In Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed FEAST OF ALL SOULS DAY November 2, 2014 Remembered in Love Elissa Adams Robert Anderson Maxine Bean Ken Beechy Thomas Brice Kenneth Chapski Marjorie Clancy Roy Clemens Francis Collins Alex Companio Donna Depeder Isabella Deplewski Delphine Dermody Beatrice Di Domenico Colette Dote Mary Drazba Judith Dwyer Jim Dwyer Kathleen Eaheart Chase Matthew Eggert Lottie Fornek Raymond Gardner Grace Gary Marquerite Greenberg Virginia Grobarcik Geraldine Hetman Christopher Howe Therese Jakubowski Clarence Janiak Regina Janiak Richard Jesse Louise Johnson Otto Jukich Marek Kalinski Marion Kelly Philomena "Phil" Kezon Cynthia Kinney Mary Kleidon Helen Kosola Kathleen Kotwica Eleanor Grace Malizia Emerson Faith Malizia Richard Markus Joann Matthes Agnes Mc Keon Wilhelmina McCorry Ken Mikuta Jack Misluck Mary Ann Misuraca Edward Mulhall Marion Mullee Irene Nelson Percy "Buck" Nichols Nancy Norton Frank Nowobilski Margaret O'Brien James O'Driscoll Andrew Osiol Joseph Pacocha Margaret Page Michael Pasco Esperanza Poscano Teresita Ramon Margaret Reed Lilia Regalado Ralph Rosynek, Sr. Eugenia Ruzgis James Ryder Gabriel Sakakeeny Jean Scollie Frank Selucky Edward Sluzewicz Liam, Declan, Baby Smith Donald Sodora Krystina Sonner Ronald Spano Doris Spratt Gloria Stibich John Sudar Lawrence Templin Antoinette Twarok Ruth Vacek Eleanor Van Brocklin Mike Vilimek Thomas Whelan Paula Wirth Irene Wisniewski Gregory Wycislo All Souls Day November 2, 2014 St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr Catholic Church Tinley Park, IL November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) WE ARE A STEWARDSHIP PARISH We at St. Stephen, are striving to be good disciples of Christ. We focus on the spirituality of stewardship, through the grateful sharing of our time, our talent and our treasure, to help us become better disciples of Christ. As good stewards, we share our gifts responsibly with charitable groups and with our church. We urge our parishioners to consider remembering St. Stephen in their wills. Please phone Fr. Jay in the church office at 708.342.2400 for more information. Collections For 10-26-2014 Regular $22,156.00 Kids $73.67 Sharing $470.00 All Souls $61.00 All Saints $83.00 P AGE 2 Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St. Stephen. Please visit our website to find other opportunities for generosity through planned giving by remembering St. Stephen in your will or living trust. TIME, TALENT & TREASURE In addition to printing the collection, we are printing the Sunday and Holy Day collections from the previous month and for the fiscal year to date as well as budgeted amount needed for us to meet both our expenses & mortgage payments. Mortgage payments are $41,500 per month (interest and principal). The Archdiocese loaned us the money to start our parish and build our facilities on the basis of a commitment to Stewardship by the parish. We thank everyone whose support enables us to do the work of our Actual Budget parish. Last Month August $132,464 $136,100 Year-to-Date July 1—August 31 $241,274 $242,600 BAPTISMS are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Please contact Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary preparations. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available on Saturdays, from 8:45—9:30am in the church or by appointment. FUNERALS can be arranged with the parish office. MARRIAGES St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Information is available from one of the priests or deacons. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK can be arranged for the sick, elderly and handicapped desiring Communion by calling the parish office. BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Articles are to be in the parish office noon on Friday for the following week’s bulletin. E-mail: [email protected] REGISTRATION OF NEW PARISHIONERS is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays every month after 10am Mass. New parishioners unable to register at Sunday registration, may register at the parish office on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 8:30am or Thursdays at 6:45pm. Please phone 708.342.2400 to make an appointment. We warmly welcome new parishioners and cordially invite you to join us on our life-long journey to the Lord. ~ O UR CHURCH ~ Parish Office 17500 South 84th Avenue Tinley Park, IL 60487 Office Hours: 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Th; 8:30am-7pm Fri; 9am-5pm Sat Office Closed: 12:30-1pm Mon-Fri Office Phone: 708.342.2400 Office Fax 708.342.1545 Religious Ed. Phone: 708.342.1544 Website: email: [email protected] @ststephentinley ~ O UR STAFF ~ ~ O UR Rev. James Finno, Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor William Engler, Deacon Chuck McFarland, Deacon William Schultz, Deacon Joseph Stalcup, Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn, Deacon Kenneth Zawadzki, Deacon Karen Opyd, Administrative Assistant to Pastor Mary Jeanne Pazin, Director of Religious Education Leslie Krauledis, Assoc. Director of Religious EducationTammy Burns, Admin. Assistant for Religious Education Mark Gorka, Music Minister Karen Dillon, Youth Minister Dave Prete, Maintenance Director SCHOOL Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 9300 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone 708.403.6525 Fax 708.403.8621 Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal ~ November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 3 From Our Pastor D ear People of St. Stephen, Congratulations to Bob Conlin who this Sunday will be instituted into the Ministry of Acolyte, a minor order in our church that is a step on the road to being ordained a deacon. Bob is in the third year of a four-year program of preparation for ordination as a deacon. Bob and his wife Cathy