November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Vol. 57, No. 3 Temple Emanu-El where you belong 14450 West Ten Mile Rd . Oak Park, MI 48237 • 248.967.4020 . November Worship Schedule Nov. 1st Torah Study 9:15 am Shabbat Worship 10:30 am Brotherhood at Temple Emanu-El Nov. 7th Tot Shabbat 5:45 pm 2nd grade class helps to lead. Followed by a complementary dinner. Annual Chanukah Dinner Celebration Family and Social Action Shabbat Worship, with Shir Chadash choir 6:30 pm – 6th & 7th grade classes help lead. Followed by a complementary dinner. Nov 8th Torah Study 9:15 am Shabbat Worship 10:30 am Nov. 14th Erev Shabbat Worship 7:00 pm with Shir Chadash choir December 12, 2014 Nov. 15th Torah Study 9:15 am Shabbat Worship 10:30 am Dinner will begin at 5:45 pm Nov. 21st Erev Shabbat Worship 7:00 pm Vegan Option Available. Nov. 22nd Torah Study 9:15 am Shabbat Worship 10:30 am Nov. 28th Erev Shabbat Worhip 7:00 pm Nov. 29th Torah Study 9:15 am Shabbat Worship 10:30 am Julie Krasnick Bat Mitvah Free storytelling and babysitting during dinner Condensed Services at 6:45pm Youth Choir will be honored Please bring a dessert Family Menorah Lighting at 7:15 PM-ish with Oneg following Join Brotherhood on December 7th at 9 am for the Annual Latke Fry Adults $15 • Children $8 • Kids Under 5 Free RSVP by December 8th to Temple office Don’t make a mess in your kitchen… buy the BEST Latkes on the PLANET! Brotherhood Latke Sale $10.00 Dozen RSVP your order by December 1st Pick-up Dec. 7th 12:00 noon. Get ‘em while they’re hot! order form on back page our temple family Welcome to Temple Emanu-El! weekly Torah class The Congregation welcomes the following new members who have joined our Temple family through 8/29/14: every Saturday with bagels and cream cheese. Mia Goins and her daughter Eliana Springer Join Rabbi Kalfus in the Rosen Foyer, Doug and Vivian DeGain have rejoined Shabbat mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Julie & Jeremy Lublin & their children Nathan and Elijah Stacy and Jonathan Brand and their daughter Phoebe Carol Rosenfeld has rejoined Larry and Marilyn Washelewski have rejoined for an exciting and insightful look David Baker and Gisele Taylor at the week’s Torah portion. We look forward to your involvement in services and at our many events and activities. And have a nosh before services! IN MEMORIAM All Of Temple Emanu-El Is Now A Free Wifi Harry Patterson, father of Denny (Jenny) Patterson, August 31, 2014 Norbert Kaufmann, father of Martin (Jolie) Kaufmann-Laker, September 21, 2014 y November Anniversaries! Marshall and Karen Weingarden Kenneth and Harriet Rich Alan and Joyce Kaczander Matthew and Sharon Abramsky Howard and Ruth Sherman Harold and Kelly Ann Onickel Franklin and Lois Greenberg Robert and Joan Rosen Alan and Mara Rosenthal Daniel and Elayne Steinhardt Stuart and Barbara Trager Dana and Elizabeth Gulick November Birthdays! Reggie Eli Rosenthal Lily Marie Gross Kevin William Traute Dax Loki Schoof Reed Aaron Stocki Rebecca Leah Feber Henry James Petts Ava Fay Quail Sydney Paige Newman Kate Shulman Nicholas Shulman Sophie Gayle Hart Renee Hertz Josephine Ella Samson Tatiana Cripps Noah Cooper Matthew Segall David Joseph Leibowitz Mazel Tov To Elaine & Eugene Driker who will be awarded the George W. Romney Award for Lifetime Achievement in Volunteerism by the Greater Detroit Chapter of the Association of Fund-raising Professionals at its annual National Philanthropy Day Dinner on November 12th. Eugene has also been awarded the Julian Abele Cook Jr.-Bernard A. Friedman Civility Award for 2014 by the Federal Bar To Barbara Levitt whose daughter Rabbi Jennifer Frenkel became the first female senior rabbi in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area To Elizabeth Zerwekh whose son Rabbi Matthew Zerwekh was installed at Kalamazoo’s Temple B’nai Israel as their first full-time rabbi -2- a Nov. 2-8 *Herman Band *Ralph Benach *Jennie Berkower Sol Braiker *Dorothy Band Cooperman Tillye Dershowitz *Albert Eisenberg *Harold N. Finney *Sarah Fisher Rhoda Friedman Samuel Galea *Lilly L. Goldfarb *Marilyn Price Gonte *James Alan Goodman *Bernard Gordon Max Guyer *Benjamin Harris *Samuel Jospey George Kayes *Marshall Klaper Joseph Lash *Irvin Levine *Charlotte Levitan Donald Nurenberg Blanche Pittman *Charles D. Schulman Karen Stiefel Michell Sturman Harold Weiskopf *Simon Monroe Werner Nov. 9-15 *Hyman Abrams Nathan Barbas Louis Berman Sally Berman r Zone NETWORK: TEpublic PASSWORD: TEguest2014 t Leonard Edelman Abraham Ettenson *Philip P. Fealk Jeanette Fershtman Sandra Freedman *Evelyn Fynke Frieda Greenfield Teddy Grene *Barbara Herman Leonard Horton Eli Kaplan *Morris Kaplan Na’ama Kroch Rhoda Lachar *Eva Lerman *Pauline Mandell *Sidney B. Mann *Marilyn Sasan Matenky Anne Menken *Dorothy Modell A. Morris Nisenson *Dustin Alexander Nowinski David Jeremy Patt *Fannie Potashnik *Elizabeth (Betty) Prady William Rattner *Sadie Sachs *Sandra L. Samuels *Walter Schmier Bluma Schwarzberg *Martin Spiegel Gloria Stacey Bertha Cole Stillman *Donald Thal *Brenda Vinton *David H. Zeff z e Nov. 16 – 22 *Hope