FAKTURA 1 2 3 4 5 1 (3) Fakturadatum Kundnr Fakturanr/OCR-nr Ref. fakturanr Referens 2014-12-08 2014-09-09 XXXXX 42864 XXXXXXXXXXX 28934290017 28902507814 Namnson 6 Namn Björk Per-Olov Adressvägen 1 Västergatan 22 931 93138 62 Skellefteå Skellefteå 7 Fakturaperiod: 2014-11-01 2014-08-01 - 2014-11-30 2014-08-31 8 Anläggningsinformation 9 Avtalsinformation 10 Se specifikation 10 Se specifikation Total 316,40 SEK 510,63 405,25 SEK 422,24 651,57 SEK 1 661,51 11 Elhandel 12 Elnät 13 Fjärrvärme 14 Oss tillhanda 2014-09-29 2014-12-29 2014-12-28 15 Netto 098,56 21 075,49 Moms total 16 518,89 274,66 Öresutjämning 17 -0,38 -0,22 18 Att betala 1 594,00 373,00 2 BELOPP DRAS DRAS FRÅN FRÅN ERT ERT AUTOGIRO AUTOGIRO HOS HOS BANKGIROT BANKGIROT 2014-12-29. 2014-09-29. BELOPP 19 ALLMÄN INFORMATION Vi önskar dig god jul och gott nytt år! Drabbas du av ett elavbrott som varar minst tolv timmar i sträck kan du ha rätt till ersättning. Lägsta ersättning är 900 kronor förutsatt att ersättningen inte jämkas. Oberoende av elavbrottets längd kan du ha rätt till skadestånd. Läs mer om avbrottsersättning och skadestånd på www.skekraft.se/avbrott eller kontakta vår Kundservice. 20 Dröjsmålsränta Dröjsmålsränta utgår utgår enligt enligt räntelagen räntelagen om om ej ej annat annat avtalats. avtalats. Vid Vid påminnelse påminnelse tillkommer tillkommer påminnelseavgift. påminnelseavgift. Vid Vid flytt/kundbyte flytt/kundbyte anmäl anmäl detta detta till till din din 240;;arkiv;B_SKT_EL_8142_08122014_064211_chk 692;;arkiv;B_SKT_EL_7235_08092014_072712_chk nätägare 30 30 dagar dagar innan innan önskad avläsning. avläsning. Angående Angående elavtalet elavtalet kontakta kontakta ditt ditt elhandelsbolag. elhandelsbolag. Fakturaspecifikation Fakturaspecifikation finns finns på på baksidan. baksidan. För För nätägare information om om konsumenträttigheter, konsumenträttigheter, oberoende oberoende användarrådgivning, användarrådgivning, reklamationshantering reklamationshantering och och tvistelösning tvistelösning kontakta kontakta vår vår Kundservice Kundservice eller eller information besök vår vår hemsida. hemsida. Godkänd Godkänd för för F-skatt. F-skatt. besök 28 2014-12-28 Namn Namnson Adressvägen 1 931 38 Skellefteå 931 80 80 Skellefteå Skellefteå 931 Kanalgatan 71 71 21 Kanalgatan www.skekraft.se www.skekraft.se [email protected] [email protected] Kundservice: 0910 091022 77225 25594 50 Kundservice: -- 16 77 50 Felanmälan: 020 020 -- 77 77 27 27 00 00 Felanmälan: Bankgiro: 5750-7634 5750-7634 Bankgiro: Skellefteå Kraft Kraft AB AB Skellefteå SE556016256101 SE556016256101 Plusgiro: 89 89 83 83 02-5 02-5 Plusgiro: Skellefteå Kraft Kraft Elnät Elnät AB AB Skellefteå SE556244395101 SE556244395101 2 (3) Fakturadatum Kundnr Fakturanr/OCR-nr 23 8 24 25 26 Specifikation: 29 30 31 32 Elhandel Rörligt elpris Energiskatt Månadsavgift Moms 25,00 % Totalt Anläggningsinformation Adressvägen 22, 1, 931 Skellefteå Anläggningsadress: Västergatan Fv,00 93162 Skellefteå Anläggningsid: 735999242000000XXX 735999242000221368 Områdesid: SKT 2014-12-08 42864 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX 28934290017 Avtalsinformation 27 Rörligt elpris 1 år, slutdatum 2014-11-30 33,781 öre/kWh 28 Kontraktsnummer: 743XXXX 7443180 2014-11-01 - 2014-11-30 33 723 kWh 723 kWh 1 Mån 34 0,33781 SEK/kWh 35 0,19400 SEK/kWh 244,24 SEK 140,26 SEK 24,00 SEK 102,13 SEK 510,63 SEK 36 Summa anläggning 510,63 SEK 8 37 24 25 26 Anläggningsinformation Uppgifter som anges vid leverantörsbyte Adressvägen22, 1, 931 00 Skellefteå Anläggningsadress: Västergatan Fv 93162 Skellefteå Anläggningsid: 735999242000221368 735999242000000XXX Områdesid: SKT 38 39 40 41 Elnät Abonnemang, 16 A Elöverföring Myndighetsavgift Moms 25,00 % Totalt Avtalsinformation 