have been active in our parish on our parish worship team, in our teen ministry, in liturgical ministries, and with our religious education program. A more detailed article on the Ministry of Acolyte is elsewhere in the bulletin. Please keep Bob, Cathy, and their family in your prayers as they continue in their preparation for Bob’s ordination as a deacon in the spring of 2016. Congratulations also to Kevin and Tina Bugos who last Sunday received the Christifidelis Award at Holy Name Cathedral. (Christifidelis is Latin for “faithful to Christ”). This award is given to Catholic laypeople who have demonstrated by their participation in parish life the personal and ministerial renewal called for by the Papal Exhortation, “Christifidelis Laici”, calling the laity to the vocation of responsibility for the Church’s life that flows from the gift and mission of their baptism. Kevin and Tina have generously given of themselves to the life of our parish and our parish school. They have been part of Kingdom Retreat teams, served the Cardinal Bernardin School in many ways, have helped organize our trivia night and other parish activities, have assisted in Sunday liturgical ministries, and have encouraged their children’s involvement in altar serving and in the children’s choir. We are proud to have them as Christifidelis Award winners from our parish. inspired us. These are the people we honor as we remember all of God’s saints. Every Sunday in our Creed we express our belief in a “communion of saints”, a very important dimension of our faith that is highlighted on this weekend when we celebrate the feasts of All Saints and All Souls. What is the “communion of saints”? Pope Paul VI wrote this: “We believe in the communion of all the faithful of Christ, those who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are being purified, and the blessed in heaven, all together forming one church, and we believe that in this communion the merciful love of God and His saints is always attentive to our prayers.” These feasts also remind us of a wonderful Catholic practice that is often misunderstood. We regularly invoke the help of Mary and the other saints in prayer. This is not praying to someone other than God. All prayer is directed to God, the one Lord of all. But just as we can ask one another to pray for us or with us, so our Catholic devotional practice invites us to ask Mary and the other saints to pray for us. If we believe in the power of prayer, their prayer, as people who share the life of heaven, must have power. Asking Mary, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Anthony, or any favorite saint to pray for us is a healthy devotional practice that reminds us that in the “communion of saints” all are united in Christ’s love. On this weekend when we remember our deceased loved ones and pray for them, may we all find strength in the union that we have in Christ with all who share in the Lord’s love – both living and deceased. The power of Christ’s love unites all who share in His life – both the living and those who have gone before us. On the feast of All Souls we pray especially for our deceased loved ones; we also can trust that they pray for us. St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, expressed well the bond of faith that goes beyond death when she expressed her hope that she could spend her eternity doing good for those on earth by the support of her prayers. This weekend’s feasts remind us of the hope that we have from Jesus’ promise of eternal life that flows from His resurrection. We trust that our deceased loved ones enjoy eternal peace with Christ. We find strength and hope in that same promise of eternal life as we face our own human limits. These feasts can also be a source of inspiration. In remembering the faith and love of those who have gone before us and whose care has blessed us, we can be inspired to live our own faith well. All of us, I’m sure, know people whose good lives have ST. STEPHEN ANNUAL PARISH RAFFLE Key to our fund raising at St. Stephen is our Annual Parish Raffle. The grand raffle winners will be drawn at our Annual Spaghetti Dinner on November 7, 2014. The grand prize will be $5,000 with additional prizes of $1,000 and $500. Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50. Tickets are available at the parish office and in the narthex this weekend. Finally I invite everyone to join us for the spaghetti dinner this coming Friday. I promise that you will have a good dinner and enjoy some good entertainment for a very reasonable price. Tickets are available after Mass today or through the office on Monday. Because of the need to have the proper amount of food, no tickets will be sold at the door. The winners of our parish raffle will also be drawn at the spaghetti dinner. May God bless you and your loved ones. Fr. Jay November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) Pastoral Ministries Contact Deacon Ken Zawadzki Pastoral Ministry Director Phone: 708.342.2400 Ext. 136 Email: [email protected] Donating to St. Vincent de Paul has become easier through our new ONLINE GIVING. Go to and click on the ONLINE GIVING logo to the left of the screen to register and make your donation. Thank you from our St. Vincent de Paul Society. If you or a parishioner close to you is in need, please contact SVdP at 708-342-2400 ext.205. A representative will return your call as soon as possible to arrange a confidential conversation. Confidentiality and Compassion are cornerstones of our ministry In the Gospel today, Zacchaeus accepts our Lord joyfully; and the sign of his acceptance is his open house and his resolution to give half of his goods to the poor. Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you also can give God’s mercy to your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened. P AGE 4 The Feast of All Saints’ Day … This weekend we celebrate one of the great feasts of the Church, All Saints’ Day. And on the next day, All Souls’ Day, we pray for all the faithful departed. On All Saints Day we honor, venerate (and petition) those disciples of the Lord who have gone before us into the kingdom of heaven. And we hope that one day we, too, will be counted among their number. The Feast of All Saints does not simply recall the “hall of fame” saints such as Peter, Paul, Francis of Assisi, Margaret Mary, and Stephen. In fact we also honor all those countless disciples who have lived lives of faith, service and virtue and have thus entered into the joy of heaven. We have great reason to hope that this number includes the virtuous friends and family members who have preceded us in death. Most of us think of saints as being almost other-worldly and untouchable. We have these images of people who endured great suffering for their faith or who lived with such superlative virtue that they seem to be superhuman. Seen in this fashion, the saints don’t seem like real people and we can conclude that holiness is beyond our grasp. The examples of their lives may not seem very inspirational because they appear to be too perfect and unlike the gritty struggles we confront in our hearts and lives each day. In fact, most saints were ordinary people like you and me who struggled with difficulties and personal failings (sometimes severe and scandalous ones) before “getting their act together.” Saints were real people who had strengths and limitations, virtues and failings. There were saints who did not like each other very much. There were saints who were grave sinners before turning their lives around. Perhaps we would be more inspired in our own pursuit of holiness if we were more familiar with full three-dimensional portraits of the real people behind the legends. To this end, consider the following saint tidbits: Peter and Paul are two of the greatest saints in history. Yet, Peter denied even knowing Jesus and Paul led vigilante mobs that stoned early Christians to death. Later, Peter and Paul (neither being a shrinking violet) could barely stand to be in the same room with one another because they disagreed so vehemently about how to bring Gentiles into the Church. And let’s not forget that Matthew was a traitorous, extortionist tax collector before he joined Jesus’ band of disciples. These are just a few snippets of hundreds upon hundreds that show how many of the great saints of history struggled to overcome their human weakness. But if they could do it, we can too. Sainthood is not perfection; it is growth and consuming dedication to Christ and his Gospel. Each and every one of us is called to holiness, not in some sterile, plastic way but amidst the messiness and trials of daily life and with the help of those around us. Holiness is a journey, not simply a destination. It is growing in the love of God and learning to do his will more completely. As we celebrate the Feast of All Saints and pray for All Souls, let us each embrace this journey and look to those who have gone before for inspiration and guidance…with a bit of amusement thrown in! Indeed if these men and women could do it, so can you and I! Blessings, Deacon Ken Zawadzki New Altar Server Practice Boys and girls fourth grade and above who want to serve weekend masses, holydays, weddings and other special events are asked to come to an altar server training session on Saturday Nov.8 at 12noon in the Church. This will be the only training session until the spring. This session should last until 1pm. Parents are welcome to stay and observe the training. Thank you for considering serving our parish as an Altar Server. For more information, please contact Deacon Ken at the parish office: 708-342-2400 ext. 136 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 5 Parish Transformation The Parish Transformation Team has selected the governing mission theme as the first step in providing the vision for St. Stephen Parish. The theme is to: “Grow God’s Kingdom by living, learning, teaching, and speaking the good news.” The team also prioritized these three building blocks as the ones that are most important for our parish to focus on: - Catechesis - Prayer & Worship - Call to Holiness All seven of the building blocks previously outlined in the bulletin over the past few weeks were recognized as fundamental to our parish life; however, the team believes that the three listed above are the most important for St. Stephen Parish at this time. In the next few weeks, the team will discuss how we are supporting these building blocks as a parish and propose plans for improvements and enhancements to revitalize the parish and advance our mission. The data you provided to the team through the survey will become especially important as we prioritize specific actions that will be included in the final plan we will present to Bishop Wypych and that we will begin to implement in the near future. Please continue to pray for your Parish Transformation Team and be sure to share with us any additional thoughts that you may have to improve our Parish. Military Corner Please pray for our Military men and women on a daily basis for their safe return. Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Major Vincent Cesaro 1st Lt. Michael Chimienti Lt. Amanda Griffith Lcpl. Evan Grober Capt. Michael Gryczka Sgt. Joseph Malone Capt. Christopher Mazurek Sgt. Dominic Messina Tsgt. Laura Langley Ssgt. Carl Langley PFC Matthew O'Boyle Capt. Thomas Pierczynski Tsgt. Stephen Vlaming LCDR Marilyn Walsh Major Thomas Walsh SWIFT Interfaith Dinner SWIFT invites you to join us at our Interfaith Dinner. We hope that you, as a member of one of SWIFT’S participating congregations, will come and share a meal and an interesting discussion on the topic of “Thanksgiving, how we celebrate and what we are thankful for”. Please contact the parish office for tickets or more information. When: Sunday, November 16, 2014 Where: Faith United Methodist Church Time: 6:30- Registration 15101 S.80th Ave., Orland Park Cost: $18.00 (non-refundable) Pre-registration and tickets required. Tickets will NOT be available at the door. To help others celebrate Thanksgiving, we ask you bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Respond Now food pantry. Hope you can join us, SWIFT Board. November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 6 Bob Conlin to be Instituted Into the Ministry of Acolyte Please continue your prayers for deacon candidate Bob Conlin as the Most Rev. George J. Rassas will preside at his institution into the Ministry of Acolyte this Sunday, November 2 at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein. Bob is one of 15 candidates to be instituted into this ministry which is another step in Bob’s preparation to be ordained a deacon in the May 2016. As is noted in the words of the Rite of Institution, instituted acolytes “have a special role in the church’s ministry.” The Rite notes the following responsibilities: - Assist priests and deacons in carrying out their ministry at the Eucharist. - As special ministers, they are to give Holy Communion to the faithful at the liturgy, and the sick. - Because they are specially called to this ministry, they should strive to live more fully in the Spirit of Christ. - They should seek to understand the deep spiritual meaning of what they do so as to offer themselves daily to God as spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Him through Jesus Christ. Regarding the Ministry of Acolyte, Canon Law also notes that newly instituted acolytes must regularly exercise their ministry from this point forward if they are to be considered for the possibility of Holy Orders. Bob has been serving as a lector and minister of communion and you will see him continuing in these ministries. This year, Bob continues to be involved in intensive multidimensional study, prayer and preparation for possible Holy Orders, Academic and formation courses including Sacramental Theology, Canon Law, Moral Theology (Medical and Health Care Ethics), Presiding at Rites and Rituals, Prayer and Spiritual Direction; and retreat for candidates and wives; he meets regularly for theological reflection; he continues monthly Spiritual Direction; he attends a retreat prior to his institution to the ministry of acolyte; and he has been involved in a series of field education and internship experiences. Thus he continues his four- year preparation as a candidate for the diaconate. Presently there are nearly 500 active deacons in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and about 60 men currently participate in the Institute for Diaconal Studies. Please keep Bob, his wife Cathy and family, and all those in formation and their families, in your prayers that they might continue to answer God’s call in their lives. Gluten Free Hosts Available The Benedictine Sisters, who have been providing our altar breads since we began as a parish, have developed a communion host that will benefit all those who suffer from celiac disease. Celiac disease is a digestive disorder triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains. Since Church law and tradition require that the Eucharistic bread be wheat based, some Catholics have been unable to receive the host because they cannot tolerate the gluten in altar breads. Some Catholics can receive only the cup because the gluten in the host is a danger to their health. The Benedictine Sisters have developed a low gluten host that is safe for most people with celiac disease and which meets all Church requirements and is approved for use at Mass. The gluten content of these breads is 0.01%, a level which the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland calls perfectly safe for the vast majority of celiac sufferers. The Sisters still recommend that individual celiac sufferers consult with their doctor before using the breads. These hosts have now been improved to the point that we can keep a small supply of consecrated hosts in the tabernacle for anyone who needs them. If you have this need, please mention it to the priest, deacon, or one of the ushers before Mass. However, if for some reason you do not see someone before Mass, just mention to whoever is distributing communion that you need a gluten-free host. We will always have a small supply available. Book Discussion “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody” The next session of the book discussion “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody”, will be this Sunday, November 2. Like our book discussion on “Rediscover Catholicism” last winter and spring, we will begin with a light supper at 4:30pm and conclude about 5:50pm on time for the 6:15pm Mass. Babysitting will be provided. To help us to plan for the food needed, please call the parish office at 708-342-2400 to let us know you will be attending. If you did not receive a book last Easter and would like to participate, please call the office 2015 Golden Opportunities Coupon Book We are again offering the New 2014 Golden Opportunities coupon book for only $25. It has hundreds of discounts at numerous local merchants that you shop at everyday. The Dining Pleasures and Casual Dining section offer 2 for 1 dining, with many of them having offers Valid Once A Month for the entire year. It also for a copy of the book. The November2 session will cover pages 45-67 in the book. Other discussion sessions will be on November 16 and 30. Feel free to come as often as you are able. has a Sports and Entertainment section as well as a Retail Section. Please stop by the Parish Office now to view a sample or to purchase this great gift that you can begin to use