ADVERTISING opportunities

ADVERTISING opportunities
Bigger, better and more dynamic, Candy & Snack TODAY covers the
industry from field to shelf.
One voice, one source, one magazine to meet the information
needs of the industry with color coding for easier navigation,
expanded editorial coverage and all backed with a new website!
Covering the industry,
from field to shelf . . .
We deliver news, trends
and category insights . . .
Valuable sales and
merchandising data . . .
Important production
and processing updates . . .
Listening to our Editorial Board and advertisers, and matching
industry needs for greater sharing of production, processing,
packaging and marketing information, Candy & Snack TODAY
is the ultimate industry publication and the one-stop, perfect
advertising vehicle.
Importantly, the magazine’s
circulation totals more than
15,000, including readers from
all aspects of the industry —
retailers, distributors, brokers
and all levels of decision makers
in the manufacturing realm, from
CEOs to R&D, plant operations and
Now, candy and snack
professionals from all sides
of the industry have a magazine
that meets their needs.
ADVertisinG ContACts
In North America:
Steve Forster
[email protected]
Cell: (216) 701 1147
“I know my partnership
with Candy & Snack
TODAY improves my
relationships with
my customers.”
ADVERTISING opportunities
The Market Leader
Covering the entire industry, from field to
shelf, we deliver news, trends and
insightful information for global readers,
but especially in the world’s largest
consumer market — the U.S.A.
We provide the best and most valuable
view of marketing and merchandising
candy and snack items, along with
market-impacting production,
processing and packaging factors,
legislative/regulatory issues and
exclusive data from the NCA.
Exciting New
Daily news, exclusive on-line
features and links to all our stories
are available on our new web site,
which is part of the NCA’s dynamic portal.
Prime advertising space is
available —
call (216) 631 8200.
Delivering Your Ad
Message at the Expo
Grab the attention of the Expo visitors
as they arrive each day. We
produce news, product reports
and photo galleries direct from
the show floor, print overnight
and distribute each morning on
shuttles to and from the Expo
and attendees as they arrive at
the venue.
On-The-Go App
Ensuring eyes on your ads,
we’ve got an app for that!
Each issue of the magazine
is available through a free
app at the iTunes store.
Your ads work 24/7/365
with us!
“I view this publication
as informative, but
more importantly as
a resource to better
educate myself and
my team.”
EDITORIAL plAnner: 2015
JAN/FEB 2015
MAR/APR 2015
2015 Trends To Watch
Christmas & Halloween Products
Chewy Candy’s Staying Power
Fruit Snacks
Protein In Candy & Snacks
Recyclable/Biodegradable Packaging
Cleaning/Sanitation Equipment & Processes
Sweets & Snacks Expo PreShow Planner
Christmas & Halloween Products
Exclusive Interviews With CLA Top Buyers
Seasonal Flavors
The Latest Trends In Fruit & Chocolate
Baked Snacks
Surviving a PR Crisis
Using Operational Data To Save Time & Money
MAY/JUN 2015
Sweets & Snacks Expo Issue
Easter & Valentine Products
Fine Flavor/Heritage Cocoa
Sour Candy
Grains In Chocolate
Experiential Retailing
Logistics — Overcoming The Challenges
Succession Planning
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : NCA State of The Industry
Conference February 16-19; AWMA Marketplace
February 24-26; ECRM Halloween/Christmas
February 22-25; Western Candy Conference
March 18-22
C l o s i n G s : Space 12/19 • Materials 1/5
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : Snaxpo March 28-31; PMCA
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : Sweets & Snacks Expo
April 13-15; ECRM Valentine Boutique April 19-21
C l o s i n G s : Space 2/16 • Materials 2/23
May 19-21; ECRM Easter/Valentine May 31-June 2;
FMI Connect June 9-11; RCI Convention June 22-26;
Summer Fancy Food Show June 28-30; IFT July 12-14
C l o s i n G s : Space 4/13 • Materials 4/20
JUL/AUG 2015
Sweets & Snacks Expo Wrap Up
Easter & Valentine Products
Hard Candy Mints
When It Comes To Snacks — Thin is In
On-Pack Claims — How Much Is Too
• Innovations In Tempering
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : Philly Candy
Show August 30-Sept 1; AWMA
Summit & Business Exchange
September 8-11; Process Expo
September 15-18
C l o s i n G s : Space 6/15 • Materials 6/26
PackExpo Preview
Private Label & House Brands
Novelty Candy
Cheese Snacks
The Cost of GM Labeling
Building A Fifth Season
NOV/DEC 2015
Bulk Candy
Coconut Craze Continues
Snack Bars
Is Your Line Inspection-Ready?
