SOUTH SANTIAGO LUTHERAN CHURCH “Teaching the Word, Reaching the World” Sunday, November 2, 2014 Prelude: All Saints Sunday Welcome *Thanksgiving for Baptism All Saint’s Invitation *Opening Song: ELW # 422 “For All the Saints” *Greeting *Hymn of Praise *Prayer of the Day Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday 8 am and 10:30 am Wednesday 6:30 pm pg. 293 Youth pg. 405 Children pg. 150 Children’s Sermon Sermon *Song of the Day: LBW # 176 “For All Your Saints, Lord” Music: Heidi Hansen Holy Communion Every Sunday and Wednesday *Apostles’ Creed pg. 65 *Prayers Offering Women of SSLC Thanksgiving Offering *Offering Song Pastor Mike Pancoast South Santiago Lutheran Church 14675 - 37th Street Clear Lake, MN 55319 *Offering Prayer *Words of Institution pg. 69 *Lord’s Prayer pg. 71 Holy Communion *Communion Blessing pg. 72 *Communion Prayer *Blessing to Share Office : Mon/Thu 8:00 - 3:30 *Closing Song: ELW # 660 “Lift High the Cross” Phone: 763-662-2048 Announcements Email: [email protected] Sending Visitors-Please sign guestbook in entry Please, no food or beverages in the sanctuary. The * symbol indicates congregation please stand. Words in bold are for congregation response. VETERAN'S SUNDAY OBSERVATION NOVEMBER 9: Jesus said, "Greater love has no one but that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). In the spirit of these words that Jesus used to describe his sacrifice for the sake of the world, we will again be observing Veteran's Day (November 11) with a recognition of and prayers of thanksgiving for all military veterans present in both worship services on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. An honorary cross-generational color guard consisting of both some of our congregation's boy scouts and veterans will begin our prayer time at the beginning of the services. If you have your uniform--WHETHER OR NOT YOU CAN FIT IN IT!--please be encouraged to bring it along, or else wear some other article of clothing that bears witness to your service. If you have friends or family members who are military veterans, please invite them to attend, as well. WOMEN OF SSLC FALL THANKSGIVING OFFERING will be on Sunday, November 2 and 9. Please see the insert in today’s bulletin about what this ministry supports. LEFSE HELPERS We are looking for people to help prep, cook and package lefse for our annual Craft and Bake Sale during the week of November 9. Please contact the church office if you can help us out. Thanks! CRAFT AND BAKE SALE We are also looking for volunteers to help on November 15 for the day during the sale; serving food, manning our table, etc. Please contact Cheryl Ellingson or Jeanette Harshman if you are able to help. Feel free to take flyers in the entry that you may take and hang up at businesses to advertise this event. PARENTS NIGHT OUT will be Saturday, December 6, from 5 pm to 9 pm. All kids from age 4 through 4th grade are welcome to attend. ADVENT CRAFT DAY HELPERS NEEDED Please see Karla Zerwas for more details. THANK YOU to: Sara Gallus for setting up the table for Thanksgiving dinner event; All families and friends that supported Relay for Life’s bake sale; All families that helped with the Backpack Buddies food mass packing: Kents, Kenny Howe, Lindseys, Gerry Smoley, Sara and Clayton Gallus, Hallquists, Pancoasts, Stommes’, Janischs; Lew and Marlene Olson for donating insulated coffee cups; Tami and Jerry Klapak for donating cupcakes for Confirmation refreshments; Rich Alickson for giving hay rides at Fall Festival; Karla Zerwas and all the Sunday