UPCOMING EVENTS: The Messenger Nov 1, Turkey Dinner/Silent Auction N O V E B E R , Sunday/Receive New Members 2 0 1 4 Nov 2, All Saints’ Nov 12, Charge W W W . P U M C D U N L A P . O R G Message from Pastor Steve: Conference Chick-Fil-A…and the Church of Jesus Christ Nov 9-16, Sukkah Nov 16, Chaddock Adopt a Child Nov 16, Stewardship Sunday & Celebration Dinner Nov 27, Happy Thanksgiving! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Calendar 2 Stewardship 35 Finance, Trustee 6 Missions: Sukkah & Chaddock 7 Mission Events 8 Holiday Schedule 9 Congregational Care/Music/Bible One Year 10 11 Youth/ Purple Panda/ After Care 12 13 be going to Chick-Fil-A anymore, they’ve lost my business…FOREVER.” (Or, if I do go back, it will only to be to use the free grilled sandwich voucher I have on my dresser. That’s it! No waffle fries. No sweet tea…just my free sandwich!) I love Chick-Fil-A! In fact, just knowing that there was a Chick-Fil-A down the road from Dunlap was a major positive to our move to Prospect. Even though we don’t actually get there as often as we’d like, the Pichaske’s find Boycott a favorite fast food comfort just knowing that restaurant based on a single Chick-Fil-A is there if we bad experience? need it. TIME OUT!!! The food is ALWAYS good; they get the order right nearly How stupid was THAT every time; and their cus- thought? Seriously, let’s tomer service is second to review… none. It is always clean and no matter how long the line #1 - They ALWAYS deliver seems to be people are al- great food! ways served as quickly #2 - They ALWAYS have and efficiently as possible. friendly people! #3 - They ALWAYS have a So, imagine my surprise clean environment! when a friend recently shared #4 - What my friend had exabout the bad experience perienced was not in line he’d had at Chick-Fil-A. with what normally happens. The details he offered (from his perspective) were seriously disappointing and I was immediately frustrated for him (any trip to Chick-Fil -A is a BIG deal!). Before I knew it I literally found myself thinking, “Well, if that’s the way things are going to be then I guess we just won’t In truth, my friend never said that he was going to boycott Chick-Fil-A, either. Neither of us was literally going to allow one bad experience with one employee ruin a reputation of excellence that had been consistent for years! (AND…no one knows what was going on in that employee’s life…she could have had one of the worst days of her life and was trying her best to just hold it together until she could clock out!) Of course, this is NOT really an article about Chick-Fil-A. I’m thinking about our walk with the Lord in the context of the local church. I’m afraid that that too often we are tempted to take the same attitude with the Church that I almost took with Chick-Fil-A. I have met people throughout my time in ministry who have grown disconnected from a local congregation or turned their back on the Church over a mistake that was made or a difference of opinions. They will attend, serve, and devote themselves in service to a local church for years… and then, all of a sudden… November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 4-7:30pm, Turkey Dinner/ Silent Auction 28am, Trustees 3 4 5 All Saints’ Sunday Receive New Members 9am, Worship Sunday School/Kid’s Christmas Practice 5-7:30pm, Youth Group 6pm, Methodist Men 5am-7pm, Elections held here 9am, Bible Study 6pm, Nominations 9am, Quilters 6pm, Bells 7pm, Choir 7:30pm, Prospectors 9Sukkah Begins 10Sukkah 11Sukkah 12Sukkah 8am, Christian Ed Meeting 9am, Worship Sunday School/Kid’s Christmas Practice 5-7:30pm, Youth Group 9am, Bible Study 9am, Quilters 6pm, Charge Conference 6pm, Bells 7pm, Choir 7:30pm, Prospectors 16 6 13Sukkah 7 8 7-9pm, Chinese Dance Class 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 14Sukkah 15Sukkah Noon, December & January Articles Due 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 17 18 19 20 21 22 Chaddock Kid’s Adoption 9am, Worship Stewardship Sunday & Celebration Dinner Sunday School/Kid’s Christmas Practice 5-7:30pm, Youth Can sorting, TBA 9:30am, Staff Meeting 9am, Bible Study 9am, Quilters 6pm, Bells 7pm, Choir 7:30pm, Prospectors 6:30pm, Book Discussion 9am, Newsletter Committee 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 2pm, Mary Martha Bake Sale Set-up 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Mary Martha Bake Sale 9am, Worship Sunday School/Kid’s Christmas Practice 5-7:30pm, Youth Group 7pm, Mary Martha Bake Sale 9am, Bible Study Noon, Senior Citizen Potluck 9am, Quilters Happy Thanksgiving! Office Closed Office Closed 5-7pm, Jones/ Ryan Rehearsal & Dinner Sukkah Ends 30 United Methodist Student Sunday 