immediately. The book is available in the narthex this weekend. November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 7 A Night of Remembrance The Bereavement Ministry of St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr Cordially invites all to attend “A Night Of Remembrance” For all our deceased loved ones. All Soul’s Mass Sunday, November 2nd 6:15pm Mass BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE FOR THE FEAST OF ALL SOULS It has been a custom here at St. Stephen to put a Book of Remembrance out prior to the Feast of All Souls for those who wish to write the names of their dear ones to be remembered at our All Souls Mass. This book will be on the Baptismal Font side of Church. We will have a special Mass of Remembrance on Sunday, November 2 at the 6:15pm Mass for those who were buried from our parish this past year and for all the deceased. We invite everyone to this special Mass. the Kingdom, His death and resurrection and His second coming. Small group discussions of the questions at the end of each chapter will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. starting November 12th and Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. starting November 15th and will last for 6 weeks. Jesus – A Historical Portrait Our next book study sessions will begin in November. We will be using the book “Jesus – A Historical Portrait” written by Daniel J. Harrington, a Jesuit priest, who was a professor of New Testament studies at Boston College and one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars. Father Harrington conveys a factual, historical perspective of Jesus in an easy to read style. Chapters in the book include Jesus in relation to prayer, the Kingdom, politics and women. We will also cover have any questions or if you would like to form a small group in your own home, please contact Barbara Black at [email protected] or (708) 466-9962 Sign-up sheets for the sessions will be available in the narthex after all Masses the weekend of November 8th and 9th. The book we will be using will also be available for purchase at that time. If you Please help keep the church neat and clean. Please do not leave bulletins and other papers on the pews or in the racks. Thank you. November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 8 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner Date: Time: Place: Price: Friday, Nov. 7, 2014 5:30pm-8:00pm St. Stephen Education Wing $7.00 (No tickets sold at the door) We are looking for donations of bakery items for the dessert table at the spaghetti dinner. If you can help us it would be most appreciated. We are asking families with students in grades 1-4 to also help provide baked goods to be sold at the dinner. All baked goods should be individually wrapped and labeled with ingredients. Families with students in grades 5-8 are asked to provide canned soft drinks (regular or diet) and juice boxes for the guests. ***Please remember this is a Fundraiser that will benefit St. Stephen Church as well as the religious education program. All donations can be brought to the Religious Education Office before noon on Friday, November 7th. Come and join us for an evening of good food, conversation and musical entertainment. Thank you for helping make this a successful event. November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 9 Teens Growing in Faith Upcoming Events T.G.I.F. If you are interested in more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact Karen Dillon at: 708-342-2400, ext. 149 or at [email protected]. Teens 7th grade through high school are invited to teen activities the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month following the 6:15 pm mass from 7-9 pm! Come help us plan our activities for the year! Give your input on decorating and what we need in the new teen room! “God’s Big Hug” Prayer Shawl Ministry Our first meeting after summer break will be Thursday November 6, at 10am in room 125/126 of the parish offices. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of women from the parish who meet monthly to knit or crochet shawls for the sick, homebound, those with terminal illnesses, and other illnesses and to celebrate a happy occasion. Our meetings are optional! We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at 10am in room 125 of the parish offices. Our ministry is open to everyone—even if you don't have the F.A.I.T.H. (FAITH AND INSPIRATION TO HOPE) SPIRITUAL St. Stephen’s F.A.I.T.H. (faith and inspiration to hope) Spiritual Healing Ministry continues with a monthly prayer service at 7:30pm. The next date is Tuesday, November 4. The goal of this ministry is to bring Christ’s healing love to people struggling with illness and to support their loved ones and caregivers. The foundation of this ministry is an expectant faith, trusting that the Lord Jesus will give us what we need. Through our prayer, we put ourselves in the hands of God, seeking His will and listening to His voice in the depths of our hearts. Through prayer and offering support, we seek to bring Christ’s healing love to our parishioners who are struggling with illness. The prayer service will include quiet music, Scripture reading, a reflection, intercessory prayer and an Bible Study time to attend the meetings! Shawls can be created at home on your own time and own speed. The purpose of the prayer shawl is to let the recipient know that others care for them in difficult times and are thinking of them. On the knitter's part, it is a prayerful process—from the selection of color to the blessing of the yarn and needles. The love of making knitted and crocheted items and a deep caring for others has been combined into a prayerful ministry which reaches out to those in need of comfort and Please join us as we study and explore Scripture. We meet on Friday mornings in Room 126 from 