5185474 28 Kontraktsnummer: 518XXXX 2014-11-01 - 2014-11-30 30 dgr 723 kWh 30 dgr 42 0,07200 SEK/kWh 36 Summa anläggning 281,29 SEK 52,06 SEK 4,44 SEK 84,45 SEK 422,24 SEK 422,24 SEK 43 Mätarnummer: 662513 44 Avläst 44 Avläst Totalt 2014-10-31 2014-11-30 45 Mätarställning 41 986 42 709 46 Förbrukning 47 Beräknad årsförbrukning 723 kWh 723 kWh 6 681 kWh Kärnkraft 19,1% 48 Förnybart Förnybart 80,9% Totalt Var kommer din el från? All el vi säljer till privatkunder är ursprungsmärkt och kommer till 100 procent från våra egna förnybara energikällor. Vår totala försäljning av el är till 80,9 procent förnybar. Privatkunder För mer detaljerad information gå till: www.skekraft.se/ursprung 3 (3) Fakturadatum Kundnr Fakturanr/OCR-nr 8 Anläggningsinformation Fv 93162 Skellefteå Adressvägen22, 1, 931 00 Skellefteå 24 Anläggningsadress: Västergatan 7340004051398 25 Anläggningsid: 735999242000000XXX 26 Områdesid: 49 50 51 52 Fjärrvärme Serviceavtal, Villa litet Energiavgift Effektavgift Moms 25,00 % Totalt Avtalsinformation 758XXXX 28 Kontraktsnummer: 7580075 2014-11-01 - 2014-11-30 1 Mån 2 181 kWh 9 kW 0,4220 SEK/kWh 504,00 SEK/kW 36 Summa anläggning 53 Mätarnummer: 98812244 (fabr.nr) 54 Mätarställning Avläst 2014-10-31 90,185 44 2014-11-30 92,366 44 Avläst Totalt 2014-12-08 42864 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX 28934290017 36,00 SEK 920,38 SEK 372,82 SEK 332,31 SEK 1 661,51 SEK 1 661,51 SEK 55 Förbrukning 56 Beräknad årsförbrukning 2 181 kWh 2 181 kWh 20 307 kWh 1. Billing date. When the bill is produced. 2. Customer number. Your customer number at Skellefteå Kraft. Please use this when contacting us. 3. Bill no / OCR no. The bill number is the same as the OCR number. Use this in combination with your customer number when paying using a method other than the provided payment slip. You only use the OCR number when paying online. 4. Ref. bill no. If the bill is credited, this refers to the original bill. 22.Total amount. The amount you are to pay. If it says “makulerad”, you do not need to pay anything. This may be because you have enabled automatic payment, meaning the sum will be withdrawn directly from your bank account. It could also indicate that you will be receiving a refund. In which case we will refund you via plusgiro or autogiro. 23.Detailed information. 24.Electrical installation address. The address to which electricity is supplied. 5. Reference. If you have asked for a reference on your bill it will be shown here. 25.Electrical installation specification. A code for your electrical installation. This is combined with your area specification to create a unique identifier. 6. Billing address. If this is inaccurate, please contact customer service. 26.Area specification. A three letter code that tells us where in Sweden your electrical installation is located. 7. Billing period. 27. The type of contract you have signed. 8. Electrical installation information. 9. Contractual information. 28.Contract number. Your contract number with us. This is only used in-house at Skellefteå Kraft. 10. Detailed information. 29.Electricity supply. 11. Electricity supply. Total price, including VAT. The cost of the electricity consumed during the period the bill relates to. Detailed information is provided on the back of the bill. 30.The price for the electricity that you consume, depending on which contract you have. 12. Electrical grid. Total price, including VAT. The cost of the electrical grid during the period the bill relates to. Detailed information is provided on the back of the bill. 32.Monthly fee. A fixed monthly fee that is the same amount, regardless of how much electricity you consume. 