Aiken Evelyn Brook *Harry Colburn Anna Cooper Sylvia Cooperman Hyman Ruth Davis *Frances Driker Ida Ettenson *Dr. Paul Feldman *Shirley Friedman Edward Girson *Samuel Goldberg Phillip Goldstein *Ethel Green *Mae J. Grossman Lee Gulick Frances Kaczander Sheryl Kahn Fanny Katzman *Mary Frances Klein Oscar Kramer *Abraham Krosnick *Jean Ann Layne *Mabel Levy *Nathan Lurie Jules Meklir Rick Melamed *Saul Modell *Fannie. Newhouse Murray Novick *Daniel Patt *Dr. Bernard Plotkin Max Reder *Aaron Rosenbaum *Abbie Rothnagel Irving Sacks Nathan Sahn Grace Shapiro *David M. Sidder i ts Jan Sidorski Sam Silberman Joseph Steingold *Ben Sucher *Ethel Bocolor Tushman *Samuel Tushman *Julian Unger *Louis Weinstein *Erwin R. Wile *Louis Zalk *Anna Zelickson Nov. 23-29 Mary Bieman *Edith Bloomgarden Ida Damraur *Blanche Engelberg Irma Elfond Fennell Bernard Fowler Lena Friedman *Celia Glinter *Joseph Goodman *Alexander Gothelf *Florence Heller *Max Kalik Goldie King *Bernard Meyers Harold “Hal” Miller Fara Riche *Benjamin Rosenthal *Herman Silver Frank Singer *Anna Smith Edward Sorkin *Louis Sorkin Sol Sorkin *Helen Swidler Ann Wallach *Becky Warfel Alfred Weiner *A light will be lit on our Memorial Board. If you wish to memorialize your loved ones in a special way, consider purchasing a memorial plaque to be displayed in our Anne Jospey Sanctuary. Each year, on the anniversary of their death, it will be lit as a remembrance. Contact the Temple office at 248-967-4020 to make arrangements for this eternal memory of your loved one. Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 The Rabbi’s Corner Starting in November: Inviting you to celebrate your Birthdays and your Wedding anniversaries on Friday evenings. Starting in the month of November, I would like to invite you to celebrate these two wonderful life cycle events, Rabbi Arturo Kalfus your birthdays and your anniversaries at the Temple, during our Friday Shabbat services. For those celebrating BIRTHDAYS during a particular month, I will invite you to come to the FIRST Friday evening SHABBAT of that month. As we celebrate all those whose birthdays fall on that month, we will invite you to the Bima to be blessed. Similarly, for those couples celebrating a WEDDING ANNIVERSARY in any particular month, we will invite you to come on the THIRD Friday of the month to our Friday Shabbat services. In the middle of the service we will invite you to come to the Bima to be blessed. So, this November, those who celebrate birthdays during this month, you are especially invited to come to our services on Friday, November 7th and those whose wedding anniversaries are in November, I invite you to attend Friday Shabbat services on Friday, November 21st . Why do we celebrate birthdays? Early on in our history, Jews seemed not to celebrate their birthdays. In fact the only birthday mentioned in the Torah is the one of Pharaoh (Gen 40:20) our oppressor. Our tradition commemorated much more the death of a person (Yartzeit) rather than their birthday. Today, we have added birthdays to the list of wonderful life cycle events and we ought, for good reasons, to celebrate them within a communal framework. Why is that so? Birthdays are a special occasion to say special prayers of thanksgiving. We gather friends and family members and we make positive resolutions. We can thank God for another year in our lives and re-commit to improve the world that we are privileged to live in. We can say the Shecheyanu blessing, expressing our gratitude and appreciation for our mere being. We can say with our Psalmist “Ze hayom asah Adonai, nagilah venismechah bo”, “this is the day God made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”. Our birthdays, instead of only being a private affair, will become a moment of thankful communal meditation. On your birthday you can: • Plan a family Shabbat birthday dinner close to the nearest Shabbat. • You can offer Tzedakah, instead of only receiving gifts, you can decide to give back to those who are more in need. • It is a perfect time to identify areas that need improvement and celebrate what you have done well. • You can commit to learn something new (We have Torah study every Saturday morning!) This is a story that is particularly touching for me since I am 54 years old: “It is told that a student went to visit his Rebbe and found him crying. The student asked what was the reason for the Rabbi’s tears. The Rebbe responded that it was his 54 birthday and he began to judge himself, and realized that he had not accomplish nearly as much as he should have in his 54 years in this world. He sensed that he was lacking in Torah knowledge and righteousness, and was moved to tears by this realization.” On everyone’s birthdays, we can re-commit to learning something new in our tradition as well as increasing righteous acts. We can ask ourselves, “What have we accomplished of lasting value this year? Why should we celebrate wedding anniversaries at Temple? It is an opportunity to renew our vows to each other. It is an opportunity to capture that first wedding ‘magic’. It is an opportunity to express