8:40am, Prospectors 9am, WorshipChaddock Kid’s early dropoff in outer office Sunday School/Kid’s Christmas Practice 3pm, Wedding 6pm, Finance 7pm, Ad Council 6-9pm, Kitchen/ décor prep in Fellowship Hall & Sanctuary for wedding Message from Pastor Steve (continued): Someone didn’t call them when they were out for three weeks. Someone said something hurtful to, or about, them. They didn’t like what the preacher said (or the pastor’s personality). They didn’t like what the _______ ministry team was doing. They didn’t like a decision the church leadership made. I could go on and on…but you get the point. There are times when people will allow one thing in the church to trump the decades of ministry and impact that have taken place through that body of believers, and that’s at best disappointing, and at worst a bit insane. Yes, if you stay in a church long enough I promise you that you will see hypocrisy. Someone will say something to you or about you that will hurt you. Decisions will be made that you do not like. There are going to be sermons that make you mad. (It kind of sounds like a lot of families I know…even really good families!) When that happens the enemy is going to try his best to convince you to just walk away…because he knows that the first step away from God is usually getting people to step away from other people of God. Yes, the church (EVERY church) has made some unwise decisions and, in the process has hurt or disappointed people along the way…but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The Church is STILL being built by Jesus—that makes her important! She’s STILL reaching out to the broken, the forgotten and the poor; STILL making a difference that’s going to be seen for eternity; STILL GOD’S PLAN for reaching the world; STILL necessary for believers! Certainly, the church is NOT perfect (neither the universal Church nor Prospect)…but you and I aren’t either. We are entering into a tremendously exciting season as a Prospect family. Over the next two months we’ll come together to welcome the community to our Turkey Dinner; we’ll receive new members into our less-than-perfect-but-growing-in-Jesus family; we’ll commission our 2015 committee leaders; we’ll ring bells and deliver coats to the Salvation Army, collect canned foods for our pantry, and buy presents for the children of Chaddock Children’s Home; we’ll receive our Missions offering during the March to the Manger; we’ll be blessed by the music of our new “kids’ choir” and the Christmas Cantata from the sanctuary choir; we’ll decorate the church inside and out; we’ll host a 24-hour prayer vigil and leadership/vision retreat to kick off the new year…and more! And in the midst of it all, we will be lifting up praises to God while welcoming Emmanuel (God with us…Jesus!) into the world and into our lives as we celebrate His birthday! The invitation to be a part of so many wonderful, life transforming, community changing opportunities is truly a wonderful blessing from God!!! And they all come through the life of your church! So, when we’re tempted to get disconnected or totally walk away because of something that we disagree with or that has hurt us we should first ask, “Is this consistent with this church’s character?” and “How different would the church look if we all gave it the very best of our time, talent, and resources (the heart of true stewardship)?” and “What can I do to improve this aspect of church life?” Stick with the church long enough, and it will bless you in ways you cannot imagine. As with most endeavors, the more you invest, the more you’ll receive back. Stay in a church long enough and you will also have a bad experience. Someone or something will let you down. Stewardship involves letting both spectrums of our church experiences push us closer to Jesus and the recognition that He uses imperfect people in His plan. Sometimes we’ll get it right, experiencing the unparalleled blessing of knowing that God is using us for tremendous good in the world. Sometimes we will get it wrong, providing us with opportunities to beg the Lord to teach us how to best deal with mistakes and failure…because, she’s STILL the church and STILL His bride. I am asking each of you to personally, prayerfully consider your commitment (i.e. level of stewardship) towards each of the above mentioned activities and the your commitment of time, talent and financial resource in 2015! Now is the time to begin praying about the Prospect ministries/activities you want to make a difference for God’s Kingdom within, the priority of worship you are willing to embrace, and the financial commitment you want to make in order to help Prospect realize God’s plans for His church in 