The Benefits & Pitfalls of Co-Branding
Balancing Flexibility vs Speed
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : ECRM Halloween
B o n u s D i s t r i B u t i o n : ECRM Everyday
Planning September 20-22; PackExpo
September 28-30; AACT October 5-7;
NACS October 11-14; NCSA Candy
Hall of Fame October; PLMA
November 15-17; Washington Forum
C l o s i n G s : Space 8/17 • Materials 8/28
December 6-8; ISM/ProSweets
January 31-February 3, 2015; Philly
Candy Show January 10-12, 2015;
Winter Fancy Food Show
January 17-19, 2015
C l o s i n G s : Space 10/16 • Materials 10/30
• New Products
• Category News
• Industry Leaders: Buyer/
• Public Policy/Regulatory/
• Sweet Insights Report
• Sustainability/
• By The Numbers
• Off The Shelf
• Production, Processing
& Packaging
Editorial & Bonus Distribution program subject
to refinement, based on events and trends in
the market.
(216) 631 8200
RATES & speCifiCAtions
four-Color ADVertisinG rAtes
(net per insertion)
stAnDArD ADVertiseMent
Unit Size
1 page
1/2 page
1/3 page
1/4 page
Unit Size
MeChAniCAl inforMAtion
10 - 3 / 4 "
1/2 page island
4 - 9 ⁄ 16 "
7- 1 ⁄ 2 "
Note: NCA members earn a discount on
published rates.
1/3 page vertical
2 - 3 ⁄ 16 "
1/3 page square
4 - 9 ⁄ 16 "
insert ADVertisinG rAtes
1/4 page square
Call for Updated Rates
Call for Updated Rates
Call for Updated Rates
Call for Updated Rates
Contact your Candy & Snack TODAY
sales representative for information at
(216) 631 8200.
ClAssifieD ADVertisinG rAtes
$110 per column inch.
Broker DireCtory AD rAtes
(net for 6 issues)
$850 — 2-inch, 1-column four-color unit.
$1,750 — 4-inch, 1-column four-color unit.
WeBsite rAtes (net per Month)
Top Page Leaderboard — $1,550 net
728 x 90
Medium Rectangle — $875 net 300 x 250
Bottom Page Leaderboard — $875 net
728 x 90
Full page
1/2 page horizontal
1/2 page vertical
1/4 page horizontal
All copy and important artwork must be at
least 1/4" within publication trim size for fullpage ads. Allow 1/8" bleed on all four sides
of full-page bleed ads. Ads less than one full
page do not bleed.
rAte poliCy
Advertisers that do not use the total
number of units on which their billings have
been based within a 12-month period will
be short-rated. Advertisers will be rebated if
total space placed earns a lower rate.
Cancellations are not accepted after posted
closing date.
FOR DETAILS & QUOTES CALL (216) 631 8200!
Publication trim size: 8" x 10-3/4"
Publication bleed size: 8-1/4" x 11"
Binding method: Perfect Bound
The publisher reserves the right to reject
any ad it deems inappropriate. The publisher
assumes no responsibility for (and the
advertiser and agent indemnify the
publisher against) any loss, expense or
liability resulting from claims or legal action
resulting from statements or inferences in
any published advertisements.
file requireMents
1 Files should be supplied in high
resolution for print, PDF format, built to
ad size specifications and allowing for
bleed where applicable.
2 We cannot accept graphics files in
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft
Excel, Corel Draw, Microsoft Publisher
or Adobe Pagemaker.
3 If sending native files, folders should
contain the correctly sized ad in its final
• All working files must be included on
the disk.
• All colors in all files must be
converted to CMYK.
• All images must be included and
saved in EPS orTIFF format at high
resolution (300 dpi minimum at
actual size).
• All fonts (printer and screen) used in
any files must be included. Please do
not use TrueType fonts.
• Please ensure all trap settings are
correct. All Preferences and Settings
will remain and files will be printed
as received.
