Image courtesy of (This is not Ahmed’s clock).
Wrongful arrest for schoolboy inventor
1. A 14-year-old schoolboy in Texas was arrested after taking a
_______________________________________________ he had made to school.
2. Why did Ahmed Mohamed bring it to school? He wanted to...?
a) impress his teacher
b) surprise his teacher
c) scare his teacher
3. Why did the teacher call the police? She thought it was a...?
a) gun
b) bomb
c) knife
4. The police realised it wasn’t a bomb and _______________________________________
5. Who wrote on Twitter that he thought Ahmed’s invention was cool?
a) Usain Bolt
b) Justin Bieber
c) President Barack Obama
6. He intends to use it as an ________________________________________________________ to
talk about his experience.
Human rights on the curriculum
1. Pupils in the UK will learn about political and religious
__________________________________________________________ as well as slavery in the world
2. The lessons include the stories and experiences of human rights...?
a) watch
b) activists
c) teachers
3. Mention two of the topics they will debate during the lessons:
Image courtesy of sakhorn38 from
Beckham: “Refugees are human beings”
1. Beckham says world leaders need to do more to protect children…?
a) in football teams
b) who are bullied in school
c) who live in danger
2. What is David Beckham’s role in children’s charity? He’s
3. What does Beckham say he can feel around the children?
a) Pressure and devastation
b) Joy and happiness
c) Dreams of the future
4. Why does he show pictures to his own four children? So that they will
Like or dislike, Facebook?
1. What kind of button is Facebook working on?
A _________________________________________________ button.
2. “If you are sharing something that is sad then it may not feel
__________________________________________________ to like that post”.
3. Why did some people not want to have the button?
Translation time
1. I’m the person who built a clock and got into a lot of trouble for it.
2. Not every moment is a good moment.
Grammar grill
Who, what or which? Circle the correct word!
1. I know the person who/what/which painted that.
2. Who/what/which object did you bring to show-and-tell today?
3. Who/what/which of the two books is your favourite?
4. Who/what/which is your favourite artist?
5. Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who/what/which shot John F. Kennedy.
6. This shirt is pink, who/what/which is my favourite colour.
7. Who/what/which country would you like to visit?
8. Today I have football practise, who/what/which I look forward to.
10-minute discussion
A David Beckham is involved in children’s charity. Do you think it’s important
that famous people work with charity? Why/why not? Do you think they can
accomplish anything that someone who is not famous can’t? What in that case?
B What do you think about the new button Facebook is working on?
The big debate
Pupils in the UK will have lessons in human rights. Do you think it is important to
learn about human rights in school? Why/why not? What do you think is the
purpose of the classes? Would you like to have lessons in human rights in school?
Why/why not? Are there any other subjects you would like to have in school that
you don’t have now? Why do you think the Swedish government has decided on
the subjects that are being taught now? Do you know which are the core subjects?
Why do think those are the core subjects? Do you know which are the core
subjects in English speaking countries?
Wrongful arrest for schoolboy inventor
1. clock
2. a) to impress his teacher
3. b) bomb
4. released
5. c) President Barack Obama
6. opportunity
Human rights on the curriculum
1. conflicts
2. b) activists
3. the current refugee crisis, democracy, tolerance and respect
Beckham: “Refugees are human beings”
1. c) who live in danger
2. ambassador
3. a) pressure and devastation
4. the difficulties children have in other parts of the world.
Like or dislike, Facebook?
1. dislike
2. comfortable
3. They think people could feel bullied online.
Translation time
1. Jag är personen som byggde en klocka och hamnade i trubbel på grund av det.
2. Inte alla ögonblick är bra ögonblick (eller liknande).
Grammar grill
1. I know the person who/what/which painted that.
2. Who/what/which object did you bring to show-and-tell today?
3. Who/what/which of the two books is your favourite?
4. Who/what/which is your favourite artist?
5. Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who/what/which shot John F. Kennedy.
6. This shirt is pink, who/what/which is my favourite colour.
7. Who/what/which country would you like to visit?
8. Today I have football practise, who/what/which I look forward to.