2015. Begin your process of prayerful discernment now, plan to celebrate by bringing your 2015 stewardship pledge with you on November 16th, and get ready for the exciting ride that God has in store for us… Now…does anyone want to go to Chick-Fil-A with me? :-) Your Brother in Christ, Pastor Steve STEWARDSHIP NEWS: PAGE 4 Stewardship Drive Celebration Planning We are each unconditionally loved and well know by God. We should praise God for His son Jesus and the gift of life and blessings daily. To enjoy the fullness of life God intended for us, we must strive to live by His commandments. Most of us remember “...love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) and (Luke 12:24) “Don’t chase after what you will eat and what you will drink. Stop worrying.” Are you familiar with the last book in the Old Testament? Malachi 3:10 (The Message) says, “Bring your full tithe to the Temple treasury so there will be ample provisions in my Temple. Test me in this and see if I don’t open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams.” God requires a tithe (1/10) of our small or large income for His work. The noise of the world often distracts us from the still, reassuring voice of God. In November, the annual Prospect UMC Stewardship Drive to fund God’s work for 2015 takes place during worship. In recognition of God’s presence and grace, Christians are called to respond with the generous giving of their “prayers, presence, gifts and service” (from the baptismal and membership covenants of the United Methodist Church). As Thanksgiving approaches, we will celebrate the many acts of faithful stewardship that have marked the past year and commit ourselves to continued giving in 2015. Read your Bible, pray and search your heart for how God calls you to give your time, talents and treasures for His work here (in the Dunlap community) and beyond. A Stewardship Commitment Sheet is included in this newsletter. We would invite you to pray over each area of service, asking God to reveal areas for continued or new service He would have you invest in. This same sheet will be included within the worship bulletins on November 9th and 16th. If you will not be able to join us in worship on either of those two Sundays, or you just want to send your commitment to us early, feel free to use the newsletter sheet. If you are mailing the form back to the church, please mark “For Financial Secretary’s Eyes Only” on the envelope to ensure your information remains confidential. On November 16th, new members and all who attend Prospect UMC are invited to a dinner celebration following Sunday worship. We have much to celebrate and all should attend! Plan to sign up November 2nd or 9th to indicate your family’s attendance. Blessings on your day. Stewardship Committee, Vicky Brown STEWARDSHIP “Christ-centered life” The Bible teaches us that we are to be good and faithful stewards of all that Christ has given us. After all, everything which we have comes from Him. Money and time are probably the first two things that come to mind when the topic of stewardship is discussed. However, stewardship is more than sharing our time, talents and treasures. Faithful stewardship challenges us to live a life which shows God’s mercy, grace and love and demonstrates how God has called each of us to live. God doesn’t just want our resources, He wants US! Our busy lives make this a challenge, and some areas of stewardship are easier for some of us than others. It comes down to focus and priorities. If we put God first in our life, He will provide all that we need to help us prioritize and learn how to become better stewards of all He has given us. The first step to success is submission to Him in all areas and to truly put Him first in our lives. God is faithful when we go to Him, and the rewards of living a Christ-centered life are great. Debbie Lalicker “LOVING and SERVING all without boundaries” Family Name: Phone: Address: E-mail: (PLEASE MARK ALL AREAS OF INTEREST…use first names if completing as a family.) Worship Usher Greeter Special Decorations for Worship Preparation of Sanctuary for Worship Replenish Offering Envelopes/Prayer Cards Liturgist Prepare Communion Hanging of the Greens Sound Booth & Video Music Chancel Choir Hand Bells Vocal Soloist Pianist Organist Music Instrument (specify) Prospectors Youth Band Kid’s Choir Director Missions Food Basket Prep Mission Work Team Medical Mission Team Food Pantry Worker Adopt a Highway Clean-Up United Methodist Women Mary/Martha Circle Quilters United Methodist Men Fellowship Special Projects Congregational Care Neighborhood Visitation Telephone Visitor Provide Transportation Assemble/Mail Newsletter New Member Luncheon Lay Shepherding