THE OLATHE NEWS Saturday, November 1, 2014 REMEMBRANCES CALENDAR A seasonal sight Nov. 1 League of Women Voters Meeting: The topic will be new Johnson County Courthouse, pros and cons; find out the facts and options from a panel of county employees representing the building’s various functions, 8:30 a.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 9948 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park. Free. Nov. 2 Annual Smothered Steak Dinner: Great food, great fellowship and raffles, noon to 5 p.m., Sacred Heart Church Hall, 2646 S. 34th St. Kansas City, Kan., $4 children, $ 8, 913-677-1277. Nov. 8 BRIAN DAVIDSON | SPECIAL TO THE STAR Noah Hamilton of Gardner dressed as Wolverine of the X-Men for recent trick-or-treating in downtown Overland Park. At this particular stop, Michael Bauman doled out the treats. DOROTHY L. GOLDING Dorothy L. Golding, 85, passed on October 28, 2014, at Evergreen Community of Johnson County. Mrs. You can enter events directly into The Star’s online Golding was born on Sept. 9, 1929 in calendar at Events.KansasCity .com. Sign in or Okema, OK to Richard and Sallie create a free account, then click “Add Event.” If Graham. Though she worked both your event’s location does not appear in the for the telephone company and for “Where” listing, scroll to the bottom and click Phillips Petroleum in the Kansas City “Suggest a new venue.” In the “Description” field, area her education was in music and describe the event and be sure to include a phone music theory. Dorothy was an acnumber people can call. In the “Tags” field, select complished pianist. She is preceded “913” for Johnson County events. Click the green in death by her husband, George “Add event” button when you’re finished. Golding and son, Michael Timothy Paul Sears. She is survived by a son, James Richard David Sears of La Campus, 7700 W. 143rd St., ceeds to benefit the Troy Hodge Badie, MO, and a daughter, Sallie Margaret Ann Sears Murphy of Overland Park, 913-239-4688 or Memorial Scholarship Fund, communityforumRSVP@ noon to 5 p.m., American Legion Bloomfield, NM, thirteen Hall, 957 Osage, Kansas City, KS, dren and many great grandchildren. She will be missed by all. 913-927-6162 or 913-722-5574. Getting listed Nov. 15 Life Line Screening: The community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke and bone fracture, 60-90 minutes per session, Shawnee Presbyterian Church, 6837 Nieman Road, Shawnee, $149, 877-237-1287 or Nov. 12 Community Forum: Discussion on personalized student learning and begin their process of creating the district’s 2015-2020 strategic plan called the “Vision 20-20,” Hilltop 9 St. James Academy Open House: See the campus, meet the student leaders, coaches and department chairs, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., St. James Academy, 24505 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, 11th Annual Gift Gallery: Shopping event that brings together more than 40 artisans and vendors selling unique and upscale items in a festival atmosphere, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Cure of Ars School, 9401 Mission Road, Leawood, $3, Annual Chili Dinner: Pro- | Lisa Lopez, [email protected] LEGAL PUBLICATION (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, October 25, 2014) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS Child in Need of Care Proceedings under Chapter 38 of K.S.A. In the Interest of: AUTUMN LATUCH Date of Birth: 09/16/02 Case No. 14JC450 Division 10 A Child Under the Age of l8 Years NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Shawn Latuch, father, any unknown putative fathers, all unknown grandparents of the above Respondent, Autumn Latuch, and all other persons who are or may be concerned: The name of the mother is Sheena Milton. A Petition has been filed in the aforementioned Court by Erica A. Miller, Assistant District Attorney for Johnson County Kansas, alleging that pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2202, Autumn Latuch is to be determined a Child in Need of Care in that the subject child is without proper parental care; control; subsistence; education, as required by law; or other care or control necessary for the child’ s physical, mental or emotional health; and the lack of such control is not due solely to the lack of financial means of the child’ s parent(s); and by reason of the inability and/or unwillingness of the parent(s) to provide the child with proper and necessary support and care the child is presently in the care, custody and control of the Secretary of the Kansas Department for Children and Families. The Petition further requests that by reason of the foregoing, the Court issue Orders of protective, temporary and permanent custody. Randy McCalla, retained attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the grandparents. Each parent or legal custodian of the child has the right to appear and be heard personally either with or without an attorney. The Court will appoint an attorney for a parent or legal custodian who is financially unable to hire one. against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Wells Fargo Auto Finance, Inc. and all other concerned persons: You are notified that a Petition has been filed in the District Court of Johnson County, Kansas by Leon W. Barlow to Quiet Title on one 2008 Suzuki Grand Vitara, VIN # JS3TD947784100583, and you are hereby required to plead to the petition on or before December 5, 2014, in the court at Olathe, Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment will be entered upon the petition. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on September 25, 2014, a petition for Probate of Will and Issuance of Letters Testamentary was filed in this Court by VIRGINIA LOUISE TRANSUE, the executor named in the Last Will and Testament of GEORGE WILLIAM GILLETT, deceased, dated March 28, 2012. Clerk of the District Court Brian T. Rialti, Petitioner The evidentiary hearing on All creditors are notified to the Petition will be to deBy: Jeffrey M. Rinne, exhibit their demands (25 1, 25296965-2P) termine if the said minor #17340 against the Estate within (First published in The child is a Child in Need of Kurlbaum Rinne four months from the date Olathe News Saturday Care and if so, to ascertain Law Firm, LLC of the first publication of October 25, 2014) whether the care, custody 11040 Oakmont this notice, as provided by and control of the said mi- IN THE DISTRICT COURT Overland Park, Kansas law, and if their demands nor child shall continue to OF JOHNSON COUNTY, 6621 are not thus exhibited, be with the Secretary of Phone # (913) 334-5444 McCONNELL & McMAHON they shall be forever KANSAS the Kansas Department for Fax # (913) 334-0515 /s/Steven R. McConnell barred. PROBATE DIVISION Children and Families. Email STEVEN R. McCONNELL, KS #08493 /s/VIRGINIA LOUISE In the Matter of the Estate [email protected] Each of you is required to of: Attorneys for the Peti8008 Floyd Street T