the academia and education planners for introducing Soil Science as a subject at the school level. 10. Vote of thanks. The meeting came to a close with a vote of thanks by Dr. A.K. Patra, Joint Secretary, ISSS. (D.R. Biswas) Secretary, ISSS Indian Society of Soil Science Ist Floor, National Societies Block National Agricultural Science Centre Complex Dev Prakash Sastri Marg, Pusa, New Delhi -110 012 ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 This report includes the salient features of the different activities of the Society during November 2013 – October 2014 and is being presented by the Council at the 79th Annual General Body Meeting on 25th November, 2014. COUNCIL (NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2013) President: Dr R.K. Rattan; Vice-Presidents: Dr Jagdish Prasad and Dr G.S. Dasog; Secretary: Dr D.R. Biswas; Joint Secretary: Dr A.K. Patra; Assistant Secretary: Dr K.M. Manjaiah; Treasurer: Dr S.K. Singhal (w.e.f. 16 March 2013) Members: Dr J.S. Kanwar, Dr D.R. Bhumbla, Dr S.S. Khanna, Dr I.P. Abrol, Dr N.N. Goswami, Dr G. Dev, Dr D.K. Das, Dr M. Velayutham, Dr P.K. Chhonkar, Dr G. Narayanasamy, Dr J.S. Samra, Dr J.C. Katyal, Dr A.K. Singh and Dr B.P. Singh (Past Presidents; Ex-officio) Dr P.K. Basavaraja, Dr H.T. Channal, Dr Pradip Dey, Dr M.S. Grewal, Dr Brij Lal Lakaria, Dr B.R. Maurya, Dr G. Padmaja, Dr Mausumi Raychaudhuri, Dr D.K. Shahi, Dr R.D. Singh, Dr K.S. Anil Kumar, Dr D.S. Benipal, Dr S.P. Datta, Dr G. Jayasree, Dr R.N. Katkar, Dr K.C. Patel, Dr K.K. Rout, Dr Pramod Kumar Sharma, Dr S.K. Sharma and Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma Chief Editor: Dr B.S. Dwivedi COUNCIL (JANUARY–OCTOBER 2014) President: Dr R.K. Rattan; Vice-Presidents: Dr G.S. Dasog and Dr S.K. Singh; Secretary: Dr D.R. Biswas; Joint Secretary: Dr A.K. Patra (up to June 2014); Assistant Secretary: Dr K.M. Manjaiah; Treasurer: Dr S.K. Singhal Members: Dr J.S. Kanwar, Dr D.R. Bhumbla, Dr S.S. Khanna, Dr I.P. Abrol, Dr N.N. Goswami, Dr G. Dev, Dr D.K. Das, Dr M. Velayutham, Dr P.K. Chhonkar, Dr G. Narayanasamy, Dr J.S. Samra, Dr J.C. Katyal, Dr A.K. Singh and Dr B.P. Singh (Past Presidents; Ex-officio) Dr K.S. Anil Kumar, Dr D.S. Benipal, Dr S.P. Datta, Dr G. Jayasree, Dr R.N. Katkar, Dr K.C. Patel, Dr K.K. Rout, Dr Pramod Kumar Sharma, Dr S.K. Sharma and Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma, Dr Om Prakash Aishwath, Dr Ashis Kumar Biswas, Dr Gora Chand Hazra, Dr Mahesh Kumar, Dr Mahesh Chand Meena, Dr M.V.S. Naidu, Dr S.S. Prabhudesai, Dr P.S. Sangwan, Dr Yad Vir Singh and Dr C.T. Subbarayappa Chief Editor: Dr B.S. Dwivedi EDITORIAL BOARD (2014) Chief Editor: Dr B.S. Dwivedi Editors: Dr Tapan Adhikari, Dr Ranjan Bhattacharyya, Dr A.K. Biswas, Dr S.K. Chaudhari, Dr S.P. Datta, Dr V.K. Kharche, Dr S.S. Kukal, Dr Lata, Dr Kaushik Majumdar, Dr S.K. Mahapatra, Dr M.C. Manna, Dr A.L. Pharande, Dr Dhyan Singh, Dr Ch. Srinivasarao, Dr S.K. Singh, Dr A.K. Srivastava; Dr D.R. Biswas (Ex-officio) and Dr A.K. Patra (Ex-officio) (up to June 2014) International Consulting Editors: Dr J.D. Beaton, Dr K. Harmsen, Dr Rattan Lal and Dr Paul L.G. Vlek MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIBERS The membership position at close of the year 2013 was as follows: Honorary Members 15; Life Members 751; Members 1109; Student Members 434; Donor Members 14; and the total being 2323. As on 10th October, 2014 the position is: Honorary Members 15; Life Members 760; Members 1176; Student Members 396; Donor Members 14; and the total being 2361. Subscription for the Journal During 2013: Indian 123 and Complimentaries 11; total = 134 As on 10th October, 2014: Indian 80 and Complimentaries 11; total = 91 SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION The 78th Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS) was held at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur during October 23-26, 2013. A brief