gratitude for all our years together. ‘Life’, sometimes, gets in the way of recapturing this ‘magic’. The daily routines, the stresses… Every so often we need to rediscover that initial ‘magic’. Standing again under a Chupah and saying, “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li”, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” will remind us to re-commit and re-affirm our love and commitment to each other. We will be able to celebrate years of joy, love, surprises, smiles and intimacy. My birthday is this November. So join with me for the birthday blessing on Friday, November 7th at 6:30 PM. Our first wedding blessings will be on Friday, November 21st at 7 PM From my heart to yours, Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -3- Temple Education TEMPLE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS GOING STRONG: Grades K – 7: SUNDAYS November 2, 9, 16 9 – 11:30 Grades 4 – 7: WEDNESDAYS HEBREW November 5, 12, 19 4:30 – 6 ALL SCHOOL KABBALAT SHABBAT: Friday November 19 5:15 – 7:15 Grades 8 – 12: SUNDAYS Nov 2, 9, 16 11:30 – 1:15 Registration Forms Available Online at UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 7 | First Friday Tot Shabbat (birth – 2nd grade) 5:45 – 6:00, then dinner 7 | First Friday Family Shabbat – Congregational Service co-led by 6th/7th Graders 6:30 – 7:30, then dinner -4- WHAT WE’RE THINKING ABOUT FOOD Some of you have asked just what we’re up to with food this year in the Religious School. Both Carly (our program coordinator) and I have attended several Temple Social Action Committee meetings, and we love that this year the Temple is focusing on Food Justice issues. We also appreciate the fine work Sue Salinger the Garden Committee is doing. Food Justice encompasses a broad range of food-related issues, and we’ll work on as many of them as we can with the kids during the school year. We started with health – access to fresh, local, organic food is important for all children. Here in the building we strive to provide our children with food free from deadly toxins, chemicals, and even allergens. We source our food from local farmers’ markets whenever possible, and we’ll let you know what the provenance – to use a technical term for ‘where did this come from’ – is. Food Justice also means paying attention to sourcing food that is grown, prepared, and distributed without exploiting the land, animals and human beings. We like organic food in part because organic and bio-dynamic growing practices are lighter on the environment than typical big-ag practices, producing no pesticide and fertilizer residue in the food and in the farmland, air and water. We vet each caterer and foodtruck we bring on for their labor practices and we look forward to telling you more about how you can assist the work of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers to treat food industry workers fairly. This is a Shmitta year – and we’re working with (check them out) to consider adding pollinator gardens, bees, and a permaculture area or two to the Temple grounds (that is, fruit trees, nut trees, berry bushes and perennial food areas). If you’d like to participate, let us know. We’re most especially trying to develop a gluten-free challah recipe. Watch your email for a bake-off day in November or December! Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Religious School Shabbat Celebrations: SOOO Much Fun! Camp-style services, tasty and healthy organic food, candle-making, Shabbat yoga, and challah-making – Religious School is something special at Temple Emanu-El. EMANU-EL’S PARTICIPATORY, STUDENT-CENTERED PROGRAMS K-3: Early education on Sunday’s, 9:00 – 11:30. Children experience Jewish history through Bible Stories, are introduced to Shabbat and holidays, and begin to learn about and practice G’milut Hasidim – right action with others. We’re building friendships here that will last a lifetime. 4-7: Religious School, with Hebrew added on Sunday’s, 9:00 – 11:30, plus Wednesdays 4:30 – 6. A more in-depth look at Torah, Israel, History, Jewish Time and Calendar, and mentschlichkeit and middot (the values or qualities that Judaism teaches lead to living a good life). The 6th and 7th grade cohort will learn what they need in order to choose to live their own meaningful Jewish lives. 8 – 12: Post B’nei Mitzvah Studies deepen our students’ lived Jewish experience. “Sunday Sessions” bring students together from 11:30 – 12:45 several Sundays a month to explore Jewish themes on justice and the environment, bringing community leaders in as well as Rabbi Kalfus to look at Jewish wisdom on important issues of our time. Field experience takes students out into the metro area to personally work on issues. We’ll be taking river trips, farm trips, ski trips to personally check out our themes of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Students can choose to participate as Madrichim to mentor younger students and to assist teachers in our classrooms. Confirmation students receive extra time with the Rabbi throughout the year. FRIDAY SHABBAT EXPERIENCES: Most first Fridays of each month begin with a K – 2nd Grade Young Family dinner and service from 5:45 – 6:15. 