Team Funeral Dinners Senior Citizen’s Dinners Coffee Fellowship-Soul Café Homebound, Nursing Home & Hospital Visitation Facilities & Technical Assistance Building Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Photographer Electronics/Sound System Snow Removal Setup/Take-Down Tables Clean Kitchen Computer Volunteer Phone Caller Children’s Ministry 4 & Under Helpers Adult Help-Kid’s Club (K-5) Vacation Bible School Children’s Message in Worship Trunk or Treat Sunday AM Teachers (including substitutes) Youth Ministry Sunday evening leaders/helpers Outings (drivers/helpers) Even Planning Small Group Leader Sunday AM Teachers Nursery Ministries Serve in Nursery Cradle Roll Ministries for Children To Do Pray Acolyte Music Help with Meals Help on Workdays Attend Events for Kids Miscellaneous Wherever the Church Needs Me Prayer Team (Friday AM) Pray Team (at home) Provide Childcare for Young Families During Meetings/Activities Other (specify)__________ I/we prefer communication by email I/we prefer communication by phone I/we prefer communication by text I/we prefer using offering envelopes I/we are interested in automatic withdrawal I/we acknowledge a renewed Commitment to Christ and to Prospect by: Serving in the ways indicated above. Praying for our Congregation. Worshipping regularly with my Prospect Family. Giving financially in gratitude for all the blessings God has given me/us by financially supporting God’s work through Prospect UMC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------My/our financial commitment to the Prospect operating budget: Weekly $_____ Monthly $_____ Annually $______ Additional giving to PUMC for: a.) Debt Reduction: Weekly $_____ Monthly $_____ Annually $_____ b.) Endowment Fund: $ ___________ Family Name: Phone (indicate preferred; home; office; cell): Address: _______E-mail: ______ (Please complete name, address, etcetera, at the top and bottom of this page because this form will be separated by Financial Secretary for privacy). Questions may be directed to the Church office @ 243-7300 or [email protected]. PAGE 6 Finance-Treasurer’s Report October has been such a beautiful month with all of God's colors to enjoy. This is my favorite time of the year, not that I like what comes after because I don't. We have paid for the new roof over the fellowship hall with the generous help of those that have given to the need. We were fortunate to have the endowment committee give $5000.00 from their interest, to add to the $5326.21 from the Holy Project fund and $7080.00 from congregational donations to the roof fund. The Holy Project fund was money given when we put the roof over the Sanctuary and parking lot resurface several years ago. We have held this money because it was given for these repairs and now have used it for this new roof. Due to the generous giving, we have $906.21 in excess of the $16,500.00 needed for the roof. We would like to put this into a fund for unexpected repairs for the trustees use. thanks to all that gave.. We were blessed with the performance of the Asante choir and have given through the love offering on that Sunday $2040.00 to them. The mission budget for 2014 has been paid in full; and we are current with our Conference Apportionments and financial obligations. I am reminded of l Chronicles 28:20 "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." This has proven to be so true with the work of PUMC. If you have any questions about the financial giving or budget please feel free to contact me or any member of the finance committee. Thanks to all of you who continue to support PUMC and its mission here in Dunlap, this country and the world. God Bless all of you, Bonnie Mankle, Treasurer Trustee’s Report: First off, I would like to thank everyone for their sympathetic thoughts, prayers and cards during my mother's passing. Thank you everyone. Second, I want to thank everyone for their cooperation and generous donations in support of the roofing project over the fellowship hall. God's presence was certainly felt during this project; from protecting a man from serious injury who fell off of the roof, to the timing of a pop up shower that turned into a pretty good rainstorm, to the fact that we did not have to borrow any money to do a job that cost $16,500. Was this all just a coincidence? Possibly, but I know better. It was God's hand! Because of all the gracious donations from our friends and family at PUMC, we actually raised $900.00 more than needed to fund the roofing project! The remaining donations will be placed in the Building Fund for future projects within the church. Thank you again for all the support in completing this project. Jim Mayberry, Chair Don’t forget