report on the Convention is presented hereunder. Inaugural Session The inaugural session was held on 23 October 2013 at the Auditorium of the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. On behalf of the CAZRI, Jodhpur and Jodhpur Chapter of the ISSS, Dr. M.M. Roy, Director, CAZRI welcomed the delegates and expressed this event as an unique chance for the scientists and researchers to enhance their academic knowledge while attending the symposium and convention. Dr. R.K. Rattan, President, ISSS, extended a warm welcome to the Chief Guest, Padma Bhusan Prof. R.B. Singh, President, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; the Guest of Honor, Prof. S.S. Khanna an eminent soil scientist and Ex-Vice Chancellor, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology; Past Presidents of ISSS present in the inaugural ceremony, members of the Council of ISSS, Institute officials, delegates from all parts of the country; and other distinguished guests. In his presidential remarks, Dr. Rattan highlighted about the activities of the society in various aspects of development related to soil science in the country and its long term implications for the social development. The Guest of Honor, Prof. Khanna urged that technologies available with ICAR institutes and universities need to be at the doorstep of the clientele. Chief Guest, Padma Bhusan Prof. R.B. Singh, President, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences presented the Fellowship and various Awards of the ISSS for 2013. Dr. D.R. Biswas, Secretary read the citations. A set of publications brought out on the occasion of the Convention were released during the inaugural ceremony. In his inaugural address, Prof. R.B. Singh, emphasized the necessity to have human face of the R&D of soil science, advocated about the land use planning at different levels need to be very much comprehensive, new disciplines like, geo-informatics, socio-economy, soil biodiversity studies, soil biotechnology, nanotechnology applications in soil science need to be inculcated. Inaugural function formally came to a close with a vote of thanks by Dr. J.C. Tarafdar, Organizing Secretary, 78th Annual Convention of ISSS, and National Fellow, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. Special Lectures During the Convention two special lectures were organized. The 31st Prof. J.N. Mukherjee - ISSS Foundation Lecture was delivered by Dr. S. C. Datta, IARI, New Delhi. He delivered this lecture on the topic “Re-viewing ionic sorption in a molecular way” on 23 October 2013. Dr. D.K. Das, Former President ISSS chaired the session. The 40th Dr. R.V. Tamhane Memorial Lecture was delivered on 24 October 2013 by Dr. J.C. Tarafdar, National Fellow, CAZRI, Jodhpur on the topic “Phosphorus – A Bright Future Ahead!”. Dr. R.P. Dhir, Jodhpur, chaired the session. National Symposium on Agro-Ecozone based Land Use Planning Half-a-day National Symposium on “Agro-Ecozone based Land Use Planning” was held on 24 October 2013 with Dr. J.C. Katyal, past President, ISSS and former VC, CCS HAU, Hisar, former DDG (Education), New Delhi in the Chair; Dr. Pradeep K. Sharma, Palampur co-chaired this session and Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Hyderabad was the Rapporteur. Speakers in the session included Dr. Jagdish Prasad (on behalf of Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya), NBSS&LUP, Nagpur; Dr. Praveen Kumar, CAZRI, Jodhpur; Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, CRIDA, Hyderabad, Dr. H.K. Rai (on behalf of Dr. V.S. Tomar), JNKVV, Jabalpur; Dr. P. Sureshkumar, KAU, Thrissur; and Dr. Pradeep K. Sharma, HPKV, Palampur. National Seminar A National Seminar on ‘Developments in Soil Science - 2013’ was organized, in which a total of 107 papers in oral and 185 papers in poster sessions were presented on 23rd afternoon, 24th afternoon and 25th forenoon October 2013. Out of the poster presentations spread over three sessions, following three were selected for the Best Poster Presentation Award: 1. Contributions of soil-Zn, fertilizer-Zn and sprayed-Zn in fortification of brown rice and husk of two contrasting paddy varieties. – P. Surendra Babu, A. Madhavi, M.C. Patnaik, M. Ram Prasad and A.K. Shukla. 