3 – 7th graders and their families can attend our regular First Friday Family service from 6:30 – 7:30, which is geared towards families and students although the entire community often joins! It’s followed by a dinner and oneg. Occasionally, the Religious School will meet as an entire group on the third or fourth Fridays for an all-school Kabbalat Shabbat service, dinner, and song-filled camp-style oneg. Watch your calendar for details! YOUTH GROUP TRIPS AND EVENTS happen throughout the year. Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -5- High Holy day Appeal 5775 Our First High Holy Day Appeal Our hearts are warmed by your generosity! In Hebrew, Kulanu means “all of us, together.” Kulanu is a new way of thinking about sustaining our community to ensure that our financial future is sound and strong. Thank You! Anonymous Marc & Wendy Bakst Rosa & Norman Berger Ronald C. Braun Marilyn Kaczander-Cohen & Don Cohen Charlotte Corner Faye & Louis Damraur Jannis & Dan Danzig Ellyn & Jon Davidson Michael & Cheryl Davis Larry & Donna Docks Eugene & Elaine C. Driker Mindy & Mike Drongowski Rose & Buddy Fenster Martin & Denise Ferman Shari Fesko Ken, Pam & Sarah Finegood Rachel Frank Adela Gold & Family Richard & Robin Gold Abby Goldfaden Jeff Goodstein The Greenwood Family Doron & Hilary Gringorten Jan & Janet Gubkin David & Dottie Gubow Estelle Gubow & Mona Gubow Dana & Elizabeth Gulick David & Jill Hart Alan & Joyce Kaczander Carol & Rick Kaczander Rabbi Arturo Kalfus Linda & Mark Kaploe Ken & Anne Katz Dennis & Linda Kayes Susan J. Kirschner Bruce & Ann Klein Anna Kohn Marty Kohn & Laura Sacks Kohn Lola Lane Edward & Carol Lechtzin Janet & Ellsworth Levine Jeffrey & Rae Mandel Mitch & Marcia Meisner Sandra & Ernest Needle Kelly & Harry Onickel Sheldon Onickel Bobbie Patt & Fred Fechheimer The Patterson Family Michael & Madelyn Phillips Hilary Richter Linda Rose Sherry & Nevin Rose Dale & Jerrold Rubin Thomas & Joyce Sachs Charles & Barbara Sachse David & Joan Schwartz Janet & Dennis Schwartz Morris “Bud” Sherbow Debra & Scott Silver Neal Silver & Teri Sahn-Silver Vivian Silver Richard & Brenda Strausz Jeffrey & Mary Topf Barbara & Stuart Trager Glorya Traute Freya B. Weberman Judith Weiner list current through 10/10/14 Important Correction to Circle Dues Listing We apologize from the bottom of our hearts for an error in our listing of Circle Dues Members. Michael Rich’s name was omitted. He is a member of our Menorah Circle. We are very sorry that this was not printed correctly in the list in the “Directory of Opportunities” and are so very grateful to him for his generosity to Temple Emanu-El. -6- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Sunday Speaker Series Jack Lessenberry: Post-Election Commentary November 9, 2014, 10:00 am It’s that time again! Election Day is upon us and Jack Lessenberry, political analyst, commentator for Michigan Radio, head of the Journalism Program at Wayne State University, and Temple member has something to say about what took place at the polls. Join us on Sunday after Election Day for what promises to be a lively talk and discussion. Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee. Coffee and bagels will be served! Thanks you to the Alliance for Jewish Education We express our gratitude to the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit through its Alliance for Jewish Education for their generous allocation of annual scholarship monies for Religious School tuition. Congratulations to Leah Rosenbaum on being named JVS CEO Many in our congregation (and in the community at large) continue to struggle financially while the need to gather together with spiritual community is ever strong. We continue to stretch every penny and we rely upon this scholarship support to enable Temple Emanu-El to continue to offer members in need scholarships for their children enrolled in religious school. Sponsor an Oneg, a Kiddush or a Wine & Cheese Pre-Service Oneg in honor of a simcha—anniversary, birthday, graduation or other special event. Or, you may wish to honor the memory of a loved one. The minimum costs of sponsorship are: Friday oneg: $150 • Saturday Kiddush: $90 • Wine & Cheese Oneg: $100 We recognize our Oneg sponsors and the occasions for their sponsorship in the service bulletin. It is possible for more than one family to sponsor an oneg. Please contact Barbara in the office for more information and to select a date. Call 248 967-4020, ext 204 or email [email protected] Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -7- Thank You! The Social Action Committee would like to thank the many families which filled grocery bags with food to donate to Yad Ezra. Westborn Market generously donated the bags for the us to fill. We collected 182 bags of foods. We would also like to thank: Kevin Traute, Rayna Gold, Simon Topf, Sam Hurwitz, Sophie Hart, Bennet Hartt, Natalie Cripps, Zoe Lask, Aiden Allwiess, Sarah Finegood and Aiden Kay. A special thank you to Rebecca Gold and Sarah Greenwood for supervising the