R A N S U E appear before the Court at tioner Overland Park, Ks 66204 PETITIONER 12:45 o’ clock p.m. on the Dorothy Jane Rialti, (913) 888-2680; (25 1 8, 25297136-2P) 3rd day of November, Fax: (913) 888-3399 Jeffrey L. Easterday Deceased. Email: [email protected] 2014, in the Juvenile Sec#08623 (First published in The tion of the District Court of Case No. 14PR00846 PARMAN & EASTERDAY Olathe News Saturday, Attorney for Plaintiff Johnson County, Kansas, Div. 15 10740 Nall, Suite 160 October 25, 2014) (25 1 8, 25296552-2P) City of Olathe, Division 10 Overland Park, KS 66211 or prior to that time file Phone:(913) 385-9400 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (First published in The IN THE DISTRICT COURT Fax:(913) 385-9422 your written response to Olathe News Saturday, OF JOHNSON COUNTY, Attorney for Petitioner the pleading with the Clerk The State of Kansas to all October 18, 2014) KANSAS of the Court. If the child is persons concerned: CIVIL COURT (18 25 1, 25296179-2P) determined a Child In Need IN THE DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT of Care and the Court finds You are hereby notified (First published in The OF JOHNSON COUNTY, the parent(s) to be unfit, that on October 20, 2014, a LEON W. BARLOW, Olathe News Saturday, KANSAS the court may issue an Or- Petition for Probate of Will Plaintiff, PROBATE DIVISION October 25, 2014) der permanently termi- and Issuance of Letters nating the parent(s) paren- Testamentary Under Kan- vs In the Matter of the Estate IN THE DISTRICT COURT tal rights. sas Simplified AdministraOF JOHNSON COUNTY, of tion was filed in this Court WELLS FARGO AUTO GEORGE WILLIAM KANSAS Neal E. Fowles, an attor- by Brian T. Rialti as per- K.S.A. GILLETT, Deceased Child in Need of Care Proney, has been appointed to sonal representative FINANCE, INC. ceedings under Chapter 38 represent the child as the named in the Last Will and 4549 SW Wanamaker Road No. 14PR00513 of K.S.A. Guardian Ad Litem. Ashlyn Testament of Dorothy Topeka, KS 66610, Div. 15 L. Yarnell, an attorney, has Jane Rialti, deceased. In the Interest of: Defendants. been appointed as attorney TIERRA SWEENEY NOTICE TO CREDITORS to represent the natural All creditors are notified to Case No. 14CV06635 Date of Birth: 04/20/06 mother of the minor child. exhibit their demands Division No. 11 THE STATE OF KANSAS Case No. 13JC148 Division 10 A Child Under the Age of l8 Years NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Sir Anthony Sweeney, father of Tierra Sweeney, all unknown grandparents of the above-listed child, Tierra Sweeney, and all other persons who are or may be concerned: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above named Court by Erica A. Miller, Assistant District Attorney, alleging that said child is a Child in Need of Care as defined by K.S.A. 382202, alleging that natural parent is unfit by reason of conduct or condition which renders the parent unable to care properly for a child and the conduct or condition is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future; and requesting the Court to permanently deprive their parental rights in and to said child, and to further place said child for adoption pursuant to K.S.A. 382269 or, in the alternative, appoint a permanent custodian for said child. The name of the mother is Jessica Schell. The name of the father of Tierra Sweeney is Sir Anthony Sweeney. The hearing will determine why said parents should be permanently deprived of their parental rights and the right to permanent custody; and that the care, custody and guardianship of the person and estate of said child be committed to the Secretary of the Kan- sas Department for Chil- Each parent has the right the costs be determined dren and Families. Or, in to appear and be heard in and ordered paid; the adthe alternative, the hear- this Court. The Court will ministration of the Estate ing will determine why appoint an attorney for a be closed; upon the filing said parents should be parent who is financially of receipts the Petitioner rendered unfit; and that unable to hire one. be finally discharged as the the care, and custody of Executor of the Estate of the person and estate of Clerk of the District Court Charles R. Page, deceased, said child be committed to and the Petitioner be re(25 1, 25296559-2P) the Secretary of the Kanleased from further liabilsas Department for Chility. (First published in The dren and Families, with the Olathe News Saturday, appointment of a permaYou are required to file October 25, 2014) nent custodian. your written defenses to IN THE DISTRICT COURT the petition on or before You are required to appear OF JOHNSON COUNTY, November 20, 2014, at 2:30 before this Court at 9:00 o’ clock P.M. in the District KANSAS o’ clock a.m., on the 10th Court, Olathe, Johnson PROBATE SECTION day of November, 2014, in County, Kansas, at which the Juvenile Section of the In the Matter of the Estate time and place the cause District Court of Johnson of will be heard. Should you County, Kansas, City of Charles R. Page, fail to file your written deOlathe, Division 10, or Deceased fenses, judgment and deprior to that time file your cree will be entered in due written response to the No. 13PR422 course upon the petition. pleading with the Clerk of Div. M-1 the Court. If, after a child /S/ The Commerce Trust has been adjudged to a Company, a Division of NOTICE OF HEARING Child In Need of Care, the Commerce Bank, Petitioner Court finds a parent or THE STATE OF KANSAS parents to be unfit, the TO ALL PERSONS CON- The Estate & Business Law court may be petitioned to CERNED: Group, LLC make an Order permaTerry L. Williams, nently terminating the You are hereby notified Attorney at Law parent’ s or parents’ that a petition was filed in 8080 Ward Parkway, p a r e n - this Court by The Com- Suite 360 tal rights. merce Trust Company, a Kansas City, MO 64114 Division of Commerce (816) 444-6666 Dennis J. Stanchik, an at- Bank, duly appointed, Attorney for Petitioner torney, has been appointed qualified, and acting Adas Guardian Ad Litem for ministrator with Will An(25 1 8, 25296545-2P) said child. Each parent or nexed of the Estate of (First published in The other legal custodian of Charles R. Page, deceased, Olathe News Saturday, the child has the right to requesting November 1, 2014) that Petiappear and be heard per- tioner’ s acts be approved; sonally either with or account be settled and alBEFORE THE STATE without an attorney. lowed; the heirs be deterCORPORATION Shanelle Dupree, an attor- mined; the Will and Valid COMMISSION OF THE ney, has been appointed as Settlement Agreement be STATE OF KANSAS attorney to represent the construed and the Estate NOTICE OF natural mother of the mi- be assigned to the persons FILING APPLICATION nor child. Sarah E. entitled thereto; the Court Stewart, an attorney, has find the allowance re- RE: Butler Petroleum, LLC been appointed as attorney quested for attorney fees Application for a permit to to