www.gleberd.com.au Sunday 2 November 2014 Welcome to Worship at Glebe Road Uniting Church . . . May the Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us in our worship and fellowship together. Everyone is welcome to join together for refreshments following the services. NON-VIOLENCE: ADVOCACY AND A WAY OF LIFE The life of Jesus is characterised by many amazing facets of his divine-human being. One of those is the nonviolence with which he lived. This, of course, is in stark contrast to his torture and death. The non-violent way of life is the one most of us have chosen to live; or, at least, the way in which we have chosen to live for most of our life. I pause at this point and respectfully recognise those who have served our nation as members of the Australian Defence Force and who have fulfilled combat roles as a part of their duty. Similarly, those who serve on the front line of maintaining law and order, at times required to discharge firearms and exercise physical strength to maintain the safety of others and the apprehension of offenders. However, the use of violence to gain, or maintain, power and control over others for the purpose of subjugation, humiliation or exploitation, is contrary to the life and character of Jesus, and the gospel values we are called to live by. There is a growing wave of societal energy rising up against violence in our communities: violence in our homes, where people gather to socialise, and on the streets. I have noticed, with significant interest, that the recently announced 2015 Queensland Australian of the Year and Victorian Australian of the Year are people who live and advocate a non-violent way of life. Hetty Johnson, Ministry Team Rev Peter Arnett , Lead Minister p: 0400 774 890 e: [email protected] Mr Adam Tipple, Young Families Pastor e: [email protected] Every member of the Congregation is a valued member of the Team Mrs Noela Rothery, Office Administrator e: [email protected] founder of the child protection charity Bravehearts, and a leading child protection activist has been honoured as the Queensland finalist for Australian of the Year. Rosie Batty has been honoured in Victoria for her work as a campaigner against domestic violence. Rosie is the mother of Luke who, at the age of 11, was bashed to death by his father earlier this year in a public park. I know nothing of the faith journey of these two ladies, but I affirm that their actions of activism and advocacy give expression to the gospel value of non-violence. As disciples of Jesus let us be an inspiration and an encouragement to one another, and a voice of hope to our community, as we give private and public support to the cry for violence to cease in our homes and in our society. Let’s speak out and take action against domestic/family and social violence so that Ipswich may become a safer place for everyone. Blessings, Pete. Church Council Celebration Service Peter Case—Chairperson Nyleta Bruce—Secretary Derek Hirons— Treasurer Vi Beaumont, Bev Bruce, David Hunter, Judy Jackson, Noel Rothery, Xavier Camillo. 9 am Advent Celebration Service Sunday 7 December (note change of date) Regular Sunday Services 8:15 am; 10:15 am & 6 pm Church Office Tues to Fri 9 am—12:30 pm Phone 3202 1700 PO Box 83, Booval, 4304 [email protected] What’s happening this week ... Sun 2 Nov 8:15 am Leader: Adam Tipple Preacher: Rev. P. Arnett Holy Communion 10:15 am Leader: Adam Tipple Preacher: Greg Seymour Leader: Casie Slater 6:00 pm Preacher: Rev. Peter Arnett Mon 3 Nov 9:30 am Mainly Music 7:30 pm Church Council Wed 5 Nov 7:00 am Waterers and Weeders 9:30 am Womens’ Fellowship Thurs 6 Nov 9:30 am Mainly Music Fri 7 Nov 7:30 pm Collision and Resurrection Sat 8 Nov 7:30 pm Eisteddfod Presentation Evening Sun 9 Nov 8:15 am Leader: Bev Bruce Preacher: Hannah Jackson 10:15 am Leader: Bev Bruce Preacher: Hannah Jackson Holy Communion 6:00 pm Leader: Cameron Kelso Preacher: Rev. Peter Arnett Who is celebrating this week? Birthdays 28 October Noel Pittman 7 November Vic Johnson, Karen Madders Prayer Points: Pray that the doctors will correctly diagnose and treat Lola Milward’s condition and that she will know God’s peace at this time. Pray that Heather Turner will settle in well at Brassall Village. Pray for Robyn Sorensen and her family as the mourn the loss of Noel. ADVENT CELEBRATION SERVICE Sunday 7th December 2014 9:00 am Note—change of date. Notices … Women’s Fellowship AGM Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday 5th November at 9.30AM. We will be having the AGM and general meeting. Ladies invited to come along and enjoy the Fellowship. Merle’s Team on Morning Tea. ROSTERS FOR THE 8.15AM SERVICE: Rosters have been emailed out to all concerned and printed copies in the Foyer for those not on email. Please let Jean know if you should have received a Roster and did not get one. Thanks to everyone who volunteers – you are much appreciated. Please note: Advent Celebration which was to be on the 30th November at 9.00am, has been rescheduled to 7th December at 9.00am. This means that the 30 Nov will now be an 8.15am service, and the 7th Dec will be a 9.00 am service. This is only going to affect the people on Roster #1 (i.e. music, singers, sound, computer) which will just mean just reversing those dates for people on roster. People on Roster #2 will remain the same, only time of service changes. Any