November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica The Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd 1601 West Mount Harmony Road, Owings, Maryland 20736 Office: (410) 257-3810 * Fax: (410) 257-6334 Email: [email protected] * Website: Sister Parish – Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Diocese of Jeremie, Haiti Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 & 10:45 AM; 5:00 PM Sunday Nursery 7:45 AM-12:15 PM (Please, no children in nursery without an adult) 7:30 AM Monday-Friday (Chapel) Daily Mass: Saturday Morning 8:00 AM (unless otherwise noted in bulletin) Reconciliation/Penance: Sat 3:30-4:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Sign up outside the Chapel) If you have young children your thoughtful use of the Quiet Room during Mass is appreciated Cardinal Hickey Academy Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Griffith 410-286-0404 · 301-812-0404 · Fax: 410-286-6334 WELCOME! NEW TO OUR PARISH? - Please come to Hospitality in the Centre. We want to know you! New members’ meetings are usually held the second Sunday of the month giving you the opportunity to learn about our vision as a community, its ministries and register as a member. Registration is required of every Catholic in a parish and gives the parish an idea of the number of participating Catholics. It also allows a parish to extend courtesies to members such as letter of sponsorship, recommendations, etc. RCIA – We welcome adults interested in becoming Catholic. [email protected]. Please contact Fr. Mike King at 410-257-3810 x20 or BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS - Usually held the third Sunday of each month following the last morning Mass. Baptisms are held on Sunday after the last morning Mass. Please call the church office to schedule. Parents of the child to be baptized must be registered members of JGS. We welcome you to a New Members Meeting in advance. A Catholic godparent must be a registered and practicing Catholic, confirmed in writing by one’s proper pastor. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY - We rejoice with members who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. We encourage couples to contact our office at least one year in advance; otherwise, dates cannot be guaranteed. Please do not set a date before making Church arrangements first. Dates for weddings can never be arranged before a preliminary meeting. MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the Roman Catholic Parish of the Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd, have chosen to serve the Lord by evangelizing through the virtues of Hospitality, Spirituality and Stewardship.” Dear Brothers and Sisters, JGS Staff Hard to believe that we are already well into November. Time flies! And to think this Thursday we are already only two weeks away from Thanksgiving. Pastor Rev. Michael J. King 410-257-3810 x20 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Katie Evans 410-257-3810 x24 [email protected] Weekend Clergy Rev. Kenneth Boyack, CSP [email protected] Events/Covenant Creek Centre Mrs. Kim Addison 410-474-2258 [email protected] Last weekend, the Church had a special celebration on November 2, the Commemoration of All Souls. This Sunday is another special celebration – the Feast of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. Fields, Gym & Pavilion Mrs. Theresa Mills 410-257-3810 x25 [email protected] Some clarification about today’s feast. First, there is no such saint called St. John Lateran. “Lateran” refers to the ancient Roman family house by the last name in English of Lateran, over which a major Roman basilica in honor of St. John the Baptist was built. Today this basilica is the cathedral church for the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. Deacon Chad Martin 410-257-3810 [email protected] Deacon Eric Mueller 410-610-3844 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Mrs. Laura Cleary 410-257-3810 x10 [email protected] Adult Faith Formation (AFF) Sister Eileen Clinton, I.H.M. 410-257-3810 x14 [email protected] Secretary/Shepherd’s Cove/ Calendar Coordinator Mrs. Sheryl Fischer 410-257-3810 x15 [email protected] Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) Mrs. Cynthia Wagenhofer 410-257-3810 x18 [email protected] Business Manager Mrs. Pamela Huseman 410-257-3810 x36 [email protected] ______________________ CHA Principal Jennifer Griffith 410-286-0404 Mrs. Kim Addison 410-257-3810 x18 [email protected] Youth Ministry/Confirmation Mrs. Julie Gartrell 301-855-0492 x26 [email protected] [email protected] In celebrating a house of prayer, we are celebrating the place where God wishes to dwell: the people He calls his own, his living temple. WE are the Church! As St. Caesarius of Arles said on this feast long ago, “Wherever we come to church, we must prepare our hearts to be as beautiful as we expect this church to be. Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean? Then do not soil your soul with the filth of sins. Do you wish this basilica to be full of light? God too wishes that your soul be not in darkness, but that the light of good works shine in us” [Office of Readings, vol. IV, p. 1548]. Let us pray. Lord God, you have made us one in the Body of Christ, and through our communion in him we have become members of Christ and one another. Keep your family in unity and peace, and make us worthy to be your dwelling place. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. - Father Mike Weekend Mass Intentions November 8-9 Vigil 5PM † Jerome Resnick, father of Bill Resnick at the request of Teresa Schrodel 8 AM † Joe Parker, husband of Doris, at the request of Cheryl and Roger Flynn 10:45 AM † Peter LaBarbera at the request of Pam and Ralph Smith 5 PM - Valerie White at the request of Mary Otranto Mass Intentions for November 10-15 Monday 11/10 7:30 am - Special Intentions Tuesday 11/11 7:30 am - Special Intentions Wednesday 11/12 7:30 am † Nettie Murphy Thursday 11/13 7:30 am † Poor Souls in Purgatory Friday 11/14 7:30 am † Jeremiah McAuliffe at the request of his wife Rose 11/14 9:30am - Special Intentions 11/15 8:00 am † William E. Barklage Family at the request of Marilyn Taylor Saturday 2 Serving the Lord with gladness - - - - Ministry Schedule for Nov 15-16 Mass Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers 5PM Vigil Eason/Downs Worrell/L.Poudrier/Hotchkiss/Volunteers Macyko/Pike/Martin 8 AM Mann/Allison Allison/Langley(2)/Stubbs/Buck/Woodburn/Volunteers Masoero/Polk/Harper 10:45 AM Gorman/Gorman Bodenhorn(2)/Harrison/Cullens/B.Menoche/Tress/ Pierpont/Richardson/Collins Gough/Mims/Coker 5 PM Confirmation Class Volunteers Fischer(2)/Iascone/K.Fagan/Volunteers Kampsen/Warner/ Nazzaro Hospitality Please Volunteer KOC Breakfast Please Volunteer BAKING—All parishioners with last name beginning with L-Q are asked to bring in homemade or store bought baked goods. COMMORATION OF FAITHFUL DEPARTED: All are welcome to pray for the dead throughout November in the following ways: The Virtue of Hospitality The next new members meeting is today, November 9th, after the 10:45 AM Mass in Shepherd’s Cove. Will last about one hour. We welcome you! It’s a requirement of the Catholic Church that all baptized Catholics be properly registered. [1] ALL SOULS ENVELOPE It is a custom of the Church to offer a Mass in honor of a deceased loved one. This can be done by completing an All Souls envelope. These envelopes will be available during the month of November. The listing of those names will appear in the bulletin at the end of November and a Mass said in their honor; THE SHAWL MINISTRY will meet on Tuesday, 11/18, in the Upper Room (library) from 1-3 PM. Anyone interested in learning to knit/crochet is invited to attend. We can help you get started on a prayer shawl. [2] BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE It is a beautiful custom at JGS during November to have available for public signature our Book of Remembrance. You are most welcome to inscribe the name[s] of your beloved dead in this book which will be available in the atrium during the month of November until the first Sunday of Advent [November 29/30]; MEMORIAL BRICKS FOR OUR OUTDOOR PRAYER GARDEN We are in the process of submitting a new order of personalized brick pavers in time for the upcoming holidays. What a beautiful way to memorialize special people for their birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other significant events in their lives. The deadline is November 15th. Information can [3] ATRIUM DISPLAY OF REMEMBRANCE be found on our website or by contacting the church office. Photos of those who have gone to the Lord SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16: RESPECT FOR LIFE – ADULT FAITH since All Souls Day of November, 2013, are FORMATION SERIES Following the 8:00 AM Mass, in the Chapdisplayed in the Atrium. el, from 9:30 – 10:35 a.m., JGS welcomes Mrs. Andrea Garvey, associate director for Respect Life for the Maryland Catholic A SPECIAL THANK YOU To the Martha and Mary society Conference. Mrs. Garvey will be here to speak on the recently and all those individuals who participated in the fundraisreleased and updated pastoral letter, Comfort and Consola- er/benefit for Riley Ann Bodenhorn’s handicap ramp contion, Care of the Sick and Dying from the Maryland Catholic struction project. The benefit was a complete success! Conference. The Maryland Bishops’ letter addresses guidance The Bodenhorn families are profoundly grateful. on end of life care and decision making in accord with Catholic