represent the natural and expenses are reason- authorize the injection of father of Tierra Sweeney. able and should be allowed; saltwater into the Rankin 10 THE OLATHE NEWS Saturday, November 1, 2014 LEGAL PUBLICATION Lease located in Johnson County, Kansas. TO: All Oil and Gas Producers, Unleased Mineral Interest Owners, Landowners, and all persons whomever concerned. You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Butler Petroleum, LLC has filed an application to commence the injection of salt water into the Bartlesville formation at the Rankin Lease well I-5 1829 FSL 4856 FWL I-6 895 FSL 4851 FWL I-6 404 FSL 4853 FWL I-15 1354 FSL 4867 FWL I-25 2293 FSL 4867 FWL; located in Sec. 9, Twp. 14, R 22E, Johnson County, Kansas, with a maximum operating pressure of 675 psig, and a maximum injection rate of 100 bbls per day. Any persons who object to or protest this application shall be required to file their objections or protest with the Conservation Division of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas within fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. These protests shall be filed pursuant to Commission regulations and must state specific reasons why the grant of the application may cause waste, violate correlative rights or pollute the natural resources of the State of Kansas. All persons interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and shall govern themselves accordingly. Butler Petroleum, LLC 1246 Hodgins Rd. Po Box 1385 Van Alstyne, TX (1, 25295134-1P) (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, October 25, 2014) Buell Blast VIN # 4MZKP13C613504290 has been impounded by Jesus Verumen and will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder if owner does not claim within 10 days of second publication of notice and pay removal, storage and publication fees. Contact 913-231-9543 (25 1, 25296866-1P) (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, October 25, 2014) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS Child in Need of Care Proceedings under Chapter 38 of K.S.A. In the Interest of: Case No. 14JC91 CORY DOCK Date of Birth: 10/01/98 MORGAN DOCK Date of Birth: 04/23/97 Case No. 14JC92 Division 14 Children Under the Age of l8 Years NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Barbara Dock, mother, all unknown grandparents of the above-listed child, Cory Dock and Morgan Dock, and all other persons who are or may be concerned: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above named Court by Donald W. Hymer, Jr., Assistant District Attorney, alleging that said child is a Child in Need of Care as defined by K.S.A. 38-2202, alleging that natural parent is unfit by reason of conduct or condition which renders the parent unable to care properly for a child and the conduct or condition is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future; and requesting the Court to permanently deprive their pa- rental rights in and to said child, and to further place said child for adoption pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2269 or, in the alternative, appointment of a permanent custodian. judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. All creditors of decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within the later of four (4) months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 592236 and amendments thereto, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Mayorga Diaz a.k.a. Diez a.k.a. Lupe Mayorga, father of Elijah Mayorga and putative father of Emily Araceli Mayorga, all unknown putative fathers, all unknown grandparents of the above-listed children, and all other persons who are or may be concerned: The name of the mother is Barbara Dock. The name of the father is currently You are hereby notified unknown. The hearing will that a Petition has been determine why said parfiled in the above named ents should be permaCourt by Donald W. Hymer, nently deprived of their Jr., Assistant District Atparental rights and the torney, alleging that said right to permanent cuschild is a Child in Need of tody; and that the care, HELEN F. EMERSON, Care as defined by K.S.A. custody and guardianship Petitioner 38-2202, alleging that of the person and estate of natural parent is unfit by said child be committed to EVANS & MULLINIX, P.A. reason of conduct or condithe Secretary of the Kan- Timothy J. Evans, tion which renders the sas Department for Chil- KS #6992 parent unable to care dren and Families. Or, in [email protected] properly for a child and the the alternative, the hear- 7225 Renner Road, conduct or condition is uning will determine why Suite 200 likely to change in the said parents should be Shawnee, KS 66217 foreseeable future; and repermanently deprived of (913) 962-8700 questing the Court to pertheir parental rights and (913) 962-8701 (fax) manently deprive their pathe right to permanent Attorneys for Petitioner rental rights in and to said custody and that the care, child, and to further place custody and guardianship (18 25 1, 25295888-2P) said child for adoption purof the person and estate of (First published in The said child be committed to Olathe News Saturday, suant to K.S.A. 38-2269 or, in the alternative, to furthe Secretary of the KanNovember 1, 2014) ther appoint a permanent sas Department for Children and Families. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF custodian for said child. JOHNSON COUNTY, The name of the mother is You are required to appear KANSAS Megan Orozco. The name before this Court at 3:45 PROBATE DIVISION of Elijah’ s father is Jose o’ clock p.m., on the 7th d a y In the Matter of the Estate Guadalupe Mayorga Diaz a.k.a. Diez. The name of of November, 2014, in the of: Emily Araceli Mayorga’ s Juvenile Section of the ROBERT D. JARBOE, father is currently unDistrict Court of Johnson Deceased known. The hearing will County, Kansas, City of determine why said parOlathe, Division 14, or Case No. 14PR-864 ents should be permaprior to that time file your Division No. 15 nently deprived of their written response to the Chapter 59 Proceeding parental rights and the pleading with the Clerk of the Court. If, after a child NOTICE OF HEARING AND right to permanent custody; and that the care, has been adjudged to a NOTICE TO CREDITORS custody and guardianship Child In Need of Care, the Court finds a parent or THE STATE OF KANSAS of the person and estate of parents to be unfit, the TO ALL PERSONS CON- said child be committed to the Secretary of the Kancourt may be petitioned to CERNED: make an Order perma- You are hereby notified sas Department for Chilnently terminating the that on October 27, 2014, a dren and Families. Or, in parent’ s or parents’ Petition was filed in this the alternative, the hearp a r e n - Court by Donna L. Bren- ing will determine why tal rights. tano, an heir of Robert D. said parents should be Jarboe Deceased, praying rendered unfit; and that Rachelle M. Eichenwald, an that she be appointed as