questions? Ask Jean. DATE CLAIMER: Kid’s Musical, Saturday 29th November 2014—watch for more details. Habitat Theatre Night— Entertaining Angels Wednesday 19th November 2014, 7:30 pm. Tickets $25. See Ken 0419 112 004. Handel's Messiah—A Cambrian Special Event on Sunday, 16 November 2014 at 2:00pm; St Mary's Catholic Church, cnr Elizabeth Street & Roseberry Parade, Ipswich. The Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir and the Sunshine Coast Oriana Choir combine to welcome in the Christmas Season with a presentation of that most loved oratorio Handel's "Messiah". Tickets will also be available at the door. Adults: $35, Concessions: $30, Children: $20. See poster on the notice board. The “Brynhyfryd” Project The Ipswich Art Gallery is researching for an exhibition of Brynhyfryd, the Blackstone mansion house built in 1891. How can you help? You may have an object from the house which has been passed down through your family, or you may know of someone who does. The Art Gallery is interested in objects and building materials which are known to come from Brynhyfryd. In addition they would like to collect stories about the objects. Please contact Fiona Forrest at [email protected] . ATTENTION THOSE WITH VOCAL CHORDS You are specially invited to participate in this year’s amazing Carols In The Park Choir. There are no age limits, there are no special requirements, other than having a voice, you don't even need to audition!! This year’s choir needs YOU!! Rehearsal times are: Saturday 6th Dec - 10am-12pm and Saturday 13th Dec from 10am and hopefully finishing around 12pm, here at the church. I'd you have any questions please see Sarah Rothery. Ekaristi / Glebe Road Partnership update Fundraising wrap-up As we have raised approx. $38000 of the $40000 goal, the plan is to finalise fund raising for the school building project at the end of 2014. During the Advent Celebration Service on 7th December any outstanding Jars of Hope will be collected, and we will give thanks for the life-giving way in which our church and community has responded to the need of our partners in Timor Leste. Rev. Ji Zhang visits Ekaristi This weekend, Rev. Ji Zhang, Manager of Church Partnerships in Asia for UnitingWorld is visiting the IPTL churches in Dili. He is special guest at the opening of new Hosana Church in the city of Dili. Rev Domingos, who visited here in 2010, is the minister of this church. The building commenced in Indonesian times, and has lay unfinished for more than 14 years. Timor Leste government has financed the completion of this building. Rev Ji will also visit Ekaristi church and Marcelo II school, where he will inspect the progress of the building of the classrooms on behalf of UnitingWorld and Glebe Road. We look forward to hearing from him. With Love to the World Advent and Christmas issue A daily Bible reading guide based on the Revised common Lectionary on sale in the Church foyer $5.00 REGULAR ACTIVITIES Cell Groups For Bible study, Christian learning and fellowship. mainly music Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 am Waterers and Weeders Wednesdays 7:30am. Glebe Garden Club — Meets 1:30pm on the 1st Saturday of each month. Collision—Youth Group (Yrs 7-12) Friday night 7:30 Women’s Fellowship Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9.30am Resurrection—Young Adults Group Friday nights 8-10 pm Xtreme—Sunday morning during 2nd Service. Craft, Coffee and Chat — Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 9:30—11:30am. Timor Leste Experience 2015 We are planning to send a team of 12 in the school holidays September 2015. The plan is to conduct a trip into some rural parts of Timor Leste, as well as spending time in the Church and school community. The experience will be shaped around those who join the team. The approximate cost will be $2500. Please consider your inclusion in the team. Learn to speak Tetum Have you ever considered visiting our brothers and sisters at Ekaristi Church in Dili? If you have answered ‘yes’ to either of these questions then you will be pleased to know that the Institute of Modern Languages (UQ) are introducing a Beginners Tetum course in 2015. The course runs over two semesters (of 11 weeks each) and begins in March 2015. The cost, per semester is $325, which includes all materials. Stall on Sunday 9th November Following both services there will be a Craft and Cake Stall to raise money towards our School Building Project. Thanks to those who are organising and supporting this project. Prison Ministry Christmas Donations As Christmas draws nearer we are gratefully receiving donations of items for the Prison Ministry Christmas Drive 2014. We need your help again this year. Shampoo 250-300ml Soaps individually wrapped Deodorant - plastic roll on 50ml Alcohol Free Toothbrushes individually wrapped Toothpaste 90-110ml ONLINE GIVING The sizes are important. Items that do not meet these requirements are not permitted into the centres. Please pray for these unique programs that give our church an opportunity to share in practical displays of Christ‘s love and help meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of prisoners and their families. Tithes and offerings: UCA GLEBE ROAD IPSWICH UNITING CHURCH; BSB : 014010; A/c No.: 387151291 DONATIONS MAY BE LEFT IN A BOX IN OUR CHURCH FOYER
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