ARE YOU READY FOR ADVENT? ADVENT BEGINS NOteaching. Are you aware of the teachings? Who should VEMBER 30TH. Advent Candles and wreaths will be for attend: All people interested in Catholic teaching on end of sale in the Centre after Masses beginning the weekend of life issues; all who are care givers, especially those who take Nov 15 and 16. Cost is $4 candles, $6 wreath, $10 both. care of the chronically and terminally ill; and, medical field workers. INTERESTED IN GETTING UP-TO-DATE NEWS BULLETINS FROM JGS? Join our email list to receive email alerts and up-to-the-minute information – reminders about special events, weather-related closings, special announcements. Contact [email protected] to be put on the email list. 3 “KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS” MAGNETS JGS Knights of Columbus will be selling religiously themed Christmas Cards and the very popular "Keep Christ in Christmas" car magnets after all Masses the weekend of Nov 23rd. The magnets are $5 and the cards will vary in price. Sales supports numerous causes including parish youth and seminarians. THE JGS MUSIC MINISTRY IS VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT IT IS PUBLISHING A CHRISTMAS CD. This CD will feature each of the JGS choirs and the CHA Handbells. Only a limited number of cds will be made. Parishioners are encouraged to pre-order. The cost of the cds is $20 which covers the cost of the professional sound recording, royalties and artwork. CDs will be ready in time for Thanksgiving. Checks may be made payable to JGS, please put CD in the memo line, then drop the check in the mail slot of the church office. Order forms are available in the atrium, on the bulletin board. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BABY BOTTLES FOR BIRTHRIGHT: GOOD NEWS! - Good news is that 145 bottles have been returned by the JGS community with many generous contributions to the Birthright Pregnancy Resource Center. However, 193 bottles haven't been returned. It costs Birthright $1.22 for every unreturned bottle, so, PLEASE RETURN THE BOTTLES...EVEN IF EMPTY...AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in the basket provided in the atrium so they can be reused, thanks! And a huge thank you for all the generous contributions so far. NEW JGS COMMUNITY PHOTO DIRECTORY: We have received the “proof” for our new and updated Community Photo Directory. Its being reviewed for any errors and will be returned as soon as possible to LifeTouch for publication. Thank you for your cooperation and for your patience. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, December 7 7:00 am – 12:30 pm in the Family Center Gym Just an hour of your time can save 3 lives. We need your help. Schedule your donation appointment today. Call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit Thank you! Requirements: Must be in good health, weigh no less than 110 lbs., no tattoo within the past year; at least 17 years of age (16 with parents written permission); and have not donated whole blood within the past 56 days. The Virtue of Spirituality Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-2 THE SICK: Marlene Nagle; Terry O’Brien; Mary Pockey; Gail Walsh; Benita Gale; Callie Jo Corcoran; Kathie Scott; Katie Lakie; Jane Ritter; Rosemary Howard; Richard Gaither; Jacob Benish; Kathleen Brown; Debbie Bean; Leigh Shoe; Marissa Berick; Leonard Joy; Neal Carr; Diana Wolfe; Cleo Flynn; Caroline VanWie; Mary Sita; Rebecca Proctor; Diane Sparrow; Eileen Day; Barbara Jackson; Baby Hope; Rusty Beeson; Ron Beeson; Sean Hopson; Patrick Kellaher; Connor Bell; Maureen Looney; Florence; Dave Suhosky; Jimmy Scanlan; Jason Ratcliff; Marsha Dunn; Irving Sandy; Linda Ryan; Mary Philip; and Delores Shaut. Friends/relatives in need of prayer? Contact the church office monthly to include them in our bulletin. We pray for all the members of the United States Military. We pray that all are kept from harm, especially: Steve Looney, Navy Seal, Afghanistan; Billy Looney, Navy Seal, Africa; Will Jones, Navy Seal, Africa; Michael Hardy, Army, Ft. Campbell, KY; Lt. Alex Scott, USS Mississippi; Nicholas Majers, Afghanistan; David Keffer, Middle East. Please contact the church office if you would like to add a name to list: 410-257-3810 or [email protected]. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME CATHOLIC? Were you baptized Catholic as a child, but have not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and/ or Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group setting to learn about our Catholic faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Catholic Church and prepares individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist at Easter. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights, and your faith story in a warm, accepting setting. For more information contact the church office at 410-257-3810 ext. 10 or 15 or contact one of the following: Father Mike King, 410-257-3810, ext. 20; Sister Eileen, ext. 14 or Deacon Eric Mueller, 410-610-3844 or by their emails listed on page 2 of the bulletin. Thank you! 4 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Please remember that all-day Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Thursday in our Chapel until 9 PM. Jesus stays with us in the Blessed Sacrament, calling out to each of us: “Come to Me all you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you” [Matt. 11:28]. Jesus stays with us in the Blessed Sacrament to refresh us in mind and heart and spirit by lavishing upon us those graces that encourage us, console us, strengthen us, guide us, and inspire us to place all our trust in His Sacred Heart, so that the power of His love may cast out every doubt, fear, doubt, worry and anxiety that we have. CONFIRMATON - Next class meets Nov 16th in your regular classrooms. JANUARY 16-18, 2015 – YOUTH RETREAT Theme “Jesus calls – will you follow” (call to discipleship). Retreat will be held in Ocean City/Bethany beach Leave Friday at 4 PM; return Sunday evening. Cost $125 – Form and Deposit due by Dec. 1st . Forms available on the bulletin board or at the JGS web page. Open to Youth who are active in our JGS programs and are in the 10, 11, and 12th grades. Space is limited so please sign up today. “FAITH AND FOOD” NEIGHBORHOOD GATHERINGS: October saw the beginning of what is hoped will be the launch of continuous, monthly, small-group gatherings in communities within our larger JGS community. Through the generosity of parishioners in one area of Owings, their home was opened up to a community-based Home Mass, followed by food. This event is called, “Faith and Food.” Friday evenings seem to work the best for all. It was a wonderful experience! The next “Faith and Food” event will be later this month in November in Lothian. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Sister Eileen, coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, 410-257-3810 x 14 or [email protected]. Thank you! A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR SPONSORING THE YOUTH BREAKFAST AND TO ALL THOSE WHO ATTENDED, IT WAS A GREAT SUCCESS. Also thank you to the community for all your donations and prayers. We have a very active youth program here at JGS with a lot of young people involved in many ministries so your continued support of prayers are always needed. The Virtue of Stewardship SHARE—PLACE THANKSGIVING FOOD ORDERS AFTER MASS TODAY. Order or donate a Thanksgiving Dinner ($30) or Holiday Groceries ($20) during hospitality in the Centre. SHARE is a great way to stretch your grocery budget. The $20 package returns $40+ in food! Rather give of your time? Volunteer to help out on delivery day, November 22. Help us fill this need in our community. Your gift (be it time or treasure) will help us provide healthy protein and fresh produce to struggling families. Learn more by stopping by the SHARE table during hospitality. Direct your questions & orders to Ned Waugaman, 410-2570464, or Lynn Robinson, 443-964-8054, [email protected]. MARRIAGE HELP—RETROUVAILLE (French for Rediscovery and pronounced Re-tro-vai) is a program that can help you rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending. Our next weekend is January 23-25, 2015. All calls and inquires are confidential. To register or obtain more information visit our website at:, call (443)400-7017 or email: [email protected]. VOLUNTEER DAYTIME HANDYMAN: There are many small, miscellaneous jobs that need to be done, Monday-Friday, in our facility. There are so many little things, in fact, that our small maintenance team could use help. Could you donate a few hours of your time a week? It would be greatly appreciated. If you can assist, please contact the church office and leave your name and contact information. Thank you! MEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND—The Men's Cursillo weekend will be held on November 20 -23, 2014 at the Josephite Center in Washington, DC. Ultreya meets on the second Monday of every month, 7:30PM at St.John Vianney in Pr. Frederick. Remember, MAKE A FRIEND, BE A FRIEND AND BRING THAT FRIEND TO CHRIST. For more info visit or call Francis or Judy at 301-855-7061 or [email protected]. DeColores!! FOOD DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME THIS TIME OF YEAR—Please remember to bring in your items for St. Anthony’s Food Pantry. Items may be placed in the bin in the Centre. ELECTRONIC GIVING: JGS has an electronic offertory giving program called Faith Direct. Please enroll by visiting the JGS website: - click on the Resources tab and then click on eGiving. Thank you for your kindness in responding to this new and modern way of Catholic offertory giving. 