2. Investigation on alkalinity of biochar produced from different feedstocks at different temperatures. – Tanumoy Bera, A.K. Patra, T.J. Purakayastha and S.C. Datta. 3. Assessment of soil organic carbon in trans-gangetic plains with special emphasis to carbon sequestration potential under rice-wheat cropping system. – Shreyasi Gupta Choudhary, S.K. Singh, Dipak Sarkar, N.P.S. Yaduvanshi and S.K. Chaudhari. Chapter Activities Following an encouraging response during the previous years, Chapters of ISSS were invited to display in the form of posters their activities of the preceding one year. These posters remained on display on 23-25 October 2013 with one of the Chapter representatives available for discussion for a limited time fixed each day. The Chapters participated in this programme were: Akola, Delhi, Dharwad, Gwalior, Hisar and Indore. Poster presentations were informative, interesting and well laid-out. Visitors appreciated the efforts of the Chapters. Cultural Programme Cultural programme depicting the cultural heritage of Rajasthan on the evening of 23 October 2013 was the key attraction of this technically-rich convention. Concluding Session The concluding session was held on 25 October 2013 with Dr. R.K. Rattan, President of the ISSS in the chair. In-depth review of all the special and technical sessions including the National Symposium was made. Members were requested to offer their comments on the several activities carried out during the preceeding three days. Members made many useful suggestions. Dr. Gopal Ramdas Mahajan, ICAR Research Complex for Goa (Ph.D. Thesis submitted to IARI, New Delhi) was awarded the ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation Award for the year 2013, while the other contestants, namely, Dr. Mandira Barman, Dr. Priyadarshani Arun Khambalkar, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr. D.V. Naveen and Dr. C. Santosh were given Commendation Certificates. Mr. Arijit Barman and Ms. Somimol, P.V. were awarded the Zonal Award from North Zone and South Zone, respectively. Dr. Rattan, President, ISSS presented award/ commendation certificates. Efforts made by the Members of the Jodhpur Chapter under the stewardship of Dr. M.M. Roy, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur in making the Convention a memorable and grand success were highly commended; the delegates gave the standing ovation to the organizers. At the end of the concluding session, the annual convention was declared formally closed by Dr. R.K. Rattan, President of the ISSS. BUSINESS MEETINGS 78th Annual General Body Meeting The 78th Annual General Body Meeting of ISSS was held on 24 December 2013. Dr. R.K. Rattan, President of the ISSS, chaired the meeting attended by 149 members of the Society. The business of the meeting as per the listed agenda, was transacted. The proceedings of the 77th Annual General Body Meeting held on 4 December, 2012 at Ludhiana, were considered and confirmed by the house. Dr. D.R. Biswas, Secretary presented the Annual Report of the Society for the period November 2012 – October 2013; it was adopted by the house. The audited statement of the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013 and budget estimates for 2014-2015 were presented by Dr. S.K. Singhal, Treasurer; these were adopted by the house after some discussion and clarifications. The results of election for filling the offices falling vacant for 2014 and 2015 were announced; Dr. S.K. Singh, Professor, SSAC, BHU, Varanasi was elected Vice President; Dr. K.M. Manjaiah, Principal Scientist, Division of SSAC, IARI, New