Fall 2014 Editor: Regina Mardex THE BARC NEWSLETTER Binghamton Area Reading Council Of The International Reading Association Member of the New York State Reading Association PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Fall Dinner Presenter Author M. D. Payne Talks About Dear BARC Members and Friends, SCARE TACTICS: Using Horror, Gross-out and Humor to Get Kids Reading The Binghamton Area Reading Council is growing and remains one of the strongest local reading councils in New York State! This year our co vice-presidents, Talitha Johnston and Jennifer Bittler, have worked hard to put together some wonderful events for us. A young M. D. Payne began reading kiddy horror favorites such as Bunnicula and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, but quickly moved on to Gothic classics like Dracula and Frankenstein before devouring the Stephen King canon by the end of middle school. In his keynote, Payne will talk about his unusual reading history and how it informed the wacky but accessible writing style found in his Monster Juice series. Payne will also discuss the influence early writing experiences, favorite teachers, his work on “Behind the Screams” features for R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series, pop culture (most notably Ren and Stimpy) and his role as Director of Communications at the progressive City and Country Schools have all had on creating books that draw in kids who did not even think they liked reading. We will start the year off by laughing with author Matthew Payne and his “gross” but interesting stories. We will then work with Sandra Athans, a NY Council of Social Studies Teacher of the Year who is also a children’s author, at our annual Souper Supper. To finish the year off, BARC presents a man famous enough to use only one name… AVI! I hope you will be able to join us to learn more about these presenters and their work as well as enjoy the company your colleagues. The Binghamton Area Reading Council continues to be committed to bringing you high quality professional development that celebrates the joys of literacy! Please visit us on Facebook and at our BARC Website http://barcny.weebly.com/index.html to find out more about our events and service projects. Talitha Johnson INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2-3 4 5 6 7 Sincerely, Pat Follette BARC President 1 Little Free Libraries Books for Babies and Books for Kids Professional Development Funding Calendar of Events Professional Development & Scholarship Application Whitney Point Teacher, Linda Dewey, Brings LITTLE FREE LIBRARIES to Her Community With a Lot of Help From Her Friends and a BARC Grant “It’s always a gift; never for sale.” This quote is the central idea behind the Little Free Library movement where children and adults are able to obtain high quality books. This type of library Lisle Pool is about building and Lisle, New York promoting the “Take a book; leave a book” method and is a structure that fits in a very small area such as a yard or by the side of the road. Exchange.” The idea has spread worldwide. To instill the love of reading and provide access to good books on a 24/7 basis, Advanced Technology and other volunteer middle school students at the TRA in Whitney Point designed, built, painted, and decorated five little libraries through funding obtained from BARC. To date, three have been installed and stocked with books. The overall mission behind the Little Free Libraries, www.littlefreelibrary.org, is “to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide” and “to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity, and wisdom across generations.” Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin devised the idea “to remember his mother, a teacher who had loved books and encouraged people to read.” He constructed a waterproof box that looked like a miniature one room school house and filled it with books. He placed it on a post outside of his home with a sign underneath it that stated, “Free Book WP Technology teacher, Rich Kratz, puts finishing touches on Little Library outside TRA Middle School, Whitney Point, NY 2 The first is located near the pool in Lisle that is in memory of Doris Lamb, former local librarian; a second has been placed in front of St. Patrick’s Church in memory of Stanley Pogorzelski who constructed many buildings in the Whitney Point area, and the most recent is in front of the TRA. Each was designed with a theme. additional libraries that are near completion. One will be located at the legion hall in memory of David Driscoll, another in front of the Broome County Fairgrounds in memory of Chuck Franklin, and the third at the Caryl E. Adams Elementary School. Prior to the end of the year, two additional libraries were also built. They already have stewards waiting for their completion and still need to be painted and themed before they will be ready for placement. The Little Library in Lisle was the first to be installed and according to a student who visited recently, the mechanical counter showed substantial action. Each has a steward who is responsible for the care of the library and checking to make sure that it is stocked with quality books. Since the libraries are monitored not only by stewards, but also students and community members, it has been observed that the little libraries are becoming a gathering place for the love of literature. With an additional five hundred dollar donation from the TRA Student Council last year, the purchase of a vast number of books was made at the Penguin Publishing Company sale in November. As a result, when the first little library had its grand opening, it was stocked with brand new books. “Books are the quietest and most constant friends. They are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”Charles William Eliot Linda Dewey As the news has been spreading, community members have donated a huge number of books. In fact, the steward for the Lisle Little Free Library found a bag of books waiting