to change your clocks! Daylights Savings Time Ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 2nd! PAGE 7 SUKKAH Sunday, November 9th through Sunday, November 16th a “SUKKAH” (meaning booth) will be constructed in the chancel area of Prospect’s Sanctuary. It will be ready for you to bring your “gleanings” so others will be cared for as well as you and yours. In Leviticus 23:34-43, one will find instructions on how to celebrate the harvest. The “SUKKAH” was used during the harvest as a shelter for people while they finished gathering their crops. Later, the woven booth became a symbol of the indefiniteness of life on earth. The use of the “SUKKAH” eventually developed into an eight day festival of prayers, feasting, and rejoicing. The booth, the fruits and vegetables, and the families who gathered under it, were a symbol of reaffirmation of the covenant between God and the Hebrews. The covenant represented a sign of loyalty, faithfulness, and care. As God’s people today, we want to share our bounty, and the “SUKKAH” is still a great place to gather a portion of the harvest to give to others. In 1 Corinthians, Paul refers to the church as being a body-made of many parts, yet all working together to form a healthy, functioning body. To help each of us to create a healthy body as we gather items for the “SUKKAH,” the mission team suggests the following formula for you to apply in choosing your items for the celebration of the “SUKKAH.” All donated items will be used in our food pantry as well as our community. In order to get a variety of useful items we ask you please follow the suggestions below depending on your last name. Thank you! If your last name begins with: A-C Bring hot or cold cereal, juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, jello, pudding, pyster & soda crackers D-L Bring boxed potatoes, stuffing, mac ‘n cheese, rice, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit (peaches, fruit cocktail, pineapple, mandarin oranges, pears, applesauce) I-L Bring canned meat, canned tuna, canned pasta, meal mixes ( Hamburger helper/ Tuna Helper) M-P Bring catsup, mustard, canned meat, canned dinners, tuna Q-T Bring hamburger helper/tuna helper, popcorn, child treats U-Z Bring mixes (cake, brownie, pancake, waffle, cookie, muffin), pie filling & frosting Sorting will begin the week of November 17th. All teams, youth, and families are welcome to participate! “Share a little Christmas!” Once again, the people of PUMC will be asked to open your hearts to the residents of Chaddock, a ministry of the United Methodist Church since 1853 by providing “a little Christmas.” Chaddock is located in Quincy, Illinois, and is part of the Illinois River Conference. There could be 50 youth that live full-time at Chaddock at any one time. It is being suggested that after “adopting a child for Christmas,” clothing, small gift, large gift, and a Christmas stocking and stocking stuffers be purchased. Lists will be provided to help in your efforts. You can “adopt a child” on November 16 before and after the service. Perry Camp, Teri Durand and Julie Selburg will be in the Narthex. Partner with another family, group of friends, or work within the PUMC groups such as Choir, Youth Group, Club 56, Quilters, Mary/Martha, Methodist Men, etc. Shop at stores like Sears, J.C. Penneys, Kohls, Walmart, Kmart (list of stores will be provided); gift cards can always be used; use the internet, ex. Amazon (the Church office can help with this.). If you would like someone to do your shopping, that can be arranged; call the Church office--243-7300. Please return the unwrapped gifts to PUMC no later than Wednesday, December 3rd. If it is more convenient, you can return your gifts on Sunday, November 30th and place them in the outer office CLEARLY marked. Like last year, from the suggestion of Chaddock personnel, it is being requested that the unwrapped gifts be put into a duffle bag if possible. This provides the resident with a “suitcase” for his or her belongings when leaving Chaddock. If you wish additional information or help, please contact your Chaddock Ambassadors, Vicky Brown (h-243-5497, c-397-1564) or Penny Kunkle (h-692-2400, c-453-7267, [email protected]). PAGE 8 UNITED METHODIST STUDENT DAY—November 30th “Let’s also think about how to show love and to do good works...Encourage each other.” -Hebrews 10:24, 25b, Common English Bible Andy Wegg, 18, is a first-year student at the University of Indianapolis (UINDY). Because he is United Methodist, Wegg found the school’s ties to his denomination appealing. He got further help from the church in the form of scholarships, including a United Methodist Youth Leader scholarship for community service. “Every