13. District heating. Total price, including VAT. The cost of district heating during the period the bill relates to. Detailed information is provided on the back of the bill. 14. Due date. The date by which the bill is to be paid. 15. Net. Net amount. Total price, excluding VAT. 16. Total VAT. 25% of the net amount. 31. Energy tax. Tax on electricity consumed that you pay to the government. 33.Consumed during the billing period. The number of kilowatt hours (kWh) that you have consumed during the billing period. 34.Electricity price per kWh, excluding VAT. Multiply by 1.25 to see the price including VAT. 35.Energy tax per kWh, excluding VAT. Multiply by 1.25 to see the price including VAT. 17. Rounding off. 36.Total for this electrical installation. The total amount consumed during the billing period. 18. Total amount. The amount you are to pay. Total price, including VAT. The amount is always rounded off. 37. Information that is used when changing electricity supplier. 19. General information. Here you will find up to date information from us. You will also find the current interim price and variable electricity certificate charge. This does not affect those who have fixed rate electricity or district heating. 38.Power grid. 20.Interest on overdue payment is applied in accordance with the Swedish Interest Act unless otherwise agreed. If a reminder is sent out, a reminder fee will be added. If the customer is changing, please inform your network owner 30 days before the date you wish the meter to be read. Contact your electricity supplier regarding the electricity supply contract. Detailed information is provided on the back of the bill. 21. OCR number. This number is used when paying using a method other than this payment slip. It is always the same as the bill number. 39.Subscription, 16 A. A fixed fee for access to the power grid. The cost depends on the electric current, in ampere, of your main fuse. 40.Electricity transmission. The transmission of electricity through the distribution network to your home. 41. Authority fee. Includes administrative authority fee, electrical safety tax, network monitoring fee and electricity preparedness fee. 42.Electricity transmission per kWh, excluding VAT. Multiply by 1.25 to see the price including VAT. 43.Meter number. The ID number of your electricity meter, which measures your consumption. 44.Read. The date and meter reading for the current reading. If it says “beräknad” the meter was not actually read at the time that the bill was produced. In this case we use an estimate based on your estimated annual consumption. This will be corrected when we receive an actual reading. 45.Meter reading. Shows the meter reading in kWh. 46.Consumption. 47.Estimated annual consumption. Based on your electricity consumption from the previous 12 months. 48.Origin labelling showing the energy sources used to produce the electricity you have consumed. All electricity we sell to domestic customers is labelled with its origin and comes from our own renewable sources. Of our total sales, 80.9 per cent comes from renewable sources. 49.District heating. 50.Service agreement, Villa litet. Shows which service agreement you have. 51. Energy fee. The price of the district heating that you have consumed. 52.Effect fee. Calculated by dividing the mean value of the past two years´ annual correction average in kWh during December, January and February with usage time (hours/year). For houses the usage time is 940 hours. 53.Meter number. The ID number of the district heating installation. 54.Meter reading. Shows how much you have consumed during the period in MWh. 55.Consumption. 56.Estimated annual consumption. Based on your district heating consumption from the previous 12 months.
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