volunteers. Sisterhood at Temple Emanu-El The Lillian Greenwald Oneg Shabbat Fund Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood-WRJ sends a heartfelt thank you to Judy Greenwald for creating a new fund in memory of her mother, Lillian, reflecting Lillian's great love for both the Temple and for creating beautiful baked goods. Judy and her mother are both Lifetime Sisterhood members. Every Can Counts Now more than ever. Please bring a can of food for the chaveet whenever you visit Temple. Our neighborhood food banks thank you for sharing your food with the hungry - because… Now more than ever, EVERY CAN COUNTS! This fund is designed to help provide Onegs for the otherwise "un-sponsored" Friday night Shabbat Onegs. Sisterhood has agreed to organize and supervise these Onegs. We will continue to need volunteer bakers, but this fund will help to make our Temple Onegs beautiful and delicious. Please consider making a donation to the The Lillian Greenwald Oneg Shabbat Fund to sweeten our Shabbat Services. Rae Mandel & Robin Gold Sisterhood Co-Presidents Mazel Tov! Bat Mitzvah Julie Krasnick - November 29th Please Participate in Shabbat Worship Members of the congregation are invited to participate (with Hebrew and/or English readings or non-reading roles) in upcoming Friday evening and Shabbat morning worship services. Please sign-up on the blue sheet in the Rosen Foyer and Rabbi Kalfus will contact you. -8- Julie Claire Krasnick, daughter of Jane and Robert Krasnick will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah when she is called to the Torah on Saturday, November 29th at Temple Emanu-El in Oak Park. She is the sister of Rachel and Leah and granddaughter of William and Marjorie Krasnick and Herbert and Ellen Lux. Julie attends Norup International Middle School. For her mitzvah project Julie collected home goods and donated them to Humble Design. Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Music Happenings at Temple As we start our New Year there are many new and exciting events happening. The revitalized Music Committee under the direction of David Gubow is putting on a wonderful fun, laid back evening called Temples Got Talent Show on January 31st. This evening will begin with Havdalah at 7:00 pm and be followed by a wonderful talent show put on by all of you. There will Cantorial Soloist be a special Masters of Ceremony, food to Kelly Onickel nosh and drinks to drink. Here is what SAVE THE DATE we need from you Saturday, Jan 31, 2015 YOUR TALENT. Look for upcomthe Temple Music Committee ing information in proudly presents our email blasts on TEMPLE'S GOT TALENT our web site and in An evening of entertainment and fun upcoming bulletins. modeled after the popular television Or feel free to give show America's Got Talent. Watch the me a call or email monthly bulletin and your email for more me. details about this and other upcoming We are looking for 4th through 7th grade students interested in joining our Shiru Dor L’dor Youth Choir. No audition required you only need to enjoy singing and want to participate. Join us on Sundays after Sunday school from 11:30-12:00 for bagels and then from 12:00-12:45 for rehearsal. Any questions feel free to give me a call or email me. music committee programs. Anyone wishing to be a part of the newly re-vitalized music committee should contact David Gubow by phone at (248) 542-1603 or by email at dgubow@45bdc. org. You need not have any musical skills whatsoever to be a member of this committee! Everyone is welcome. We are also looking of men and women who love to sing and would like to join our Shir Chadash Adult Choir. No audition required you only need to love singing. Join us on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm for rehearsal. Any questions feel free to give me a call or email me. Temple Emanuel is a wonderful musical place. I hope you will join us in the celebration of a Jewish life, L’Chaim! We Want You To Join The Shiru Dor L’dor Youth Choir Calling all 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders who love music! Get your service requirements! Learn the music for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah! Sing for Holiday and Shabbat services! Sing in the New Zimriyah! Establish New Life Long Friendships! You don't need to know how to sing. Just be willing to learn and participate. Interested? Contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel, [email protected] 248-388-0190 or Friend me on Facebook Rehearsal Sundays Bagel snack 11:30-12:00 Rehearsal 12:00-12:45 Shir Chadash Choir The Shir Chadash Choir, Temple Emanu-El’s adult choir, is open to all congregants who love to sing – all levels of experience are welcome. The choir adds to the beauty of services, introducing new melodies and revitalizing classics. We sing at least once a month at Shabbat services – usually the third Friday of the month – and at High Holy Day services. Being a member of the Shir Chadash Choir is a great way to make music, be part of a wonderful community, and learn more about the prayers in our services – all at the same time! We practice on Thursdays, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Please contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel with any questions: [email protected] or (248) 388-0190, or call 248-967-4020 x216 Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -9- Social Action Join the Social Action Committee: Project Light One Candle Make Hanukkah dreams come true for children, teens and adults in conjunction with Jewish Family Services beginning November 7. 