Last Week’s Offerings General $4,210 Building $810 Coffee $16 celebration; Marvel Paulson and Jeanette Harshman Noisy Offering $353 for newsletter mailing preparation; Bill Empting for Sunday School $13 Total $5,402 School teachers for planning a great Fall Festival music jack repairs. PRAYER REQUESTS: Brian Minger (Amy Lear’s uncle), Nick Bierschbach, Gladys Hoff (Elwood Orton’s sister), Lexi Erickson (great-niece of Ron and Lavonne Gilyard), Ronald Campbell (Donna Pozorski’s brother), Roger Pearson (Julie Johnson’s dad), Scott Alickson, Andi Zwirner (Karla Zerwas’ Mom), Mel and Kathy Landwehr (Friends of Harshman’s), Julie Jarvi, Ginny Lysdal, Annette Bistodeau (Mark Bistodeau’s sister-in-law), Esther Struder (friend of Jenn Bluhm), Butch Hallquist (Jeremy’s uncle), David Woolard (Peggy Gilyard’s Dad), Travis Mc Ginnis (Jackie Johnson’s nephew), Brett Edling (friend of Kaas’), Mona Edick (friend of Kat Wallace); Lydia Wallace (Dean Wallace’s Mom), Wanda Gilyard (Daughter of Ron and Lavonne Gilyard), Gerrie Dahlberg (Craig Dahlberg’s Mom), Jim Kampa Sr., Roseanne Pittman (Ron and Lavonne Gilyard’s friend), Dee Holt, Bonnie Olson, Ben Hales, Clinton Cox, Rosemary Mortrud (Greg Hurd’s Mom), John Stroeing (Lisa Orton’s brother), Becki Halphen (Tami Klapak’s sister), Hunter Hoeft (Ron and Lavonne Gilyard’s great-great nephew), Darlene Jones (Garron Orton’s sister), Margaret Heinen (Marianne Lindsey’s Mom), Breann Goracki (granddaughter of Gloria Mitchell), Judy Peterson, Don Grafft (Sandy Empting’s brother), Ves Stroeing (Lisa Orton’s Dad). MILITARY PRAYERS: Adam Thom, Meghan Raygor, Zach Hurd, Ted Freese, Zac Heinen, Michael Jacobs, Jeremy Schuch, Brady Marxen, Daniel Kydd, Derek Brown, Logan Draack, Brandon Wiltsey, Derek Schleif, Lindsey Donelson, Adam Graning, Ryan Munsterman, Larry Hoffmann, Gidget Borst. October/November Family Service Group Schedule Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 9 Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 16 8 am 10:30 am 8 am 10:30 am 8 am 10:30 am READERS HEAD USHER Bert Robb Rich Alickson USHERS GREETERS Oachs KITCHEN Bursch GOODIES BASKET Kaas Bergman Drayna, Fors, Bergman Simmons, Drayna, Cencer Cencer Drayna girls COMMUNION ACOLYTE Bursch Rich Alickson Church Calendar for this Week Nov 2 Sunday Worship 8 am & 10:30 am Women of SSLC Thankoffering Sunday School 9:15 am Choir 9:15 am Long Range Planning 9:15 am Senior High Youth at Otsego Waterpark noon Nov 3 Monday Nov 4 Tuesday Men’s Bible Study 10 am Tabitha Bible Study 7 pm Nov 5 Nov 6 Wednesday NO WORSHIP OR YOUTH-MENTOR TRAINING Thursday Tabitha Bible Study 7 pm Nov 7 Nov 8 Friday OFFICE CLOSED Saturday Sunday Worship 8 am & 10:30 am Women of SSLC Thankoffering Sunday School 9:15 am Choir 9:15 am Nov 9 FOR SALE: “Bad Girls of the Bible” books NARRATIVE LECTIONARY ART Thank you for all your interest! $12.50 each—contact All weeks are filled! Shelly in the office COBORNS TURKEY CARDS SOUND BOOTH TRAINING DAY On Sunday, November We will be collecting full or partially filled turkey cards from Coborns to donate to C.R.O.S.S. in Foley for 16, between worship services, families in need. You may drop them Jeremy will be offering training on in the office, or in the offering basket the projection system, sound board by November 30, 2014. and light display board. Any age or gender are welcome to join him. RECYCLING TRAILER IS OPERATIONAL! Fee free to drop any aluminum cans ( in bags ) in the trailer next to the garage. Thank your for your support!
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