8:45 AM until 10 AM. Our upcoming schedule includes some wonderful topics for the Christmas season. On Nov. 14 there will be an overview of the Old Testament. Nov. 21 solace. Donations of yarn as well as monetary donations are always welcome. It was noted that those making shawls, to please keep our measurements of 25” x 60” as our guideline. This size makes for a perfect fit for those receiving shawls. Please come to our next meeting and find out what we are all about. For more information on our ministry please contact Dorothy at 708-614-2588. HEALING MINISTRY opportunity for a few minutes of personal prayer with one or two members of the F.A.I.T.H. ministry team. This prayer time will focus on whatever intentions that the person brings. The F.A.I.T.H. ministry is founded on belief in the power or prayer and on four key attitudes of our faith: Lord. 3. We recognize the grace of redemptive suffering; our willingness to embrace the Cross of Christ in our lives makes a difference. 1. We come to God with an expectant 4. We ask for healing in order to be better faith, trusting that God will provide what servants of the Lord. Healing prayer asks we need in our lives. for help of God in our times of need and 2. We come to God with the attitude of helps us to recognize that God walks with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane us in facing the pain of life. “Father Thy Will be Done”. God’s healing may come in a way that we do not expect and that is different from our desire, but We invite anyone who wishes to join us on we must trust in the ultimate care of the November 4 at 7:30 pm in Room 126. we will be viewing a fascinating video entitled “Star of Bethlehem.” We will not meet the Friday after Thanksgiving. Dec. 5 begins a three week look at the Infancy Narratives. If you have been considering joining Scripture Study, this will be a good time to do so. We learn from each other and from our facilitator, and have meaningful, interesting and at times fun discussions. Our group is very welcoming. This class is for you whether you are new to Scripture or not. If you would like more information please contact, Tom Mitus at 708-479-6980, or e-mail: [email protected]. November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 10 Welcome to the Marriage Center Marriages: Justin & Hillary Mizera Banns III Banns II Robert Mikulskis & Jennifer Stanek Michael Benavides & Lauren Herman About Eliot Morris Eliot Morris is an acclaimed singer song writer who has toured with the Counting Crows, John Mayer, and James Taylor. He is best know for his albums What’s Mine is Yours and All Things in Time, which includes the hit UP From the Bottom. Matthew Kelly’s presentation will be at St. Stephen Church on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at 7pm. The presentation is co-sponsored by St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi, St. George, St. Julie Billiart and St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr parishes. Tickets are $39. Make checks payable to “Dynamic Catholic.” All proceeds go to support the work of Dynamic Catholic. Tickets will be available at the parish office beginning November 3. Save the Date… Thy Kingdom Come… March 21 & 22, 2015… St. Stephen’s Church Thy Will Be Done on Earth… only if YOU are there! Kingdom is a two-day spiritual renewal that is open to anyone 18 years of age or older (no overnight). (Single, married, divorced, separated or widowed). Come alone or bring a friend and discover GOD working in your everyday life. More information and registration forms will be in the bulletin starting in January. It is a weekend of Faith, Friendship, Fun and Food! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 2015. “…The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:2 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 11 Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Sw. Śzczepana W ciago calego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1PM -Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedz of 7-8pm Msza o 8pm -Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7pm-9:30pm -W kazdy czwartek jest calodzienna adoracja Najswietszego Sakramentu -Spowiedz w kazdą sobote of godz. 8:45-9:30am -Chrzty w języku polskim odbywaja sie w kazdą niedziele miesiąca -Nauki przedmalzenskie w języku polskim odbywaja sie za umuwieniem -Ślub w języku polskim prosimy zglaszać sześć mięsicy wcześniej -Po bliższe imformajce proszę dzwonić do biura parafialnego pod numer 1(708) 342- 2400 wew 137 Dlaczego szukacie żyjącego wśród umarłych? Czytamy dziś fragment Księgi Hioba: Lecz ja wiem: Wybawca mój żyje, na ziemi wystąpi jako ostatni. Potem me szczątki skórą odzieje, i oczyma ciała będę widział Boga. To właśnie ja Go zobaczę. Hiob doświadczył życia trudnego. Był człowiekiem sukcesu i klęski. Życie jest bowiem pełne jednego i drugiego. Dlatego nieraz przestaje cieszyć. Moja Mama miała wtedy sto lat. Jej świat skurczył się do rozmiarów łóżka, a była w pełni świadomości. „To już nie życie - powiedziała to jest antyżycie”. Pocieszałem, jak umiałem. Odchodzę. Przywołała mnie gestem ręki. „Wiesz, chciałabym jeszcze pożyć”. Pożyła jeszcze. Za tym „chciałabym pożyć” kryje się odwieczna tęsknota człowieka za życiem bez kresu. Tę tęsknotę usiłował wypowiedzieć prehistoryczny człowiek malowidłami w jaskiniach. Tą tęsknotą wiedzeni, układali swoje mityczne opowieści starożytni. Ta sama tęsknota kazała urządzać uroczyste pogrzeby i wznosić grobowce. Tą tęsknotą wypełnione są wiejskie cmentarze i nekropolie wielkich miast. Wiele ksiąg Pisma Świętego o tej tęsknocie mówi. Więcej - świadczy, że ta tęsknota jest z Boga, a życie ma sięgnąć wieczności. Dlatego śpiewamy dziś psalm: W krainie życia ujrzę dobroć Boga. Życie jest wyzwaniem. Tęsknota za bezkresnym trwaniem życia jest wyzwaniem szczególnym. I bardzo trudnym. Bo na co