1. Select a number on the menorah in the Temple lobby whose wish you’ll make come true. 2. Purchase the gifts on the light you selected. 3. Write your contact information on the list at the Light One Candle table along with the number assigned to the person you chose to help. 4. Wrap the gifts or put in large Hanukkah gift bag. Label with the identification number on and tape to wrapping. Place in the boxes found in the lobby by Friday, December 5. Project Light One Candle The Social Action committee in conjunction with Jewish Family Service will sponsor this program to help make many people able to have a happy Hanukkah. Please consult your Temple bulletin or see the lobby display beginning November 7. Contact Fran Barnes (fraba124@aol. com) Barb Kellerman ([email protected]) or Marcia Leibson ([email protected] ) for additional information. As we thank our troops, we also remember Bea Sacks and Muriel Sherbow who led this drive… Candy for the Troops! Since 1990 Temple Emanu-El has saluted America’s servicemen and women stationed in harm’s way around the world, with our “Candy for the Troops” Chanukah gift. We have a longstanding relationship with a company that provides the candy/ nuts for the troops and the Jewish Chaplains Council in New York which arranges for overseas shipping at no additional charge to us. Your gift also helps Temple, as 40 percent of our total sales remains with us. The cost is still $10 per box. If you’ve already returned the order form that was mailed out, thank you very much. There is still time to take part in this much-appreciated show of support for our troops overseas. Make checks payable to Temple Emanu-El and send them to: Chanukah Troops, Temple Emanu-El, 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park MI 48237. Deadline is Nov. 11, Veterans Day. Thank you for your support from the Bea Sacks Social Action committee. -10- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 DIRECTLY TO YOU: News from the ECC WHERE OUR EXPERIENCE PROVIDES YOUR CHILD WITH THE BEST EXPERIENCE Happy November! Fall is in the air, and once again Mother Nature is dazzling us with color. Our first Young Family Tot Shabbat Program will be on Friday, November 7th. This will be a child friendly Shabbat experience with Rabbi Kalfus and Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel. The service will be from 5:45 to 6:15. ComplimenEileen Brand tary dinner following. We welcome all our ECC families to join us. On Tuesday evening, November 18th, join us for PJ Storytime and Bedtime Snack, 6:30-7:00, in the Temple Foyer. Children are invited to wear their pj’s and bring a special snuggly friend. The children in the Ocean and Rainbow Rooms recently visited Kensington Metro Park. This trip included a visit to the nature center, the petting farm, a hayride and a picnic lunch. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite November themes. This year we are looking forward to a live performance from the Timeless Tales Theatre with a production of “Thomas Turkey.” Tom the Turkey will tell us the tale of the first Thanksgiving from a turkey’s point of view. It is a holiday that everyone in school celebrates. The children learn about Native Americans, pilgrims and traditions of the holiday. While some classes recreate the Mayflower, others will be busy with corn prints, turkey decorations, and cornucopias. Of course there will be an emphasis on what we are thankful for and how we should show our appreciation and help others. Children are a blessing. At this Thanksgiving season give your child an extra hug and kiss between eating and half-time. Children are never too young to learn the value of helping those who are less fortunate. In November we will participate in our annual Hat & Mitten Drive. This project will benefit the Orchards Children’s Services, a non-profit agency that serves children of all ages. Encourage your child to participate by picking out a new hat and pair of mittens to place in the collection box between Monday, November 3rd and Friday, December 12th. Wishing all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Eileen Brand, Director, Early Childhood Community Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 Young Family Happenings for Toddlers Thru 2nd Grade Nov. 18th 6:30 pm Cookies, milk and a bedtime story with all your friends. Join us in the foyer wearing your favorite PJs Program Highlights ECC Through Second Grade Classes A child friendly Shabbat experience with Rabbi Kalfus and Cantorial Soloist Kelly Onickel. Shabbat songs and stories. Mark your calendars for the following dates 5:45 to 6: 15 P.M. Complimentary dinner