the care, and custody of attorney, has been ap- Administrator, without the person and estate of pointed as Guardian Ad Li- bond, and that she be said child be committed to tem for said child. Each granted Letters of Admini- the Secretary of the Kansas Department for Chilparent or other legal cus- stration. todian of the child has the All creditors are notified dren and Families with the right to appear and be to exhibit their demands appointment of a permaheard personally either against the estate within nent custodian. with or without an attor- four (4) months from the ney. Darren K. Kearns, an date of first publication of You are required to appear attorney, has been ap- this notice, as provided by before this Court at 3:00 pointed as attorney to rep- law, and if their demands o’ clock p.m., on the 14th resent the natural mother are not exhibited, they day of November, 2014, in the Juvenile Section of the of the minor child. Each shall be forever barred. District Court of Johnson parent has the right to apCounty, Kansas, City of pear and be heard in this Donna L. Brentano, Olathe, Division 14, or Court. The Court will ap- Petitioner prior to that time file your point an attorney for a written response to the parent who is financially J. Michael Haskin, P.A. pleading with the Clerk of unable to hire one. By: J. Michael Haskin the Court. If, after a child Supreme Court No. 09123 has been adjudged to a Clerk of the District Court 100 E. Park, Suite 203 Child In Need of Care, the P.O. Box 413 Court finds a parent or (25 1, 25297153-2P) Olathe, KS 66051-0413 parents to be unfit, the (First published in The 913-782-0706 court may be petitioned to Olathe News Saturday, Attorney for Petitioner make an Order permaOctober 18, 2014) nently terminating the (1 8 15, 25297745-2P) IN THE DISTRICT COURT Jamison Joyce-England is parent’ s or parents’ parenOF JOHNSON COUNTY, changing his name to Ja- tal rights. KANSAS mison England. All inter- Jennifer L. Hagg, an attorPROBATE DEPARTMENT ested parties must appear ney, has been appointed as November 14, 2014 at 1:30 Guardian Ad Litem for said IN THE MATTER OF THE p.m., Johnson County child. Each parent or other ESTATE OF Courthouse, Div. 2 legal custodian of the child FLOYD J. EMERSON, SR., Case No. 74CV-5816 has the right to appear and DECEASED. James Joyce-England be heard personally either Overland Park, KS with or without an attorCase No. 14PR828 25296103 - 18, 25, 1 ney. Amy R. Mitchell, an Div. No. 15 (First published in The attorney, has been apChapter 59 Olathe News Saturday, pointed as attorney to repOctober 25, 2014) resent the natural mother NOTICE OF HEARING AND of the minor child. Elle J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT Byram, an attorney, has OF JOHNSON COUNTY, been appointed as attorney THE STATE OF KANSAS KANSAS to represent the natural TO ALL PERSONS CONChild in Need of Care Pro- father of the minor child. CERNED: ceedings under Chapter 38 Each parent has the right to appear and be heard in You are hereby notified of K.S.A. this Court. The Court will that on October 10, 2014, a appoint an attorney for a Petition was filed in this In the Interest of: MAYORGA EMILY ARACELI parent who is financially Court by HELEN F. EMEREMILY ARACELI unable to hire one. SON, an heir of FLOYD J. a.k.a. EMERSON, SR., deceased, OROZCO a.k.a. EMILY ARACELI Clerk of the District Court praying that petitioner be appointed as Administra- AGUIRRE MARTINEZ (25 1, 25296597-2P) tor and granted Letters of Case No. 14JC222 Date of Birth: 06/26/08 (First published in The Administration. ELIJAH MAYORGA Olathe News Saturday, November 1, 2014) You are required to file Case No. 14JC221 06/15/07 your written defenses Date of Birth: NOTICE OF thereto or before NovemDivision 14 PUBLIC HEARING ber 10, 2014, at 11:00 o’ clock A.M. on said day in Children Under the Age of by the Aubry-Oxford Conl8 Years solidated Zoning Board, this Court, in Olathe, JohnJohnson County, Kansas son County, Kansas, at NOTICE OF HEARING on an Application for Condiwhich time and place the tional Use Permit Approval cause will be heard. TO: Jose Guadalupe Should you fail therein, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application IN THE MATTER OF THE has been filed by Raintree, ESTATE OF Inc., applicant, and 162 Mission Farms, LLC, KIRAN MINOCHA, owner, requesting approval DECEASED. for a landscape contractor shop and outdoor storage Case No. 14PR839 of equipment and materi- Court No. 15 als, on property zoned Chapter 59 PEC3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, on the NOTICE OF HEARING AND following property to wit: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 14, Range 25, in Johnson County, Kansas, thence North along the East line of said quarter section 948.67 feet to a point where the Missouri Pacific right-of-way intersects with said Section Line, thence Southwesterly along the Easterly boundary line of said right-ofway to a point where the same intersects with the South boundary line of said quarter section, then East 389.45 feet to the point of beginning, except that part taken for road purposes. Address: 16200 Mission Road Said hearing thereon will be held on December 3, 2014, at 6:30 p.m., at the KCP&L Service Center, 19950 Newton, Stilwell, Kansas. For additional information contact the Johnson County Planning Department at 913-715-2200. Aubry-Oxford Consolidated Zoning Board Vic Mosby, Chairman AUOX-CU-3171 (OX) Raintree Lawn and Irrigation (1, 25297877-1P) (First published in The Olathe News November 1, 2014) In the 10th Judicial District District Court of Johnson County, Kansas In the Matter of the Petition of Heather Anne Cahill to change her name to Sara Lee Chartered Case No. 14C06828 Div. No. 3 Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF HEARING PUBLICATION The State of Kansas to All Who Are or May Be Concerned: You are hereby notified that Heather Anne Cahill filed a Petition in the above court on the 27th day of October, 2014 requesting a judgment and order changes his/her name form Heather Anne Cahill to Sara Lee Chartered. The Petition will be heard in Johnson County District Court, 100 North Kansas Avenue, Olathe, Kansas on the 12th day of December, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. If you have any objections to the requested name change, you are required to file a responsive pleading on or before December 10, 2014 in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgment and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner. THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on October 17, 2014, a Petition was filed in this Court by Hans K. Minocha, an heir of Kiran Minocha, deceased, praying that petitioner be appointed as Administrator and granted Letters of Administration. You are required to file your written defenses thereto or before November 17, 2014, at 1:30 P.M. on said day in this Court, in Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. All