WHAT’S NEW IN THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST BAPTISM - We welcome as new members of Sunday, November 9 PREP/CCD following 10 AM mass 10:00 AM - Little People’s Church 10:00 AM - Presentation First Communion our Church: Brynn Victoria Christie, Liam Gregory Valenti, Brandon Matthew Molinaro, Maggie Rose Harkins and Aidan Patrick Duffy baptized November 2, 2014. Monday, November 10 7:00 PM - Baptism Class 8:00 PM - Jackpot Tuesday, November 11 “Veteran’s Day” 5:00 PM - Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 6:45 PM - Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 6:30 PM - Boy/Cub Scouts Registration (Hall) 7:00 PM - Bereavement Support Group (Library) 7:30 PM - Pastoral Council Meeting Wednesday, November 12 6:15 PM - Junior Girl Scouts 7:00 PM - Choir 7:00 PM - Christ the King Ladies Auxiliary Meeting (Hall) 7:00 PM - Parish Nurses Meeting Thursday, November 13 12:00 PM - 2 PM - CTK Seniors Club 6:00 PM - Daisy Scouts 7:00 PM - World Meeting of Families (School Meeting Room) Friday, November 14 5:00 PM - Junior Girl Scouts Camp-in Sunday, November 15 PREP/CCD following 10 AM mass 10:00 AM - Little People’s Church 11:00 AM - Pre Cana Team Meeting (Rectory) KING’S HOUSEKEEPER’S Our King’s Housekeeper’s need some volunteers to help to clean OUR church. Please call Mary Thomer @215-632-3689 for more information. Thank you! DEATHS – Sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of Mike Kilroy and Michael Quinn. May they rest in peace. SERIOUSLY ILL- Please pray for Karen Agneta, William Allen, Charles Ameylick, Bryan Anderson, Betty Anslick, Monnie Betz, Joan Binni, Jean Bottomley, Jean Marie Byles, Teodora Campbell, Bridget Carey, Betty Clark, Austin Caucci, Kathleen Ciletta, Kathy Cilingin, Christopher Conner, Jimmy & Kathleen Cook, Lisa Costello, John & Josephine Cramutola, Drew Deal, Michele Dehel, Dot Dzikowski, Kathy Eccleston, Karen Engineer, Paul Fenn, 3rd, Joan Fitzhenry, Kathleen Foley, Jim Galen, Mary Garuffe, Jean Gilroy, Linda Glenn, Jacqueline Gregory, Pat Griffith, Len Hackimer, Bryan Hoch, Chrissy Hildebrand, Kevin McHugh, Lisa Keezer, Bob Ketler, Gil Ketler, Anne Leonard, Angela Lerro, Rob Loftus, Gertrude Lory, Patti Lucas, Carol Malone, Walter Marchowsky, Joe Motto, Isabella McClintock, Laraine McKee, Jim McMahon, Jim McMahon, Jr., Dennis Morris, Ronald Muffett, Linda Murawski, John Nicklous, Marlene Nucero, Lynn O’Brien, Dolly Olewnik, Jackie Olinger, David Naylor, Sharon O’Neill, Mary Ruth Palmer, Jr, Brendan Parsons, Pat Patkus, Alec Perusich, Antoniette Picklo, Kathleen, Pisacano, Dominick Pietrafesa, Angelique Preimus, Genevieve Querin, Joan Recigno, Kathy Reed, Norbet Rix, Amy Rudnitskas, Jerry S., Matthew Scannapieco, Jacqueline Seybert, Patti Sickel, Margaret Smack, Raymond Smith, Rosalie Smith, Colleen Stewart, Jeannette Swierz, Joan Thompson, Patrick Trombetta, Mike Unger, Ursula Unger, Mary Kay Valley, Marie Vendetti, Jack Walsh, Mary D.Walsh, Stephanie Yost. 150-ctk-page-1 DEDICATION OF THE LATERNAL BASILICA IN ROME NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Dear Friends, The Ordinary Time of the Church year continues but this weekend we will celebrate a different kind of feast. It is the Feast of the Dedication of St John Lateran Basilica. The Basilica is the “Mother Church” of all the Churches of the world and the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. The Church itself goes back to the time of Emporer Constantine in the 4th Century. It’s name honors John the Baptist and John the Evangelist and also a wealthy Christian family. Pilgrims who visit Rome are encouraged to visit this Basilica as well as the Churches dedicated to the Blessed Mother, St Paul and obviously the most familiar St Peter’s Basilica. The Church encourages us to celebrate the Dedication of this Sacred Basilica also as a way of honoring all the consecrated Churches of the world, including our own. The scriptures of the feast highlight the importance of the Temple in biblical times and also that Jesus identified himself as the temple, shifting the focus of our worship from a place to a person. St Paul takes another step in saying that we, the believers, are God’s Building. This week, a year from now, will be our Parish Pilgrimage to Italy. Six years ago, on our first trip to Rome, our hotel was walking distance from the Lateran Basilica. We arrived on a Sunday afternoon and hadn’t gone to Mass. Some of our group needed a nap from the overnight flight. Some others of us walked to the Lateran Basilica for Mass. Mass was in Italian in the ancient Church, but it was nice to greet so