following. November 7, 2014 - featuring the 2nd grade Religious School class February 6, 2015 March 6, 2015 May 1, 2015 *Tot Shabbat Service Saturday, December 6th, 2014 9:30 A.M. For more information call the ECC at 248-967-4847 or the Religious School Office at 248-967-4023. -11- Night at the Movies Tour of Masonic Temple Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (followed by lunch at Traffic Jam & Snug) $5.00 for tour RSVP to Temple offices by Monday, December 1 Sat., Nov., 15th at 7:30 pm Esther Katzman Hall Carpoolers meet at Temple Emanuel at 9:15 AM Park free in lot behind Masonic Temple Enter thru rear door. Seating available in some areas during tour. Tour lasts @ 2 hours. Lunch on your own at Traffic Jam & Snug following the tour. For more information, contact Doug Kellerman, [email protected] or 248-203-6474 Admission is free, but bring a nosh (Appetizer or a dessert). Watch for up to date info in Temple’s WEEKLY E-MAIL. For more information contact Sue Stettner (248) 547-5223 Memorial Plaques The cost of a memorial plaque in the Anne Jospey Sanctuary is $550. Should you wish to purchase a plaque in memory of a loved one, please contact Barbara in the administrative office. Purchasing a permanent memorial plaque entitles you to receive annual yahrzeit notices as long as we have a current mailing address for you or your family’s representative. Contact Barbara in the office at 248-967-4020 to purchase a plaque in memory of a loved one. Tree of Life An engraved leaf or stone on the Tree of Life in the Rosen foyer is a beautiful way to honor loved ones or commemorate special events. Leaves are $250 each. Stones are $1,250 each. Contact Barbara at 248-967-4020 -12- Hebrew Free Loan, Metro Detroit’s oldest Jewish agency, is looking for, and ready to help our neighbors. With the deteriorating economic climate, many individuals and families who never thought that they would need financial assistance are looking for help. These are our friends and family who live in Michigan, and now their needs are greater than ever. Hebrew Free Loan can help by providing interest-free loans for a wide range of needs, including living expenses, job re-training, tuition assistance, summer camp programs, medical and dental expenses, small business start-up costs, and much more. To be eligible for an interest-free loan, the applicant must be Jewish, a Michigan resident of legal age and have the financial ability to make monthly payments. The application process includes a phone interview, a personal interview and the signature of two co-signers. Once the paperwork is complete, a credit report is obtained on the co-signers, a promissory note is signed and a check quickly issued. For more information on Hebrew Free Loan’s services, call our office at 248.723.8184 or visit our Web site at Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Upcoming Events Adult Education at Temple New! Initiative with Congregation Beth Shalom A two-part class led by both our own Rabbi Arturo Kalfus, and Rabbi Robert Gamer from nearby Congregation Beth Shalom will be held in November. Both rabbis will teach at each session. WELCOME Join our welcoming core of volunteers who greet members and guests with a kind word and warm smile as they enter Temple for Friday evening or Saturday morning services. Rabbi Arturo Kalfus It’s easy to do: just go to the google doc spreadsheet at the link below (copy the link and paste it into your browser or scan the QR code below right) and add your name and email address (dates of services are listed on the spreadsheet). After you sign up, you will receive a reminder with instructions (mainly to just smile and greet people when they arrive at Temple. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Denise Ferman at [email protected] or 248-547-4507. We look forward to seeing smiling greeters at our foyer doors. Rabbi Robert Gamer Nov. 5 at Temple Emanu-El From the Ideal to the Real: Where the Reform and Conservative Movements Are Today Nov. 12 at Beth Shalom Some Approaches Toward End of Life Situations: Our Judaic Points of View. New! Temple Emanu-El “Speaker Roster” Our Temple community possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise, some of it hidden, that we would like to showcase. For this purpose the Adult Education Committee is starting a DIY “Speaker Roster” of Temple members, listing you and the topic you would be willing to talk about with Temple members. Self-nominations are welcome, as are suggestions for others we might ask. Let us know! Phone, Text or Email: Mary Paquette-Abt (248-2594870, [email protected] ) or Elizabeth Zerwekh (248-425-9818, [email protected] ). Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -13- Gifts & Memorials A Sincere Thank You: We sincerely thank everyone for their generous contributions to our various funds. Your support allows us to continue offering our outstanding programs and services and helps us to support all members of our Temple Family. Thank you! B’RAYSHEET NURSERY FUND In Memory of: Miles Brod The Caring Community Rhonda Pliskow Robin & Richard Gold & Family FUND FOR LIFE In Memory of: Mark Anthony Carrithers Lola Lane GENERAL GIFTS FUND General Donation: From: Lillian Pruitt In Memory of: Harry Patterson T.E. Board of Trustees Lloyd Strausz & Renee Eisenberg Ruthanne Okun Norbert Kaufmann T.E. Board of Trustees Zyga (Zygie) Heller Allweiss The Caring Community Shirley Feig William Gittlen & Sarah Campbell Robert Zweigel Warren A. Zweigel BEVERLY GOLD MEMORIAL COLLEGE STUDENT FUND In Memory of: Kalman Meler Rosa & Norm Berger Harry Patterson Lola Lane -14- LILLIAN GREENWALD ONEG SHABBAT FUND In Memory of: Shirley Feig Judy Greenwald Grandmother, Dora Marks Florence Citarel Parents, Marie & Louis Citarel Louis Citarel MUSIC FUND In Honor of: Kelly Onickel and her years of dedicated work and musical gifts to Temple Emanu-El Vivian DeGain In Memory of: Harry Patterson Ann & Bruce Klein Vivian DeGain Pauline Mendelssohn Sharon & Mel Ettenson RABBINIC DISCRETIONARY FUND For the Speedy Recovery of: Dennis Kayes Laura & Ed Cohn In Honor of: Rabbi Kalfus & Phyllis Meyers for leading the Argentina Trip Michal Ram In Memory of: Shirley Feig The Family of Shirley Feig Sol Docks Larry & Donna Docks Bertram Weil Laura & Ed Cohn WILLIAM H. RATTNER MEMORIAL FUND FOR THE PRESERVATION OF TORAHS In Memory of: Dr. Moses Rattner Liliane Rattner RABBI MILTON ROSENBAUM EDUCATIONAL FUND In Honor of: The engagement of Adam Klein & Alise Fran & Steve Barnes In Memory of: Nathan Schwartz Carole A. Olefsky BEATRICE & LOUIS WEINSTEIN SCHOLAR FUND In Honor of: The birth of Eliana Blair Liner Bea Weinstein In Memory of: Julius Harwood Harry Patterson Bea Weinstein ZUSSMAN-UNGER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Elinor Johnson Julie & Rick Zussman BEA SACKS SOCIAL ACTION FUND Donation to Brovary: Barbara Karchin Brenda & Richard Strausz For the Speedy Recovery of: Susan Kirschner Anna Kohn In Memory of (for Brovary Project): Joseph S. Katz Fern Katz DR. MAURICE B.WEINER & DR. RICHARD A. WEINER CHILDREN’S BOOK FUND In Honor of: The birth of daughter Alexa to Matthew & Lori Brand The birth of twins, Emily & Jack to Sarah & Steven Jelinek The birth of a daughter to David & Michelle Jarczewski The Caring Community Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • November 2014 • Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 LEE WOLIN MEMORIAL AITZIM CHAYIM FUND In Memory of: Harry Patterson Judy Greenwald Judy & Alan Kessler Steven & Linda Permut Jo Strausz Rosen Faye & Lou Damraur Marcia & Michael Leibson Fran & Steve Barnes Robin & Richard Gold & Family Alan & Marla Schindler Linda & Mark Kaploe Sharon & Steve Dillon Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation for Temple Emanu-El Bulletin Title of Publication:Temple Emanu-El Bulletin Frequency of Issue.................. Monthly No. of Issues Published Annually..... 11 Annual Subscription Price............$ .50 Publication Number...............0443-870 Complete Mailing Address of Publication 14450 W. 10 Mile Road - Oak Park, MI 48237 Name of Publisher/Business Owner Temple Emanu-El Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, Security Holders: None Non-Profit Status has not changed in the preceding 12 months Extent and Nature of Circulation Event Calendar Temple Emanu-El Michigan November 2014 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Daylight Saving Time Ends 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Veteran's Day 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Thanksgiving Day 28 29 30 Check the live calendar for daily updates on Temple’s website 10/20/2014 Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020 -15- Temple Emanu-El Periodical Postage WHERE YOU BELONG PAID 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237-1438 Arturo L. Kalfus Rabbi Kelly Onickel Cantorial Soloist Joseph P. Klein Rabbi Emeritus Norman Rose, z’l Cantor Emeritus Milton Rosenbaum, z’l Susan J. Kirschner Sue Salinger Eileen Brand Michaelyn Silverman Bruce Klein David Hart Dennie Kayes Stuart Trager Wendy Bakst Lynn Cooper Richard Gold Marty Leibowitz Mitch Meisner at Detroit, MI and additional Mailing offices Permit No. 0443870 Executive Director Director, Education & Youth Activities Director, Early Childhood Community Founding Director - ECC President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Immediate Past President Tour of Masonic Temple Name _________________________________________ Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Phone ________________________________________ $5.00 for tour E-mail _________________________________________ RSVP to Temple offices by Monday, December 1 Total$____________ Reservations to Chanukah Dinner • December 12, 2014 Dinner will begin at 5:45 pm Name ____________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ E-mail _________________________ ___ Adults @ $15 ___ Children @ $8 ___ Under 5 (free) Total $____________ Brotherhood Latke Sale Latkes ordered ____ Dozen @ $10 per dozen $____________ Remember to pick up your latkes at noon on December 8th If you have any questions, please call 248-388-5778
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