creditors of decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within the later of four (4) months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 592236 and amendments thereto, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Hans K. Minocha, Petitioner EVANS & MULLINIX, P.A. John E. Larson, KS #14081 [email protected] 7225 Renner Road, Suite 200 Shawnee, KS 66217 (913) 962-8700 (913) 962-8701 (fax) Attorneys for Petitioner (25 1 8, 25296689-2P) (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, November 1, 2014) INVITATION FOR BID BID REQUEST NO. 2014-012 JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS Sealed bids will be received by the Department of Treasury and Financial Management, Purchasing Division, Johnson County Administration Building, 111 South Cherry Street, Suite 2400, Olathe, KS 66061-3441 until 2:00 p.m. local time on a clock designated by the Department of Treasury and Financial Management, Purchasing Division, DECEMBER 9, 2014 for Bid Request No. 2014-012 for WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FOR NEW CENTURY AIR CENTER. Bids received after the above designated time will be returned unopened. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Will be held at 9:00 a.m. on NOVEMBER 19, 2014, in the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING located at One New Century Parkway, New Century, Kansas 66031. Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory. (25297773-11/1,8,15-1p) (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, October 25, 2014) All bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., DECEMBER 9, 2014, in the Department of Treasury and Financial Management, Purchasing Division, Johnson County Administration Building, Conference Room, 111 South Cherry Street, Suite 2400, Olathe, Kansas, 66061-3486. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT All bids shall be submitted sealed in envelopes and marked “ Bid Request No. 2014-012” . Heather Cahill Overland Park, Kansas The work consists of the IN THE DISTRICT COURT following: OF JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS Improvements at the Main Child in Need of Care ProPump Station, 39A Pump ceedings under Chapter 38 Station and water system of K.S.A. meter and control valve vaults to include electrical In the Interest of: system replacements and SYDNEY REID upgrades, pump and pump Date of Birth: 06/04/07 motor replacements, customer meter retrofit and Case No. 14JC00248 replacement, radio read Division No. 10 meter system for cus- A Child Under the Age of l8 tomer meters, and water Years system SCADA controls and equipment replaceNOTICE OF HEARING ment. TO: Steven Parks, father, Contract documents may any unknown putative fabe examined during normal thers, all unknown grandbusiness hours at the fol- parents of the above Relowing locations: spondent, Sydney Reid, and all other persons who Department of Treasury are or may be concerned: and Financial Management, The name of the mother is Purchasing Division Sabrina Nicol. Johnson County Administration Building A Petition has been filed in 111 South Cherry Street, the aforementioned Court Suite 2400 by Erica A. Miller, AssisOlathe, KS 66061-3441 tant District Attorney for Johnson County Kansas, Drexel Technologies alleging that pursuant to 10840 West 86th Street K.S.A. 38-2202, Steven Lenexa, KS 66214-1632 Parks is to be determined a Telephone 913-371-4430 Child in Need of Care in Copies of plans and speci- that the subject child is fications can be seen or without proper parental purchased for a non- care; control; subsistence; refundable fee on-line at education, as required by in law; or other care or contheir eDistribution plan trol necessary for the room. Information re- child’ s physical, mental or garding this project can be emotional health; and the found in the “ Public Jobs” lack of such control is not link on the due solely to the lack of fiw w w . d r e x e l t e c h . c o m nancial means of the website. Documents may child’ s parent(s); and by be picked at Drexel Tech- reason of the inability nologies on a CD or Down- and/or unwillingness of the loaded Electronically. Bid parent(s) to provide the documents will be shipped child with proper and neconly if the requesting party essary support and care assumes responsibility for the child is presently in the all related charges. Corpo- care, custody and control rate, certified or cashier’ s of the Secretary of the checks shall be made pay- Kansas Department for able to Drexel Technolo- Children and Families. gies, Inc. All purchases are nonrefundable and drawing The Petition further reand specifications need not quests that by reason of the foregoing, the Court isbe returned. sue Orders of protective, BID BOND: Bidders shall temporary and permanent submit with their bid a bid custody. bond issued by a surety company licensed to do The evidentiary hearing on business in the State of the Petition will be to deKansas in the amount of termine if the said minor five percent (5.0%) of the child is a Child in Need of total amount of their bid. Care and if so, to ascertain Said guarantee shall be whether the care, custody made payable to the Board and control of the said miof County Commissioners nor child shall continue to of Johnson County, Kansas. be with the Secretary of the Kansas Department for NONRESIDENT CONTRAC- Children and Families. TORS (Upon Award): If a nonresident contractor or Each of you is required to subcontractor is not regis- appear before the Court at tered with the Kansas Sec- 10:00 o’ clock a.m., on the retary of State as a for- 18th day of November, eign corporation for 2014, in the Juvenile Seccontracts greater than tion of the District Court of $10,000, the contractor or Johnson County, Kansas, subcontractor must exe- City of Olathe, Division 10 cute and file a bond with or prior to that time file the Kansas Director of your written response to Taxation. In accordance the pleading with the Clerk with K.S.A. 79-1008 of the Court. If the child is THROUGH 79-1015, please determined a Child In Need see the website for more of Care and the Court finds i n f o r m a t i o n : the parent(s) to be unfit, the court may issue an Order permanently termi/forms-btreg.html nating the parent(s) parenNo bid may be withdrawn tal rights. within a period of ninety (90) days from the date of Amy R. Mitchell, an attorthe bid opening. ney, has been appointed to represent the child as the The County reserves the Guardian Ad Litem. Miright to award the contract chael G. Page, an attorney, to the lowest and best, re- has been retained as atsponsive and responsible torney to represent the bidder(s) for the work cov- natural mother of the miered by the bid and to re- nor child. Each parent or ject any or all bids and to legal custodian of the child waive irregularities and in- has the right to appear and formalities in any bid sub- be heard personally either mitted. with or without an attorney. The Court