[Table_MainInfo] Equity Research Report 29 Oct 2014 [Table_Author] Research Analyst [Table_Title] China Mobile Games and Cultural 8081.HK Dennis Chien 852 3983 0835 [email protected] [Table_Target] Rating Target Price Upside Potential Stepping into Mobile-Online Game Business Not Rated N/AN/A N/A Company Data (as of 29 Oct mkt close) Ticker 8081HK Share Price (HK$) 0.215 Market Cap Outstanding Shares (HK$ mn) (mn) 537 2,496 52wk Low (HK$) 0.108 52wk High (HK$) 0.290 P/E (x) N/A P/B (x) 1.68 EV/EBITDA (x) N/A Div yld (%) 0.00 ROE (%) (8.77) Stepping into mobile-online game business with well-planned [Table_Summary] strategy. China Mobile Games and Cultural (CMGC) originally engaged in 1) Medical diagnostic and health check services; 2) I.T. Services; 3) Money lending business; 4) Securities investments. In 2014, CMGC has stepped into mobile-online game segment through a series of acquisition and entering into cooperation/license agreement. The company aimed to become a mobile gaming operator with the role of design, R&D of mobile-online games, identifying and securing intellectual property rights. We expect the mobile-online game business can potentially become a major growth driver starting from 2015 onward. Acquired 24% stake of Mighty Eight for a consideration of HK$210m. Mighty Eight is an experienced mobile-online game developer which has developed highly reputable game like SanGuo-Moblie (手机三国) and Voyage-Mobile (航海争霸) through its 100% owned subsidiaries. In 2013, Mighty Eight has accumulated over 3m players, ranked high in both iOS and Android platforms. CMGC is agreed to acquire additional 25% stake of Mighty Eight, potentially hold a total of 49% interest once the transaction took place. Intellectual property advantage. Might Eight is expected to launch their new online-mobile game “NBA Hero” in 4Q2014. The game is officially authorized by National Basketball Association, which is one of the strategies to be differentiating among competitors and enhance users’ experience. In addition, CMGC has been granted an exclusive license by Jade Dynasty in early 2014 as well as established a JV with Universe International (1046.HK), which can capture the growing synergy between movies, comics and mobile-online games Huge potential and await operating figures to trigger revaluation. In 1H14, CMGC increased their revenue by 79% to HK$91m mainly due to health check business. We believe such segment will become stabilized and provide positive cash flow to finance the expansion on online-mobile game business. While the mobile-online game business is still at an infant stage with little contribution on 1H14 results, we expect the product mix will dramatically change once the “NBA Hero” and other mobile-online games are available to the market. As of 30 June 2014, the company’s net cash and NAV was HK$126m and HK$244m, respectively. Major Shareholders XIONGFENG ZHANG 29.47% CHINA NEW ECONO 12.02% MY FU Share Price Chart (HKD) NOTE Financial Data Sources: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) Turnover Growth y-o-y Net Profit Growth y-o-y Gross Margin Net Margin HK$ (mn) (%) HK$ (mn) (%) (%) (%) FY2011 22 (26) 19.4 (120.9) FY2012 107 394% (21) n.m. 6.5 (19.8) Source: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) Please read the analysts and company disclosure and the disclaimer in the last page FY2013 100 -7% (9) n.m. 45.3 (8.9) 1H13 51 (4) 6.8 (8.1) 1H14 91 79% (11) n.m. 84.3 (11.8) Equity Research Report Figure 1.1: Business Structure Source: Company, CIS(HK) Figure 1.2: Valuation of Peers Company Name NETDRAGON WEBSOFT INC OURGAME INTERNATIONAL HOLDIN BOYAA INTERACTIVE INTERNATIO FORGAME HOLDINGS LTD IGG INC CHINA MOBILE GAMES AND CULT Ticker 777 HK 6899 HK 434 HK 484 HK 8002 HK Simple Avg. 8081 HK Mkt Cap (HKD m) 6,674 3,167 5,358 1,817 4,829 4,369 537 Share Price (HKD) 13.08 4.04 7.08 14.30 3.53 8.41 0.22 Current n.a. 37.4 12.8 n.a. 58.4 36.2 n.a. P/E (x) FY14 16.1 14.8 14.1 197.7 8.6 50.3 n.a. FY15 14.6 9.5 10.4 15.1 6.6 11.2 n.a. P/B (x) 1.1 n.a. 3.4 1.0 4.6 2.5 1.7 ROE:Y (%) 204.4 29.3 17.9 n.a. n.a. 83.8 (6.4) Source: Company, CIS(HK) Please read the analysts and company disclosure and the disclaimer in the last page 2/3 Equity Research Report Disclaimer The information, tools and material presented herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or a solicitation to sell or an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for securities, investment products or other financial instruments, nor to constitute any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities, investment products or other financial instruments. This research report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. 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