many familiar faces at the sign of peace and join them in line for Holy Communion. It was a good start to a memorable trip. Over fifty folks are already signed up for next year’s trip. Father Mark Hunt is only available to have one Mass for us on the weekend. I’m happy to be able to get two other priests for one Sunday each month. Father John Donia, the School Minister at Archbishop Ryan High School will be with us this Sunday for the 10 and also monthly throughout the year. Father Bernard Farley, Chaplain at St John Neumann Nursing Home has also agreed to be with us for the 8 once a month. I’m happy to be able to get good priests to be with us and give you a break from me once in awhile. Two good retired priests of the Archdiocese recently died-- Father John Fitzgerald and Msgr. James Howard. Father Fitzgerald recently lived at St Anselm and among other things was a founder of a Bereavement group in the Archdiocese called To Live Again. He was an inspiration for the beginnings of bereavement ministry in so many parishes including our own. Msgr Howard was Rector of the Cathedral for many years. He also taught at Cardinal Dougherty High School in my time and later was Principal there. I was scared to death of him as a teacher. In later years he was very good to me and often came here for confessions for our school children and also First Penance Services. Msgr Howard was also well known by many Philadelphia Police officers as their Chaplain. Archbishop Chaput had a meeting last week with all the Catholic School teachers of the Archdiocese---high school and grade school alike. He took the occasion to introduce a Pastoral letter of his addressed to the whole Archdiocese on Catholic Education and Faith Formation called “Equipping Saints”. Besides naming changes that have happened in the Archdiocese recently, the letter also addresses parishes and parents concerning their role in Catholic Education and Faith Formation. Take some time to read the letter. It is available at www.CatholicPhilly.com. We had a unique presentation on the Saints last Sunday for our CCD children and their families. The presentation by The Spoon Man was a good time for all as well as passing on a healthy religious message. I’m grateful for the continuing response to the Fall Appeal. It’s a most important collection for the life of the parish. You’ve also received a mailing concerning the Annual Seminary Appeal. We will have a seminarian with us next week promoting the Appeal. Hope many of you were at our Christmas Bazaar. Special thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary for coordinating the efforts of so many volunteers 150-ctk-page-2 THE SPOON MAN MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9TH NO 6:30 AM MASSES SUNDAY 8:00 AM Cissy McMahon 10:00 AM Adele McCue 12:00 PM Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:00 AM Grace Schuhl (Anniv.) 8:00 AM Archangelo & Carmelo Tedeschi MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM The Spoon Man played the spoons on Christopher’s head. John Santangelo THURSDAY 8:00 AM Communion Service FRIDAY 8:00 AM Andrew Kolodziej SATURDAY 8:00 AM SUNDAY Joseph D’Angelo 8:00 AM Thomas McGrail 10:00 AM Madeline & William 12:00 PM Pinto Josephine Kalicki Here he is playing the spoons while on fire. What a great treat for all those who attended. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING Sunday, November 2, 2014 324 Envelopes $10,843 1st Sunday, November 2014 $12,650 All Saints Collection 132 Envelopes $1,482 Holy Souls Collection 125 Envelopes $1,206 2014 Fall Appeal Week 9 31 Envelopes Total to date Total Envelopes 9th Wk. Fall Appeal 2013 WEEKLY JACKPOT Monday, November 3, 2014 WINNING NUMBERS $4,590 $42,248 408 $44,228 4 5 11 13 22 NO JACKPOT WINNER Consolation Prize Winners 5 Winner - $100 each Winners Sellers Lisa Fera Conlon Ron Trojan Sincavage E. Roman E. Horne Joanne Fallon Noreen Cassidy Helene & Joe Carl Malitsky NEXT DRAWING IS Monday, November 10, 2014 $24,000 FYI…. There will be no drawing on November 24th due to Forty Hours Devotion 150-ctk-page-3 FORTY HOURS DEVOTION FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING Begins Sunday, November 23, 2014 Eucharistic Adoration All Day We apologize to the family of Kevin Kelleher that his name was inadvertently missed in the list of names of deceased read at Mass and in the Book. Please keep Kevin’s family in your prayers in addition to all the families of those included for All Souls. Please also remember the family of Spencer Satanoff in your prayers. Plan to be with us! HOLIDAY GREENERY SALE BOY SCOUTS TROOP 111 Surprise your loved