5 The Virtue of Stewardship cont’d... OUTSIDE EVENTS: THE NORTHERN HIGH BAND BOOSTERS is sponsoring the Alexandria Harmonizers, an all-male choral group which sings a capella. Normally tickets sell for $40 to their performances, but through the generosity of an anonymous donor, we are selling our tickets at $15 each, or $10 discounted for students, military, or seniors over age 55. A flier is on the bulletin board in the atrium. The Harmonizers will sing selections from their extensive repertoire, and some holiday and Christmas music too. The event will be held on Sunday, November 23, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. at the Mary Harrison Center. Tickets can be purchased at CATHOLIC CHARITIES—BECOME A VOLUNTEER You are cordially invited to spend one evening a week from November through April at one of Catholic Charities' 3 low barrier shelters for men who are homeless. Our shelters are clean, safe places where people without homes can spend the night; you can assist our professional staff from 6:30-8:30. Go to our website for more details: or email [email protected]. Apply soon! Get your friends to volunteer, too. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” Do you treat your spouse like a temple of God? Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on April 17-19, 2015 in Rockville, MD; or February 20-22, 2015 in Herndon, VA. For more information and to apply online, or call 301-541-7007, or email at [email protected]. PROPERTY UPDATE AND CAMPAIGN UPDATE: We are all anxious about when work will begin in earnest – first with our cemetery. Last week, at Fr. Mike’s initiative, the County Building and Development office, which will grant the permits for the construction of our cemetery and rectory, informed us that there were two small, remaining issues that still needed to be addressed. One was promptly resolved last week; the other is pending. As soon as this last issue is resolved, we have been informed it will be only a matter of days before permits are issued and work can begin. All of our subcontractors are patiently “on hold”, awaiting the green light to begin their work. Thank you for your continued prayers and patience as we await our permits. EXCITING NEWS FOR SAFE NIGHTS Safe Nights of Calvert County is excited to announce that Jesus the Good Shepherd has partnered with All Saints Episcopal Church in Huntingtown. The week of February 1, 2015, JGS and All Saints will co-host Safe Nights (at All Saints). From 7pm to 7am, a warm place to sleep is provided by this program to the homeless of Calvert County during the cold winter months. Also, dinner, breakfast and a bagged lunch is served. Volunteers are needed that week in various capacities such as meal prep/servers, set-up helpers, overnight monitors (two 6hr shifts), and take-down helpers. For more information or ways you can help, please call Lisa at 314-640-2956 or email at [email protected]. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS 10:00 A.M. NATIONAL FAMILY VOLUNTEER DAY Saturday, Nov 15, 2014; at 8:30a.m.-12:00p.m. Military personnel from the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, DoD civilians and their families, friends and neighbors will join together to perform some interior and exterior clean-up at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in DC. Address is: 140 Rock Creek Church Road NW, Washington, DC 20011. For more information and/or to register please contact: Johanna O’Neill at : johanna.o’[email protected]; h/410-414-3714 ; c/ 301-641-7519. For more information on the Armed Forces Retirement Home in DC go to: https:// HELPFUL CATHOLIC APPS Daily Readings * Divine Mercy * i God Today* iMissal * The Pope App * Confession * Jesus Calling * Truth and Life * Rosary Prayers* Bible Laudate * Vatican II * Catechism * The Roman Missal * Stations of the Cross WEBSITES * * * * * * collaborativeministry * * (w/ reflections) * SACRIFICIAL GIVING for the weekend of November 2, 2014: Weekly Offertory $ 13,930* *Offertory via FaithDirect is calculated monthly MUSIC MINISTRY Are you inspired to participate in new contemporary Mass settings for the church? Come join us and check it out: Tuesdays 7-8:30 PM, Adult Choir Rehearsal for 8 AM Mass Thursdays 7-8:30 PM, Adult Choir Rehearsal for 10:45 AM Mass Sundays 4-5 PM, Youth Choir for 5 PM Mass (Gr. 6-12 & beyond!) Contact Laura Cleary at 410-257-3810 ([email protected]) for Mass Cards/Intentions; Sponsor Certificates (for Sacraments) or to place bulletin announcements. Deadline for bulletin items is Thursday at noon, 10 days before the weekend you want your article to appear. Thank you! 6
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