will appoint No bidder shall in any way, an attorney for a parent or directly or indirectly, dis- legal custodian who is ficriminate against any per- nancially unable to hire son because of age, race, one. color, handicaps, sex, national origin or religious Clerk of the District Court creed. (1 8, 25298171-2P) Dale Bauer (First published in The Purchasing Administrator Olathe News Saturday, [email protected] November 1, 2014) 913-715-0591 IN THE DISTRICT COURT (1, 25298068-2P) OF JOHNSON COUNTY, (First published in The KANSAS Olathe News Saturday, Child in Need of Care Proceedings under Chapter 38 November 1, 2014) of K.S.A. In the Interest of: LAYLA GARDNER Case No. 14JC256 Date of Birth: 04/04/14 CHRISTOPHER MITCHELL Case No. 14JC257 Date of Birth: 05/14/11 Division 10 Children Under the Age of l8 Years NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Christopher Mitchell, Sr., putative father of Christopher Mitchell; David Marquez, putative father of Christopher Mitchell; Garett Shawnt, putative father of Layla Gardner; any unknown putative fathers of the above listed children; all unknown grandparents of the above Respondent, Layla Gardner and Christopher Mitchel and all other persons who are or may be concerned: The name of the mother is Season Gardner. of Care and the Court finds the parent(s) to be unfit, the court may issue an Order permanently terminating the parent(s) parental rights. William F. Schoeb, an attorney, has been appointed to represent the child as the Guardian Ad Litem. Edward L. Bigus, an attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the natural mother of both children. Alan W. Rosenak, an attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the natural father of Christopher Mitchell, Jr. Brian C. Paden, an attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the natural father of Layla Gardner. Each parent or legal custodian of the child has the right to appear and be heard personally either with or without an attorney. The Court will appoint an attorney for a parent or legal custodian who is financially unable to hire one. A Petition has been filed in Clerk of the District Court the aforementioned Court (1 8, 25298236-2P) by Erica A. Miller, Assistant District Attorney for (First published in The Johnson County Kansas, Olathe News Saturday, alleging that pursuant to November 1, 2014) K.S.A. 38-2202, Layla Gardner and Christopher IN THE DISTRICT COURT Mitchell are to be deter- OF JOHNSON COUNTY, mined a Children in Need KANSAS of Care in that the subject Child in Need of Care Prochildren are without proper ceedings under Chapter 38 parental care; control; sub- of K.S.A. sistence; education, as required by law; or other In the Interest of: care or control necessary NORMA J. FLAHERTY for the children’ s physical, Date of Birth: 11/16/00 mental or emotional health; and the lack of such Case No. 14JC24 control is not due solely to Division 10 the lack of financial means A Child Under the Age of l8 of the children’ s parent(s); Years and by reason of the inability and/or unwillingNOTICE OF HEARING ness of the parent(s) to provide the children with TO: Any unknown, putative proper and necessary sup- father of Norma J. Flaport and care the children herty, all unknown grandare presently in the care, parents of the above-listed custody and control of the child, and all other persons Secretary of the Kansas who are or may be conDepartment for Children cerned: and Families. Further, the Petition alleges that natu- You are hereby notified ral parent is unfit by rea- that a Petition has been son of conduct or condition filed in the above named which renders the parent Court by Erica A. Miller, unable to care properly for Assistant District Attora child and the conduct or ney, alleging that pursuant condition is unlikely to to K.S.A. 38-2202, Norma change for the foreseeable J. Flaherty is a Child in future; and requesting the Need of Care in that the Court to permanently de- subject child is without prive their parental rights proper parental care; conin and to said children, and trol; subsistence; educato further place said chil- tion, as required by law; or dren for adoption pursuant other care or control necto K.S.A. 38-2269. essary for the child’ s physical, mental or emoThe name of the mother is tional health; and the lack Season Gardner. The of such control is not due names of the fathers are solely to the lack of financurrently unknown. The Pe- cial means of the child’ s tition further requests that parent(s); and by reason of by reason of the foregoing, the inability and/or unthe Court issue Orders of willingness of the parprotective, temporary and ent(s) to provide the child permanent custody. with proper and necessary support and care the child The evidentiary hearing on is presently in the care, the Petition will be to de- custody and control of the termine if the said minor Kansas Department for child is a Child in Need of Children and Families. FurCare and if so, to ascertain ther, the petition alleges whether the care, custody that natural parent is unfit and control of the said mi- by reason of conduct or nor child shall continue to condition which renders be with the Secretary of the parent unable to care the Kansas Department for properly for the children Children and Families. Fur- and the conduct or condither, the hearing will de- tion is unlikely to change in termine why said parents the foreseeable future; and should be permanently de- requesting the Court to prived of their parental permanently deprive their rights and the right to parental rights in and to permanent custody; and said child, and to further that the care, custody and place said child for adopguardianship of the person tion pursuant to K.S.A. 38and estate of said child be 2269. committed to the Secretary of the Kansas De- The name of the mother is partment for Children and Lisa Johnson. The name of Families. the father is currently unknown. The hearing will Each of you is required to determine if said minor appear before the Court at child is a Child in Need of 10:45 o’ clock a.m. on the Care and if so, to ascertain 17th day of November, whether the care, custody 2014, in the Juvenile Sec- and control of the said mition of the District Court of nor child shall continue to Johnson County, Kansas, be with the Secretary of City of Olathe, Division 10 the Kansas Department for or prior to that time file Children and Families. Furyour written response to ther, the hearing will dethe pleading with the Clerk termine why said parents of the Court. If the child is should be permanently dedetermined a Child In Need prived of their parental THE OLATHE NEWS LEGAL PUBLICATION rights and the right to permanent custody; and that the care, custody and guardianship of the person and estate of said child be committed to the Secretary of the Kansas Department for Children and Families. You are required to appear before this Court at 8:30 o’ clock a.m. on the 17th day of