time I visited here, I thought, ‘Why would I go anywhere else when I know these people make me happy and treat me right?” Wegg said. “Why am I trying so hard to get into a big state school when they don’t treat me as well?’” Wegg has a wealth of possibilities and opportunities, and he looks forward to exploring all of them. “At one point,’ he said, “I felt called to do some kind of music performance, but let’s face it, a lot of people dream of music performance. I don’t want to become some kind of pop star. I told God, ‘I want to use these talents you blessed me with, and I want to use them somehow in your name.’” On Sunday, November 30th, PUMC will be celebrating United Methodist Student Day. Many young people from PUMC have been recipients of scholarships and grants because of this special offering. Please give generously. Thank you! Mary Martha Bake Sale Mark your calendars for upcoming Mary Martha Bake Sale on Sunday, November 23rd before and after service! Sending out a very big thank you to all those who volunteered for our highway cleanup this year! We will resume again in April of 2015. Dr. Bob Bevill, Marlowe Meinders, Becky Graze, and I were participants in a medical missions team gathered from the Illinois River District. By traveling to Denver, the team was able to make a difference in the world. For four days we worked in the Project C.U.R.E. warehouse. Project C.U.R.E. is the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries around the world. We identified and sorted medical supplies that are shipped to some of the most desperately needed people in the world. Some of the team prepared the cleaning kits for the aftermath of Ebola, which are flown to African countries. The fifth day of work was working with Project Angel Heart—an agency that was created in the 1980’s to provide meals for those who were terminally ill from being infected with HIV. Today the need has grown to the extent that all terminally ill persons in the greater Denver area as well as Colorado Springs can be served by this agency. It was great to partner with others from the Illinois River District and touch so many lives. I was greatly blessed to be a part of my local church family as well as my district church family. -Penny Kunkle Prospect welcomed over 200 children and their families to the church for “Trunk or Treat” night. (We served hot dogs , too!) “Thank you” to everyone who helped decorate and cook for the event, as well as all the members who decked out their vehicles and wore costumes to help welcome our community for an evening of fun! Way to go Prospect! PUMC Men’s Club The Methodist Men will meet again on Monday, November 3rd at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Bob Johnson (Peoria) and Brent Selburg will be preparing a light meal for us. Mary Martha Circle Mary Martha Circle will meet again on Monday, November 24th at 7:00 PM. Save the Date: Mary Martha Bake Sale: Sunday, November 23rd Salvation Army Coats for Kids Project PAGE 9 A BIG thank you to all those of Prospect who participated in The Salvation Army Coats for Kid’s drive. We were able to contribute 65 coats this year. There will be many grateful kids who receive the “gift of warmth” from the generous family at PUMC! **Poinsettias** If you would like to purchase a poinsettia to help decorate the church sanctuary during the Christmas season, please sign-up from November 23rd-December 7th. Cost of the poinsettias will be $10/plant. Sign-Up Sheet available on the altar table in the gathering area. INFORMAL HOLIDAY TEA AND REFRESHEMNT PARTY Calling all ‘wise persons’ of PUMC We are inviting all the senior citizen members of our congregation to an informal holiday tea and refreshment party. Like the wise men from the story in the Bible traveled to find the Baby Jesus, and stopped to refresh themselves ...We would like to treat all of you “wise persons” 50 and older to stop and refresh yourselves on Sunday, December 7th from 2-4:00 PM in the PUMC Fellowship Hall. This event is hosted by Matthew Cramer. Please watch your mail for the invitation! Ring the Bell for Salvation Army Date: Dec. 5th Time: 4:30-8pm Place: Northwood’s Mall at Sears downstairs entrance Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board across from Dani’s office. 1st shift - 4:30 to 5:30pm 2nd shift-5:30 to 6:15pm 3rd shift - 6:15 to 7:00pm 4th shift - 7:00 to 8:00pm HANGING OF THE GREENS Hanging of the Greens will be held on Saturday, December 6th, beginning at 10:00 AM. When the decorating is finished there will be a short service beginning at Noon, followed by a light lunch provided by the United Methodist Men from 12:30-1:00 PM. The Hanging of the Greens is a great family event and is a wonderful opportunity to fine tune our focus on the Advent season. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to kicking off the Advent season with all of our PUMC Family and Friends! Upcoming Holiday Schedule: March to the Manger: Sunday, December 21st with the Choir presenting a Cantata Display of Nativities: Sunday, December 21st (sign-up coming soon) Christmas Eve Services: Wednesday, December 24th (If you do not like to drive after dark, please contact the church office so that we can help arrange a ride for you to our Christmas Eve services.) 7:00 PM-Choir will be singing at the service 10:00 PM-The Prospectors will be singing and playing at the service De-Decorating: Sunday, January 4th, 2015 following service. All are invited to stay and help. PAGE Congregational Care 10 HERE TO SERVE: Your Congregational Care Committee is here to serve you! If you or anyone you know is in need of care (meals, rides, a listening ear) please let us know! PRAYER CHAIN INFORMATION: If you have a prayer chain request, please send it to [email protected]. I only use the gmail account to send the prayer requests. You can also call Marti at 224-1392. Congregational Care will meet again on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 PM. See you in 2015! Friends & Family of PUMC currently in the Nursing Home/Assisted Living: Heritage Health of Chillicothe: Eleanor Sniff 1028 Hillcrest Drive Chillicothe, IL 61523 Independence Village: Marion Pierce (Rm. 235) Violet Rickey 1201 W. Northmoor Rd. Peoria, IL 61614 Liberty Village: Ben Juliusson Assisted Living 6900 N Stalworth Dr. Peoria, IL 61615 Grandview: Luella Gehrig Proctor Home: Marjorie Johnson HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIENDS & FAMILY OF PUMC!!! NOV 1 Megan Klumpe NOV 2 Joe Yoches, Mary Kathryn Pearce NOV 3 Robert Sulaski, Lynn Cline, Marie Jibben NOV 8 Carolyn Holloway, Jim Mayberry NOV 9 Brandon Hoadley NOV 10 Tom Hogan NOV 14 Adam Schelske, Donna Carlson, Richard Cox, Jack Bjerke NOV 15 Beverly Rickey, Kathryn Johnson (Dunlap) NOV 16 Bill Christophel, Chris DeBernardi NOV 17 Ron Bjerke NOV 18 Steve Pichaske NOV 19 Lois Yoches, Lacie (Durand) Damhorst NOV 21 William Metzger, Matthew Cramer NOV 22 Mary Mercer, Taylor Catton NOV 23 Barb Madsen, Ben Juliusson NOV 24 Wally Miles, Kristen Rieker NOV 26 Patricia Simmons NOV 28 Pat Garmer, Vern Schlosser NOV 29 Trisha Christophel, Alex Logan NOV 30 Judy Kurth 80’s & Over! Happy 86th birthday to Ben Juliusson! MUSIC NOTES PAGE 11 PROSPECTORS Youth Band: Please join us on Sunday, November 30th at 8:40 AM for our next Prospectors performance. Worship begins at 9:00 AM, so make sure to come early so you can watch the Prospectors’ performance! And you can see them again on Christmas Eve at the 10:00 PM Service! November practices: 7:30 PM on November 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th Youth Band will resume in January. Tentative performance dates include Sunday, January 25th or Sunday, February 1st. Stay tuned for more details. CHOIR SCHEDULE: Music News: PUMC BELL CHOIR: Wednesday at 7:00 PM Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM Nov. 5th, 12th and 19th Nov. 5th, 12th, and 19th Bible One-Year Reading Plan The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophets Gospels Epistles Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Nov 2 Exod 21-24 2 Sam 10-14 Pss 54-56 Job 37-38 Jer 32-36 Luke 1-2 2 Cor 6-8 Nov 9 Exod 25-28 2 Sam 15-19 Pss 57-59 Job 39-40 Jer 37-41 Luke 3-4 2 Cor 9-10 Nov 16 Exod 29-32 2 Sam 20-24 Pss 60-62 Job 41-42 Jer 42-46 Luke 5-6 2 Cor 11-13 Nov 23 Exod 33-36 1 Kgs 1-4 Pss 63-65 Prov 1 Jer 47-52 Luke 7-8 Gal 1-3 Nov 30 Exod 37-40 1 Kgs 5-9 Pss 66-68 Prov 2-3 Lam Luke 9-10 Gal 4-6 WEEK: CHURCH HISTORIAN NEEDED!!! PUMC is in search of a new Church Historian. If you are interested in filling the role, please contact the office for more details! A very special thank you to Helen Lewis for her years of serving as our Historian! The Food Pantry is in need of the following items: Hot/Cold Cereal, Peanut Butter and Jelly **Youth-Kid’s Corner** SUNDAY LINE-UP November 2nd Bubka Carlson & Alex Logan November 9th Jay Christophel & Alex Pichaske November 16th Mac & Isabella Jones November 23rd Jay Christophel & Addi Pichaske November 30th Lainey Campbell & Payton Faughn PAGE November 2nd Vicky Brown November 9th Amanda Christian November 16th Bayaraa Carlson November 23rd Liz DeBernardi November 30th Mel Hoadley The Teen Messenger Saturday, November 1st (4:00-7:30 PM) Help with Turkey Dinner Sunday, November 2nd-Youth Group 5-6:00 PM, Jr. High Youth Group 6-6:30 PM, Jr./Sr. Youth Group Dinner 6:30-7:30 PM, Sr. High Youth Group Sunday, November 9th-Youth Group 