for her when she went to work at a local store, one day. After school, students volunteer to stamp and label the books with the official Little Free Library logo, and create free bookmarks. They have even begun to read and write critiques of some of the books which they glue to the inside cover. Three more Little Libraries are under construction at TRA. This is only the beginning. There are three 3 Books for Babies and Books for Kids are the service projects sponsored by BARC. The Books for Babies Project is connected with the DePaul Clinic at Lourdes. BARC purchases books and then we, in turn, pass those books on to families with new babies so that the gift of reading can begin at a very early age! We place the books in gift bags and provide a bookmark and a pamphlet that emphasize the importance of early literacy. Last year, we gave over 120 books to families in the community. Books for Kids was started four years ago in an effort to provide books to older children in our community. We chose to support Mom’s House and Danielle House. Attendees at our BARC special events can purchase a small book for $3.00 and a larger book for $5.00. BARC then donates the book to either Mom's House or Danielle House. Book plates are available so the organizations know who the books are from. Over 40 books were given to these two agencies, last year. Please stop at our booth at the Fall Dinner and support Books for Babies and Books for Kids through our raffle and book purchases. We look forward to seeing you! Pam Brodsky Books for Babies Books for Kids 4 BARC HAS MONEY FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT! BARC members can receive professional development scholarships of up to $500.00 to: cover a portion of the cost of the annual NYSRA conference. sponsor a speaker or group of speakers such as a Teacher Center workshop (ex: on an in-service day) in which many teachers will benefit. cover a portion of the cost of an approved literacy conference. cover the cost of an undergraduate or graduate level literacy course to be taken within 12 months after being awarded a scholarship. purchase professional development periodicals, text or website subscriptions. Applications must be postmarked Friday, April 4, 2015 . Money will be awarded after completion of the conference, workshop, course or speaker. See page 7 of this newsletter for an application. For more information, contact Regina Mardex: [email protected] SAVE THESES DATES IN YOUR DATE BOOK: BARC Fall Dinner Thursday, October 30, 2014 with Children’s Book Author Matthew Payne Twitter at: @TheRealMDPayne BARC Annual Souper Supper Thursday, March 12, 2015 with Teacher, Literacy Consultant & Children’s Book Author Sandra Athans www.sandraathans.com BARC Spring Dinner Wednesday May 13, 2015 with Award Winning Children’s Book Author Avi www.avi.writer.com 5 BARC Executive Council 2013—2014 ADD THE BARC WEBSITE TO YOUR FAVORITES, AND YOU WON’T MISS AN EVENT EVER AGAIN! www.barcny.weebly.com. It’s the easiest way to find Membership and Professional Development Applications, Important Dates, Photo Gallery, And More! President…………......Patricia Follette Co-Vice Presidents......Jennifer Bittler Talitha Johnston Treasurer…………...Nadine Ferguson Corresponding Secretary & Media/Historian………….Kristie Miner Recording Secretary…….Linda Pinter Professional Development & Newsletter:……………Regina Mardex Books for Babies Books for Kids……... Pamela Brodsky Donna Murray Membership……...Laura Beth Farwell Members at Large………...Mary Allen Molly Babcock Theresa Cialone The BARC Executive Council would like to send out a “Thank you,” to all district and building representatives for distributing membership, event information and collecting monies. Questions or concerns regarding BARC or the newsletter, please e-mail Regina Mardex at: [email protected]. 6 BINGHAMTON AREA READING COUNCIL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & SCHOLARSHIP GRANT APPLICATION Name of Applicant________________________________________________ Home Address___________________________________________________ Home Telephone____________________ Home E-Mail___________________ Work Address___________________________________________________ Work Telephone____________________ Work E-Mail___________________ What is the best time to reach you?__________________________________ ____ Check here if you have received preliminary approval from your building administrator. Your building administrator’s signature may be required prior to final approval or disbursement of funds. Please check your purpose for applying for this scholarship money (up to $500): To cover a portion of the cost of the annual NYSRA conference. To sponsor a speaker or group of speakers such as a Teacher Center workshop (ex: on an in-service day) in which many teachers will benefit. To cover a portion of the cost of an approved literacy conference. To cover the cost of an undergraduate or graduate level literacy course to be taken within 12 months after being awarded a scholarship. Other____________________________________________ On a separate sheet of paper, give as many details as possible explaining your need for this money. Please type. The following are requirements for your application to be considered: Current BARC membership Completed scholarship application form Copies of brochures, pamphlets, course listings, speaker biography, or any related material describing the conference, workshop, course or speaker. Application must be postmarked Friday, April 4, 2015. Money will be awarded after completion of the conference, workshop, course or speaker. **PLEASE NOTE: Special circumstances regarding the disbursement of funds need to be communicated to the Executive Council of the Binghamton Area Reading Council. RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: Regina Mardex, Caryl E. Adams Primary School, 24 Kiebel Road, Whitney Point, NY 13862. Any further questions, email us at: [email protected]. 7
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