November, 2014, in the Juvenile Section of the District Court of Johnson County, Kansas, City of Olathe, Division 10, or prior to that time file your written response to the pleading with the Clerk of the Court. If, after a child has been adjudged to a Child In Need of Care, the Court finds a parent or parents to be unfit, the court may be petitioned to make an Order permanently terminating the parent’ s or parents’ p a r e n tal rights. Marc H. Berry, an attorney, has been appointed as Guardian Ad Litem for said child. Each parent or other legal custodian of the child has the right to appear and be heard personally either with or without an attorney. Caleb Richard Biesterveld, an attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the natural mother of the minor child. Rachelle M. Eichenwald, an attorney, has been appointed as attorney to represent the natural father of the minor child. Each parent has the right to appear and be heard in this Court. The Court will appoint an attorney for a parent who is financially unable to hire one. Clerk of the District Court (1 8, 25298153-2P) (First published in The Olathe News Saturday, November 1, 2014) sue Orders of protective, temporary and permanent custody. Clerk of the District Court (1 8, 25298155-2P) The evidentiary hearing on (First published in The the Petition will be to de- Olathe News Saturday, termine if the said minor November 1, 2014) child is a Child in Need of Care and if so, to ascertain IN THE DISTRICT COURT whether the care, custody OF JOHNSON COUNTY, and control of the said miKANSAS nor child shall continue to Child in Need of Care Probe with the Secretary of ceedings under Chapter 38 the Kansas Department for of K.S.A. Children and Families. In the Interest of: Each of you is required to SKY LYNN MARIE appear before the Court at SHOULDERS 9:00 o’ clock a.m. on the Date of Birth: 03/22/00 12th day of November, 2014, in the Juvenile Sec- Case No. 14JC538 tion of the District Court of Division 10 Johnson County, Kansas, A Child Under the Age of l8 City of Olathe, Division 14 Years or prior to that time file your written response to NOTICE OF HEARING the pleading with the Clerk of the Court. If the child is TO: James Shoulders, determined a Child In Need father, of Care and the Court finds all unknown grandparents the parent(s) to be unfit, of the above Respondent, the court may issue an Or- Sky Lynn Marie Shoulders, der permanently termi- and all other persons who nating the parent(s) parenare or may be concerned: tal rights. The name of the mother is Jill K.B. Kenney, an attor- Janice Leeper. ney, has been appointed to represent the child as the A Petition has been filed in Guardian Ad Litem. Elle J. the aforementioned Court Byram, an attorney, has by Erica A. Miller, Assisbeen appointed as attorney tant District Attorney for to represent the natural Johnson County Kansas, mother of the minor child. alleging that pursuant to Michael Richard-Tel Par- K.S.A. 38-2202, Sky Lynn rett, an attorney, has been Marie Shoulders is to be appointed as attorney to determined a Child in Need represent the natural fa- of Care in that the subject ther of the minor child. child is without proper paEach parent or legal custo- rental care; control; subsisdian of the child has the tence; education, as reright to appear and be quired by law; or other heard personally either care or control necessary with or without an attor- for the child’ s physical, ney. The Court will appoint mental or emotional an attorney for a parent or health; and the lack of such legal custodian who is fi- control is not due solely to nancially unable to hire the lack of financial means one. of the child’ s parent(s); Saturday, November 1, 2014 IN PRINT. ONLINE. ANYTIME Online: Phone: 816.234.4000 or 1.800.366.9688 24 hours a day! 7 days a week! and by reason of the in- with or without an attorability and/or unwilling- ney. The Court will appoint ness of the parent(s) to an attorney for a parent or provide the child with legal custodian who is fiproper and necessary sup- nancially unable to hire one. port and care the child is presently in the care, cus- Clerk of the District Court tody and control of the Secretary of the Kansas (1 8, 25298161-2P) Department for Children (First published in The Nursing and Families. Olathe News November 1, 2014) The Petition further requests that by reason of In the Matter of the PetiCorizon Health, a provider the foregoing, the Court is- tion of Thinh Huy Nguyen of health services for the sue Orders of protective, of Overland Park, Kansas Kansas Department of Cortemporary and permanent to change his name to rections, has excellent opcustody. Terry Alan Nguyen. All inportunities on EVENINGS terested parties must apand NIGHTS at the Lansing The evidentiary hearing on pear at the time and date Correctional Facility in the Petition will be to de- of the hearing to object in Lansing, KS. Correctional termine if the said minor the District Court of Johnnursing is different with child is a Child in Need of son County, Kansas at 1:30 every patient, every day. Care and if so, to ascertain p.m. on 11/25/14. whether the care, custody Regardless of your area and control of the said miof interest, correctional (25298220-11/1-1p) nor child shall continue to nursing provides a reNotice is hereby given that be with the Secretary of warding career in a speJohnson County, KS prothe Kansas Department for cialized field that encomvides notifications for its Children and Families. passes ambulatory care, formal Invitation to Bids health education, urgent and Request for Proposals Each of you is required to care and infirmary care. at appear before the Court at Corizon Health offers ex9:45 o’ clock a.m. on the http://treasurer.jocogov.or cellent rates and benefits g/. Copies of these docu17th day of November, 2014, in the Juvenile Sec- ments and the required Driver- Jackson, TN to Clay- and the opportunity to try tion of the District Court of submittal forms are avail- como, MO route. Company something new in this Johnson County, Kansas, able either through this Drivers and Owner Opera- growing specialty field. City of Olathe, Division 10 County website or at the tors wanted. Off 2 days Send resume/contact: or prior to that time file location noted online. You per week. Ideal candidate your written response to may also call to request a will live within 50 mile ra- Lauren Gift, Administrator Lauren.Gift@ the pleading with the Clerk specific copy at 913-715- dius along route including of the Court. If the child is 0525. Caruthersville, MO; Sikes913-727-3235 x57169 determined a Child In Need ton, MO; Festus, MO; CoOr View job & apply @ of Care and the Court finds The County is an Equal Op- lumbia MO; Concordia, MO; the parent(s) to be unfit, portunity Employer and Olathe, KS. Call PAM 855EOE/AAP/DTR the court may issue an Or- will not do business with 368-2454 or der permanently termi- any firm or individual that nating the parent(s) paren- in