Delhi and Dr. S.K. Singhal, Senior Scientist, Division of SSAC, IARI were elected as the Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. The 10 Councillors, declared elected were Dr. Om Prakash Aishwath, Dr. Ashis Kumar Biswas, Dr. Gora Chand Hazra, Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Mahesh Chand Meena, Dr. M.V.S. Naidu, Dr. S.S. Prabhudesai, Dr. P.S. Sangwan, Dr. Yad Vir Singh and Dr. C.T. Subbarayappa. The members elected were felicitated in the Annual General Body meeting. Dr. R.K. Rattan delivered the presidential address. The meeting came to a close with a vote of thanks by Dr. A.K. Patra, Joint Secretary, ISSS. Council Meetings The Council met three times in 2014, on 22nd March, 8th June, and 18th October, 2014 to transact the business of the Society. All the meetings were chaired by Dr. R.K. Rattan, President. Members of the Council attended these meetings in large numbers and contributed substantially to the proceedings of these meetings. FINANCE The financial position of the Society continues to be satisfactory. The Society was sanctioned Rs. 1,50,000/- as grantin-aid by ICAR during 2013-2014 for the publication of the Journal of the Society. The audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2014 and the budget estimates for the year 2015-2016 drawn by the Council are being placed for approval at the 79th Annual General Body Meeting. PUBLICATIONS Journal: The third and fourth issues (September & December 2013) of the Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Vol. 61 were brought out. Volume 61 for the year 2013 covered 378 pages. As a new feature, the supplementary issue of 2013 containing the memorial lectures delivered in 2012 was published. So far March and June 2014 issues of the Journal (Vol. 62 for 2014) have been brought out and these run into 188 pages. EDITORIAL BOARD REPORT With an ultimate objective of improving the visibility of theJISSS, hastening decision making on the manuscripts, and enhancing the quality of papers published, modified editorial guidelines adopted earlier by the Council were followed. These guidelines, besides other reforms, included online submission and processing of manuscripts, and empowering the editors to choose reviewers as per specialization.This helped reducing time lag between receipt of the manuscripts and final decision thereon. The efficiency would improve further with (i) familiarization of authors/reviewers/ editors with the online editorial management system, and (ii) more cooperation from authors in terms of quick revision of manuscripts complying the suggestions meticulously. LINKS WITH THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SOIL SCIENCES The Indian Society of Soil Science is Full Member in the Category of Nations in Development. Society’s subscription to the IUSS is being sent for the current year. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES Most of the Chapters of the Society located at Annamalainagar, Akola, Allahabad, Anand, Bangalore, Bapatla, Bhopal, Bichpuri (Agra), Bhubaneswar, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Dantiwada, Dapoli, Delhi, Dharwad, Faizabad, Gwalior, Hisar, Hyderabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jobner, Jodhpur, Jorhat, Kalyani, Kanpur, Karnal, Kolkata, Kota, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Modipuram, Nagpur, Navasari, Palampur, Pantnagar, Parbhani, Pusa (Bihar), Rahuri, Ranchi, Sabour, Shimoga, Thrissur, Tirupati, Udaipur and Varanasi remained active in promoting the aims and objectives of the Society by organizing conferences, meetings, seminars, group discussions, special lectures, etc. A number of Chapters are bringing out Newsletters periodically and also the Annual Reports. Following an encouraging response during the previous years, Chapters of ISSS were invited to display in the form of posters their activities of the preceeding one year. These