5-6:00 PM, Jr. High Youth Group 6-6:30 PM, Jr./Sr. Youth Group Dinner 6:30-7:30 PM, Sr. High Youth Group Sunday, November 16th-Youth Group 5-6:00 PM, Jr. High Youth Group 6-6:30 PM, Jr./Sr. Youth Group Dinner 6:30-7:30 PM, Sr. High Youth Group Sunday, November 23rd-Youth Group 5-6:00 PM, Jr. High Youth Group 6-6:30 PM, Jr./Sr. Youth Group Dinner 6:30-7:30 PM, Sr. High Youth Group Sunday, November 30th-No Youth Group/Thanksgiving Weekend **SUKKAH** Youth are encouraged to help with Sukkah after service on Sunday, November 9th and 16th. Save the date: Personal shopper for Crittenton Date: December 7th Time: 2:15 to 5:00p.m. Meet at The Shoppes of Grand Prairie 12 Children’s Christmas Program Practices Practices are every Sunday at the end of Sunday School from 10:50-11:05 in the Sanctuary. The Christmas Program will be performed on Sunday, December 7th at 9:00 AM, during Service. If you have not signed up to be in this year’s program, please put your name on the bulletin board list, or contact Lisa at [email protected]. PAGE 13 Christian Education Meeting: Sunday, November 9th at 8:00 AM FAX MACHINE NEEDED! Our office is in need of a gently used (or new) fax machine! If you happen to have an extra laying around, please contact the office! Book Discussion: Everyone is very welcome to attend any book discussion at Prospect (and you don’t even have to read the book or say anything if you’d rather just listen). Join us in the lounge at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, November 20, to discuss David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell. Pastor Steve spoke about this book in a sermon earlier this year. In this book Gladwell “challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, … or suffer from any number of apparent setbacks.” He demonstrates “how much of what is beautiful and important in the world arises from what looks like suffering and adversity.” Please plan to join us as for any discussion. Watch the Messenger for more information, including dates and future titles. Questions? Suggestions of good books to consider? Contact Nancy Varness at 309-274-8124 or [email protected]. PURPLE PANDA NEWS As we enter the month of October, Fall and Halloween will soon be the focus of the Purple Panda Preschool classes. We will also begin our weekly visits to the Prospect Children's/Youth Library. Parent Orientation went well and we had around 60 people in attendance. Our first few weeks have gone very smoothly. We are looking forward to getting to know the children and their families this year. Even though school is already in session, we do have a few openings available in some of our classes for new students or adding extra days to the attendance week. If you have any questions or are interested in enrollment for the upcoming school year, please contact me through Dani in the Church office at 243-7300 or e-mail me at [email protected]. After Care News At this writing, Prospect After School Care has completed about a month of attendance. The children are enjoying the newly arranged multiple room areas using the various spaces to do homework, personal electronics, watching movies, active play, the play station, the Wii, and a wide variety of building toys, arts and crafts supplies, sports equipment and board games. Currently, we are the after school home to 34 registered students. Our usual daily attendance runs around 24. If you have any questions or are interested in enrollment, please contact me through Dani in the Church office at 243-7300 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Prospect United Methodist Church 300 E. Ash, PO Box 98 Dunlap, IL 61525 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Dunlap, IL 61525 Permit No. 4 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED We Are Called to Love and Serve All Without Boundaries Sunday Schedule Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: Following Worship Nursery Ministry Available Church Staff Pastor Rev. Steve Pichaske [email protected] Office Administrator Dani Genandt Office Phone (309) 243-7300 [email protected] Children & Youth Ministries Lisa Vodisek 309-645-3895 Music Coordinator/Choir Director Kirsten Ryan 309-361-5200 Office Information Office is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We are on the web at www.pumcdunlap.org JOIN US FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL, SUNDAYS FOLLOWING WORSHIP! Classes for all ages: Pre-K (potty trained)-1st grade meets in Kingdom Quest 2nd-5th grade meets in Room 102 Middle School-High School meets in Sr. High Room College-Young Adult meets in the Lounge Adult Class meets in the Conference Room
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