dzień doświadczamy kruchości życia. Ile to trzeba, by przerwać jego nić? Choroba, wypadek. I to, co powinno trwać, kończy się. Właśnie: czy się kończy? Czy trwa dalej? Przeczucia biblijnego Hioba nabrały realnego kształtu w zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa: Chrystus zmartwychwstał jako pierwszy spośród tych, co pomarli. Ponieważ bowiem przez człowieka przyszła śmierć, przez człowieka też dokona się zmartwychwstanie. I jak w Adamie wszyscy umierają, tak też w Chrystusie wszyscy będą ożywieni - czytamy. Zatem: kruche życie, kruche biologicznie, trwa w niepojęty dla nas sposób dalej. Nie mamy lepszych określeń niż te przejęte z tradycji. Mówimy więc: zmartwychwstanie, niebo, życie wieczne. Mówimy o czymś, czego nie doświadczyliśmy. Wierzymy jednak, czekamy, mamy nadzieję. A nasza nadzieja zakotwiczona jest w Jezusie. Syn Boży stał się człowiekiem nie po to, by razem z ludźmi przegrać, lecz by nas poprowadzić ku pełni życia. Ta nadzieja pozwala nam trwać w łączności z tymi, którzy odeszli z ziemskiego kręgu życia. Przeczuwamy ich obecność, choć nie potrafimy jej nazwać. Zwracamy się do nich i wiemy, że to nie tylko przywoływanie wspomnień, ale że to jakaś nieuchwytna nić łączy nas z tamtym światem. Nieraz odczuwamy ich opiekę nad nami. I równie często wiemy, że oni nas potrzebują, że nasza modlitwa ma z Bożego miłosierdzia moc oczyszczenia ich z grzechów, których nie odpokutowali. W jedno więc splata się nasza pamięć z modlitwą. Także materialne znaki pamięci - pomniki, kwiaty, znicze - stają się wyrazem naszej modlitwy za nich. Do końca nie wiemy, czy w konkretnym przypadku jest to modlitwa o darowanie im ziemskich win, czy modlitwa ku ich chwale, bo już osiągnęli radość nieba. Ufamy, że dobry Bóg zrozumie nasze nieporadne prośby i da więcej, niż potrafimy wypowiedzieć. Ludzie zawsze modlili się za zmarłych. My, którzyśmy nadzieję złożyli w Jezusie, oczyma wiary widzimy dalej i więcej. Tym gorliwiej się modlimy. Moms and Tots Join us at Moms and Tots! Moms and Tots is a casual playgroup that meets on Tuesdays between 9:30 and 11:00. It is a fun free way to get out with your little one (s). New moms, dads, tots, and babies are always welcome! We meet in the church, Room 158, however, if fall weather permits we may move to Kiwanis Park. It is located near the southwest side of the church parking lot. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions feel free to contact Julie at [email protected] or (708)299-9404. November 2, 2014 Sun 11-02 Mon 11-03 Tues 11-04 Wed 11-05 Thurs 11-06 Fri 11-07 Sat 11-08 Sun 11-09 11-9 Lector The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) P AGE 12 Narthex… Raffle Tickets | Narthex… Spaghetti Tickets Baby Nursing #153 | Daylight-Saving Time Ends 8:30 AM CJBS Cheerleaders #155/156 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 10:00 AM CJBS Cheerleaders to receive a blessing at Mass | 10:00 AM Family Mass Church 10:00 AM Growing with God #162/163/164/165/166/167 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RCIA #125 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Book Discussion Forgiveness LMR 6:15 PM All Souls Mass & Reception Leslie Daily Chapel 4-4:15 & 6-6:45pm | RE 4:15-5:30pm; 6-7:15pm Educ. Wing 7:30 PM Parish Worship Team #125 Leslie Daily Chapel 4-4:15 & 6-6:45pm | RE 4:15-5:30pm; 6-7:15pm Educ. Wing 9:00 AM RE Coor Mrg #153 | 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Moms & Tots #158 7:30 PM Highlanders #171,172,173,174 | 7:30 PM SVDP #126 Leslie Daily Chapel 4-4:15 & 6-6:45pm | RE 4:15-5:30pm; 6-7:15pm Educ. Wing 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Adult Choir Church/Choir Room | 7:30 PM CJBS Rosary Daily Chapel 7:30 PM Healing Service #126 | 7:30 PM Reconciliation Parent Mtg Church 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily Chapel with Rosary @ 8:30am 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Shawl Ministry #125/126 |4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Children's Choir Church 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Benediction Daily Chapel followed by Divine Mercy Prayers 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Parish Transformation Steering Comm LMR | 6:45 PM RE Reading Practice Church 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Parish Transformation Mtg LMR | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Praise Band Church 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Scripture Study #126 | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Spaghetti Dinner Setup 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Family Spaghetti Dinner Educ Wing | 6:30 PM 1st Fri Mass (Polish) Church Baby Nursing #153 | Narthex...Portrait of Jesus sign up 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Portrait of Jesus book study #126 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Altar Server Training Church #126 Baby Nursing #153 | Narthex...Portrait of Jesus sign up 10:00 AM 5th Grade Mass Church | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Parish Registration #158/159 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RCIA #125 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Maciulewicz,Jeannie Anderson,Mary Kay Monahan,Thomas Power,Dorothy Flanagan,Jane Monahan,Pat Eucharistic Czerwinski,Joanne Smajo,Nicholas Koney,Patricia Franckowiak,Pam Smajo,Geri Albee,Dawn Smith,Patrick Smajo,Jonathan Crane,Sally Bodinet,Nicole Connolly,Bill Slechter,Ed Bodinet,Rachel Connolly,Marie Benkowski,Lisa Jakocko,Donna Dressel, Judy Farley,Bill Przybylski,Dianne Erzinger,Ruth Farley,Kay Bulvan,Christine Page,Bob Heniff,Jack Bibzak,Joyce Heniff,Pat Bibzak,Ray Gildea,Sue Baste,Choleen Leoni,Patricia Genardo,Patricia Hill,Rosemary Altar Sullivan,Catherine Smyth,Owen Papa,Natalie Smyth,Maxwell Flisk,Julia Jendra,Tom Celebrant Fr Greg Fr Jay Fr Greg Deacons Dcn Joe Dcn