posters remained on display on 23-25 October 2013 with one of the Chapter representatives available for discussion for a limited time fixed each day. The Chapters participated in this programme were: Akola, Delhi, Gwalior, Hisar and Indore. Poster presentations were informative, interesting and well laid-out. Visitors appreciated the efforts of the Chapters. Invitation to the Chapters has also been extended this year. Memorial Lectures: Following chapters who were assigned the responsibility of organizing the different lectures did/ are doing a commendable job in organizing these lectures as is evident from the following table. Memorial lecture Organizing chapter Speaker Delivered on/to be delivered Dr. SP Raychaudhuri Dr. DP Motiramani Dr. BV Mehta Dr. NS Randhawa Dr. RS Murthy Dr. RR Agarwal Dr. TD Biswas Prof. SK Mukherjee Dr. GS Sekhon Dr. NP Datta Bhopal Akola Navsari Tirupati Ludhiana Varanasi Jabalpur Jodhpur Bangalore Ranchi Dr. A. Rajarajan Dr. A.S. Dhawan Dr. K.P. Patel Dr. V.R.R. Parama Dr. S.K. Chaudhari Dr. Biswapati Mandal Dr. Anil Kumar Singh Dr. S.K. Sanyal Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao Dr. D.K. Kundu 23-09-2014 11-11-2014 02-09-2014 23-09-2014 17-10-2014 24-09-2014 03-09-2014 19-09-2014 10-09-2014 15-09-2014 ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation Award: During 2013 the first round of this contest was organized in South Zone by Dharwad Chapter on 17th September, 2014, East Zone by Bhubaneswar Chapter on 27th September, 2014; West Zone by Udaipur Chapter on 27 September 2014. Since no applications were received by the NorthZone the contest was not organized in the North zone. Zonal Award Contests: The ISSS Zonal Award Contests were organized for the East, West, North and South Zones at Bhubaneswar, Udaipur, Delhi and Dharwad, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sincere thanks are placed on record to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the grant of financial support of Rs 150,000/- for the publication of Journal of the Society. Help and support extended by the Jodhpur Chapter of ISSS and the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur in organizing the 78th Annual Convention of ISSS are gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of various kinds received for the smooth and effective functioning of the Society from its members and a large number of institutes, organizations, associations and individuals are gratefully acknowledged. INDIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2015-2016 RECEIPT AMOUNT (Rs) Membership subscription Journal subscription Sale of publications ICAR Grant Interest & Dividends Printing page charges Revenue from Annual Convention Total 9,00,000 5,50,000 3,50,000 1,50,000 4,00,000 30,000 1,50,000 25,30,000 EXPENDITURE AMOUNT (Rs) Publication of Journal/ NL Publication of miscellaneous Postal expenses Establishment (Salary) Stationery Audit Fee Telephone, Fax & Internet Conveyance (Local Travelling) Contingency (Staff welfare) Annual Convention Awards & Fellowship Dr. S.P. Raychaudhuri Memorial Lecture Dr. S.P. Raychaudhuri Gold Medal Prof. J.N. Mukherjee-ISSS Foundation Lecture Dr. R.V. Tamhane Memorial Lecture Dr. D.P. Motiramani Memorial Lecture Dr. B.V. Mehta Memorial Lecture Dr. N.S. Randhawa Memorial Lecture Dr. R.S. Murthy Memorial Lecture Dr. R.R. Agarwal Memorial Lecture Dr. T.D. Biswas Memorial Lecture Prof. S.K. Mukherjee Memorial Lecture Dr. G.S. Sekhon Memorial Lecture Dr. N.P. Datta Memorial Lecture Dr. S.N. Saxena Memorial Lecture TA to Office-Bearers TA to Past-Presidents Publication of Bulletin Council Meetings including TA Office Rental & Maintenance IUSS Membership Total 6,00,000 50,000 3,30,000 6,50,000 70,000 30,000 40,000 15,000 7,000 1,50,000 80,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 3,00,000 1,25,000 1,25,000 27,22,000
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