• All type must be in Adobe Illustrator
or converted to outlines, unless fonts
are included.
• Label all files clearly using logical file
names that include the issue date
and the name of the advertiser.
4 Low-resolution photos downloaded from
the Internet are NOT acceptable for print
and cannot be used in ads.
Steve Forster • [email protected] Teresa Tarantino • [email protected]
“Advertising in
Candy & Snack TODAY
is the most effective way
of reaching decision
makers in the
confectionery and
snack sectors.”
RATES & speCifiCAtions
DeliVery of AD MAteriAls
• Send to [email protected]
• Include name of ad, name of the
advertiser,publication name and issue
date in body of e-mail.
• We cannot accept e-mailed files larger
than 5mb.
NOTE: Materials will be returned only at
the client’s request. Materials not returned
will be destroyed.
print AD lAyouts
ContACt DetAils
For additional information on file formatting,
call the graphics department at
(216) 631 8200.
1/2 PAGE
You MUST include your contact information
and indicate publication name and issue
1/2 PAGE
All files supplied on CD or DVD must be
sent to the following address and be
accompanied by a proof:
Candy & Snack TODAY
Attn: Advertising Department
3135 Berea Road, Spitfire House
Cleveland, OH 44111
Contact your Candy & Snack TODAY
representative for FTP address.
You must e-mail a confirmation of the
posting of the ad once the upload to the
FTP site is complete, along with a low-res
PDF proof of the ad to
[email protected]
WeB AD lAyouts
IAB Compliance: Candy & Snack
TODAY complies with IAB (Interactive
Advertising Bureau) creative standards and
measurement guidelines.
File Formats Accepted: JPG, GIF, PNG and
1/3 PAGE
Rich Media Guidelines: Interactive Flash
files are permitted, provided they do not
exceed the maximum file size of 240 KB
and do not contain audio, video nor pop-out
rollovers. URLs must be hard-coded into
the Flash file itself, and links must open in
a new browser window. A backup image
for browsers that do not support rich media
must also be provided.
Please email banners to your Candy &
Snack TODAY representative and be sure
to include:
1/4 PAGE
FOR DETAILS & QUOTES CALL (216) 631 8200!
• URL Links
• Start/End Dates
Steve Forster • [email protected] Teresa Tarantino • [email protected]
“I love the new format,
the order of the sections
and what you are trying
to span: from conception
to shelf.”
EXPO DAILY rAtes & speCs
Maximize Your 2015 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO Investment!
$750! AS
• Influence buyers — put your sales
message straight into their hands!
• 12,500 copies handed to buyers at the
show entrances and on hotel shuttles!
• Online versions will impact buyers
during and after the Expo!
• Rates to fit all budgets with full-, halfand quarter-page ad space available now!
• Special discounts for Candy &
Snack TODAY Expo Issue advertisers!
• Need help with ad design? No problem
— we can make you stand-out from your
NOW! 216•631•8200
Candy & Snack TODAY is the only official
publication of the Sweets & Snacks Expo!
FOR DETAILS & QUOTES CALL (216) 631 8200!
four-Color ADVertisinG rAtes*
Ad Size
Full page
1/2 page
1/4 page
Issue Advertiser
speCiAl position rAtes*
Ad Location
Back Cover
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
Per Issue
*Rates are NET per issue. There are no discounts on cover
positions and covers MUST be purchased for all issues.
Steve Forster • [email protected] Teresa Tarantino • [email protected]
MeChAniCAl inforMAtion
shoW spotliGht unit rAtes
Publication trim size: 8" x 10.75"
$365 per Unit for Show Issue Advertiser
All copy and important artwork must be at least 1/4"
within publication trim size for full-page ads. Allow 1/8"
bleed on all four sides of full-page bleed ads. Ads less
than one full page do not bleed.
$750 per Unit for Non-Show Issue Advertiser
Advertiser must supply a high-res four-color photograph,
30 to 50 words of copy and contact details. Production cost
is included in the price. All unit ads must be pre-paid.
ADVertiseMent speCifiCAtions & inDeMnifiCAtion
If you would like to supply finished art, please use the
dimensions below.
Refer to pages 4 and 5 for layout specifications.
spotliGht speCifiCAtions
Unit ad