ones and friends with a gift of Fresh Green Wreaths, Mini Trees, Door Sprays or Balsam Garland Please see one of our Boy Scouts from Troop #111 to help you with your order! We can even FedEx your order to be delivered as a gift with a card signed by you! ALL orders & money must be turned in no later than Tuesday, Nov 11th to ensure delivery by Dec 7th. We are at the Christ the King Parish Hall every Tuesday from 7:30-9:00 p.m. For more information, please call Shannon at 215-301-8890 or email [email protected] The Book Club will meet on Wednesday, November 19th at 7 P.M. in the school library to discuss a book of your own choice. Please be prepared to share what the book was about. We will be making a list for future Book club choices at this meeting. Also, this will be the cookie swap since we will not be meeting in December. We are always happy to have additional members. Please feel free to call Fran Williams (215) 632-1144 or Shannon Clark (215) 281-1156 if you have any questions. LADIES AUXILIARY MEETING Ladies Auxiliary meeting is Wednesday, November 12th at 7 PM in the church hall. Snacks and Refreshments will be served. CYO BOARD MEMBER Anyone interested in joining the CYO Board as an Athletic Director please Contact: Michele Mellon Cell # 215-200-7283 Email: [email protected] CHRIST THE KING 40TH REUNION “CLASS OF 1974” A BLAST FROM THE PAST! Saturday, November 29, 2104 at Christ the King Parish Hall. Doors open 6:30 PM $30 per person: BYOB, DJ. Buffet & Set-ups. For tickets mail check payable to Steve Bradley c/o CTK Reunion 9120 Dale Rd. Phila., Pa.19115. All other years welcome! Check us out on Facebook or e-mail Karen Coulter [email protected] or Bill Hardiman [email protected] The Archbishop Ryan Music Theater Presents “Shrek the Musical”. On Stage! Friday, November 21st and Saturday, November 22nd at 7:30 PM. Sunday, November 23rd at 1 PM. The performance location is at Archbishop Ryan HS 11201 Academy Rd. Cost: Seniors & Children 13 and under $8. Adults $12. Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance by calling 215-637-1800 x 211. 150-ctk-page-4 ADVENT CONCERT/ EVENING PRAYER SAVE THE DATE! Please plan to join us for our annual Advent Concert / Evening Prayer on Sunday, November 30, the First Sunday of Advent, at 4:00 pm. It will feature our choirs, instrumentalists, and soloists Vincent DiFrancesco and Sara Volpe. It's a perfect way to celebrate the spirit of the season. EVENTS “2015” SAVE THE DATE PARISH MINISTERS RETREAT All parishioners involved in a parish ministry are reminded that the Annual Retreat for Parish Ministers and interested parishioners is scheduled for Saturday, January 17, 9:30am to 5pm, at St. Katharine Drexel Shrine. SAVE THE DATE! MASS & SOCIAL FOR MARRIED COUPLES Annual Mass and Social for Married Couples is scheduled for Saturday, February 7, 5pm, CTK Church and Hall. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA The Shrine of the Miraculous Medal will host their Annual Solemn Novena (9 days of Prayer), November 17th – 25th with Fr. Michael Whalen, C.M. 500 E. Chelten Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 Mass, homily and Novena prayers at 7 AM, 9AM and 12 noon daily except Sunday. Novena Prayers, Homily and Benediction in afternoons and evenings. Free and secure parking is always available visit www.MiraculousMedal.org for more details. ITALY PILGRIMAGE Hosted by Father James A. Callahan 12 Days: November 2nd 13th, 2015 $3,389 per person from Phila. (Air/land tour price is $2,749 plus $640 govt. taxes/airline fuel surcharges) TOUR INCLUDES: Roundtrip Air from Philadelphia, $640 govt. taxes/airline fuel surcharges, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals, Comprehensive Sightseeing Visit Venice, Florence, Assisi, Sorrento, and Rome with Vatican City and the Papal Audience For a brochure & more information contact Father Callahan: @215-632-1144 or email: [email protected] BROWNIE GIRL SCOUT LEADER We are looking for a Brownie leader to lead the troop that meets here at Christ the King. You will be working with girls in grades 2 and 3. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Dot Michaels (215-637-4347) after 3 PM. Tuesday, November 11th To All American Veteran’s….. Thank You! ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE CASSEROLE PROGRAM Today foil casserole pans with lids and suggested recipes will be available at the Church doors. Frozen casseroles can be brought to the freezer in the Hall next weekend November 15th & 16th. Casseroles are picked up early Monday morning. ctk -150-page-5
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