any way, directly or indi- Education - PT Driver Ed rectly, discriminates tal rights. against any person be- Inst. needed. Must have KS driver’ s license. Flexible Rachel A. Spaethe, an at- cause of race, religion, hours. Excellent income. torney, has been appointed color, national origin, sex, Driver Ed cert. or college disability, age, or other cirto represent the child as degree pref. Will train for the Guardian Ad Litem. cumstance prohibited by cert. Call Bill Kennedy 800Each parent or legal custo- federal, state or local law, 557-7357 or send resume: rule or regulation. dian of the child has the [email protected] right to appear and be heard personally either (1 8 15 22 29 25294531-1P) LPNs 11 COMMUNITY Classified GIS ANALYST City of Gardner, KS Salary: $53,892 - $78,336/yr. - EXEMPT - Responsible for performing technical and professional level work maintaining and expanding the geographic information systems (GIS) databases, layers and linkages to various databases for the Public Works Department. The GIS Analyst works under the direction of the City Engineer with a variety of responsibilities that include, but are not limited to: GIS program planning, management and coordination, GIS and infrastructure mapping and database management and maintenance of the GIS internet/intranet sites. Work involves creating and updating public and associated private infrastructure GIS datasets; map production using ArcGIS software suite; database manipulation and data entry; and maintaining records of installed infrastructure. Bachelor’s degree in geography, business or public administration, engineering, computer science, or related field, and a minimum of three (3) years of progressively responsible experience involving GIS operations, database design and maintenance, or related field, or any equivalent combination of education and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. Hours M-F; 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Application Deadline: Open Until Filled with First Review 11/17/14. Application and job description available at City Hall or on-line at Submit completed application to City of Gardner, HR Department, 120 E. Main, Gardner, KS, 66030. All offers of employment are conditional upon the successful completion of a post offer physical exam, drug screen, and background check including driving record. EOE First published in The Olathe News Saturday, November 1, 2014 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JOHNSON COUNTY, KANSAS Child in Need of Care Proceedings under Chapter 38 of K.S.A. In the Interest of: NEVAEH MARIE CUPE-GARCIA Date of Birth: 03/22/08 Questions about your KC Star bill? call (877) 962 STAR Case No. 14JC00462 Division 14 A Child Under the Age of l8 Years NOTICE OF HEARING COMMUNICATION MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER City of Gardner, KS TO: Any unknown putative fathers, all unknown grandparents of the above Respondent, Nevaeh Marie Cupe-Garcia, and all other persons who are or may be concerned: Salary: $72,756 – 86,232/yr. - EXEMPT– Responsible for planning, coordinating and leading the implementation of strategic communications that effectively engage and inform internal audiences (employees) and external stakeholders (citizens and business community) about City activities and initiatives, as well as promoting and raising the profile of the City within the broader local and regional community. Under the direction of the City Administrator, this position encompasses the breadth of community communication and engagement activities including the initiation, oversight, planning, development and delivery of effective community engagement strategies to support the City’s mission and vision, as well as the diverse programs and activities delivered by the City of Gardner. Bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, public relations or related field, and a minimum of seven (7) years progressively responsible experience in communications or related field, or any equivalent combination of education and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Master’s Degree preferred. Hours M-F; 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Application Deadline: Open Until Filled with First Review 11/17/14. Submit application, resume, writing sample and media presentation when applying. The name of the mother is LaTasha Cupe a.k.a. LaTasha Rowe. A Petition has been filed in the aforementioned Court by Donald W. Hymer, Jr., Assistant District Attorney for Johnson County Kansas, alleging that pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2202, Nevaeh Marie Cupe-Garcia is to be determined a Child in Need of Care in that the subject child is without proper parental care; control; subsistence; education, as required by law; or other care or control necessary for the child’ s physical, mental or emotional health; and the lack of such control is not due solely to the lack of financial means of the child’ s parent(s); and by reason of the inability and/or unwillingness of the parent(s) to provide the child with proper and necessary support and care the child is presently in the care, custody and control of the Secretary of the Kansas Department for Children and Families. The Petition further requests that by reason of the foregoing, the Court is- (1, 8, 25297905-2P) Application and job description available at City Hall or on-line at Submit completed application to City of Gardner, HR Department, 120 E. Main, Gardner, KS, 66030. All offers of employment are conditional upon the successful completion of a post offer physical exam, drug screen, and background check including driving record. EOE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Parks & Recreation) City of Gardner, KS Salary: $14.00 – $20.43/hr. - Under the supervision of the Recreation Specialist, the Customer Service Representative is responsible for assisting the public with inquiries, registrations, reservations and payments received in person, by telephone, and online. High school diploma or GED and a minimum of two years’ experience in a related position, or any equivalent combination of training and experience that provides the appropriate knowledge, abilities, and skills. Must have a valid driver’s license. Hours: M-F; 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Application Deadline: 11/17/14 Application and job description available at City Hall or on-line at www.gardnerkansas. gov Submit completed application to City of Gardner, HR Department, 120 E. Main, Gardner, KS, 66030. All offers of employment are conditional upon the successful completion of a post offer physical exam, drug screen, and background check including driving record. EOE 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba Attached Garage Call For Specials 913-780-0585 Yeakel Townhomes 1 BDRM $555/mo 2 BDRM $595/mo 1 MONTH FREE Virginia Lane Apts Olathe 816-331-0167 816-456-8637
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