Bill S. Dcn Ken Greeters Flo Simosky Tom Mitus Joan Beck Lynn Packert Jean Coughlin Mike Tyrrell Geraldine Casey Eileen Tyrrell 10:00 AM Grade 5 Mass Grade 5 Mass Lazzara,Susan Piatchek,Rich Piatchek,Kay Vaitkus,Charlotte Lindenmeyer,Elaine Lima,Clare Steele,Tammy Daly,Lynn Richerme,Dolores McCauley,Kara Davidson,Jacqueline Stephans,Kathy Buck,Michaela Wiltjer,Jason Bugos,Kevin Fr Jay Dcn Pete Pauline Cotrano Linda Giroux Barb Ridge Bob ridge 11:30 AM 1PM Novotny,Deborah Budz,Janina Goeppner,Mike Luczak,Longin Romano,Rose Kita,Barbara Kolloway,Rita Kwiatkowski,S Trump,Rick Boblak,Andrej Lachat,Ann Marie Sierakowski,Maria Burke,Linda Lachat,John Tierney,Abigail Knawa,Kathy Barnes,Geraldine Dometita,Levie Gamino,Theresa Labriola,Daniela Camacho,Christopher Estrada,Alexander Estrada,Yoel Fr Jay Fr Greg Dcn Pete Counters Julie Gilligan Sun 11-2 Seana Gilligan Team #2 Joan Beck Sun 11-9 Natalie Sims Team #3 New Altar Server Practice Sat. Nov. 8, 2014 at 12noon in Church November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) 11/2 Sunday 7:00am For the People Geoffrey Evert 8:30am Margaret O'Brien Richard Hoyne 10:00am Megan Gilligan H. Roger Johnson 11:30am Dorothy Lapinski Ronald Joyce Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace 1:00pm Joseph Salomon 6:15pm Mildred Walczak James Mc Cauley Monday 11/3 8:00am Jim Dwyer Edith Graziano 11/4 Tuesday 8:00am Mary O'Donnell Thanksgiving For Diloy & Puray Families Wednesday 11/5 8:00am Maria Lecki Dorothy Lapinski 11/6 Thursday 8:00am Lorraine Wasowicz Thanksgiving for Sumera Family 11/7 Friday 8:00am Jim Dwyer Thomas Whelan Julia Wegner 11/8 Saturday 8:00am Clarence Janiak Adolfo Sumera 5:00pm Mary Lou Long Maury Kane Mary Ann Gastonguay Dorothy Lapinski Kevin Buekema, Michelle Salin & The Ryan Brothers 11/9 Sunday 7:00am For the People Peter Aldeza 8:30am Thomas Rogan Lorraine Tateyama 10:00am Agnes Skalski Kevin Bruin 11:30am Dec'd Mem. Rafferty & Hughes Families Louise Johnson 1:00pm Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace Josef & Anna Nykaza 6:15pm Joann Matthes Maxine Bean P AGE 13 Pray for Our Sick The Family Mary & Bill Greene Joan Kapala The Family Emily Johnson Ray Lipinski Joyce Suffern Wife & Sons & Family M/M Wienke The Family Donna Kuban Gus Graziano James O'Donnell Husband Ray Lipinski Sisters-in-Law Carole Guger Mary Everett Ted Wegner Bob & Rita Seida Connie Sumera Eilleen & Howard The Family Karen Opyd Dore The Piejko Family The Family The Family Mary Schroder Dcn Ken & Laurie Zawadzki Mark & Chris Losey Ann & John Lachat Aniela Kowalczyk Pat Panici Sr. Altar Servers Albert Agresti Kristen Baldyga Julie Barth Arlene Beavan Augustina Braccolino Frank Braccolino Kathie Brosius Tammy Burns Raymond Callaham Matt Creen Matthew Cutro Janice Dorff Joe Dorff John Drahos Cardinal George Sue Gildea Caroline Grady Ted Grecki Fran Grousnick Bill Hacker Marion Kummer Lillian Kurzawski Nathan Parry Carmen Pignatiello Christopher Prete Maggie Quinn Judy Ratkovic Kevin Renderman Jean Renken Betty Ruzich Terry Ryan Mary Lu Schoettler Nicole Siedschlag Rachel Swallow Joseph Tierney Alex Udaykee Jane Van Duch MaryBeth Vasquez Maeve Walsh Kelly Weiss And for all for whom our parish is asked to pray To help keep the list of names read at Mass and placed in the bulletin accurate and current, we will keep the name of a non-parishioner who is an immediate family member of our parishioner on the list at Mass for two weeks and in the bulletin for two weeks. For a parishioner, we will keep the name on the list at Mass for four weeks and in the bulletin for 60 days. We ask that an immediate family member call after 4 weeks if you wish to have the name continued to be read at Mass. Pray for Our Deceased None Weekly Readings Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9 Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17—4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Welcome to Our Newly Baptized Alyssa Anne Boling Ryan Joseph Kocolowski Julia Elisabeth Morinec Everleigh Margaret Murray Lucia Joy Pleskunas Mason Edward Swiatkowski November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) St. Stephen's Days at Gatto's E a r n $$$$ f or S t. S te p h e n ’s Pa r i s h! !! Have lunch or dinner at Gatto's on the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month and help in raising funds for St. Stephen’s parish. The parish will receive 15% of the before tax cost of your meal. Please present this coupon to your server or ask your server to write St. Stephen's Men's Club on your bill. This applies to Dine-in or Carryout!! P AGE 14 Gatto’s Restaurant & Bar St. Stephen’s Men’s Club 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month Present this coupon to your server Dine-In or Carryout Donation (before Tax) 15% COUNSELOR AVAILABLE Michele L. Nowak, LCPC, is available to provide counseling to individuals and couples right here at St. Stephen parish! Michele is an experienced professional counselor who has worked with all age groups and issues. She is a staff member of The Hollbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities. Blue Cross / Blue Shield accepted. Those without insurance are eligible for sliding scale fees based on income & number of dependents. Appointments can be made by calling (312) 655-7725. The first session is free for all who are members of St. Stephen. Pop Tabs collection to benefit the Ronald McDonald Houses of Chicago . A collection bin for pop tabs is located in the nw corner of the narthex and in all RE classrooms. Thank you for your support! Please Recycle Your Newspapers, Magazines, etc. into our green and yellow recycling bins located in the Parking Lot. Youth Ministry of St. Stephen will earn money from your donation. Thank you to all who advertise in our bulletin. Please patronize our advertisers!
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